Boston Accent

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Prepared by
Brian Mulligan
April 15, 2014


“… research … suggests that (the) accent, in which the “R” is dropped from certain words, may
have actually originated … in Boston. “While the omission or vocalization of R is a prestige
feature in modern British English, it was very much a rustic feature in 17th century England. In
the evolution of R-less pronunciation, Boston led the English-speaking world…As more settlers
came to the Boston-area from the regions of Southeastern England, where non-rhotic
pronunciations were common, R-less words became more evident here . . . Additionally, certain
forms of words used commonly today have roots in Boston. Zimmer explains there was a
religious-linguistic battle between the Puritans and the Quakers in Massachusetts in the late
17th century. In the view of Puritans, Quakers didn’t speak “properly,” because they used the less
formal “thee, thou and thy,” instead of the more formal, “you,” which we obviously prefer to use
today”. (Good thing to know when you are figuring of the status shifts in Shakespeare).
Jaw: Dropped and Forward
Velum: Lowered (Nasality)
Lip Corners: Some Rounding
Buccinators: Tension
Dentalized [t]’s and [d]’s


Non-rhoticity (in many speakers)

Fronted pronunciation

FOCAL SOUND: [ɛ] (South Boston) or [ɝ] (Kennedy-ish)


[ɑ] becomes [a] (fronted) as in [faðə] and [pa:m], father, palm, calm, spa, lager
[ɑ] becomes [ɒ] (rounded) as in “lot” [lɒt] and “rod” [ɹɒd].caught, cot, law, water, rock, talk
[æ] becomes [eə] (diphthong) as in “man” [meən] and “planet” [pleənət]. Can, sad, ladder,
[u] becomes [u̹] (More rounded): Goose, lewd, rude, fool
[aʊ] becomes [au] (More rounded): Out, loud, pound, crowd

Card becomes [kaːd].

[paːk ðə kaːɹ‿ɪn havəd ˈjaːd] ____ ___ ___ __ _______ ____.

After high and mid-high vowels, the/r/ is replaced by [ə] or another neutral central vowel [ɨ]:

weird becomes [wiɨd], speared, Kieran, fear, appear.

square becomes [skweə]. Lair, spare, tear, there, affair.
color becomes [kʌlə]. Under, rudder, lever, Quaker.
corn becomes [kɒːn]. Horse, sport, lord, forest.
/ɝ/ is marry [mæɹi], merry [mɛɹi], Mary [meəɹi],
hurry becomes [hʌɹi]
furry becomes [fɝɹi]
mirror becomes [mɪɹə]
nearer becomes [niəɹə]
brother becomes [brʌðə]


Linking and Instrusive /R/: the tuner is and the tuna is are both [ðə tuːnərɪz]
Cure: (Liquidity) [kjʊɘ]


Dentalized [t]’s and [d]’s, [ɵ]’s and [ð]’s

Turnip, toenail, rat, dollop, door, lad, theme, through, bath, this, those, Mother, father
Omission of consonants, in particular, d's and t's at the end of words.
“So don’t I" becomes [soʊ doʊnaɪ̆]
"Plenty of charm" becomes [plɛniə tʃaːm]


Upward inflection, then sudden drop and the end of thought.


That boy’s wicked smart! [ðeət bɔɪ̆z wɪkɘd smaːt]

There I was, in the middle of the jungle in Guatemala, on the top of the tallest temple
in Tikal. It was a beautiful sunset. Suddenly, from the other side of the temple, I heard
"Renee, Renee, come around to the north side. That's where all the monkeys are!"
Sure enough, after we climbed down the temple I asked where they were from:
Burlington, of course.

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