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A Performance Analysis of a Refined Hybrid TDMA/CDMA

Protocol for Wireless Networks with a QoS Adaptation*

Azzedine Boukerche and Divikram Dash
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of North Texas
Email : { boukerche,td0026}

Abstract In [2], the authors present a performance analysis

of their hybrid TDMA/CDMA protocol for supporting
multimedia traffic in wireless networks. The reported
A s multimedia and high transmission of continuous
results are quite encouraging even though they did not
media, such as live audio and video, with high quality
incorporate many factors that are crucial to guaran-
become more popular on wireless networks, the vari-
tee the QoS requirements needed to support a vari-
ous trafic requiring different qualities of service (QoS)
ety of user demands as well as the multimedia traffic
will co-exist. To this end, a request TDMA/CDMA
[5, lo]. Some QoS parameters that are of interest in-
protocol for supporting multimedia trafic in wireless
clude: bandwidth, delay and jitter bound, bit rate, and
networks, where CDMA is laid over TDMA has been
temporal and spatial synchronization. We can classify
proposed recently.
the QoS requirements in many different ways. One
In this paper, we wish to extend this scheme b y in- way is to categorize it to be either of preferable quality
troducing several qualities of service to the end-user, or acceptable quality. One may also use three guaran-
and present a generalized performance analysis of the tee levels: hard (or deterministic) in which the QoS is
request TDMA/CDMA QoS-based protocol. Our ana- fully satisfied, soft (or statistic) in which the QoS is
lytical model allows us to understand how the end-to- satisfied within a certain probability p , and, finally a
end &OS guarantee can be obtained by analyzing the best effort, which is not really a guarantee and might
QoS requirements at every stage of the message deliv- be hard to achieve. Another way to categorize QoS is
ery, from arrival to contention and transmission. based on bit rates allocated to a user, i.e., constant bit,
variable bit, and available bit rates [4].In this paper,
we focus on the &OS requirements that deal with the
1 Introduction following parameters: customer retrials, user-initiated
timeouts, and system generated timeouts. With this
In the recent years wireless multimedia and Internet paper, we intend to extend the model, developed in [2],
services have been rapidly evolving to meet the variety to study the implementation of QoS requirements at
of user demands. Therefore, looking at the network different MAC protocol levels. We wish to generalize
layer solely may not always be sufficient to guarantee the TDMA/CDMA analytical model by taking into
QoS requirements. One needs to look at the QoS re- account several QoS factors, such as call blocking (i.e.,
quirements at all the different medium access control whether it be initiated by the customer or the system),
protocol MAC levels since various traffic requiring dif- customer retrials, timeout during the contention pro-
ferent qualities of service (QoS) will have t o be dealt cess, and the following packet class-based priority poli-
with. cies: First-in First-out (FIFO) , Weighted Fair Queu-
In this paper, we focus upon a TDMA/CDMA hy- ing (WFQ), Priority Queueing (PQ).
brid protocol [2],where CDMA (code division multiple 2 Hybrid TDMA/CDMA protocol
access) is laid over TDMA (time division multiple ac-
In this section, we outline the basic elements of the hy-
cess), and a time frame has two types of slots: data
brid TDMA/CDMA protocol that we use in our anal-
slots and control slots. The idea behind this scheme
ysis. Interested readers may consult [2j for a Inme
is to take advantages of both TDMA and CDMA fea-
detailed discussion of the TDMA/CDMA protocol.
tures [2, 6, 91.
The key to successful utilization of the TDMA/CDMA
'This work was supported by Texas Advanced Research Pro- scheme is taking advantage of the benefits of both
gram ARP/ATP Grant 003594-0092-2001 TDMA and CDMA features. In this hybrid protocol,

