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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

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Sliding mode control of DFIG powers in the case of unknown flux and rotor MARK
currents with reduced switching frequency

Abdelhak Djoudia,b, , Seddik Bachac, Hossein Iman-Einid, Toufik Rekiouae
G2ELAB Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble Bâtiment GreEn-ER, 21 avenue des martyrs, CS 90624, 38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1, France
CDER, Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Route de l’Observatoire Bouzeréah, Algiers, Algeria
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP1, G2Elab, 38000 Grenoble, France
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Laboratoire de Technologie Industrielle et de l’Information (LTII), Faculté de Technologie, University of Béjaia, Algeria


Keywords: This paper aims to implement a stator power control for a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) with unknown
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) flux and rotor currents. This goal is achieved based on a high-gain sliding mode control (HG-SMC) and by
Reduced switching frequency exploiting the fact that the flux remains near the nominal value. A new implementation scheme has been de-
Real-time implementation veloped to achieve low switching frequency compared to the conventional method. The advantages of the new
High-gain sliding mode control (HG-SMC)
scheme over the old one are presented. Some interesting features of the new scheme are: (1) elimination of
Unknown flux and rotor currents
rotor’s current sensor, which leads to lower cost and failure rate in the drive system; (2) simpler implementation
because it does not require any modern method for the flux estimation; (3) longer lifetime of the rotor side-
converter. The proposed control scheme is verified by simulations results and experiments on a 7.5 kW DFIG
power prototype.

1. Introduction methods. In this approach, the active power is measured easily. More-
over, it does not dependent on DFIG parameters or on mechanical
Doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) are mostly used in high- quantities, such as total inertia and aerodynamic torque.
power wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) due to their salient One common weakness of the above mentioned approaches [1–20]
features [1,2] and they can be employed in other power generation is their sensitivity to various errors [21] resulting from the employment
systems like hydropower [3]. Several ways of driving a grid connected of classical flux estimation or simple integral method. These errors in-
DFIG-based WECS have been proposed in literature which includes clude DFIG resistance variations, measurement noises, digital approx-
controlling the electromagnetic torque [4–10], controlling the rotating imation errors, DC offset, and initial conditions errors. In addition,
speed [11–13], and controlling the stator active power [2,14–20]. The these methods require rotor current sensors, which increase the system
main goal of all these three control methods is to track the maximum cost and may cause system malfunction under sensor faults.
attainable power of the wind turbine as long as the wind speed is below The sensitivity of classical flux estimation, i.e., voltage model flux,
a certain upper limit. These goals are also valid for other grid connected can be reduced by employing a low-pass (LP) filter instead of a pure
DFIG-based renewable energy conversion systems. integrator [22,23]. This modification reduces the performance of the
The main drawback of the torque control is that the electromagnetic drive system due to insertion of phase and magnitude errors in the
torque is estimated and is not measured. Moreover, the estimated value control loops. Refs. [24,25] have proposed two methods to diminish the
changes with the variation of DFIG inductances. On the other side, the effect of this weakness. These methods, however, are not straightfor-
speed control needs the knowledge of some quantities, such as system ward and increase the implementation cost. Another solution is based
inertia, electromagnetic torque, and aerodynamic torque, which are on the current model flux [26], which depends heavily on the accuracy
difficult to estimate. If these quantities are not estimated correctly, of rotor time constant. This technique is difficult to implement, needs a
mechanical oscillations may be formed and affect the wind turbine. large set of machine parameters and requires rotor current sensors.
Stator active power control is the most studied approach in the litera- The authors of [21] have proposed a method for stator power
ture [2,14–20] since it has interesting features compared to two other control, without using flux or rotor current measurements. In this

Corresponding author at: CDER, Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Route de l’Observatoire Bouzeréah, Algiers, Algeria.
E-mail address: (A. Djoudi).
Institute of Engineering Univ. Grenoble Alpes.
Received 11 May 2017; Received in revised form 19 September 2017; Accepted 7 October 2017
0142-0615/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

approach, however, the control law requires a high switching frequency Ps = vqs iqs, Qs = vqs ids (4)
for the implementation. This will cause high switching losses in the
From (3) and (4), the dynamics of active and reactive powers are
rotor-side converter and will reduce the converter efficiency and its
obtained as
lifetime. Moreover, the robustness and feasibility of this control method
has not been verified practically. dQ
⎧ dt s = −a1 ids vqs + ωs iqs vqs + a2 φds vqs+
This paper proposes the sliding mode control (SMC) of stator active ⎪ − a3 ωφqs vqs−a4 vdr vqs

