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24th jun - 02nd oct



Gianluca Mazza | UNIPOL GROUP
Giuseppe Ferrero | Gruppo Ferrero

Andrea Maffei | ANDREA MAFFEI ARCHITECTS Giovanni Palazzi | STAGEUP

Architecture is the branch of knowledge that shapes a patchwork of all those issues, where designer man-
and structures places for human activities. It gives an ages to blend and structure them together with sensi-
answer to several and various issues, where solutions bility and control. YAC aims to promote contemporary
embody designer’s creativity and intellect. Architectural projects that embody a temporal and personal approach
quest doesn’t simply resolve itself nor in a stylish, nor a to architectural space. Idea is the keyword, Architecture
functional, nor an economic, nor a technological answer. is the answer and project is the medium through which
A genuine architectural answer comes through making intuition transforms into concrete reality.

>>BRIEF anced between function and theatricality. The greatest
architects have made this gesture. All over the world,
it continues to inspire and generate some of the most
It will be a unique and fascinating challenge. In fact, de-
signing an area [for sport] means creating a sanctuary
magnificent architectures of our time. for the display of the sporting spectacle. Moreover, it
Wait, silence, ovation: shows change but the passion of means giving a reference to the community. It means
the crowds crammed on the bleachers of the arenas of Sport Citadel requires architects to make such gesture. creating a place where to hope and rejoice, be moved
all times seems to be unchanged over millennia. and touched. Here, thousands of hearts can be turned
At the foot of the Alps nearby Turin, in one of the most on in unison by one of the passions that has always been
Stadiums, indoor and outdoor sport arenas are much significant districts in the history of European sport, a inflaming men and women of all times: sport.
more related to their Greek and Latin precursors than vast area is about to host an ambitious dream: the crea-
any other architecture ever built by human hands. This tion of an arena and its sport citadel. Yac thanks all the architects who will take part in this
is because sport is a metaphor for life, and life has al- challenge.
ways been a sequence of challenges and battles, victo- Sport citadel aims to generate a true acropolis of com-
ries and defeats. petitiveness. It will be a global reference to practice,
study and celebrate multiple disciplines. Prior to a train-
Competitiveness is one of the key characteristics of hu- ing space, it will be a space to live. It will be a space
man biology: life itself is a competition to survival. For where to materialize the dream of harmony, overcoming
this reason, any architect’s gesture designing a sport limits and pursuit of excellency, in which the sport prac-
arena is an ancient gesture. It is a gesture, which is bal- tice is grounded.


>>SITE It is a space with a strong identity. Yet, it has no specific

natural or landscape constraints. This peculiar condition
makes the intervention area the ideal context for a par-
aspect is particularly valuable when referred to the
theme of the competition. That is why it will have to be
maintained despite a vast intervention. In fact, the sport
amount architectural intervention. It is a “blank sheet” practice is in harmony with the most primordial com-
A green plain stands out from blue skies scratched by at the foot of blue mountains to be connoted through the ponents of the human being. It has to do with paying
high ice-blue clouds. On the background, there is the architect’s contemporary gesture. In order to ensure a attention to one’s own corporeity and trusting one’s own
jagged horizon of mountains covered with snow. The contextualized design aiming at proposing feasible solu- instinctiveness. In this sense, the best sport facility will
intervention area was once a swampland. It is the ru- tions, hereby follows a list of the main constraints and have to be in line with nature. Large green areas, sport
ral archetype of northern Italy. It is a quiet place with features to take into account for the design. facilities in nature, earthworks, excavations, stretch-
cold winters that has forged the temperament of distin- es of water and underground spaces will be essential
guished men. For decades, life here has been marked by 1. Mappano; Mappano is a recently established mu- elements to ensure a pleasant and gratifying sport ex-
the rhythm of agriculture and pastoralism. It is an evoc- nicipality. It is a small city situated in the metropolitan perience. Moreover, this space will have to foster the
ative legacy that recent settlements are trying to trans- area of Turin. It is characterized by a lively community of continuity mind-body-environment in which the sport
form into a modern heritage. Here, sparse farmsteads young people. Their energy and activism are unique ele- psychology is grounded.
stand out from grasslands with their unsteady bricks. ments in the reference context. In the north, a low-den-
As austere sentinels, tree lines align along roads and sity residential complex delimits the area whereas in the 2. Turin; it is one of the main Italian cities. Turin dates
old canals. It is a strongly connoted place. However, its south there is a vast park. The intervention area seems back a long time before the advent of Rome. Founded by
harshness and planarity contribute to make it neutral. to be more naturally than anthropically connoted. This Celtic-Ligurian populations, the original Taurinum was

