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Responsible Officer: Health and Safety Manager Approved: General Manager Operations


1.0 Purpose....................................................................................................................2
2.0 Scope .......................................................................................................................2
3.0 Definitions ................................................................................................................2
4.0 Maintaining Entity Works ..........................................................................................3
4.1 General .................................................................................................................3
4.2 Safety and clearance requirements – design/construction/maintenance work ....... 3
4.3 Earthing and protection .........................................................................................4
4.4 Construction or excavation work in proximity to overhead or underground
electrical lines .................................................................................................................4
4.5 Vegetation Management ......................................................................................4
5.0 Maintaining Electrical Installation/Equipment Requirements ..................................... 5
5.1 General .................................................................................................................5
5.2 Electrical Contractor Licensee...............................................................................6
6.0 Specific AS/NZS 3000 Testing .................................................................................6
6.1 Earth Resistance Test (Test 3)..............................................................................6
6.2 Equipotential Bonding Conductor Test (Test 4) .....................................................8
6.2 Fault Loop Impedance Test (Test 8) .....................................................................8
6.3 Inspection and maintenance of integrity of insulation ............................................ 9
7.0 Recording Inspections and Testing ..........................................................................9
7.1 General .................................................................................................................9
8.0 Legislative and CS Energy References ....................................................................9
9.0 Associated Documentation .....................................................................................10
Attachment 1 – Visual Inspection Check Sheets ........................................................... 11
Attachment 2 – Electrical Tests Check Sheet ............................................................... 17
Attachment 3 – Electrical Installation/Electrical Equipment – Certificate of Testing and
Compliance ..................................................................................................................19

Issue Date Nature of Changes

08/11/2005 Original Issue

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Procedure - H&S - CS-OHS-32 - Maintenance and Testing of Entity Works, Electrical ~ CS Energy Registered.DOC Page: 1 of 19


1.0 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to detail specific electrical entity, installation and
equipment compliance, inspection, testing and maintenance requirements. The procedure
provides guidance and check sheets that are to be used to document the inspection and
testing of modified or new electrical installations and provide evidence of compliance with
AS/NZS 3000 – Electrical Installations and AS301 – Electrical Installations – Testing and
Inspection Guidelines.
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to all electrical installations and equipment that are part of CS
Energy Power Stations and workplaces, and all CS Energy employees and any other
persons working at these locations.
This Procedure is to be used in conjunction with Power Station specific Modification
Procedures and AS/NZS 3000, Section 6 requirements.
This Procedure does not address the specific inspection and testing frequencies of
portable electrical equipment or the inspection and testing frequencies of residual current
devices. Refer to CS Energy’s Maintenance and Testing of Portable Electrical Equipment,
RCDs and Tools procedure.
3.0 Definitions

Electrical contractor licensee

is a person nominated on CS Energy’s Electrical Contractors License responsible for
inspection and testing of electrical installations.
Electrical equipment
is any apparatus, appliance, cable, conductor, fitting, insulator, material, meter or
 used for controlling, generating, supplying, transforming or transmitting
electricity at a voltage greater than extra low voltage, or
 operated by electricity at a voltage greater than extra low voltage, or
 that is, or that forms part of, a cathodic protection system.
Note: electrical equipment does not include any apparatus, appliance, cable, conductor, fitting,
insulator, material, meter or wire forming part of a vehicle if –
 it forms part of a unit of the vehicle that provides propulsion for the vehicle, or
 its source of electricity is a unit of the vehicle that provides propulsion for the vehicle.

Electrical installation
is a group of items of electrical equipment, if:
 all the items are permanently electrically connected together, and
 the items do not include items that are works of an electricity entity, and
 electricity can be supplied to the group from the works of an electricity entity or
from a generating source.
Note: an item of “electrical equipment” can be part of more than 1 electrical installation and for
item one above:
 an item of electrical equipment connected to electricity by a plug and socket is not
permanently electrically connected, and
 connection achieved through using works of an electricity entity must not be taken
into consideration for deciding whether items of electrical equipment are
electrically connected.

