Company Profile PT Samafitro

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Kantor Pusat
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 8 Jakarta 10120
Telp : (021) 345 8989
Fax : (021) 345 6699
Email :
Web :

Kantor Cabang:
Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 229 Bandung 40114
Telp : (022) 720 5555, 720 7555 Trusted and Smart Partner
Fax : (022) 720 5927
Email : in Imaging and Printing
Jl. Puri Anjasmoro Blok G1 No. 4 Semarang 50144
Telp : (024) 760 0309, 760 6023
Fax : (024) 760 5974
Emial :

Komplek Ruko Bayeman Permai No. 12.
Jl. Wates Km.3 Yogyakarta 55182
Telp : (0274) 546 980, 560 785
Fax : (0274) 546 980
Email :

Jl. Jemur Sari No. 313, Surabaya
Telp : (031) 841 0229, 841 3027, 847 7779, 849 0588/89
Fax : (031) 841 8187
Email :

Jl. Gajah Mada No. 18 Medan 20153
(061) 452 1010, 415 7492
(061) 415 7472
Right Technology, Delighting Experience

Di zaman yang terus berkembang dan diwarnai oleh

percepatan yang tinggi, teknologi tepat guna merupakan

keinovatifan dan semuanya itu diberikan untuk pelayanan

pasar akan alat-alat canggih yang dapat meningkatkan

kualitas dan kuantitas kinerja ataupun produksi harus
terpenuhi. Karena itu, para ahli di bidang gambar dan
percetakan terus bekerja menciptakan alat-alat bantu yang
canggih, cepat, aman, hemat, dan ramah lingkungan.

In this era which continues to grow and to be marked by

cient technology is required for solutions
in various sectors. The world of art and graphics continues
to move quickly to promote a lively graphic industry with
cient and satisfactory services
to the customers. Market demands of sophisticated tools
that can improve the quality and quantity of performance

imaging and printing continues to work to create these tools of

cient, and environmentally friendly.
Therefore We Provide
All Facilities Needed
We Give Trusted and Smart Solution

terpercaya dan smart bagi para konsumennya. Produk-produk

bermerk ternama yang diusung akan memberi solusi yang tepat,
meningkatkan produktivitas, mempermudah operasional, lebih
hemat energi, waktu, bahan, tenaga kerja, dan dana bagi para
konsumen. Pengadaan alat-alat dan berbagai layanan disediakan
untuk memberi kepuasan bagi para pelanggan.

solution for its customers. Famous branded products that are brought
forward will provide appropriate solutions, increase productivity,
cient energy, time, materials, man power,
and cash for consumers. Equipment and various services supplies are
provided to give satisfaction to our clients.
Real Time Real Quality New Technology, New Opportunity
Kini teknologi imaging and printing bergerak dengan cepat Teknologi tidak pernah berhenti, apalagi mati. Selalu akan ada
untuk memenuhi berbagai jenis kebutuhan konsumen ide-ide progresif dan inovatif yang membuat dunia usaha
akan mesin fotokopi yang multifungsi, mesin pemindai atau terus bergerak naik menuju puncak. Keinovatifan teknologi
scanner document, sistem faks yang diteruskan ke e-mail, digital and printing tentu memberi peluang besar kepada para
bahkan membantu konsumen ke arah penghematan pengusaha untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya. Imaging and
pemakaian kertas. Dengan kelengkapan hardware dan printing adalah bisnis yang tak ada habisnya. New technology
software yang canggih, saat ini sangat memungkinkan untuk bring new opportunity.
menghasilkan produk dengan kualitas yang sama baiknya di
tempat yang berbeda, dalam waktu yang bersamaan.
Technology never stops, and moreover dies. There will always be
progressive and innovative ideas that make the business world
Imaging and printing technology is now moving quickly to meet continues to move up to the top. Digital and printing technology
various types of constumer needs of a multifunction copier, innovation surely gives great opportunities to the entrepreneurs to
scanner or document scanners, fax systems that are linked expand their business. Imaging and printing business is an endless
to e-mail, even help consumers toward saving paper usage. business. New technology bring new opportunity.
By completeness of sophisticated hardware and software, it is
quite possible today to produce same quality products within
erent places, in the same time.
Vision & Mission
Menjadi mitra pilihan utama di bidang To be a leading preferred partner in
imaging and printing. imaging & printing solutions.

