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ArTE eI} eorex '@ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. 1m Print your name and address on the reverse, Tale Accessed ROG Fy R, CéO W.RODNEY MSMULLEN | £04 Virre Streer \ feat. Ga Ganar, Ohio [45202] VODA A A 9590 9402 4459 8248 8673 31 "2 ica Nanber (ansiar fm saree BES) 7017 2620 O01 17/0 HEC a ti A 4459 8248 8673 53 Moorish National Republic Federal Government ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ | Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Horthwest SAmexen / Horthwest Africa / North America L ‘The North Gate’ ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ The True and De jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Zand J. Self. Law. Am. Master. 18 Rajab 1440 MCY [MARCH 25 2019 CCY] For the Record, To Be Read Into TI Principle To ail CORPORATIONS at North America, Morocco To include COMCAST CORPORATION ice to Agent is Notice to Principle — Notice to (otice to Agent. COMCAST CEO BRIAN L. ROBERTS RE: ACCOUNT NO. 8529 10 147 0229190; Ex. Relatione: SHARON A. MORRIS] Tam Sharon A. Mortis Bey, a Moorish American National in Propria Persona Sui Juris and I am exercising all of my rights at this time and at all points in time, as an ancient aboriginal indigenous Divine natural living Being. I, Sharon A. Morris Bey, and all Moorish American Nationals of Morocco are the Executors, Administrators, Creditors, Claimants, and Beneficiaries of our own Estate. We Moorish Americans at North America are exercising all of our rights at this time as One Sovereign Nation on our own land, As of August 6, 2018, at 10:42 AM and 4:06 PM, the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government placed and Affidavit of Commercial and Land Lien on the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and the United States Treasury in the sum certain amount of $100,000,000 in gold and silver backed lawful tender for each and all Moorish American Nationals at North America. The said lien was filed pursuant to the United ‘Nations American Mandate for the Land (1948 — previously held in Trusteeship), the currently active Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 (Treaty of Amity and Commerce 1786) and the Constitution for the United States (Republic). Proof of service is provided below. Your CORPORATION shall cease all payments to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and place all current and future payments that would have been made to the (UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] on the accounts held by your corporation of all Moorish American Nationals at North America. The services that you provide to the Moorish American Nationals at North America are without charge to the Moorish American Nationals for as long as you are conducting commerce here on our Land. The services that your corporation provides to the Moorish American Nationals to include the above-mentioned Moorish American National will begin immediately, restart immediately, or continue at the highest level or service that you provide from this day forward. This birthright benefit is unalienable, inalienable and is not transferrable, Each Moorish American National must present proof of Moorish American ‘Nationality by providing you with a copy of their Moorish American Nationality Identification 1 orginal and indigenous People’ Documents: Nonhwest Amexem / Northwest fen / North America “The North Gate’ ~The Moroccan Empire «Continental United States; "Temple ofthe Moon and Sun'/“Turde Island’ Non - Domestic, Non - Resident. Non ~ Subject, Moors Mars = Being the Rightful Hels and Primogenture Birdvight -Inheriors ofthe Land. Nationality by providing you with a copy of their Moorish American Nationality Identification Card with photo and you shall honor it. All contracts on Earth with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] or any derivatives thereof are ceased as of the date of adjournment sine die of their Congress on March 27, 1861 as they are in severe repeated breach of contract to the Moorish American Nationals who are the Ancient Aboriginal Indigenous heirs to all of the Land and its resources. Failure to honor your obligations to the Moorish American Nationals will result in liens and/or any other lawful redress. The Moorish American Nationals at North America thank you for your service to our great Nation and Land, The following is proof of service to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] of the lien placed on the said CORPORATION by the Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government which was confirmed delivered to [Washington District Of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser], and to [The Recorder of Deeds Washington District of Columbia], and [The Office of Tax and Revenue Washington District of Columbia] as follows: See tracking numbers: 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 22 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42 AM 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 46 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42 AM 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 39 — Confirmed delivery to, and left with an Individual at the address at 4:06 PM on August 6, 2018 [UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION] has been liened, 100,000,000 in lawful currency per Moorish American National by the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consulate which I am a Consul/Minister Mohammaden. Wherefore I, Sharon A. Morris Bey, [ex. Relatione SHARON A. MORRIS] and all Moorish American Nationals, being “Part and Parcel” named herein, and by Birthright, Primogeniture, and Inheritance, make a Lawful Entry of Affidavit and Public Notification of Lawful Claim and Declaration to be Published for the Public Record in the COMCAST Public Records and anywhere we deem it necessary or so choose. Nothing in this affidavit shall be interpreted as consent to Foreign Jurisdiction at any time. Upon my inherited status, I, Sharon A. Morris Bey, being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American — Al Moroccan ~ Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the “Five Points of Light’ - Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice: Being competent (In My Own Proper Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Signature; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose.) 7 lam: < Z Sharon A. Morris Bey, Consul/Mihister - Ex. Relatione, SHARON A. Xf Signature — All Rights Reserved and Retained (Omnia Iura Reservanti C/o 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 Near Corporate (Waterford, Michigan [ 48328] Northwest Amexem — Northwest Africa — North America - The North Gate 2 Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Document: Norhwest Amexem / Northwest fea / North Amica “The