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30958 Procedure - H&S - CS-OHS-32 - Maintenance
and Testing of Entity Works, Electrical ~ CS Energy
Modification procedures
are procedures, established at each CS Energy Power Station, that detail specific
process, documentation and approval requirements for undertaking modifications to
plant and equipment.
Residual current device (RCD)
a mechanical switching device designed to make, carry and break currents under
normal service conditions and to cause the opening of the contacts when the
residual current attains a given value under specified conditions.
Works of an electricity entity (entity works)
means the electrical equipment, and electric line associated equipment, controlled or
operated by the entity to generate, transform, transmit of supply electricity.
Note: electrical equipment for circulating water pumps, conveyors, chemical plant,
etc on site are works of an electricity entity, whereas appliances or fixed
wiring in an electricity entity’s workshop or office areas is not

4.0 Maintaining Entity Works

4.1 General
CS Energy entity works, electrical installations, electrical equipment and associated
equipment essential to generate and supply electricity:
 are to be electrically safe, and
 are to be operated in a way that is electrically safe.
The requirements for maintaining electrical installations as detailed in this procedure and
the specific requirements as detailed in the Electrical Safety Regulation – Part 7: Works of
an Electricity Entity, are to be complied with. Provisions within this procedure address the
 Electric lines and control cables,
 Clearance of overhead electric lines from ground,
 Clearance of overhead electric lines from structures,
 Building or adding to structure near electric line,
 Maintenance of works,
 Maintenance of integrity of insulation, and
 Trimming of trees near overhead electric line.
4.2 Safety and clearance requirements – design/construction/maintenance
CS Energy entity works, electrical installations, electrical equipment and associated
equipment essential to generate and supply electricity are to:
 be designed, constructed and maintained to ensure they are electrically safe,
 be operated in a way that is electrically safe,
 meet thermal capacity to pass the electrical load for which they are designed,
 have the capacity to pass short circuit currents to allow protective devices to operate
 have enough mechanical strength to withstand anticipated mechanical stresses
caused by environmental, construction or electrical service conditions,

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 restrict unauthorised access by persons to live exposed parts.
CS Energy power station sites must ensure the design, construction, operation and
maintenance records necessary for the electrical safety of the works are be kept in an
accessible form. Electrical equipment must undergo commissioning tests to verify the
equipment is suitable for service and can be operated safely when initially installed or
altered. Labels are to clearly identify parts of the works whose identity or purpose is not
obvious and are to be updated after any changes are made.
Lines and cables are to be maintained so that clearances from the ground/roads and
structures for low and high voltage cables are in accordance with the requirements of the
Electrical Safety Regulations – Schedule 4 and 5.
4.3 Earthing and protection
Each power station site is to incorporate and maintain an earthing and protection system
(to stop, as far as is practicable, a person suffering electric shock) capable of the
following: -
 Reliable passage of fault current and operation of circuit protection devices,
 Safe step, touch and transfer potentials for all electrical equipment,
 Appropriate coordination with the earthing and protection systems of other
 Protection against likely mechanical damage, inadvertent interference and
chemical deterioration,
 Mechanical stability and integrity of connections,
 Effective earthing of neutral conductors (MEN system), and
 Earthing of each non current carrying exposed conductive part of the
generating plant
4.4 Construction or excavation work in proximity to overhead or underground
electrical lines
Where building, construction or excavation work is proposed to be done, or a change to a
building or structure is to occur within the clearance requirements for overhead or
underground cables (exclusion zones) a Permit to Work/Permit to Dig or Access Permit is
to be obtained by the OIC for the work from CS Energy. The Permit is to outline the
measures taken to protect workers and the electrical works while the activities are being
performed and to ensure the requirements for exclusion zones are complied with.
4.5 Vegetation Management
Vegetation management is to be taken into account for trees and shrubs that are located
at CS Energy Power Station sites and within close proximity of any overhead power lines
associated with adjoining switchyards. Vegetation growth and work on or near the
vegetation is to be monitored so that at any time, the growth of the trees or shrubs and/or
a part of any persons body or anything they are holding or that is attached to their body, or
anything they are using - in association with the vegetation - does not come within the
exclusion zones.
 A person is not to undertake tree trimming or vegetation management where any
part of the tree or vegetation to be treated or cut or otherwise worked with is within
the exclusion zones.
 A person should not undertake tree trimming or vegetation management where
any part of the tree or vegetation could fall or otherwise be carried within the safe
approach distances.
 A formal documented inspection is to be undertaken of all site vegetation every six
months to check if growth is within the exclusion zones.

