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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and


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Marine shells: potential opportunities for

extraction of functional and health-promoting

Yakun Hou, Amin Shavandi, Alan Carne, Adnan A. Bekhit, Tzi Bun Ng, Randy
Chi Fai Cheung & Alaa El-din A. Bekhit

To cite this article: Yakun Hou, Amin Shavandi, Alan Carne, Adnan A. Bekhit, Tzi Bun Ng,
Randy Chi Fai Cheung & Alaa El-din A. Bekhit (2016): Marine shells: potential opportunities for
extraction of functional and health-promoting materials, Critical Reviews in Environmental
Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2016.1202669

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Marine shells: potential opportunities for extraction of functional and health-promoting




Department of Food Science, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
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Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, Alexandria 21521, Egypt

School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,

Hong Kong, China

* Corresponding author; Ph: ++64 3 479 5463,; Ph: ++64 3 479 4994


Marine shell waste is a very rich source of several bioactive compounds and materials, such as

calcium, chitin, pigments and proteins. Currently, this waste material is greatly underutilized and

contributes to significant environmental problems due to off odour and concentration of minerals

in landfill. The main objective of this review is to highlight the potential to value-add to and

maximize the utilization of this waste stream. Therefore, this review provides up to date


information on various compounds available in marine shells that are generated as waste

co-product from commercial processing operations and their potential uses. Methods are

described for extraction of these compounds for use in food and pharmaceutical applications.


Waste shells, Chitin, Hydroxyapatite, Pigment

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Seafood is a rich source of diverse bioactive compounds, including proteins, unsaturated fatty

acids, vitamins and essential amino acids. As a result, aquaculture became the fastest growing

animal-food producing sector [1] and a wide variety of products are being produced including

finfish, and crustaceans such as shrimps, prawns, crabs, and shellfish such as clams, oysters and

mussels, as well as seaweeds and other aquatic plants. World capture production (from open
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water) of fish, crustaceans and molluscs reached 91 million tonnes in 2012 and in addition 66.6

million tonnes were produced by aquaculture around the world [2]. More than 70% of the total

production is utilized in further processing. The large quantity of processed aqua-cultured

species, in addition to the processed harvest from open water has led to large amounts of marine

by-product waste, such as crustacean shells, viscera, heads, skins, fins, trimmings and shellfish

waste being generated and discarded annually. It is estimated that about 25% of the total weight

of annual marine production is discarded as waste, which is equivalent to more than 20 million

tonnes [3]. These wastes are normally disposed of in landfill, processed into feed stock or used as

a fertilizer. Land filling of waste shells can cause many environmental issues such as generation

of off odours, contamination of air and soil pollution and damage to the marine ecosystem [4].

There is considerable potential for conversion of this waste into value-added products to resolve

some of the issues associated with environment pollution and cost of disposal. Research in the

area of renewable and marine by-products has increased significantly over the past decade.

Shells account for a significant proportion of seafood processing waste which is not being widely

utilized and hence provides significant opportunities for development of value-added products.

As a result, there is increasing interest in conversion and utilization of these waste materials. The


majority of marine shells are composed of more than 90% calcium carbonate, which can be

converted to different calcium containing products such as calcium phosphate and calcium citrate

with biomedical and food industry applications. Shrimp and crab shells are composed of high

protein content (40%), calcium carbonate (30%), chitin (20-25%), lipid and pigments. The

current application of crustacean waste is mainly focused on production of chitin using chemical

methods that require the use of large amounts of hazardous chemicals (NaOH and HCl) that are
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released into the environment. During this chemical process the protein component in the shells

is not recovered. The use of enzymatic processing methods can solve this issue and proteins,

chitin and pigments can be recovered. The main focus of this review is on shell material, such as

that derived as a waste stream from processing of mussels, oysters and sea urchins, which are

normally dumped in a landfill and are regarded as having no economic value. This review

discusses the various products that can be obtained from waste marine shells and describes

various methods that can be used to produce these products with the aim of highlighting

opportunities to add-value to this waste stream, opportunities for novel sources of bioactive

compounds for health, the potential for reduction of impact on the environment, and improving

the sustainability of shellfish production.

Processing of shells

All waste material generated from seafood processing has to be processed prior to disposal which

presents a challenge for the manufacturer. Shells normally have some residual organic tissue

material present on the shell after sea-food processing. When non-shell containing animal

by-product waste is being disposed of through the food chain in some form, it requires

processing according to animal by-product regulations such as EC Regulation 1069/2009. After


seafood processing, the shell material usually has residual organic materials attached which can

be removed using different processes, including mechanical or heat treatment, high pressure

washing, enzyme hydrolysis and acid/alkali washing. The process choice depends on the type of

shell and processing site with mechanical and high pressure water washing being the most

common processes due to their ease of operation and cost effectiveness, however this can

generate an environmental waste water issue. The shell waste, once cleaned and verified free of
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any other attached material can be used in low-risk product applications such as gardening, land

drainage and roading construction, and as a buffering agent for ponded mine water. The isolation

of proteins and pigments from shells has been developed, but requires investment in technologies

for scaling up the processes.

Chitin, chitosan from waste shells

Chitin is an important abundant natural polymer with annual production of about 2200 tonnes

with a value of about 2 billion US$ [5] and with China currently as the top producer. Chitin is an

oligomer and is composed of α-(1-4)-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose [6-9]. Chitin is

produced by crustaceans, molluscs, insects, fungi, yeasts, cell walls and green algae. However,

crustacean shells are the principal sources for commercial chitin [10]. In 2010, capture fisheries

and aquaculture supplied the world with 158 million tonnes of fish, crustaceans and molluscs

[11]. Around 40% of the shrimp weight becomes waste, which is composed of mainly chitin,

lipid, meat offcuts, calcium carbonate and pigments.


Properties and applications of chitin

The three different polymorphic chitin structures (α-, β-, and γ-) each have a different spatial

arrangement of their oligomer chains. In α-chitin, the oligomer chains are arranged in a parallel

structure and this is the most common type of chitin in nature, especially in shrimps and crab

shells. In squid pen, which is constructed of β-chitin, the oligomer chains are arranged in an

antiparallel structure. -chitin is formed from a mixture of α- and β-chitins and is found in beetle
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cocoon and loligo squid stomach [12-14]. α-chitin can be converted to β-chitin chemically by

alkali treatment [13]. It has been reported that chitin with different degrees of deacetylation (DD)

and molecular weight have different antibacterial, water uptake, water retention, fat binding,

solubility, viscosity and biodegradation ability [15, 16]. Chitosan is derived from chitin via

chemical or enzymatic deacetylation processes [17] and so chitin can be differentiated from

chitosan using the DD. Chitin has a DD less than 50% and is not soluble in water which is due

to its robust intra- and inter-hydrogen bonding. On the other hand, chitosan is soluble in dilute

organic acids and is highly biocompatible and biodegradable as well as having good water

adsorption ability. The DD of chitin and chitosan samples can be determined using various

methods such as FTIR, NMR and DSC [18, 19]. There are more than 200 applications reported

for chitin and its derivatives (Figure 1). Chitin and chitosan have been used in agriculture,

veterinary, environmental and food applications [20, 21]. Furthermore, chitosan is widely used

for medical and pharmaceutical implants, and has be used in products that are either ingested or

injected without presentation of any inflammatory issues [22]. Due to its N-acetyl-glucosamine

residues which are found in the extracellular matrix of most living tissues, chitosan has wide

applications in tissue engineering [19]. The highly cationic nature of chitosan has enabled its use


it many biomaterial applications as a result of the properties of bioadhesion, increased

absorption, transfection efficiency, anti-hypercholesterolemic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory

and anti-tumour characteristics (56,57). Chitosan has been shown to exhibit significant

antimicrobial properties that are thought to be the result of its cationic nature disrupting cell wall

synthesis, structure and cellular transport (56). Chitosan has accelerated healing and

biocompatibility properties (56). Chitosan is biodegraded by chitosanases, but as these are absent
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in mammals, the majority of degradation occurs by lysozyme. Wound healing properties are due

to macrophage activation and the production of cytokines. The activation of macrophages also

protects against infection (56). Chitosan has excellent biocompatibility with body tissue and

hence no pathological inflammatory response (58). The chitosan material can be moulded into

various structures depending on usage, including microspheres, paste, membranes, sponges,

fibres, and porous scaffolds (12,56).

Chitosan also has wide application in the food industry. Chitosan based films are very effective

in food preservation and chitosan polymer can be synthesized in different shapes such as films,

fibers and beads for packaging of various food products. Additionally, chitosan has antimicrobial

properties against a range of different microorganisms which make it a suitable candidate for

extending the shelf life of food products including fruits and vegetables [23, 24], in addition,

chitin and chitosan based materials have wide application in immobilization of enzymes in

various food industry including wine, sugar and fish industry [25].

Extraction methods

Waste from sea-food contains chitin (20-30%), protein (30-40%), calcium carbonate (30-50%)

and pigments [20, 26] and typically represents more than 50% of the weight of the raw material.


There is considerable literature on the production of chitin/chitosan from shrimp, crab, crayfish

and scampi shell and from squid pen (see Table 1). Chitin-containing waste from the sea-food

industry is the main source for commercial production of chitin and chitosan. Landfill,

composting and sea dumping are common disposal methods for fish industry wastes; however,

these disposal methods are often environmentally incompatible. Stricter waste management

procedures have been implemented in major production sites which add to the cost of
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commercial operation. Several studies have investigated the optimal extraction conditions of

chitin and chitosan from shell waste and examined the functional and nutritional properties of the

extracts. Chitin is located in the cuticles of crustacean shells, where it is complexed with calcium

carbonate, proteins, pigments and lipids [26]. The extraction process can be carried out using

chemicals, enzymes, or by microbial fermentation (Table 1). The conventional method for

production of chitin is a chemical process that uses strong alkali solution (50-55% w/v) for

deproteinization and strong acids such as HCl for demineralization (Figure 2) [27-29]. During

this process proteins are lost and chitin structure is affected [30]. Decolourization is normally

achieved using chemicals such as acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, sodium hypochlorite, and

hydrogen peroxide to remove the pigments. Chemical methods have strong environmental

impacts due to the heavy alkali polluted waste water and high energy input [10]. Chitin obtained

by chemical processing has a low quality due to non-homogeneous depolymerisation and

deacetylation. Furthermore, the use of these harsh chemicals results in the protein component

being unusable, that otherwise could be used in other applications [31-33].

Microbial fermentation is an alternative to the chemical process for demineralization and

deproteinization of shell waste and has been used widely over the years for extraction of chitin


from various shell wastes (Table 1) including crab, prawn and shrimp shells [26, 34, 35].

Fermentation affords the recovery of other valuable compounds in addition to chitin. For

example, several studies have demonstrated the potential for producing high value products such

as proteins and amino acids [36, 37], pigments [38], chitinases [39] and antioxidant molecules

[40] from shell waste, in addition to chitin. A combined microbial fermentation process includes

application of a protease-producing bacterial species such as Serratia or Aspergillus and an

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organic acid producing bacterial species such as Pseudomonas or lactobacillus to depolymerize

chitin in shell waste. However, chitin recovery by fermentation suffers from several

disadvantages due to low efficacy, long processing time and relatively high processing cost that

hinders uptake of the technology at an industrial scale [26]. However, the ability to recover

protein and the perception of the method as a green process, because it avoids the use of harsh

chemicals and does not generate significant environment pollution problems, makes

fermentation a promising method worthy of further research to make it more attractive for

industrial applications [26]. The fermentation process is highly dependent on microbial inoculum

concentration, carbon source concentration, pH and reaction time duration [35, 41]. Recent

studies have employed various experimental designs to optimize the extraction yield. Bellaaj et

al, (2011) found that glucose concentration, incubation time and inoculum size were very

significant factors in extracting chitin from shrimp shells using Pseudomonas aeruginosa A2.

The authors found the highest deproteinization and demineralization (89% and 96% respectively)

was achieved using the following conditions; shrimp shell concentration 50 g/l, glucose 50 g/l, 5

days of treatment and an inoculum of 0.05 OD. The same group carried out a similar study in

2013 using Bacillus pumilus A1 and found that shrimp shell concentration could be increased to


70 g/l under the same conditions as above. This led to 88% demineralization and 94%

deproteinization [42, 43]. Perhaps a combined microbial fermentation using Bacillus pumilus A1

and Pseudomonas aeruginosa A2 could improve the process further. Beaney et al., [44]

compared a biological method involving fermentation using Lactobacillus salvarius,

Enteroccus facium and Pediococcus acidilactici for 5 days reaction at 30°C to a chemical

method involving 1 M hydrochloric acid in a 1:15 solid-to-liquid ratio and a 2h reaction at the
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ambient temperature for the extraction of chitin from prawn shell waste. They reported that the

biological method was not as effective as the chemical method and produced a chitin preparation

of a lower quality. Biological methods could therefore be useful for preparing a partially purified

chitin preparation that could be suitable for some use applications.

Fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum PTTC1058 was found to be very effective for the

recovery of chitin [45]. The authors found that the use of three strains of lactic acid bacteria was

more effective for the extraction of chitin compared to a chemical method. The advantages of

this fermentation method include the following: the organic acid produced by the bacteria is low

cost, the process is environmental friendly, the natural properties of the resultant chitin

preparation are preserved and the organic salts produced during the demineralization process

could be used as anti-icing or preservative agents. Similarly, Das and Ganesh 2010 [46],

compared use of the lactic acid producer strain L. plantarum to the use of HCl at different

concentrations, in a procedure similar to that used by Khanfari et al. [45] and found that L.

plantarium was effective in demineralization process to produce chitin preparations.

The order of deproteinization (DP) and demineralization (DM) steps can play an important role

in the recovery yield and purity of chitin. Wahyutari et al 2011 used Bacillus licheniformis F11.1


and Lactobacillus acidophilus FNCC116 for DP and DM processes, respectively. The authors

concluded that DM followed by DP resulted in higher chitin recovery and with decreases to

47.37% protein and 50.23% ash compared to the starting material, whereas a DP followed by

DM process decreased to 79.61% protein and 88.65% ash compared to the starting material.

Microbial strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus SW01 have been isolated from shrimp waste

[47] . Jung et al. (2006; 2007) compared single and co-fermentation of red crab shells using
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Lactobacillus paracasei subsp., tolerans KCTC-3074 and Serratia marcescens FS-3. They

showed that co-fermentation was very effective for DM and DP compare to fermentation using a

single microbe; however, protein removal was not still complete. Bhaskar et al. 2007 [48]

investigated the ability of five lactic acid bacterial strains to extract chitin from shrimp waste.

Pediococcus acidolactici CFR2182 was found to be the best strain generating the highest DP and

DM. As the cost of commercially available purified proteases such as alkaline protease, trypsin,

papain, and pepsin is high, the use of protease producing bacteria has advantages for chitin


Extraction of calcium compounds from biogenic resources

Shells provide the soft body tissues of host animals with protection against the external

environment. Shells consist mainly of calcium carbonate and small amounts of organic materials

(Table 2). Marine shells use amorphous calcium carbonate to build a crystalline phase [49].