North Gat’ «The Morossan “Empire - Continental United States; Temple of the Moon and Sin’ "Tut Island' Non - Domestic, Non-Resident, Non Subject ~ Moors / Maur Being the Right Heirs an Primogeniture Bright -Inertors of the Land See Attached Documents EXHIBIT A: NOTICE OF NAME DECLARATION, CORRECTION EXHIBIT Moorish American Identification Cards EXHIBIT C: Bill for Account Number 8529 10 147 0299190 Moorish American Consulate Notice of Existence Library of Congress Certified Copy of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 U.S. Postal Service - Certified Mail ® Receipt 7017 2620 0000 4609 2404 Domestic Return Receipt 9590 9402 4459 8248 8723 33 3-25-19 tind nd ndgnos Pele Doses ‘Nonwest Amex Noes ic Nonh Antica / The North Gat= The Moroccan Continental United States Tempe of the Moon and Sun’ / Ture island’: Non-Domestic, Non = Resident, Non ~ Sujet ~ Moots / Murs = Being the Rig Heirs and Primogentue Bright - Inertors ofthe Land USPS Tracking® FAQs > ( Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70172620000046092404 Remove X ‘Your item was delivered at 2:17 pm on April 3, 2019 in PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104. G Delivered April 3, 2019 at 2:17 pm Delivered PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 Tracking History Vv Product Information Vv See Less A Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. FAQs ( 12 Complete items 1,2, and 3, 1 Print your name and adress onthe reverse 50 that we can return the card 9 yOu. 1m Attach this card to the back ofthe maiipieoe, fron the font f space permits, Tr Arle Adereaeed to: 72 = 7) biian foberts t Me comess Confer Mel hehile is Bang ria nn i ii ‘nih Be ne Eee imee 9590 9402 4459 8248 8723 [E Contes Mal esrcted Delwery C1 Return Racal for ae TRE Be Settrnecooy Reema” eae ene O17 2e20 O00 E09 B44 1 Seueiromanoeey ‘Damasio Return Pose | PS Form G81 1, duly 2015 PSN 7690-02-000-0088, esa erie) Aiea 7017 2620 OO00 4605 2404 Mootish National Republic Federal Government & - Sacietas Bepublicae Ea Al Maurikanos - Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / “The North Ga & ~ ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ - “The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land ISLAM, Moorish American Consulate Potice And Warning To Utility Companies Domestic Bocument For the Record, To be read Into the Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle - Notice to Principle is Notice to Agent NOTICE AND WARNING TO UTILITY COMPANIES NOTICE & WARNING TO: EVERY/ALL UTILITY COMPANIES FOR EMBEZZLEMENT, THEFT BY DECEPTION & EXTORTION FAILING TO DISCHARGE ALL DEBTS PURSUANT TO T3RD CONGRESS. SESS 1 CHS. 8 19. JUNE §. 63933 HOR 192 HR 491 PUBLIC LAW 1 48 STAT I PUBLIC LAW 10 CHAPTER 48 STAT 112 PUBLIC LAW 73-10 STAT I1 TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT CTWEA) OCT 6 1917 but ot mi ‘Sine House Jit Reslutin 192 (HUR 192) Public Iw 7310) uns passed in 1933 we hav ely had deb, Dees al propery nd gold was sla oy the goverment scolar othe Bankrupt of the Ure Sate. 1s 1863 he st Bak Act was passed The Oe of he Compl of he Cure (or OCC) 8 US fer agency eased ty he National Curency Act oF 1863 and serves char, elt, an apes al national banks an the feral ranches and ences of foreign banks the United State, ‘The OCC was creed by Abraham Lincln wo fend the American Cll War but wa ter transformed ino reultory agency t0 lng confidence inthe Nana! Barking stem and pote commer rom misleading bins rates, ‘The Lieber Code oF General Order 10 sa ces by Ababa Lincoln in 1863 “The National Bank Ast (Ch. 58,12 Stak. 665, February 25,1963) was a Ue States fea aw dha exalted 8 system of ‘ational chars Fr banks, the United Stes naonal banks. It encouraged development of nation! carey bed hank Teldinge oF US. Tear secures, the so-called Natonl Bank Note. alo exublaed ine Ofc ofthe Compl of he {Currency (OCC) as prt ofthe Depacnent ofthe Treasury. This was 6 eins nation! security oling bod forthe exitence ofthe monetary pli) of the ste. The Ac opti with Abrabam Lincl’s ance of -weenbacks®, ted taney fer Te feral goverment in he American Civil War by ecing banka o buy feral bonds and angst ak nd urency out of «secs. The nw proved defective and wasreplecd bythe Nana! Bank Act of 1864. The money was weed 0 find the Union ‘my in the gh agin the Confer. Tis authorized he OCC to examine ad ult atioal-careres Paks ‘The above only partly begins to inchs the historia sors and ether Acts of Congres tat proves the US bankopy of 1933 tnd that theo money ol ret that the Arerican people ae the Creditors All ses companies knowingly have been sending tee (customer) dividends bu, nf, making each ipa blive that Sividend was am avsce foresees poids bythe lies smpani, ‘he Utes Companies have mailed hough the US Malan ntesona misrepreseiton of ts, fr busines pasties and ach uly company snd agent thereat have knowing with enought and alice rested olen dee deen the Nose an Wang iy Campanas Moorish National Republic Federal Government se - Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos - ~@ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’ sm - ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ - ‘Phe True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land we > ISLAM, - Moorish American Consulate Notice And Warning To Utility Companies Bomestic Bocument For the Record, To be read Into the Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle - Notice to Principle is Notice to Agent NOTICE AND WARNING TO UTILITY COMPANIES Cree, ht ste resiiet of ad vided, tht the sites companies lend the recipient obeiee through deception isan Invoke ‘the ules companics in turn thn ext trough extortionate metsres payment fom the catomes instead of he ules npc informing cose serpin ht his vide sa cul payment othe recipe charged of 6b purssant 0 {he neuportd ia giretySovumented evidence provided hen ALL wily companies ave thu tested convene and raulen es. (68 ANALYSIS OF A COUNTRY EMBEZZLED). Everall les companies have filled to payoff any of he pubic debt but ater unlawfully rete l-goten gas ino fra coporse sccm trough embersicmen. thet ty deception, fade comeron. and Ia volion to each all [Rowporte in ere lave eased though and ats rasa ofthe US Bary of 1985, wherein here mo song) only “Pek Notes” which are Bul «promise 0p “Thos al des are fo be dachargd as agreed but the wiles compan (and barks) tough sree have not changed ‘hy deb ately aking te tity corer deeper In cht Ry lien sorpanes ne oF "Ran Nose or "ponies Stich te ies companies ld to he public deb sig fhe Book ahr than dschating the debi splat in Public {Gin House Resolutions and Hovse Jin Resluons. only, se alge innsies sett every eipem ia cidend anor a coupon othe espn. The ies compass all Know hig bea a “The Compl of The Curency lo knows al ofthe above t be ieftble fats bt eating a ones aunerng agency 1 