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 A Permit to Work is required for any work on or near vegetation that may be within
the exclusion zones.
Hazard Identification: before carrying out any vegetation management work, a JSEA is
required to identify potential hazards and suitable control measures. Hazards to be
considered include, but are not limited to, the following:
 Proximity of vegetation and proposed work activity to electric lines (e.g. if the
vegetation involved is located within exclusion zones).
 The vegetation or part of the vegetation may fall or otherwise be carried into the
area within exclusion zones.
 Carrying out the task would cause a person or anything a person may be holding,
or in contact with, to intrude into exclusion zones.
 Wind causing intermittent encroachment of vegetation into the exclusion zone or
wet weather making the situation more dangerous.
 Fires and smoke associated with the vegetation may cause trips or damage to the
overhead wires, towers and insulators.
 Operational characteristics of equipment eg length of boom and speed of
movement of an elevating work platform (EWP). Some examples of operational
characteristics that may present a hazard are: knuckle boom EWPs where
convenient placement of the basket can have part of the boom intruding into
roadways or other hazardous areas;
 Cutting equipment such as chain saws, which may "kick back", causing equipment
to move inadvertently; or
 Site conditions such as weather (wind), terrain, vehicular and other traffic. For
example, heavy traffic on an adjacent roadway could prevent safe access to
5.0 Maintaining Electrical Installation/Equipment Requirements

5.1 General
A licensed electrical worker who performs electrical work on an electrical installation or
electrical equipment is to ensure that the installation or equipment, to the extent it is
affected by the electrical work, is in accordance with AS/NZS 3000 – Electrical
Where CS Energy, as a holder of an electrical contractor license, engages contracted
electrical workers to perform such work, CS Energy must ensure the electrical installation
or equipment complies with AS/NZS 3000 by:
 ensuring that only licensed electrical contractors perform such work, and
 ensuring that test certificates are received stating that the electrical
installation or equipment satisfies AS/ZNS 3000 requirements.
Persons in control of low voltage electrical installations at each Power Station are not to
allow the earthing for the installations to be inconsistent with the earthing system
requirements for the entity works.
A modification officer or equivalent, as defined within the site Power Station specific Plant
Modification Procedure is to ensure:
 that a competent electrician or electrical engineer designs the new or
modified electrical installation or equipment,
 that the Electrical Contractor Licensee documents the inspections and
tests required by this procedure, and
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 the resulting inspection and test documentation is filed within the
relevant modification and or maintenance site file.

5.2 Electrical Contractor Licensee

The Electrical Contractor Licensee is to inspect and test the electrical installation and
ensure compliance to AS/NZS 3000 where modification work has been performed. The
Electrical Contractor Licensee may allow another competent electrician to perform the
inspection and tests’, providing the Licensee coordinates such tasks and also endorses
the result sheets.
Note: If the work is maintenance work (i.e. removal and replacement of a motor) the maintenance electrical
worker is to ensure compliance and sign the test certificate. No further signature is required by the Licensee.

