Personality Theory Corl Rogers

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Personality Theory (Carl Rogers)

Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 10 questions.

The theorist who developed person-centered counseling and

psychotherapy is which ONE of the following people?

Albert Ellis

Rollo May

Carl Rogers

Albert Bandura

The person-centered perception is based on four key beliefs. All of the

following statements (except for one) are key beliefs, as discussed by
the chapter's author. Which ONE of the following is NOT a key belief of
person-centered theory?
People are trustworthy.

People have the ability to discover their own truths.

People innately move toward self-actualization and health.

People respond to their uniquely perceived world (phenomenological world).

"Words, behaviors, feelings, and beliefs will match the specialized

view of the world held by each individual." This statement is a
definition of which ONE of the following concepts?

Empathic understanding


Phenomenological perspective
The phrase "empathic understanding of a client" relates to which ONE
of the following definitions?

The understanding of the client's world from the client's point of view

The understanding of the client through a sympathetic lens

The understanding of the client by exploring the client's true self

The understanding of the client by being genuine and congruent as a counselor

Which ONE of the following major constructs associated with person-

centered theory entails this belief: People are innately good and
continually seeking a fully functioning experience in the world, even as
they make mistakes. Clients are effective human beings who are able
to grow and succeed, regardless of the nature of their difficulties.
People make simple mistakes in judgment

Empathic understanding

Perceived world of the client may not approximate the world sought

Confidence in the client

According to person-centered theory, the process of change through

the helping relationship is guided by the presence of three basic
conditions. These three basic conditions are which ONE of the
following choices:
Active listening, counselor congruence, and immediacy

Self-acceptance, self-actualization, and self-disclosure

Genuineness, acceptance (caring), and empathic understanding

Tendency to actualize, trustworthiness, and unconditional positive regard

Which of the following statements BEST describes the use of

traditional intervention strategies in person-centered theory?

Person-centered theory's traditional intervention strategies are much more

related to the conditions necessary to promote client change (strategies such as
exploration of issues, client motivation, instillation of hope, and empathic
Person-centered theory's traditional intervention strategies are much more
related to who counselors "are," rather than what techniques they employ
(strategies such as providing the conditions of genuineness, unconditional
positive regard, and empathy in the relationship).
Person-centered theory's traditional intervention strategies are much more
related to the conditions necessary to promote client change (strategies such as
providing the conditions of attending and encouraging, clarifying and perception
checking, and summarizing and questioning).
Person-centered theory's traditional intervention strategies are much more
related to the conditions necessary to promote client change (strategies such as
the ability to understand feelings, thoughts, ideas, and experiences by viewing
them from the client's frame of reference).

All of the following statements (except for one) are true regarding
supporting research conducted by Carl Rogers (or regarding person-
centered theory). Which ONE of the following is NOT a true statement?
Rogers's research and teaching tool that gets the most use today is the tape
recording and transcribing of sessions with clients.
The Q-sort method of data collection became a major influence in the acceptance
of Rogers's theory.
Because person-centered theory is so heavily based on the personal
characteristics of the counselor, Rogers discouraged scientific study of person-
centered theory.
There is a scientific foundation for the general acceptance of Rogers's basic
concepts as necessary conditions for counseling success, if not sufficient.

All of the following statements (except for one) are limitations of

person-centered theory, as stated by the author of this chapter. Which
ONE is NOT a stated limitation of person-centered theory?
Person-centered theory may suffer most from the fact that it appears so simple
to learn.
The supportive nature of person-centered theory is often misinterpreted to mean
that counselors should not be confrontational with clients.
Success is dependent on counselors maintaining high trust in the feelings and
actions of the client and themselves.
There is little statistical research about person-centered theory.

Which ONE of the following statements is true about using person-

centered theory in brief approaches?
Even brief-intervention counselors have come to recognize the need for applying
person-centered core conditions in their practices.
Person-centered counseling cannot be used in a brief-therapy approach because
of its focus on the personal characteristics of the counselor and the client.
Person-centered counseling cannot be used in a brief-therapy approach because
it has no set of identified techniques.
Person-centered counseling has a brief approach that allows it to be effective in
as little as one session.
Important Questions on Theories of Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky
1. Which of the following implications cannot be derived from Piaget’s theory
of cognitive development?
(a) Acceptance of individual differences

(b) Sensitivity of children’s readiness to learn

(c) Discovery learning

(d) Need of verbal teaching

Answer: (d)
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CTET 2019: Important Questions on Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers)

2. As a teacher, who firmly believes in social constructivist theory of Lev

Vygotsky, which of the following methods would you prefer for assessing
your students?
(a) Collaborative projects

(b) Fact-based recall questions

(c) Standardized tests

(d) Objective multiple-choice type questions

Answer: (a)
Question3. According to Lev Vygotsky, the primary cause of cognitive
development is:
(a) stimulus-response pairing

(b) social interaction

(c) adjustment of mental schemas

(d) equilibration

Answer: (b)
Question4. In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under
which stage would the given typical response of a child fall? “Your parents
will be proud of you if you are honest. So you should be honest.”
(a) Social contract orientation
(b) Punishment-obedience orientation

(c) Good girl-good boy orientation

(d) Law and order orientation

Answer: (c)
Question5. According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for
(a) Active exploration of the environment by the learner

(b) Observing the behaviour of adults

(c) Belief in immanent justice

(d) Reinforcement by teachers and parents

Answer: (a)
Question6. According to Jean Piaget, schema building occurs as a result of
modifying new information to fit existing schemes and by modifying old
schemes as per new information. These two processes are known as:
(a) assimilation and adaptation

(b) accommodation and adaptation

(c) equilibration and modification

(d) assimilation and accommodation

Answer: (d)
Question7. According to Piaget, children’s thinking differs in .......... from
adults than in ..........
(a) size, correctness

(b) amount, kind

(c) kind, amount

(d) size, type

Answer: (c)
Question9. According to Vygotsky, children learn
(a) by maturation.
(b) when reinforcement is offered.

