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Professional Licence

Humain Resource Management

Best Practices For HRM

Presented by : Framed by:
Student Ayoub SABAH Prof. Marouane ZAKHIR

Year University : 2019/2020

Plan of Presentation
❖ Outline : Best practices for HRM.
❖ State of the problem : how can the organization achieving goals of the year?
❖ Hypothesis : we need a process to follow it.
❖ Instruments : Best practice.
❖ Results : Achieving the company goals. (win / win)
❖ Liste of references : Please see the last slide.
Introduction :
To ensure the highest level of productivity we need investing in Human Resource
Management, that can provide better services to consumers and have in turn profits for
it too.
But this is not enough to achieve goals and benefits?
So, her it comes the best practices that will optimize all of the organization’s processes,
And this can lead to many questions :
1. What meaning “best practices” ? And the purpose of it?
2. What is the “best practices” that we can follow it ? And the result of this best
1. What meaning “best practices” ? And the purpose of it?
Best practices It’s the idea that there are universal HR principles that provide companies
with optimal business performance, regardless of which organization or industry they are
applied to.
However, It’s important to align HR goals with the overall goals of your organization, so
that the HR, business, and strategy departments are all on the same page. When you’re
able to combine these two ideas and achieve best practices, you’re practicing what’s
called strategic human resource management.
2. What is the “best practices”? And the result of it ?
I’ve compiled a list of some of the best human resource practices. they can help any
company to increase engagement, improve retention, and achieve goals.
Practice N° 1 : Recruitment and Selection
selective hiring enable an organization to bring in employees who add value to building a
competitive advantage.
You can’t just hire anyone; you want people who are fit for the job. Companies do their
best to hire exceptional people because they add the most value to the business.
Research shows that the difference in performance between an average performer and a
high performer can be as high as 400%!
In today’s digital world, there are a lot of different recruitment tools we can use to make
the right selection.
Always used selection instruments are structured and unstructured interviews, IQ tests,
work tests, and reference checks.
Practice N° 2 : Safe, healthy and happy workplace
Creating a safe, healthy and happy workplace ensures that employees feel at home and
stay with the organization for a very long time. Capture their thoughts through frequent

Practice N° 3 : Open book management style

Sharing information about contracts, sales, new clients, management objectives,
company policies. ensures that the workforce is as enthusiastic about the business as the
management. It helps in making people interested in your strategic decisions.
Be as open as you can.
Practice N° 4 : Performance linked bonuses
Bonuses must be designed in such a way that employees understand that there is no
payout unless the company hits a certain level of profitability. Or could be the team’s
success and the individuals performance.

Practice N° 5 : Highlight performers

Create profiles of top performers and make these visible though company intranet,
display boards, etc. It will encourage others to put in their best, creating a competitive
environment within the company.
Practice N° 6 : Knowledge sharing
Adopt a systematic approach to ensure that knowledge management supports strategy.
Store knowledge in databases to provide greater access to information posted either by
the company or the employees on the knowledge portals of the company. When an
employee returns after attending any competencies or skills development program,
sharing essential knowledge with others. Innovative ideas should also be posted on these
knowledge sharing platforms.

Practice N° 7 : Rewards
Just recognizing talent may not work, you need to couple it with public appreciation.
Getting a cash bonus is often less significant than listening to the thunderous applause by
colleagues in a public forum.
If we just take this seven “best practice” in consideration with the process of strategy
human resource management, we can achieve the most difficult goals that they gonna
satisfied consumers, salaries, and employer.
References :

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