Marine shells and corals have evolved specific structures to provide a suitable habitat for the host

animal tissues to proliferate and differentiate. Calcium carbonate has been used since earliest

civilisation and has various food (food preservative and color retainer) and industrial applications

(building materials, limestone or precipitated calcium carbonate) that are still recognised in


modern times. Calcium carbonate is nontoxic, has high porosity, and high surface area to volume

ratio that makes it beneficial for many industries. Calcium carbonate exists in four main

polymorphs: calcite, vaterite, aragonite and amorphous calcium carbonate. Aragonite is the main

polymorph in marine shells and exists in a needle-like arrayed structure. In the following section,

a summary of major applications of shell waste includes; applications in tissue engineering;

antibacterial and antifungal agents; catalyst oil and fat; and treatment of wastewater will be
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discussed with emphasis on the properties required for each application.

Use of shell waste as potential calcium supplement

Sea shells are an important source of by-products that can be used in the production of inorganic

calcium with application in food industries (e.g. milk fortification, supplements). Sea shell is a

proper source of calcium carbonate for feed application. It has been reported that calcium

obtained from oyster shell [50, 51] and mussel shell [52] has been widely used as a supplement

in the poultry industry. Muir et al 1976, evaluated granular limestone, aragonite, oyster shell,

clam shell and egg shell as feed supplement for laying hens and found clam shells to be a

suitable calcium source for the hens [53]. In another study, Finkelstein et al. found clam shells as

effective Ca supplements for lactating dairy cows [54]. It has been reported that shrimp waste is

a prominent source of calcium (3000mg/100g) and phosphorous [55], however, few studies have

dealt with the possible recovery and its application. Shono et al., fed rats with nacre powder

(mother of pearl, from Pinctada maxima) and evaluated its effect on reducing fat accumulation

and high blood triglycerides. The authors reported that body weight was reduced as well as the

amount of fat and the level of triglycerides without detrimental effect on body size, food intake


or muscle tissue [56]. Furthermore, hydroxyapatite obtained from sea shells and fish bones also

can be used as supplement, and its bioavailability has been suggested previously [57].

The effectiveness of hydroxpatite in controlling and preventing bone loss has been documented

in several studies. HA has been compared with calcium carbonate in prevention of bone mass

loss and it has been suggested that HA was more effective in controlling bone loss in

postmenopausal women, and generally HA had a greater anabolic effect on bone than calcium
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carbonate [58, 59]. Additionally, in studies by Castelo-Branco et al. [60, 61], a decrease in bone

mass was observed in subjects treated with calcium carbonate, while the bone mass of a patient

treated with HA did not decrease after 24 months of treatment, and HA was more effective than

calcium supplements in maintaining bone mass. Hydroxyapatite has also been suggested to be

more effective than tricalcium phosphate in the prevention of bone loss [62]. Moreover the

hydroxyapatite crystals can be modified and substituted with different elements such as

magnesium [63], citrate [64], zinc [65] and silicate [66] to enhance its biocompatibility and

biological response.

Shells comprise 83 percent of the waste produced by shellfish processing industries and mainly

consist of calcium carbonate, and its current applications are limited to low value products for

roads, mining industry etc. Although calcium enriched food can potentially help consumers to

achieve required calcium intake, it is necessary to evaluate the adsorption of Ca derived from

different sources (such as sea shell and fish bone) in comparison with available commercial

products for human consumption [67]. Shells contain about 5% organic materials, which need to

be considered when shell extracts are planned to be used as a food supplement [68]. The

elemental concentration of black oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) shell was evaluated by Chang


et al., and they reported that the measured concentrations are lower that the safety limit

recommended for human consumption [69]. The bioavailability of calcium salts can influence

how effective they are for treating osteoporosis. In a study by Fujita et al., oyster shell

electrolysate (OSE) was used as a supplement (900 mg/day) for elderly osteoporotic females and

reported that radial bone mineral density significantly increased after 12 and 24 months in

subjects given OSE compared to a control group [70]. In a separate study [71], compared the
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effects of heated oyster shell-seaweed calcium (AAA Ca), calcium carbonate, and a placebo in

58 elderly females, and reported AAA Ca to be an effective supplement for increasing bone

mineral density in elderly subjects. Despite this, Ross et al. [72] reported that calcium

supplements sourced naturally such as from oyster shell contain a high amount of lead, and in a

related report, Palaniappan et al. [73], observed that oyster shell calcium supplement might

induce parotid swelling .

Tissue engineering applications

The calcium carbonate component of shells can be converted to calcium-based compounds

suitable for biomedical applications. The major mineral component of bone is calcium phosphate

(CaP) [74, 75]. Bone is a complex matrix composed of extracellular matrix (ECM) (90%) and

water (10%). The ECM consists of organic and inorganic materials, in which the inorganic

component confers strength and stiffness while the organic component makes it flexible against

stress and pressure. The inorganic component contributes about 60-70% of the ECM. The

remaining 30-40% organic component consists of 90 % type Ӏ collagen and 10%

non-collagenous proteins such as glycosaminoglycans. Hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta tricalcium

phosphate (β-TCP) have similarity to the mineral phase of the bone. Therefore, synthetic apatites


for use in bone graft repairs have been of interest for decades [76]. HA is a crystalline form of

calcium phosphate with the chemical formula Ca10[(PO4)6(OH2)] (29). Naturally produced HA

makes up the majority of the mineral phase of bone (37). As synthetic HA has a similar chemical

makeup to human hard tissue it has a favourable chemical and biological affinity to bone tissue

(37,38). Due to these similar chemical properties with mineralized bone matrices, synthetic HA

therefore provides excellent osteoconductive, bioactive and biocompatible properties (29,36,38).

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HA can be obtained directly or can be chemically synthesised from marine shell waste (Table 3).
This research area has been an interesting field due to some special characteristics of the material
produced from some of these sources, as well as due to economic and environmental benefits
obtained from adding-value to waste and its reduction [77-79]. Apart from the economic benefits
of converting low cost waste to a value-added product, HA produced from biogenic resources
contains valuable trace ions and is suggested to have better biocompatibility than synthetic HA.

Although HA has good cytocompability, it has some disadvantages, including low solubility at

physiological pH and different mechanical properties from bone [36]. Despite such

disadvantages, HA is widely accepted as a biomaterial for bone regeneration (37).

Nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) is stable at physiological temperature and pH, and is poorly soluble

in water. Additionally, nHA has a high hardness, is bioactive, is not cytotoxic and is also

biocompatible with skin and muscle. The use of nHA in bone grafting results in rapid bone

regeneration and a solid biological fixation to bone due to its osteoconductive and bioactive

properties (33). nHA has a similar structure to the minerals found in bone and is thought to

enhance the mechanical and osteoconductive properties of implants. Compared to

micro-hydroxyapatite (µHA), nHA has a high surface area to volume ratio that could control

protein interactions (adsorption, configuration and bioactivity) and therefore enhance osteoblast


adhesion (37). Tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) is also a biocompatible crystalline structure like HA

with the formula Ca3[(PO4])2. Its structure is similar to the mineral phase of bone with higher

degradation rates compared to HA, which occurs by dissolution and resorption by osteoclasts.

Osteoconduction is improved by the small particle size of TCP and an interconnected

sponge-like matrix is formed that allows fibrovascular invasion and bone production (29,36).

Calcium phosphate cements are also available that offer the advantage of bonding the bone graft
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to the natural bone surface. The disadvantages of cements include the requirement for close

contact with bone for osteoconduction and a lack of a porous matrix for tissue invasion (36). In

the following section, various methods for conversion of shells to calcium-based materials for

biomedical application are discussed.

Methods for the conversion of shell material to HA

The aim of bone tissue engineering is to produce materials that mimic natural bone, and so the

developed biomaterials need to have a similar chemical composition and structural requirement

to that of natural bone. The major component of hard tissue in all animals is composed of

calcium phosphate arranged in a micron to nano size pore structure. Some marine shell structures

have excellent micro structure which is porous and interconnected, with the required elemental


The application of natural coral as potential bone grafts dates back to 1970s. Coral natural

structures have a similar structure to cancellous bone and are also osteoconductive and

biodegradable [80]. Furthermore, they are good carriers for growth factors and provide a suitable

surface for cell growth and proliferation [80]. However, the declining resources of coral in the

world make this material less attractive for use in the future. In addition to calcium and


phosphate, the presence of minerals such as Mg, Sr and Si found in sea shells also has been

reported to improve the biocompatibility of the produced implant and its acceptance by the host

bone structure.

Calcium carbonate originating from marine shells usually exhibits characteristic porosity and

interconnectivity similar to that found in human bone [81, 82]. Sea shells are composed mainly
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of aragonite. This calcium carbonate form can be converted hydrothermally (140–260°C) to

hydroxyapatite (HA) using a phosphate solution by a solid-state topotactic ion-exchange reaction

(equation 1) in which the HA retains the orientation of the original aragonite structure [83, 84].

The following equation summarizes the process

10CaCO3 + 6(NH4)2HPO4 + 2H2O Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 +6(NH4)2CO3 + 4H3CO3 (1)

Aragonite from marine sources has tailored architectures with inherently high mechanical

properties and with potentially desirable porous structure. For instance, seashells have dense

lamellar structures, while coral, cuttlebone and sea urchin spines have porous structures.

Preservation of these unique properties during processing can be important for end-use

applications. Some marine shells, such as red algae [85], sea urchin spines [86], conch and clam

shells [87] have structures that have a specific interconnected pore morphology and mechanical

properties that make them suitable for biomedical applications. Considering the successful

clinical application of coral structures [88, 89], several studies have explored other marine

sourced materials for tissue engineering applications, including marine sponges, sea shells, and

cuttlefish pens. In these studies, researchers were able to preserve the natural structure, porosity

and pore size of the materials that were used for cells to proliferate and grow. A range of


different techniques have been used for production of calcium phosphate materials from marine

structures (Table 4). Hydrothermal processing methods are the most used techniques that

maintain the shell structure during formation of HA from aragonite. Marine shell structure can

generally be used in biomedical applications in two distinct ways. The first is a direct method

where the natural marine structures can be used directly as a template for cells to proliferate and

generate a new tissue. In this direct method, the microstructure of the shells is preserved using a
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hydrothermal processing method. This method is used when the marine shell has a natural

porous, interconnected microstructure, with a relatively high surface area. In the majority of

conversion methods, and depending on the type of shells, the organic content of shell needs to be

removed, however, when the morphology of the shell needs to be preserved, special attention is

required during the removal of organic materials in order not to damage the structure. Therefore,

In this method, first the organic materials are removed using either heat treatment [85, 87] or

chemicals (e.g. NaClO) or in the case of conch and clam shell no organic removal steps are

deemed necessary [87]. With heat treatment the time and temperature required for the removal of

organic materials depends on the shell structure and particle size. Use of temperatures of up to ~

750°C have been reported [85, 90]. Higher temperatures may weaken the structure of the shell,

as at 700 to 800°C, decomposition of CaCO3 to CaO occurs. After removal of organics,

depending on the proposed conversion process, HA can be formed in the shell in either

crystalline or amorphous form. If the aim is to produce a crystalline structure Vecchio et al. [87],

for example, converted conch and calm shell to H using an autoclave with a temperature range

of 180-240 for up to 20 days. They did not use any sintering step and found that clam shell

material was completely converted after 10 days at 200ºC. The original structure of the material


was preserved and the converted shell samples had good mechanical strength, and the average

fracture strength of the product was 71 MPa, close to that of compact human bone. The

conversion process was enhanced at higher temperatures up to 240 , and the thickness of the

HA layer was increased with increasing conversion time [91]. In a similar way calcitic sea urchin

spine was converted to apatite at 180 °C in 24 h [92]. However, if the aim is to convert shell

material partially to HA without the requirement of a crystalline structure, then lower

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temperatures and pressures for a shorter time can be used.

Other materials, such as mineralised red algae have also been used to prepare HA. Walsh et al.

[85] converted red algae to hydroxyapatite under atmospheric pressure using a heating step. The

authors removed organic matter by heating at 700°C for 12 hours, followed by a stirring step in

phosphate solution ((NH4)2H2PO4) and a hot plate at a temperature of 100°C for 12 hrs. pH

adjusted to 10-11 using NH4OH to enhance the crystal growth.

The authors’ successfully converted mineralised red alga to hydroxyapatite while maintaining

the natural structure intact [85, 90]. Additionally, some studies have performed a post reaction

sintering step at up to 1000°C in a furnace to complete the conversion to HA [93]. In another

study, heating on a hot plate stirrer at 80-100°C for 2-8h was used [93, 94] and various calcium

phosphates with different purities were produced over the duration of the thermal treatment, such

as tricalcium phosphate, brushite, calcite and HA. Using this method, pure hydroxyapatite is

normally obtained after sintering at temperatures above 1000°C. The pH of the phosphate

solution plays an important role in the conversion process. Having the starting solution of the

material at high pH around 11 has the benefit of preventing the carbonate form of HA being

generated [95]. At high pH the increased hydroxyl ions in the solution enhance HA formation


through formation of an octacalcium phosphate phase [96, 97]. In a study by Vecchio et al. [51],

spines from the sea urchins Heterocentrotus trigonarius and Heterocentrotus mammillatus were

converted to bioresorbable Mg-substituted tricalcium phosphate (β-TCMP) by a hydrothermal

reaction at 180°C. The three dimensional interconnected porous structure of the original spine

was preserved and an average fracture strength of 23 MPa was recorded for converted spines

(β-TCMP) in compression tests [86]. This technique however, is not universally suitable to all
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marine shells. Zaremba et al [83] found that bivalve and cephalopod shell was converted into

HA powder using the above processing conditions while gastropod shell was able to retain its

structure during the HA conversion process [83]. It is documented that the conversion process is

accelerated at higher temperatures, and the thickness of the HA layer increases with increasing

conversion time [83, 98]. Vecchio et al., in another study, converted conch and clam shell to

hydroxyapatite (HA) by hydrothermal processing. The converted conch and clam shell had very

high fracture strength, of 218 and 150 MPa respectively [87]. HA produced from sea urchin,

conch and clam shell had good biological compatibility and osteoconductivity [86, 87]. The

physical properties and bone regeneration ability of HA from shell (sHA) and eggshell (eHA)

were studied recently by Lee et al. [99]. The authors found that the morphology and

characteristics of both HA were similar to pure HA, however higher levels of sodium and

strontium were found in sHA, and eHA had higher magnesium. After 4 weeks of implantation,

sHA had higher mineral density but over the same time eHA caused less inflammation. The

authors concluded that eHA was better than sHA for bone formation than in their study [99]. The

second method is indirect, in that it is based on the conversion of the shell structure to calcium

compounds and restructuring the compounds into a bioscaffold using different organic materials


such as collagen and chitosan. This method has been used when the shell is non-porous and has

no porous structure as with mussel shells, and the shell structure does not play an important role

in the final properties of the HA product. In this method, shell material is milled and crushed

either before or after pyrolysis, and the organic components are removed either by heating [93]

or with chemicals such as acetic or hydrochloric acid [100]. In this method shell material is

heated to ≥ 900° to remove all organic materials. Then the aragonite is partially or completely
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converted to calcium hydroxide which is then reacted with a phosphate source under defined

temperature and pressure conditions to produce HA crystals. In some cases, the heating step can

be replaced by chemical treatment, such as reaction with HCl or HNO 3 to produce calcium

nitrate or calcium chloride [101]. With regard to the phosphate source, Boonyang et al.

compared three different phosphate precursors (NH4)2HPO4, Ca3(PO4)2, and H3PO4, in a high

sintering temperature method and found that only (NH4)2HPO4 and Ca3(PO4)2 were suitable for

the production of monophasic HA [102, 103]. The HA obtained using this method had low

mechanical properties, since the structure was not preserved due to the effect of high sintering

temperature and consequently it was not suitable for load bearing applications. In a recent study,

sea coral was dried, heated at 900°C for 2h, then soaked in phosphate solution and autoclaved at

150°C for 8 days followed by heat treatment at 1250°C [104]. The processing conditions used

resulted in a hydroxyapatite material with a high degree of crystallinity (87%), however, the high

temperature that was used for removal of organic materials weakened the structure and the

compression strength of the final product was only 2 ± 0.5 MPa. In addition to the hydrothermal

HA conversion process, a number of other methods are available, such as microwave and sol gel

processing for production of HA from shell materials without preserving their structures.