Memberikan solusi imaging dan printing To bring indispensable
yang sangat dibutuhkan karena memiliki imaging & printing solutions
pengalaman yang memuaskan. at delighting experience.

terkemuka dengan komitmen penuh untuk inovasi, company with a full commitment to innovation, business
pengembangan usaha, meningkatkan kesejahteraan development, improving the welfare of stakeholders and
dan mencapai kepuasan pelanggan. achieving customer ’s satisfaction.
We Will Always Be A
Reliable Partner

Asaba Group adalah Perusahaan Terbatas, berdiri pada 11 Mei 1974. Sejak berdiri, Asaba Group menjadi perusahaan
yang terpercaya, dan tiap anak perusahaannya merupakan pemain kuat di pasarnya masing-masing. Anak perusahaan
terdiri atas Perusahaan Distribusi Peralatan Kantor, Digital Printing, Produsen Alat Tulis, Penjualan Alat Tulis, Penyedia
Solusi Komputer dan Integrator Sistem, Pabrik Makanan, Jaringan Toko Roti, Properti, dll. Secara keseluruhan grup ini telah
mempekerjakan lebih dari 5.000 orang.

utama di bidang solusi imaging and printing.

Asaba Group, a Limited Liability Company which was established on May 11, 1974. Asaba Group becomes a trusted company
Equipment business, Digital Printing, Stationery Manufacturers, Stationery Sales, Computer Solutions Provider and Systems
Integrator, Food Factory, Bakery Networking, Property, etc. This group has hired overall more than 5,000 people.

in imaging and printing solutions sector.


Document Management
Document management manages hard

fast document.

Output Management
Solutions that integrate and manage
document output and distribution

Document Security / Audit

Document security/audit ensures that
information is secure throughout the
document life cycle.

Device Management
and takes control of network cost
(Corporate Hospitality
Imaging Printing Solutions)
File Processing


Job Accounting
Solutions that monitor all network and

Your Pa
local printing to achieve control over
printing cost.

Imaging &
Hospitality Solu
Imaging & Printing

Casio membantu Anda

memberikan yang terbaik untuk
pelanggan Anda


Work Flow System & Solution
Streamlining business process from job
creation, online ordering, color management,
OFFICE printing ERP system to business development.

Digital Printing Solution

Capture the highest growth and expand market
in printing industries.

GAIPS Sign & Display Solution

(Graphic Art
Imaging & Printing Solution) Create innovative and creative signage with
more environmental friendly.

Photo Printing Solution

Solutions for quality digital photo printers

artner in Garment Printing Solution

& Printing
Expand your business with direct to garment

Trusted To Provide the Optimum
Products & Best Services
Perusahaan-perusahaan yang memiliki produk top brand menjadikan
to become the sole distributor for their products.

2002 Menjadi distributor tunggal HP Indigo Digital Color Press 2002 The sole distributor of HP Indigo Digital Color Press
2002 Menjadi distributor tunggal Casio Cash Register 2002 The sole distributor of Casio Cash Register
2006 Distributor NurMacroprinter menjadi HP Scitex 2006 Distributor NurMacroprinter changed to be HP Scitex
pada tahun2007 (sebagai salah satu dari dua distributor) in 2007 (as one of two distributors)
2008 Ditunjuk sebagai Distributor Eksklusif HP Scitex 2008 Appointed as Exclusive Distributor of HP Scitex
2009 Menjadi whole seller HP DesignJet 2009 The whole-seller HP DesignJet

Merupakan mesin cetak digital dengan kualitas cetak yang memenuhi dua kebutuhan cetak,
Indigo komersial dan industri. Dirancang untuk memenuhi tantangan kebutuhan pasar saat ini. Indigo
adalah solusi untuk produksi digital bervolume besar bagi industri label, kemasan, buku, brosur,
majalah, buku foto, kartu nama, dll. Indigo benar-benar memberi solusi digital yang produktif
dengan hasil cetak yang luar biasa!

