Regan Hillter MFA Masterclass Workbook Sep 2019 PDF

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Tips to Get the Most Out of This Masterclass 
1. Print this workbook before the Masterclass so you can take 
notes as you listen. You can also download and type directly in 
the workbook to save paper.  
2. Review the contents of this workbook before the 
Masterclass so you know what to expect, and you can best set 
aside private time before, during, and after the Masterclass to 
complete the activities.  
3. Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed 
in this session to increase abundance in your life.  
4. During the Masterclass, use the dedicated space on the right 
column to write down ALL interesting new ideas and 
inspirations you get while listening - that way you won’t lose 
the most relevant information to you. 
Start with intention: write down and set your positive 
intentions here. What are your intentions for joining this 
Masterclass? What do you hope to leave with? 

Table of Contents 
• Set your intentions before the Masterclass. 
• Assess your current abundance levels with this 
• The right question can spur your unconscious mind to feed 
you the right answers. 
• Read what other people have said about Regan Hillyer. 
Assess your current abundance levels with this self-assessment. 
How true are these statements to you? 
● 0 - least true; 
● 10 - most true; 

Rate yourself on these statements on a 

Rate 0-10 
scale from 0 to 10. 

1. I am happy in my current job.   

2. I get paid for doing what I love.   

3. I deserve abundance in all areas of my life.   

4. I have the skills and talent to provide great   

value to others. 

5. I feel supported on my path to success.   

6. I have a step-by-step action plan for abundance.   

7. I can be abundant and still have a balance in my   


8. I am making more and more money yearly as I   

grow in my career or business. 

