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Learn How to Make Money SELLING T-SHIRTS 

Online in 9 Easy Steps

About Mubaid..

In a nutshell, I went from running after Investors and VCs to raise

funds for my startup to taking things in my own hand and generating
more than $110,000 in Profit in just 8 months !

All with selling t-shirts online without any office or employees using just
my Laptop and Internet..

Selling t-shirts online changed my life. And since then, I have been
helping Entrepreneurs and anyone who want to generate online
income selling T-Shirts Online.

>> You can read my story here <<

For now, let’s go ahead with the training in this PDF!

Also featured in..

Learn How to Make Money SELLING T-SHIRTS 

Online in 9 Easy Steps

This is the first and most important step of the process.

We are looking for a a set of audience who are really, really crazy about a
particular niche. The more passionate they are, the more number of t-shirts we
can sell to them.

How do we know if people are passionate in a Niche?

1. They browse different WEBSITES related to that niche

2. They subscribe to MAGAZINES in that niche
3. They watch TV SHOWS, MOVIES related to that niche
4. They join related Facebook Groups, LIKE FB pages
5. They buy merchandise like Mugs, Apparels, Posters of that niche
6. They join Associations related to the niche
7. They follow News, Celebrities, famous Personalities of that niche
8. They spend money buying tickets for events, conventions, fests related
to that niche
9. They have posters of celebrities or popular personalities in that niche in
their rooms

You get the idea, right…?

The more points you can tick off from the above list,
the easier we can sell them the stuff.

Here are some examples of niches you can start with..

Hobbies : Archery, Painting, Music, Dance.. etc..

Professions : Doctors, Lawyers, Architects… etc..

Relationships : Parents, Siblings, Aunt, Grand Parents… etc..
Pets : Dogs, Cats, Goats.. etc..
Sports : Badminton, Running, Soccer.. etc..

If you are confused where to start, Start with Yourself. Look at your
hobbies, passions, field of study, profession… and start there..
Step #2 - Create an Attractive DESIGN

Let me answer the most common I get about the Design -

Question - Do I need to be a Designer for doing this business? 

Answer - NOPE..

You don’t need to be a professional designer. If you can just look at a

design and say if its attractive or ugly, you are good to go.

The most important thing is the MESSAGE on the t-shirt.

Think about this..

People are not buying a piece of cloth.

They are buying the emotions it generates and
how it makes them feel.

After looking at the design, if the first thing that comes to their mind is -
“Woww.. This is soooo me.. ” or “Sooo cool.. Its perfect for me.. “
then you have a winner.. :)

People make this mistake of making their designs too complicated. Using
tons of colors and complicated graphics. In fact, the simpler the design is,
the easier it will sell.

Here are some tips to keep in mind while designing your t-shirt -

1. It doesn’t have to be too graphical. Even a good quote with a good font
is enough. Most of my designs are just interesting quotes
2. Restrict your design to just 1-2 colors. Max 3, never more than that
3. The design should make people feel Proud
4. Don’t design something you cannot wear in public or in front or your
friend or parents
5. Designs which can bring a smile on the face sell easily

If you are NOT A DESIGNER, you can easily outsource your design and get
it made in under $5 at
Step #3 - Launch the T-Shirt

Once the design is ready, we will upload it on a POD platform.

What is POD platform?



Accept customer Payment


Produce & Print t-shirt

Upload the Design Collect Profit

Dispatch the t-shirt
 Work on New
Handle Customer Care

Promote T-Shirt Designs
Takes Small Commission

So Simple and Awesome right?

There are many POD platforms available online. Most platforms have
multiple products available which you can sell adding your design to it.

T-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, full sleeves, coffee mugs, caps, poster, phone cases
etc. are some of the top products which are available..

Here are few Top POD platforms -

For Indian audience -

For US and almost all other countries you can use any of the below:

Step #4 - Setup Facebook Pixel

Once our product is live, next step is setting up the Facebook Pixel.

What is Facebook Pixel?

Its a magical small piece of code which we install on our website or the
POD platform we are using. It helps us track some amazing stuff like -

1. How many people visited our t-shirts page?

2. How many people added our t-shirt to the cart?
3. Which age group or gender visited the page or bought the product?
4. How many add to cart, how many purchases?
5. We can also show retargeting ads to those who visited our t-shirt page
6. It stores information of everyone who visited our page and we can use
that information to find SIMILAR people and show our ads to them.
Pretty amazing, right?