Is a digital printing machine with printing quality that meets two needs in printing matters : commercial
and industrial needs. Designed to meet the challenges of today’s market needs, Indigo is the solution
for large volume digital production for industrial labels, packaging, books, brochures, magazines, photo
books, business cards, etc. Indigo really gives a productive digital solution with outstanding printing

Scitex adalah sistem cetak digital format besar yang berkekuatan tinggi. Mampu bekerja
sepanjang waktu untuk menghasilkan produksi industri dalam jumlah besar maupun sedikit,
Scitex yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Scitex juga menyederhanakan alur kerja Anda. Aplikasinya
berbasis solusi : format yang besar, lebar, dan super lebar, untuk di dalam maupun di luar ruangan.

Scitex is a large format digital printing system of high strength. Scitex is able to work all the time to
produce both large and small amounts of industrial production, which are adjusted to the needs. Scitex

for indoor or outdoor purpose.

Designjet adalah sebuah printer format besar yang memberi kenyamanan dan kepuasan dalam
mencetak. Mesin ini mampu menampung setiap ide, pesan, dan mewujudkan produk Anda yang
Designjet kreatif. Dapat membuat backlight sign atau POP display yang menakjubkan, dan hasil cetaknya

dekorasi interior. Semua yang dibutuhkan untuk bersaing dan mendapatkan keuntungan yang
kompetitif, ada di sini.

Designjet is a large-format printer which provides convenience and satisfaction in printing. This
machine is able to accommodate every idea, message, and to produce your creative products. It can
make remarkable sign or POP display backlight, and anti-fade result print for all signage applications
in in-house space; starting from graphic exhibitions to interior decorating. All it takes to compete and
gain competitive advantage, is here.
ImageRUNNER ADV membuat “komunikasi” dokumen lebih mudah, meningkatkan siklus
manajemen dokumen mulai dari cetak hitam-putih sampai pemindaian (scanning) warna,

multifungsi ini. Teknologinya yang canggih memberi kualitas terbaik yang mampu memberi
terobosan baru dalam bisnis Anda.

ADV ImageRUNNER creates a more easy documents “communication”, improves the

management cycle of documents from black and white printing to color scanning, annotation
ciency are summarized in a single multi-function
devices. Sophisticated technology gives the best quality that can provide new breakthrough in
your business.

ImageRUNNER ADV Color memberi cetak warna dan berbagai fungsi dokumen yang

terpadu. Efektif bagi pengguna produksi ringan, termasuk pusat layanan fotokopi kecil, usaha
cetak kilat, dan perusahaan.

ADV Color ImageRUNNER gives color printing and various functions of the documents that are
ciency and cost-saving, which is produced by a single integrated device. It works
for small amount production users, including small photocopying service centers, quick print
businesses, and corporations.

imagePRESS adalah mesin cetak digital unggulan yang mencapai tingkat kinerja tak
tertandingi. Alat yang sempurna untuk usaha cetak kilat, layanan yang kreatif, dan biaya yang
efektif tentu menambah nilai bisnis. Memperkenalkan berbagai kemampuan baru dalam
desainnya yang dapat memperluas pesan visual.

imagePRESS is the leading digital printing machine that achieves unparalleled level of
ective cost adding
business value. It introduces a variety of new capabilities in its design that can expand the visual

Canon image CLASS, mesin laser multi fungsi berwarna dan hitam putih dengan fasilitas print,
scan, copy, fax dan network. Dengan investasi dan biaya operasional yang rendah, Anda dapat
memiliki mesin Canon image CLASS yang menunjang kegiatan Anda.

CLASS Canon image, multi-function color laser machines and facilities in black and white printing,
scan, copy, fax services and network. With a low investment and operational cost, you can have a
CLASS Canon image machine that support your activities.

Solusi manajemen terbaru dari Canon

Anda tetap sehat, dengan cara memberi perincian biaya cetak, mengoptimalkan sumber daya,
memelihara waktu operasional, mengurangi limbah, meningkatkan tanggung jawab, dan
memeriksa isi dokumen.

Latest management solution from Canon

business to a healthy business by giving details of the printing costs, optimizing resources,
maintaining operational uptime, reducing waste, increasing responsibilities, and examinig the
contents of the document.
We Identify and Protect Premises, Products and People.
Our people perform in ways that regularly exceed your expectations. We take our expertise and focus on specific
markets in your industry. We make sure that our products are tailored to you. As a result we have become an industry
resource in many key markets.

