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End-of-Course Reflection Paper/Questionnaire

Guide Questions Response/s

How relevant and applicable were the course I am very thankful that I was given the scholarship to
contents in helping you enhance your become GURO21 learner since I believe this course
competencies as 21st Century teacher? will equip me to become a 21st century teacher. As to
the relevance and applicability of the course content,
It is very relevant and applicable because all the
competencies are very helpful in making us a 21st
century teacher. Through Guro21 course I realized
that as a teacher, I need to adapt to the changes of
the world for me to become an effective and efficient
teacher of a 21st century learners. It is me who should
adjust my teaching styles and techniques to cater the
different needs of my learners. I was able to explore
different literacies and teaching styles through this
course which I believe very useful for me to produce
quality and excellent graduates who are ready to face
the challenges of the real competitive world. I can
now face my learners with confidence that I can give
them the best education that they need and make
them a better citizens for the future of our country.

What significant learning insights did you gain The significant learning insights I gained from this
from the course? course are, as a teacher I should be a subject expert, a
learning facilitator and I should be a classroom
manager also.
Being expert in our subject matter means giving
quality learnings to tour learners. We need to master
what we will teach to our learners because we cannot
give what we don’t have. Being a learning facilitator
gives our learners an opportunity to develop their full
potential because they will learn through themselves,
we teachers are only their facilitators. As a teacher,
we need to become a classroom manager inside our
class. We need to cater the diversity of our students.
If we cannot manage them well, we cannot expect a
fruitful learning inside our classroom. We are the
managers of our learners, so we should see it that we
address all their needs and we should give them a
conducive place for them to learn, I believe giving our
learners a conducive and friendly environment for
learning is one of our most important role as a
managers of our own classroom.
What challenges or difficulties did you experience There are really challenges I encountered while
during the course? having this course like slow internet connection.
There are really times that I got disconnected to the
chat group due to slow connection. I also lack time in
reading and studying the two modules. No matter
how I want to concentrate and focus with studying
and reading I still have other responsibilities that I
need to attend to like I am a full time teacher with
two other coordinatorships that I also need to work
out. I am also a mother of three children that I need to
attend to with their assignments and reviewing with
their lessons. Still, in spite of those challenges, I really
tried my best to comply and learn from the course
which really are very useful for me as a teacher. The
challenges made me more determined and motivated
to really finish and learn more in this course. I know
when I will be finally done with all these
requirements, I could really say to myself how happy
and proud I am as one of the graduates of this course.

What areas related to 21st Century teaching and For me, I need to improve more in dealing different
learning do you still need to improve on and why? types of learners. I need to focus and work hard in
dealing cultural diversity of my learners. I want also to
work more in my classroom management plan so that
I can really create a conducive environment for
learning where my students can feel love and
acceptance inside the classroom. I want to build not
just a classroom but a family full of love and learnings.
I will assure that when my students will go out from
my classroom, they would always turn their backs and
say “This is the best classroom with the best teacher I
could ever have.”
What can you say about your overall experience My overall experience with this GURO21 course is
(i.e. comment on chat, forum, course awesome. I had the very understanding and
requirements, FLT competency, and the online competent learning tutor in the person of Doc.
modality)? Priscilla Jiménez who always give immediate
feedbacks with our outputs. Our chat session with my
co learners are very fruitful and informative. She is
very understanding and very appreciative to all our
efforts which added our motivation to learn more and
strive for excellence. I have very intelligent co learners
whose ideas and sharing are very fruitful and
informative also. The competencies that we tackled
are very useful and very timely for us to prepare
ourselves for this very fast changing world.
What are your other comments / suggestions for May I suggest that there will be more chat sessions to
improving the content coverage and future course conduct so that there will be more time with
deliveries? discussions with the tutor and other co-learners.

Prepared by:

GURO21 Learner, Batch 11 Class 02

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