foranrugh the privately-owned Fer! Reserve. in Al (80) Ay sates ofthe nis, tal “The Compote ofthe Cumency Couns, Sate, nd Feder veal know the insrprae’ docunents nd textinony to be tae burns Jer desharge ans ofthe plc des thefore have misappropriated fnds tough eersement teh by deep, Sin ney oud ke rein serio ad er pees sete of Compl oe Caen ee ity companies, which are private forgot corporation, regardless of lca, ae knowingly partipng inthe frau an ona scheme withthe int te fraudanly conver is ad every tbr county's wealth no pva indy axcouns by frase tiene: Be pon wig fa bi Po he a ae ag US jus fe sare Moorish National Republic Federal Government so - Societas Republicae Ea Al Mlauribanos - << Moorish Divine and ational Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Affica / North America / ‘The North Gate’ se ~ ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’ - ~ The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land we - ISLAM. - Moorish American Consulate Notice And Warning To Gtility Companies Domestic Bocument For the Record, To be read Into the Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle - Notice to Principle is Notice to Agent NOTICE AND WARNING TO UTILITY COMPANIES ver judge and every storey ia Ameri, espesny those wo hold posions with several dest connections it the tien Ee Jae ne Sloe an acing canoes fr the ans, moat pearly in al be oun ot wel sins the ll SSTPAE OS tas land he Hae place tht all he bas get hei inructons through the Compuolle of The Cureney iin ton lane kaowing te above ond icorarted fo be tu, ss thy are wll vened on the US a ee Ok renal emus tte aa ate of Emerprsy aed operates unr Engl La though at fle enupposedo bea wallAcp sexe “Tis mens there “18 NO MONEY." I futher mean tht since tere 0 money Ameren’ signatures ae used ste eel a tn eatin rn ees th isthe American people whom ae the Creditors notte Debtors, a the banks an ‘ite compares oul ike everyone to believe “Te uilties companies have ben opsrating with his knowledge with itn, forhought and malice to commit the crimes ‘nena hee bt ot ied De othe it incorporated hersn in etry al des are 1 be charged off neu but not limited to every alleged tty a duets heen a aed for which every ite corny embers payment hough fm, wing ‘oto and oer ret fo dicotinue service If "Payment sot mas.” “These alleged imcices wee divinds that eve ules company sing deceptive business pace lead the publi 0 belive Tee Sues whan tins fc tm tbe ules compaies wo owe tbe Amerivan public all ose fasuemy reseed Hi [Buen us pln he imers sok Bonds ad oer proceeds derived therefom, A ites companies are 208 incorporated hese Act ea 1 notice that all debts are to be charged off pursuant to the stipulated sad Fat ase ane presented by “tout rice” SHARON ANN.MORRIS_ iesncd Repesetve] ‘ova Wang ts Compas ENCIOSURE #1 @ m=» ti ‘THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NORTHWEST AFRICA. THE MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD. Original Indigenous Peoples of the Land /Northwest Amexem / North America. The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans, AffiSavit of Fact Writ in the Nature of Mame Change International Document Notice of Public Records Correction This correspondence and Public Notice is hereby presented and forwarded to government officials/ corporate officers and their personnel / employees, relative to my corrected and changed attribute / name, along with proper spelling. " You are hereby given honorable Notice to correct any records, files, mailings and other future correspondences, accordingly. This correction is made in accord with the honoring of my family bloodline / pedigree, and exercising my natural substantive rights and religious heritage. Please correct your records as soon as possible and confirm in c/o the mailing location listed below. The former name: SHARON ANN MORRIS and the appellation Sharon Anna ‘Maurus-Bey, are to be corrected on all records, replaced with: Sharon A. Morris~Bey. In good faith, truth and honor, ‘Sharon A. Morris-Bey, Ex-Relatione: SHARON ANN MORRIS; Sharon Anna Maurus-Bey, Natural Person, In Propria Persona, All Rights Reserved: U.C.C. 1-207 / 1-308; UCC. 1-1 ¢/o 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 Waterford, Michigan [48328] ven ea a ea STR nce NOTICE TO PRINCIPALS NOTICE TO AGENT-NOTICE To AGESTIS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL JURAT ‘The use ofa Notary Public does not consttute ay frflture of or waiver of Moorish American Nations Status or any Rights and is merely used as a means of propery identiving the principal. Before me, the undersigned, personally appeared _Sharon A. Mortis-Bey who, being by me duly sworn, deposed and affirms “The content of this Affidavit is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” 7 Subscribed and sworn (or affirmed) before me this 4 dayof lune 20 18 by Affiant: Sharon A, Morris Bey Witness: a Notary Printed name, Mn. nasi ‘i a} Notary public, State of Michigan, County of _(/ Allead by conaoson engines oF y LS, 2022 CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATIONS OF DUE PROCESS OF RIGHTS UNDER COLOR-OF-LAW Ta aaa @i ~~ =a @ ‘THE MOORISH NATIONAL REPUBLIC FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NORTHWEST AFRICA. ‘THE MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD. Original Natural Peoples of the Land / Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America THE NORTH GATE Societas Republicae Fa Al Maurikanos. ‘The true and de jure Al Moroccans / Americans Alttivabit of Fact Writ in the Mature of Name Change International Document ‘THE MOORISH DIVINE AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT OF THE WORLD Original and indigenous Natural Peoples of North America Notice Of Public Records Correction This correspondence and Public Notice is hereby presented and forwarded to your company or corporate officials, personnel, and employees, relative to my corrected and changed attribute / name, along with proper spelling. You are hereby given honorable notice to correct any records, files, mailings, and other. future correspondences, accordingly. This correction is made in accord with the honoring of my family bloodline / Pedigree, and exercising my natural substantive rights and religious heritage. Please Correct your records as soon as possible and confirm in c/o the mailing location listed below. The former name, SHARON ANN MORRIS, is to be corrected on all records replaced with Sharon Anna Maurus Bey. In good faith, truth and honor, sam Mrfigl Sharon Anna Maifrus Ec Relatione: "SHARON ANN MORRIS Natural Person, n Propria Persone Al Rights Reserved: UCC 1-207/ 1-208; ucc.1-103, Jo 1870 Colonial Vilage Way #3 ‘Waterford, Michigan (48328), Gq Witness: A Natura Person - Divine Bing, In Propra Persona, All RightsReserved JURAT ‘Thee of Notary Plc dss nat consti any ort for wave of Moorish