Our products perform in ways that others simply cannot match. They are rigorously tested and are backed by an
extensive knowledgebase focused on your market. We settle for nothing less than world-class. We can achieve that
because we listen to you. What do you do? How do you do it? Your voice isn’t just heard, it is put into action.

High performance starts with a solid manufacturing process. Producing quality products requires efficient operations
throughout our entire supply chain. It doesn’t end there. Our products are backed by a network of highly-trained and
knowledgeable professionals.

We are a company that maintains stability while being committed to excellence. We do business that meets our
needs today and provides a solid foundation for the future. Our focus and discipline work toward solid, long-term
performance for our customers.

✯✯ Automatic-label formatting ✯✯ 70 total material parts

for wire wraps, patch panels,
terminal-blocks, cable flags ✯✯ Label grabber holds label
and general banner labels after cutting
✯✯ 104 symbols for electric,
✯✯ Drop-lock-and-print materials smart home, safety and
✯✯ Passed shock and vibration datacom
testing per MIL-STD-810G ✯✯ 2-year warranty
Method 5.16.6 S4.6.5
✯✯ Rechargeable Li-ION battery
Tape widths 0.25” to 0.75”
TOUGH on the Outside.

SMART on the Inside.

There are dozen good reason to choose the compact benchtop

entry level BBP12 Label Printer

Compact in size, fits on every desk

Default Ethernet Connectivity, allowing you to work in
a network
Connect any universal keyboard via USB 2.0 to work
in stand-alone mode
Full colour LCD Display and intuitive software interface
are simple to use, so no extensive training is required
Simple calibration menu with easy 1-2-3 step printing
Prints a wide range of identification labels from 10mm
up to 112mm wide
Standard 300 dpi print quality allowing accurate image
& barcode positioning on small labels
With its powerful 32 bit processor and its extended memory,
it can print up to 100mm/sec
The printer supports the industry-standard Zebra® and
Eltron® programming languages
Print time and date on to your labels via the ‘Real time
clock feature’
Best price/quality in the market for low volume printing
Comes with a kit of unwinder accessory to print larger label roll

GMG adalah solusi piranti lunak untuk manajemen warna yang canggih. GMG mencakup berbagai

printer format besar, dan printer gravur internasional.

GMG is a software solution for sophisticated color management. GMG covers various industries and

large format printers, and international gravure printer.

Digilabs adalah sebuah piranti lunak, drag and drop Digilabs sangat inovatif dan terpopuler untuk menciptakan
kreasi foto yang digunakan oleh berbagai perusahaan cetak gambar terkemuka. Bisa membuat kalender foto,
buku foto, album, dan kartu dengan menggunakan foto Anda sendiri, yaitu dengan menggunakan “My Photo
Creations”. DigiLabs dibentuk untuk menangani order partai besar dan perorangan. Dengan DigiLabs, tidak
ada order yang terlalu kecil atau besar!

Digilabs is a software drag and drop Digilabs is very innovative and popular in photo creation that is used by many
leading image printing companies. This software can create photo calendars, photo books, albums, and cards
using your own photos, by using “My Photo Creations”. DigiLabs is set up to handle large parties and individual
orders. With DigiLabs, no more too small order or too big order!

ECopy ShareScan menempatkan data berbasis kertas secara aman langsung pada alur kerja elektronik. Mesin

kertas dokumen ke dalam informasi digital dengan mudah. Hasilnya, tumpukan kertas menjadi lebih kecil dan
bisnis bergerak lebih cepat.

ECopy ShareScan
summarize, classify, create indexes, and change easily informations on document papers into digital information.
As a result, no more stack of paper and business moves faster.

MindFire menawarkan piranti lunak yang canggih sebagai platform layanan pemasaran. Cakupannya lengkap,
meliputi pelatihan, dukungan, dan printer yang sesuai dengan pasar, agen, agen pemasaran langsung, serta
pemasaran korporat yang dapat mengembangkan usahanya dengan menciptakan pemasaran lintas-media.
Pemasaran lintas-media dikenal sebagai “pemasaran terpadu” yang menghubungkan media putus-jaringan
ine) tradisional, seperti pembelian lewat pos dan iklan cetak, dengan interaktif jaringan web.

MindFire ers a sophisticated software as a marketing service platform. It has complete coverage, including
training, support, and a printer suitable to market demand, agents, direct marketing agencies, and corporate
marketing to expand its business by creating cross-media marketing. Cross-media marketing is known as “integrated
-line network media, such as sales-purchasing by mail through the post
ce and printed advertising, to interactive web network.