Always setup your Pixel BEFORE start running the Facebook Ads. Lot of
people set it up after they start running the ads and they lose out on
important user data.

>> Learn how to Setup Facebook Pixel in less than 2 min <<

Most people ignore it but..

Facebook Ads work based on the data the Pixel has. FB has an amazing
algorithm where once we start running ads, it analyses the data of users
who are taking action on your ads and find similar people for us.

Let’s say, we are running an ad for a t-shirt for YOGA lovers. We run ads,
people click on it, buy our t-shirts. All this information is getting stored in
FB’s database using the Pixel.

Now, as we continue running ads, FB will analyse this data and start
showing our ads to people who are similar to this audience, that is -
Interested in YOGA. Thus, getting us more sales at lesser cost. Amazing,
right? All thank to the Magical Facebook Pixel.. :)
Step #5 - Find Laser Targeting

Now, once we have our t-shirt launched, our pixel installed. We are ready
to run ads and send traffic to it. But, before that…

We need to find LASER TARGETED INTERESTS for our ads..

Most Facebook Ads fail because of BAD or BROAD TARGETING.

This is the step most people get it wrong. Remember, people will only buy
our product if they are really really passionate about that niche, right?

Still this is the mistake most people make -

If they are running a t-shirt for Yoga lovers, they will put their targeting as
YOGA - which is too broad.

If you are using targeting like below, your ad is bound to fail -

yoga, tennis, knitting, badminton, book lovers, coffee lovers

Why? Because if we use the above targeting we are reaching out to

everyone in that niche. Doesn’t matter if they are crazy passionate about
that niche or not.

In every niche there are 2 types of fans -

Type 1 - Who LIKE that niche. Think its NICE.

Type 2 - Who are CRAAZZZZY about that niche.

Type 2 are those audience who -

• browse WEBSITES related to that niche

• join FORUMS in that niche
• have posters of CELEBRITIES on their wall
• join COMMUNITIES, FB GROUPS related to that niche
• buy MAGAZINES in that niche
• buy MERCHANDISE online related to that niche

Makes sense? We want to show our ads to Type 2 audience.

And we do that using my ONE THING TRICK..

What is that ONE THING in that niche which ONLY AND ONLY A CRAZY
PASSIONATE Fan of that niche would know?

Assume that you have designed a t-shirt for Harry Potter fans. Most
people will just use terms like ‘harry potter’ or ‘harry potter fans’ for their
targeting and with this, FB will start showing the ads to EVERYONE who
knows about Harry Potter.

Almost everyone knows about Harry Potter but they will not buy t-shirt
related to it. Only those people who are crazy passionate about HP will
buy it.. Those are the people who join forums related to HP, browse
websites related to HP.. Read books related to HP..

With me so far?

So, what I would do is - I would find few websites dedicated to HP and

target those..

Example -,,

Are you seeing the difference in types of audience we are reaching out to?

Now, what else can you target apart from websites? Well, glad you asked -

Websites Forums
Magazines Celebrities
Associations Facebook Pages
Communities Blogs
Brands Events / Contests
Tools / Equipments Author / Books

You can use simple Google Search to find these e.g. Top 10 websites in…
Step #6 - Launch the Facebook Ads

Woohhoo… We are finally here.. Time to send some traffic to our product.

Basically we are going to use 3 types of ads

You can use any of these to start sending traffic to your t-shirt using the
Laser targeting we discovered in previous step.

I always start with PPE Ad. It has worked amazingly well for me so far.
Let’s look at the difference between each type of ad

1- PPE (Page Post Engagement Ad)

PPE Ads are optimised by Facebook to increase the engagement i.e. Likes,
comments, shares on a post. They are 1200*1200 in size, so biggest in
size among all ads. These are amazing to increase viral traffic to our
product. Click here to Learn how to launch a PPE Ad

2- CTW (Click to Website Ad)

These are optimised to increase link clicks to our ads. Once we run this
ad, FB will find audience who are most likely to click on the link and show
our ads to those audience in our niche. Its great to sending quick traffic to
our t-shirt.

3- WC (Website Conversion Ad)

These are optimised by FB to increase conversions (Sales) on our site. But

WC Ads work based on Pixel data. If we have enough data in our pixel, FB
uses that data to find similar audience and show our ads to them. So if
you have made sales in the past, information of buyers is already stored
in the pixel. When we run WC Ad, FB analyses the data of buyers and
show our ads to similar people who are most likely to buy.. :)

My Strategy - I always start with either PPE / CTW Ad and send a lot of traffic
to my product. Once people start buying and FB Pixel has data of buyers (after
20-30 sales), I start new WC Ads and they perform amazingly well.. :)
Step #7 - Analyse the FB Ads Reports

Now that we have our ads running, we let the ads run for 24-48 hours and
analyse the reports.