destroyed during Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps. Sub- Therefore, working on such context means dealing with gies will be some of the possible solutions to create
sequently, the Romans rebuilt it and left from the city a system that is already connected to sport. Hence, this the first and greenest Sport Citadel in Europe);
to conquer the Gallic territories. With the fall of the em- space is ideal to host the intervention of this competi- f. Accessibility; this sport citadel aims to be a model of
pire, Turin suffered the same fate as numerous Italian tion. social resilience. To do so, it will have to implement
cities. Firstly the Lombards and then the Carolingians design solutions to guarantee its fruition to any type
conquered it. After that, it became the city of the Duchy 3. Environmental constraints; these are the admit- of user including elderly people and children.
of Savoy. At the appropriate time, it then became the ted and forbidden interventions of this competition:
driving force of the Italian Unification and the first cap- a. Excavations/earthworks are admitted; 4. Regulatory constraints; the design of sport are-
ital city of the Kingdom of Italy. Now Turin is a cultural b. Underground spaces are admitted; nas is a delicate practice. Therefore, architects will have
and industrial center of recognized standing. Renowned c. The removal of existing trees is admitted; to focus on the study of circulation routes and safety. For
industries and excellences are rooted here including d. The removal of the architectures pointed out as “free this reason, hereby follows a list of the main national
Fiat, Martini and the gianduja espresso coffee. Howev- intervention - no demolition” in the .dwg file is not and European regulations regarding the design of sport
er, among the wide range of Italian excellences, without admitted; facilities:
any doubt the very best specialty of Turin is sport. Turin e. Environmental sustainability; any intervention will a. In indoor arenas the size of the playing field has to
is the base of Turin FC and Juventus, two of the most have to take inspiration from the broadest principles be 30 x 17m (this dimension is suitable for basket-
awarded football clubs in the world. Turin is a constella- of environmental sustainability and compatibility ball, volleyball and other disciplines);
tion of stadiums, arenas and sport facilities. It is no co- (green roofs and surfaces, vast garden areas, facil- b. The spectator areas have to be divided into sectors;
incidence that in 2006 it hosted the XX Winter Olympics. ities orientation, solar panels and alternative ener- c. Each sector has to be composed by several seating

rows, which are situated on the terraces. There have enable a correct view of the playing field;
to be maximum 25 seats for each row; h. The division of sectors has to clearly separate the
d. Every 15 rows, there has to be a 1.2m circulation cor- rival groups of supporters;
ridor parallel to the rows; i. In indoor arenas, exits have to be 1.2m wide per 100
e. Each sector has to be equipped with 2 corridors that spectators (e.g. in an arena for 1,000 spectators, ex-
have to be at least 1.2m wide (they can be larger ac- its will have to be overall 12m wide);
cording to point i); j. In indoor arenas the maximum length of exit routes
f. As for sanitary facilities there will have to be 1 seated will have to be 50m.
toiled per 125 women, 1 seated toilet per 250 men,
1 urinal per 125 men and 1 disabled toilet for every
toilet unit;
g. Each terrace will have a maximum height equal
to 85% of its depth. The minimum depth for each
terrace is 60cm (a 60cm terrace can have a maxi-
mum height of 60*0.8=48 cm. Differently, a 100cm
terrace can have a maximum height of 100*0.8=80
cm). Moreover, architects will have to include grow-
ing rises in the highest parts of the arena in order to

