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What is cancer?

The human body is made up of cells. There is a constant and unrestricted division of
Cells going on in the body and it is a normal process occurring in the lifetime of every
person. At a certain point of time, the body sends a message to the cells to stop their
division and they stop, but the problem begins when the cells do not stop and instead
start multiplying themselves to an extent where they start affecting and obstructing the
functions of the vital organs of the body and usually in the form of a ‘TUMOUR’ or a
‘LUMP’. This condition is known as Cancer.

What happens in cancer?

Cancer is a disease which is characterized by abnormal growth of damaged cells and
these cells group together to form a lump or a tumour [mass of tissue]. There are many
types of Cancers and it is diagnosed by the type of cell which is affected. In the case of
Blood Cancer, there is no formation of lumps or tumours, but the Cancer affects the
normal blood function by an abnormal multiplication of cells in the bloodstream.
Tumours and Lumps grow and interfere with the functions of the main systems of the
body, like the digestive system.

What causes Cancer?

Cancer is a complex disease where the causes in 90% of the cases are environmental
factors and lifestyle, whereas only some cases are results of genetic disposition. The
chief causes of Cancer which are known to cause cancer are:

Tobacco: Use of tobacco by smoking cigarettes and chewing of tobacco and its
products increase the risk of cancer.

Lifestyle: A sedentary or adverse lifestyle like lack of exercise, diet, use of alcohol
may be the cause of certain cancers.

Excessive exposure to Ultraviolet rays of the Sun: Maybe the cause behind skin

Exposure to Radiation: Includes long term exposure to radiation emitted from

nuclear units.

Other Carcinogens: Carcinogens include substances which go inside the human

system and cause constant irritation leading to certain Cancers.

Genetics /Heredity factor: The most common cause is family history but there may
not be many cases of cancer in the family.

What is cancer?
The human body is made up of cells. There is a constant and unrestricted division of
Cells going on in the body and it is a normal process occurring in the lifetime of every
person. At a certain point of time, the body sends a message to the cells to stop their
division and they stop, but the problem begins when the cells do not stop and instead
start multiplying themselves to an extent where they start affecting and obstructing the
functions of the vital organs of the body and usually in the form of a ‘TUMOUR’ or a
‘LUMP’. This condition is known as Cancer.

What happens in cancer?

Cancer is a disease which is characterized by abnormal growth of damaged cells and
these cells group together to form a lump or a tumour [mass of tissue]. There are many
types of Cancers and it is diagnosed by the type of cell which is affected. In the case of
Blood Cancer, there is no formation of lumps or tumours, but the Cancer affects the
normal blood function by an abnormal multiplication of cells in the bloodstream.
Tumours and Lumps grow and interfere with the functions of the main systems of the
body, like the digestive system.

What causes Cancer?

Cancer is a complex disease where the causes in 90% of the cases are environmental
factors and lifestyle, whereas only some cases are results of genetic disposition. The
chief causes of Cancer which are known to cause cancer are:

Tobacco: Use of tobacco by smoking cigarettes and chewing of tobacco and its
products increase the risk of cancer.

Lifestyle: A sedentary or adverse lifestyle like lack of exercise, diet, use of alcohol
may be the cause of certain cancers.

Excessive exposure to Ultraviolet rays of the Sun: Maybe the cause behind skin

Exposure to Radiation: Includes long term exposure to radiation emitted from

nuclear units.

Other Carcinogens: Carcinogens include substances which go inside the human

system and cause constant irritation leading to certain Cancers.

Genetics /Heredity factor: The most common cause is family history but there may
not be many cases of cancer in the family.

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