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i i ia iar re a THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN JOB SATISFACTION, BURNOUT, ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT AND TURNOVER INTENTION AMONG EMPLOYEES IN MALAYSIA AIRPORT HOLDINGS BERHAD hb catisfaction , burnout jo ryanizetionsl commitment Ard fumever intention among malay stem airport employees. By REVATI A/P MANIRAJA (823169) ‘Thesis submitted to Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA, In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for Master of Sciences (Management) ia aia a ec cs cs TS TS aso PERMISSION TO USE In presenting this dissertation’? project paper in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Post Graduate degree from the University Utara Malaysia (UUM), I agree that the Library of this university may make it fieely available for inspection. I further agree that permission for copying this dissertation®? project paper in any manner, in whole or in part, for scholarly purposes may be granted by my supervisors(s) or in their absence, by the Dean of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate'/ School of Business where I did my dissertatio#? project paper. It is understood that any copying or publication or use of this dissertatior*7 project paper parts of it for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. It is also understood that due recognition shall be given to me and to the UUM in any scholarly use which may be made of any material in my dissertation / project paper. Request for permission to copy or to make other use of materials in this dissertation / project paper in whole or in part should be addressed to: Dean of Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business College of Business University Utara Malaysia 06010 Sintok Kedah Darul Aman aie irae ae ce cw cs aa a ABSTRACT. ‘The main objective of this study is to analyse the relationship between job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment towards turnover intentjap among Malaysia Airport ar Berhad’s employees. (Survey was done through siting esto to MAHB~ employees to participate in the study))The results showed that tefe is a correlation between the variables towards turnover intention, ‘The factors influencing turnover intention become the main attention from the employer as it is the most important key to ensure the organization well-managed and organized. Thus, internal issues and conflicts need to be clarify to ensure the organizational free from any controversy and leads to be categorized as. establish and powerful party. Recommendations have been given which include that the number of sample can be increased to evaluate the relationship in this case study and can be extended towards the workers from different departments and positions who work in private sector organization to compare their relationship between job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment on tumover intention. In conclusion, the researcher hopes that more research will be conducted on turnover intention in the future which important to enhance the productivity and satisfaction among workers. x 4 ea Keywords: job satisfaction, bumout, organizational commitment, turnover intention Hectract / 1 Objective J carvyy | 676s ple > respondents. 2. Merhhgy 7 aie 3. Result 4 Impticatiion [hee commend con plryes Th analy The date woe colltuts amony MAtb ons oe ae of the curveg ute SP varnva — ? tht egnfremt oe a ia ii i cae ca ca a a ABSTRAK Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kepuasan kerja, komitment dan komitmen organisasio ke arah niat perolehan di kalangan pekerja Malaysia Airport Berhad (MAHB). Kajian telah dilakukan melalui pengedaran soal selidik kepada pekerja MAHB untuk mengambil bahagian dalam kajian ini. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pembolehubah kea rah niat perolehan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat perolehan yang menjadi perhatian utama dari majikan kerana ia adalah kunci yang paling penting untuk memastikan organisasi yang terurus dan teratur. Oleh itu, isu dalaman dan konflik perlu dijelaskan untuk memastikan organisasi bebas dari sebarang kontroversi dan membawa kepada kategori sebagai pihak yang kuat dan kukuh, Cadangan telah diberikan yang termasuk bilangan sampel boleh ditingkatkan untuk menilai hubungan dalam kajian kes ini an boleh diperluas ke arah pekerja dari jabatan dan jawatan yang berlainan yang bekerja di organisasi sector swasta untuk membandingkan hubungan mereka antara kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi mengenai niat perolehan. Kesimpulannya, penyelidik berhadap lebih banyak penelitian akan dilakukan mengenai niat perolehan di masa depan yang penting untuk meningkatkan produktiviti dan kepuasan di kalangan pekerja, Kata kunei: kepuasan bekerja, komitmen pekerja , komitmen organisasi Rep fo Engliqh version fur carvection i i ia i is ceca TO TT a AT ik oe ACKNOWLEDGEMENT de Aas es ‘eo we \ This thesis has been kept on track and been seen through to completion with the support a un and encouragement of numerous people including my well-wishers, my family and the end of my thesis | would like to thank everyone who made this thesis possible and an " a é unforgettable experience for me. To express my gratitude to all those who have contributed in many ways to the success of this study and made it an unforgettable experience for me. First of all I pay my gratitude to my supervisor Dr. Bidayatul Akmal_binti Mustafa Kamil for the guidance, carefiil reading and constructive comments, Her timely and efficient contribution has helped me shaped this into its final form and I express my sincerest appreciation for his assistance in any way that I may have asked. I also wish to thank Qthman-¥eop-Graduate -Business-Schookand the staffs of the faculty for providing me with an academic base, which has enabled me to take up this study. Special thanks, tribute and appreciation to the rest of the individuals whose name do not, appear here who have contributed to the successfull completion of this study. Again, I would like to thank everyone who have supported and helped med during my Masters study. mn od wn an aie ir i ia ce cece casa as We dete hr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Z Ene ple pact Lotter Pye PERMISSION TO USE ott ABSTRACT 7 4 ABSTRAK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT e 4 oe aac LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS oy aay. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Ld Introduction I +12 Background of the study = i 12 Problem Statement 3 14 Research Objectives z 4 1.5 Research Questions 5 1.6 _ Scope of Study 3 1.7 Significance of the Study 7 «© 1.8 Terms and Definitions 7 14 organtzation su foesix CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW, 2.1 Introduction - 9 ¢ 22 Definition 9 22.1 Job Satisfaction 9 22.2 Burnout 10 2.2.3 Organization Commitment in 2.2.4 Turnover Intention I 2.2.5 _Job Satisfaction GB Ex] Correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention 14 25.1 Herzberg Two Factor Theory 16 2.3.2Social Exchange Theory 16 (2.3.3 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 16 2.3.4 Burnout, 17 ir iar aa cae ce cc ce cs a aa asa 52.3.5 Freudenberger’s Burnout Theory 17 2.3.6 Chemiss’s Bumout Theory ig 2.3.7 Edelwich and Brodsky’s Burnout Theory 18 °2.3,8 Maslach Burnout Theory 19 24 Correlation between Burnout and Turnover Intention 19 2.4.1 Organizational Commitment 20 2.5 Correlation between organizational commitment and tumover intent 2 2.5.1 Tumover Intention 2 2.6 Theoretical Framework m4 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 3.1__Introduction satan 25 a2 Research Design. 26 3.2.1 Type of Research Ee 26 3.2.2 Data Analysis 27 Sources of Data 7 B22L1 Primary Data 27 3.22.12 Secondary Data 27 3.3 Population and Sampling 28 33.1 Sample Size 28 3.3.2. Measurement 29 34__ Pilot Test 31 3.3__ Reliability of Data 32 3.6 Statistical Methods 33 3.6.1 Descriptive Statistics ae 33 3.6.2 _ Reliability Analysis 3 3.6.3 Correlation Analysis Eee 33 3.64 Regression Analysis 34 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULT AND DISCUSSION F1__ Introduction 35 4.2 Section I (Descriptive Analysis) 35 42.1 To identify the demogeaphie profile respondents 35 42.2 To examine the job satisfaction among employees 38 4.2.3 To identify the burnout among employees 38 ee i i ia cece cars a ssa a External Exhaustion a Depersonalization R 42.3.3 Personal Accomplishment B 4.2.4 To identify the organizational commitment among employees 44 Affective commitment 44 Continuance commitment ct 6 Normative commitment ao _#8 4.2.5 To assess the tumover intention among employees ms 49 43 Section II (Inferential Statistics) 51 4.3.1 To analyse the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover: 31 intention 43.2 To analyse the relationship between burnout and turnover intention 32 433.3 To analyse the relationship between organizational commitment 32 % and tumover intention 43.4 To analyse the relation ship between job satisfaction, burnout, 33 organizational commitment towards turnover intention CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION, SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction 34 52 Discus 35 5.2.1 The relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, organization 35 commitment towards turnover intention among MAHB employees Job Satisfaction 55 52.1.2 Bumout 39 7 ~ Organizational Commitment Fae 60 Turnover intention 4 The influence factors towards turnover intention among 66 MAHB employees 3.3 Implications 66 3.4__ Limitations 8 5.3___ Direction of the future research 68 5.6 Recommendations: 69 3.7 Conclusion 70 REFERENCES Ee i i ia ia es cee csc a a asa LIST OF TABLES organizational commitment towards turnover intention Table Title Page Table 3.1 Sample size guidelines 28 Table 3.2 Sources of Variables 29 Table 3.3 Data Reliability 3 Table 4.1 Demographic profiles 37 Table 4.2 Distribution of Job Satisfaction 39 Fable 43 Distribution of External Exhaustion a Table 4.4 Distribution of Depersonalization a2 Table 4.5 Distribution of Personal Accomplishment a2 Table 4.6 Distribution of Affective Commitment 45 Table 4.7 Distribution of Continuance Commitment % Table 4.8 Distribution of Normative Commitment 8 Table 4.9 Distribution of Tumover Iniention 31 Table 4.10 The relationship between job satisfaction and tumover 52 intention Table 4.17 ‘The relationship between organizational commitment and 52 tumover intention Table 4.12, ‘The relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, 33 a ia ia ia ic cae crac TT a ac LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page Figure 21 ‘Theoretical Framework 24 a ia ia ia as ce cs ca TT co LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations A Affective ic Continuance MAKB Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad N ‘Normative BT Burnout co Commitment Organization DP. Depersonalization EE Emotional Exhaustion IS ‘Job Satisfaction PA Personal Accomplishment an Turnover Intention vagy CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduetion This study aims to seck the relationship between work satisfaction, bumout and turnover intention among Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad (MAHB) employees. This part consists off) me sections comprising of the background of the study, problem statement, research objectives, scope of study, the importance of the study and the conclusion. All of the subtopic discussed well in this chapter to ensure the research could be carried out well. 1.2 Background of the Study It has been a norm that is the most vital concern among the workers in any organization is the issue of turnover intention among the said group (Ban et al., 2003). According to Yucel (2012), job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment are one of the most investigated trendy subjects in the research of job relevant behaviour. This issue is critical in the knowledge-based sectors for example aviation industry as they are involved in the business sector, It is hy important to have good concerns on employees’ job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment. This study focused specifically on the employees of Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, Malaysia Airports has been known to be running its incorporation as a primary airport operator since 1992 in which as called Malaysia Airports Berhad. It was then become a public limited company in the year of 1999 and was listed in Bursa Malaysia, Malaysian Stock Exchange. Ever Since, it became the leading Asian Airport operator to go universal. Today, this remarkable pune per << margio a ee cae aaa asa organisation has become one of the biggest airport operator groups in the world, handling 39 airports across its homegrown, Malaysia. MAHB has launched its five-year business plan named “Runway to Success 2020” (RtS2020) guided by its vision to become “The Global Leader in Creating Airport Cities” in 2016. RtS2020 business plan targeted to achieve MAHB's business goals and their vision for the future by creating a sustainable business that able to deliver the growth of the business worldwide. Besides, the plan allows them to capitalise on future opportunities by providing a firm financial base to ensure the plan able to expand well and make further investments for the long term (Malaysia Airport Rt$2020). A i ' On 17th March 2017, the respective organization facing an issue| regarding the manpower who handle baggage that serves in Malaysia Airports. It occurred when\hey facing difficulties due to insufi ient manpower to handle passenger baggage as the charges in the company’s work schedule and resulting to the delaying about 40 to 50 morning flights. This situation caused negative effect towards Malaysia Airport Holding and the custonfers complained on the issue | which cause their schedule affected, | | wy Due to the issue, on Sth April 2018, Deputy Transport Ministe!