The requirements to ensure for visual inspection in accordance with AS/NZS 3000,
Section 6.2.2, are summarised in Attachment 1 – Visual Inspection Check Sheet.
The requirements for tests on the installation are to be in accordance with AS/NZS 3000,
Section 6.3, and are summarised in Attachment 2 – Electrical Tests Check Sheet. Test
methods are further defined in AS/NZS 3017 and the sequence of electrical testing is
described in the Flow Chart below.

Chart 5.2 – Electrical Testing Flow Chart

1. Earth Resistance Test – 2. Insulation Resistance Test of 3. & 4. Earth Resistance Test for
Continuity of Main Earthing Installation Other Earthed and Equipotential
Conductor Bonded Parts

5. Consumers Mains Test – 6. Sub-mains Tests – Polarity 7. Final Sub-circuit Test – Polarity
Polarity 8. Final Sub-circuit Test –

9. Fault Loop Impedance Test 10. Verification of Operation of

Residual Current devices

6.0 Specific AS/NZS 3000 Testing

6.1 Earth Resistance Test (Test 3)

As AS/NZS 3000 does not specifically state a required impedance limit for earth
conductors other than the main earth, the following method based on the required fault
loop impedance is to be used. This method is derived from Appendix B of AS/NZS 3000.
The disconnection time required for each protective device is to be determined. For
230/240 Volts, AS/NZS 3000, Section requires these to be:

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 0.4 seconds for socket outlets <63A, hand held Class I equipment, and
portable equipment intended for manual movement during use
 5 seconds for sub-main and final sub-circuits supplying fixed or
stationary equipment.
The circuit breaker type or fuse type and rating are to be determined.
The following table is to be used to determine the required value of earth resistance (for
415/240 volts only). This can then be used as the pass criteria for the test method of
protective earthing conductors in AS/NZS 3017.

Earth Resistance Testing – Test 3

Conductor Size Protective Circuit Breakers Fuses
Type B Type C Type D
Disconnection Times
Active Earth 0.4 s 0.4 s 5s
mm2 mm2 A Maximum Protective Earth Impedance Ω
≥1 ≥1 6 3.96 2.12 1.28 4.75 5.14
1 1 10 2.38 1.28 0.77 2.66 3.08
≥ 1.5 ≥ 1.5 10 2.28 1.22 0.73 2.53 2.94
1.5 1.5 16 1.43 0.76 0.46 1.22 1.66
≥ 2.5 ≥ 2.5 16 1.30 0.69 0.42 1.11 1.51
≥ 2.5 ≥ 2.5 20 1.04 0.55 0.33 0.76 1.05
≥4 ≥ 2.5 25 1.03 0.55 0.33 0.73 1.03
≥4 ≥ 2.5 32 0.80 0.42 0.25 0.57 0.82
≥6 ≥ 2.5 40 0.73 0.39 0.24 0.49 0.69
≥ 10 ≥4 50 0.59 0.31 0.19 0.37 0.55
≥ 16 ≥6 63 0.48 0.26 0.15 0.29 0.43
16 6 80 0.38 0.20 0.12 0.20 0.30
≥ 25 ≥6 80 0.42 0.22 0.14 0.22 0.34
25 ≥6 100 0.33 0.18 0.11 0.16 0.26
≥ 35 ≥ 10 100 0.32 0.17 0.10 0.15 0.25
35 10 125 0.26 0.14 0.08 0.12 0.19
≥ 50 ≥ 16 125 0.25 0.13 0.08 0.11 0.18
50 16 160 0.20 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.15
≥ 70 ≥ 25 160 0.19 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.15
≥ 70 ≥ 25 200 0.15 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.10

