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Abstract: Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt

Power theft is a flagitious problem in electric power systems, which causes great economic
losses and leads to irregular supply of electicityelectricity. Power theft can be briefly defined
as usage of power without the knowledge of the supplier. It has become the major problem in
India and it is a crime. Overall indiaIndia has highest losses over a one fifth of power they
supply, i.e., about 10.2 billion dollardollars. Power theft is happening in many ways due to
theft, meter tampering, billing issues and leakage due to faulty equipment. one such way is that
a registered customersregistered customer steal either bypassing the meter iei.e.: connecting
around the meter to a live cable on a company side of the meter or tampering with the meter to
make the meter to read less or no consumption. In order to eradicate the power thefttheft, it has
to be identified. In this paper the current sensors were used to identify the current(load) level
with the threshold current,whilecurrent, while considering the constant voltage to detect the
power theft.
In this project we are using smart power meters which are fitted at load side as well as supply
side.Theseside. These meters are capable of measuring the power sent to the loads and power
consumed by the loads over the time respectively.
Both the parameters were sent wirelessly.Wheneverwirelessly. Whenever there is any
mismatch above the tolerance level parameters, then power theft is detected and the system
will trigger the alarm to intimate to the concern authority so that they can take necessary legal
action and prevent power theft in future.
According to the annual Emerging Markets Smart Grid: Outlook 2015 study by the
Northeast Group, LLC, the world loses US$89.3 billion annually to electricity theft.
The highest losses were in India ($16.2 billion), followed by Brazil ($10.5 billion)
and Russia ($5.1 billion).[1].
President of Northeast Group Ben Gardner stated : "India loses more money to theft
than any other country in the world. The state of Maharashtra ,which
includes Mumbai—alone loses $2.8 billion per year, more than all but eight countries
in the world. Nationally, total transmission and distribution losses approach 23% and
some states' losses exceed 50%."[2]
This huge amount of electricity theft considerably affects the growth of a country
specially a developing country. In India 30% of the total power transmitted is lost to
AT&C (Aggregate technical and commercial) loss the highest in the world. Due to all
this losses India is not able to meet the electricity demand and there are frequent
power cuts.
We would like to express our gratitude towards all people who have contributed their
precious time and effort to help us. Without them it would not have been possible for us to
understand and complete the project.
We express our profound sense of gratitude to P V V SATHYANARAYANA, head of the
Department, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and M.I.S.T for providing us with
amenities to complete this project.
We would like to thank our guide Dr M. SUDHAKARAN for this consistent guidance,
support, motivation and encouragement throughout the period this work was carried out, his
readiness for consultation at all times, his educative comments, his concern and assistance
even with practical things have been invaluable.
We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the faculty of Electrical Engineering
department for providing a challenging and enlightening experience. we remain indebted to
of excellence.
We acknowledge our indebtedness to all who directly helped us. our sincere thanks to all our
friends who have patiently extended all sorts of help for accomplishing this understanding
Above all, we reckon with love the virtuous support given by our parents.


L. SRINIVAS (18E31D6403)

We, the undersigned, declare that the project entitled “POWER THEFT
IDENTIFICATION AND MITIGATION USING IOT” is being submitted in partial
fulfilment for the award of master of technology in Power Engineering and Energy Systems.
Affiliated to JNTU HYDERABAD, is the work carried out by us.

L. SRINIVAS (18E31D6403)


Types of power theft

 1.1Direct hooking from line
 1.2Bypassing the energy meter
 1.3Injecting foreign element in the energy meter
 1.4Physical obstruction
 1.5ESD attack on electronic meter

There are various types of electrical power theft, including Tapping a line or bypassing the energy meter.
According to a study[citation needed], 80% of worldwide theft occurs in private dwellings and 20% on
commercial and industrial premises. The various types of electrical power theft include:

Direct hooking from line[edit] Formatted: mw-editsection, Font: (Default) Times New
Roman, 13.5 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
What's known as "cable hooking" is the most used method. 80% of global power theft is by direct
tapping from the line. The consumer taps into a power line from a point ahead of the energy
meter. This energy consumption is unmeasured and procured with or without switches.[citation needed]

Bypassing the energy meter[edit] Formatted: mw-editsection, Font: (Default) Times New
Roman, 13.5 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
In this method, the input terminal and output terminal of the energy meter is short-circuited,
preventing the energy from registration in the energy meter.[3]

Injecting foreign element in the energy meter[edit] Formatted: mw-editsection, Font: (Default) Times New
Roman, 13.5 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
Meters are manipulated via a remote by installing a circuit inside the meter so that the meter can
be slowed down at any time. This kind of modification can evade external inspection attempts
because the meter is always correct unless the remote is turned on.

Physical obstruction[edit] Formatted: mw-editsection, Font: (Default) Times New

Roman, 13.5 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
This type of tampering is done to electromechanical meters with a rotating element. Foreign
material is placed inside the meter to obstruct the free movement of the disc. A slower rotating
disk signals less energy consumption.

ESD attack on electronic meter[edit] Formatted: mw-editsection, Font: (Default) Times New
Roman, 13.5 pt, Bold, Font color: Black
This type of tampering is done on electronic meter to make it either latent damage or permanent
damage. Detection can be done correctly in high end meters only.
Block diagram
Difference between arduinoArduino and raspberrypiraspberry
Single- board microcontroller Single-board computer

Control unit ATmega328 microcontroller Broadcom BCM 2837B0


CPU architecture 8 bit 64 bit

Operating system No Yes

Processing speed 16MHz 1.4GHz

Power consumed 175mw 700mw

i/o current drive circuit 40ma 16ma


Single- board microcontroller Single-board computer
 Doesnot support audio and GUIs  Supports audio and GUIs
 Arduino specific IDE and  Wide range of operating software
compiler  Uses “hats”forhats “for external
 Uses “shields”forshields “for functionalities
external functionalities  Best at logical processing of data
 Best at controlling m/c and and communicating with other
performing repetativerepetitive systems

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REFERENCES Formatted: Font: 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt
1. LLC, Northeast Group. "World Loses $89.3 Billion to Electricity Theft Annually,
$58.7 Billion in Emerging Markets". Formatted: Font: 12 pt
2. "India To Spend $21.6 Billion On Smart Grid Infrastructure By Formatted: Font: 12 pt
2025". Transmission & Distribution World. 12 February 2015. Formatted: Font: 12 pt
3. Sreenivasan (2017). Power Theft. NewDelhi: PHI Learning[P]Ltd. pp. 87– Formatted: Font: 12 pt
88. ISBN 9788120352810.
Formatted: Font: 12 pt

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