and reactive powers for unknown rotor currents and flux with new
implementation scheme. The target of proposed approach is achieving a ⎨ dPs = −ωs ids vqs−a1 iqs vqs + a2 φqs vqs+
⎪ dt
reduced switching frequency compared to the classical method, even in ⎪ + a3 ωφds vqs−a4 vqr vqs + a3 vqs2
⎩ (5)
the case of applying a high sliding mode gain control. The rest of this
paper is categorized as follows. The DFIG model is presented in Section The sliding surfaces SP ,SQ relative to stator active and reactive
2. Sections 3 and 4 present the SMC for unknown rotor currents and powers are defined as
flux, and the proposed scheme, respectively. In Section 5, simulation
results are presented to verify the viability of new method. Section 6 ⎧ SP = Ps−Pref
⎨ S = Qs−Qref (6)
presents the experimental results and conclusions are given in Section ⎩ Q
7. where Pref and Qref are reference values of Ps,Qs , respectively.
In the sequel, it is assumed that Pref and Qref and their derivatives Pref
2. Model of doubly fed induction generator ̇ are bounded and available.
and Qref
According to (5) and (6), the dynamics of sliding surfaces SP and SQ
In the rotational reference frame (or (d,q) reference frame) and are given by
based on the usual assumptions [27], the DFIG model can be given by
the following equations ⎧ dt
= Y1−a4 vdr vqs

⎨ dSP = Y2−a4 vqr vqs
⎧ vds = Rs ids + −ωs φqs ⎩ dt (7)
⎪ dφqs
⎪ With
⎪ vqs = Rs iqs + dt
+ ωs φds
⎨v = R i + dφdr ̇
⎧Y1 = −a1 ids vqs + ωs iqs vqs + a2 φds vqs−a3 ωφqs vqs−Qref
−(ωs −ω) φqr
⎪ dr r dr dt ⎪
⎪ dφqr Y2 = −ωs ids vqs−a1 iqs vqs + a2 φqs vqs + a3 ωφds vqs+
⎪ vqr = Rr iqr + + (ωs −ω) φdr ⎨
⎩ dt (1) ⎪ +a3 vqs2 −Pref
⎩ (8)

⎧ φds = Ls ids + Lm idr Now, the dynamics of sliding surfaces are chosen as
⎪ φqs = Ls iqs + Lm iqr
⎨ φdr = Lr idr + Lm ids ⎧ dt
= −K sign (SQ )−GSQ
⎪φ = L i + L i ; K ,G > 0
r qr m qs
⎨ dSP = −K sign (SP )−GSP
⎩ qr (2) ⎩ dt (9)
where where the gains K and G are positive values.
The terms −GSQ and −GSP are added in (9) to improve the con-
(ids,r ,iqs,r ) are the stator-rotor current components; vergence speed of active and reactive powers to their references Pref and
(φds,r ,φqs,r ) are the stator-rotor flux components; Qref , respectively.
(vds,r ,vqs,r ) are the stator-rotor voltage components; According to (8) and (9), the (dq) components of rotor voltages
Rr ,Rs are the rotor and stator resistances; (vdr ,vqr ) are calculated to satisfy the relation (9):
Lr ,Ls ,Lm are the rotor, stator, and mutual inductances; and
ω , ωs are the rotor and stator angular frequencies, respectively. ⎧ vdr = (K sign (SQ ) + GSQ + Y1)/(a4 vqs ) ; a ,v ≠ 0
4 qs
⎨ vqr = (K sign (SP ) + GSP + Y2)/(a4 vqs ) (10)

3. High-gain SMC for control of stator’s active and reactive powers When rotor voltage components take the form (10), the quantities
dS dS
SQ dtQ , SP dtP would be negative. In this case, SQ → 0 and SP → 0 . In
This section presents an SMC that allows the drive of DFIG by the other words, the SMC law or (10) ensures the regulation of Ps and Qs to
active and reactive stator powers in the case of unknown rotor currents the reference values Pref and Qref , respectively.
and flux. Unfortunately, the values of vdr ,vqr in (10) cannot be calculated ea-
According to (1) and (2), the dynamics of the stator current com- sily due to several reasons, including DFIG parameters variations,
ponents can be obtained as follows (see Appendix A). modeling errors, and stator flux estimation difficulties. For this reason,
dids the gain K in (10) must be chosen high to ensure the convergence.
⎧ = −a1 ids + ωs iqs + a2 φds −a3 ωφqs −a4 vdr + a3 vds
dt To overcome the problems related to estimation methods and to
⎨ diqs = −ωs ids−a1 iqs + a2 φqs + a3 ωφds −a4 vqr + a3 vqs reach the SMC robustness, the control law in (10) is modified as
⎩ dt (3)

where ⎧ vdr = (K sign (SQ ) + GSQ + Y1)/(a4 vqs )