9. Finances don’t cause stress on my family life.   

10. Finances don’t cause stress in my social life.   

11. I am satisfied with my current level of   
Use the space below for any additional notes. 
Follow along the Masterclass and fill in the blanks. You may use 
the column on the right for additional notes. 
Money and abundance are just an _____________________. 
The size of my current Energetic Container is an income of $ 
__________ per month and $ ________________ per year. 
4. The “Vision Beyond Vision” Exercise 
Step 1: Envision your future and write down how does you 
ideal reality look like. 
1. Personal Income  
a) I am earning/receiving $_______________/month and 
b) I am putting aside $_______/month and $_______/year 
into my “Federal Reserve” (Cash Savings) 
c) My “Federal Reserve” is $ ______________________ 
My “Federal Reserve” lets me and my family live abundantly for 
_______________ months without any income. 
2. Business / Impact 
a) My business generates $________________/month and 
b) My business positively impact ________number of people 
3. My Health & Wellness 
4. Family Life 
5. My Romantic Relationship 
6. Adventures & Activities (Travels, etc) 
7. Contribution / Service 
8. Projects (Making / Building / Creating / Developing) 
Step 2: Now expand your vision beyond 
everything you’ve defined and listed above. 
What would my big picture be?________________________ 
What would be the next layer?________________________ 
What is that next step?_____________________________ 
What would I be focusing on?_________________________ 
What would I be excited about?_______________________ 
What would I be wishing and hoping and praying would 
What would I be connecting to?_______________________ 
Let's start diving deep around expanding your capacity to 
receive. Here's what you need to know.  
Money is just energy.  
Money is just energy, abundance is an energetic game. 
Abundance is really learning how to play with a whole lot of 
different cards, white patterns, frequencies and vibrations as we 
work with the energy to pull it into your reality. 
This is not a far-fetched woo-woo common idea like “​ just be in 
the right energy and everything will just magically manifest and 
show up.” 
No, of course not. There are specific things which get to take 
place, there are the specific things which really get to be in 
alignment in your physical world in order to create the 
reflection financially that you're looking to create. 
And one of the tools which is so important to get clear on is 
your ​energetic container​.  
So let's dive into the concept of believing and knowing that 
money is just energy. 
Well, if energy is flowing into your life, if energy is flowing into 
your field, if there was money all around you, if there is no 
container to catch the energy then it's going to just flow right 
past you. 
You see, I really believe that money is everywhere because 
energy is everywhere and money is literally all around you, and 
in your body in your field right now. 
The question is, is your container big enough to actually catch 
the energy that is looking to flow through? 
Now you might start wondering how do I know where my 
containers are at. 
Well, a really great way to figure this out is to look at the 
money that is flowing into your reality right now. 
Have a look at what comes in on a daily basis, a weekly basis, 
monthly basis, and yearly basis. 
That is a total reflection of exactly where your container is at.  
So for most people listening to this you're probably thinking 
right now ... 
“Okay, well I'm aware of where my container is at roughly but I 
would like to expand it!” 
Find me a human who doesn't want to expand their energetic 
container so it's able to catch more money, and lock it into the 
physical reality which we then receive as reflections back in our 
day to day reality in terms of an ​increase of money and/or 
So in order to do this we need to start looking at expanding 
our container and something magical happens when we go 
through this process. 
When you really get into the work around this is that all of a 
sudden you start remembering that you actually can even get to 
do less and receive more​. 
You start to remember that if receiving the money is linked to 
your ​energetic container​ and your capacity to catch the 
energy through the container then what has that got to do with 
working harder or doing more?! 
Abundance has nothing to do with working harder or doing 
You see, if everyone who was working really, really, really, 
really hard right now, if that was the key then I know a lot of 
people who are working really, really, really, really hard who 
would probably be multi-millionaires by now!  
Yet, I also know a lot of multi-millionaires who are living into 
their purpose and passion, and really changing the world and 
doing great things.  
Yet, some of them don't actually work as hard as the people 
struggling and working so hard each and every single day.  
This is literally because they've realized that ​these two things​, 
working hard and abundance, aren't linked at all!  
This is actually a huge distortion in the field of humanity where 
we've been taught, shown and conditioned over the years that 
if we want to receive more, we have to do more. 
Well, if we want to receive more, what if we had to instead 
expand more? 
And here's the thing. If we are only able to receive what we are 
capable of expanding into, then what happens is when we set a 
bigger goal or a bigger vision of what you're calling in financially.  
I know it might be a really really really big vision which is great 
but the thing is is that when people connect to this they fall into 
the trap of hitting a limit with their container. And what this 
means is that financially they'll hit the limit and they won't be 
able to allow more of the money to come into their life. 
Now this is where you see people hitting their energetic cap or 
their energetic upper limits and you'll see them try, create a 
new business, or try a different strategy, or get a new job, or 
work harder.  
Yet in general, they'll generally earn roughly the same amount 
of money per month when they add it up.  
This is because they're looking to shift all of this from the 
outside instead of expanding the container and moving beyond 
their higher limit.  
So how do you do this with all of this awareness now grounded 
into your field?​ ​How do we shift this? 
Here's what I'm going to invite you to go into right now.  
I'm going to invite you to go into a process where the vision 
that you saw in Chapter number two and leaning into a 5D 
reality, that vision that you saw where your life was totally at its 
max, have been totally abundant, financially successful, whatever 
tags you want to put on it exactly what you saw which is 
probably you're generally pretty big picture around financial 
Well here's the thing.  
If you were living into that vision right now… 
If you were walking and talking and acting through it… 
If you were waking up in it every single day... 
If that was your version of normal, and all of that was done.  
Now imagine that was not your vision, that was actually done, 
If you were already living into that vision, then ​what would 
your “next vision” be​? 
What would be the next level of your financial abundance that 
you were looking to call and you see if you were seeing the 
vision of manifesting $100,000 for example? 
And if you had already received $100,000 and you were living 
into the life where you were already living in and receiving 
$100,000 that was there, then your vision probably isn't going 
to be to manifest $100,000. 
It might be $120,000. It might be $150,000. What is it. What is 
the vision beyond your vision? 
Now, I know when you start asking yourself these questions, it 
can break your brain a little bit, and I know some people get 
into a place and think ... 
“Oh, I can't think that big. That's too big. I've already done my 
biggest vision possible. What could be next?!” 
And just notice that this is you hitting your cap. This is you 
hitting your energetic side of your container.  
Now this is part of pushing through this resistance and this 
layer of being uncomfortable when we nudging lane into this we 
start expanding the container. 
We start shifting so that the container moves and opens, and 
we have the capacity to literally expand our awareness mindset, 
our emotions, energy ...all of it starts to increase and expand.  
And then from this place all of a sudden that big picture and 
chapter number two that huge reality from your higher self.  
Well that just becomes a stepping stone to where you actually 
get to go. That's done because of course that has to happen in 
order for you to then manifest the next layer of what you're 
calling in financially. 
So this is your task that I invite you to dive deep into right now. 
I want you to journal on this go deep on this really spend time 
meditating and feeling into this. 
Simply ask yourself if I was already living into the big picture 
reality of financial abundance in my life, then what would my 
vision be? 
What would my big picture be? 
What would be the next layer? 
What is that next step?  
What would I be focusing on? 
What would I be excited about? 
What would I be wishing and hoping and praying would 
What would I be connecting to? 
And the key with this right now is to get into detail with this. 
The clearer you are, the most specific you are, the more you're 
going to be able to grasp onto this in your conscious and 
unconscious mind, and then the faster you do this in terms of 
the depth of the detail you go into, the quicker your container 
starts to expand to support this new vision which you're 
painting into your reality now. 
Another hack with this process is to write all of this out as if 
it's done. 
You see, you're not going to write it down like: 
1. “I wish my vision would be this...” 
2. “I hope and pray that I would manifest that and maybe one 
day it would be awesome to have this…” 
Instead, you're going to write down: 
1. “I'm so happy and grateful that this vision is now my 
2. “I'm so happy and grateful that this has already shown up 
in my life...” 
3. “I'm so happy and grateful that I opened my internet 
banking and I see this amount of money in my savings...” 
Get really clear, get really specific and write it out as if it is 
For now enjoy expanding your capacity to receive. Enjoy pulling 
the edges of this container and allowing yourself to go into the 
big picture remembering if my vision was already my reality 
then what would my next vision be. 