assumes that no MHs enter or leave the cell and the
Table 1: Nomenclature number of MHs is constant. We represent the system
Symbol Meaning
mobile host state by the following tuple (n,,n,.) where n, is the
number of MHs in contention mode number of MHs in the contention mode and n,. is the
nci number of MHs in contention mode at number of MHs in the reservation mode. If nt is the
* level i
number of MHs in thinking mode
number of MHs in a thinking mode, then n = nc +
j number of MHs we are dealing with n,+nt indicates the total number of MHs in the whole
i, number of MHs of priority level i system.
-- I we are dealing with or number
of MHs of traffic class i
depending on context
I In order to capture the state of the system, Chatter-
jee and Das [2] computed the following probabilities:
total number of MHs of priority level i
j , = (?)e-Wnt-j)(l- e-XT)j
x message arrival rate ~ ( n ~A,, T)
T time duration of a frame S(nc,j,q) = ($)qj(l- q p - 3
r 11 number of retrials I O(nr,j,Lm) = nEi Pr[jide~J
8 number of system time outs Pr(jidep) = (yi)(+-)ii(1 -(i))ni-ji
4 probability of getting a reservation L*
D Drobabilitv of not retting a reservation
probability of getting a reservation
E(w) = (1 - 9)-" - (5)
in the kth frame I where A represents the probability of j request ar-
rivals, j is the number of MHs, X represents the mes-
bit rate per frame required for the
ith MH to go from contention mode
to thinking mode
I sage generation rate and T is the time duration of a
frame. S is the probability of obtaining j reservations
and q, a function of the number of requested slots, is
a message
the probability of getting a reservation. E ( w ) is the
a reservation for i slots without giving
. .
expected waiting time, D is the probability of obtain-
up or being timed out ing j reservations from all the classes combined, where
A arrival probability of MHs L, is the average message length. j m d e p is the num-
S reservation probability of MHs
ber of departures of MHs of traffic class m. An MH
of traffic class m is an MH which requires m slots per
the time is divided up into equal sized frames each of
duration T, and repeats itself. Each frame consists of Now, let us assume that A , represents the number
an RTS (request to send) slot, S data slots of equal of MHs looking for a reservation between the nthframe
length, and an CTS (clear to send) slot. Each data and (n+ l)*hframe. S, represents the number of MHs
slot can accommodate up to U users simultaneously. which are able to get a reservation between the nth
Each user is assigned a code that has a minimal cor- and (n+ frame. While D , is the number of MHs
relation with the other codes so that he can transmit leaving after they have finished sending their message.
the message with minimal interference. In Table 1 we Note that the state of the system is identified by
show the notations that are used in this paper. (n,,n,), after the nth frame and by (ZC,L),after the
( n + l)thframe. Let us say that I , - n, = k and I , -
Once an user gets a reservation, he will keep that
nt = 1, where k and 1 are integer values. Depending
reservation until the complete message is transmitted.
upon the values of k and 1, four cases may arise for
Note that the number of data slots an MH receives
the probability in which the state (n,,n,) can go to
per frame is linearly proportional to the bit rate re-
quirement of that MH. In the hybrid CDMA-TDMA ( L i r ) (see [2])
protocol, it is possible to have a situation where there 3 Generalized analytical m o d e l for The hy-
are no reserved slots, or only a limited number of slots
brid TDMA/CDMA protocol
that may be reserved for certain classes of multimedia
traffic. An MH cannot generate a new message if that In this section, we present our generalized analyti-
MH is in the contention mode. Also, a MH that gen- cal model for the TDMA/CDMA protocol and discuss
erates a message in the present frame can only access how this generalized model incorporates the QoS re-
the data slots in subsequent frames. quirements, to support a variety of multimedia traffic
in wireless networks. More specifically, we discuss how
The state of the system, during the next frame, we can extend the original performance model by gen-
can be determined by the information contained in eralizing the probability of customer arrival and the
the current frame's CTS slot. The hybrid protocol probability of obtaining a reservation.