>>PROGRAM community aspects too. Originally, the Olympics were a
sacred event that imposed even the suspension of con-
flicts. Similarly, the most modern conception of sport ar-
tion and the main architectural element of the citadel.
The arena will have to be the symbol of the intervention
that the competition aims to generate. The arena will
chitecture tends to favor the collective side of the arena. be a highly impactful visual element. It will have to be
Sport arenas are extremely fascinating objects. They are This architecture can no longer be isolated from its con- equipped with all the technical elements that are essen-
based on two simple elements: the playing field and the text. On the contrary, it has to increasingly integrate with tial to properly manage the facility (services, changing
bleachers. Despite this, stadiums and sport facilities are its surroundings. Therefore, the modern architecture for rooms, press area, skybox/VIP areas, nursery, parking
still a significant challenge for contemporary architects. sport is a real service center. It is a meeting point and lots etc.). The indoor arena can cover an area of max-
The presence of large audiences requires a quite com- an element that generates identity. It is the symbol and imum 15,000 m2. The arena must be conceived to host
plex management of circulation routes and safety. At the reference of an area that has to go beyond its primary diverse events and shows.
same time, the large size of such architectures requires function. For this reason, Sport Citadel will aim at creat-
a specific focus on the relationship with the landscape ing a system of services, a real sport city. Alongside its 2. Residences; they will be the perfect accommoda-
and on structural problems. Indeed, they are complex arena-cathedral, it will offer a broader range of services tion for all the people who want to embrace sport as a
aspects. However, as frequently happens, if properly ad- and opportunities. Hereby follow several functional pos- way of life: men and women, young people and elderly
dressed, such issues can generate exceptional architec- sibilities. It is important to underline that the composi- people will have the opportunity to become the citizens
tures. Nevertheless, Sport Citadel will not just focus on tion, integration and reshuffling of these scenarios shall of the first Sport Citadel in Europe. 38,000 m2 of gross
the creation of a new arena. Consistently with the will of be under total discretion of architects. floor area will have to be dedicated to this use (meaning
the client and the modern understanding of the sport fa- the total of the indoor surfaces of the different levels-
cility, designers will have to take into account social and 1. Indoor arena; it will be the core of the interven- above ground and underground).

3. Hotel*; it will be a perfect accommodation for all recreational spaces and dining areas. These will be es- natural environment.
the tourists and visitors who want to stay in the citadel sential elements to generate a financial soundness to
for a few days and live longer experiences (for example support the citadel over time; *62,000 m2 of gross floor area will have to be dedicated
sport campuses for young people etc.). It will be an ideal to the uses from point 3 to point 7 (meaning the total of
solution also for those people who would like to live a 6. Polyvalent halls/classrooms*; thanks to these the indoor surfaces on the different levels- above ground
healthy and high-quality experience in nature and in the spaces the activities of the facility will go beyond the or underground). The distribution of the individual uses
sport practice; limits of the sport practice. According to its numerous will be at architects’ discretion.
installations, Sport Citadel will be an epicenter to study
4. Sport museum*; it will be a place dedicated to the and delve into sport also from a more theoretical and
history of sport as an international, social and cultural cultural point of view. Exhibitions, seminars, courses
phenomenon. Moreover, it will focus on the events and and events are just some of the possible functions that
happenings of Turin that is the Italian core of competi- the campus will have to host;
tiveness and an international sport epicenter;
7. Gyms, climbing walls, playing fields, green spa-
5. Shops*; the recent way to manage stadiums has ces, swimming pools etc.*; the arena complex will have
changed the way we perceive them. Historically, facilities to include as many sport opportunities as possible. In
were considered a cost. Now, facilities create opportuni- this sense, the choice of the games and the number and
ties. In this sense, an adequate number of shops will be size of the playing fields will be at architects’ discretion
needed. The stadium will offer garments and products as long as they guarantee the best possible mix in a
connected to the sport practice. Moreover, it will include complete and fascinating integration of architecture and

24/06/2019 “early bird” registration – start 1° PRIZE
10.000 €
21/07/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “early bird” registration – end
4.000 €
22/07/2019 “standard” registration – start
01/09/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “standard” registration – end 2.000 €


02/09/2019 “late” registration – start 1.000 €

29/09/2019 (h 11.59 pm GMT) “late” registration – end HONORABLE MENTIONS “GOLD”

1.000 €

02/10/2019 (h 12.00 pm – midday - GMT) material submission deadline HONORABLE MENTIONS “GOLD”
1.000 €

07/10/2019 jury summoning HONORABLE MENTIONS “GOLD”

1.000 €
04/11/2019 results announcement

Fulfilling an “early bird”, “standard” or “late” registration does not affect the submission 30 FINALISTS
deadline, which is uniquely set on 02/10/2019.
All the awarded proposals will be transmitted to architectural magazines and websites
and will be hosted in international exhibitions. All the finalist proposals will be published

