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13 June 2016 at 08:59 · Vrindavan ·

Some sastric statistics for the lovers of Srimad-Bhagavata Purana and Caitanya-caritamrita:
Subject: numbers in the Bhagavatam
Srimad Bhagavatam Verses Per Canto
Canto Chapters Verses % Verses
1 19 808 5.732936
2 10 393 2.788421
3 33 1416 10.04683
4 31 1449 10.28097
5 26 668 4.739606
6 19 851 6.03803
7 15 750 5.321413
8 24 931 6.605648
9 24 960 6.811409
10 90 3936 27.92678
11 31 1367 9.699163
12 13 565 4.008798
Total 335 14094 100%
The number "18,000 verses" is obtained, according to the commentator Ganga-sahaya, by adding the number of
syllables in all the verses and titles (chapter-endings) and dividing by 32 (length of a sloka).
Srila Prabhupada has written some 5800 purports.
1. The biggest canto is Canto 10 with 90 chapters and 3936 verses. 2. From the appearance of Lord Sri Krishna in
the beginning of 10th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam to the disappearance of Lord Sri Krishna at the end of 11th
canto, there are a total of 5303 verses accounting to 37.72%. This shows that Lord Sri Krishna has been given due
prominence than all His other expansions and incarnations.
3. Next to 10th canto come 4th and 3rd cantos in size with 1449 and 1416 verses respectively.
4. The smallest canto is 2nd canto with 393 verses. The second
smallest canto is 12th canto with 565 verses.
5. There are total 335 chapters in Srimad Bhagavatam.
6. The smallest chapter in Srimad Bhagavatam is 23rd chapter of Canto 5, with only 9 verses.
7. The biggest chapter in Srimad Bhagavatam is 29th chapter of Canto 4, with 89 verses.
(Text PAMHO:24714420) --------------------------------------
And Chaitanya-charitamrita:
Text PAMHO:24340271 (92 lines)
From: (Bhakta) Jan Mares (NE-BBT Czech)
Date: 12-Nov-12 07:24 -0500 (13:24 +0100)
To: (Krsna) Katha [16021]
Scc: BV Teachers Vrindavan[258] (sender:
Institute Adipurusa (das)Education
for Higher GKG (IN)) - VIHE is on Facebook. Join Facebook to
Subject: number of verses in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita
connect with Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE.
> Do any of you know the number of verses in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita --
> divided by Lila?
1 - 110 Log In
2 - 121
3 - 114
4 - 277
5 - 235
6 - 120
7 - 171
8 - 85
9 - 55
10 - 164
11 - 61
12 - 96
13 - 124
14 - 97
15 - 34
16 - 111
17 - 33
sum 1981
1 - 287
2 - 95
3 - 219
4 - 213
5 - 161
6 - 286
7 - 155
8 - 313
9 - 365
10 - 190
11 - 243
12 - 222
13 - 209
14 - 257
15 - 302
16 - 290
17 - 234
18 - 229
19 - 257
20 - 406
21 - 149
22 - 169
23 - 127
24 - 355
25 - 283
sum 6016
1 - 223 Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE is on Facebook. Join Facebook to
2 - 172 connect with Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE.
3 - 272
4 - 239 Join
5 - 164
6 - 329 or
7 - 173
Log In
8 - 103
9 - 153
10 - 162
11 - 108
12 - 155
13 - 139
14 - 123
15 - 99
16 - 151
17 - 73
18 - 121
19 - 112
20 - 157
sum 3228
total 11225
Hope this helps. Hare Krisna
Your servant, bh. Jan
jIve dayA nAme ruci vaiSNava sevana
IhA chArA dharma nAhi zuna sanAtana
"Hear, Sanatana! Kindness to all living beings, taste for the holy name, and service to Vaisnavas - apart from these
there is no other dharma." (attributed to Lord Caitanya, often quoted or alluded to by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati,
e.g. in Caitanya Bhagavata Adi Khanda 1.1 purport)
(Text PAMHO:24340271) --------------------------------------
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta consists of a total of 11,519 verses of which 851 verses are drawn from 53 other scriptures.
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-lila has a total of 2311 verses in 17 chapters
144 verses of the Adi-lila are drawn from different scriptures
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila has a total of 6010 verses in 25 chapters
571 verses of the Madhya-lila are drawn from different scriptures
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta Antya-lila has a total of 3,228 verses in 20 chapters
136 verses of the Antya-lila are drawn from different scriptures
Top 10 Quoted Scriptures
393 verses of the CC are taken from Srimad-Bhagavatam
87 verses of the CC are taken from Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
50 verses of the CC are taken from Bhagavad-gita
34 verses of the CC are taken from Vidagdha-madhava
21 verses of the CC are taken from Lalita-madhava
20 verses of the CC are taken from Brahma-samhita
20 verses of the CC are taken from Padma Purana
19 verses of the CC are taken from Visnu Purana
19 verses of the CC are taken from Govinda-lilamrta
16 verses of Vrindavan
the CC are taken from for
Institute Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka
Higher Education - VIHE is on Facebook. Join Facebook to
All Sources connect with Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE.
Verses From Srimad-Bhagavatam (393 verses)
Canto 1 (44 Verses) Join
Canto 2 (34 Verses)
Canto 3 (33 Verses) or
Canto 4 (4 Verses) Log In
Canto 5 (10 Verses)
Canto 6 (7 Verses)
Canto 7 (8 Verses)
Canto 8 (1 Verse)
Canto 9 (7 Verses)
Canto 10 (156 Verses)
Canto 11 (66 Verses)
Canto 12 (5 Verses)
Verses From Bhagavad-gita (50 Verses)
BG 03.21 - Adi-lila 03.025 and Madhya-lila 17.178
BG 03.24 - Adi-lila 03.024
BG 04.07 - Adi-lila 03.022
BG 04.08 - Adi-lila 03.023
BG 04.11 - Adi-lila 04.020, Adi-lila 04.178 and Madhya-lila 08.091
BG 05.18 - Antya-lila 04.177
BG 06.03 - Madhya-lila 24.159
BG 06.04 - Madhya-lila 24.160
BG 06.08 - Antya-lila 04.178
BG 06.16-17 - Antya-lila 08.067-068
BG 07.04 - Madhya-lila 06.164
BG 07.05 - Adi-lila 07.118, Madhya-lila 06.165 and Madhya-lila 20.116
BG 07.14 - Madhya-lila 20.116, Madhya-lila 22.023 and Madhya-lila 24.138
BG 07.16 - Madhya-lila 24.094
BG 09.11 - Madhya-lila 25.039
BG 09.27 - Madhya-lila 08.060
BG 10.08 - Madhya-lila 24.189
BG 10.10 - Adi-lila 01.049, Madhya-lila 24.173 and Madhya-lila 24.192
BG 10.41 - Madhya-lila 20.375
BG 10.42 - Adi-lila 02.020, Madhya-lila 20.163 and Madhya-lila 20.376
BG 11.41-42 - Madhya-lila 19.199-200
BG 12.13-14 - Madhya-lila 23.107
BG 12.15 - Madhya-lila 23.108
BG 12.16 - Madhya-lila 23.109
BG 12.17 - Madhya-lila 23.110
BG 12.18-19 - Madhya-lila 23.111-112
BG 12.20 - Madhya-lila 23.113
BG 16.19 - Madhya-lila 25.040
BG 18.54 - Madhya-lila 08.065, Madhya-lila 24.132 and Madhya-lila 25.155
BG 18.64-65 - Madhya-lila 22.057-58
BG 18.66 - Madhya-lila 08.063, Madhya-lila 09.265 and Madhya-lila 22.094
Verses From Other Sources
Adi Purana (4 Verses)
Amara-kosa Dictionary (2 Verses)
Bhagavata-sandarbha (1 Verse)
Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (78 Verses)
Bhavartha-dipika (9 Verses)
Brahma-samhita (20 Verses)
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Purana (1 Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE.
Brahmanda Purana (1 Verse)
Brhan-naradiya Purana (5 Verses) Join
Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka (16 Verses)
Dana-keli-kaumudi (1 Verse) or
Diary of SDG (4 Verses)
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Doctrine of Nyaya (2 Verses)
Garuda Purana (1 Verse)
Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa (4 Verses)
Gautamiya-tantra (3 Verses)
Gita-govinda (6 Verses)
Gopi-premamrta (1 Verse)
Govinda-lilamrta (19 Verses)
Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (10 Verses)
Hari-bhakti-vilasa (6 Verses)
Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka (2 Verses)
Katyayana-samhita (1 Verse)
Krsna-karnamrta (10 Verses)
Kurma Purana (2 Verses)
Laghu-bhagavatamrta (13 Verses)
Lalita-madhava (21 Verses)
Maha Upanisad (1 Verse)
Mahabharata (8 Verses)
Mukunda-mala-stotra (1 Verse)
Nama-kaumudi (1 Verse)
Narada-pancaratra (3 Verses)
Nataka-candrika (1 Verse)
Nrsimha Purana (2 Verses)
Padma Purana (20 Verses)
Padyavali (15 Verses)
Panini's Sutras (3 Verses)
Premambhoja-maranda (1 Verse)
Raghu-vamsa (1 Verse)
Ramayana (1 Verse)
Sankaracarya's Commentary (2 Verses)
Satvata-tantra (1 Verse)
Skanda Purana (3 Verses)
Smrti-sastra (1 Verse)
Stava-mala (8 Verses)
Stotra-ratna (7 Verses)
Svetasvatara Upanisad (1 Verse)
Ujjvala-nilamani (14 Verses)
Uttara-rama-carita (1 Verse)
Vedic Literature (1 Verse)
Vidagdha-madhava (34 Verses)
Visnu Purana (19 Verses)
Visva-prakasa Dictionary (5 Verses)
And Sutapa Prabhu's nectar-flow-chart
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Album Bhakti-sadacara Course

Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE added 7 new photos to the album Bhakti-sadacara Course
— at Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE
Yesterday at 08:12 · Vrindavan ·
The VIHE invites you to attend the Bhakti-sadacara course, which is a pre Bhakti-sastri course and will take place
from the 17thVrindavan
of JanuaryInstitute
to the 8th for
of April,
Higher2020. The course
Education is especially
- VIHE designed to Join
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to new devotees as well as devotees who feel they would benefit from
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Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE shared a post.

28 December at 07:59 ·

VIHE invites all Vaisnavis to attend VIHE International Vaisnavi Retreat 2020 in Govardhana with H.G. Yasomati Devi
Dasi and H.G. Vraja Lila Devi Dasi. The theme this year is "The Art of Accepting and Giving Protection".
To register, click on the link:
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Facebook event: International Vaisvani Retreat 2020
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Vaisnavi Retreat International by Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education 28 December at 07:51 ·

VIHE invites all Vaisnavis to attend VIHE International Vaisnavi Retreat 2020 in Govardhana with H.G. Yasomati
Devi Dasi and H.G. Vraja Lila Devi Dasi. The theme this year is "The Art of Accepting and Giving Protection".
To register, click on the link:
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Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education - VIHE

27 December at 10:30 ·

The VIHE invites you to a seminar "Questions by the Sages of Naimisaranya" with H.G. Adi Purusa Prabhu!


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