⎨ vqr = (K sign (SP ) + GSP + Y2)/(a4 vqs ) (11)

1 1 ⎞ 1 1 (1−σ )
a1 = ⎛ ⎜+ , a2 = ⎟ , a3 = , a4 = ; where
⎝ s σTr⎠ σL T
r s σL r σLm
L2 ⎧Y1 = −a1 ids vqs + ωs iqs vqs + a2 φds vqs+
and σ = 1− L mL is the dispersion coefficient. ⎪
s r
⎪ − a3 ωφqs vqs−Qref ̇
If it is assumed that the q axis of the rotating reference frame co-
incides along the stator voltage vector, the direct component of the ⎨Y2 = −ωs ids vqs−a1 iqs vqs + a2 φqs vqs + a3 ωφds vqs+

stator voltage will be zero. Then, the expression of stator active and ⎪ +a3 vqs2 −Pref
⎩ (12)
reactive powers, i.e., Ps,Qs can be given by (4)

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Fig. 1. Classical implementation of HG-SMC scheme.

a1,a2,a3,a4 stand, respectively, for a1,a2,a3,a4 when the nominal values

of DFIG parameters (given in Appendix A) are employed. One has to
note that the stator flux components remain close to the nominal values
as long as the stator is directly connected to the grid.
In the following paragraphs, the necessary conditions for the sliding
mode gain K is obtained to guarantee the robustness of SMC. To
achieve this goal, the following Lyapunov function is associated with
the sliding surface dynamics:

1 2 1
VS = SP + SQ2
2 2 (13)

The time derivative of (14) is given by

Vṡ = SP + SQ
dt dt (14)

By substituting (7) into (14), one can obtain

Vṡ = SP (Y2−a4 vqr vqs ) + SQ (Y1−a4 vdr vqs ) (14a)

The equivalent quantities of vdr ,vqr in (11) are inserted to (14a) and
the expression of VṠ is rewritten as (15):

⎛ (K sign (SP ) + GSP + Y2) ⎞ ⎞

VṠ = SP ⎜Y2−a4 ⎛⎜ ⎟ vqs

⎝ (a4 vqs ) ⎠ ⎠

⎛ (K sign (SQ ) + GSQ + Y1) ⎞ ⎞
+ SQ ⎜Y1−a4 ⎛⎜ ⎟ vqs

⎝ (a4 vqs ) ⎠ ⎠ (15)


a a a a
VṠ = ⎛Y2− 4 Y2 ⎞ SP + ⎛Y1− 4 Y1 ⎞ SQ− 4 G (SP2 + SQ2 )− 4 K (|SP | + |SQ |)
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟

⎝ a 4 ⎠ ⎝ a 4 ⎠ a 4 a4
(16) Fig. 2. (a) and (b) Principle of sinusoidal-PWM. (c) Duty cycle in case of classical HG-SMC
The time derivative expression of VṠ remains negative if

a4 ⎛ ⎛ a4 ⎞ a 4. HG-SMC implementation with the reduced switching frequency

K> ⎜ Y2−
⎜ Y2 SP + ⎛Y1− 4 Y1 ⎞ SQ⎞⎟
⎟ ⎜ ⎟

a4 ⎝ ⎝ a4 ⎠ ⎝ a4 ⎠ ⎠ (17)
In this section, a new implementation scheme is developed for HG-
In this case, VS → 0 , which means that SQ → 0 and SP → 0 .From SMC approach. The main objective is to reduce the switching frequency
(11), one can note that the rotor voltage components, which are ne- of the rotor-side converter (RSC), compared to the conventional one.
cessary for the control, do not depend on rotor current components, The classical implementation scheme is described in Fig. 1. The
which means that the developed control law in (11) or high-gain sliding DFIG stator circuit is directly connected to the power grid. The DFIG
mode control (HG-SMC) ensures the control of stator active and re- rotor circuit is driven by the RSC which in this paper is a two-level
active powers without the rotor current measurement or flux estimation three-phase converter.
under the condition of (17). This fact confirms that a better margin of At time kT (T represents the sampling time and k is an integer
robustness is achieved if a greater value for K is selected. value), the dq components of the rotor voltage references are calculated

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

using HG-SMC and are given in (18)–(19).