The whole procedure is computerized:
• open:; • n. 1 A1 board (841 x 594mm) in .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal or verti-
• enter registration area; cal layout, to be uploaded on the personal login area. This layout must contain:
• fill required fields;
• at the end of the procedure the first member of the team will be notified with a val- i. design concept / conceptual idea;
idation mail containing the team ID number (“teamID” is a randomly and automati- ii. graphic framework aimed to illustrate the project (i.e. plans, facades, cross-sec-
cally assigned number); if no mail arrives check the “spam” folder; tions) – choosing what to display and the relative scale is up to the competitor’s
• a username, a password and a link will be received; open the link to confirm the choice;
preregistration; iii. 3d views - i.e. renderings, pictures, hand sketches;
• once the pre-registration confirmed, enter personal area and fulfill fee payment;
• once pre-registration and fee payment are fulfilled, uploading will be enabled; File name: A1_TeamID_SC.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A1_123_
• open personal area, insert username & password; upload the materials; the first SC.pdf)
member of the team will be notified with a validation mail; if no mail arrives check
the “spam” folder. • n. 1 A3 album (420mm x 297mm), .pdf format, maximum size 10 mb, horizontal lay-
It is highly recommended to be early on deadlines with subscriptions and payments. out, maximum 7 pages long, to be uploaded on the personal login area. No cover.
Album must contain:

i. general layout on 1:5000 scale;

ii. significative layouts on 1:1000 scale;
iii. at least one significative cross-section on 1:1000 scale;

File name: A3_TeamID_SC.pdf (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named A3_123_

• n. 1 cover .jpeg or .png format 1920x1080 pixel size. It should be a relevant image
showing the project that will become its avatar icon:

File name: Cover_TeamID_SC.jpg (i.e. if “TeamID” is 123, file must be named Co-

Text shall be synthetic and written in English. Layouts cannot contain any name or ref-
erence to designers. The materials cannot report the team ID on them. This code is only
meant to appear on the filename, since jury will not be enabled to seeing it during the

>>FAQ voting procedure.

During the whole contest, until 02/10/2019- submission deadline - competitors can ad-
dress any question to YAC@YAC-LTD.COM. YAC staff will individually answer the com-
petitors by e-mail and will weekly publish updates in the FAQ section of the competition
website. Answers will be published in English and updated on Facebook and Twitter.
Surely, YAC staff will be providing technical support in case of technical and functional
problems during the upload procedure.

a. Competitors must respect calendar dates, procedures and fees. a. Layouts showing texts bodies not written in English will be banned.
b. Competitors must respect all the instructions regarding required material. b. Layouts showing names or referrals to their own team / their identity will be banned; Te-
c. Competitors can be students, graduated, freelance architects, designers or artists: it is amID is considered as a referral to the competitors and can appear on the file name
not mandatory to be involved in architectural disciplines or enrolled in architectural only, since jurors will not be allowed to see it.
associations. c. Files named not according to the prescriptions of the competition will be banned.
d. Competitors can join the competition either individually or with a team. d. Material which is considered incomplete or non congruent to the criteria of the compe-
e. Teams must have at least one team member aged 18 to 35. tition will be banned.
f. Teams can be composed of any number of team members. e. Material which is submitted by times and procedures different from the ones of the
g. Teams can be composed of members coming from different countries and universities. competition will be banned.
h. Paying one registration fee allows to join the competition with one project. f. The team which does not include a competitor younger than 35.
i. Paying further registration fees allows to join the competition with additional projects; g. Team members trying to ask a juror about the competition will disqualify their own team.
fees are determined by the competition’s calendar. h. Team members who have or had business collaboration or blood-relations with jurors
j. Prizes include bank commissions and fees. will be disqualified.
k. Prizes are established regardless of the number of members of the team. i. Team members who spread their own proposal material before the winner of the com-
l. The suitability of the projects will be assessed by a technical staff nominated by Borsetto petition is chosen
m. The jury’s verdict is incontestable.
n. It is forbidden for competitors to ask a juror about the competition.
o. It is forbidden for competitors to publicize their own proposal material before the official
announcement of winners has been made.
p. It is forbidden for competitors to join the competition in case they have or had business
collaboration or blood-relations with jurors.
q. By violating the rules, competitors and their teams will be disqualified from the compe-
tition without any chance of getting a refund.
r. Joining the competition implies accepting rules and terms of service.
s. The authorship of each project is equally attributed to each member of the team.

