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The following are the catalysts that activate the covenant of greatness:

1. OBEDIENCE: Obedience simply means submitting oneself to the authority of another. We must learn
to submit ourselves to the authority of God to have the covenant of greatness activated unto us. God is all
knowing and He has a thought He thinks concerning you. Check it out in Jeremiah 29:11. He says there,
‘I know the thoughts I think towards you, the thought of peace and not of evil. The thought to give you a
hope and a future’. Listen, it doesn’t matter what may be happening around your life, you have a future in
God. That future is a very bright one. God thinks about your prosperity everyday. But the key to having
that prosperity is Obedience. In Isaiah 1:19, God said, ’If you will only obey me, and allow me to help
you, then you will have plenty to eat(NLT). A man that will be great in life must learn to obey God. If
you chose to disobey God, you have also denied yourself of His help for He cannot help disobedient
2. DILIGENCE: By diligence we mean hard work. Gone are the days when people folded their hands and
prayed God to send them manna and He did. That stopped in the wilderness. The policy has been
modified. It is now ‘he that will not work should not eat’. Your hands have been given to you by God to
work with. When you learn to use your hands to work, it brings you into the corridor of power. It is
written, ‘seeth thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and shall not stand before
mean men (Proverb 22:29)’. God hates idle hands and finds it difficult to bless them. The best God can do
for the lazy hand is to help it get poorer. No matter how much you know to pray, you’ve got to learn how
to work with your hands to walk into greatness.
3. STUDY: Nothing can take the place of knowledge. No man can ever rise beyond the level of his
knowledge. What you know is who you are. Show me a man that is truly great and I will show you a man
that learns. Knowledge is what demarcates between the successful and the unsuccessful people. It is not
just the knowledge acquired but that which is used. Hear what God says, ‘my people are destroyed due to
lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)’. When you study, your life becomes approved by God for greatness (2
Timothy 2:15). Don’t allow yourself get obsolete, especially in the field of your practice. The extent of
transformation of your life is a function of the relevant information you’ve been able to gather and
utilized. Be a man of the books, for truly, understanding comes by the books.
4. HARD PRAYER: Prayer is the communication between a man and God. No doubt there are a lot of
anti-success forces that could hinder a man from prospering despite all he’s doing to succeed. Believe it
or not, the devil does not delight in the prosperity of any believer because he knows that the prosperity of
the believer will cause trouble in his kingdom. Therefore, sponsors his agents to work against your
success. You need to deal decisively with these forces of darkness. And the way to doing that is through
what I call ‘hard prayers’. It is not the kind of ‘plus Jesus, minus satan’ prayers that we hurriedly pray
every day on our ways to work. It is a conscious prayers targeted at pulling down every stronghold of the
devil against your greatness. Take time to take charge of the devil through prayers. Devourers must not
have any ground in your finances.

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