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DANCE 6. Creative Dance the highest form of dance.

It is
the end-product of exploration and
Art Choreography Dynamics
improvisation of movements as the dancer or
Expression Exercises Enjoyment
the choreographer expresses his feelings or
Music Movement Pattern
ELEMENTS emotions, ideas, and interpretations. This is a
dance with a definite form, a beginning and
Body Action an ending. The principles of art form are all
Space (size, etc.) observed in the composition of the dance.
Timing Energy Examples of creative dance are ballet, jazz,
PHASES OF THE DANCE PROGRAM and modern or contemporary dance.
1. Creative Rhythms sometimes called FUNDAMENTAL DANCE POSITIONS
fundamental rhythms or natural dances. A There are five fundamental or basic positions in
creative rhythm is an end product of dance that are commonly termed as 1st position,
exploration and improvisation of movements 2nd position, 3rd position, 4th position, and 5th
as children learn to move the parts of their position of the feet and arms.
body and to use them as instruments of  1st position
expression. Feet: Heels close together, toes apart with an
2. Folk/ Ethnic dance a cultural art form handed angle of about 45 degrees.
down from generation to generations. It Arms: Both arms raised in a circle in front of chest
with the finger tips about an inch apart.
communicates the customs, beliefs, rituals,
and occupations of the people of a region or
 2nd position
country. Folk dancing belongs to the people. It
Feet: Feet apart sideward of about a pace distance.
emanates from them. Ethnic tribes have their Arms: Both raised sideward with a graceful curve
specific tribal art forms originated and danced at shoulder level.
by the people of the tribe. Examples of folk  3rd position
dances are the rural and country dances, jotas, Feet: Heel of one foot close to in-step of other
mazurkas, pandanggos, among others with foot.
foreign influence. Examples of ethnic dances Arms: One arm raised in front as in 2nd position;
are the dances of the mountain peoples of the other arm raised upward.
Cordilleras, dances of the ethnic groups in the  4th position
Cagayan Valley Region and the ethnic dances Feet: One foot in front of other foot of a pace
in the Mindanao Regions.
Arms: One arm raised in front as in 1st position;
3. Social and Ballroom Dance setting of the
other arm raised overhead.
social and ballroom dance is a social gathering
 5th position
with the more formal atmosphere than the Feet: Heel of front foot close to big toe of rear
simple and informal parties in which the foot.
recreational dances are the usual forms. Social Arms: Both arms raised overhead.
and ballroom dancing are generally held in
the evenings. The participants are usually in Christian Dance
formal attire. - Urban (Spanish)
4. Recreational Dance includes dance mixers, - Rural
square dance round and couple dances. Many Non-Christian
of these dances have simple patterns and Ethic
combinations of walking steps, polka step and
DANCE STEPS (First Practicum)
the waltz step. The setting is usually informal
Arms in Lateral
gatherings and parties, reunions etc.
Arms Amplified
5. Fad Dance
Jaleo witht Kumintang
Dosido crook of the R elbow while the left hand supports
Salok lightly the palm of the right hand. This is usually done
Bilao with the left foot pointing in rear and knees slightly
Draw bent. This is an Ilocano term and the movement is
Panadyak commonly found in Ilocano dances.
Hop & Leap 18. Salok – T o swing the arm downward-upward
Hapay with Pivot passing in front of the body as if scooping, the trunk
Sarok is bent following the movement of the arm doing the
Patay salok. This is a Tagalog term.
19. Saludo – Partners bow to each other, to the
COMMON DANCE TERMS audience, opposite dancers, or to the neighbors with
feet together. This is of Spanish origin and is used in
1. Arms in lateral position – Both arms are at one side almost all Philippine dances.
either right or left, at shoulder, chest or waist level. 20. Sarok – Cross the R foot in front of the L , bend
2. Brush – Weight on one foot, hit the floor with the the body slightly forward and cross the hands down in
ball or heel of the other foot and lift that foot from front of the R hand over the L. This is a Visayan term.
the floor to any direction. 21. Slide – To glide foot smoothly along the floor. The
3. Crossed Arms – Partners facing each other or movement may be finished with or without transfer of
standing side by side join their left hands together weight.
and the right hands together; either right over left or 22. Stamp – To bring the foot forcibly and noisily on
left over right hands. the floor with or without transfer of weight.
4. Cut – To displace quickly one foot with the other. 23. Tap – To rap slightly with the ball or toe of the free
5. Do-si-do – Partners advance forward, pass each foot, flexing the ankle joint keeping weight of the
other’s right ( left ) side, step across to the right move body on the other foot. There is no change or transfer
backwards without turning around, pass each other of weight.
left side to proper places.
6. Hayon-hayon – To place one forearm in front and BASIC DANCE STEPS
the other at he back of the waist.
7. Hop – A spring from one foot landing on the same 2/4 time dance steps
foot in place or in any direction.
8. Jaleo – Partners turn around clockwise ( with right 1. Bleking step heel-place, close
elbows almost touching ) or counterclockwise ( with 2. Touch step point, close
left elbows almost touching ) using walking or any 3. Close step step, close
kind of dance step. 4. Hop step step, hop
9. Jump – A spring on one foot or both feet landing 5. Cross step step, cross or cross, step
on both feet in any direction. 6. Change step step, close, step
10. Kumintang – moving the hand from the wrist
either in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction.
11. Leap – A spring from one foot landing on the ¾ time dance steps
other foot in any direction.
12. Place – To put foot in a certain position without 1. Native waltz step, close, step
putting weight on it. 2. Cross waltz cross-step, close, step
13. Pivot – To turn with the ball, heel or whole foot on 3. Waltz balance step, close-heels raise, heels down
a fixed place or point. Mazurka step slide, cut, hop
14. Point – Touch the floor lightly with the toes of one 5. Redoba step slide, cut, cut
foot, weight of the body on the other foot. 6. Sway balance w/A point step, cross-step, step point
16. Panadyak – To stamp in front or at the side with 7. Sway balance w/A hop step, cross-step, step, hop
the right foot and tap with same foot close to the left
foot. This is a Tagalog term.
17. Patay – To bend the head downward and to
support the forehead with the R forearm or with the

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