Microwave irradiation can be used to accelerate the reaction. Microwave energy provides a

stable and uniform heating of the mixture that prevents the formation of a temperature gradient

with the material. This uniform heating process enhances the homogeneity of the material and

increases the thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction and therefore reduces the time (usually

< 30 minutes) required for crystal formation, and produces nano-sized crystals. Microwave

heating is a more energy efficient method compared to conventional heating [105]. Microwave
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energy can be used to accelerate HA production in three different modes, continuous refluxing,

hydrothermal-microwave assisted processing and conventional microwave processing.

Furthermore, there have been some attempts to improve hydrolysis and combustion with

microwave heating. In this regard, some recent studies applied microwave treatment under reflux

conditions using EDTA as the chelating agent for production of HA [106, 107]. In all instances,

either HA nano powder or nano strips were obtained with particle sizes of less than 100 nm with

different morphologies (rod shape, flower like, elliptical, bowknot) depending on the treatment

conditions (time, temperature and pressure). EDTA plays an important role in the formation of

crystal shape and morphology as a result of the formation of EDTA-Ca complexes [108-110].

The pH of the treated material has a significant effect on the stability of the EDTA-Ca complex

and the final form of the HA structure. The high concentration of hydroxyl ions available at a

strong basic pH of 12-13 creates a high specific surface energy that enhances the adsorption of

hydroxyl ions on the crystal planes [111]. Due to its high ionic interaction, the surface hydroxyl

groups act as the active sites for adsorption of Ca-EDTA complexes, and the Ca-EDTA becomes

a part of the obtained crystallite. During further microwave heat treatment Ca-complexes are

decomposed and HA crystals are formed [77]. Additionally, EDTA plays another role as a


combustion agent. The combustion synthesis method is based on a self-sustained heating

generated from an exothermic reaction where once the reaction is started at the ignition

temperature, the reaction itself becomes a heating source that enhances the temperature of the

reaction [112]. During microwave heating, the authors reported the occurrence of sparks at the

end of process, and these intermittent sparks were taken as evidence of combustion caused by

EDTA superheating [113]. Microwave irradiation has the advantage of enabling this combustion
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process that does not occur with conventional heating. Considering that nucleation and particle

growth depends on heat distribution, the inhomogeneous heat distribution of conventional

heating results in HA particles of various sizes unlike that achieved with microwave heating.

Microwave irradiation can be carried out under normal atmospheric pressure until complete

drying of the HA product is achieved [114-116]. A nano crystalline HA with uniform shape and

size has been reported to be produced in a short time [117]. The hydrothermal assisted

microwave method is the same as the conventional hydrothermal method [118] except that the

reaction vessel was a polymeric reactor rather than stainless steel. Gypsum powder was reacted

with (NH4)2HPO4 solution under hydrothermal microwave reaction conditions and nano rods of

5–50 nm in diameter and 30–300 nm in length of crystalline HA were obtained after 5 min

reaction [119]. Isolated mature apatite crystals have been studied with transmission electron

microscopy and have been clearly shown to be platelet-like, with an average length range of 50–

100 and width range of 25–50 nm, and the deposited crystals were 4–6 nm in thickness [120].

Therefore, microwave assisted production of HA is a promising heating method to achieve HA

crystals with desired shape and size that would suit biomedical applications. It has been reported

that the microwave power used and the ratio of calcium to phosphate are important parameters in


defining the final properties of the HA produced. Low microwave power of less than 450 W

resulted in a low purity HA that contained Ca(OH)2, CaHPO4, while at 550 W a single phase HA

was obtained [77]. Sol-gel is another process which has been used for more than a century for

ceramic production. In this process, the 'Sol' component is a dispersion of colloidal particles, and

the 'gel' component is a polymer with interconnected structure. This method does not need an

elevated pH or a high temperature and it can be used to produce different forms of calcium
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phosphate-containing powders and platelets by changing the chemistry and other parameters of a

given solution. The high reactivity of the sol gel system removes the need for high temperature

or high pH [121]. Additionally, a high purity, homogeneous nano-crystalline HA with a different

crystalline morphology can be obtained by slight modification of the reaction chemistry or

process conditions [121]. In this method, precursors are mixed at a molecular level, which

improves the homogeneity of the final product. However, the high cost of production and

inconsistency of the products are drawbacks of this method [122]. Briefly, this process starts

with making of the sol and after molecules are cross-linked during an aging step, the cross

linking is developed and increases. Finally, by drying and sintering the excess solvent and

residual organics is removed, and crystal structure develops. The crystallinity of the product can

be adjusted by variation of the calcium to phosphate ratio [123]. It has been reported that

addition of sucrose makes the solution more viscous and prevents precipitation of the ions and

retains the homogeneity of the solution [124].

Marine shell waste as an adsorbent of phosphate, metal ions and dye

The use of shell material in waste management to remove phosphorous, toxic metalic ions, and

adsorption of toxic dyes from waste water can contribute to preserving marine ecosystems and


assist with waste discharge problems [6-8]. The use of alkali sorbents such as calcium carbonate,

calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide for removal of acidic gases including sulphur dioxide has

been well documented [125, 126]. Considering that hygroscopicity and cost of sorbent are very

important factors, calcium based materials with high hygroscopicity and low price are highly

promising commercial adsorbents [4]. The use of shell material for the absorption of metallic

ions, acids and gases is economical and also is important for waste recycling [4]. Onoda et al.
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[84, 85] evaluated the Corbicula, a Japanese littleneck shell, and oyster shell for the production

of calcium phosphate with the objective of recovering lanthanum cations from waste water. The

authors concluded that calcium phosphate samples prepared from Corbicula shell had the same

binding capacity of rare earth elements comared to that of calcium phosphate prepared from

commercial calcium carbonate. Generally, oyster shell produced lower yields of calcium

phosphate than corbicula shell [127, 128]. Oyster shell is an industrial waste generated by the

shellfish processing industry, that has attracted very limited use compared to limestone. Oyster

shell would therefore be attractive for use in the above application, and. furthermore, oyster

shell, even without calcination, is reported to have a high desulfurization efficiency [4]. The

efficiency of element removal is dependent on the shell particle size. Jeon and Yeom [86] used

crab shell for removal of phosphate and the authors concluded that with a shell particle size of

less than 1000 µm, more than 85% of phosphate can be removed in 24 hours from a 500 mg/l

phosphate solution, whereas larger shell particles of 3350 µm removed only 50% of the

phosphate. The process is more effective under acidic conditions at pH 2, and temperatures

between 15-45°C had negligible effect on the removal efficiency. Under optimum process

conditions, crab shell can remove 108.9 mg of phosphate per 1 gram of shell, which is around 5


times higher than scallop shells. This better performance of crab shell compared to scallop shells

is due to its higher organic compound content containing functional ions that play a role in

binding phosphate. The possibility of using shell waste to remove dyes from waste water was

investigated by a number of researchers (Table 5). Haddad et al. [129, 130] used calcined mussel

shell to remove Rhodamine B, Alizarin Red S and Orange II textile dyes and safranin from waste

water. Calcined mussel shell exhibited higher adsorption capacity (196.67 mg/g) compared to
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sugar pulp (147), rice husk (178.09) and calcined bone (107.76). Furthermore, bivalve shell

powder was reported to have a higher Basic Green 4 dye adsorption capacity (42.3 mg/g) than

many other adsorbents such as bentonite clay (7.72 mg/g) [131], marine algae (26.7 mg/g) [132]

and activated charcoal (0.179 mg/g) [133] [134]. In addition to calcium-based shell material that

has been used for pollution removal, chitosan obtained from shell waste also has demonstrated

good adsorption capacities. In a recent study by Shaheen et al. [135] the authors examined the

Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn metallic ion removal capability of chitosan (CH), egg shell (ES), potassium

humate (KH), and sugar beet factory lime (SBFL). Chitosan demonstrated the highest removal

efficiency. Due to the high electronegativity and lower pK values of Pb and Cu, these minerals

can be adsorbed better on chitosan compared to Cd and Zn. The dye sorption capacity of

chitosan has also been reported by Daneshvar et al. [135]. The authors reported that the shrimp

Penaeus indicus shell is a good biosorbent with high adsorption capacity of 645.2 mg/g for

removal of Acid Blue 25. Considering that Acid Blue 25 is an anioinic dye, it is not clear

whether chitosan can be also a useful sorbent for cationic dyes, as most industrial effluent is

normally a mixture of various pollutants. Most of the experimental studies have used a single or

a combination of minerals in their studies without consideration of the impact of organic


components in normal waste water. It would be of interest to examine the effects of the

interaction of various pollutants such as metallic ions, dyes and organic components on the

removal efficacy of bio-sorbents within the same study. In most of the studies investigating the

sorption of pollutants onto marine shell material, sorption capacity had a direct relationship with

the waste water pH, adsorbent dosage, temperature and particle size, and the adsorption followed

a pseudo-second order kinetics. Despite that many studies have indicated that waste natural
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materials such as shell material are a good source of adsorbent for the removal of pullutants such

as metallic ions and dyes, but most of these studies have usually been conducted in batch mode

which is normally expensive to operate and would not be a viable option for industries requiring

flow-through pollutant removal. In addition, the desorption capability to regenerate the adsorbent

is an important consideration in order to reuse the adsorbent. Furthermore, the pH adjustment

employed in many small scale studies may not be practical for industry due to use of expensive

chemicals. Moreover, the effect of adsorbent particle size and problem related to adsorbent

sedimentation also has to be considered.

Use of shell waste as catalyst agent

Oils and fats that are not suitable for human consumption (vegetable oil from inedible plants,

animal fat drippings and waste cooking oil) can be used for biodiesel production. Due to their

high viscosity, vegetable oils and animal fats usually cannot be used directly as fuel as they are

not suitable for combustion, have poor atomization and can lead to functional problems in an

engine. In order to meet the required standards such as ASTM D 6751 for Biodiesel [136] and to

overcome the problems mentioned above, the molecular weight of the oil needs to be reduced

through conversion of triacyglycerols to long chain [C16-18] fatty acid monoalkyl esters that


have reduced viscosity and can be used as a clean fuel in diesel engines [137]. In general, four

different methods have been suggested for processing the feedstock, involving

transesterification, pyrolysis, micro-emulsion and dilution with petroleum diesel, of which

transesterification is the most wildly used and investigated method. During the esterification

process, oil is reacted with alcohol in presence of a catalyst (e.g. NaOH, KOH) and glycerine is

separated from the product methyl esters which can be used as biodiesel (Error! Reference
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source not found.). The biodiesel fuel produced from this process can be blended with

conventional diesel and used in diesel engines without further modification [136]. Waste shell

material can be converted by heat treatment to calcium oxide, a metal oxide that can be used as a

catalyst for production of biodiesel. For this purpose, different temperatures have been used and

reported (Table ). The conversion of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide normally occurs at

temperatures > 700°C and the generated calcium oxide can be used without any further

modifications. The catalyst concentration, reaction time and reaction temperature are important

factors in the esterification process. Boey et al [138, 139] investigated the optimization of the

esterification process of palm olein using response surface methodology. The authors suggested

the catalyst (calcium oxide from waste Scylla serrata shell) has a positive influence on purity of

the methyl esters but had a negative effect on the yield. The waste catalyst performed similar to

laboratory grade CaO and the catalyst could be reused up to 11 times. Recently Boro et al. [140]

examined the effect of modification of catalyst. In this study barium doped CaO derived from

waste Turbonilla striatula shell was used as a heterogeneous base catalyst in the

transesterification of waste cooking oil (WCO) at 1% and achieved a 98% conversion yield in

the process. Several studies have applied a higher ratio of diverse catalysts to improve the yield


(Table ). The inclusion of barium increased the alkalinity of the CaO derived from the waste T.

striatula shell and an increase in transesterification conversion with the barium loading was

attributed to the presence of both CaO and BaO, as the catalytic species during the reaction

[140]. In another study by Xie et al. [106] Biont shell was incompletely carbonized and

impregnated with potassium floride. The transesterification yield of rapeseed oil to make

biodiesel reached 97.5% within 3 hours of reaction time with 3% catalyst dosage. It was
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suggested that reaction of incomplete carbonized Biont shells with KF produced a catalysis site

for transesterification [141].

Use of shell waste as antibacterial and antifungal agents

Calcium carbonate is the main component of shell waste. Upon heat treatment of calcium

carbonate at ≥ 700° it is converted to calcium oxide that has antibacterial activity (Table 7)

[142, 143]. The mechanism of antibacterial action is related to the alkalinity of the

environment and production of reactive oxygen species that cause bacterial inhibition. Li et al.

[95] investigated the antibacterial activity of mussel shell powder doped with silver particles.

The authors concluded that the antibacterial mechanism was mainly due to Ag+ and the high pH

value exerted by the mussel shell powder. Particle size is an important factor for the antibacterial

properties of heat-treated shell powder [143, 144]. Watanabe et al. found that nanoparticles had a

much higher antibacterial effect compared to microparticles [143] and they decreased the number

of E.coli after a 60 second treatment at all of the concentrations (0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mg/ml) tested,

and to a greater extent (1 more log10 CFU/ml) than the micro particles. Sawai et al [145, 146]

evaluated antimicrobial (against coliforms), antifungal (Trichophyton mentagrophytes

NBRC5466) and sporicidal action (Bacillus subtilis spores) activities of heated scallop shell


powder. The antimicrobial activity of scallop shell powder increased as the concentration of the

powder increased up to the solubility limit of Ca(OH)2. Scallop shell heat-treated powder

(1000°C for 1 h) was able to reduce the total count of bacteria in shredded cabbage with the

antimicrobial activity increasing with increasing powder concentration and treatment

temperature over the range of 0.1 to 1.0 g/dm3 and 10 - 40°C, respectively. Complete inhibition

of viable coliforms was obtained within 5 min using Ca(OH)2 at 0.1 g/dm3. Heat-treated scallop
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powder resulted in a 20-30% reduction in the L-ascorbic content of cabbage which was similar to

that obtained by the use of a 200 µg/dm3 sodium hypochlorite treatment. In addition to the

antimicrobial properties of the heat-treated scallop shells, antimicrobial activity has been

reported for a polyhydroxylated naphthoquinone pigment extract obtained from the shells of

Salmacis virgulata ( MI = 100 μg/ml) [147] and from shell powder extracts of the mollusc

Donax faba [148].