3.1 Analysis of customer arrival rates is as a result of the customer's impatience, rather than
the system timing him out. It takes longer for a sys-
The analytical model, developed in [4]must be refined tem to timeout a call than it does for a user to end
in order to account for QoS requirements. It is our be- the call on his own. We can represent this factor by
lief that customer impatience1 and system timeouts2 saying that AA << AB (these are both constants).
may have a profound impact on the performance of If retrials are involved, the rate at which the MH
the TDMA/CDMA hybrid protocol. We shall see how tries to regenerate the message will be affected by the
these factors can change the values of the probability class of traffic involved. It is not likely that we will
of arrivals (A) and the probability of reservations (S) retry sending a video message as many times as we
from that of the original model. Being able to de- would retry sending a voice message, since waiting for
termine these probabilities will help us to analyze the a video message to get a reservation normally takes a
QoS parameters that are involved. Let us first look at significant amount of time, compared to a voice mes-
how A can be generalized t o consider these factors. sage. Hence, we leave f(i), where i is the number
In the original analytical model, each MH generates of bits required per frame, in the denominator of our
messages at a rate A. In our generalized approach, we equation. f ( i ) is a monotonically, strictly increasing
say that the rate at which an MH generates a mes- function. Determining precisely what f(i) is and what
sage can be affected by the following three parame- the constant lambda factors are for a particular cell
ters: the number of customer retrials, the number of necessitates statistical data collection and is beyond
system generated timeouts experienced and the class the scope of this paper.
of multimedia traffic. Similar to the original model [2], we assume that
If we denote by A,, the rate at which a mobile host the probability of an MH generating a message is the
M H , generates request messages then we have the same for all MHs if no retrials are involved. Therefore,
following: the probability that an MH 2 generates a message,
Xe-"XA e-..XB
PG,, within a time interval T can be computed as
A, = f(i)'&7"('+.) follows
1, ifa>O PG, = 1 - flzl(l-
where s g n ( a ) =
{ 0,
if a = 0
where T is the number of retrials, s is the number of
system timeouts, and A, (a function of T and s) is the
and f ( i ) is a monotonically strictly increasing function generalized message arrival rate.
to be determined by the cellular network operator, and
i represents the number of bits required per frame for Thus, the probability of exactly j MHs generating
a message when taking QoS parameters into consider-
the request message. T represents the number of retri-
ation can be expressed as follows:
als, s represents the number of system timeouts, AA is
a constant parameter related to the customer arrival
rate, AB is a constant parameter related to the system
timeout rate,
where S = {1,2,3, ...,nt} and Sk = kth distinct non-
The above equation reduces to A, = A, when there
empty subset of S containing j elements, and A as men-
are neither retrials nor system timeouts. Note, as
tioned before is the message generation rate of an MH
the number of retrials and/or the number of system
in the absence of retrials and system timeouts.
timeouts increase, the lower the probability of a mes-
sage being sent again. Furthermore, the probability of 3.2 Analysis of reservation rates
retrying a call for the tenth time is less likely than one-
tenth of the probability of retrying it for the first time. Just as the arrival rate of messages generated by MHs
We identify this type of behavior, using the exponen- can be affected by user impatience or system timeouts,
tial distribution in the above equation. A customer is so too can the chances of a MH getting a reservation.
more likely to retry a call more frequently if the retry In a highly dynamic environment, we need t o take this
into consideration in order to derive realistic conclu-
'A astomer who is waiting for too long for a call to connect
and then hangs up and tries again is an example of customer sions.
*A system timeout may occur when a request message from a
We generalize the probability of obtaining a reser-
mobile host is removed from the base station's scheduler request vation, from the original model [2], by introducing a
queue. parameter A,,(i), the rate of user block (impatience)

for class i traffic. As mentioned before, class i traffic 4 Scheduling schemes
refers to a message transmission that requires a reser-
vation of i data slots per frame. Scheduling schemes are a way of determining which
The parameter mentioned above is a function of i . MH's request gets honored. The scheduler in the base
As i increases, the user is willing to wait longer than station contains a queue which contains the requests
usual. For example, people are accustomed to waiting for establishing a connection made by the MHs. It
longer to send a video message than sending a voice also contains all associated information such as the
message. Therefore, these rates are inversely propor- length of a message and bandwidth requirements for
tional to i. That means that A, is inversely propor- the message the MH wants to transmit. The schedul-
tional to i and 9 < 0. ing scheme chosen can greatly impact the QoS received
by the MHs. We have to pick the right scheduling
Note that an increase in the value of i increases scheme for our needs. The arrival and reservation
the chances of the system timing out, particularly, if probabilities are affected by the scheduling scheme we
we do not have reserved slots in the system. On the choose. Just how they are affected will be explained in
other hand, if we do have reserved slots, then we can this section. The three scheduling schemes we will look
reserve these slots so that % < 0. Therefore, the at are: First In First Out (FIFO), Priority Queues
probability of a user timing out a call, which is due to (PQ), and Weighted Fair (WF) Scheduling.
caller impatience, is computed as follow: e-A-(i)T 4.1 FIFO queue
Let us assume now that the system does time out a
call, if it cannot go from a contention mode to a reser- First In First Out (FIFO) is the most common
vation mode within H frames. Let q k ( i ) denote the scheduling technique used in many applications [3, 7,
probability of getting a reservation in the kth frame, if 8, 111 In a FIFO scheme, the message requests in the
a reservation was not able to be made in the previous queue are honored in the time order of their arrival.
k frames, where 1 5 k 5 H . Then, the probability The earlier message requests get honored before the
of a reservation succeeding in the first frame can be later ones. A FIFO scheme does not give any prefer-
determined as follow: q l ( l - Note that the ential treatment to any packet requests.
first factor identifies the probability of getting a reser- It is known that the probability [2] that a request
vation in the first frame and the second factor is the with a requirement of bl data slots per frame gets a
probability of not having a user initiated time out for reservation is
a message of traffic class i in the first frame.
If we let PH,(i) be the probability of MH 5 suc-
ceeding to get a reservation for i slots, without giving
up due to system time out or user impatience, we can
then say,
where p is the probability of a reservation being d e
nied, S is the number of data slots in a frame, and
U represents the maximum number of MHs which can
where H represents the number of frames needed for transmit a message simultaneously.
timing out, qk(i) is the probability of getting a reser-
vation of i slots during the kth trial, and A, is the user Thus, we can say that the probability of a second
block rate. MH, with a bit rate requirements of b2 data slots per
frame, getting a reservation in that same time frame,
firthermore, the probability of j i MHs getting a given that the first MH was successful in obtaining one
reservation if the system times out after H frames can is as follows
be determined as follows:
S(n,;,ji,q,H) = ( > ) P H z ( i ) j i ( l - PHz(i))nci-ji
where nci represents the number of contention MHs
that are trying to get a reservation of i slots per frame,
ji represents the number of contention MHs which Similarly, the probability of a kth MH, with a bit
have a requirement of i slots per frame, and q repre- rate requirement of bk data slots per frame, getting
sents the initial probability of obtaining a reservation a reservation in that same time frame, given that the
requiring one slot per frame. first (k - 1) MHs have obtained their reservations is