/Abdul Aziz, take progressive actions by talking with Immigration Departments regat the hiring of foreign workers services to encounter the issue on the shortage of manpower at both KLIA and KLIA2, In order to hire the foreign manpower, the immigration officers have their own set of rules where 80% of the staff must be local workers and the remaii ing 20% could be foreign workers. “However, the issue of the manpower is super critical as only a few numbers of local workers who are willing to wor ee airport as it involves 3D (dirty, dangerous and difficult) tasks. It showed that local workers totally different with foreign workers as they are too choosy in work. It is stated by immigration officers to Senator Datuk Mustapa Kamal Mohd Yusoff regarding the issues of manpower in both KLIA and KLIA2. ae Eee | gt On 2Ist June 2018, according to the article in Daily Express Sabah, it stated that the number of cleaners of Malaysia Airport Berhad has been increased to 43 instfad of 38. In addition, Sabah Immigration Director Musa Sulaiman also addressed the issue of manpower problem which takes a long time to settle it down. Referring to a Nigeria E-News, the main issue in aviation industry is lacking adequate skilled manpower. SkilledNnanpower is crucial in this industry as they play an important role to ensure the safety and security of an airport and its user. Thus, it required proper solution to resolve the issue regarding the manpower by evaluating the factors which influence employees” turnover intentions in MAHB. 1.3 Problem Statement (Not enough discuss on pribtem —Stottemunt ) Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB) is one of the corporate companies which responsible to operate all 38 airports and Stol-ports in Malaysia, By having RtS2020, MAHB is heading towards becoming the international a ion organisation in building airports cities. Besides that, MANHB play important role to ensure the staffs retai their own position and role as they play a significant role in the company to ensure their success, However, in some situations, no matfer how good the company treats and serves their employees, the employees tend to ent He Soni" company due tothe better offer or else because employee turnovef intention igh oral N = ay o phenomenon. we ren a / ons 6 san” ae’ fe ) ae aia a aca cae cee To soo Referring to Mudor & Tooksoon (2011), there are many reasons cau: ig the employees to jump from one job to another as they have better opportunities which are related to their job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment that highly affect turnover intention among the employees. Due to the increment of turnover intention in MAHB, it caused MAHB losses it performing talents and they need to invest more money and budget to train the new talents to replace the former talents who leaves the company. MAHB needs to spend a huge amount of money and time to train and teach new talents in order to understand and make them familiar with the new organizational and environment. As stated in Gaylard (2005), it is said that there are several factors to why a worker tends to leave his or her organisation or has the intention to do so. ‘Thus, this research is conducted to determine the most significant reasons and factors which caused the employee turnover intention especially in the aviation industry. we oe ro 14 Research Objectives xen The purposes of the research are: 6" of a To analyse oe lation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. b. Toanalyse the correlation between burnotd and turnover intehtion, c. To analyse the correlation between organizatidnal commitment and turnover intention 4. To analyse the corselation-bewseen job satisfaction, burnout organizational commitment Pofuare of on ‘agg-tamover intention, 15 Research Question | iia cae cae ccs cc cs cs a a aa ts 1, Does jab sadifachin hs chang Jig niffont Yedatfoashai with dunoter iteahin? This study is conducted to answer the following research questions: Do job satisfaction and turnover intention related in any way? b. Do bumout and turnover intention related in any way? ¢. Do organizational commitment and turnover intention related in any way? d. Do job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment and turnover intention related in any way? 1.6 Scope of Research ‘This research is conducted to obt the data regarding the correlation between job satisfaction, burnout and turnover intention among Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad (MAHB) employees. It is focused on the job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment which influence the turnover intention among MAHB employees. The researchers adopt a quantitative research with descriptive design by using questionnaire. The outcomes from the respondents’ feedback is used by the researchers as the primary data to deterprfe the factors which influence MAHB employees’ turnover intention. The urahon of Andy ae . Hence, MAHB management have to take further action to ensure the issue regarding employee turnover intention could be resolved by developing new strategies and policies cooperate with human resources department to increase their loyalty towards the cu rent_arganizaton LT nificance of the Study The research related to Malaysia Airports Berhad (MAHB) is conducted to evaluate the job satisfaction of employees in their organization whether it shows a significant impact towards the ia ia ae ce ce ccc ccc To oso tumover intention of workers who work in different departments in the organization. It is crucial for never-ending success terms of the organizational performance of MAHB when examining the factors and conditions related to the employee. The findings gathered will make a signi icant impact to the organization in improving its present work due to the low level of satisfaction amongst its workers. Thus, in order to develop effective strategies to reduce the number of turnover intention among employees, organization management with the support of HR practitioners should come out with superior plan to enhance their employees’ job satisfaction in which to create a positive relation between the said variables. this research svifl therefore make a remark for the organizational relationships and reason to become more advanced and evident. It is also hoped that this research ‘would provide ample knowledge towards the professionals ip-dealing and evaluating employee tumover in the organization itself and at the same time“will be able to achieve the highest job satisfaction. This research will give the outline for the top management on ways to enhance employee satisfaction which can be useful for the managers in order to decrease the percentage of employee tumover of the company. On top of that, this research also functions as a guideline for the company to assess the impact of employee satisfaction in the making of decision particularly ‘when handling issues related to resign 2) 18 Definition of Terms ng and retiring from their present job. The following definitions of terms are used throughout this study as below: S— |, Job satisfaction is defined as the difference between the sum of some treasured conclusion a person obtains and the quantity of that produet the person thinks he/she should obtain (Gobler: 2000). According to Spector (1997: 2) in his own words “job OO ee ae ee ce cer car aaa ass |. Tumover brings the meaning of the termination of an employee's membership in an satisfatetion is the level to which people like their jobs", Rue and Byars (1992) in his ‘own words refer to “job satisfaction as an individual's mental state about the job"; while Robbins (2003) defines job satisfaction as an individual's general approach towards hither work, CM@8 oy L defaitivm which weekly related fe yaar ehed- Burnout is a psychological behavior which relates to prolong reaction to stressors in @ workplace. This behaviour also involves a prolonged response to stressors in the workplace. Specifically, it involves the chronie strain that results tom incongruence, or misfit, between the worker and the job. (Mtsach(c) 000 Organizational commitment refers to identification with and loyalty to the organization and its goals (Blau and Boal, 1987) which Mowday et al. (1979) defined 7 as the relative strength of an individual's identification with and involvement in a/ ie lated gieKnctisn Fhely particular organization. Siqueira and Gomide Junior (2004) understood that the organizational commitment is a relation at a psychological state maintained between ty a an employee and organization. To Baotham et al. (2010), itis the degree of loyalty 4. 3 . = and support that the employees show to the organization, having, according to i Robbins (2005), a positive correlation between the commitment and the will to remain of in the organization x a organization, as stated in Gomez-Mejia (2001). Employee tumover is categorised as voluntary and involuntary tumover. According to Nestrom & Davids (1997), eer involuntary tumover happens when the job termination occurs without the employee’s c willingness whereas voluntary turnover occurs when the employee voluntarily hand- over his or her position, ia ia a i cee cece cc Taos ns et Fe eT ovyer" (ur ve 1.9 Chapter Summary Overall, this chapter states the purpose of the study in order to deseribe the background of the study, the research questions, research problem, significance of the study and definition of terms. ae a ia a aes cae cece TS TT os CHAPTER TWO. LITERATURE REVIEW. 2.41 Introduetion This chapter provides reviews on previous literature done by previous researchers focusing on ‘matters regarding job satisfaction and burnout, organization commitment and turnover intention. Various sources from existing literature have been used in this research in order to determine the relationship between independent variables (job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment) as well as the dependent variables (turnover intention). Swewtti0N* ey e ; , nol 22.1 Job Satisfaction CaF Herzbeg et al. (1959) defined job satisfaction based on the two-factor theory, where the theory suggested that the two types of needs that are mainly needed by employees are motivation and hygiene. For hygiene factors, there are a few conditions that are needed in order to satisfy certain needs or can also be called as the dissatisfiers and it includes supervision, interpersonal relations, salary, benefits, working conditions and others. Job satisfaction, as described by Locke (1969, p. 317) is the pleasurable emotional state that is gained from the appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating the values of one’s job while job dissatisfaction can be described as the unpleasurable emotional state which is gained from the appraisal of one’s job as blocking the attainment or frustrating one’s values (Schwenker, 2001, p. 4) arrears cca aca a a a st One of the most important aspects that need to be considered by employers in any organizations is job satisfaction. In order to ensure that their subordinates and employees are truly satisfied with their jobs, all superiors and employers need to carry out their own responsibi ies. According to Lok and Crawford (2001), work commitment faction are closely related. Job job sati satisfaction, as described by Ivancevich et al.'s is an attitude proposed by any working individuals that is related with their jobs. Job satisfactions come from the individuals’ perceptions of their own works as well as the compatibility between the individuals and organizations. 