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6.2 Equipotential Bonding Conductor Test (Test 4)
The following table below is to be used as part of equipotential bonding conductor testing.
Equipotential Bonding Conductor – Test 4
Equipotential Bonding - mm2 Required Resistance Ω
(AS/NZS 3000 – Section
1 Multiply length (m) of cable by 0.0233 (Ω/m)
1.5 Multiply length (m) of cable by 0.0149 (Ω/m)
2.5 Multiply length (m) of cable by 0.00814 (Ω/m)
≥ 4 other than consumer mains Multiply length (m) of cable by 0.00506 (Ω/m)
Consumer mains support Refer to AS/NZS 3000 (c) and calculate required
resistance from conductor tables in AS/NZS 3008

6.2 Fault Loop Impedance Test (Test 8)

The maximum allowed fault loop impedance for 230/240 volts (400/415 volts 3 phase) is
defined in Table B 4.1 of AS/NZS 3000 and listed in the following table. Other voltage
levels require design calculations in accordance with AS/NZS 3000, Section 5.
The following table below is to be used as part of fault loop impedance testing.
Maximum Values of Fault Loop Impedance (Zs)
Protective Device Circuit Breakers Fuses
Type B Type C Type D
Disconnection Times
0.4 s 0.4 s 5s
A Maximum Fault Loop Impedance Zs
6 9.58 5.11 3.07 11.5 15.33
10 5.75 3.07 1.84 6.39 9.20
16 3.59 1.92 1.15 3.07 5.00
20 2.88 1.53 0.92 2.09 3.59
25 2.3 1.23 0.74 1.64 2.71
32 1.8 0.96 0.58 1.28 2.19
40 1.44 0.77 0.46 0.96 1.64
50 1.15 0.61 0.37 0.72 1.28
63 0.91 0.49 0.29 0.55 0.94
80 0.72 0.38 0.23 0.38 0.68
100 0.58 0.31 0.18 0.27 0.48
125 0.46 0.25 0.15 0.21 0.43
160 0.36 0.19 0.12 0.16 0.30
200 0.29 0.15 0.09 0.13 0.23
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6.3 Inspection and maintenance of integrity of insulation
The integrity of the insulation of an electric line forming part of the power station site
electrical works (entity works) is to be inspected and maintained at periodic intervals. The
person performing the inspections and maintenance work is to check the integrity of the
electrical insulation where the line:
• forms parts of the entity works,
• is adjacent to a roof or structure, and
• is in a position where it is likely that a person could come into contact with the
line (eg. cooling tower fan motor cables, EFP motor cables, ID fan motor
cables, persons painting near cables, sections of conduit from underground
cables to electric motors, sections of cable trays that are accessible).
Maintenance practices are to include visual inspections and megger testing of cables at
regular intervals – such as during an overhaul. A compliant testing and maintenance
routine/plan is to be implemented in SAP to reflect this requirement.

7.0 Recording Inspections and Testing

7.1 General
The person performing the tests is to use the check sheets provided in Attachments 1 & 2.
Site-specific check sheets may also be utilised (e.g. for each motor, incomer, feeder etc.
for the 440V system).
Once the inspection and testing tasks are completed, the Electrical Contractor Licensee is
to sign the Certificate of Testing and Compliance – a certificate is provided in Attachment
Power Station specific cable schedule records are to be updated as appropriate and
circuit schedules on switchboards are to be updated in a legible way. Consideration is to
be given to re-typing circuit schedules on switchboards where a number of modifications
have been made.
The certificate of testing and compliance is to be filed in the site CS Energy file for that
particular modification and/or in the site maintenance files.
Note: a second copy of the certificate may be stored in the sites central register for audit

8.0 Legislative and CS Energy References

QLD – Electrical Safety Act 2002
QLD – Electrical Safety Regulation 2002
AS/NZS 3000 – Electrical Installations
AS/NZS 3008 – Electrical Installations: Selection of Cables
AS/NZS 3017 – Electrical Installations: Testing Guidelines
AS/NZS 3760 – In-service Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment
CS Energy – Electrical Safety Procedure
CS Energy – Maintenance of Electrical Safety Equipment and Clothing (PPE) Procedure
CS Energy – Site-specific Plant Modifications Procedure

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9.0 Associated Documentation
To provide the reader with additional information as referred to within this procedure, the
following documentation has been attached. This includes:
Attachment 1 – Visual Inspection Check Sheet,
Attachment 2 – Electrical Tests Check Sheet, and
Attachment 3 – Certificate of Testing and Compliance.