a. All the projects that will win a money prize and any (available) intellectual property right
and/or industrial right on the projects are definitively acquired by Borsetto srl. The
latter acquires the exclusive right of economic exploitation of the project and the
right to reproduce the project in any way or form, including the right to use, realize,
adapt, modify, publish in every media, display, reproduce and distribute the pro-
ject also for marketing and advertising purposes, review the editorial, create works
based on the project or giving the project or parts of it to third parties in any means,
way or through any technology also including the freedom of panorama without any
limitation in time or place.
b. The project can be reviewed by Borsetto srl – upon consultation with the designers in
order to enhance its performance and economic feasibility.
c. YAC and Borsetto srl have the rights to publish and exhibit all the uploaded projects.
d. Projects must be new and original and the result of the intellectual activity of the can-
didates who cannot present works that does not comply with these aspects. For this
reason, YAC and Borsetto srl will not be responsible in case the uploaded projects
are not the result of the candidate’s or teams’ creativity or if the candidate or teams
are not the owner of the right of exploitation including the right to take part in a
competition like this one.
e. The available and necessary material for the competition is available in the download
section of the competition site regardless of
registration in the competition; it is allowed to use additional material collected by
each member.
f. YAC has the right to change dates or other details in order to improve or fix aspects of
the competition, a notice will be given within a reasonable time through all YAC’s
media channels.
g. YAC is not responsible for web malfunctioning or technical difficulties due to servers; it’s
highly recommended to submit required material, fees and subscription with a good
advance of time on the deadline.
h. The processing of personal data of the candidates made manually and electronically,
will take place only at the end of the competition in compliance with the regulation
of the Legislative decree No. 196/03 and subsequent by Borsetto srl and YAC. They
will process the data as indipendent holders. The provision of data is optional but
without it the candidate cannot take part in the competition.
i. This competition is not an event in accordance with Article 6 of the Italian D.P.R. 430/2001.
j. Candidates will be held accountable for the personal data they provide and the promoter
does not assume any responsibility for wrong data provided. The promoter, accord-
ing to privacy policies, has the right to verify candidates’ data by requesting a copy of REFERENCES
an identity document regarding the data of the registration.
k. YAC and Borsetto srl are not responsible for false data provision by candidates. pg. 3 - Miyagi Stadium by Atelier Hitoshi Abe
l. By entering the competition, the candidates accept the competition’s terms and condi- pg. 5 - Quzhou Sports Campus by MAD Architects
tions. pg. 6 - Comprehensive Gymnasium of International Campus Zhejiang University by UAD
m. Italian law regulates this regulation. Controversy arising shall be of exclusive compe- pg. 7 - Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux by Herzog & de Meuron
tence of the Court of Bologna. pg. 8 - Gammel Hellerup Gymnasium by BIG

Dang Qun, MAD architects
Born in Shanghai, Dang Qun is a Principal Partner at MAD Archi- her involvement with each of MAD’s projects, including such ico-
tects, a global architecture firm with over 100 staff across offices nic buildings as the Absolute Towers, Ordos Museum, Chaoyang
in Beijing, Los Angeles, and Rome. Dang plays a critical role in Park Plaza, China Philharmonic Concert Hall, Harbin Opera Hou-
MAD’s strategic development and oversees all aspects of project se, Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, and Nanjing Zendai Hima-
management. She directs communications with both clients and layas Center. Dang holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from
consultants, organizes the structure of each project team, and en- Iowa State University. Dang’s academic career includes a visiting
sures that the original design intention of each project is maintai- professorship at Pratt Institute, Assistant Professorship at Iowa
ned from concept to realization. Dang’s role is central to maintai- State University, and she has received a Certificate of Merit from
ning MAD’s design philosophy which seeks to re-connect humans the American Institute of Architects.
with nature within the urban environment. This is seen through

Hitoshi Abe, Atelier Hitoshi Abe

Dr. Hitoshi Abe received his M.Arch from SCI-Arc, his M.Eng. in Japan and internationally, including: the 2011 Japan Society
and B.S. in engineering from Tohoku University. He is a Pro- for Finishing Technology Award for the F-town building; 2009
fessor at UCLA Architecture and Urban Design. In 1992, he won Contractworld Award for Aoba-tei; 2009 Architectural Institute
first prize in the Miyagi Stadium competition, and since then he of Japan Award 144 for the K-Museum; 2009 Architectural In-
has maintained an active international design practice based in stitute of Japan Education Award. He opened a second office in
Sendai, Japan, and Los Angeles. Known for architecture that is Los Angeles in 2008 to work on a series of projects outside of
spatially complex and structurally innovative, the work of Atelier Japan including invited competitions and exhibition installations.
Hitoshi Abe has been published and received numerous awards