⎧ ⎛ K sign (SQ (kT ))+ ⎞

⎪ vdr (kT ) = ⎜+GS (kT ) + Y (kT ) ⎟ (a4 vqs (kT ))
⎪ ⎝ Q 1 ⎠
⎨ K sign (S (kT )) + ⎞

⎪ vqr (kT ) = ⎜
⎟ (a4 vqs (kT ))
⎪ ⎝+GSP (kT ) + Y2 (kT ) ⎠ (18)


⎧Y1 (kT ) = −a1 ids (kT ) vqs (kT ) + ωs iqs (kT ) vqs (kT )+
⎪ + a φ v (kT )−a ωφ v (kT )−Q̇ (kT )
2 ds qs 3 qs qs ref

⎪Y2 (kT ) = −ωs ids (kT ) vqs (kT )−a1 iqs (kT ) vqs (kT )+

⎪ + a2 φqs vqs (kT ) + a3 ωφds vqs (kT ) + a3 vqs (kT )2+

̇ (kT )

⎪ P (kT ) = Ps (kT )− P ref (kT )
Fig. 3. Update of reference value in the proposed HG-SMC implementation. ⎪ SQ (kT ) = Qs (kT )−Qref (kT )

̇ (kT ) = Pref (kT ) − Pref (kT − T )
⎪ Pref
⎪ T
⎪Q̇ (kT ) = Qref (kT ) − Qref (kT − T )
⎩ ref T (19)

Fig. 4. Investigation of proposed approach, (a) Stator active

power and the reverence active power and (b) Stator re-
active power and the reference reactive power.

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Fig. 5. Investigation of VC approach, (a) Stator active power and the

reverence active power and (b) Stator reactive power and the re-
ference reactive power.

Then, time domain references of three phase rotor voltages saw-tooth carrier and the corresponding switching states of the con-
(var (kT ),vbr (kT ),vcr (kT )) which are required to control the DFIG are verter are obtained. Moreover, during the switching period, the mean
obtained from dq/ abc transformation (Inverse Park transformation). value of output voltage would be equal to the reference value which is
Based on these references, a pulse-width modulation (PWM) algorithm shown in Fig. 2b.
is used to synthesize the desired voltages (var (kT ),vbr (kT ),vcr (kT )) on the In this study, the rotor-side converter is a three phase inverter and
rotor-side converter (RSC). At time k T, the terminal voltages the corresponding three phase duty cycles are expressed as
(va (kT ),vb (kT ),vc (kT )) of the RSC are function of switching states of
converter switches, i.e., L (kT ) and the DC bus voltage Vdc . v
Dl (x ) = ⎛ xr + 1⎞
⎜ ⎟ 2, x = a,b,c
The PWM strategies for voltage source converters are mainly di- ⎝ Vdc ⎠ (19.a)
vided into two categories: sinusoidal-PWM and space vector PWM
[28–31]. In these methods, as it is shown in Fig. 2a for a single phase But in the classical HG-SMC approach, due to high gain of K , the
system, the variation of duty cycle in a switching period, i.e., NT , is assumption of constant duty cycle or voltage reference during a
neglected. It is worth noting that the duty cycle is proportional to the switching period is not correct (see Fig. 2c). To overcome this issue, one
shape of desired voltage. Thus, the reference waveform is compared to a may reduce the switching period T significantly to reach a similar op-
erating condition as sinusoidal-PWM. However, this will cause a high

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Fig. 6. Steady-state behavior of proposed approach, (a) stator current

waveforms and (b) rotor current waveforms.