Amarin Natal Stator ny igh and mer ued asa of proper ering he enced Subscribed and affirmed Moorish American National Sharon Anna Maurus Bey, formerly known as SHARON ANN MORRIS, did personally appear before me on the (Si day of _Devemare ELL . with pictured Moorish Identification, and did affirm solemnly, and sincerely that the content of this affidavit is true and correct to the best of her knowledge and honorable intent. Notary public, State of Michigan, County of __ (7 4Aavi) My commission expires on SueiTi nahin JL 2029— My commission expires on: _‘/ ~/0-.20 2 SSS —- ‘Account Number xfinity Hello Sharon Maurus Bey, ‘Thank you for choosing Xfinity from Comcast. Your bill at a glance ‘ eat eae ies) Previous balance 40.00 Payments $0.00 Balance forward due now $40.00 Reguer monty cnarges Page 3 si0.00 One-time charges Page 3 $1000 Taxes, surcharges & fees 80.00 New charges due Jun 18, 2019 $50.00 Pata tt Eke) @ Your account is past due ‘Your account is past due, 50 you may have been charged a late {ee of $10.00, To keep your services, please pay the balance forward now. Thanks! bottom portion this ian enclose wth your payment 41112 CONCEPT DR, PLYMOUTH Wil 48170-4253, ‘SHARON MAURUS BEY 4870 COLONIAL VILLAGE WAY apr a. WATERFORD, Ma 48528-1957 Biting Date May 28, 2019 ENCLOSURE #2 Page ‘Services From | tof Jun 11, 2019 to Jul 10,2019 Your bill explained * This page gives you a quick summary of your monthly bill. A detailed breakdown of your charges begins on page 3. ‘+ The charge on your bls afferent this month because you have some one-time charges on your account. ‘See One-time charges for more details. * Any payments received or account activity after May 228, 2019 will show up on your next bill. View your most up-to-date account balance at myaceount Need help? * Visit or see page 2 for ‘other ways to contact us. Pease wie yout account number on yeur check or money oder ‘Account number Balance forward due now $40.00 New charges due Jun 18,2018 $50.00 Total amount due $90.00 ‘Amount enclosed 8 ake checks payable to Comcast Do ot send cash comcast POBox 70219 PHILADELPHIA PA 19176-0219 en re) Prime membors can fallin love with award-winning and 6 ticaly-acclaimed Prime Originals tke Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. { say “Prime Video" into your Xt Voice Remote. Lan more al xfinity rime video We're here to help when you need us. By chat ‘st xfintycom/chat Social Twveet us @comeastoares, @ By app Downioad the My Account app at By phone (Call 1-800-XFINITY (1-800-934-6489) In store [At your nearest XFINITY store find one at WAeroced v_ Looking to'shorten your to-do list? Set up automatic month payments ad never woery 0ut remembering to pay your bill again, Erroling s fast, cosy. and oo ot xtnty eorvautopay Hello paperless billing, goodbye clutter ‘With paperiess bling, you can pay and view your bi online. It's faster, easier and helps cut down the clutter, not the ‘1008! Vist xtinity.comfecobill 0 go green. | ating Date | May 28,2019 aes e208 su 10,209 ‘And their devices. XFINITY xFi lets you see who's accessing ‘your home WiFi and pause any connected davice. Take a ‘break from your devices at dinnertime, bedtime, anytime. Learn more about this feature and ‘others tke it at ero Moving? Vs tovlay to help you stay connected to all of yourXFINITY services, 8 Accessibilty j \fyou are nearng/speech impared. cal 711 For cosed captioning concerns ana other access asiesaflectng customers with dais, cal 1-855-270-0379, go onine to hat ive at hp: tnicom suppor account/accesstity services ‘onal accessibity@comeast. com, fx 1-866-599-2268, or nie to Comeast at 1701 JFK Bi, Phiacobphia, PA 19108-2838 ‘tin §. Adame enkeh a ea (Online: Visit to make a’one-time payment By app: Dotrioad the My Account app at xintyconvapes By mails Comcast, PO. Box 70219, Phiadsiphia, PA 19176-0219 ‘To avoid a late fee of $10.00, we have to sepeive paymeht ot ‘your balance before the due date, It your service s disconnected. ‘reactivation foe wil be applied to reactivate your account is Mean nau ‘My XFINITY plan | My XAINITY services © Internet: Perormance Sater Discounts (Contract Discount The ee yur promotion is Mar 10 2020 Cleaiueeuncee Other charges Late Fee Additional information Franchise Authorty Information: Waterford (M0560) 6200 Civic Canter Or, Wiatertora, Mi 48520 (268) 674-6242 ‘Account Number $50.00 10.00 Biting Date May 28, 2018 Services From ‘Jon 11, 2019 to Jul 10, 2019 3013 What's included? Internet: Downioad as fast as 25 Mops Vist or more detais You've saved $10.00 this month with your contract discount, ‘Ter Agreement Apps 12 Month Term Agreement (On Account. Vist www xfty.commyacoount For Detais USPS Tracking® FAQs > ( Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70172620000046092213 Remove X Your item was delivered at 12:38 pm on May 13, 2019 in PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19104. & Delivered May 13, 2019 at 12:38 pm Delivered PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 Get Updates \/ Text & Email Updates Mm < Tracking History Product Information M See Less Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. Printyour name and address on the reverse ‘20 that we can return the card to you.® - USPS Tracking® Results hutps:/ TROPICAL STORM THREATENS GULF COAST. SEE IMPACTS TO USPS OPERATIONS IN ... USPS Trackin 9° FAQs > ( Track Another Package + Tracking Number: 70172620000046092183 ea Your item was picked up at a postal facility at 9:12 am on June 13, 2019 in PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104, & Delivered June 13, 2019 at 9:12. am Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Postal Facility PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 Get Updates Text & Email Updates Vv Tracking History v Product Information ~~ See Less A Can’t find what you’re looking for? Go to our FAQs section to find answers to your tracking questions. 10f3 7N12/19, 10:56 AM S Moorish National Republic Federal Government » ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ » Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / 'The North Gate’ Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands ‘» ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun~ = The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land & ~ LS.L.AM, ~ Notification of Affidavit of UCC1 Financing Statement (Exercise of Constitution For The united States of America ~ Secured Rights) 28 Rabi al Slndal 1441 $9 [26" November, 2019 CE] Sharon A. Morris Bey c/o 1870 Colonial Village #3 Near, [Waterford Territory, Michigan Republic ZIP EXEMPT] Fax: (435) 921-1897 Email: ID DOC#A0000016N To [ W. RODNEY MC MULLEN d/b//a CEO: KROGER CORPORATION.] c/o 1014 Vine Street Near. [ CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202] Phone: (513) 762-4000 Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent Greetings, 1 Am Sharon A. Morris Bey, a Moorish American National, In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo In Proprio Heredes. I Am an Aboriginal Indigenous Sovereign Moorish American National and I am exercising all my rights at this time and at all points in time. ‘Whereas you, as the [W. RODNEY MC MULLEN d/b/a CEO: KROGER CORPORATION] and all “Hvoriginal and Padigenous Peoples Dosumenis: Arihwes Amexem ) Worth Aivica’ Woah America he Macocan Bhpire!