222 Burnout Try # ceweh Friatat Lee + br Burnout can be defined as the state where prolonged stress is felt by the employees and this is related with their physical, mental and emotional factor. It could also lead to feeling depressed about their job and this is directly related with the turnover intention among employees. Burnout usually occurs due to the employees’ limited skills or inappropriate reward for their work. Burnout can be divided into three aspects which are emotional exhaustion, depersonalizat nor cynicism and personal accomplishment or professional efficacy (Maslach & Jackson, Morgan, de Bruin, & de Bruin, 2014), Maslach and Florian (1988) and Maslach and Jackson (1981) lefine emotional exhaustion as feelings of being overextended in terms of emotions and IndiViduals’ depletion of emotional resources and it can be regarded as the first phase of burnout. Depersonalization or cynicism is where iduals have negative attitude on their own selves, clients and also the people that they are working with (Maslach & Floria, 1988; Maslach & Jackson,1981; Morgan et al., 2014). For the last aspect of burnout, which is the reduced personal accomplishment or personal efficacy, it can be used to refer to the tendency of an individual to have negative views on their own work and_ feeling satisfied with their own job accomplishment (Maslach & Jackson, 1981; Morgan et al., 2014), me ia i ia ec ce cc TO Ta 2.2.3 Orgar ion Commitment ‘This research also investigates on organization commitment wl h helps to determine the level of tumover intention for employees. Organization commitment is defined as the emotional attachment of employees with the organization as well as their involvement in the organization Organization commitment can be measured by assessing the congruency between the values of an individual and the organizational beliefs in order to evaluate the employees’ contribution and willingness to the organizational goals (Swailes, 2002). Besides, organizational commitment can also be seen through employees’ behaviour and performance with their current employers, where their level of commitment can be divided into low, staying the same or high (Opkara, 2004). In order to ensure that the state of the organizational commitment is within the satisfying level, organization needs to show their concern on the interest and welfare of their employees (Maxwell & Steele, 2003). Based on the findings of previous researchers, it can be scen that employees with longer experience provided a more positive impact towards the organizational commitment. The employees experience in terms of their cooperation with the co- workers will create a positive impact for the organizational commitment (Maxwell & Steele, 2003). Organizations can achieve a higher level of work performance when it has achieved a igh level of organizational commitment from their employees. 2.2.4 Turnover intention Mobley (1982) defined turnover among employees as an organization's cessation of membership by individuals who gained monetary compensation from the organization itself while Price (1999) believed that turnover can be divided into two segments, which are the stayers, a term for those who have chosen to remain being employed within the organization and leavers, a term for ae ae cs cscs caer se aca a a sa a individuals who have decided to terminate their employment with the current organization. Turnover can either be voluntary or involuntary actions (Goodman & Boss, 2002; Greyling & Stanz, 2010). When an employee leaves an organization and their place is then replaced by the organization, this whole process can then be known as turnover while a turnover intention is then used to measure whether employees of an organization plan to leave the current position or whether the organization plans to remove any employees from the current position, and this can be either voluntary or involuntary. Turnover intention, as defined by Tett and Meyer (1993) is when an employee make a very deliberate and conscious action to leave the organization while Medina (2012) believed that turnover ntention is the employee's consideration on whether he or she should leave the current organization and try to look for better job opportunity within a certain time frame. According to Issa et al. (2013), turnover intention is best described as a situation where an employee has started to think of voluntary quitting his job and this will eventually affect his work performance as well as his position in the organization. Next, Ali (2008) stated that turnover intention is where the employees have started to have intention to leave his current work or organization while Delle (2013) described turnover intention as the voice in the employees’ head that keeps on suggesting that the company is not suitable for them and their current work is not what they are looking for. However, this voice might be reduced and will also directly reduce the tumover intention as the employees might have taken other factors that could influence his or her decision. Delle (2013) also stated that the actual turnover of an organization could negatively impact the current employees of the.organization eae ae css cress ceca eas a ss sa sa Termination of employees by the employer or organization can be known as the involuntary tumover and if the termination process is initiated by the employee, then this is known as the voluntary turnover (Greyling & Stanz, 2010; Hom, Mjtchell, Lee, & Griffeth, 2012). Involuntary turnover occurs when employees are told by the employers to leave the organization while voluntary turnover, or is better known as quitting is the situation where employees decided to leave the organization on their own, Feeley, Moon, Kozey, and Slowe (2010) stated that a push-pull concept is the best way to describe voluntary turnover. The pushing occurs when the organizational factors are deemed as unsatisfactory for the employees and the pulling occurs when the employees have found a better offer or opportunities from other organizations. ‘Tumover intention is considered as a problem as it would bring negative consequences towards the organization, where it involved more of their time and cost in order to find, recruit and train new employees to truly fit with their position in the organization (Kochanski & Sorensen, 2008; Nowak, Holmes, & Murrow, 2010; Park & Shaw, 2013). 2.2.5 Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction can be defined as the feeling of gaining achievement along with the particular task or job and job satisfaction could have an effect towards employees’ turnover intention. A lower tumover intention is gained from higher job satisfaction and a higher turnover intention is resulted from lower job satisfaction. Henee, it can be seen that one of the indicators that can help to determine employees’ performance is job satisfaction. According to Brayfield and Crockett (1955) and Vroom (1964), turnover intention is directly associated with job satisfaction. Mobley (1977) also stated that the employees’ turnover intention is negatively affected by job satisfaction Or ia i ia ae cae ao and this is further supported by Susskind et al. (2000). Blau (1987) also believed that turnover intention is directly influenced by job satisfaction 2.3 Correlation between Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention In order to investigate the relationship between job satisfuction and turnover intention, a few studies have been conducted and one of them is by Randhawa in 2017. Randhawa (2017) stated that job satisfaction and turnover intention has a very significant and negative correlation. Hence, it can be said that the turnover intention of employees is significantly affected by their satisfaction or dissatisfaction on the job. Although there are many factors that could lead employees to leave their current organization, fone of the most common reasons for their turnover intention is job satisfaction (Yuicel, 2012). Kim and Jogaratnam (2010) also stated that an employees’ intention to either stay of leave the organization is affected by job satisfaction. This is further supported by Chen, Ployhart, Thomas, Anderson, and Bliese (2011) where their findings-show that a significant driver of tumover intention among employees is job satisfaction itselt. Based on the research conducted in Petaling, Selangor (Malaysia) on the employees in the private sector, aiming to study on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, job stress and tumover intention, the study has revealed a negative or contrary relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention A study conducted by Ryan et al. (2010) on the employees’ intention to leave a job in the Malaysian fast food industry has also cited issues such as peer groups and job stress. The study revealed that 20% of the participants frequently thinking of quitting and leaving their job while another 20% believed that they are committed and wanted to stay within the organization, From ia i ia a cae ce eT aa further analysis done by the researchers, it was found that those with a higher intention to quit have been influenced by their friends, besides being stressed out with their job and having a job burnout (Ryan et al., 2010). Hence, it can be seen that job stress or the feeling of burnout are truly an important factor that could impact the employees’ job satisfaction. This is further supported by Kabungaidze, Mahlatshana, and Ngirande (2013), where they have examined 300 teachers regarding the rel ionship between job satisfaction and turnover intention and the results also showed that a lower job satisfaction will truly increase the turnover intention. In Korea, a study done by Park and Kim (2009) on the relationship between job satisfaction, organizational culture and turnover intention among nurses in Korea has also revealed that the turnover intention for nurses in Korea is negatively related to job satisfaction. ‘A study conducted on the factors that affect the job satisfaction and turnover rate academic staff or lecturers in private college in Pakistan by Ali (2019) has also found a negative association between job satisfaction and turnover intention, A higher job satisfaction will obviously avoid turnover intention or the actual turnover itself. A study done by Aydogdu and Asikgil (2011) has shown that job satisfaction and turnover have negative relationship and in order to truly analyse the employees’ turnover intention, job satisfaction of the employees need to be understood. Besides, a research conducted by Thay et al. (2013) have also in ated that a lower salary and supervision support will also create a negative impact towards the tumover intention of employees. In order to understand further regarding the topic of job satisfaction, several theories be analysed, aia ia ass cs ce ce cs a as ~2.3.1—Herzberg-Fwo Factor-Theory This theory states that there are a few factors that could affect job satisfaction and dissatisfaction and is developed by a psychologist named Frederick Herzberg. Herzbeg stated that a lower-order of needs such as minimum salary levels are not the main cause of employees’ satisfaction as employees would rather appreciate a higher-level that could feed their psychological needs such as recognition, achievement, advancement, responsibility and the nature of their work. Besides, this theory, which can also be known as motivation-hygiene theory, can be used as a reliable resource for organizations who wanted to determine the factors that fluence the job satisfaction of their employees and their turnover rate (Smith & Shields, 2013). 2.3:2—SociatExehange theory~ Social exchange theory is best described as psychological and sociological theory as it focuses on the two parties’ interaction and their social behaviour. This theory determines benefits and risks by implementing a cost-benefit analysis and it only focuses on economic relationships between the two parties (J.E. Roeckelein, 2018). Social exchange theory also involves calculations regarding friendships, romantic relationships professional relationship and other simple or basic relationship (J. Mcray, 2015), 2.3.3Vroom’s Expectaney theory ‘Vroom (1964) stated that his focus is more on the outcomes rather that needs and his expectancy theory involves four concepts which are force, valence, expectancy and instrumentality. Based on Maslow’s work, Vroom develop his theory by stating that decisions made by individuals regarding their work is usually done based on their perception on their own ability, whether they me mem Rm mem em ee cr cr cr cca ccc casa asa ast can perform any given tasks successfully and receive their reward. The intensity of individuals” performance is based on their intensity of their own expectation on the performance which will then be translated into a more definite outcome in the near future. Vroom also stated that if individuals need to choose alternatives with a very vague or uncertain outcomes, then they will be easily affected by their own preferences and perception of the outcomes. 2.3.4 Burnout Over four decades, burnout has been an interesting topic among researchers as we have begun to have a better understan: 1g about the concept of burnout and the negative effects on employees mental and physical (Fradelos et al., 2014). Freudenberger (1974) is the first pioneer of the term of burnout. In his work, Freudenberger (1974) described physical and behavioural aspects as sign of burnout. Maslach and Jackson (1984) stated that burnout usually occurs due to one’s own negative emotional reaction on their own job and is a psychological syndrome that occurs due to exposure to unhealthy or toxic work environment. In this research, several models have been chosen in order to understand and analyse more on job burnout, 2.3:6—Frendemberger’s Burnout THCory— Herbert J. Freudenberger is a psychologist who has developed the Freudenberger’s Burnout Theory in the early 1970's (Moreno et al., 2010). Freudenberger believed that burnout can be seen through physical indications, such as fatigue and exhaustion, headache, inability to sleep and behavioural signs include negative emotions shown by individuals such as constantly and easily irritated, erying, anger and other negative emotions that are not suitable for workplace conditions. Burnout usually occurs to employees who are truly committed and dedicated to the organizations ee! as they are willing to work until their body has reached the exhaustion level (Freudenberger, 1974), 2346—€hrerhiss’s Burnout THEOFY” According to Cherniss (1980), burnout is a situation where behaviours and attitude are going through negative changes and this is due to the stressful job nature and usually develops for a long period of time, mostly a year. Cherniss (1980) and Freudenberger (1974) agreed that burnout typically occurs for employees who are truly committed and usually, when they have ed at this state, they will get headache, stomach cramps or cold easily. 