Andrea Maffei, Andrea Maffei Architects

Andrea Maffei was graduated in architecture in Florence in 1994 and other events. He founded “Andrea Maffei Architects s.r.; he
with honors and, after some initial experience with the office of won several Italian competitions including Bologna new cen-
Massimo Carmassi in Pisa, in 1997 he moved to Tokyo to work tral station (2008) and signed the draft of the new exit of the
in the atelier of Arata Isozaki.Leader of Italian projects by Arata Uffizi museum in Florence (2007), the new Library of Maranello
Isozaki, he directed the design of Palahockey of Turin, a large (2009). It‘s now working as a designer and signer of the project
renovation project for the 2006 Winter Olympics, now so called CITYLIFE in Milan and he He curates the monograph “Toyo Ito’s
Palaisozaki, which has been designed with the aim of an exten- works, the texts, the writings” published by Electa, in 2001.
sive use post- Olympic and now guests concerts, conferences

Peter Eisenman, Eisenmann Architects
Prior to establishing a full-time architectural practice in 1980, dium for the Arizona Cardinals. His academic career also in-
Peter Eisenman worked as an independent architect, educa- cludes teaching at Cambridge, Princeton, Harvard, Ohio State
tor, and theorist. In 1967, he founded the Institute for Archi- and Yale. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from
tecture and Urban Studies (IAUS), an international think tank Cornell University, a Master of Science in Architecture degree
for architecture in New York, which he directed until 1982. He from Columbia University, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from
is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Cambridge University (U.K). In 2003, he was awarded an ho-
and has been named by Popular Science magazine one of the norary Doctorate in Architecture by the Università La Sapien-
top five innovators of 2006 for the University of Phoenix Sta- za in Rome.

Gianluca Mazza, Unipol Group

Gianluca Mazza graduated in civil Engineering at the Univer- merous offices and positions as Chairman and Board Mem-
sity of Bologna with a dissertation in Urban Marketing. He ber for several real estate companies of the Group including
specialized in the area dealing with all the operations of real UnipolSai investimenti S.G.R. Specifically, since 2017, he is the
estate development and management both at the LUISS Uni- Chief Operating Officer of Unipol Reoco S.p.A. He is a member
versity and the SDA BOCCONI. Moreover, he has been working of the Advisory committee of this company and of other real
for more than 25 years in the real estate industry. He is the estate funds. Currently, he is the CEO of Borsetto srl (Unipol-
manager of the Borsetto srl. Over the years, he has held nu- Sai S.p.A’s affiliated company).

Giovanni Palazzi, StageUp

Giovanni Palazzi graduated in Civil Engineering. He worked as ma- in Masters and Specialized Courses at the Polytechnic of Milan,
nager and businessman in the consultation, sport and technology the University Ca’ Foscari, the University IULM, the University LU-
sectors. Currently, he is StageUp’s CEO. This is a leading company ISS and the Sport School CONI. He is the Director of the Master
in the sport and entertainment business industry. He promoted in Organization of the Sporting Spectacle held by the University
and directed consultancy multidisciplinary projects collaborating of Parma. This is the first master that aims at training managers
with ANCI, the Municipality of Milan, Lega Basket Serie A, the specialized in planning and managing sport facilities. Moreover,
Italian Ministry of Sport, Unipol Sai Assicurazioni. Starting from he is the author of numerous articles and essays concerning sport
1992, he is professor of Business Planning applied to Sport Infra- and technology business published on the newspapers Boome-
structures, Project Management, Marketing and Market Research rang and Il Sole 24 ore.

Giuseppe Ferrero, Gruppo Ferrero
Giuseppe Ferrero graduated in Law at the University of Turin. energy production sector the company S.I.E.D. S.p.A. boasts
He manages several companies mainly working in the metal- 17 hydroelectric plants. Differently, Thovez 11 Spa deals with
lurgic and iron and steel industry as SI.CO.FER. Currently, he renovating and trading real estates offering different dwelling
manages the Ferrero Group. This includes several industrial categories. Moreover, he is a council member of the Clubitaly
companies. Moreover, it also deals with the real estate, fi- S.r.l and a member of the board of directors of the Industrial
nancial and energy production industries. Specifically, in the Union of Turin.

Borsetto srl
società partecipata da


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