Onyx Produksi RIP Software secara dramatis menyederhanakan tugas pencetakan sehari-hari dan
mendapatkan kontrol yang lebih besar alur kerja Anda.

Onyx Production RIP Software dramatically simplify every-day printing tasks and get greater control

1. Konsultasi bisnis, sebuah upaya layanan konsultasi yang membuka wawasan 1. TOP Brand, produk yang dijual adalah
pelanggan mengenai mesin jenis apa yang lebih efektif digunakan untuk produk yang berkualitas tinggi dengan
usaha yang akan/sedang dikembangkannya. merk ternama.

2. Layanan profesional, sales dan servis konsultan yang terlatih, yang siap 2. On Time, pengiriman barang dilakukan
melayani kebutuhan para pelanggan. tepat waktu, sesuai dengan waktu yang
3. ROI (Return of Investment), merupakan layanan konsultasi yang membantu
pelanggan untuk menghitung dalam jangka waktu berapa lama bisa 3. Site Preparation, konsultan dan sales
memperoleh BEP (Break Event Point) atau kapan modal akan kembali. akan membantu pelanggan untuk
mempersiapkan ruangan (luas, lantai,
4. Sistem Kredit, layanan ini diberikan secara khusus kepada pelanggan yang dll) yang disesuaikan dengan besar dan
ingin membeli satu produk dengan sistem kredit (kerja sama dengan leasing). berat mesin yang akan dipasang.

5. Showroom, 4. Software Solution,

lengkap (display), dan demo produk kepada calon pembeli yang ingin melihat memberikan solusi dengan bermacam-
dan menguji-coba. macam software aplikasi yang dapat
mengoptimalkan fungsi hardware/MFD
dalam hal menganalisa, monitoring,
1. Business Consulting, orts that opens more customer’s mengetahui penilaian per user
ective to be used for business
that will be / is about to develop.

2. Professional services, well trained sales and service consultants, are ready to 5. Rental Product,
serve the needs of its customers.
menawarkan skema sewa multifungsi
3. ROI (Return on Investment), is a consulting service that helps customers to kepada perusahaan yang
calculate length of time period to obtain BEP (Break Event Point) or term membutuhkan mesin untuk
of capital return.
menangani semua aspek teknis
4. Credit System, the service is provided exclusively to customers who want to buy penggunaan mesin. Dalam layanan ini,
a product with a credit system (in collaboration with leasing agency). pelanggan tidak perlu berurusan
dengan kesulitan dalam menangani
5. Showroom, mesin.
(display), and product demonstrations to prospective buyers who want to see
and test drive.

1. TOP Brand, products sold are high kat Siap Melayani ed

quality products with famous brand. Perawatan dan Perbaikan, Maintenance and Repairs Technician,

layanan seperti pemeliharaan, as maintenance, repair, replacement

2. On Time, delivery of goods carried out perbaikan, penggantian suku cadang,
on time, in accordance with the agreed
schedule. Lebih dari 100 personil atau 150 technicians who are spread across major
cities in Indonesia and are ready to serve.
3. Site Preparation, sales agents and tersebar di kota-kota besar di Indonesia
consultants will help customers to prepare yang siap melayani.

adapted to large and weight of machinery 2. Help Desk, adalah tim support 2. Help Desk, is a support team that helps
that will be installed. yang membantu pelanggan untuk
mengetahui bagaimana cara know the problems in a machine via
4. Software Solution, menggunakan dan mengetahui email and telephone.
provides solutions to a variety of software permasalahan dalam suatu mesin
applications that can optimize the melalui email dan telepon.
function of hardware / MFD in terms of
analyzing, monitoring, assessment 3. Operator Training, adalah pelatihan 3. Operator Training, is a training to train
controlling per user in order to produce untuk melatih para pengguna agar the users to be able reliable and expert in
ectiveness handal dalam menggunakan mesin using the machine optimally.
secara optimal.