23.7 Rdelwreramd Brodsky’s BurnourTheory Edelwich and Brodsky (1980) has proposed their own theory of burnout as a S-stage system based on interview and observation. The 5 stages are enthusiasm, stagnation, frustration, apathy and intervention, The first stage is enthusiasm where the individual is excited, enthusiastic and has high hopes and expectation about his / her new job. The next stage is stagnation. In this stage, individuals started to realise the reality of the job and thus, the level of enthusiasm will be dropped, and they started to focus on meeting their personal needs. Frustration is the next stage where, individuals has become less satisfied with their job and begins to question the value of the Job. The fourth stage is apathy. In this stage the individual has no more enthusiasm and started to feel frustrated because he or she need the job to survive. Thus, he or she begins to perform the minimal duties that are required. Last but not least, the final stage after all four stages is intervention, At this stage, the individual has no more interest in that job and choose to either leaves the organization or changes job, etc (Edelwich and Brodsky, 1980) eae ia aac csc ca aaa aa 2.3.8—Maslach-Burnout-Pheory Maslach and Jackson (1980) categorized burnout into three aspects, which are emotional exhaustion, depersoni ion and reduced personal accomplishment. Leiter and Maslach (1988) stated that all three categories bring their own definition. For the first aspect, emotional exhaustion typically occurs when excessive stress is felt individuals in their personal or working life. They will start to be drained in terms of emotions, getting overwhelmed and feeling fatigue very easily. Most individuals would not realize that they are in the first state of burnout as the first state will usually take up until a year. The second aspect of burnout, which is depersonalization, is the state where individuals started to have negative feelings towards others and the third aspect, reduced personal accomplishment occurs due to the first and second aspects and this will eventually affect their performance and efficiency. This theory is often used by researchers whenever they are assessing the topic of burnout (Gerber et al., 2013). 2.4 Correlation between Burnout and Turnover Intention Employees are considered as most crucial assets of the organization but nowadays employees are often burdened with the most unreasonable volume of work to perform. Organization tend to focus on profit rather than employee’s welfare which could be the reason for burnout and turnover intention (Arshad and Pateors, Freudenberger (1974) stated that burnout is a term that is commonly used by the health care providers and they are also the ones who are commonly exposed to burnout as the nature of their work is hectic and stressful (Du Plessis, Visagie, & Mji, 2014; Ribeiro et al., 2014). The three aspects of the syndrome of burnout are cynicism, overwhelmed with exhaustion and lack of achievement (Leiter & Maslach, 2009). However, nowadays, bumout is not typical among health a iia ae ce cc TS a aoc care providers anymore as it has now been common in other professions, Based on a survey done by Narainsamy and Van Der Westhuizen (2013), it has been proved that work-related well-t ig and burnout are negatively correlated. A study done by C Gulcan in 2015 has also found that decision authority, social support and psychological demands are the most critical and important parameters of burnout. Kobanoglu and Uygungil (2017) findings has also revealed that emotional exhaustion usually occurs due to their turnover intention. The most recent survey on burnout, which were done by H.S. Shatnawi and AL Santoso et al. in 2018 have also revealed that burnout has a positive impact on the turnover intention, 24.1 Organizational Commitment Organizational commitment is best defined as employees” attachment with their organization which will then create a positive impact towards their working environment and organizational members (Mathieu and Zajac, 1990). In lowering the turnover intention of the employees in any organization, a good organizational commitment needs to be practiced and nurtured, A strong relationship between employees and organization will create a lower turnover intention as the employees are satisfied with the employe welfare and interest towards them. Both organizational commitment and turnover intention have significant relationship with one another (Al Arkoubi et al., 2007). When an organization values the commitment of the employees and provides posi /e encouragement and response, this will make their employees to have a igher motivation to work and serve for the organization (Meyer and Allen, 1991). san mar iar caer ceca ae a se A research done by Lin and Chen (2004), Susskind et al. (2000) and Van Breukelen et al. (2004) showed that turnover intention and organizational commitment are significantly related and their relationship is negative. 2.5 Correlation between Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention For the field of human resources management, it is believed that organizational commitment and turnover intention of the employees are considered as important issues; hence, organizations need to pay a greater attention towards this issue. A few researchers believed that the most significant driver for the tumover rate of employees is organizational commitment, no matter which industries they are in (Galletta, Portoghese, & Battistelli, 2011; Rashid & Raja, 2011; van Dyk & Coetzee, 2012; Taing, Granger, Groff, Jackson, & Johnson, 2011; Yiicel, 2012). For the last three decades, the numbers of studies on organizational commitment were growing steadily and these existing literatures have offered varieties of definitions on the topic of organizational commitment (Arora, Nuseir, Nusait, & Arora, 2012). In 2011, Rashid and Raja, by gathering their data from 300 workers from six different Pal ani banks, have found a negative relationship between employees’ organizational commitment and the tumover rate, However, a study done by Galletta et al. (2011) has shown a different result as positive relationship is shown, Faloye (2014) has observed further on 144 Nigerian paramilitary organizations in Akure, Nigeria regarding the connection between the three dimensions which existed in the organizational commitment, which are affective, normative and continuance and the turnover intention. The findings showed that there is a positive relationship between continuance commitment, affective aia ass ae ss cee cs a ea ssc —— commitment and turnover intention; although the relationship is quite weak, and for normative commitment, it showed that there is no positive relationship between turnover intentions. Ina study done by M. Ahmed and N. Nawaz (2015) on 390 employees of Pakistan International Airlines, it has been found that organizational commitment and the employees’ turnover rate are negatively and significantly related with each other. Based on the regression analysis of the study, it can also be seen that a better organizational commitment will create a lower turnover intention as employees who have a higher level of organizational commitment are usually more reluctant in leaving the organization. Policy makers and practitioners might learn on how to reduce employees’ turnover intention and inerease the employees’ organizational commitment from the findings of this study as the findings are quite current and new. In 1987, Blau and Boal have conducted a study on a group of insurance workers and have found that employees with a higher commitment level for their work will also have lower tumover rate as well as well as lower absenteeism. Eisenberger et al. (1990) also believed that when employees felt appreciated by the employers or managers, they will have a better commitment level, better consciousness of their own duties, greater involvement in the organization and are much more innovative. Hence, it can be seen that employees who feel appreciated will result in a lower turnover intention, 2.5.1 Turnover Intention Turnover intention can be divided into two parts, which are voluntary or involuntary intention. Voluntary tumover is when the employees willingly leave the organization as they have found a better job opportunity and alternative from other organization. Next, involuntary turnover intention occurs vice versa, which is when the organization itself is dissatisfied with the ee performance of any employees and decided to fire the particular employees as they are not giving any advantages or benefits to the organization. Staw (1980) stated that turnover could provide either positive or negative effect towards any organization, For the negative effect, companies or organizations have to use their big portion of time in recruiting and selecting the best activities that can help to increase the new employees’ capabilities. However, firing unproductive employees might be considered as good for the organization as they might be able to find more productive employees which will help the organization to increase their human capital and might be receiving a fresher and innovative ideas or solutions. According to Grobler et al. (2005), it is vital for organizations to create changes and be more innovative as this would help in enhancing the organizational commitment, which in return, would also help to create a healthier environment for the organization and decrease the employees’ turnover intention. aia ia ia ia aes cs TT OT OT 2.6 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ‘Theoretical framework is used in this research to investigate and study the relationship between four variables, which are job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment and turnover intention among employees working at Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad. Figure 2.1 illustrates the theoretical framework further. The three dependent variables in this research are job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment and the dependent variable of this research is turnover intention. Job Satisfaction Burnout Turnover Intention Organizational Commitment Figure 2.1 Theoratical Framework 2.7 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ‘The following are the hypotheses tested in this research: HI - There is a correlation between job satisfaction and tumover intention H2.- There is a correlation between burnout and turnover intention H - There is a correlation between organizational commitment and turnover imenton i ia ia ia ea ce ce TT Ta a CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduetion The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment towards turnover intention among the employees of Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad. In Chapter |, an overview of this research study has been stated as well as the rationale as to why this particular study is important and why further research of this problem is needed. Chapter 2 presented a literature review pertaining to job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment and tumover intention. In Chapter 3, the following topics are covered: the research design, its ability to address the research questions, the sample and setting, the participants, the procedures for data collection, the instruments used for data collection, the methods used for data analysis, and ethical considerations. kk research is conducted to study the factors that affect the turnover intention of employees in Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB). Factors such as job satisfaction, burnout, organization commitment used to study turnover intention, There are numerous studies conducted in regards to turnover intention but there is no research that looked specifically into aviation sector, Cee survey method consists of questionnaire is used to study the relationship of employee's job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment and turnover intention, Through this survey method, the relationship between the IV and DV can be measured. ee) ) Nye" Y 3.2 Research Design — we ny” .s 3.2.1 Type of Research ‘This is a quantitative approach research where employces in MAHB are given a set of questionnaires to answer. This is to ensure that the research is valid and can be proven by data and statistical analysis. All the findings and conclusion of the study will be fully utilized from the statistical data collected and analysed usin Statistics Package for Social Science or SPSS. ‘The research is focusing on the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, organi nal n MAHB. TI research is a ‘commitment and their impacts on turnover intention of employees correlational type research where two or more variables are measured together to examine the relationship among the om jeer & Abbott, 2011) y ive type research, the focus of this study is to determine whether there is a In a quanti relationship between one issue (an independent variable) and another issue (a dependent or outcome variable) and the relationship is tested with a number of samples selected randomly from a bigger population (Hopi, Determining whether a relationship exists between job satisfaction and turnover intention, burnout and tumover intention, organizational commitment and turnover intention, and the influence of demographic variables on these variables is the focus of this study. The method of finding the relationship between two variables is applied to this study since it is considered as the most effective design in deducing the correlation between the variables in the questions, determining the strength and direction of these variables. This research study employed the use of regression analysis. Regression analysis is used to analyse the relationship between the dependent variable (turnover intention) and the independent iia ae a ce ce TO a a st variables (job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment). “Correlation and regression are commonly used approaches for determi ing the association and strength of relationships among and between variables” (Crawford, 2006). 