Echinochrome and spinochrome in sea urchins

Sea urchin species are coloured differently ranging from purple to brown and red, which shows

that the shell and spines contain various pigments. The pigments present in the shell (test) and

spines of sea urchins are mainly naphthoquinones, principally echinochrome and spinochrome

depending on their original sources [149]. The sea urchin quinones are derivatives of either

juglone (5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) (Figure 3, structure 1) or naphthazarin

(5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone) (Figure 3, structure 2) with additional hydroxy, ethyl,

acetyl, methoxy and amino substituents [150]. The first identification of naphthoquinone

pigments was made by MacMunn in 1883 [149]. Since then, more than twenty naphthoquinone


pigments have been identified from sea urchin [149, 151-153]. Spinochromes are classified by

letters (Spinochromes A–E) [149] (Figure 3, structures 3-8).

The majority of species examined so far contain up to six spinochrome pigments which are

predominantly echinochrome and the spinochromes A, B, C, D and E. [149], as well as other

minor components identified more recently. The structures of all known spinochromes are shown
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in Figure 3 (structures 3-30). Anderson [149] summarized 19 different naphthoquinone pigments

which were identified across fifty-four species of echinoids. Some novel pigments have also

been found. The UV–Vis absorption spectra and structural elucidation of all identified

naphthoquinone pigment structures are shown in Table 8.

Mathieson et al. [154] found that the spines of Diademaantillarurn were mainly pigmented with

6-ethyl-2,3,7-trihydroxynaphthazarin (Figure 3, structure 3) and its 2- and 3-mono-methylethers.

Temnopleurustoreumaticus contains 3-acetyl-2,6,7-trihydroxy juglone (Fig.1, structure 13) and

six other known spinochromes. Spatangus purpureus has two common naphthazarins and two

novel binaphthaquinones, ethylidene-3,3'-bis(2,6,7-trihydroxynaphthazarin) (Figure 3, structure

26) and its anhydro-derivative (Figure 3, structure 25). In 2005, two new spinochromes,

echinamine A (Figure 3, structure 22) and echinamine B (Figure 3, structure 23) were isolated

from Scaphechinus mirabilis [151]. Echinamine A was extracted and obtained as a dark brown

powder, while echinamine B was extracted and obtained as dark brown needles. The 13C NMR

and IR spectra of echinamine A and B showed that they are isomers of

5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone having an ethyl radical, an amino, and two α-hydroxyl

groups located in different positions [155]. Shikov et al. [156] used HPLC-DAD-MS analysis to

show the presence of six pigments in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis including spinochrome


B and D, and three spinochrome dimers: ethylidene-6,6’-bis (2,3,7-trihydroxynaphthazarin)

(Figure 3, structure 26) anhydroethylidene-6,6’-bis (2,3,7- trihydroxynaphthazarin) and its

isomer (Figure 3, structure 25). One additional pigment was preliminarily identified as a

spinochrome dimer with the structural formula C22H16O16. Zhou et al. [157] reported two new

compounds that were tentatively identified as aminopentahydroxynaphthoquinone and

acetylaminotrihydroxynaphthoquinone in Strongylocentrotus nudus. The molecular formulas for

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these two compounds were deduced based on their molecular mass. The compounds were

identified to be aminated PHNQ, but the molecular mass and molecular formula of these two

compounds did not match with any known compounds reported previously [155]. Therefore,

these two compounds possibly were new PHNQ. Very recently Powell et al. [153] using LC-MS

identified several pigments in Psammechinus miliaris that had been reported earlier except for a

new sulphated spinochrome E sulphate that was identified.

Extraction, purification and identification method

PHNQ pigments are present in the calcified skeleton consisting of shell and spines of sea

urchins. To facilitate the extraction of the pigments, the shells and spines are usually dissolved in

an aqueous solution of HCl or H2SO4 for decalcification and then the pigments are extracted

using organic solvents such as diethyl ether [156], chloroform [155], ethyl acetate [153] or

butanol [158]. The solvent extract of sea urchin pigments is then washed with an aqueous

solution of NaCl to remove acid and then dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate followed by

freeze drying. [156]. Powell et al. [153] used solid phase extraction (SPE) as a clean-up step for

the pigments extracted from Psammechinus miliaris. The LC-MS profiles of the SPE extraction

and the original acid extracts were similar but the SPE step generated more reproducible data.


Some alternative methods have been investigated. Zhou et al.[157] obtained a crude pigment

extract from ground spine powder of the purple sea urchin using an ethanol-HCl-aqueous

solution, followed by use of a macroporous resin to further purify this PHNQ pigment. This

method achieved a higher yield [159] compared to using only an organic solvent extraction

process. Silica gel column chromatography and acid-treated thin-layer chromatography (TLC)

have been used to analytically separate pigments from sea urchin shells [149]. Chromatography
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with a Sephadex LH-20 column was used for separation and purification of the pigments from

Strongylocentrotus franciscanus [160]. However, methods such as these have low resolution and

efficiency. The utilization of HPLC and UPLC allowed for faster analysis with better resolution

and hence gave a more detailed identification of pigments. HPLC-MS or LC-MS are stable and

reliable methods to identify the structures of the PHNQ pigments. A summary of the HPLC

conditions reported in the literature is shown in Table 9. Shikov et al. [156] successfully used

TLC for the fractionation of sea urchin pigments and further separated and identified the

pigments with HPLC-DAD-MS. Compared to HPLC, UPLC has better resolution, sensitivity,

and speed. PHNQ pigments from S. nudus spines were extracted by macroporous adsorption

resin and were identified tentatively by using UPLC/Q-TOF MS [156].

Characteristics of polyhydroxylated naphthoquinones

Autoxidation of chemical compounds is a relatively slow, radical-catalysed process that proceeds

via a chain reaction [161]. Using 1H- and 13C-NMR and IR spectroscopy it was concluded that

there was only one final product of echinochrome A autooxidation, a monohydrate of

naphthotetraketone, which was the same product generated during the reaction of echinochrome

A with O2 [161].


The reaction scheme for the autoxidation of echinochrome A was proposed:

H5Nq+O2 H4Nq • +O2 •- +H+ (1)

H4Nq•+O2 H3Nq +O2 •- +H+ (2)

H5Nq+O2 • +H+ H4Nq • +H2O2 (3)

H4Nq•+ O2 • +H+ H3Nq+ H2O2 (4)

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2H4Nq• H5Nq+ H3Nq (5)

As PHNQs have several acid dissociation constants, PHNQ will be present in either the

non-ionised or various anion forms in aqueous solution at different pH. The state of ionisation of

PHNQ can affect their colour and stability [162, 163]. When the pH was changed from 2.0 to

10.0, the colour of the pigment changed from orange-red to deep-earth-yellow, corresponding to

a change from non-ionised to various ionised forms as a result of the dissociation of β-hydroxyl

groups [162-164]. In addition, the pigment in aqueous solution was most stable at pH 2.0–3.0,

moderately stable at pH 4.0–8.0 and was the least stabile at pH 9.0–10.0 [164].

The pigment was prone to degradation upon exposure to light. Only 40.11% of the initial

pigment absorbance remained after storage under natural light for 14 days, while 65.14%

remained after storage under the same time in the dark. The rate of degradation of the pigment

increased with increasing temperature. After 24 h at 20℃, 90.49% of the initial absorbance of the

pigment was retained, however, this decreased to 66.61% at 80℃. Vitamin C was shown to

protect and enhance the colour of PHNQ pigment [159, 164]. The stability of echinochrome A

solutions is summarized in Table 10, the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of spinochromes is


summarised in Table 8 [152], and the distribution of spinochromes in echinoids is summarized in

Table 11.

Bioactivities of spinochrome

In vitro antioxidant activity

Since the structure of PHNQ pigments has several phenolic OH groups, it was hypothesized that

they would act as antioxidants, scavenging free radicals by donating hydrogen atoms, as has been
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observed with other well-known polyphenolic antioxidants such as the catechins, quercetin and

Gallic acid [165]. Free radicals are potentially capable of abstracting hydrogen atoms from

hydroxyl groups of PHNQ compounds to become stable diamagnetic structures. The antioxidant

ability of PHNQ is thought to be the result of a combination of iron chelation, reducing power

and free-radical scavenging activity. The pigments from sea urchin exhibited low antioxidant

potential at low concentration but at high concentration the antioxidant capacity was found to be

comparable to reference positive controls such as vitamin C and BHT [157]. The antioxidant

activity and mechanism of PHNQ is summarized in Table 12.


One method to evaluate the antioxidative activity of specific compounds or extracts is to react

them with a stable radical such as 2, 2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The reduction of

DPPH° is followed by monitoring the decrease in absorbance at a characteristic wavelength

during the reaction. In its radical form, DPPH absorbs at 515 nm, but upon reduction by an

antioxidant (AH), the absorption disappears [161]. Pigment extracts prepared from Glyptocidaris

crenularis and Streptococcus intermedius were found to have DPPH radical scavenging ability

that was dose-dependent. Compared with vitamin C as a positive control, the scavenging ability


of the pigment extracts was found to be weak at low concentrations, but similar to that of vitamin

C at high concentrations [159]. Pozharitskaya et al. [166] showed that the DPPH

radical-scavenging ability of the pigments was better than that of α-tocopherol. Lebedev et al.

(2008) have shown that the antiradical activity of echinochrome A and spinochromes C and D

toward the DPPH radical were almost identical. PHNQs were found to be stronger DPPH radical

scavengers than either trimethoxyechinochrome (TMEch), α-tocopherol or quercetin [165]. Free

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radicals are potentially capable of abstracting hydrogen atoms from hydroxyl groups of PHNQ

compounds to generate a stable diamagnetic structure. In losing hydrogen atoms, PHNQ may

become naphthosemiquinone as the intermediate product and naphthotetraketone as the final

reaction product [157, 162].

Super anion-radical

The mechanism of scavenging super anion radicals by echinochrome A includes a two-stage

reaction scheme, involving naphthosemiquinone as an intermediate product and H2O2 and

naphthotetraketone as the final reaction products [162, 165]. Lebedev et al. [167] studied the

superoxide anion radical scavenging activity of several polyhydroxylated naphthoquinones,

echinochrome A and spinochromes. The authors suggested that compounds containing hydroxyl

groups at the C-2 and C-3 positions in the molecules may act as powerful superoxide anion

radical scavengers. They suggested that 1, 2, 3, 4-tetraketones are formed from echinochrome A

and spinochromes D and E via O2 . -induced oxidation of their OH-groups in the C-2 and C-3

positions. While hydroxyl groups at the C-5 and C-8 positions interact with the p-quinone group

at the C-1 and C-4 positions, they are thought not to directly participate in the radical scavenging

activity [168, 169].


Reducing power

In the anion form, PHNQ may transmit two electrons consecutively to a ferric ion and become

naphthotetraketone as the final reaction product as summarized in Figure 4. [157].

The electron-donating potential of a given compound, termed as reducing capacity, may serve as

a significant indicator of its antioxidant potential. The reducing power of the pigment extract

exhibited a dose-dependent effect over a concentration range of 16 to 500 μg/ml, over which the
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reducing power of the pigment extract was lower than that of vitamin C, but was comparable to

that of vitamin at concentrations above 500μg/ml [156].

Hydroxyl radical scavenging activity

Hydroxyl radicals are known to be one of the most reactive oxygen containing species. The

hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of pigments was evaluated by measuring the competition

between deoxyribose and pigments for hydroxyl radicals generated by FeSO4 and hydrogen

peroxide, and was found to be negligible [169]. Nevertheless, because the pigments were found

to have significant scavenging activity toward hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion radicals

[167, 168] that could be precursors of hydroxyl radicals in vivo, it is considered that sea urchin

pigments would be able to depress the generation of reactive oxygen radical species [170].

Metal ion chelation

Free ferrous ion is quite sensitive to oxygen and gives rise to ferric ion and superoxide, thereby

generating hydrogen peroxide. Reaction of ferrous ion with hydrogen peroxide generates


hydroxyl radicals, the most reactive and detrimental reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological

systems. In this process, known as the Fenton reaction, hydroxyl radical production is directly

related to the concentration of ferrous ion [171]. Chelators can form complexes with metal ions

and inhibit the Fenton-induced oxidation.[157] The presence of orthohydroxyl groups and the

ketol structure of the sea-urchin pigments, echinochrome and the spinochromes, making them

suitable molecules for metal ion chelation [165]. Studies have indicated that PHNQ has metal ion
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chelating capacity, but it was found to be weaker than that of EDTA [159, 165]. Free hydroxyl

groups at positions 2, 3 and 7 of PHNQ compounds are thought to be important for binding metal

ions. This is based on echinochrome a not being able to form adducts with calcium ions when the

hydroxyl groups at the C-2, C-3 and C-7 positions were methoxylated [162, 163]. The main

forms of PHNQ containing 2, 3,7-hydroxyl groups form di- and polyvalent anions at neutral and

weakly alkaline pH, due to dissociation of the hydroxyl groups. In the di- and polyvalent anion

forms, PHNQs with 2,3-hydroxyl groups may form complexes with ferrous ions [159, 163].

Liposome Oxidation

Echinochrome, spinochrome C and spinochrome E, like EDTA, were effective inhibitors of

ferrous/ascorbate-induced lipid peroxidation, whereas butylated hydroxytoluene and

α-tocopherol were less effective. Spinochrome D had a weak effect at low concentration.

Trimethoxy echinochrome did not inhibit liposome peroxidation at any tested concentration

[165]. Zhou et al. [157] investigated the potential of the pigment extract to inhibit lipid

peroxidation in a rat liver homogenate as a result of induced oxidation by a Fe2+-vitamin C

system. The pigment extract showed significant inhibitory activity. Although the activity was

weaker than that of BHT at low concentrations, it was higher than that of BHT at concentrations


above 250 μg/ml. It was postulated that the inhibitory ability of PHNQ is the result of a

combination of iron chelation and free-radical scavenging activity [165]. In contrast, BHT can

inhibit lipid peroxidation by scavenging radicals only.

Protection against oxidative stress

The antioxidant activity of the pigment extract was also evaluated in a cellular system. Tert-butyl

hydroperoxide (t-BOOH) is an organic hydroperoxide and is widely used to induce oxidative

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stress in a variety of cells [172]. Exposure of rat peritoneal macrophages to t-BOOH can generate

considerable oxidative stress, resulting in damage that can cause cell death which can either be

necrotic or apoptotic [157]. Zhou et al. [157] found that incubation with the pigment extract

before t-BOOH challenge significantly improved the recovery of macrophages from the

oxidative stress caused by t-BOOH. Polyphenols such as flavonoids can inhibit t-BOOH-induced

cytotoxicity by scavenging ROS and preventing lipid peroxidation [173], which could explain

the protection mechanism of PHNQ as these compounds have similar polyphenolic structures.

