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Teaching Plan

1. Curriculum
Lower Secondary (Matthayom. Middle School) last for three years and is the equivalent
of grades seven through nine in the U.S. The curriculum emphasizes more knowledge
management through projects, so that learners have clear ideas, understanding, and self-
knowledge regarding their capabilities and aptitudes, in preparation for future occupations
through more complicated theories.
The objectives are to enable learners to develop the following characteristics:
1) Understanding about principles and basic theories of science.
2) Understanding about characteristic, scope and limitation of science.
3) Skills in scientific and technological studies, discoveries and inventions.
4) Rational thinking, open-mindedness, accepting others' opinions, belief in and making use of
scientific method in problem-solving, love, interest and eagerness to learn about science and
5) Realization of the relationships among science, technology, human being and the environment
concerning their mutual influences and impacts.
6) Application of scientific and technological knowledge and understanding for social benefits
and in daily life.

2. Lesson Plan

Subject : Physics Level : Muthayomsuksa 3
Unit : Topic : Electricity
Time : 100 minutes Teacher :

Core competency : Understanding the concept of electricity and it’s application in everyday life.
Basic competency : Describe the relationship of energy and electric power and it’s use in
everyday life.

I. Indicators
1.1. Explain the relationship between V, I and Electrical Energy used.
1.2. Explain the relationship between electrical power, electrical energy and it’s units.
1.3. Applying the concept of energy and electric power in the calculation of the use of electrical
energy at home.
1.4. Shows changes in electrical energy into other forms of energy.
1.5. Explain relationship between Joule, Watt and kWh.

II. Objectives

2.1. Students can explain the relationship between V, I and Electrical Energy used.
2.2. Through demonstration, students can explain the relationship between electrical power,
electrical energy and their units.
2.3. With information discussion, students can apply the concept of energy and electric power in
the calculation of the use of electrical energy.
2.4. Through demonstrations, students can show changes in electrical energy into other forms.
2.5. With discussion of information, students can explain relationship between Joule, Watt and

III. Learning Materials

Energy and electrical power modules

IV. Learning Methods

1. Approach : Scientific process approach

2. Learning Model : Cooperative Learning

3. Learning Methods : Demonstration, Information, Discussion, Game.

V. Procedure

Teacher Activity Student Activity

Opening ( ± 10 minutes)
Phase 1
1. Teacher greeting to students Students greeting
2. Teacher ask all students to pray and asks one of the
lead students to pray before learning begins.
3. The teacher checks student attendance, one by one.
4. The teacher ask students to recall the previous
lesson, about dynamic and static electricity.
5. The teacher motivates students by showing pictures
and videos about some objects at home that use
electricity, and ask a question “Look at the picture
in front, if you are asked to choose between
superman and mr. bean, who has more power? Why
do you answer that? Then try to look at the
following picture, which one has the strongest
power? The man who hijacks the fields using a
tractor, or the man who hijacks the fields using
6. Teacher asks several students to express their
opinions about the question.
7. Teacher displays the title of the learning that will be
taught at the power point about Electric Power.
Core activities (± 75 minutes)
Phase 2
Presenting Information
8. Teacher presents information to students about
electric power through demonstrations and module.
Phase 3.
Organize Students to Study Groups
9. Teacher asks the students to make group ( 1 group
5-6 members)
10. Teacher helps each group to make the transition
Phase 4.
Assist team work and study
11. Teacher provides student worksheets in the form of
crossword puzzles containing several questions and
12. Teacher explains how to play and each group is
asked to answer the question until it is complete.
13. When finished, the teacher asks students to read the
results of their work.
Phase 5.
Test on the Material (Evaluate)
14. Teacher asks all students to come to the front of the
class, and occupy the paper that matches the group
15. teacher reads the rules of play, where students are
required to stand on paper without being allowed to
step on the floor outside the paper as long as the
questions are read and before they answer.
16. The group that can finish first becomes the winner
in this tournament.
Phase 6.
Provide recognition and reward
17. Teacher gives rewards to each team.
18. Teacher explains the essence of the material today.
19. Teacher gives homework.
20. Teacher asks students to lead prayers.
21. Learning is complete.

VI. Teaching Materials

1. Power Point presentation

2. LCD projector

3. Activity paper

VII. Evaluation
1. Observe conceptual understanding of electrical material by asking students to work on
questions in front of the class.
2. Test student understanding by doing crossword puzzles.
3. Provide clarification about the concept that is not right.
4. Give assignments to students, and correct their work in the future.

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