3.2.2 Data analysis Sources of Data Primary Data (on Primary data is data that gathered for research from the actual site of occurrence of events (Sekaran, 2006). For the purpose of this study, questionnaire is applied as the research instrument and distributed to Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad Corporate Office employees. Secondary Data According to Sekaran (2006), secondary data is data gathered through existing resources by someone such as company records, publi tion, industry analysis offered by the media, web publications and so on. By using this type of data, it is less time consuming, cheap, accurate and ready to be used as it has been prepared by the other experts. For this study, the researcher gathered data from internal and external data sources. External sources are journals, articles while internal sources such as organisation website, annual reports and etc. ri i ce ce cece ca aaa 3.3. Population and Sampling 3.3.1 Sample Size ‘The number of sample size comprises of the entire employees of Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad which currently stands at 800 employees. The number is obtained from the MAHB Human Resource Department. ‘Table 3.1: Sample Size Guidelines ~ EPP bE i “N*is population size, “S"is sample size (Krejcie, Robert, Morgan, et al. 1970) I en iitees! Based on Krejcie & Morgan (1970), the researcher will need 260 samples for the survey. A total of 270 employees are selected randomly using simple random sampling to represent the employees of MAHB. AE Measurement In order to make sure that the research is conducted effectively and efficiently, the questionnaire item method is used where the items ate developed through analysis from the previous research questions and hypotheses that has been listed in the previous chapter. The analysis is done to see if there is any significant relationship between the three independent variables which job satisfaction, burnout and organisational commitment with the dependent variable turnover intention among employees in MAHB. On the other hand, section B seeks to measure the job satisfaction, section C seeks to measure the burnout, section D seeks to measure organizational commitment of the respondents. Section E presents item of turnover intention. For the purpose of this research, the questionnaire that was developed has been adopted and adapted from previous researches done by researchers below: Table 3.2: Sources of Variables Variables Total Section Items Seales Sources No. tare Demographic 8 = Five ~ f Point | Parvin, MLM. & Kabir, M. B Job Satisfaction | 20 Independent Likert | N. 2011). Variables Seale Five _ | Riedeb-D. Motycka, G c Burnout 7 Feel eee Point | Mobley, €, & Meldrum, My ee Likert | (2006) Scale Five Organizational Point D 24 Allen and Meyer, (1990) Commitment Likert Seale Five ‘Yurchisin,4, Park, J-& Dependent | Turnover Point | OBrien,#>(2010), Variable | Intent n Likert | Ducharme,4-ck, Knudsen, H Scale |-Kr& Roman,P-M, (2007). ‘The questionnaire is designed to have 5 sections and consists quantitative questions. Section A consists of questions to gather information on the demographics of the respondents such as gender, es rg marital status, position, length of service in organization Section B is job satisfaction 20 items scale which is developed by Parvin & Kabir (2011) are ofien used to measure Job Satisfaction such as “I am satisfied with my current job", “I am Grated, satisfied with my current pay and benefit”, Aoi reliability scale in this study is 0.7 — 0.9. Section C consists of burnout 17 items seale whi is developed by Ried, Motycka, Mobley, et al. (2006) consists of three subscales exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy such as “J feel burnout from my work’, “1 feel fatigued when I get up when I get up in the morning and have to A ah bach face another day on the jol Section D consists of organizational Commitment 24 items seale is developed by Ale( ever (1990) consists of three subscales affective organiz: nal commitment 8 items, continuance organizational commitment 8 items and normative organizational commitment 8 items such as “/ do feel like part of the family at this organization”, “it will be very hard for me to leave the pha reliability scale in this study is 0.7 - 0.9. \ ee organization even if I want to", “I think people these days often move from company to company.” Alpha reliability scale in this study is 0.7- 0.9. Last but not least, section E consist of Turnover intention 11 items scale which is adapted from Yurchisin, Park & O'Brien (2010), and Ducharme, Knudsen, & Roman, (2007). F example, often think about leaving the organization”, “I do not intend to quit my job”, and at present, "I am actively searching for another job in a differen organization” Alpha reliability scale in this study is 0.7 -0.9. 34 Pitof es fils study is a mi specific procedures, materials and parameters to be used later in the actual research (Borden & ature size of actual research. It was conducted for this study to establish the Abbott, 2011). For this purpose, 30 MAHB employees as respondents were selected to patti in the pilot test in order to test the effectiveness of the questionnaire in terms of simplicity and understanding of the questionnaire by the respondents. The pilot test is also meant to test the reliability of the questionnaire that is used for this study. According to Zikmund, Babin(eirr & Griffin, (2013), the level of reliability of each of the items developed in the questionnaire can be identified by coefficient Alpha (a) value range or known as Cronbach Alpha, The results of the retey LEY Qonbacl Coefficient-AIpha (a) for 30 samples is listed in table 3.2. © Te determin te signiBeant kel shri = Ledeen JS ant oq TE i Bs fo debertiune the ngrifermt _relatiovslup e Ldwen bt and TE " za 3.5 Reliability of Data eM arte v “ be ate Table 3.3: Data Reliability © « parne€ Research Variables ‘Cronbach Alpha (a) | No of Items Eto doterties te ‘Job Satisfaction (IS) | 0.956 20 crferd yulakors hep a Burnout (BT) between Co 5 Bee > (Emotional Exhaustion (EE) 0.933 8 bw & 4 S we 7 ert Depersonalization (DP) wm af 4 4 a F S o«Nn*tT Personal Accomplishment (PA) 0.699 3 ‘Commitment Organizational (CO) ‘Alfective (A) 0.793 3 Continuance (C) 0.634 3 Normative (N) 0.686 3 Turnover Intention (TI) O72 10 ‘Table 3.3 showed the reliabi ity of data for the 30 respondents, Based on the result showed all factors are acceptable. Based on the job satisfaction showed Cronbach Alpha 219.95, Then the aspects of bumout, such as emotional exhaustion are 0.933, depersonalization are 0.933, and personal accomplishment are 0.634. While the commitment organizational such as effective are 0.793, continuance is 0.634 and normative are 0.686. Next the turnover intention showed Cronbach Alpha are 0.732. Every questionnaire item is said to be valid because the Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.6. So, the data in this study can be classified as good and adequate for this research means, ee aaa ea sc es ccee ca eT a ae ia ia ass cas cc ec I TT TT 3.6 Statistical Methods 3.6.1 Descriptive Statistics Descriptive analysis refers to the transformation of the raw data into a form that will make them easy to understand and interpret (Zikmund, 2000). = Reliability analysis is used for testing both consistency and stability. Consistency indicates how well the items measuring a concept hang together as a set. Cronbach’s Alpha determines the internal consistency or average correlation of items in a survey instrument to gauge its reliability (Cronbach, 1951). Therefore, Cronbach's Alpha («t) was use tested how well the items in a set are positively correlated to one another. Cronbach Alpha coefficient accepted in this test is 0.5 and above (Sekaran, 2001). 3.6.3 Correlation Analysis TI test would like to see the nature, direction and signi ance of the bivariate relationships of the variables used in the study (the relationship between any 1wo vi bles among the variables tapped in the research). A Pearson Correlatior ose will provide this information, that is, it will indicate the direction, strength and significance of the bivariate relationships of all the interval or ratio variables in the study mee ween 1.0 which indicate positive relationship and (r) -1 indicate negative correlation, ia ia ec cc ce TO oc 3.6.4 Regression Analysis, Regression analysis is used to trace the sequential antecedents that cause the dependent variable through what is known as Path analysis. Regression analysis examines the situation where @ dependent vatiable is simultaneously influenced by a number of dependent variables. R square value close to one indicates that the model fits the data very well. However, above 0.5 has been considered significant. Beta is an attempt to make the regression coefficient more comparable. ‘The analysis of variance (ANOVA) table provides details of the variation explained by the regression model compared with the unexplained variation. Or aria cae cscs ccc ce cc a casa aaa ass CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction This chapter explained the findings obtained based on the demographic of respondeng and followed analyze by the factors influence the turnover intention. Besides that, the research also described the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitment and tumover intention among employees. For each research question are discussed in the discussion parts using the descriptive analysis and inferen statistics. All the data gathered are analyzed using Saistical Package For The Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 25 For Windows, eee é * po ntl A the 4.2-Section (Descriptive Statisticsy—__ Descriptive a ae sal ee ion reset pate data in the simple and easy way such asable; figure, frequency, percentage, Mes and standard déviation. 4.2.1 To identify the demographie profile of respondents we Respondent chosen among employees in Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad to analyzed demographic profile of the respondents such as gender, age, ethnic, religion, marital status, position and length of service in Organization consisted of 270 respondents. aia ia is cs ce cs ce a asa Table 4.1 shows the distribution of demographic profile. Based on gender, respondents consist of 152 respondents or 56.3% are male involved in this study and a total of 118 respondents or 43.7% are females. This show the respondent by male is higher than female. ‘Age category showed 10 respondents or 3.7% between less than 25 years old, 73 respondents or 27% are between 26 to 30 years, 96 respondents or 35.6% between 31 to 35 years, 43 respondents or 15.9% between 36 to 60 years, 21 respondents or 7.8% between 41 to 45 years old and 27 respondents or 10% more than 46 years old. It represented the highest respondents are between 31 to 35 years and the lowest are less than 25 years. In terms of ethnic, there are 214 respondents or 79.3% are Malay and followed by 14 respondents or 5.2% are Chinese, Indian respondents are 27 which correspond to 10% and others ethnic are 15 respondents or 5.6%, Based on the finding, it showed that the highest number of respondents are Malay and the lowest are Chinese. The religion showed 216 respondents or 80% are Muslim, 4 respondents or 1.59% are Buddhism, 24 respondents or 8.9% are Christianity and 26 respondents or 9.6% are Hinduism. According to the result, the highest respondents are Muslim and the lowest are Buddhism. Then the marital status showed 68 of them or 25.2% are single followed by 202 of them which represent 74.8% are married. Thus, it shows that the majority of respondents are married and the minority are single. iia ia cae ccs ce cs a a as Regarding the position showed 3 respondents or 1.1% are Senior Manager, 25 respondents or 9.3% are Manager, 47 respondents or 17.4% are Senior Executive, 56 respondents or 20.7% are Executive, 138 respondents or 51.1% are Non-Executive and 1 respondents or 0.4% others position. This show that the respondents are non-executive is higher and others position are lowest. Lastly, the length of service in organization showed majority of the respondent’s service between 6 to 8 years with 75 respondents or 27.8% and followed by service more than 12 years with 68 respondents or 25.2%. Then the service between 4 to 5 years are 49 respondents or 