switching frequency which is not good for medium and high power ⎧ Dn (kT ) = Dl (kT ) where: Sw (kT ) = 0
converters. The alternative approach is to decrease the gain K sig- ⎪ Dn (kT + mT ) = Dn (kT )
nificantly, but this solution will reduce the control system robustness ⎨ Sw (kT ) = Sw (kT + NT ) = 0
which is not desirable. ⎪ m = 1: N −1, where : S (kT + mT ) ≠ 0
⎩ w (20)
Here, another solution is proposed to keep the switching frequency
same as the conventional PWM approaches. The main idea is to update Accordingly, the proposed scheme is similar to the classical PWM
the reference value for the PWM algorithm just at the beginning of each methods, but the duty cycle is used to find the states L (kT ) of converter
switching period instead of each sampling period which is shown in switches M based on (20). It is evident that the switching frequency is
Fig. 3. kept lower than the classical implementation of HG-SMC approach.
In the following, the duty cycle Dn is obtained as a function of
classical duty cycle Dl , where the saw-tooth carrier Sw has the switching
5. Simulations results
periodic of NT :

In order to verify the effectiveness of new method, two simulations

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Fig. 7. Photo of hardware prototype, (a)

Electrical part of the test bench. (b)
Electromechanical part of the test bench.

Table1 are carried out. In the first simulation, the effectiveness of new method
Utilized DFIG parameters in the study. against the parameters errors is investigated and in the second simu-
lation, it is compared to the classical vector control (VC) approach. In
Quantity Value
these simulations, the switching frequency of the rotor side converter is
Nominal power 7.5 kW set to 8 kHz.
Nominal stator resistance 0.5 Ω The parameters of the studied DFIG are given in Appendix A. The
Nominal rotor resistance 1.2 Ω gains of the control system are also selected as k = 10 4,G = 50 . The
Nominal stator leakage inductance 4.71 mH
Nominal rotor leakage inductance 1.13 mH
stator resistances and inductances are changed deliberately +50%
Nominal magnetizing inductance 57.71 mH and ± 40%, respectively. The reference of stator reactive power is set to
Number of pair poles 2 zero and is demonstrated in Figs. 4b and 5b and the profile of active
Grid magnitude and frequency 140 √ 2 V,50 Hz power is demonstrated in Figs. 4a and 5a (by the red color).
DC bus voltage 350 V The corresponding waveforms of stator’s active and reactive powers
for the proposed approach and the VC approach are given respectively

Fig. 8. Active and reactive stator powers, ampli-

1div=2kW tude of rotor current, and speed.


1div=85 tr/min


A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Fig. 9. Experimental investigation of proposed technique, (a) tracking

errors for active power control, (b) tracking errors for reactive power
control, and (c) dq components of stator current.





-400 100


-600 0



-800 581 581.05 581.1 581.15 581.2

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Time (s)


in Figs. 4 and 5. The waveforms of stator and rotor currents of the proposed ap-
As it is seen from Figs. 4 and 5, the active and reactive powers well proach are given in Fig. 6, where the computed THDs are 4.4% and
track the reference values in both steady state and dynamic conditions. 4.88%, respectively. These quantities well satisfy the standard limits
The RMS of active power error is 0.35 kW in Fig. 4a and 0.32 kW in [32].
Fig. 5a. In addition, the RMS of reactive power error is 0.25 kVAR in According to the simulation results, the proposed approach could
Fig. 4b and 0.38 kVAR in Fig. 5b. control the active and reactive powers with a negligible error while the

