Session Guide - Perdev 2nd QRT PDF

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of the Philippines
Department of Education
DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue
Pasig City

Session Title Personal Development (Second Quarter)

No. of Participants 60 Male: Female:
Participants’ Profile Teachers
Duration of the Session 6 hours
I. Objectives Explain the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment in the 2nd quarter of Personal
Development. Specifically, the participants will:
1. analyze the components of the Curriculum Guide such as the content, content standards, performance
standards, learning competencies and coding;
2. determine appropriate pedagogy in translating learning competencies; and
3. prepare proper assessment activities for teaching/ learning activities across competencies.

II. Key Understandings/ 1. Curriculum Guide (Content, Standards, Learning Competencies and Coding)
Content A.1 Building and Maintaining Relationships
a. Personal Relationships
b. Social Relationships in Middle and Late Adolescence
c. Family Structures and Legacies
A.2 Career Development
a. Persons and Careers
b. Career Pathways
c. Insights Into One’s Personal Development
2. Pedagogy in Teaching Personal Development
3. Assessment Tools/ Activities for Personal Development

III. Reference Personal Development Teaching Guide and Reader

IV. Session Guide

should be able
Get an Understanding the Personal Development Ensure that the room has been arranged in
overview of Curriculum as core subject in senior high such a way that there will be four groupings
the session, school will give the teachers big picture and a working table is provided for each
set on the kind of learner the Department group.
would like to produce.
and familiarize
with co-
participants. • Greet the participants and make
them comfortable.

• Before we start the day may I invite
everybody to please stand up for the
Makabayan Song and Doxology Video 10 minutes
through a video presentation presentation

• For the management of learning, I
Slide No. 3 5 minutes
want you to look at the slide. Choose
a picture.
• Which of the numbered pictures
describe what you have learned from
the topics discussed yesterday and
kindly relate/give your
• Group the participants into three. Slide No. 4 15 minutes
• Assign each group as:
Diego Sepilyo


• Ask the group to assign value (peso

value) to their group.
• All groups have 100 points at the start
of the game. The group who
maintained the highest points will be
the winner and for the group who got
the lowest points will have to do the
consequence of the game which will

be dictated by the winning group.

• If the name of your group is called, all
mebers of the group will rise and say
“po” and then immediately sit down.
• If the facilitator ask your group
“Magkano Kayo?”
• All members of the group will stand
and say the value of your group (ex.
“Piso po.”

• If there is a member of the group who

failed to follow, deduction of five

points will be done.

• Thank you very much for your
cooperation. 5 minutes
• What did you feel while doing the
activity? After the activity?
• What insights you gained from the
activity and how will you relate it to
your functions as Senior High School


DO: Slides 5-6
• Present the objectives of the session
Analyze the SAY: 2 minutes
components • Last time we analyze the
of the components of the curriculum guide
Curriculum for the first quarter. Now we will do
Guide such as
the same for the 2nd quarter.
the content,


standards, • Distribute copy of Curriculum Guide

learning (CG) together with the Activity Sheet

competencies No. 1.

and coding


• Please refer to your copy of CG and

activity sheet.

• Analyze the content of the CG. Slide 8
Levels of Familiarity • In your activity sheet, choose Copy of CG
Content Very Familiar Not Questions
appropriately and put a check on
Familiar Familiar /Clarrifications Activity
the level of your familiarity to the Sheet No. 1
content of the CG. In the last
column, write your questions/
clarifications in the specific content,
standards and competencies.

• Let us do this together.

(*while the facilitator presents the content
of the CG, the participants will write down
their questions/clarifications on the specific
content of the CG)
Slides 9-14 20 minutes

Show slides on

• Content
• Content Standards
• Performance Standards
• Learning Competencies
• Codes

10 minutes

After the presentation of the content of the

• Ask the participants to share to their
group their questions/ clarifications
on the content of the CG.
• Assign secretary who will write in
manila paper the inputs of the
members of the group.

• Ask one representative of the group Slide 15 180 minutes
will present the summary of their
output to the large group.
• Synthesize the outputs of the
MODULE 9: groups.
Personal Relationships DO:
How does knowing more about attraction, • Show title slide of module 9.
love, and commitment help adolescents

become more responsible in a relationship? Slides 16-21

• Personal Relationships DO:
• Family Relationships • Allow the participants to identify Slides 22-24
• Happy Relationships
whether the statement is fact (if

true) of bluff (if false).
Activity: “Fact or Bluff”
• Show and discuss slides on the basic
definitions of relationships and
related concepts. Slide 25

Module 10:
Social Relationships in Middle and Late DO:
Adolescence • Show title slide of module 10. Slide 26
How does understanding group membership
and leadership improve social relationships?


• Groups and Organizations
• Leadership

Activity: “My Organizations” DO:
• Allow the students to think of their

organization, the type of their

organization and their position or

role in the organization.
• Why did you choose to be in that
particular group?

• What was the biggest factor that

made you decide to be in the Slide 27

• Who decided on your role?
• How do you find the leaders in the Slide 28


• Show and discuss slide on servant
Module 11: DO:
Family Structures and Legacies • Show title slide of module 11.
How does your family affect the learner as a

developing individual? Slide 29
• Family Structures
• Family Legacies
• Tributes Slides 30-31

Activity: “My Family Genogram” Slide 32

• Ask the students to do their
genogram (family tree)
• Show and discuss slides on Family
Structures and its different kinds.
Module 12:
Persons and Careers
• Show title slide of module 12.
How do personal/internal factors influence Slide 33
career choices?