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Attachment 1 – Visual Inspection Check Sheets

Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

Complies (Inspector’s Initials)
Clause Reference
(Inspector’s Initials)

i) Protection against direct contact 1.7.2 & 1.7.3
with live parts eg- insulation and
ii) Protection against indirect contact 1.7.2, 1.7.4 & 2.3
with exposed conductive parts eg-
double insulation or isolating
iii) Protection against hazardous parts 1.7.11, 4.2 & 4.3
eg- enclosure, guarding or screening
of flammable materials, hot surfaces
and parts that may cause physical
iv) Protection against spread of fire 3.9.10
eg- penetration of fire barriers
v) General condition of the electrical
equipment eg- signs of damage that
could impair safe operation,
disconnection of unused electrical
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Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

Complies (Inspector’s Initials)
Clause Reference
(Inspector’s Initials)

Consumers Mains
i) Current carrying capacity 3.4
ii) Voltage drop 3.6, 1.8.4
iii) Underground installation conditions 3.11
e.g. enclosure, depth of burial,
mechanical protection
2.9, 5.5.4
iv) Aerial installation conditions 3.12, 3.8.4
v) Connection of wiring 3.7
vi) Protection against external 1.9.3, 1.8.6
Page 2 of 6

Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

Complies (Inspector’s Initials)
Clause Reference
(Inspector’s Initials)

i) Location e.g. access and egress 2.9.8
ii) Protective devices e.g. overload 2.3, 2.4
and residual current rating, fault
2.6.2, 2.7.2
current rating
iii) Isolating devices, e.g. main 2.8
iv) Connecting devices e.g. neutral 2.9
bars, earth bars and active links
v) Connection and fixing of wiring and 2.9
vi) Identification and labelling of 2.9.4
electrical equipment
vii) Protection against external 1.9.3, 1.8.6
Page 3 of 6

Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

Complies (Inspector’s Initials)
Clause Reference
(Inspector’s Initials)

Wiring Systems
i) Conductor size e.g. current carrying 1.8.4
capacity and voltage drop
3.4, 3.5
ii) Identification of cable cores 3.8
iii) Adequate support and fixing 3.9
iv) Connections and enclosures 3.7, 3.10
v) Particular installation conditions 3.11, 3.12
e.g. underground, aerial, emergency
3.13, 3.14
3.15, 3.16
vi) Segregation from other services
and electrical installations
vii) Protection against external 1.9.3, 1.8.6
influences e.g. enclosure
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Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000- AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

2000) Complies (Inspector’s
Clause Reference Initials)

Electrical Equipment
i) Isolation and switching 4.2
devices for protection against
injury by Mechanical Movement
ii) Isolation and switching 2.8
devices for protection against
thermal effects
iii) Switching devices for 4.9.4
particular electrical equipment,
socket outlets, cooking
iv) Particular installation 7.1 Baths Showers and Sinks
conditions e.g. locations
7.2, 7.3 Pools and Saunas
affected by water, explosive
atmospheres, extra low voltage, 7.4 Refrigeration Rooms
high voltage
7.5 Where Hosing Occurs
7.6 Fountains
7.7,, ELV
7.8 High Voltage
7.9, 4.4 Hazardous Areas
7.10 Emergency Systems
7.11 Specific Installations
v) Compliance with required Device:
Standard (for specific device)
vi) Connection, support, fixing 4.11

vii) Protection against external 1.9.3, 1.8.6

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Inspector (where not the licensee):
Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Description of Installation:
Modification Number:

Inspection Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Not Applicable

Complies (Inspector’s Initials)
Clause Reference
(Inspector’s Initials)

i) MEN connection 5.6.5, 5.3
ii) Earth electrode 5.6.2
iii) Earthing conductors e.g. size, 5.6.7
iv) Equipotential bonding conductors, 5.8
e.g. size, identification
v) Connections, joints and 3.7
vi) Protection against external 1.9.3
vii) Connection to earthing 5.10
arrangements for other systems
viii) Creation of earthed situation that 5.7
may require earthing of additional
electrical equipment

Circuit and Cable Schedules

Check cable and circuit schedules
have been updated legibly
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Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:

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Attachment 2 – Electrical Tests Check Sheet
Description of Installation:
Modification Number:
Test Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Tested Test OK
(For test methods refer to AS 3017) Pass Criteria Value (Inspector’s

Mandatory Tests
1) Main Earthing Conductor No more than 0.5 MΩ
Continuity 1.11.2, 5.6.3,
2) Insulation Resistance Not less than 1 MΩ
1.11.2, Can be as low as 0.01 MΩ for sheathed
(Where multiple items test, attached a heating elements in appliances
separate list – initialled) Can be reduced of the particular
appliance standard allows a lower value
3) Protective Earth Conductors See Section 5.1 of this procedure
1.11.2,, Appendix B4 Clearance time:
(Where multiple items test, attached a Circle CB Type
separate list – initialled)
B C D Fuse
CB/Fuse Rating:
Size of Active:
Size of Earth:
Required value of resistance from Table
within S 5.1:
4) Equipotential Bonding See Section 5.2 of this procedure
Conductors Length of cable (m):
1.11.2,, 5.8.3 Size of cable:
Required Resistance:
5) Polarity Check of Consumer No transposition of conductors N/A
Mains No switches or protective devices that,, AS 3017 operate independently in the neutral or
earthing conductor
6) Polarity Check of Submains No transposition of conductors N/A,, AS 3017 No switches or protective devices that
operate independently in the neutral or
(Where multiple items test, attached a
separate list – initialled) earthing conductor

7) Polarity Check of Final No transposition of conductors N/A

Subcircuit No switches or protective devices that,, AS 3017 operate independently in the neutral or
earthing conductor
(Where multiple items test, attached a
separate list – initialled)
8) Correct Circuit Connections No short circuit between active, neutral N/A
of Final Sub-circuit and earth (other than MEN or ESR),, AS 3017 No transportation that would energise
exposed conductive parts
(Where multiple items test, attached a
separate list – initialled) No interconnection of conductors
between different circuits
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Test Item (AS/NZS 3000-2000) AS/NZS 3000-2000 Tested Test OK
(For test methods refer to AS 3017) Pass Criteria Value (Inspector’s

Optional Tests – Performed

Once Installation is Made Live
9) Fault Loop Impedance See Section 5.3 of this Procedure)
Measured at farthest practicable Clearance Time:
point in circuit from supply Circle CB Type:
1.11.2,, Appendix B B C D Fuse
(Note – Test method for this test CB/Fuse rating:
is not covered by AS 3017 – Required value of Zs from Table:
1996, later editions may Value:
however cover it.
Test passes of RCD trips while fault loop
(Where multiple items test, attached a impedance tester is measuring
separate list – initialled) Or circle:
10) Operation of Residual RCD Operates correctly when tested N/A
Current Devices with (circle one below): Unless special
test equipment, AS 3760 used
See also CS Energy’s Integral Test Device
Maintenance of Electrical Safety or
Equipment & Clothing (PPE)
Procedure Special Test Equipment

Inspector (where not the licensee):

Name: Signature:
Certificate of Competency Number: Date:
Electrical Contractor Licensee:
Name: Signature:
Contractor’s Licence Number: Date:
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Attachment 3 – Electrical Certificate of Testing and Compliance

"B/D/12/7183" - Form - S1975 - Electrical Certificate of Testing and Compliance (COT)

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