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

system parameters have been changed deliberately. Moreover, the THD converter.
of stator current is less than 5% and satisfies the grid code [32].
6.3. Test results
6. Experiment results
In the experimental tests, the same gain values and switching fre-
6.1. Test bench components quency as the simulation study are utilized. The reactive power is set to
zero and the stator active power is changed in a step-wise manner while
The presented test bench in Fig. 7 allows emulating the behavior of it is filtered by a low-pass filter same as the simulation study. The ro-
wind energy conversion systems based on the DFIG. This system can be bustness of the proposed method is tested against parameter changes by
divided into two parts. The first part consists of electrical components changing the values of DFIG resistances and inductances in the control
(Fig. 7a) which enable the control of DFIG and the DC motor. A back-to- law similar to the simulation part, i.e., + 50% and ± 40% for resistances
back drive and a four-quadrant converter are utilized for the drive of and inductances, respectively. The obtained experimental results based
DFIG and DC motor, respectively. In addition, the DFIG is controlled by on HG-SMC are shown in Fig. 8.
dSPACE DS1005 control board and the DC motor is controlled by Texas Tracking errors of the proposed approach are demonstrated in
Instruments DSP card, i.e., TMS 320F240. Fig. 9a and b. As it is seen, the maximum tracking errors for active and
Fig. 7b shows the second part of the test bench or the electro- reactive powers are about 350 W and 280 VAR , respectively. These er-
mechanical chain which contains a 7.5 kW DFIG with the parameters rors are acceptable for a 7.5 kW DFIG system.
given in Table 1 and a 5.5 kW Siemens DC motor to produce the desired The viability of the proposed approach is also confirmed by de-
turbine torque. The DC motor and the DFIG are coupled via a multiplier monstration of stator dq current components in Fig. 9c. It is seen that
with a ratio of 1.41 and an encoder is utilized for the speed estimation. these quantities remain inside the acceptable bounds for the considered
Two computers are utilized for the control of whole test-bench. The DFIG system.
first and main computer is utilized for the control of DFIG through
Matlab/Simulink environment and dSPACE tool boxes. The second
computer is utilized for programming the torque of DC machine via DSP 7. Conclusions
board and the external link from main computer.
This paper presented a new stator power control based on HG-SMC
6.2. Implementation procedure for a DFIG without using any sensor for rotor currents and flux variable.
The presented implementation scheme allows achieving the control
The proposed control system for the DFIG has been implemented in objectives with a lower switching frequency compared to classical
Matlab/Simulink environment and the dSPACE tool boxes have been method. The developed approach provides several advantages, such as
utilized for performing necessary ADC, DAC, PWM and Sensing func- robustness, sensor-less operation, lower converter losses and better life
tions. Moreover, the turbine behavior is simulated in this program and time. The validity of new approach was verified through simulations
the corresponding torque value is generated and sent to the DC machine and real-time experiments.
control board via an external link. This torque is proportional to the
square of the rotor speed. In addition, before running the proposed Acknowledgment
algorithm, the synchronization of the DFIG with the grid is done using
the control of stator voltage, which is achieved by the rotor-side This work has been funded by the project PSP, Innov’hydro.

Appendix A

In order to find the dynamics of (dq) stator currents in (3), Eqs. (1) and (2) are used in the mathematical calculations. By assuming that the
variations of inductances are negligible compared to electrical variables and rewriting (1) and (2), one can obtain:

⎧ dtds = vds−Rs ids + ωs φqs
⎪ dφ

⎪ dt
= vqs−Rs iqs−ωs φds
⎨ dφdr = vdr −Rr idr + (ωs −ω) φqr
⎪ dt
⎪ dφqr
⎪ dt = vqr −Rr iqr −(ωs −ω) φdr (A.1)

dφ dids didr
⎧ dtds = Ls dt
+ Lm dt
⎪ dφ
diqs diqr

⎪ dt
= Ls + Lm
dt dt
⎨ dφdr = Lr
+ Lm
⎪ dt dt dt
⎪ dφqr diqr diqs
⎪ dt = Lr + Lm (A.2)
⎩ dt dt

In other words, the rotor currents and flux value are extracted from (2) as:
1 L
⎧idr = φ − si
Lm ds Lm ds
⎨ iqr = 1 L
φ − si
Lm qs Lm qs
⎩ (A.3)

A. Djoudi et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 96 (2018) 347–356

Lr Lm σ
⎧ φdr = φ
Lm ds
+ i
σ − 1 ds
⎨φ = Lr Lm σ
φ + i
σ − 1 qs
⎩ qr Lm qs (A.4)
After taking into account (A.3) and (A.4); the formulas (A.1) and (A.2) can be rewritten as:
di di
⎧ Ls dtds + Lm dtdr = vds−Rs ids + ωs φqs
⎪ diqs diqr
⎪ Ls dt + Lm dt = vqs−Rs iqs−ωs φds

⎪ dt dt Lm Lm ( Lm )
⎨ Lr didr + Lm dids = vdr −Rr 1 φds − Ls ids + (ωs −ω) Lr φqs + Lm σ iqs
σ−1 ( )

diqr diqs 1 Ls
( Lr
Lm σ
⎪ Lr dt + Lm dt = vqr −Rr Lm φqs − Lm iqs −(ωs −ω) Lm φds + σ − 1 ids ( ) (A.5)
dids diqs
The variables and are found by solving the last system equation. So,
dt dt
⎧ dtds = −a1 ids + ωs iqs + a2 φds −a3 ωφqs −a4 vdr + a3 vds
⎨ diqs = −ωs ids−a1 iqs + a2 φqs + a3 ωφds −a4 vqr + a3 vqs
⎩ dt (A.6)

where a1 = ( 1
σTr ), a2 =
σLr Ts
, a3 =
, a4 =
(1 − σ )

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