Legal Aspect Exam

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John Rey M.

Legal Aspect of Education Examination
December 21, 2019

1.The professionalization of teaching had provided better opportunities for teachers. What
privileges and benefits have been granted to professional teachers?
 These are the privileges and benefits have been experienced by the professional
a. Study leave- a one-year study leave with pay shall be granted to a teacher who has
rendered at least seven years of satisfactory teaching
b. Maternity leave- Regular teachers with two and half or more years of service are
entitled to 60 days’ maternity leave
c. Outside teaching- allows public school teachers or high school to teach in private
evening class not more than 12 hours in addition to their regular load
d. Retirement benefits-teachers are given 1 range salary upon retirement
e. Vacation and sick leave- it is cumulative in any part witch may not be taken
within school calendar
f. Compulsory Insurance provides for life retirement insurance
g. Vacation Pay- All teachers except those who are on vacation and sick leave basis
are on the teacher leave basis.
h. Service Credits- This may be used to offset past and future absences due to illness
or other reasonable causes.
i. Salary loan- they are allowed to borrow money from the government insurance
j. Free Medical Consultation they are required to annual physical check up
k. Compensation for injuries teachers protected against the consequences of
employment injury
l. Enjoy Academic Freedom- right of teachers to an atmosphere of academic
m. Cost of living and special hardship shall keep pace with the rise in the cost of
n. Joining teachers Organization- shall have the right and without previous
authorization to establish organization
o. Working Hours for teachers- required to render not more than 6 hours
p. Tenure of Office- granted stability of employment and security of tenure
In your experience as teacher what is the implementation of the Republic Act 7836 to you as the
teacher, to the students and to the educational system.


PURPOSES. Under section 2 Sec. 2. Statement of Policy. — The State recognizes the vital role
of teachers in nation-building and development through a responsible and literate citizenry.
Towards this end, the State shall ensure and promote quality education by proper supervision and
regulation of the licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching
profession. Based on my experienced to the implementation this act Government set a standard
to be a qualified teacher to attain the quality of education in educational system in our society.
Which teachers will have a big role in developing a once individual capacity morally,
intellectually and how to handle his/ her emotions as well. Which board examination is a big part
of this to assess whether a teacher is capable in enhancing the student’s capability. The teachers
will be more credible and also more responsible on his/her actions. That actions will serve a
good role model in the society

2. Republic Act No. 8371 mandates the integration, empowerment and support for the Indigenous
people. What strategies and best practices does your specific school to integrate, empower and
support IP’s what do you propose to do to support them with the challenges they experience in
their education?

According to Republic act No. 8371 which an act to recognized, protect and promote the
rights of indigenous cultural communities/ indigenous peoples, creating a national commission
on indigenous peoples creating a national commission on indigenous people, establishing,
implementing mechanisms, appropriating funds, therefore and for other purposes

Based on my experienced as an Educator the best practices we applied in our school is

equality for all regardless social capability, races and even their gender. There is must be an
equal treatment to them to give the quality of education that they need that they can used for their
futures in a long run. Some strategies that we applied are engaging our Indigenous people (IPs)
to certain activities that will support to their human rights without distinction of discrimination
and guarantee respect for their cultural integrity.

A program concerning to our IPs is a big help to the challenges that they encountered in
their education. Let our IPs have a involvement in different co-curricular activities in the school.
And also engaging different programs that will cater their talents and capabilities. And feel that
they are part of the society with equal rights to attain quality education. An education for all that
sees no different in races, gender or even in social status, but quenching little minds thirst to a
contextual learning capable for a globally competitive society
3.The Philippine government have provided access to quality education at all levels. What are
your views to the implementation of free education in higher education with its impact on the

2.1 natural rights and duties of parents

One of the rights and duties of parents is to give educations for young minds. But for
some instance, some parents cannot afford to send their children in the school due to poverty.
And because of the free education program by the government, parents and guardians will be
focus on guiding students without thinking about tuition fees. It will be no longer be a burden to
the parents.

2.2 attitude of students toward studying

Through the free education in higher education they will be a higher rate of literate
students. There will be an improvement on number of students who can finish their studies and
as an impact there are lot of opportunities and also increasing number of employed Filipino
citizen that leads for a better future.
The students will be motivated in going to school because they can learn without
thinking of any fees that it will cost. They will enjoy learning and be a globally competitive in
the future.

2.3 quality instruction facilities and materials

Teachers are tasked to give the most of what our students deserve. Therefore the
government will also improved the schools facilities to cater the needs of the students
wspecially in higher grades as a preparation to the worls of work. Laboratory apparatuses ang
equipment increase to supply the needs of the school due to a higher enrolment rate.

Through the program there will be a big improvement in the facilities and other learning
materials in a certain school which is a big help to teachers to give the quality of education that
prescribed by the Philippine constitution.

4. Policies on Anti-bullying have been formulated and implemented. From your experiences and
observation how would you assess as ateacher on the occurrence of bullying. What type of
bullying happens, whow bullied? What strategy can you suggest to minimied them.
Based from my personal experience as a teacher, I encountered a lot of misbehaving
incidents inside and outside the classroom. There were students that tease, punched, fought, even
ticle their classmate during class hours. I understood that they were elementary students that’s
why these scenerious were somewhat normal for them. But some students that regularly or
usually tease their classmate which results to a fight between them needs an absurp solution.
Based on my observations, students that seek attention most of the time result of bullying.
Students specially male whom parents are both working needs love and care, They needed
attention that is why they tend to bully their classmates. Some students that are shy, silent and
passive, are those who are usually bullied
As a teacher, my suggestion to minimize the incidents of bullying in class is that you
need to understand the bacjground of your students in order for you to take good care of them. It
is needed a tough job to be their second parent but we can help them by simply knowing who
they really are. We can address their needs and give the love and attention that they might not get
insidebtheir own home because of some circumstances. Therefore as teacher we need to be
compassionate and loving to our students

5. Discuss the challenges and issue encountered by teachers administration, parents and pupils
with the implementation of RA 10157

> Based on Republic Act 10157 or an act institutioning the kindergarten education into
the basic education system and appropriating funds or also known as kindergarten Education act
where in everyone are mandatory to take kindergarten. There are some challenges and issues in
implementing in this act. As a teacher we encountered some challenges by means of different
mother tongue of kindergarten students where in mother tongue pertains to the first language.
Another is when a teacher does not know the mother tongue. Lack of training using mother
tongue. And also the resources are not inline in mother tongue. This challenges and issues are
encountered by the kindergarten teachers. Aside from that, for them to be able to enter grade
school they must undertake the kindergarten. The implementation of Republic act will be
successful by means of solving some issues and challenges encountered by a teavhers, parents
and even administrations.

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