The right questions can spur your unconscious mind to feed 
you the right 
answers. So ask yourself… (Use an extra piece of paper if you 
need to). 
If I was already living into the big picture reality of financial 
abundance in my life, then what would my vision be? 
What would my big picture be? 
What would be the next layer? 
What is that next step?  
What would I be focusing on? 
What would I be excited about? 
What would I be wishing and hoping and praying would 
What would I be connecting to? 
THANK YOU for joining this Masterclass with Regan Hillyer! 
I really wanted to stop and reflect today
on exactly what am I feeling? What is
shifting? I am feeling like I have SO
much energy, I am more in control of
my state and how I feel. My vibes have
been so freakin' high and because of all
of this I have had massive biz growth
over the past two weeks for myself and
  others I actually feel like such a magnet
  right now BUT I’m letting it come with
“I have had massive biz growth over the 
ease even more. I have such a relaxed
past two weeks for myself and others” 
certainty whilst I still am taking massive
Alissa V Buttiglieri  aligned action daily. Feeling GOOD!”


My biggest thank to you Regan. I have

shifted so much in the last few weeks,
my heart is full of love, gratitude, trust,
happiness and desire to uplevel more
and more. I want to celebrate my new

“I have shifted so much in the last few   

Fabi Thommen   
“I started this 30 day challenge with no
clear direction on what I was creating
and what seemed like 100's of
sub-messages about my passion and
why I was creating what I had started in
my businesses.. But just now, I feel like I
just nailed my TRUE MESSAGE, my
core purpose and passion of what I am
here to share with the world. Huge
  ah-ha moment and huge satisfaction.”

“I feel like I just nailed my true 

Tara Brown

“Robyn Nikora, my RHI Coach, is
amazing! I had my first call with her last
night–and WOW.
It's like I have a route for the flow.
Or the tools to create the map.
And she's fun too!”  
Ellisa Williams   


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