Thanks to the Pixel we installed earlier, FB is now tracking everything

happening with our ads. Based on the reports analysis, we will either
scale the Winning Ads or Kill them.

Here are some important metric we want to look at in our Reports -

Frequency - how many times ad has been shown to a single person

CTR % (All) - % of audience seeing the ad and clicking on it
Link Clicks - how many people clicked on the link
Cost per Link Click - how much we are paying per link click
ViewContent - how many people saw our product
Add to Cart - how many people added the product to cart
Website Purchase - how many actually purchased the product
Cost per Purchase - how much we are spending in selling 1 product

As you can see, using the ads reports we can track almost everything
happening with our ads. If the above metrics sound confusing to you, let
me teach you a simple method - Let’s say we analyse ads after 24 hours
and we notice -

1. No Engagement, No Link Clicks - Bad Targeting. If there’s no engagement

that means we are reaching out to the wrong audience

2. Good Engagement, No Link Clicks - Targeting is Right but Product might

not be attractive. Engagement means we are reaching to right audience.
No one is clicking on ad that means they didn’t like it.

3. Good Engagement, Good Clicks, No Purchase - Right Targeting,

Attractive Product. The job of ad is done. It brought the audience to our
site. Now its either pricing issue or check out process if not giving
confidence to users.
Step #8 - Scale the Winners

Once you find a winning campaign, you have got a gold mine.

Its all about finding that 1 winner. You can easily scale the winning design
to sell thousands of t-shirts. Our first ad is just for testing the design, the
niche and targeting.

The real money is made in scaling the winning ads.

How do we scale the winning ads?

There are lot of methods for the same, I will briefly explain few of them -

1 - Slow Increase in the budget

Well, this sounds much obvious but here’s the thing. You should always
increase the budget of your ads by 10-20% per day. Most common mistake
people make is almost doubling their ad budget. If you do that, FB’s
algorithm goes crazy and the ads perform really bad.

2 - Finding new Laser Targeted Interests

Let’s say in your first ad your started targeting just the websites. Now
once you see people buying the design, you can find more laser targeted
interests like magazines, celebrities and create new ad sets for them. You
do this every day. Everyday make sure to add 2-3 new interests.

3 - Audience Segmentation

This is very very powerful. FB Ads Reports have this option where you can
analyse your ads and see which segment of your audience is buying. Let's
say you ran ad for age 18-30 and while analysing ads, you see most to the
sales coming from age 18-24. You can keep the current ad running and
create a new ad set for age group 18-24 with same targeting, and it will
work wonders.. :) Similarly, you can also segment by gender, mobile/
desktop etc.
Step #9 - Relaunch & Repeat

Once you went through Steps 1-8, you now have successful running
campaign which is making you sales every day.

Next step? REPEAT..

Go back to Step 1 and find a niche niche to tackle..

Keep scaling the existing one, don’t ignore it. There is enough sales and
money to be made from a successful campaign.

Spend 70% of your time and energy in scaling the winning campaigns
and designs and 30% in finding new ideas, new niches!

Once your a winning niche, you can even launch multiple designs to the
same niche and keep scaling it since you have already validated that this
particular niche buys t-shirts online.

So, why not show them more designs? If they did not buy the previous
one, may be they will like this new one and buy from us.

We can also show them other products like coffee mugs, posters, phone
cases. If they bought t-shirts in that niche, chances are they will buy other
products as well easily.

Remember, its easier to sell to a winning niche than keep finding new
niche every single time.

And the great thing is -

The more you sell to a single niche, the more your FB pixel will get
optimised to finding similar audience in that niche.
What now…….?

Woohhoo… Congrats on completing this guide!

I hope you loved this short training and now you have an idea and a
blueprint on how to get started with online t-shirts business!

Next steps..

Look out for my next email…

I will be sending you some amazing tips and trick in email very soon.

Plus, I will be sharing exact strategies myself and other top campaigners
use to sell thousands of t-shirts of a single design.

Meanwhile, if you still haven’t joined, please join the Exclusive Facebook
Group where I keep sharing amazing stuff. We have marketers from
across the globe sharing their idea, strategies, learnings.

>> Click here to Join the Facebook Group <<

That’s it for now.. :)

Talk soon..

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