18.1% and followed by between 9 to 11 years with 42 respondents or 15.6%. The minority of the respondent’s service less than 3 years with 36 respondents or 13.3%. ee ‘Table 4.1: Demographic Profile Demographic Frequency Percent Gender Male 152 56.3 Female 118 43.7 Age <25 years old 10 37 26-30 years old B 27.0 31-35 years old 96 35.6 36-40 years old 43 189 41-AS years old 2 18 >46 years old 27 10.0 Ethnie Malay 214 79.3 Chinese 4 52 Indian 27 10.0 Others 15 5.6 Religion Muslim 216 80.0 Buddhism 4 15 i i ia cer crc TO a st Christian 24 89 Hinduism 26 9.6 Marital Status gle 68 25.2 Married 202 148 Position Senior Manager 3 M Manager 25 93 Senior Executive 47 4 Executive 56 20.7 Non-Executive 138 Sul Others 1 4 Length of Service in Organization <3 years 36 13.3 4-5 years 49 18.1 6-8 years 75 218 9-11 years 2 15.6 >12 years 68 25.2 42.2 reGommeite fv Hastreton among kinployees ‘Table 4.2 represents the frequency and percentage of job satisfaction. Majority of the respondents chooses agree about “I am satisfied employee assistance policy (Lunch & Transport) of the : % fire Holic pun Xps company” (75.9%). It was followed by “J am satisfied with the leave policy of the company” and “Iam satisfied with various activities in the firm and love participating in them” (15.2%). Besides that, the respondents also strongly agree about “/ am satisfied with the present working hour" (33.3%) and “I am satisfied with job location” (32.6%). However, the respondents also disagree about “I am satisfied with the present performance appraisal policy of the company” (13.7%) and “Lam satisfied with the given right to put forward my opinion” (11.9%). As seen in Table 4.2, the respondents showed various response about job satisfaction. The highest mean showed respondents agree about “J am satisfied with the present working hour" (M=4.24, ia ia cs ce cc cc TS aoa SD=0.643). While the lowest mean showed the respondents disagree about “J am satisfied with the leaders in my workplace as positive role models” (M=3.929, SD=0.891). The overall mean for job satisfaction is 4.086 and standard deviation is 0.439. In conclusion the respondents agree about job satisfaction, Table 4.2: Distribution of Job Satisfaction ‘Statement T 2 3 4 5 Mean SD Tam satisfied with the working 0 See eaig) 172 79 4211 0.594 environment of the company (0%) (1.1%) (5.9%) (63.7%) (29.3%) 5 9 Is 153 88 am satisfied with job location 4148 0.813 (1.9%) G.3%) (5.6%) (56.7%) (32.6%) am satisfied with the present 2 0 19 159 90 424 0.643 working hour 0.7%) (0%) —(7%)_—_(58.9%) (33.3%) Tam satisfied with the existing 5 1 25 189 44 3.963 0.725 salary structure of the company (1.9%) (2.6%) (9.3%) (70%) (16.3%) Jam satisfied with the compensation 3 0 29 182 54 4.037 0.688 I get and I think it matches with (1.9%) (0%) (10.7%) (67.4%) (20%) my responsibility Tam happy with my work 0 2 25 182 61 ed = 4118 0.579 responsibilities (0%) (0.7%) 9.3%) (67.4%) (22.6%) | feel comfortable in carrying 2 0 16 196 56 satu 4.125 0.564 out my responsibilities 0.7%) (0%) (5.9%) (72.6%) (20.7%) | am satisfied with work Hee 0 0 20 183 o relationships with the people 4.174 0.541 (0%) — (0%) (7.4%) (67.8%) (24.8%) around me Jam satisfied with various 0 3 13 203 31 activities in the firm and love 4.118 0.518 (0%) (1.1%) 4.8%) (75.2%) (18.9%) participating in them Jam happy with your overall job 0 0 16 194 60 4.163 0.505 i security (0%) (0%) (5.9%) (71.9%) (22.2%) 1am satisfied with the given 0 5 32 186 47 4.018 0.606 right to put forward my opinions (0%) (1.9%) (11.9%) (68.9%) (17.4%) 1am satisfied with the leaders in 8 15 24 164 59 3.929 0.891 GB%) (5.6%) (8.9%) (60.7%) (21.9%) Lam satisfied with the present 1 12 37 175 45 i performance appraisal policy of 3.929. 0.715 (0.4%) (4.4%) (13.7%) (64.8%) (16.7%) the company Tam happy with the recogniti am happy with the recognition i s ae = and rewards for my outstanding 3.992 0.716 5 (1.9%) (2.2%) (8.1%) (70.4%) (17.4%) works and contributions 1am satisfied and think I've been 5 26 193 46 awarded right set of duties, as 4.037 0.583 (0%) (1.9%) (9.6%) (71.5%) (17%) per my ability 1am satisfied and able to 5 6 20 186 33 maintain a healthy balance 4.022 0.726 (1.9%) (2.2%) (7.4%) (68.9%) (19.6%) between work and family life Fulfilling my nsibilities eines 0 16 187 67 give me a feeling of satisfaction 4.188 0.522 (0%) (0%) — (5.9%) (69.3%) (24.8%) and personal achievement 1am satisfied with the leave 0 2 16 203 49 : 4.107 0.509 policy of the company (0%) (0.7%) (5.9%) (75.2%) (18.1%) lam satisfied employee ; si 1 26 205 33 assistance policy (lunch & 3.963 0.632 (1.9%) (0.4%) (9.6%) (75.9%) (12.2%) Transport) of the company Jam satisfied with long term 0 3 5 188 74 benefit and insurance policies of 4.233 0.532 (0%) (1.1%) (1.9%) (69.6%) (27.4%) the company Overall 4086 0.439 ee 4.2.3 Teidentify-tire burnout among employees The burnout of employee divided by three aspects. There are emotional exhaustion, Y DISCUSSION, SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, it consists of four main parts which are discussion, research limitation, recommendation and summary. In discussion, it includes the summary of the result well explained with the result ofthe research and concepttheory related to the previous research. This. 9 o/ study conducted to answer research question in this study which are: Disa” mt on The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention among MAHB employee - The relationship between burnout and turnover intention among MAHB employee 7 Laas ce eek The relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention 4” among MAHB employee (bavd OO ial, fla 27 ‘The relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment a towards tumover intention among MAHB employee For research limitation it comprised of limitation occur du ig the research. Then, for the recommendation, it divided into two which are recommendation from the related parties and recommendation related to the future research. As the conclusion, the result of the research and implications of the research are well discussed in this chapter. ee 5.2 DISCUSSION 5.21 The ri ship between job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment towards turnover intention among MAHB employee ‘The results of the research towards 103 of respondents on the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, organizational commitment towards turnover intention among MAHB employee were discussed in this part. a Job satisfaction In any organization either government or non-government sector, job satisfactory among, employee towards the organization is important to ensure the organization are in systematic and stable. In addition, job sat faction is one of the important factor which influence their rate of tumover intention in the respective organization. Based on the findings obtained, it clearly shows that the respondents satisfied with their top management as well as the members in the respective organization. As stated in the finding parts, job satisfaction among the respondents can be evaluated as they satisfied with the present working hour (Mea 4.24, SD=0.643). Besides that, the respondents also satisfied with the long term benefit and insurance policies of the company (Mean=4.233, SD=0,532). In addition, the respondents also satisfied with the working environment of the company (Mean=4.211, SD=0.594). It proved that the organization provide good pri ilege towards their employee in order to enhango thei job satisfaction. Moreover, the benefits provided towards the employees acts as the catalyst to reduce the rate of tumover among the employees. Job satisfaction among employees important to maintain and enhance their productivity as well as performance, ae aa a ec ee ce ca Tao In these few decades, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and attitudes towards organizational changes becomes the attention from numerous researchers. It was due to the importance to build up good relationship between employer and employees. Previously, it can be seen that job satisfactory give impacts towards absenteeism and intention to leave the organization (Obasan Kehinde, 2011; Thirulogasundaram & Sahu,2014), job performance (e.g, Ahmad, Iqbal, Javed, & Hamad, 2014; Christen, lyer, & Soberman, 2006; Pushpakumari, 2008), turnover intension (e.g.,Aydogdu & Asikgil, 2011; Issa, Ahmed, & Gelaidan,2013; Lambert, Hogan, & Barton,2001; Mahdi, Zin,Nor, Sakat, & Naim,2012; Medina,2012; Olusegun, 2013; Yucel,2012), organizational commitment (¢.g.,Aydogdu & Asil il, 2011; Azeem,2010; Gebremichael & Rao, 2013; Gunlu, Aksarayli & Pergin,2010; Top & Gider, 2013) and attitudes toward organizational change (Chih, Yang, & Chang, 2012; Gomes, 2009; Schouteten & Van. Der Vleuten, 2013; Yousef, 2000a;). Thus, this study conducted to overcome the issues arised regarding the job stress, job satisfactory and job performance which leads them to sustain in the present organization. Based on the literature and findings obtained, most of the effected individual agreed that it was due to the worst management in taki 1g care employees welfare influence their intention to leave the organization and seeking for the better opportunity for career development in other organization. ob satisfactory not only enhances the productivity, but also increases the quality of work It is necessary for a company to perceive as to what employees feel, think, desire along with discovering how the workforce devotion and commitment can be increased. Job satisfaction is closely related to service quality and customer satisfaction which is then related to company profitability. Service quality has a positive persuade on customer satisfaction. Besides this, organization profitability has a reasonable non-recursive effect on job satisfaction. Employee ee satisfaction plays a considerable role in enhancing the organization profitability and improving operational performance of organizations and quality of goods and services which give effect towards the job satisfaction in the respective organization. There is no doubt in it that employee satisfaction is critical to attain quality and profitability in service industry especially. Employee satisfaction impacts quality at industry through satisfaction-quality-profit cycle. In service industry, to achieve quality and profitability at organization, employee satisfaction is fundamental and without it, service industry cannot think of being successfull (Rachel ct al., 2008). Employee is the pioneer to the development of the organization. Commonly, performance appraisal systems used for different purposes comprise of human resource decision, evaluation and feedhack. It is crucial as the performance appraisal is one of the ways to improve the performance of the organization to know the strength and ‘weakness of the employees. It can be seen that performance appraisal system helps to identify the strength and weakness of the employees. Thus, this process helps to improve the efficiency of the organization (Rasch, 2010). In another point of view, performance appraisal is very good system where it helps in order to improve the personnel skill among the employees and evaluate the level of satisfaction towards their work. Though the performance appraisal they able to know their actual personnel skill then they have to sharpen their skill which are the important key to build up their organization to the high level and widely known in the international level. Besides that, the skills can be developed with the high interest among the workers. Then, based on the skills, they able to implement and practice to show their ability and capability Job satisfaction is the effective orientation of an employee towards theit work. It ean be described as an the overview about their feeling towards their job or as a related constellation of aa a css ce TT a a attitudes about their role of the job (H. Lu et al, 2005). Based on the research done, there is an evidence shows that the current trends in employment conditions where there is negative effects (on the job satisfaction and deteriorate the physical and mental health of employees (E.B. Faragher et al, 2005). In job satisfaction, there are affective disposition made up of two facets including positive affectivity and negative affectivity. In term of positive affectivity, it consist of high energy, eagerness and pleasurable involvement, while for negative affectivity comprised of distress, unpleasant involvement and nervousness which can be associated to this study as the airline cabin crew feel all of these feeling stated (T.A. Judge et al, 2001). As the normal human bei , dissatisfaction is normal when we do not able to cope with the stress faced in order to achieve job satisfactory. Nowadays, work-related stress is a vital factor in achieving job satisfaction. In this situation, as MAHB employees who served in aviat n industry, work related stress due to the behavioural and attitude of the people in the surrounding and line to finish up their work. Stress arised leads to aggression and low job satisfaction as it become the negative factor in achieving job satisfaction (Munich Personal RePI , 2008). Job satisfaction is important element in order to protect the employee from stressors. According to the previous era during the neoclassical period in 1920-1950 stated that job satisfaction directly give effects towards the productivity. It proved that there are