— ‘Continental United States: "Zemple of the 746on and Sun’: Non — Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject ~ Being the Rightful Heirs and Inhertors ofthe Land, Page 1 of 3 Notification Trust DOC ID#A0000016N and Due Process of Affidavit of UCC1 Financing Statement Trust DOC 1D#A0000016 S derivatives thereof, have been found in violation of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1786 and 1836 and the Constitution for the united States of America 1789 and 1791. You [W. RODNEY MC MULLEN dibi/a CEO: KROGER CORPORATION. ] are hereby notified that an Affidavit of Universal Commercial Code 1 Financing Statement Lien has been placed on you in both your personal and professional capacity, and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS]. attached for further dé Attached are the following Affidavit of Written Initial Universal Commercial Code Financing Statement - Fixture Filing, Land and Commercial Liens Affidavit of UCC1 Financing Statement for [W. RODNEY MC MULLEN d/b/a CEO: KROGER CORPORATION] and [AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] For Moor information, go to For the “Supreme Laws of the Land” and additional supporting Lawful Commands and Directives visit website ww. and download the following: ‘Affidavit of Sovereign American Gold Standard Lawful Command [Credit Instrument Number 201908020729 08.02.2019] https://www. ffidavit-of-Sovereign- American-Gold-Standard-Law Cred 2018-01-04 Termination of Corporate Trusteeship https:/ ffidavit-of-Termination-of- Trust i 4 2018-06-09 Notice of Existence of the Moorish American Consulate at Northwest Amexem hittps:// E; os Moorish-American-Consulate Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Morocco and the united States of America 1787 and 1836 STILL IN FORCE [1787/1836 Morocco Empire Treaty of Peace and Commerce between the Moorish Empire and the United States Government Service Corporation} https://www. seri 3/MACNi )-Treaty-of-Peace-and-Friendship- 1787-and-1836-With-Certified-Cover % Sharon A. Morris Bey Moabite Vast Estate Pure Express Trust ID: MELV07-20- 14/GEO-8-3-93 and MACN-R000000214, DOC ID#A0000016 at hutpsi// “© MACN-R333333333 Trust Declaration of the Moorish Divine and National Movement of the “ooriginal and Mdigenous Peoples Documents: Mrbwes Ainexem / Woah Arica) Worth America he Moroccan Sapir’ — Continental United States: "Aemple of the bon and Sun\: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject— Being the Rightful Heirs and Inhertos ofthe Land Page 2 of 3 Notification Trust DOC ID#AQ000016N and Due Process of Affidavit of UCC1 Financing Statement Trust DOC ID#A0000016 World, January 21, 2018 ycument/409887283, National Movement-of-the-World-Jan-21-2019 & MACN-R999999999 Declaration of Trust of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Moorish-National-Republic-Federal-Government “& MACN-R000000199 The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the united States of America 1791 tion-of- & MACN-R000000200 The Original Constitution For the United States of. America 1789: and 1791 https://ww ent/412373813/MACN- 100200-The-" L-¢ -for- --United-States-of-Amer '89-and-1791 & MACN-R000000193 The Zodiac Constitution by CM Bey www. scril sument/41236321 1-R000000193-; jiac- \-by-CM-Bey MACN-R000000211 Articles of Confederation of 1777 \tips://www.scribd.c yent/413458615) -} 102 11-Articles-of-t tion-of- uz Nothing in this lawful document is consent to any jurisdiction other than the jurisdiction of my ancestral Moorish Estate. Upon my inherited status, I Sharon A. Morris Bey, being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American — Al Moroccan — Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the “Five Points of Light’ ~ ve, 7eh Poses Fredow, and este; Being competent (in My Own Proper Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Autograph; Whereas, | State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. oon Lien AD) thin Dag Sharon A. Morris Bey, Sui Juris Omnia lura Reservantis Fax: (435) 921-1897 Tantum est umum exitum men, dco vobis, qusscumque allgaveris super terra ert igata ct Eo in cel ct quaceumque solve sen, dco vbis. quecurngucalligaveris supe tram crnt igata et Ego in cel et quaeeumgue solve ‘men, dico vobis, queeumgue allgaveritis super ferram eran gata et Ego in eae et quaccumgue solve Emai is super terram eruntsolua et in eaelo” i super terram erunt solu et in caelo i super terram eruntsoluta et in calo” “original and Prdigenous Peoples Documents Arwen Amexem | Mori Avia Mh America Pre Mroocan Bape’ — Continental Unite States: “Zemple ofthe Mon and Su: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject~ Being the Rightful Heirs and inheritors ofthe Land. Page 3 of 3 Notification Trust DOC ID#AQ000016N and Due Process of Affidavit of UCC1 Financing Statement Trust DOC 1D#A0000016 Be © 8 a Mowrish Aational Republic Federal Government ~ Sorietas Bepublicae Ca Gl Maurikarms ~ Moarish Divine and Mational Movement ot the ects Hocthinest Smexem / Pocthiest Cvien / orth Snneriea / The Narlh Sate! ~ Cemple ot the Moon ans Sun ~ The True and De Jure Natural Peoples - Heirs of the Land $= ~ LS.LAM,.~ Aftivavit of Written Initial Cwiformed Commercial Code Financing Statement Fixture Filing, Land and Commercial Lien National Safe Harbor Program UCC § 9-521 whereby Nationals who file written UCC1 claims can file UCCs in any state. 