(c) by imitation.

(d) by interacting with adults and peers.

Answer: (d)
Question10. Kohlberg has given
(a) the stages of cognitive development.

(b) the stages of physical development.

(c) the stages of emotional development.

(d) the stages of moral development.

Answer: (d)
Question11. According to the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg's theory,
to which of the following would an individual turn when making a moral
(a) Personal needs and desires

(b) Individual values

(c) Family expectations

(d) Potential punishment involved

Answer: (d)
Question12. Which one of the following statements about children would
Vygotsky agree with?
(a) Children learn when they are offered lucrative rewards.

(b) Children's thinking can be understood by conducting laboratory

experiments on animals.

(c) Children are born 'evil' and need to be controlled through punishment.

(d) Children learn through social interaction with peers and adults.

Answer: (d)
Question13. According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the
_________ stage of cognitive development.
(a) Formal operational
(b) Concrete operational

(c) Sensorimotor

(d) Preoperational

Answer: (d)
Question14. In Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, which level signifies the
absence of morality in the true sense?
(a) Level III

(b) Level IV

(c) Level I

(d) Level II

Answer: (c)
Question15. In Vygotsky's theory, which aspect of development gets
(a) Social

(b) Cultural

(c) Biological

(d) Linguistic

Answer: (c)
Question16. Which of the following is based on Vygotsky’s socio cultural
(a) Operant conditioning

(b) Reciprocal teaching

(c) Culture-neutral cognitive development

(d) Insight learning

Answer: (b)
Question17. Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by
which of the following factors in the learning of children?
(a) Moral
(b) Physical

(c) Social

(d) Hereditary

Answer: (c)
Question18. A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to cater to the
different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by
(a) Gardner's multiple intelligence theory

(b) Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory

(c) Piaget's cognitive development theory

(d) Kohlberg's moral development theory

Answer: (a)
Question19. According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral values in
children by
(a) giving strict instructions on 'how to behave'

(b) involving them in discussions on moral issues

(c) laying clear rules of behaviour

(d) giving importance to religious teachings

Answer: (b)
Question20. According to Piaget’s stages of Cognitive Development, the
sensori-motor stage is associated with
(a) ability to solve problems in logical fashion

(b) concerns about social issues

(c) ability to interpret and analyse options

(d) imitation, memory and mental representation

Answer: (d)
Question21. "Children actively construct their understanding of the world"
is a statement attributed to
(a) Piaget
(b) Kohlberg

(c) Pavlov

(d) Skinner

Answer: (a)
Question22. The 'insight theory of learning' is promoted by
(a) 'Gestalt' theorists

(b) Jean Piaget

(c) Pavlov

(d) Vygotsky

Answer: (a)
Question23. Four distinct stages of children's intellectual development are
identified by
(a) Erikson

(b) Kohlberg

(c) Skinner

(d) Piaget

Answer: (d)
Question24. Which of the following statements describes Piaget and
Vygotsky’s views on language and thought correctly?
(a) According to Vygotsky, thought emerges first and according to Piaget,
language has a profound effect on thought.

(b) Both view language as emerging from the child’s thought.

(c) According to Piaget, thought emerges first and according to Vygotsky,

language has a profound effect on thought.

(d) Both view thought as emerging from the child’s language.

Answer: (c)
Question25. The concept of ‘private speech’ of children as proposed by
(a) shows that children are stupid and thus need guidance of adults.
(b) illustrates that children are egocentric.

(c) shows that children love themselves.

(d) illustrates that children use speech to guide their own actions.

Answer: (d)
Question26. According to Vygotsky, learning cannot be separated from
(a) its social context.

(b) perception & attentional processes.

(c) reinforcement.

(d) a measurable change in behaviour.

Answer: (a)
Question27. In a constructivist classroom as envisioned by Piaget and
Vygotsky, learning
(a) is constructed by the students themselves who play an active role.

(b) is offering of reinforcement by the teacher.

(c) is dictated by the teacher and the students are passive recipients of the

(d) happens by pairing of a stimulus and a response.

Answer: (a)
Question28. What is a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory?
(a) Kohlberg did not give clear cut stages of moral development.

(b) Kohlberg proposed a theory without any empirical basis.

(c) Kohlberg proposed that moral reasoning is developmental.

(d) Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of
men and women.

Answer: (d)
Question30. Which one of the following statements best summarizes the
relationsib between development and learning as proposed by Vygotsky?
(a) Learning and development are parallel processes.
(b) Development is synonymous with learning

(c) Development process lags behind the learning process.

(d) Development is independent of learning.

Answer: (c)
These are important questions on Theories of Piaget, Kohlberg & Vygotsky.
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