Other bioactivities

In addition to antioxidant activity, PHNQ may possess significant pharmaceutical activities

because of its quinine structure and functional groups. Echinochrome and spinochromes from sea

urchins have been shown to possess antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic

activities (Table 13) [174-179]. Echinochrome A is the active substance in the drug Histochrome

[178]. One form of Histochrome is used in the treatment of ocular diseases [179] and another

form of Histochrome is used for preventing reperfusion damage during myocardial infarction

[177]. In order to understand the cardioprotective mechanisms of echinochrome A, Jeong et al.

[180] found that cardiotoxic agents caused mitochondrial dysfunction as a result of increased


ROS level and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential were inhibited with PHNQ.

Co-treatment with echinochrome A could prevent these cardiotoxic agents affecting

mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and adenosine triphosphate levels. Lennikov et al.

[174] reported that echinochrome ameliorated intraocular inflammation caused by

endotoxin-induced uveitis, and decreased the expression of NFκB and TNF-α. The authors

suggested that echinochrome may be a potential candidate for reducing intraocular inflammation.
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Pozharitskaya et al. [175] found that sea urchin extract could significantly reduce

histamine-induced contractions of isolated guinea pig ileum, had an inhibitory effect on ocular

allergenic inflammation, surpassing that of the model reference drug olopatadine, and did not

show any irritating effect in rabbits. The sea urchin extract predominantly contained

polyhydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone, as well as spinochrome D, spinochrome B, an unidentified

spinochrome dimer, anhydroethylidene-6,6-bis(2,3,7-trihydroxynaphthazarin),


aphthazarin) isomer, which would be responsible for the pharmacological activity. Shankarlal et

al. [147] showed that a methanolic extract of Salmacis virgulata possessed both antibacterial and

antifungal activities due to the presence of polyhydroxylated naphthoquinone pigment in the

crude extract. Natural PHNQ, such as echinochrome A and spinochrome A appeared to be

general inhibitors of hydroxylases such as tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine-B-hydroxylase,

which are targets for treatment of hypotension and other conditions [181, 182], however the

inhibition mechanism is still not well understood. This may be due to complex formation through

an enzyme-bound metal, or due to the non-enzymatic oxidation of the reducing cofactor and the

resultant consumption of oxygen in the reaction mixture [182]. Taking into account the free


radical scavenging activity, iron-chelating ability and other known bioactivities, PHNQs could

be considered to be suitable for pharmaceutical usage.



Astaxanthin (3,3′-dihydroxy-β, β-carotene-4,4′-dione) is a xanthophyll carotenoid which can be

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found in various microorganisms and marine animals. It is the most abundant carotenoid found

in crustacean wastes such as shrimp and crab shells [183]. The structure of astaxanthin, consists

of two terminal rings joined by a polyene chain. The stereoisomers (3S, 3′S) and (3R 3′R) are the

most abundant in nature [184].

Extraction methods

Astaxanthin is a lipophilic compound, which can be dissolved in organic solvents and oils.

Extraction with organic solvents, edible oils and supercritical CO2, and microbial fermentation

and enzymatic methods has been used to obtain astaxanthin from natural sources (Table 14). For

wet tissues, non-polar solvents are not recommended because of their penetration through the

hydrophobic mass surrounding the pigment is limited. It was postulated that efficient extraction

of carotenoids could be achieved with samples of low moisture content by use of slightly polar

plus non-polar solvents [185]. Some studies have been carried out to assess the extractability of

carotenoids in shrimp waste with different organic solvents and solvent mixtures and to optimize

the extraction conditions for maximum yield [186, 187]. It was shown that a 50:50 mixture of

isopropyl alcohol and hexane resulted in the highest (43.9 μg/g waste) carotenoid extraction

yield compared to using acetone, methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, ethyl

methyl ketone, petroleum ether, and hexane individually, as well as a mixture of acetone and


hexane [188]. The Soxhlet method achieved a higher yield compared to maceration of the

starting material, using the same extraction solvent [189]. It may be that the high temperature

used and the solvent/solute interactions in the Soxhlet method contributed to the highest

solubilisation of components from the starting material. Also, the use of solvent at its boiling

temperature reduces its viscosity and surface tension, allowing the solvent to solvate soluble

substances inside the solid matrix. Pressurized liquid extraction is similar in principle to Soxhlet
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extraction, except that elevated pressure, in addition to temperature are used, which enables

extractions using small amounts of solvents to be completed in a relatively short time. Quan et al.

[190] examined the effects of changing different pressurized liquid extraction parameters on the

extraction yield of astaxanthin from shrimp waste. The authors found that temperature and

extraction time had a significant influence on the astaxanthin recovery, while pressure only had a

minor effect. In another study [191], a new method using high pressure processing (HPP) to

extract astaxanthin from shrimp (Litopenaeusvannamei) shell and head at ambient temperature

was studied. Compared to the conventional extraction methods, HPP showed significant

advantages with higher yield and shorter extraction time. The use of HPP to extract astaxanthin

from shrimp discards is a potential alternative to conventional methods. Various organic solvents

have been used for the extraction and recovery of carotenoids from shellfish waste and the

efficiency of extraction were correlated to the elevated temperatures used and to the solvent–

solute interactions. However, the limitations of organic solvent extraction procedures are high

energy costs due to elevated extraction temperature and the effect of temperature on thermolabile

compounds, use of organic solvents and the need for their recovery and the time duration of the

process [188, 189].


Vegetable oils have also been successfully used as solvents for the extraction of carotenoid

components from crustaceans [189, 192]. The advantage of using vegetable oils is that they are

considered as a good barrier against oxygen, which reduces oxidation processes. Edible

vegetable oils are compatible and can also contribute as an energy source if the extracted

carotenoid product is subsequently applied in food formulations. Mezzomo et al. [189] found

cold oil extraction can be a good alternative to selectively extract astaxanthin and protect the
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extract, although process optimization is required to enhance the extraction yield. Extraction of

carotenoids from shrimp waste using refined sunflower oil achieved good carotenoid yield after

optimizing the oil to waste ratio, temperature and extraction time [192]. An extract obtained from

shrimp waste silage produced a better yield of astaxanthin than that obtained from raw shrimp

waste [193]. In another study, the total carotenoid recovery from ensilaged shrimp waste was

higher than that from non-ensilaged waste as assessed by HPLC analysis, achieving up to 115

μg/g of waste material [194]. Ensilaging in organic/ inorganic acids or by fermentation is used to

preserve shrimp waste. Acid ensilaging of shrimp waste resulted in a gradual conversion of

astaxanthin diester to monoesters during storage of the silage. As carotenoids are prone to

degradation by acids, mild treatments such as fermentation may have beneficial effects on the

stability of carotenoids. Two lactobacillus species L. plantarum and L. acidophilus have been

used to ferment shrimp waste [45]. It was shown that the microbial method of extraction of

astaxanthin was more effective than chemical methods based on solvent extraction of carotenoids

from natural matrices. Sachinadra et al. [195] found that fermentation was superior to acid

ensilaging with respect to stability and extractability of carotenoids from shrimp waste. In

crustaceans, carotenoids occur as a complex with protein which imparts stability to the pigment.


Attempts have been made to recover crustacean carotenoids as caroteno-protein complexes

[196-199]. Although fermentation of shrimp waste was found to induce protein hydrolysis it

resulted in an increased yield of carotenoids [195].

Extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide has become an important separation technique in the

area of nutraceutical supplements and functional foods and is a promising alternative to

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traditional processing methods. This extraction technique is advantageous when thermo-labile

compounds are present, in addition to avoiding the use of toxic solvents, since CO2 is a cheap

and easy to separate from the extract [200] but has environmental issues. The advantages of

supercritical fluid extraction relative to traditional organic solvents allow carotenoid losses

through heat-induced degradation to be reduced. Some reports have used supercritical fluid

extraction successfully in the extraction of lipids and carotenoids from shrimp or crab shell

[201-204]. In addition, because it avoids the use of organic solvents, the extracted compounds

can be employed more readily as nutritional additives and in pharmacological applications.

Characteristics of pigments

Pigment compounds can be extracted from shellfish waste such as crab or shrimp shells. The

extraction process can be achieved by several methods, including use of solvents or oils [188,

189], and by supercritical fluid extraction [201-204]. Astaxanthin stability is enhanced in nature

due to various mechanisms, including association with other biomolecules [38], such as

esterification with fatty acids [205], binding to chitin through ester bonds [196] and association

with proteins to form caroteno-protein complexes [38]. However, once extracted the pigment

becomes unstable. Purified or semi-purified carotenoids are highly sensitive to environmental

factors such as light, oxygen and temperature, among others. Franco et al. [183] studied the


stability of astaxanthin in two model systems, a protein solution and an edible oil. If astaxanthin

is incorporated into a protein system, the pigment undergoes oxidation to astacene after only 17

days, even when stored in air-free, refrigerated conditions, and in the dark, indicating that a

protein system alone is not really effective at preventing pigment degradation, and a lipid

environment has a more efficient protective effect. Sachindra et al. [206] reported that the

stability of carotenoids recovered from shrimp waste using organic solvents and vegetable oils
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was affected by antioxidants and pigment carriers. Solvent extracted carotenoids can be stored by

mixing the extract with carriers such as sodium alginate or corn starch. As starch or alginate is

used as one of the main ingredients in minced fish products, the pigmented carrier could be used

directly as a source of colouring agent in these products. Addition of antioxidants such as TBHQ

or α-tocopherol and storing them in metalized polyester pouches reduced the carotenoid

degradation during storage. The oil-extracted carotenoid was found to be protected from

degradation by addition of antioxidants and storage in amber coloured bottles. Armenta and

Isabbl [207] assessed the effect of oxidation factors on the stability of free astaxanthin contained

in caroteno-protein powder extracted from shrimp by-products. It was found that natural

astaxanthin from fermented shrimp by-product had moderate stability levels. Although natural

astaxanthin oxidized faster than the synthetic pigment, its stability may be improved by

antioxidant and polymer addition.


Astaxanthin, the red-orange carotenoid has been referred to as a powerful biological antioxidant

with beneficial health effects in both experimental animal and clinical studies. Its promising


healthy benefits include antioxidant activities [208-210], including enhancement of the immune

system [211, 212] and protection of the cardiovascular system [213]. Astaxanthin has important

food applications as it can be used as a colorant additive in foods because of its colour and

antioxidant capacity.

Antioxidant activities

One of the most important characteristics of astaxanthin is its ability to act as an antioxidant
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[210]. Very few reports are available on the antioxidant activity of astaxanthin-containing

crustacean waste extracts. Sowmya et al. [208] reported that the crude extract and fractions rich

in astaxanthin had strong antioxidant activity, indicated by radical scavenging activity, reducing

activity and metal chelating activity, comparable to that of the known antioxidants such as

α-tocopherol and TBHQ. The higher antioxidant activity of the astaxanthin-rich fraction was

indicated by a higher protection factor compared to α-tocopherol against singlet

oxygen-mediated oxidation of liposomes. Santos et al. [214] examined the ability of shrimp

astaxanthin to modulate the production of superoxide, nitric oxide and TNF-α in rat alveolar

macrophages. The shrimp extract showed a suppressive effect on the generation of free radicals

such as O−2 and NO, while astaxanthin isolated from shrimps had a specific effect on NO only.

Only the crude shrimp extract completely inhibited TNF-α, compared with superoxide

dismutase, butylated hydroxytoluene and commercial astaxanthin. The antioxidant action

demonstrated in these studies indicates that the shrimp extract is a promising source of

antioxidant bioactivity, which could be used in food and biomedical applications.

Anti-inflammatory activities


It is well known that reactive oxygen species (ROS) can up-regulate proinflammatory cytokines

such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6 whereas astaxanthin has been found to reduce the levels of

markers of inflammation such as TNF-α [214]. Astaxanthin is a strong antioxidant with the

ability to reduce markers of inflammation. Screening studies of anti-inflammatory natural

compounds showed that astaxanthin significantly inhibits NF-κB activity, an effect that is

associated with its major antioxidant activity [215]. Furthermore, maternal ethanol-induced
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up-regulation of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), and the down-stream myeloid differentiation factor

88 (MyD88), NF-kB, TNF-a, and IL-1 in embryos, can be inhibited by astaxanthin pre-treatment,

which was demonstrated to produce a protective effect for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, and

suggested that oxidative stress and inflammatory reaction are involved in this process [216].

Immune enhancement

The immune system involves both innate and acquired immunity. Acquired immunity involves

lymphocytes, which are highly active cells that constantly generate reactive oxidative products

(ROS) as a part of their normal cellular activity [217]. The antioxidant capability of astaxanthin

can potentially reduce the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Recent studies on the

role of carotenoids in gene regulation, apoptosis and angiogenesis have advanced our knowledge

on the possible mechanism by which carotenoids regulate immune function. Using a rodent

model, Chew et al. [218] demonstrated that astaxanthin stimulated an immune response in mice.

Mice supplemented with astaxanthin had increased in vitro splenocyte antibody response to

T-dependent antigens, lymphoblastogenic response and cytotoxic activity. Some research [212]

demonstrated an enhanced immune response in humans. It was shown that dietary astaxanthin


decreased a DNA damage biomarker and acute phase protein, and enhanced immune response in

young healthy females.

Anti-UV activities

UV-induced skin damage is considered to be partly caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS),

such as singlet oxygen, generated in the skin by UV irradiation [219]. Thus natural antioxidative

agents such as astaxanthin could be expected to prevent UV-induced skin damage. Hama et
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al.,[220] demonstrated that astaxanthin had potent antioxidative activity against singlet oxygen

generated in an in vitro system. Application of astaxanthin-egg yolk

phosphatidylcholine-liposomes (Asx-EPC-lipo) inhibited skin damage due to a decrease in

collagen that was induced by UV irradiation. Moreover, a combination of cationic

Asx-DOTAP-lipo and iontophoresis prevented melanin production in deep regions of the skin

[221]. Supplementation with dietary astaxanthin combined with a collagen hydrolysate improved

facial elasticity and decreased matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -12 expression [221]. Induction of

procollagen type I mRNA was observed after 12 weeks of treatment, along with significant

decreases in the expression of the collagen-degrading enzyme MMP-1 mRNA and the

elastin-degrading enzyme MMP-12 mRNA after UV irradiation. It was thought that

improvements in facial skin elasticity might be related to these molecular changes.

Cardiovascular disease prevention

It is known that an excess of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is associated with inflammation,

growth and vasoconstriction contributing to vascular injury in many cardiovascular diseases,

such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes [222]. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a health

problem that affects millions of individuals all over the world. Hyperglycemia has been found to


play a key role in reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generated damage [223]. The antioxidant

property of astaxanthin may have a role in the treatment of diabetes. Sila et al. [224] showed that

astaxanthin extracted from shrimp shell waste had protective effects on diabetes and kidney

function complications. It was also shown that supplementation with astaxanthin was able to

suppress oxidative stress. The administration of astaxanthin to diabetic rats led to hypoglycemic

and antihyperglycemic effects by reducing the fasting blood glucose level, which may be
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explained by stimulation of residual pancreatic β-cell activity. The anti-diabetic activity of

astaxanthin may be due to its protective role in quenching free radicals and inhibition of lipid

peroxidation to ensure a beneficial role in the survival of pancreatic β-cells. Results from other

research indicated that astaxanthin could be a good adjuvant for recovery from lymphocyte

dysfunctions associated with diabetic patients, especially when focusing on the re-establishment

of redox balance and achieving a hypothetical anti-apoptotic effect in lymphocytes [225].

