DRRR Worksheet - drr.1

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Region I

Schools Division Office

District VI
Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City

Document Title : DRRR Activity Sheets

Grade: 12 Issue No. : 01 School Year: 2018 -2019

LESSON TITLE: ______________________________________

Learning objectives: Score: ______________


Lesson review
A. What were the activities you had in your past lectures?
1. What is a Disaster?

2. Disaster impacts may include?


3. What are Risk Factors?


4. Other factors that can produce a worse outcomes:

1) _________________________________ 4)_______________________________
2) _________________________________ 5)_______________________________
3) _________________________________ 6)_______________________________

5. What is a Resilience Factor?


6. What are the factors that increases resilience after Disasters?

1) __________________________________________
2) __________________________________________
3) __________________________________________

7. What are the two types of disaster?

1) _____________________________________
2) _____________________________________

8. What is a Hazard?
DRRR Activity sheet 1
9. What is a Risk?

10. What is vulnerability?

** Good Job! Now let’s proceed to the next topic:
B. Content: Exposure and Vulnerability

Vulnerability to Hazards and Disasters:

VULNERABILITY – refers to the way a hazard or disaster will affect human life and property
Vulnerability to a given Hazard depends on the following factors:
• Proximity to the hazardous event
• Population density in the area proximal to the event
• Scientific understanding of the hazard
• Public education and awareness of the hazard
• Existence or non-existence of early-warning systems and lines of communication
• Availability and readiness of emergency infrastructure
• Construction styles and building codes
• Cultural factors that influence public response to warnings
Affected by Hazards the most are the following:
• Less developed countries
• Poverty
• Development and habitation of lands susceptible to hazards
• Increasing the severity or frequency of a natural disaster
• Affluence: because affluence control where habitation takes place

Classification of Natural Hazards and Disasters:

Geologic Hazards Atmospheric Hazard Other Natural Hazards Anthropogenic Hazards

Effects of Hazards:

Primary Effect Secondary Effects Tertiary Effects

DRRR Activity sheet 2

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