where jitOtor is the number of all contention MHs with

priority level i that are in the network. Note that the
denominator represents the probability that all of the
Finally, we can determine that the probability of priority level-1 MHs in the queue will obtain a reser-
j MHs obtaining a reservation under a FIFO queue vation. We have a conditional probability because all
discipline as follows: of the priority level-1 MHs in contention have to ob-
tain a reservation before we can grant a reservation to
lower level MHs.
where Qk is the probability of getting a reservation in The reservation probability equations, when we
the ICth frame, and S ( n c , j , q )= ( y ) q j ( l - q ) n c - j . have a priority queue, can also take into account the
QoS factors. In this case, the reservation probability of
4.2 Priority queuing (PQ) j l priority level-1 MHs obtaining a reservation, where
i is the user class traffic, can be defined as follows:
A base station can use a multi-level queue-scheduling
algorithm can be used. the MHs request messages
will be assigned to a queue according to the priority where ncl is the number of priority level 1 contention
assigned to the message. We can number the request MHs. Then the reservation probability of j i MHs with
queues from 1 to k, where k is the number of request i priority levels getting a reservation, when accounting
queues, and adopt the standard convention where the
for QoS factors can be defined as:
lower the request queue is numbered the higher its
priority. The set of MHs request messages are parti- S ( n c , j i , Q , W= Y
tioned into k subsets with each subset corresponding
to a distinct priority level.
Let us now analyze how the QoS is affected by this
scheduling scheme. More specifically, let us see how
the arrival and reservation probabilities are affected.
In the original analytical model [2], each MH generates B = (1 - PH, (i'))
messages at a certain rate. Since our model incorpo-
rates the priority queue discipline, we can decompose
the overall arrival rate of the request messages to be 4.3 Weighted fair scheduling schemes
the sum of the arrival rate of all priority levels. In
other words, if k is the number of queuing levels, then Weighted fair (WF) scheduling schemes can also have
we have X = Xi. a significant impact on the quality of service received
The probability of j MH arrivals can be formulated by customers. The weight of each MH keeps on in-
as follows: creasing for every extra frame its message request
stays in contention mode. This scheme can help us to
A(nt,j,X,T)= x;=1 A ( n t , j i , X i , T ) reduce the chances of getting into a starvation mode.
k Overall service time is reduced in this sc':1 eme.
where j = ji,X = Xi, X i = the arrival rate
of MHs with priority level i, and j i is the number of In this section, we extend the original model [2, 111
MHs of priority level i we are examining. to include a weighted fair queueing scheme [3, 81. We
let A = {XI,XZ, ...,An=}, where each X i represents the
Let us now look at defining S, the probability that
number of frames for which a MH has been in con-
a certain number of MHs will obtain a reservation. It
tention. We let A be a multiset (a set which allows
is easy to see that the probability that j~ priority level
for repeating elements). Let I be a subset of A with j
1 MHs get a reservation can be computed as follows:
elements. We can assign a nonnegative number, sym-
s ( % , j l , q l ~= (?;)d(l- q)nc-jl bolizing a normalized weight (from 0 to l), for each
MH, where w is a strictly monotonically increasing
Based upon the above result, it is easy to com- function of Xi.
pute the probability that j z priority level 2 MHs get
a reservation, given that all the priority level 1 MHs We can then say that the probability of j MHs get-
have obtained a reservation as follows: ting a reservation in a frame is as follows:

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