• Career Basic Concepts DO:
• Career Assessment 1 and 2 • Divide the room into two areas and
• Career Pathways assign which area is Agree and

Activity: “Agree or Disagree”

• Ask the participants to go to the side
of the room that best describes their

opinion or thoughts.

• Show the statements.
• Show and discuss the slides on career
• Show and discuss the slides on

Super’s Career Development Theory.
Slide 34

Module 13: DO:
Career Pathways • Show title slide of module 13.
How do external factors influence career
• Piecing the Career Puzzle Together
Slide 35
• Career Planning
• Career Timeline

• Personal Mission Statement SAY:
• In our next activity I want you to
Activity: “Career Timeline” imagine where will you be ten years

from now?

• Map out your life from birth to

present that you think is significant
to who you are right now and to who
you will be in the future.
• Put the events in chronological


• In a triad, share your output.

• How do you feel about your
• What were your realizations? Slide 36


Module 14:
• Show title slide of module 14.
Insights into One’s Personal Development
Why is personal development an important
component of setting career and life goals?
• Career Gallery Walk Slide 37

• Personal Development: Hindsight Metacards
and Foresight
• Distribute eight metacards for each
Activity: “Personal Mission Statement” participant.
• Ask the participants to write their
personal mission on the following
Determine Pedagogy in Teaching Personal Development DO:
appropriate • Play an energizer video for raise the Video 5 minutes
pedagogy in energy level of the participants. presentation
• Group the participants with ten
members each ( a total of six
and “PAPER PLANE GAME” groups) Slide 39
• Give each group materials for the Bond paper
game. Scissors
SAY: materials
• Each group will be given materials to Ruler 15 minutes
make 15 paper planes with three
different designs (5 planes per


• The task of the group is to design 15
paper planes that will be landed to
the landing area. The goal is that the
paper plane should be landed on the
landing area.
• You have designated place to land

your paper planes.

• Measure and record the distance of
landed plane to the landing area.
• The group with the most number of
planes landed in the landing area
will win a prize.
• This activity is good only for 15

• When time is up, collect the record

form of each group. Put a mark on
the last plane recorded and then
allow the group to continue the

SAY: 5 minutes
• Who got the highest number of
planes landed on the landing area?
Who has the lowest?

• What did you do to win?

• Why did you not achieve the goal?
• What did you feel while doing the
• What were your insights after the
• How did you relate the activity in
fulfilling our functions as teachers in
choosing/ designing strategies and
assessment tools/ activities for our

• Using the same groupings, assign
content to focus on to six groups. Allow
each group to brainstorm on the
standards and competencies covered in
the content assigned to them.
• Show slide for the title of the Activity
2 minutes
• Distribute Activity Sheet #2- MY
sheet contains the instruction and the

expected output of participants.

(Participants are expected to come up
with strategies or activities to be

conducted to deliver the standards and

learning competencies assigned to
5 minutes
• Allow the participants to accomplish the
activity sheet individually.

• Small group sharing will be done after 10 minutes
the individual activity.

• The representative of the group will 10 minutes
present to the large group the summary
of their outputs.

• Process the activity through asking
questions: 5 minutes


1. What did your group do to come up
with the strategies/ activities?
2. How did you feel while doing the
3. Are the activities designed appropriate?
Why do you think so?

prepare Assessment Tools/ Activities for Personal SAY:
proper Development 5 minutes
assessment • Very good! It is easier for you now to think
activities for of or design assessment tools/ activities.
teaching/ • Stay with your group and brainstorm on the
learning possible assessment tools/activities we can
activities use to assess whether our learners master
across the competencies.

• Show slide for the title of the Activity

• Distribute Activity Sheet #3- Slide 42
activity sheet contains the instruction
and the expected output of participants.

(Participants are expected to come up
with strategies or activities to be
conducted to deliver the standards and
learning competencies assigned to

• Allow the participants to accomplish the
activity sheet individually.

• Small group sharing will be done after 5 minutes
the individual activity.

• The leader of the group will present to 10 minutes
the large group the summary of their
10 minutes


• Process the activity through asking

SAY: 4 minutes
1. What did your group do to come up
with the strategies/ activities?
2. How did you feel while doing the
3. Are the activities designed
appropriate? Why do you think so?

APPLICATION Activity: DO: Slide 44
“DAILY LESSON LOG (DLL) MAKING” • Distribute hard/soft copy of DLL to the DLL
participants. template
10 minutes
• Ask the participants to accomplish the

DLL template integrating their outputs

in the Activity Sheet No. 2-“My Teaching

Strategies’ and Activity No. 3-
“Assessment Tools and Activities” 5 minutes
• Ask a volunteer to present the output.
• Provide feedbacks on the output
Clearing House Ask if there are clarifications or questions Slide 45 2 minutes
and settle them before closing.
Closure Closure Slides 48-59, 5 minutes
Show final slides background
• “Today is a New Beginning” - music

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