Monroy et al. [213] reported that supplementing the diet with astaxanthin had beneficial effects

on hypertension, by decreasing blood pressure, improving cardiovascular remodeling and

oxidative stress. The results suggested that systolic blood pressure was lower in

astaxanthin-treated groups than the control group from the first week of treatment, and the left

ventricular hypertrophy index (LVH) was significantly reduced. Administration of astaxanthin

improved endothelial function in resistance arteries, but had no effect on aorta.

Scallop shell matrix protein


Scallop shells are made up mainly of two layers of calcium carbonate, comprising an outer layer

of calcite and an inner layer of aragonite. The lustrous inner layer, called the nacre, is mainly

composed of aragonite tablets oriented in multiple layers, each surrounded by an organic matrix

[226], which makes up less than 5% of the nacre composition and is composed mainly of

polysaccharides and protein [227]. Over the past five decades, many studies of the shell material

have been carried out, mainly via electron microscopy and examination of the amino acid
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composition of the organic shell matrix fraction [228, 229]. More recently the matrix protein of

the shell has been characterised (Table 15). Shell matrix proteins have drawn increasing attention

due to their unique physical and biological properties. Matrix proteins are often classified as

either soluble or insoluble based on their solubility after decalcification with a weak acid or a

calcium-chelating agent such as EDTA.

Bioactivities of matrix protein

Several matrix proteins have been identified in the nacre and are known to play an important role

in mineralization of the shell [230, 231]. In addition to their role in regulating the mineralization

process of nacre, soluble matrix proteins are known to contribute to biological activity


Osteoblast Differentiation

The biological activity associated with matrix proteins in the nacre has made them attractive for

use in traditional pharmaceutical preparations used for stimulating bone growth and enhancing

bone density. Natural products in nacre are thought to be able to promote biomineralization and

to stimulate bone formation by osteoblasts [235]. Several in vitro and in vivo studies have shown

that nacre has excellent biocompatibility and osteogenic properties, which suggests that nacre


contains signalling molecules in the soluble matrix of the nacre that are osteoinductive. Lopez et

al. [236] found that human osteoblasts cultured in the presence of nacre produced bone structure.

Liao et al. [237] determined that the components involved in bone tissue generation were

localised in the outer prismatic and the inner nacreous layers of the shell of the fresh water

dwelling Margaritifera. The authors showed that Margaritifera shell is biocompatible,

biodegradable and osteoconductive. Bonding between the natural aragonite and bone seems to
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occur via a phosphorous-rich intermediate layer. Atlan and Lamgjari [238, 239] suggested that

there is a dynamic continuity at the bone-nacre interface, giving rise to the hypothesis that the

organic matrix of nacre contains diffusible soluble factors that have osteogenic activity. Almeida

et al. [240] reported the extraction of four water-soluble matrix (WSM) fractions (SE1–SE4)

from nacre. The WSM and SE4 when tested in a human foetus lung tissue fibroblast culture

increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, while the SE1 fraction caused a decrease in ALP

activity. It was also found that WSM greatly increased the level of B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2) in

the cytoplasm and nucleus of osteoblasts. [232]. However, as nacre proteins tend to aggregate

and form various biopolymer-associations it remained unclear as to the bioactivity of specific

nacre molecules [241]. Kim et al. [235] found that water soluble nacreous factors (WSNF) which

can prevent osteoporotic bone loss through both osteoblast activation and osteoclast inactivation,

contained calcium, phosphate and unknown proteinaceous components. However, treatment with

calcium at the same concentration of calcium contained in WSNF, did not affect

biomineralization in vitro. The acid soluble matrix of the sea snail, Aliotisdiversicolor reeve

was shown to contain a factor, thought to be the mantle protein somesuke, which may be

involved in osteoblastic cell differentiation [242]. Four proteins have been identified in the oyster


Crassostrea gigas nacre WSM [243] that were investigated for osteogenic and osteoinductive

properties. Furthermore, three proteins, namely P60, P10, and PFMG3 have been identified from

Pinctada fucata, which induced osteoblast differentiation in murine pre-osteoblast cells

[244-246]. However, it remains to be seen whether these bioactive molecules are represented in

WSM, and if so, then whether they act individually or in harmony with other active molecules in

order to induce bone differentiation.

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Ability of shell matrix extracts to protect skin

Skin, which has a highly differentiated and complex structure, is vulnerable to free radical

damage because of its contact with oxygen in the atmosphere. Free radical damage to skin causes

alteration to collagen and elastin in the extracellular matrix of connective tissue, resulting in loss

of skin tone and formation of wrinkles. An increase in elastase activity in skin destroys elastic

fibers, resulting in reduced skin elasticity [221]. Water soluble matrix components from shells of

Patinopecteny essoensis exhibited radical scavenging activity which inhibited generation of the

superoxide anion and also the fibroblast cell growth rate was increased by this extract. Scallop

shell extract was shown to have strong inhibitory activities against elastase [233] and protected

keratinocyte cells against UV-B-induced damage in vitro by acting as an antioxidant and a

growth promoter [247]. To establish a mechanism for the skin-protection activity, scallop shell

extract was investigated in vivo by Liu et al. [248], who showed that wound healing of erythema

and eschar and recovery of the epidermal layer was promoted. These results suggested that

scallop shell extract activates rat keratinocyte cells and promotes the turnover of skin stratum

corneum [248]. Scallop shell extract was also found to inhibit squalene mono

hydroperoxide-induced skin erythema and wrinkle formation in rat [249]. However, as it is


unclear whether bioactive substances in the extract are proteins or other non-protein components,

there is a need to isolate and identify these components [249]. Torita et al. [250, 251]

investigated the bio functionality of organic components extracted from Patinopecteny essoensis

shells and found that, a reduction in collagen content is associated with the loss of tensile

strength and the wrinkling of skin. These changes occur not only as a result of aging but also as a

result of UV exposure from the Sun. Collagen turnover is controlled by collagen degrading
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matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP). Treatment of human skin

fibroblast cells with scallop shell extract increased the mRNA expression levels of type I

collagen, MMP-1 and TIMP-1, suggesting that the scallop shell extract may activate collagen

metabolism in skin fibroblasts. These results suggest that the scallop shell extract may be

effective for the treatment of photo aged and aging skin, which have undergone collagen loss

[250]. The authors also investigated the effect of scallop shell extract on the expression of

keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) from human skin fibroblasts. Scallop shell extract increased

the mRNA expression level of KGF in skin fibroblasts and the secretion of KGF from the

fibroblasts. These results suggested that the scallop shell extract may promote recovery from

UVB-induced injury to skin through an increase in the secretion of KGF from the fibroblasts. As

scallop shell extract contains many proteins, sugars, and other organic compounds, the biological

activity of scallop shell extract may be attributed to more than one component [251]. When a

nacre extract of Patinopecteny essoensis was implanted in the dermis of rats, it resulted in

enhanced extracellular matrix synthesis and the production of components implicated in cell to

cell adhesion and communication and tissue regeneration. It was shown that the effects of the

implant were not due to calcium carbonate, and the authors suggested the possibility that here the


nacre organic matrix may cause a release of biologically active factors that influence the main

phenomena of tissue regeneration [252]. The comparative effects of nacre water-soluble matrix

and dexamethasone on the alkaline phosphatase activity of MRC-5 fibroblasts have been

evaluated [253]. The effect of WSM on alkaline phosphatase activity of bone marrow stromal

cells was similar to that obtained by dexamethasone. These results imply that human diploid

MRC-5 fibroblasts respond to differentiating factors that promote an osteoblastic phenotype in

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bone-derived cell cultures. The WSM and MR14 fractions that were separated from the pearl

powder of Hyriopsiscumingii lea was able to significantly promote fibroblast proliferation and

promote collagen accumulation [254]. The MR14 fraction inhibited MMP-2 activity significantly

and all of the fractions promoted TIMP-1 production. This study elucidated the mechanism by

which pearl powder promotes wound healing through an ability to stimulate fibroblast mitosis,

collagen deposition, and TIMP-1 production, and the major active fraction may be MR14 [254].

When water soluble nacre(WSN)extract was applied to a skin burn area, the burn-induced

granulation sites were rapidly filled with collagen, and the damaged dermis and epidermis were

restored to the appearance of normal skin. WSN enhanced the wound healing recovery properties

for burn-induced apoptotic and necrotic cellular damage and spurred angiogenesis. Additionally,

WSN-treated murine fibroblast NIH3T3 cells showed increased proliferation and collagen

synthesis [255].

Ability of shell extracts to control weight

Liu et al. [256] investigated feeding scallop shell powder to rats and the authors reported a

decrease in body weight including a decrease of white adipose tissue. This result provided initial

evidence that the scallop shell powder was useful for lowering fat mass and raised the possibility


of a new application of the powder as a health supplement. The organic components in scallop

shell were found to promote lipolysis in differentiated 3T3-L1 and C3H10T1/2 adipocytes [257].

Scallop shell extract, which contains unidentified proteins and saccharides, may contribute to the

decrease in amount of white adipose tissue of rats fed scallop shell powder through an increase in

the expression of UCP1 and acyl CoA dehydrogenase [234, 258]. Feeding powdered nacre

resulted in reduced body weight, with a decrease in visceral fat [259], but the specific nature of
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the substance causing the fat reduction was not reported. In 2012, in order to clarify the

mechanism of action, Takahashi et al. [260] investigated the effects of scallop shell extract on

the differentiation of 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte cells and found that scallop shell extract reduced

lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells during differentiation and inhibited adipocyte differentiation.

In addition, scallop shell extract suppressed the expression of adipogenic transcription factors

and inhibited differentiation-associated mitotic clonal expansion. It was found that glycoproteins

isolated from scallop shell extract via affinity chromatography could inhibit

differentiation-associated mitotic clonal expansion and suppressed the expression of an

adipocyte-specific protein, fatty acid binding protein [260]. In order to find out which substance

could cause a decrease in white adipose tissue in rat, Fukuda et al. [261] treated the extract with

pepsin and pancreatin and identified a protein with a molecular weight of 90 kDa that was

resistant to digestion, and was found to have a free radical-scavenging capability and had the

ability to bind bile acids and potentially inhibit the absorption of bile acid.


Other bioactivities of shell extracts

Nacre has potential as a traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of eye diseases. Xu et al.

[262] reported a form-sense-deprived model (FDM) for chicks that was developed to examine

the effect of nacre on the elongation of axis oculi. It was shown that nacre can prevent and treat

myopia, however, the specific substances involved in the nacre powder that have this activity

require identification. Oyster shell extract significantly decreased intracellular ROS levels and
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increased antioxidant enzyme activities, blocked NO production and expression of TNF-α,

IL-1β, IL-6, NF-κB, iNOS and OX-2 in LPS-stimulated Raw 264.7 cells. Together, these

results suggest oyster shell extract could be useful as a natural anti-oxidant and

anti-inflammatory resource [263]. It was also shown that a water soluble matrix extract of nacre

had ability of vitro scavenging of ABTS and DPPH free radicals and inhibition of lipid

peroxidation [264]. Mitsuhashi et al. [265] reported a radical scavenging glycoprotein with a

molecular weight of approximately 90 kDa m the scallop shell


Worldwide the seafood harvesting and processing industry generates considerable waste

co-products. A significant proportion of the waste is in the form of shell material that is currently

under-utilised. With the expansion of particularly shellfish aquaculture, this waste stream will be

perpetuated. Much of the shell waste stream is disposed of into landfill with the potential to

create increasing environmental problems in the future. An increasing volume of literature

indicates considerable potential for utilisation of the chemical mineral major component of shells

in applications ranging from food-grade antibacterial protection to bone implants with

demonstrated functional and health-promoting advantages. The lower abundant protein and


pigment contents present in many shell types are also a significant resource that are recognised to

have a variety of applications including fortification of consumed food products and use in

topically applied pharmaceutical products. These materials have their own unique structures and

can have potential applications in various industries. With the increasing trend in preservation

and central processing of seafood (e.g. production of individually quick-frozen mussels and

half-shell products) that ensure production efficiency and product diversity, there is no shortage
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of a large supply of marine shells for production of the above mentioned products. A challenge

for utilisation of these materials is the development of industrial scale processes for

interconversion of shell material and for the extraction of protein and pigments using processes

that do not require the need for use of harsh chemicals that may in turn create additional

environmental waste problems. Several reports have demonstrated potential ways forward by use

of processes such as fermentation of shell material and extraction of lipophilic molecules such as

pigments with edible oils and other green technologies. Development of scalable processes to

utilise the health-promoting and functional material resources available in shell waste material is

underway and holds great promise for the future.



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Table 1 Extraction of chitin/chitosan from sea shell waste

Shell Method/Microorga optimized DM DP Referen

source/meth nisms conditions/prop (%) (%) ces
od erties
Shrimp Solid state 34.6°C 58.19% Chitinase [266]
(Parapeneopsi fermentation v/w moisture activity:
s hardwickii)
Citrobacter content. 143.15 U/gds
freundii str. nov. 2.36 % w/w
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

haritD11 yeast
Shrimp Biological 70 g/l shrimp, 88 94 [42]
(Metapeneaus treatment, using 35°C, 6 days
the Bacillus glucose
pumilus A1 concentration
of 50 g/l, pH
Bacillus cereus 40 g/l shrimp protease 88 [267]
Shrimp SV1 60°C, pH activity: 5,900
6-9.5, and U/mL)
<55°C, pH 8.0
Shrimp Treatment with 6 h, room 88.8 [268]
Crude Protease temperature,
from Bacillus DA 89%
cereus SV1 remarkable
Fresh Pseudomonas 80 g/l SWP and protease 85 [269]
shrimp aeruginosa A2 135 g/L activities:
waste FSW,60°C, pH 17,000 and
(FSW) 8.0 12,000 U/mL
Shrimp Pseudomonas 50 g/l shrimp, protease 96 89 [43]
shells waste aeruginosa A2 glucose 50 g/l, activities:
(Metapenea 25°C. 18,000 U/ml
us 5 days.
monoceros) inoculum of
0.05 OD
Shrimp shells Serratia sp. chitinase and Chitinase: [270]
waste TKU016 protease were 22 mU/ml


(pH 7, 50° C, protease:

pH 6-7, <50°C) 160 mU/ml,
and (pH 8-10,
40°C, pH 5-10,
ability was
about 76%
Shrimp shell Lactobacillus 5days [45]
waste plantarum (PTTC
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