2 Rabi al Akhir 1441 BI [29*November, 2019 ce} Mealy To: [KROGER CORPORATION] and all derivatives thereof To: [W. RODNEY MCMULLEN] d/b/a [CHAIRMAN&.CEO] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) To: [GARY MILLERCHIP] d/b/a [CFI & SVP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) To: [MICHAEL J. DONNELLY) d/b/a [COO & EVP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] To: [YAEL COSSET] d/b/a [CIO & SVP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS} HEADQUARTERS MAILING LOCATION 1014 VINE STREET CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 Phone: (513) 762-4000 ‘Mail: Documents or requests for copies can be submitted to: Cc: [MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER] JOHN A WILSON BUILDING 1350 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 Email: Ce: [DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT CORPORATION] RECORDER OF DEEDS 1101 4" STREET, SW, 5™ FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20024 Email: Idawilliams@dc,gov Ce: Moorish National Republic Federal Government - Tax and Revenue Office Clo 1101 4th St Southwest #270 ‘Near. [Washington District of Columbia Territory] Certified Mailing# 7017 2620 0000 4608 7882 & Return Cardi 9590 9402 4459 8248 8673 77 UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY — Nationally ithe Order of the Day. Prophet Noble Drew Ali ‘wow. MoorishAmericanConsulateorg — ieNEZ (Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertovn, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 1 of 7 From: Moorish American Consulate Moorish National Republic Federal Government Sharon A. Morris Bey Care of 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 Near. [Waterford Territory, Michigan Republic [48328]] Affidavit of written Initial Uniformed Commercial Code Financing Statement Fixture Filing § 28:9-521. Uniform form of written financing statement RE: THIS IS AN INITIAL UNIFORMED COMMERICAL CODE FIXTURE FILING PER DC OFFICIAL CODES § 28:9-501, § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520c, § 28:9-521 and all other applicable codes concerning Secured Party Creditors and Initial Filings. § 28:9-521 Uniform form of written financing statement - A filing office that accepts written records may not refuse to accept a written initial financing statement in this form and format except for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled “What constitutes filing; effectiveness of filing”. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication of a record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or acceptance of the record by the filing office constitutes filing, § 28:9-501 Filing Office. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), if the local law of the District governs perfection of a security interest or agricultural lien, the office in which to file a financing statement to perfect the security interest or agricultural lien is: (1) The Recorder of Deeds, if (B) The financing statement is filed as a fixture filing and the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures; or (2) The Mayor in all other cases, including a case in which the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures and the finaneing statement is not filed as a fixture filing. (b) The office in which to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral, including fixtures, of a transmitting utility is the Office of the Mayor. The financing statement also constitutes a fixture filing as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures. § 28:9-S15 Duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (f) If a debtor is a transmitting utility and a filed initial financing statement so indicates, the financing statement is effective until a termination statement is filed. § 28:9-521: Uniform form of written financing statement and amendment. UCC1 FINANCING STATEMENT “FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS™ A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (OPTIONAL) Moorish American Consulate B, EMAIL CONTACT AT FILER (OPTIONAL) C. SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: (Name and Address) Moorish American Consulate Moorish National Republic Federal Government Sharon A. Morris Bey, Mohammedan Consul Care of 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 Near [Waterford Territory, Michigan Republic] ZIP EXEMPT North America THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY — Nationality the Order of the Day... Prophet Noble Drew Ali ‘www. ~ im Care of 44d East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertown Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 2 of 7 1. DEBTOR’S NAME: Provide only one Debtor name (La or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor’s name); if any part of the Individual Debtor’s name will not fit in line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here |__| and provide the Individual Debtor information in item 19 of the Finance Statement Addendum Form (Form UCC1Ad) 1a, ORGANIZATION’S NAME [KROGER CORPORATION] OR 1b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) THAT ARE PART OF THE NAME OF THIS DEBTOR SUFFIX Ic. PROPERTY ADDRESS 1014 VINE STREET CITYSTATE —POSTALCODE — COUNTRY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 us 2, DEBTOR’S NAME: Provide only one Debtor name (1a or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor’s name; if any part of the Individual Debtor’s name will not fit in line 1b, leave all of item Iblank, check here [ | and provide the Individual Debtor information in item 10 of the Finance Statement Addendum Form (Form UCC1Ad) 2b, INDIVIDUAL’S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) THAT ARE PART OF THE NAME OF THIS DEBTOR SUFFIX {SONYA HOSTETLER] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-NASHVILLE DIV] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] UJOSEPH A. RIESHABER] d/b/a [SVP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [LIZ FERNEDING] d/b/a [VP-RETAIL] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [KATE WARD ] d/b/a [PRESIDENT FINANCE] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [GIL PHIPPS] d/b/a [VP-BRANDING] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [KEITH DAILEY] d/b/a [VP-CORPORATE] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [MARY ELLEN ADCOCK] d/b/a [SVP-RETAIL] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [TOM SCHWILKE] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-DALLAS] and (ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [DANA ZURCHER] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-COLUMBUS DIV] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [DENNIS GIBSON] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-FRED MEYER DIV] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS} [ROBERT W. CLARK] d/b/a [SVP-ALT. BUSINESS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) U. MICHAEL SCHLOTMAN) d/b/a [SVP-ALT. BUSINESS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) [STUART W. AITKEN] d/b/a [SVP ALT. BUSINESS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [STEPHEN M. MCKINNEY] d/b/a [EXECUTIVE VP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [COLLEEN LINDHOLZ] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-PHARMACY] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) [SCOTT D. HAYS] d/b/a [PRESIDENT-MICHIGAN DIV.] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [CALVIN J. KAUFMAN] d/b/a [SENIOR VP] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [ANGEL COLON] d/b/a [SENIOR DIRECTOR-DIVERSITY] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [MICHAEL MARX] d/b/a [VP-PEOPLE OPR.] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] UESSICA C. ADELMAN] d/b/a [VP-CORPORATE AFFAIRS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [ALESSANDRO TOSOLINI] d/b/a [SVP-NEW BUSINESS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) UPLIFTING Fal iy the Order of the Day. Prophet Noble Drew Ali ‘ww. ~ Moorish Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertown, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 3 of 7 [MARK TUFFIN] d/b/a [SENIOR VP-RETAIL] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) [JEFFREY TALBOT] d/b/a [VP-CUSTOMER LOYALTY] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [ERIN S. SHARP] d/b/a [GROUP VP-MFG] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [BILL PLATTEN] d/b/a [VP-OPERATIONS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [LYNN MARMER] d/b/a [EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [SUZY L. MONFORD] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [ASHOK VEMURI] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [MARK S. SUTTON] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) [JORGE P. MONTOYA] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [ANN GATES] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [RONALD L. SARGENT] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [NORA A. AUFREITER] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [JAMES A, RUNDE] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [KATHY GORDINLEAR] d/b/a [DIRECTOR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS) [KRISTAL HOWARD] d/b/a [HEAD-COMMUNICATIONS] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [TIMOTHY A. MASSA] d/b/a [CHIEF PEOPLE OFFICER & HR] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] [CHRISTINE S. WHEATLEY] d/b/a [SECRETARY, VP & COUNSEL] and [ALL AGENTS, HEIRS AND ASSIGNS] 2c. MAILING ADDRESS 1014 VINE STREET CITYSTATE POSTALCODE —_ COUNTRY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202 US 3, SECURED FIRST PARTY CREDITOR (or NAME of ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SECURED PARTY): Provide only one Secured Party name (3a or 3b) Moorish National Republic Federal Government 3a, ORGANIZATION’S NAME 3b, APPELLATION Sharon A. Morris Bey ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) SUFFIX, 3c, MAILING LOCATION Care of 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 [CITYSTATE POSTALCODE —_COUNTRY| Near. [Waterford Territory, Michigan Republic [48328 ]] Without the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4. COLLATERAL: This financing statement covers the following collateral: This financing statement covers the following collateral: The collateral covered by this financing statement is the indebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount $1,000,000,000,000,000 in gold backed lawful tender Due for each parcel the debtor is occupying upon the Jand to which Sharon A. Morris Bey and all Moorish American Nationals of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, the Moorish American Consulate and The Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World are heirs to pursuant to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 and the American Mandate for the Land, previously held in the United Nations Trusteeship System (1946) in Geneva Switzerland, and the Constitution for the United States 1791, Nune pro tune. This True Bill in Commerce has been executed pursuant to the following Uniform Commercial Codes that govern the Private secured First party creditor. Charges are also calculated pursuant to the fraud and other violations committed against the Moorish American ‘Nationals at North America as well as indebtedness for debt engaged into before the said Constitution and for occupying the land of the Moorish American Nationals. The said treaty is the attached Library of Congress certified publication entitled THE PUBLIC STATUTES AT LARGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, volume 8 pages 100 through 105, certified September 26, 1990, signed and sealed by Library of Congress Photoduplication Service Acting Chief Shirley M. Berry on November 8, 2007. Charges are additionally calculated pursuant to all writs and affidavits (Statements of Truth in Law, Amity, Trade & Commerce) filed by the Moorish American Nationals where the above mentioned debtors have caused injury to UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY — Nationality isthe Order of the Day... Prophet Noble Drew Ali ‘www. — Mooris)AmericanConsulate\ Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertown, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 4 of 7 ee S e fa the estate of the Secured First Party Creditor at any and all times on the land pursuant to the said Treaty. Proof of service of writs and affidavits is attached or can be found at www, and at s/w, seri user/4 /Sharon-A-Morris-Bev Creditors notice against the liable parties is the Judgement. Res Judicata. Stare Decisis. Right of the Secured Party Creditor. Additionally, this claim is filed Pursuant to International Commercial Claims, Aboriginal & Imperial Claims (Antiquitous Claims). THIS IS A FILING TO ENCUMBER Land, Property, Real Estate, and all commercial transactions by debtor (all Principals and agents) also pursuant to *UCC 9-607 collection and enforcement by secured party*UCC 9-203 Attachment and enforceability of security interest*UCC 9-609 Secured Party's Right to take Possession after default. All contracts with the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY are cancelled effective September 11, 2018. New wets with th rish Nati wubli Government for the d re as follows: Alll debtors named above have current contracts with the Moorish American Nationals at North America which is the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836, the Constitution for the united States 1791 and this UCCI financing statement whose document number is DOC ID#A0000016 ‘The terms of your contract with The Moorish National Republic Federal Government, The Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish American Nationals is that the Moorish American Nationals are to be respected as the Secured First Party creditors at all times and now the new heirs to [KROGER CORPORATION] and all of its intellectual property and holdings. Contract particulars are to be discussed as soon as this notification is confirmed received by [KROGER CORPORATION]. The only flag that will fly at North America, Morocco is the Moorish American Flag [red with five pointed green star] and all “US Banners of Amity and Commerce” are outlawed and are “Commanded to be ‘Removed Immediately. All Indigenous People who are not of the Moorish Nation (Melanin dominant) Birthright and Bloodline are subjects of the Moorish American Nationals. All immigrants who do not pledge sincere allegiance to the Moorish Flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. All who pledge allegiance to the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Flag will be made subjects and are mandated to protect and serve the Moorish American