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3- Organizational culture is a set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a

group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various
environments .

5-Difference between interpersonal skills & Intrapersonal skills

Interpersonal skills refer to the skills required during the interaction held between two or
more individuals where as Intrapersonal skills refer to those skills which are used during the
interaction that a person holds with oneself.

6-Difference between Coaching & Counselling

-Coaching: giving advice, direction or information to improve performance. Ex- A senior

factory worker guiding an apprentice for learning a new job.

-Counseling: helping someone understand and resolve a problem him/herself by displaying

understanding. Ex- An employee going through personal problem at home is being
counseled by the counselor to gain clarity of emotions affecting him/her.

7-Explain the term Team building .

• The term refers to defining the goal, identifying characteristics of effective teams and
members & selecting the suitable members selection, Creating a productive work
atmosphere, defining ways to encourage commitment, cooperation, and contributions.
Guiding the fundamentals of effective communication and conflict resolution. Fixing criterias
for measuring progress and recognizing achievement.

8- Briefly explain about Non Verbal Communication.

Nonverbal communication is a process of communication through sending and receiving

wordless messages. People are using around 35% verbal communication and 65% nonverbal
communication in daily life. Nonverbal communication also has cultural meaning. Nonverbal
communication is represented through - Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, Posture, Touch,
Gestures, Personal Space.

9- List out the objectives of Case study?

The objectives of Case Study Analysis is

To help students get knowledge of a real life business situation.

To help a student develop his analytical & problem solving skills by providing the solution .

10-List out the four objectives of communication

-Objectives of communication are-

- Transfer of ideas, thoughts, instruction from the sender to the receiver

- Ensuring the idea being decoded and expected action being taken.
- Conveying of emotions and feelings from one person to another.


13b- Essential elements of Communication

15a- Benefits of Meeting-

1-Interaction between all the concerned employees related to the issue,

2-Shared decision making

3- Democratic opinionating

• 15b- The Principles of chairing meetings are

1-Getting through the meeting on time- Fix Clear agenda with rough estimate of schedule

2-Involving everyone- Make sure all viewpoints get heard – including those you disagree

3-Reaching decisions- -If there are 3-4 different points then summarise and spell them
clearly. Assign task, fix deadline & -Make the minute taker record the final decision,

4-Dealing with difficult people - Some people try to dominate, argue repeatedly, continually
criticise ,So stop them, show them their place in decent manner, Ask counter question on
what solution will the people criticising would want to suggest. Don’t let anyone carry away
the flow of the meeting.

5-Take Feedback from the members regarding the meeting’s effectiveness

Common Mistakes & drawbacks

• Not encouraging engagement of participants

• Not valuing time.

• Not setting an agenda.

• Not reaching a decision.

Not being firm with difficult people.

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