(Penaeus 1058)
semisulcatus Lactobacillus
) acidophilus
(PTTC 1643)
rhamnosus (PTCC
Crangon 56.82°C for 83 [271]
Shrimp shell Pediococcus sp. 50 g/l, 37°C for 83.03 [272]
waste L1/2. 24h
pH 7.00
Shrimp shell Lactobacillus 10% (w/v) of 44 91 [9]
waste helveticus shrimp shells
inoculated with
a L. helveticus
strain milano
(10% v/v).
The use of date
juice, as an
alternative to
the use of a
primary carbon
source such as
80 g L−1 sugar
content and
Shrimp shell Bacillus subtilis - 72 84 [32]
Shrimp shell Bacillus cereus 14 day, 10% 95 97.1 [273]
waste and shrimp shell
Exiguobacterium waste broth,


acetylicum 37°C

Shrimp shell Pediococcus 72h, 15% 72.5± 97.9± [48]

waste acidolactici (w/w) glucose, .5 0.3
CFR2182 37°C
Prawn waste Lactococcus lactis1% v/v 78.8 66.5 [274]
and inoculant, shell 23. 77.8
Teredinobacter waste (10% 3
turnirae w/v) pH
8.8 ± 0.5, 15%
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

glucose, 4 day
Shrimp shells Bacillus 96h 229.7 ± 10.0 93.5 87 [275]
waste licheniformis and U/mL
Shrimp shells Lactobacillus 48h 99.02 91.54 [47]
waste acidophilus SW01 15% glucose,
Shrimp shells Fermentation shrimp shell 88% 94% [41]
waste using Bacillus concentration
pumilus A1 of 70 g/l,
of 50 g/l, pH of
5.0 incubated
with 0.225 OD
of B. pumilus
A1 inoculum,
35°C and
150 rpm for 6
Red crab Lactobacillus Supplementatio 94.3 68.9 [34]
shell paracasei n of N-source
(Chionoecet KCTC-3074 and in culture
es Serratia media
japonicas) marcescens FS-3 improved the
efficiency of
chitin from
shell. 7 days
Crab shell Pseudomonas 30°C, 7day 92 63 [35]
aeruginosa F722 10% glucose


Snow crabs Serratia marcescens 7day, 30°C 60.7 U/ml 84 47 [276]
(Chionoecetes FS-3
Shrimp, Chemical method Chitin from [277]
squid pen, using NaOH and squid pens did
crab, lobster autoclave not require
steeping in
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

solution/ after
15 min of
heating a
degree of
deacetylation of
90% was
Pink Shrimp 75°C, 2.5 N [278]
(Solenocera NaOH and 1.7
melantho) M HCl
solution to solid
ratio of 5 mL/g
from NaOH (3.5%) [279]
exoskeleton with a solvent
of shrimp to solid ratio of
(Metapenae 10:1 (v/w) for 2
us h at 65°C
monoceros) 1 N HCl for 0.5
h at ambient
with constant
stirring and a
solvent to solid
ratio of 15:1
chitin from Lactobacillus lactic acid [46]
trash crab plantarum concentration
(Podophthal of 69.5 g/L at
mus vigil) pH 6.9, acid to
shells ratio
1:25, 40°C


Shrimp shell shells soaked in [280]

waste 0.5 M NaOH at
temperature for
24 h
by 0.25 M HCl
for 45 min at
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

n by three
treatments with
2.5 M NaOH at
Shrimp shell 24 h & 45 min [28]
waste NaOH 1 M
(Parapenae within 24 h at
opsis 70°C
stylifera) solid-to-liquid
ratio of about
1/40 (w/v)
Shrimp, Chemical and MW Microwave [281]
lobster, heating reduced
crab, cuttle the time of
fish heating from 6–
10 h to 10–
15 min, 0.25 M
HCl solution at
with a
d ratio of
40 mL/g,
: 1.0 M
(20 mL/g) at
Shrimp 2.5h >98 >98 % [282]
shells waste Response surface NaOH solution %


(Penaeus methodology 3.6 % (w/v),

sp) reaction time
2.5 h, treatment
69.0 ± 1°C,
solid liquid
ratio of NaOH
solution 1:7.4
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016


Table 2 Chemical composition of some of sea shells [283, 284]

Component Oyster Mussel Clam Crab

shell shell shell crust
SiO2 0.40 0.20 0.46 -
Al2O3 0.22 0.13 0.20 -
Fe2O3 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.02
CaO 53.81 53.70 53.92 22.34
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

MgO 1.70 0.33 0.22 1.07

CaCO3 - - - -
K2O - - - 0.01
Na2O - - - 0.07
P2O5 - - - 3.08


Table 3 Synthesis of HA powder from natural resources. Research published in the period of


Time Powder Phosphate Method Source Ref

properties source
10 Flower shape, Na2HPO4 Microwave Eggshell [109]
min 78 nm, Mg ,
EDTA used,
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Globular like, H3PO4 Precipitation Eggshell [285]

30 nm, stable to
900 C
Spheroidal, Ca2P2O7 Solid state Eggshell [286]
pure β-TCP Na,
Mg and Sr.
72 h Flower like NH4H2PO4 Hydrothermal Eggshell [287]
smooth prisms
or rough
particles HA
24 needle-like or H3PO4 Hydrothermal Eggshell [288]
-72 h rod-like, Na,
Mg, and Sr.
24 h H3PO4 Precipitation Eggshell [289]
24 h Flower like NH4H2PO4 Eggshell [290]
sphere, 15-35
48 h whisker, 0.06 CaHPO4 Hydrothermal Eggshell [291]
1-7 Amorphous, 15 K2HPO4 Hydrothermal Eggshell [292]
days nm circular
3-12 flower like K2HPO4 Egg shell [293]
24 h needle-like (NH4)2HPO4 Eggshell [294]
morphology, 5
nm in diameter
and 50–100 nm
Up Spherical, HA, Ca2P2O7 Mechanical Oyster [295]
to 8 B-TCP, solid milling


h state reaction,
12 h, Microspheres, Na2HPO4·12H2O Hydrothermal Nacre [296]
~ 5 μm
5h irregular shape, KH2PO4 Precipitation Mussel shell [297]
24 h rod like, Mg, Na Hydrothermal [298]
Sea Urchin
4 the starting (NH4)2HPO4 Hydrothermal Sea Urchin [86]
days (NH4)2HPO4 Heterocentrotus
solution was trigonarius and
0.2 g ml and Heterocentrotus
temperature was mammillatus
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

∼200°C (NH4)2HPO4 Hydrothermal [87]
Strombus gigas
(conch) shells and
Tridacna gigas
(Giant clam) shells
20 180°C, 137–218 (NH4)2HPO4 Hydrothermal [98]
days MPa, conch and clam
β-MgTCP, 80 C hot [93]
monetit and HA plate 2 hour , Sea urchin and sea
sintering up snail
to 850 C
coralline 250 ±C and 3.8 Hydrothermal [299]
hydroxyapatite MPa pressure Coral
retains thewith excess
interconnectivity (NH4)2HPO4.
of coral dried at 70 ±C.
150°C forfired at 900°C Hydrothermal
8 days followed for 2 h Coral
by sintering at KH2PO4 Coralin
1250°C hydroxyapatite
~ 87%
crystallinity, 70–
75% porosity
and 2 ± 0.5 MPa
250°C and 3.8 (NH4)2HPO4. Hydrothermal
MPa pressure . Coral

200°C(~ 15 KH2PO4 Hydrothermal

atm), 4 hours Cuttlefish


9h 200°C, after of Hydrothermal

HT Cuttlefish bones
pore size (∼80
μm in width and
∼100 μm in
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016


Table 4 Advantages and disadvantages of different HA production methods

Method Advantages Disadvantages Ref

Heterogeneity of phase
Good for mass production of HA composition, owing to
powder, small diffusion
Solid state Stoichiometric, structure a large coefficients of ions [300-302]
surface area within the solid phase
small cluster size High sintering time and
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Poorly crystallized.
without any regular
shape. Non
stoichiometric ratio,
Simple, low temperature,
Precipitation high pH and sintering [303-305]
Nano HA particles, large scale possible,
temperature, sensitive
to pH and rate of
stirring, drying
Molecular-level mixing of reactants, Generation of secondary
Improving the chemical homogeneity phase.
of the resulting powder, High cost of some of the
Low temperature formation starting materials,
Sol-gel Easy to perform; Inexpensive especially
Stochimetric ratio of HA alkoxide-based
Nano HA particles, phase purity and precursors, Expensive
homogeneous mixing of molecules, chemicals, difficult to
Low temperature and pressure. hydrolyse phosphate,
Relatively stoichiometric and highly Elevated temperature
crystalline. Third most popular method and pressure. Need
after the conventional precipitation expensive equipment,
Hydrothermal and combination methods. Capability high pressure [312-315]
to induce 1D growth, Well crystallised, equipment,
homogenous powder, nano HA agglomeration of the
powder. product


Table 5 Literature relating to application of shell material for treatment of waste water

Adsorbent pollution Adsorption capacities and Optimum condition Ref

Corbicula Phosphoric Precipitate calcium hydrogen phosphate, Batch stirring [128]
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

shells and acid (0.1 for up to 6 hours

Japanese mol/l)
Oyster Phosphoric 0.1 and 0.05 mol/l of phosphoric acid [127]
Shells acid(0.1
Mussel, Removal Clam shells showed highest value of SO2 (>1.0 mmol/g) [4]
clam, oyster SO2/NOx and NOx (0.1 mmol/g) adsorption
Crab shells Phosphate 108.9 mg/g; Particle <1000 µm more than 85% of the [283]
500mg/l of in 24 hours at pH 2,
Crab shells Copper(II) Copper 243.9 and cobalt 322.6 mg/g, 2 h, particle size [316]
and cobalt(II) 0.767 mm, (pH 6); biosorbent dosage (5 g/l). Eluting
agents, EDTA (pH 3.5, in HCl) performed well and also
caused low biosorbent damage. five cycles
Pretreated Lead and Crab: lead 19.83 ± 0.29 copper 38.62 ± 1.27 mg/g ; Arca [317]
crab and copper shell: 18.33 ± 0.44 mg/g and 17.64 ± 0.31 mg/g
arca shell
Scallop Phosphate 23.0 mg-phosphate/g-shell; 45 μm, 100 mg/L of [318]
phosphate in 3 h; removal was not much affected by the
pH in the range of 2.0–7.5 but it was scarcely removed
beyond pH 8.0.constant removal over 35°C.
HCl-treatment increased the adsorption capacity of the
shell removal efficiency was over 85%
Crab shell Chelating ability of chitosan makes it an excellent [319]
Nickel adsorbent for removing pollutants.The sorption occurred
primarily within 5 min.pH was also found not to be
Oyster shell Cupper and Cu2+ and Ni2+ were 49.26–103.1 and 48.75– [320]
nickle 94.3 mg g−1,BET surface area of 15.20 m2 g−1, an average


pore size of 0.46 nm, and an average pore volume of

0.04 cm3 g−1. 60°C, contact time of 240 min
Crushed Hydrogen 12 mg-S g−1.specific surface area 0.25 m2 g−1 [321]
oyster shell sulfide
Oyster shell 1 year of operation under the overall hydraulic retention [322]
time of 3.5 days, the integrated system was found to be
highly effective in removing BOD5 (92.3%), N (85.7%),
P (98.3%) and total suspended solids (TSS) (94.4%)
Recover [323]
Oyster and Boron from 122 mg-B/g-treated shell, 95% within 10 min of reaction time by
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

clam shell wastewater adding 0.3 g. microwave hydrothermal treatment

Phosphate [324]
Hydrothermally removal 800°C for 1 h; hydrothermal annealing at 150°C for 12 h. 74% or 92%
modified phosphate removal after 2 or 4 h, respectively.
fumed silica
and pulverized
oyster shell
Brilliant Red −1
Waste shell of HE-3B dye, pH 1.2, shells dose of 40 g L , dye initial concentration of 50–
Rapana batch 50 mg L ; the equilibrium time decreases with increasing of dye
conditions concentration
Remove Basic pH 8.0. –OH, –CO3, and –PO4 functional groups were [134]
Bivalve type Green 4 (BG mainly responsible for the adsorption process.
sea shell 4) cationic42.33 mg g−1 at 303 K at 50 mg L−1 initial BG 4
dye concentration, temperature has strong influence on the
adsorption process equilibrium at 120 min.
Textile dyes [129]
Calcined Rhodamine B, pH 9 for biosorption of Rhodamine B and between 4 and 6 for
mussel shell Alizarin Red Alizarin Red S and Orange II. The equilibrium for all dyes in 60 min
S and Orange 45.67 mg/g for Rhodamine B, 39.65 mg/g for Alizarin Red S and
41.75 mg/g for Orange II.
Safranin dye [130]
Calcined 87.56% using 200 mg of biosorbent and 150 mg/L as safranin
mussel shell concentration and for a pH above 9.2


Table 6 waste sea shells as catalyst

Catalyst Feedsto Calcination Reaction Methanol/ Catalys Yield and Ref

ck oil ratio t comment
Tim Temp Tim Temp
e (°C) e (°C)
Combuste soybean 3 700 C 5h 25wt.% 70% [326
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

d oyster oil . ]
Waste Palm 2 700 C 65°C 0.5:1 5 wt.% Re-employ [138
mud crab olein ed up to 11 ]
(Scylla times,
serrata) 500 rpm
Waste palm 800 2–4h 2h 90% [327
shells of olein oil ]
snail, and
Waste palm 900 2h 0.54:1 4.9 [139
cockle olein wt.% ]
Waste mustard 900 65 ± 5° 9:1 3.0 wt. 93.3% [328
shell of oil C % ]
a striatula
Ba doped Ba 3h 65°C 6:1 1.0 wt >98% [140
CaO waste between % ]
shells of 0.5 to
striatula 1.5 wt%
Biont and 25 500 3 3 wt% 97.5% [141
shell wt% KF ]
impregnat solution
ed with


Waste Palm oil 900 2 h. 6 60°C 8:1 3 wt % 93 ± 2.2%, [329

capiz 170 700 rpm ]
(Amusium mesh
cristatum) screens
Snail shell Waste 7h 2.0 wt. 87.28%. [330
frying % ]
Calcium Waste 3.5 1173 3h 333 K 6.03:1 3 wt % (>89%) [331
oxide frying K conversion ]
derived oil (>97%)
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

from .
Waste 1050 8 60°C 24:1 12 wt. 5 times [332
mussel % was ]
shell studied
Calcined 800 3 65°C 9:1 3.0% 98 % [333
river-snail ]
Waste 1.5 70°C 12:1 5% 90% [334
freshwater h 7 cycles ]
mussel shell surface
(23.2 m2 g−