significant relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Thus, the organi mns need to improve employees’ product ity in different ways to ensure they in high level of job satisfaction. It can relate to the finding obtained through the situation occurred that work quality and producti can be achieved with the aid of safety and health in the work place as the backup and advantages towards the employee (R. Liaudanskiene et al, 2010). ae a ars a sc ceca Te aa ao Burnout The term burnout was introduced to refer to a phenomenon observed among human service workers who had to deal with emotionally demanding individuals. Their definition of burnout has three components: emotional exhaustion (feelings of being over extended and depleted of emotional and physical resources), depersonalization or cynicism(negative or excessively detached responses to various aspects of the job), and inished personal accomplishment (feelings of incompetence and a lack of achievement at work). Generally, burnout has been correlated with a variety of negative responses to the job, including job dissatisfaction, low organizational commitment, and high job turnover intention. A number of studies (e. , Jackson & Maslach, 1982; Leiter, 1988) have suggested burnout results in substantial cost for both organizations and workers because of high job turnover, absenteeism, and reduced productivity. Clearly, job burnout is one of the most important predictors of job satisfaction and tumover intention. The first aspect of burnout investigated is emotional exhaustion. It is interpreted as the emotional depletion due to excessive psychological and physical demands. It is in line with the finding obtained when the respondents stated that they fee! that they work too hard at work which cause emotional exhaustion (Mean=3.429, SD=0.904). This situation will caused psychological stress for the long term effect as they will be pressure due to the excessive workload, Besides that, the respondents stated that they are emotionally drained by their work (Mear 407, SD=0.894). In this situation, they have to manage their time wisely in order to ensure they could rest a while instead of too focus on their work which could affect their emotion, Next, depersonalization which refers to the treatment of others as objects rather than people die to negative, cynical attitudes and feelings. It could be seen from the finding obtained ee as the respondents feel worry that work could hardening them (Mean=2.992, SD=0.96). This situation occurred when they are too focus on their job without care about their state of health. If the situation continues, it would affect their health, emotion as well as mental. Besides that, depersonalization also lead the respondents become more cold hearted towards people (Mean= .955, SD=0.963). This situation will affect them to build up good relationship towards each other. In terms of diminished personal accomplishment, itis used to represent people's tendency of negative assessment and dissatisfaction about themselves because of unfulfilled performance or responsibilities. Based on the finding obtained, the respondents stated that they feel as though they help their colleagues (Meat 622, SD=0.821). In addition, they also feel as though they have not accomplish worthwhile things. These situation leads to high tumover intention among employees due to their negative thought towards their performance in playing their responsibilities. Organizational com ment Organizational commitment plays a significant role in defining organizational success. It is necessary to understand as to how employees can be kept satisfied and motivated to achieve out of the ordinary results. Satisfa mn seems to be a natural corollary of employee satisfaction and in turn organizational success is upshot of this duo. Satisfied employees generate excellent productivity by excellence in performance that leads to organizational success thus resulting in improved financial success. In organization, there are various factors which determine their success and power. Based on the previous literature, it shows that organizational commitment is one of the factor leads to the glory of the organization. Based on the findings obtained from the questionnaire d ributed to MAHB employees, it clearly proved that there ate relationship ee between organizational commitment and turnover intention. Majority of the respondents agreed that high organizational commitment leads to low turnover intention. For example, when the employee shows high organizational commitment in playing their respective role in the organization, thus the party become more powerful and successful. Besides that, organizational commitment leads to motivate employee’s performance which contributed to the satisfaction on the employer to give rewards and bonus based on their good achievement. Organizational commitment of an employee can be defined as the execution or accomplishment of work, acts and responsibility. As the employee, they should perform well to make their employer proud and reward them with great appreciation. As the employees, appreciation and being praised by the managers towards the successful employees is one of the biggest motivation to them to contribute more effort To accomplish the mission and vision of the organization. Organizational commitment also one of the factor used to determine the increment of salary and advancement, In addition, organizational commitment of employee used to show off their capability and ability. Commonly, in every organization, they need highly performance of the employees to meet their goals and able to achieve the competitive advantage. This situation due to the level of the competitive among the organizations classified in the same expertise where all of them compete to show their power and capability. Hence, the employer needs the employees which have high ambition and motivation to accomplish the goals. In aviation industry, effectiveness of the employee performance, organizational commitment as well as organizational success can be observed through the nature of the work, professional development and leadership of the top management. In addition, the cooperation among the team member also able to enhance the successful of an organization (Narver & Slater, ee 1990). However, according to Grandey, Dicker and Sin (2004), employee behaviours in term of less courteous and being rude among team member and employer leading to the conflicts among the co-workers. Interpersonal conflicts can be the major stressors factor in workplace which affecting the job satisfaction and lowered down the job performance which could lead to turnover intention among employees (Schieman and Reid, 2008). Thus, proper solution is needed to increase the organizational commitment through the powerful leadership and excellent professional development in an organization Organizational commitment has normally been described as an affection to or recognition with the organization. Besides, it could be reviewed as a sentimental reaction to a positive evaluation of the work environment (Testa, 2001). There are several previous researches proved that there are significant relationship between organizational commitment and tumover intention (Lin & Chen, 2004; Susskind et al.,2000; Breukelen et al.,2004), Such sentimental reaction may be considered affection, especially when the employee believes firmly in the values and goals of the organi n or shows a strong wish to develop association with the organization (Scholarios & Marks, 2004). Commitment is a strong faith in the values and objectives of the organization. It is a readiness to place substantial endeavor for the organization (Mowday et al.,1979), Commitment to organization is associated with the essential work-relevant elements such as absenteeism, performance and employee tumover (Mowday et al., 1979; Romzek, 1990). According to Ayondele et al. (2013), Meyer and Allen (1997), organizational commitment could be divided into three which are affective, continuance and normative commitment. According to the finding obtained in Chapter 4, organizational commitment in terms of affective could be seen clearly when the respondents enjoy discussing their organization with people inside it (Mean=3.948, S| '=0.665). It shows that the members in organization have good ia ia i i cacao relationship as they able to well-interact for the sake of organization, Besides that, the respondents stated that the organization has a great deal of personal meaning for their employees (Mean=3.903, SD=0.583). In addition, the respondents would be very happy to spend the rest of their career with the present organization (Meat .818, SD=0.795). It proved that the present ‘organization served their employee well as the employee totally happy to work until the rest of their career path. This s uation give positive outcomes towards turnover intention as they would not turnover their career to jump for other job opportunities. In terms of continuance commitment, the respondents stated that of the major reason they continue to work for the respective organization is that leaving would require considerable personal sacrifice-another organization may not match the overall benefits they have (Mean=3.966, SD=0.712). Besides that, the respondents stay with the organization due to the necessity as they do not have any other better job opportunities (Mean=3.937, SD=0.694). It is due to the hardship to find job cause them to remain the present organization. For normative commitment, majority of the respondents stated that many people these days move from company to other company too often (Mean=4.007, SD=0.545). This phenomenon is too common as the environment in the organization do not fit with their expectation, This situation will caused bad reputation for the respective individual as they could not face the pressure and adapt with the work environment well. In addition, the respondents stated that the major reason that they continue to work for the organization as they believe that loyalty is important and it is one of the sense of moral obligation (Mean=3.985, SD=0.7). TI behavior should be the good example for the individual who want to develop their sense of loyalty and build up their career path. They should stay in the organi: tion at least two years in i iar iia cc cw er er ca aaa aa order to gain knowledge and experience, Hence, they able to gain as much as knowledge they need for their career development. Turnover intention Human resources managers in many countries in Asia have a sleepless night due to the ‘employee turnover (Khatri et al., 1999), That make issues on turnover intention research which lead to intention to leave the organization has been extensively conducted worldwide. It has become a central research topic about nearly ninety years (Cotton and Tse et al., 1986, 2008) about two decades tumover and it effect being a major concern of the management (French and Giangreco et al., 1999, 2002). Turnover and leaving the organization has being a major problem and critical issues for management until today. Much attention has been given toward the factors that contribute to turnover intention and their intention to leave the organization especially toward employee's tumover behavior (Richer etal, 2002). Tumover and leaving the organization can give many implications in financial and operation of the organization (Gomez et al., 1992). These issues lead to organization losses in their skilled and experienced employees, decreasing productivity, and customer satisfaction of the company. In addition, turnover and leaving organization among employees also lead to increasing cost of training and expatriation losses (Reichheld et al., 1993). Tumover and leaving the organization is more likely in a robust economy with low unemployment rates and in lower-paying industries, when high routinization and task repetitiveness, and when low supervisory consideration, integration and communication and high centralization. Aneil and Gretchen (Aneil et al., 2002) classify turnover and leaving organization into two categories which are involuntary and voluntary. Involuntary turnover occurs when employee is being terminate, discharged or other reason which the cause of leaving the company is not by ee Keer Ker K RK the intention of the employee while voluntary turnover occur when employee leave the company because of theit own decision due to several factors. The factors including, job satisfaction, performance problems, unmet job expectations, job stress and lack of career development opportunities. Today, employee's turnover and their intention to leave the organization being the importance concerns of Human Resources Management of the company where it place in the first ranking of the organization concerns. There has been a greater focus of organization on people leaving rather than entering the organization (Price, 2001). The voluntary turnover adversely affects an organization’s ability to perform such as reduce the productivity, slow down the progression of work, minimize the total output and performing below the scale (Hom et al., 1991). The cost that the organization incur due to the high level of tumover and their decision to leave the organization such as separation cost, replacement cost, training cost and vacancy cost (Hom et al., 1995). The organization also has to face the