5. Product Rental, ers for 4. E-maintenance, adalah layanan 4. E-maintenance, is a special care
ciency rental schemes perawatan yang diberikan khusus untuk
to companies that need a multifunction customers, where a computerized
machine for managing documents. komputerisasi dapat diketahui kapasitas tool is enabled to know the capacity
pemakaian alat (e-meter), pemakaian usage (e-meter), the use of ink (e-toner),
aspects of machine usage. In this service, tinta (e-toner), dan mengingatkan kapan and warning sign when time care
customers do not have to deal with waktu perawatan (e-proactive). (e-proactive).
culties in handling machinery.
5. Improve Business Development, 5. Improve Business Development,

pengembangan bisnis, mengadakan development ideas, organizing seminars

seminar-seminar untuk meningkatkan to enhance the growth of customers
pertumbuhan bisnis para pelanggan business as well as exhibitions that
dan juga pameran yang mendukung support marketing.

6. Colour management, para teknisi 6. Color management, the technicians

akan membantu semua hal yang will help all connected things, so that the
berhubungan, sehingga mesin siap machine is (ready to use).
untuk dipakai (ready to use).
Culture and Excellence
Kami terus bergerak untuk meningkatkan penjualan dan

pilihan utama di bidang solusi imaging and printing. Kami

ingin memberikan pelayanan yang memuaskan kepada
semua pihak dengan cara menerapkan I CARE to BRING.

We keep moving to increase sales and service to make

and printing solutions. We want to give satisfactory services to I NTEGRITY

everyone by applying I CARE to BRING. Berpikir, berkata,
berperilaku terpuji,
menjaga martabat perusahaan,
serta menjunjung tinggi etika

Berkomitmen menjalankan tugas
dengan penuh tanggung jawab,
baik dari proses kerja
maupun hasil kerja

Tanggap melihat perubahan
atau permasalahan sebagai
peluang, serta bersikap adaptif
dalam menghadapinya

Perbaikan secara terus-menerus
untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah
dan mencapai hasil terbaik

Daya tahan dan daya juang
dalam menghadapi tantangan
serta tuntutan kompetensi bisnis

B oost development in profesional
skill and culture value

R evamp resources towards

operational excellence

ntimate cusomers through
valued services

N ourish the business by innovating

TO #
valued imaging printing solutions

G row together amongst stakeholders



Marketing Activity
secara detail mengerti apa kegunaan perangkat yang mereka miliki atau
ingin dibeli, dan peluang bisnis seperti apa yang mereka dapatkan saat

strategi guna memasarkan produk dan mencerdaskan para konsumen,

yaitu dengan mengadakan pameran, demo penggunaan alat, membuka
seminar-seminar, beriklan di majalah, koran, dan bilboard, membuat brosur/
poster/banner, dan melatih para konsumen untuk menciptakan pasar bagi
bisnis yang mereka geluti dengan bantuan marketing konsultasi.

as products, to understand in detail what is the use device that they own or

educate the customers, by organizing exhibitions, tool use demonstrations,

seminars, putting advertisements in magazines, newspapers, and bilboard, also

to create markets for their respective businesses with the help of marketing
Corporate Social Responsibility

Sebagai mitra pilihan utama di bidang solusi imaging and printing yang berkembang dan didukung oleh

beberapa aksi sosial. Kegiatan sosial itu adalah menjadi orang tua asuh terhadap 45 orang siswa di sekolah TK
Kebun Sayur dan kerap mengadakan donor darah bersama PMI. Sumbangsih ini diharapkan akan membantu
meningkatkan kesejahteraan sosial masyarakat Indonesia.

As a partner of prime choice in the sector of imaging and printing solutions which is developed and supported

activities such as become foster parents to 45 students in Kebun Sayur school and often hold blood donors activity in
cooperation with Indonesian Red Cross. This contribution has its purpose to help improve social welfare of Indonesian
Achievement & Award
mitra pilihan utama di bidang imaging and printing telah of prime choice in the sector of imaging and printing and has
mendapat beberapa prestasi dan penghargaan. been granted some achievements and awards.

telah diakui menjalankan sistem managemen management system that runs properly
kualitas dengan baik

• Master Class 2005 Awards Buenos Aires - Argentina

• Reg Business Partners Contest 2006 - Platinum Award

• Regional BIS Business Partners Contest 2006

• All Asian BIS Demo Challange 2010 - Grand Champion

• TOP Brand Award 2011, CANON - Fax Machine

• TOP Brand Award 2011, CANON - Fotocopy Machine

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