Speaking Groups Discussion

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Nama Kelompok: Muhammad Raffi (11180260000094)

Firda Fajriana (11180260000009)

Annisa Ainul Mardiyah (11180260000123)



It is traditional at City High School in the United States that the senior with the highest grade point
average gives the farewell speech at graduation ceremonies. In February of this year, school officials
notified Patricia Moreland that she would be the graduation speaker in June. Last week, however, two
months before the ceremony, Patricia admitted that she is four-months pregnant and has no plans to get
married. School Officials are planning to raplace Patrica with another speaker.

Discussion.should school office allow Patricia to give the graduation speech?

> The reason of why the school should let Patricia give the speech :

- First its because Patricia has made a great achievement. If she were to be replaced by other student, the
students would wonder why and that could cause suspicion to bloom among the students. If her true story
were to be found out, the school's good name will be ruined.

- Second its because she has only been pregnant for 4 months. It can still be hidden. That way, both
Patricia's and the school's name will be safe. Patricia will still be known as a great student.

> The reason of why Patricia should be replaced by other student :

-First its because she has violated a heavy school rule and religious rule. Every school must have a written
rule that forbid female students to get pregnant outside of marriage during their education. Students who
violate the pregnancy rule must definitely be dropped out from the school for high school students are still
underage. Getting married or pregnant is illegal for them, that means they do not just violate a school rule,
but a national rule as well. By letting a student who has made such terrible violation remain unpunished
will be a bad example for the other students, and it could encourage other students to make the same

- The second reason is Patricia has tainted the good name of her school by making such a heavy violation
of the school rules and immoralities norm. Because of that, Patricia doesn't deserve to be the one to give a
speech in her school's graduation ceremony.

- Third, among all the students in that school of course there must be a student whose grade is nearly as
good as Patricia's. The school should replace Patricia with that student.

Group decision, what do we think the school officials do :

In our opinion, the school shouldn't let Patricia be the one to give the speech and find a student whose
grade is nearly as good as Patricia's to replace her. It's because the violation that Patricia has made is not
tolerable, it is both a heavy violation of a school rule and national rule. She might have the highest grade
among all the students, but that doesn't mean the heavy violation she has made can be ignored. Rules are
absolute, every violation of it will have to receive punishment, no matter who the violator is.


Most news organizations have a policy of not revealing the identities of rape victims. However,a
newspaper is planning to publish the name and picture of a twenty five years old woman who says she
was raped by a well-known politician . the trial of this casenis just beginning and has attracted a lot of
public attention. The name and photograph of the politician have appered in newspapers and magazines
around the country.

Discussion. Should the newspaper reveal the identity of the rape victim?

> The reason of why the newspaper should reveal the identity of the victim :

- The first reason is so that there is a clear evidence to strengthen the validity of the news. With that, the
news validity can be proven and the news won't be suspected as a hoax. However, the editor of the
newspaper can only do this with the agreement of the victim. If the victim refuse to give agreement, then
the newspaper cannot reveal their identity. Because it is one of the ethical codes of pers.

- The second reason is to avoid making public's opinion to be against the victim. With the validity of the
news strengthened by the identity of the victim, public won't be suspicious with the news anymore. That
will cause public to start giving support to the victim for the crime of the well known politician will be
easier to expose.

- The third reason is because of the consequences of the lack of evidences. If the news is lacking of
evidence and the media is biased to the perpetrator, we are afraid that the majority of public's opinion
would be biased to the perpetrator, due to the suspected validity of the news. This would help the
perpetrator to gain more control of the situation.

> The reason of why the newspaper should bot reveal the identity of the victim :

- The first reason is because news providers have a rule and ethic to protect the identity of victims. There
are a lot of things to consider before revealing the identity of victims.

- The second reason is because news provider should also hold tight to the rules that forbid journalists to
tell too much detail of the story or chronology of what victims have experienced. It is a must for news
providers to prioritize the convenience of victims. Because, if news providers tell the chronology of the
rape that the victim experienced in too much detail, like mentioning the sensitive body parts of the victim,
it could make the victim feel like they got raped twice.

> Group decision, what do we think the editor of the newspaper should do :

- In our opinion, whatever is the decision of the news editor, they must prioritize the feelings or
convenience of the rape victim. Because news writer has a principle to "defend victims". We think it
actually would be good if newspaper can strengthen the evidences by revealing the identity of the victim,
because, by that the validity of the news will be clear and proved, and the crime of the perpetrator could
be exposed easier and earlier. If that happens, the criminal could be tried and punished as soon as
possible. However, it is all depends on the victim. If the victim refuses to let their identity be revealed,
then the newspaper editor cannot reveal it, no matter what. Because there are rape victims who refuse to
let their identity or even the chronology of their horrifying experience to be revealed due to trauma or
psychological wound. The main point is the decision depends on the victim.

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