Table 7 Waste seashells as antimicrobial agent

Waste shell Antibacterial application Antibacterial characteristic

Scallop shell, oyster Physalospora piricola Non-treated oyster shell [335]
shell and their Nose (P. piricola) and powder antifungal activity at
pyrolyzed products Rhizoctonia solani Kühn 25,000 ppm; Heat treated at
(R. solany) 1050 C: antifungal activity at
500 ppm, 100% inhibition of
R. solany was observed;
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

oyster shell affect the

membrane permeability of the
Scallop shell powder Listeria monocytogenes, SSP (0.5%) exposure cleaned [336]
Staphylococcus aureus pathogens by 3–5 logs with a
and Escherichia coli 1 min exposure. Escherichia
O157:H7 coli O157:H7 was most
sensitive bacteria
Scallop shell heated Coliform 1000°C for 1 hour, 0.1 g [146]
powder dm-3 in 5 min removed
bacteria at 20°C
Oyster shell BOD, COD, TP and TSS Average removal efficiency [337]
removal of COD, BOD, NH3-N, TP
and TSS was 80.05%,
85.02%, 86.59%, 50.58% and
Oyster shell as Phosphorus Removal At pH 10, 90.6% of total [338]
biological aerated phosphorus was removed
filter medium
Oyster shell Extension of shelf life of 0.05% and 0.1% addition had [339]
Tofu a shelf life of above 2 days
longer than that prepared with
a single use of MgCl2; good
sensory evaluation and the
extension of shelf life.
Oyster shell powder Extension of shelf-life of 0.5% of powder enhanced the [340]
Kimchi shelf-life and the quality of
Kimchi for preservation and
Mussel shell waste E. coli and S. aureus, 400 and S. aureus was much [341]
doped with silver 600 ppm thicker, which played a
defense system and
protected the cell from


penetration of silver ions

into the cytoplasm.
Oysters, calcined Total aerobic counts and E. Clams had the highest [342]
scallops, clams and coli activity; antibacterial activity
roll shells was due to the strong
alkalinity of aqueous
solutions of this calcined
calcium preparation.
CaO scallop-shell Escherichia coli, Listeria 0.05% CaO solution for 10 [343]
powder monocytogenes, and min cleaned pathogens 1-3
Salmonella typhimurium. log; the bactericidal action
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

was maintained for at least

24 h of storage, E.coli was
most sensitive bacteria
Heated scallop-shell Antibacterial activity of Antibacterial activity of the [143]
nano-particles nano-particles (20 nm) nano-particles was much
micro-particles (30 μm) higher than that of
micro-particles, >3 log
reduction for B. subtilis
spores was confirmed
following a 30 min treatment
at 5 mg/ml and 60°C.
Antibacterial 50–900 nm [144]
nanoparticles from nanoparticles,1200-1300°C
scallop for 3-4 hour


Table 8 UV–Vis absorption spectral data and structural elucidation of naphthoquinone pigments


Num Structure elucidation Molecu λM X Molar Refere

ber in lar mass nce
Fig.1 formula
1 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone C10H6O 420nm(met 174.1 [344]
3 hanol ) 5
2 5,8-dihydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone C10H6O / 190.1 [344]
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

4 5
3 6-ethyl-2,3,5,7,8-pentahydroxy- C12H9O 507, 312, 265.0 [153]
naphthoquinone 7 250 35
4 2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydoxy-1,4- C12H7O 263.0, 263.0 [153]
naphthoquinone, 7 235.0 194
5 2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxy-1,4- C10H6O 269, 321, 221.0 [159]
naphthoquinone, 6 390, 489 068
6 2-acetyl-3,5,6,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4- C12H7O 467, 350, 279.0 [153]
naphthoquinone 8 285 143
7 2,3,5,7,8-pentahydroxy-1,4- C10H6O 265, 325, 237.0 [159]
naphthoquinone 7 489 026
8 2,3,5,6,7,8-hexahydroxy-1,4- C10H6O 266, 345, 252.9 [159]
naphthoquinone 8 489 985
20 2,3,5,8-Tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthoquion C10H6O 230,246,46 221 [151]
6 0,489
21 6-ethyl-2,3,5,8-tetrahydroxy-1,4-naphthoqui C12H11 217, 275, 266 [345]
none NO6 343,
22 Echinamine A C12H11 217, 233, 266 [345]
NO6 274,
345, 479
23 Echinamine B C12H11 217, 275, 266 [345]
NO6 343,
24 7,5’-anhydroethylidene-6,6’bis(2,3,7-trihydr C12H11 263,323,45 [150]
oxynaphthazarin) O13 1 483.0
26 Ethylidene-6,6’-bis(2,3,7-trihydroxynaphtha C12H11 266,342,48 264 [150,
zarin) O13 2,528 156,
25 7,7’-anhydroethylidene-6,6’-bis(2,3,7 C12H11 340,480 484.0 [150,
trihydroxynaphthazarin) O13 2 154,


27 2,3,5,6,8- pentahydroxy-1,4- 238 [154]
3-acetyl-2,7-dihydroxy-6-methylnaphthazari 261,324,53 278 [347]
n 5
Spinochrome E sulphate C10H5O 475,330,26 332.8 [153]
derivative 11S 0
Spinochrome B sulphate C10H5O 420, 300, 300.8 [153]
derivative 9S 262
Aminopentahydroxy naphthoquinone C10H6O 471, 369, 252.1 [153,
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

7N 273 157]


Table 9 Method of extraction, purification and identification of spinochrome and HPLC


Source Extraction Purification Mobile grad Flo wavel Colu Refe

method and phase ient w ength mn renc
detection rat e
method e
Psammechinus Solid LC-MS A: 20 0-30 0.2 280/3 C18 [153
miliaris phase mmol/L min ml/ 65/52 ]
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

extraction formic acid 5%- mi 0 nm

B:20 40% n
mmol/L B
formic acid
Glyptocidariscr Ethanol-H Macroporous A: 0-20 0.2 475 100m [159
enularis Cl-aqueou resin acetonitrile min ml/ nm m×2. ]
Strongylocentro s solution UPLC B: 0.1% 10-5 mi 1 mm
tusintermedius Q-TOFMS formic acid 0% n C18
A 1.7
Strongylocentro Ethanol-H Macroporous [157
tusnudus Cl-aqueou resin ]
s solution UPLC
Strongylocentro Solvent TLC-HPLC– A:0.2% 0-3 0.3 340 100m [156
tusdroebachiens extraction DAD–MS formic acid min ml/ nm m×2. ]
is B:acetonitril 5%B mi 1 mm
e 0.2% 0-40 n C18,
formic acid min 3.5
5%- μm
Purple sea Solvent RP-HPLCwit A:0.1% 50% 0.5 340 [152
urchin extraction hDAD,LC-M formic acid A ml/ nm ]
S B:MeOH:ac and mi 520
etonitrile(5: 50% n nm
9) B


Scaphechinus Solvent HPLC [155
mirabilis extraction ]
Strongylocentro Solvent SephadexLH [160
tus extraction -20 column ]
franciscanus chromatogra
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016


Table 10 Echinochrome A in solution stability

Condition Effect on autoxidation

Aerobic conditions pH <= 7 Stable
pHvalues above 8.5-9.0 Rate of autoxidation increased
EDTA and SOD and Vitamin C Rate of autoxidation decreased
Anaerobic with the glucose/glucose Stable
oxidase system(any pH)
Calcium ions Rate of autoxidation sharply increased
EDTA added in excess of CaCl2 Stopped the autoxidation
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Mg2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Co2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, No effect on the echinochrome A

Pb2+,Fe2+ autoxidation in the pH range from 7 to 9
Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions Oxidized echinochrome A directly in
redox reactions


Table 11 Distribution of spinochromes in echinoids

Source Structure in Fig 1 Reference

Strongylocentrotus 3.5.8 [160]
Scaphechinus mirabilis 3.5.7 [155]
Toxopneustespileolus 4.5.6 [158]
Strongylocentrotus [156, 346]
droebachiensis 25.20.21
Strongylocentrotus nudus [157, 347, 348]
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Glyptocidaris crenularis 5.7.8 [159]
Strongylocentrotus [159]
Psammechinus miliaris Spinochrome E sulphate derivative [153]
Diademaantillarum 3 [154]
Temnopleurus toreumaticus 13 [154]
Spatangus purpureus Ethylidene-3,3’-bis(2,6,7-trihydroxynaphthaza [154]
rin) and its anhydro-derivative
Scaphechinus 20,21 [151]


Table 12 Antioxidant activity and mechanism of PHNQ

Source Par Assay Pigments Mechanism Refer

t ence
Glyptocid Spi DPPH / As losing hydrogen atoms, [159,
aris ne PHNQ may become 165,
crenularis Sh naphthosemiquinone 166,
Strongylo ells As the intermediate product 169]
centrotus and and naphthotetraketone as the
intermedi spi final reaction product
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

us nes
Anthocida Sh O2- Echinochrome A Echinochrome-naphthosemiqu [162,
ris ells inone-naphthotetraketone 169]
crassispin and
a spi
Anthocida Echinochrome A 1,2,3,4-tetraketones are [167,
ris >spinochrome D formed from echinochrome A 168]
crassispin >spinochrome C < NBT and spinochromes D and E via
a <trimethoxyechinochrome O2.-induced oxidation of their
A OH-groups in the 2nd and 3rd
Strongylo Spi Reduci / Anion form transmits two [157]
centrotus nes ng electrons consecutively to
nudus power ferric ion and becomes
naphthotetraketon as the final
reaction product
Anthocida Hydrox / Could not be competitively [169]
ris yl inhibited by the pigments
crassispin radical
a scaven


Strongylo Iron Echinochrome A Formation of iron(III)-PHNQ [165]
centrotus Bindin and iron(II)-PHNQ complexes
intermedi g
Glyptocid Spi Fe2+ch / PHNQ had metal ion chelating [159]
aris ne elating capacity, but weaker than
crenularis Capacit EDTA
Strongylo y
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Strongylo Iron-In Ech> >E>BHT>α-Tocoph / [165]
centrotus duced erol>D>EDTA>TEech
intermedi Liposo
us me
Lipid / / [349]
Strongylo spi Inhibiti / Result of a combination of [157]
centrotus nes on of iron chelation and free-radical
nudus lipid scavenging activity
ation in
rat liver
Strongylo spi Protecti / Inhibit t-BOOH-induced [157]
centrotus nes on cytotoxicity by scavenging
nudus against ROS and preventing lipid
oxidati peroxidation


Table 13 Bioactivities of PHQN pigments

Source Pigments Function Reference

Histochrome Echinochrome Anti-inflammatory [174]
Histochrome Echinochrome Cardioprotective activity [176-178]

Histochrome Echinochrome Retinoprotective activity [179]

Green Sea Antiallergic activity [175]

Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

Salmacisvirgulata Shells Antimicrobial activity [147]

Spinochrome A Inhibitory activity on [182]

Echinochrome dopamine-β-hydroxylase
Spinochrome A Inhibitory activity on [181]
Echinochrome bovine adrenal tyrosine
A hydroxylase.


Table 14 Astaxanthine extraction method

Extraction Solvent Optimized condition Carotenoid Reference

method extraction yield
Solvent Acetone (Ac), methanol 60% hexane in solvent 43.9 μg/g waste [188]
extraction (Meth), ethanol mixture, solvent mixture
(EtOH), isopropyl to waste ratio of 5:1 in
alcohol (Isop), ethyl each extraction and
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Barbara] at 06:53 25 June 2016

acetate (EA), ethyl three extractions

methyl ketone (EMK),
petroleum ether (PE),
and hexane (Hx)
individually and to a
mixture of acetone and
Soxhlet Hx; EtOH; Ac; (5 g) was packed inside HxIPA: [189]
Isop and Isop:Hx a cartridge and 198μg/g extract
(50:50, v/v) transferred
to a 250mL extractor
device and submitted to
8-h recycling
150mLsolvent at boiling
Maceration Hx,EtOH,Ac, Isop, and 25 g of the sample Hx:188μg/g [189]
the binary Hx:Isop into 100mL of selected extract
(50:50, v/v) organic solvent for five
days at room
light protection and one
daily manual agitation.
Hot and Sunflower oil and Mixing 10 g of raw OilC-Sunflower [189]
cold oil soybean oil material : 5.18μg/g
extraction with 40mL of vegetable extract
oil in a 250mL flask
(light protected),
submitted to hot plates
with 2-h agitation period
at room temperature
(OilC) or at 70 ◦C(OilH


Vegetable refined sunflower in sunflower oil were Sunflower oil: [192]

oil oil,groundnut oil, determined to be oil 27.56μg/g
extraction gingelly oil, mustard level to waste of 2, waste
oil, soy oil, coconut oil temperature of 70 C and
and rice bran oil heating time of 150min
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Table 15 Matrix Proteins extracted from shells of shellfish

Protein name Species MW (kDa) Reference

AP7 Haliotis 7.565 Michenfelder et al.,
Aspein Prisms Pinctadafucata 41 Tsukamoto et al.,
Prismalin-14 Pinctadafucata 11.89 Suzuki et al., 2004
Asprich family Atrinarigida 20-30 Gotliv et al., 2005
Calprismin Pinna nobilis 38 Marin et al., 2005
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MSI7 Pinctadafucata 7 Zhang et al., 2003

Casparti Pinna nobilis 38 Marin et al., 2001,
MSP-SC Patinopectenyessoensis 14 [231]
P14 Pinctadafucata 14.5 [350]
MSP-1 Patinopectenyessoensis 74.5 [230]


Figure 1 Potential products from marine shell waste and current direction of research

Crustacean shell

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Figure 2 Chitin and chitosan production by chemical and microbiological method

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Figure 3 Structures of spinochrome pigments in echinoids

Cpd R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Name
1 H H H H H Juglone (5-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone)
2 H H H H OH Naphthazarin (5, 8-dihydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone
3 OH OH Eth OH OH Echinochrome A (6-ethyl-2, 3, 5, 7, 8-pentahydroxy-
naphthoquinone )
4 OH Ac H OH OH Spinochrome A(2-acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydoxy-1,4-

5 OH OH H OH H Spinochrome B (2, 3, 5, 7-tetrahydroxy-1, 4-
6 Ac OH OH OH OH Spinochrome C (2-acetyl-3, 5, 6, 7, 8-pentahydroxy-1,
7 OH OH OH H OH Spinochrome D (2, 3, 5, 7, 8-pentahydroxy-1,
8 OH OH OH OH OH Spinochrome E (2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8-hexahydroxy-1,
9 H H Eth H H 6-Ethyl-5-hydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
10 OH H Ac OH H 6-Acetyl-2,5,7-trihydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
11 OH OH Eth OH H 6-Ethyl-2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
12 OH OH Ac OH H 6-Acetyl-2,3,5,7-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione


13 OH Ac OH OH H 3-Acetyl-2,5,6,7-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
14 OH H H H OH 2,5,8-Trihydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
15 OH H Eth H OH 6-Ethyl-2,5,8-trihydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
16 OH H Ac H OH 6-Acetyl-2,5,8-trihydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
17 OH Ac H OH OH 2-Acetyl-3,5,8-trihydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
18 OH H H OH OH 2,5,7,8-Tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
19 OH Ac H OH OH 2-Acetyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
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20 OH OH OH OH OH 2,3,5,6,7,8-Hexahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
21 OH OH Eth H OH 6-Ethyl-2,3,5,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
22 NH2 OH Eth OH OH 2-Amino-6-ethyl-3,5,7,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione
23 NH2 OH OH Eth OH 2-Amino-7-ethyl-3,5,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene-1,4-dione




7,7’-a\Anhydroethylidene-6,6’-bis(2,3,7 trihydroxynaphthazarin)



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Echinochrome A Naphthosemiquinone Napthotetraketone

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Figure 4 A) Mechanisms of DPPH scavenging activities of PHNQ (with spinochrome E as an

example), B) Super anion-radical scavenging activity of PHNQ (with Echinochrome A as an

example), C) reducing power activity of PHNQ (with spinochrome E as an example), D) metal ion

chelation activity of PHNQ (with spinochrome E as an example)


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