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Article I Name

Section 1
The name of this organization shall be Batan Teachers’ League.

Section 2
This organization shall adopt the acronym of BTL, the use of which may be permissible on
the course of informal business.

Article II Objectives

Section 1
To establish a league designed to promote welfare of the members.

Section 2
To protect and assist the members in solving their problems in relation to their

Section 3
To provide cordial relation among its members by keeping them in close contact with one

Section 4
To establish and operate a mutual aid system by which financial aid may be extended to
the members and beneficiaries.

Article III Membership

Section 1
Any person employed in the Public Schools and Private Schools in the Municipality of
Batan is granted automatic membership in the League upon regulation/approval of
appointment and submission/filing of duly accomplished membership form and payment of
membership fee.

Membership for MSB/PSB and Private School Teachers shall be optional.

Section 2
Any member who is retired, resigned, or transferred to other district may continue his
membership upon payment of all fees and dues.

Upon retirement, he/she is not anymore obliged to pay the death aid but will continue to
pay the membership fee.

Section 3
Membership in the League is valid for one (1) year. All members should renew the
membership every year by paying the amount of ₱120.00 membership fee within the month of

Section 4
A member of good standing is one who has paid his membership fee and other dues as
provided in Article IV, Section 1 and Article VII of the Constitution and other
obligations approved by the League.
Article IV Dues and Finance

Section 1
Member should pay the membership fee of one hundred-twenty pesos (₱120.00), payable
within the month of November each year. Late payment for membership and other dues could
be considered but shall be subjected to sanctions/penalty.

Section 2
The membership fee shall go to the general fund to cover expenses for the wreath, mass
card, transportation, and supplies amounting to one thousand pesos (₱1,000.00).
Membesrhip fees collected and income from other sources shall be deposited in a bank with
the President and the Treasurer as authorized signatories.

Article V Assembly

Section 1
The Assembly shall be composed of all members of the League of good standing and shall be
vested with full legislative power.

Section 2
The League shall have a general assembly twice in every year (during INSET and one week
after the end of each school year). Special assemblies may be called for by the President
as needs arise. These shall be held in the Central School or in any convenient place
which shall be designated by the President.

Section 3
Three-fourths (3/4) of the members shall constitute a quorum and only the members of good
standing of the League shall take part in the deliberation and shall be entitled to vote.

Section 4
Should the mother association call for any conventions or the like in which delegates are
required to attend, attendee/s representing the league is/are member-delegate/s of good
standing. The President and the Treasurer are automatically designated.

Article VI Officers, Board of Directors, and their Duties

Section 1
The officers shall be elected through the general assembly.

The officers of the League shall be the President, one(1)Vice-President for the
Elementary and one (1) Vice-President for the High School, Secretary, Treasurer, Asst.
Sec. Treasurer, one (1) Auditor for the Elementary and one (1) Auditor for the High
School, one (1) Business Manager for the Elementary and one (1) Business Manager for the
High School, one (1) Public Information Officer for the Elementary and one (1) Public
Information Officer for the Secondary , and the Representatives shall come from all the
elected President of Teachers and Employees Association of each schools, one (1)
Representative from the Retiree’s group, one (1) Representative from the Retiree’s group
from the Private Schools.

Section 2
The District Supervisor shall act as the consultant of the League.

Section 4
The President shall preside over all meetings and shall prepare the agenda for such
meeting after consultation with the Board of Directors/Representatives.

Section 5
In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall take over his place, and in the
absence of both, the Chairman shall be elected by the body.

Section 6
The Secretary shall keep full and complete records of proceedings of all meetings. He
shall be the custodian of all properties of the League, not under the charge of the
Treasurer. At the expiration of his term, he shall transfer to his successor all records
and other properties in his possession belonging to the League.

It shall be the duty of the secretary to maintain an updated list/record of the members
of the league. He shall send a note of reminder to members who are not active in the
service, reminding them of the annual membership fee.

Section 7
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive or collect all money due to the League,
to keep the accurate and complete records of all the receipts and expenditures, to
countersign all bills approved for payment by the President, and to take custody of all
properties of the League. He shall render to the League his financial report at the same
time the President renders his report.

Section 8
The Assistant Secretary Treasurer shall perform the duties of either the Secretary or the
Treasurer in their absence or whatever needs arise.

Section 9
It shall be the duty of the Auditors to examine the books of the Treasurer and to approve
or disapprove any expenditure that they may find in the Treasurer’s account which is
unreasonable or unlawful. They shall have the right of access to the books of the
Treasurer at any time and make a point to submit the latter’s book at least twice a year.

Section 10
The Business Managers shall take charge of the business and other activities of the

Section 11
The Public Information Officers shall be responsible on disseminating information about
the activities of the League.

Section 12
The Board of Directors/Representatives shall act as the adviser of the League.

Article VII Election and Tenure of Office

Section 1
The Officers and Representatives of the League shall hold office for two (2) years and
may be re-elected for the same office only once but may be allowed to run again after a
lapse of one (1) term.

Section 2
The election of the officers shall be done through viva voce during the April General
Assembly as scheduled.

Section 3
There shall be a Board of Canvassers composed of a Chairman and two (2) members. This
Board shall be selected after the nomination of candidates.

Section 4
Special election shall be held any time of the year to fill up any vacant position.

Article VIII Mutual Aid System

Section 1
Immediately upon the death of a member of the League and upon receipt of the death
certificate and certification of the membership, by a reliable person or school official,
the League Treasurer shall collect from its members the amount of One Hundred Pesos
(₱100.00) and jointly with the President of the League, shall present the total amount
collected from its members to the deceased’s designated beneficiary/s.
In case of members without bona fide beneficiaries, the amount shall be given to his
designated beneficiary as reflected in his membership form, provided, however, that the
said deceased had paid his membership fee.

Section 2
A death aid of Fifty Pesos (₱50.00) shall be extended to the teacher-member when his non-
member spouse, parent/s, dependent children below 18 years old and children with special
needs dies.

For single members and married members whose parents are both deceased, he shall
designate one beneficiary of his choice.

A Resolution of Condolences and a presentable wreath shall be prepared by a committee and
shall be presented by the officers to the bereaved family.

Section 4
If the deceased member is within the Municipality of Batan, a necrology program in honor
of the deceased member shall be prepared by the League upon consultation with his family.

In case the deceased member is outside the Municipality of Batan, only Section 3 of this
Article will apply.

Section 5
Hospitalization aid (sickness and accident of twenty-five pesos (₱25.00) shall be granted
once a year to a member of good standing who had been confined for three days upon
presentation of Medical Certificate.

Article IX Effectivity

Section 1
This By-laws shall take effect on the day following its ratification.

Adopted and ratified this ___ day of ____ 2019 at Batan Elementary School Conference Hall
with the list of members, together with their signatories, who ratified the same
appearing in Annex “A” hereof.



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