Nationals upon our land, The property with all acreage is now the property of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, The Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish American Nationals. Physical possession of the property is hereby taken by the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the keys and codes are to be given to Sharon A. Morris Bey who is part and parcel of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government no later than February 9, 2020. The Moorish American Government will begin using the property at that time. Anyone who obstructs, hinders, encumbers, speaks against, or resists the mandates of this aflidavit will be seized by the Grand Army of the Republic, formerly known as the United States Military, and detained in a jail cell indefinitely. Sharon A. Morris Bey, The Moorish National Republic Federal Government, and the Moorish American Nationals are the Creditors and [KROGER CORPORATION] are the debtors to the Moors. As with all property at Northwest America, if at any time a Moorish American National should send by mail, deliver, hand, send, of state a notification to the residence of any foreigner, European, or immigrant stating that you are to vacate the premises of any property at North America, along with providing a copy of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 and a copy of the Moorish American Consulate Notice of Existence, you are to vacate the premises at once without question or hesitation. The Moorish National Republic Federal Government will provide remedy to you at our discussion. We remain in honor and governing accordingly. The property has been conveyed into the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust under record number MACN-R999999999 which can be downloaded at: www, The property is also conveyed into the private Sharon A. Morris Bey Moabite Vast Estate Pure Express Trust: ID:MELVO07-20-14/GEO-8-3-93 and MACN-R000000214 which can be found at hitns://www, 1969/Sharon-A-Morvis-B. UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY — Nationality bs the Order of the Day. Prophet Noble Drew Ali wv. — Moorish Care of 444 East Township Line Rond, Box 712, Near. (Havertown, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 5 of 7 ‘All utilities and living services at Morocco are at no charge or feudal fee to the Moorish American Nationals. The Moorish National Republic Federal Government is the only government with superior jurisdiction at North America. Only gold and silver are to be used as curreney in payment of debts. Fiat currency, FEDERAL RESERVE DEBT NOTES are outlawed forever. ‘You will not charge the Moorish American Nationals any currency, money [FIAT/FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES], or otherwise as you are the debtors and the Moorish American Nationals are the Creditors. All Moorish American Nationals will send lawful transfer orders via phone or affidavit via email for their resources ‘without any feudal fees to include transporting the resources to our domicile or the location of our choosing. The only verification to their status is their nationality identification card issued from the Government here at Morocco, Northwest Amexem, the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consulate. You are Commanded to establish an email address and phone contact number specifically for the Moorish American Nationals. When Moors come to your facility and show you their nationality identification card, you are Commanded to zero out the transaction as all Moorish American Nationals are the secured first party creditor, executer, claimant, and beneficiary of [KROGER CORPORATION]. Your Staff is Commanded to be trained in this process immediately. All violators of this Command will be liened in their personal capacity. 5. Check only if applicable and check only one box: Collateralis 0 Xx held in a Trust (see Instructions) being administered by a Decedent’s Personal Representative. 6a. Cheek only if applicable and check only one box: © Public-Finance Transaction c Manufactured-Home Transaction oxx A Debtor is a Transmitting Utility 6b. Cheek only if applicable and check only one box: c Agricultural Lien 0 Non-UCC Filing 7. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (if applicable): © Lessee/Lessor 0 Consignee/Consignor c Seller/Buyer c Bailer/Bailor o Licensee/Licensor 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA (Maximum Principal Indebtedness) ‘The Governing Principle does extend to the Amendment XIII (20 sections) of the Constitution for the United States of America, ratified: Nov 18, 1865 by % of the several states. We, the Moors at North America, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship, administration of, and beneficiary status of all land in the western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our Ancient Aboriginal Pharaonic Ancestors. UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY — Nationality i the Order of the Day... Prophet Noble Drew Ali ‘www. Moorish ~ Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertown, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 6 of 7 NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL - NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT Nothing in this Affidavit, Declaration, Proclamation and Command shall be construed as consent to any jurisdiction that is not the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate. Upon my inherited status, I Sharon A, Morris Bey, being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American ~ Al Moroccan ~ Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the “Five Points of Light’ — Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; Being competent (In My Own Proper Person) to Aitest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Autograph; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ ‘or improper use or purpose. VAm: Omnia lura Reservantis and Exercised at all times. Care of 1870 Colonial Village Way #3 ‘Near [Waterford Territory, Michigan Republic [48328}] Northwest Amexem ~ Northwest Africa — North America — The North Gate ’amen cc obs, quae alias supe tran et gst t in lt usu seit spe tea, eet stain elo "Ames cc obs, gata aligns sper tera, ig ein ul: usual sapere, lta ete “amen dc vats, game align super tram, cet aa tin ele usc sleis sp eam, eu tit ee Sic nt verban meu, aod ered de re mo: non reve a me acu, se fet gancomque hi prosperabit ina a mi lla” "Respondent fess aici Amen ic vei, srs ea ars, a kan de cme fesse sean hs dis Tale ei mae, et: UPLIFTING FALLEN HUMANITY ~ “Nationality Khe Order of the Day. Prophet Noble Drew Ali ~ Moorish AmericanConsulateNE@gmailicom Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712, Near. [Havertowa, Pennsylvania Republic] ZIP EXEMPT Page 7 of 7

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