consequences losses in organizational efficiency, business culture, effectiveness and corporate knowledge. It is better for the organization to retain the employees rather than spent money on such financial cost (Mitchell et al., 2001). Referring to the finding obtained in Chapter 4, majority of the respondents stated that they proud to work in the company (Mean=4.37, SD=0,527). Besides that, the respondents also proud to tell others that they are a part of the organiz n (Mean=4.35 1, SD=0.501). It showed that the respondents did not have intention to leave the present organization and turnover from theit present profession. In addition, the respondents also stated that they will not leave their current position within the next three months (Mearr 229, SD=0.731). As the organization provides good privilege and benefits towards their employees, the rate of tuover could be reduced. Hence, the job productivity among the employees could be superior. eae ae aes cee cs cs aaa The most influence factors towards the turnover intention among MAHB employee Referring to the finding obtained in Chapter 4, the most influence factors towards the turnover intention among MAHB employee is organizational commitment. Organizational commitment was divided into three aspect which are affective, continuance and normative ‘commitment, Organizational commitment is the main reasons which disturb and lower down job productivity among employees. It is followed by job satisfaction which is the second factor that caused the employees to turnover from their present work and profession. Job satisfaction able to lead the employees to show off their superior capability to develop the organization based on tion to ensure their their skills and capability. Employees are the main asset of the organi sustainability in the present field, The least factor which influences the factor towards turnover intention is burnout. Burnout occurred when the employee facing too much workload and leads them unable to serve the purpose of the job. In order to ensure the employee remain and sustain in the present organization, all these three factors need to. properly taken care to enhance their Job productivity as well as their motivation. Hence, the organization able to develop well and achieve success in the future. of rly This study has a number of implications for the employer in any organization and 5.3 Implicati practitioners alike. As for the employers, this study will enhance thei understanding of the relationship among various dimensions towards turnover intention among the employees. Furthermore, they will be more aware that this situation is crucial in achieving job satisfaction and job productivity in order to avoid turnover intention. Thi study will serve as a base for more analytical and comprehensive future studies. For practitioners (human resources), better understanding on the relationship among the three correlations will help them to make better mii ie ce ce cee cr Ta decisions pertaining in reducing the level of turnover intention among the workers especially the targeted person in this study which are the employee in aviation industry. In terms of decreasing employees bumout rate, it is important to evaluate management practitioners. Reducing job demand for employees sometimes might be impractical or even impossible since maximizing job satisfaction is always the top priority and a difficult task that demands substantial effort from employees. Instead, improving job resources for employees might be a preferable and more efficient strategy. For these strategies to be effective, distinct work values from three different generations should also be taken into consideration, Given that younger employees, especially MAHB employees, have lower job satisfaction and higher turnover intention compared with older employees under emotional exhaustion, managers might need to consider developing corporate-wide strategies to address work-life balance, For example, providing flexible work hours and adequate supervision might enable younger workers to organize their work and leisure time with more freedom and autonomy. It would give younger employees a sense of control over their professional careers, which may contribute to a sense of fulfillment and pride. As such, aligning the organization's values and operations with younger employees’ work values would help manifest and strengthen younger employees’ identity toward the job and the organization, This might help improve employees’ loyalty and satisfaction and lower turnover intentions of younger workers under emotional exhaustion (Nunkoo, Gursoy, & Ramkissoon, 2013). All these benefits could also apply to older employees. 5.4 Limitation of Stu aaa cece ccc cc ca casa aa asa In this research, there are several limitation faced by the researcher. One of them is time constraint to carry out the survey to identify the reasons and factors which caused the employee tumover intention especially in a ‘ion industry. It occurred when the researcher was not able to commit with the time given to settle down the task due to work precedence and working commitments. In addition, the study was conducted only limited to 103 respondents comprising, of MAHB employees. Then, there are some of them do not give full commitment and cooperation during the study conducted. Moreover, this study can be extended by making comparison towards the other private sector employee which available all around the Malaysia to analyse the relationship between job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment towards turnover intention. Thus, this study can be discussed further due to the sufficient information and data. For the research which using this kind of technique, data is very important to obtain the actual output and analyse the data to examine the research is significant toward the overall research. 5.5 Direction for Future Research ‘There are several lines of direction for future research suggested. First, it would be worthwhile to investigate the relationships among the human resource management and organizational management and compare the results of such study wi those in the present study which contribute to turnover intention among MAHB employees. Second, it would be more valuable to study the role of certain demographic variables in the relationship towards these three constructs, Next, an extended study to determine the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout and organizational commitm it towards turnover intention based on the different point of view would be more interested, 5.6 Recommendations a i a aa cae cs TT This research can be extended further by making among human resources management and organizational management in private sector organization towards the relationship between Job satisfaction, buout and organizational commitment on turnover intention, Besides that, number of sample can be increased to evaluate the ¥ ionship in this case study. In addition, other relationship can be study to investigate their factors which contribute to turnover intention. Method of the research can be varies such as interview or observation at each of the location and respondents selected as centre of the research, This research can be extended towards the workers from different departments and positions who work in private sector organization to compare their relationship between job satisfaction, bumout and organizational commitment on turnover intention. Thus, it able to inerease the accuracy of the findings and observed their relationship between those independent variables towards tumover intention, In terms of recommendation should be done by managers to overcomes the factors caused employee turnover intention, there are some ways could be conducted. 1. Since psychological demands have been found to be related with bumout and organizational commitment, reducing the level of demands will help to reduce the level of turnover intention among MAHB employees. 2. Since social support could be affect turnover intention among employees, t is crucial to take into consideration the i portance of the effect of support from co-workers and supervisors on MAHB employees’ the level of turnover intentions. 3. The results obtained showed that MAHB employees are subjected to perform their job in a limited time, and this may be derived from personnel shortage. To reduce the level of psychological demands of MAHB employees, the number of employees to i i iar ia ce cece cc aaa saa asa work should be increased which, in turn, may provide low level of bumout and turnover intention and increase their job satisfaction. 4, Depending on the excessive demands, it must be given the necessary support to MAHB. employees to relief negative consequences. Otherwise, they would feel worn themselves under workload conditions and time pressure. 5.7 Conelu: The finding from this study will provide the overall conclusion of the study. The main factor contributing to turnover intention is organizational commitment. The study has conclusively found answer to all. research questions and research objectives. For the overall, it can be concluded that the factors fluencing turnover intention become the main attention from the employer as it is the most important key to ensure the organization well-managed and organized. Thus, internal issues and conflicts need to be clarify to ensure the organizational free from any controversy and leads to be categorized as establish and powerful party. ‘The information collected from this survey will be very useful as it could help the management of private sector organization which is MAHB as well as other organization in Malaysia to take further steps in order to reduce the rate of turnover among their employees. The respective organization might use the data collected and use it as their tool to handle the rate of turnover and increase productivity among workers. The reports gained will be shared with the management itself and also with other services organization. The researcher hopes that more research will be conducted on tumover intention in the future which important to enhance the productivity and satisfaction among workers. Therefore, more findings will help to enhance job satisfaction and also overcome rate of turnover. Hence, every employee should know on how to handle stress and decrease them by giving them the most satisfying moment on working life to iia ae cs cs ce cc a a sa tat reduce the rate of turnover. Their organization should be active in organizing activities that will reduce the stress and increase job satisfaction among their employees. ‘The researcher hopes that by doing this, the employees will be more prepared and in comfortable zone to do their job without effecting the performance. Performance appraisal satisfaction by the employer towards the employees give the good effect where they able to get enhancement of salary, promotion, appreciation, rewards and privileges. In addition, the employer should prepare the convenient working environment towards the employees to enhance their motivation to work harder. As the organization become popular and establish in the international level, the highest organization team are highly generous to share the glory and happiness with the delegation which cooperate to ensure the organization lely known and famous. The organization is fen trust by the other to collaborate for example organize the event together and both of them can be stand up together to celebrate thei success. It can be seen that performance appraisal satisfaction have relationship with employees performance and able to reduce the level of organizational stress among workers. Employees performance is important as they are the asset for the organization to ensure them well-establish in their respective field. Commonly. performance and motivation of the employees can be gain from the sense of reward which are related to them after hardship to fulfil their responsibility. For example, after the great performance of the employees, treat them with the appreciation night and giving them awards based on their excellent achievement. Employer need to be alert with their performance to take care of their welfare. Hence, they pleased to carry out the responsibility. As all the factors mentioned well monitored, the organization able to withstand at the high level comparable to the establish organization in this global era. Thus, they are able to compete with others in terms of mentality, progress and competitiveness. aia ia ae cee ce cs TT a a aaa Based on the findings obtained, it shows that there are significant relationship between job satisfaction, burnout and orga tional commitment towards turnover intention. However, job satisfaction and organizational commitment need to be improved to reduce the rate of tumover among them. Besides that, internal issues and conflicts need to be clarify to ensure the organizational free from any controversy and leads to be categorized as establish and powerful party. Job satisfaction by the employer towards the employees give the good effect where they able to get promotion, appreciation, rewards and privileges. As the organization become popular and establish in the international level, the highest organization team are highly generous to share the glory and happiness with the delegation which cooperate to ensure the organization widely known and famous. The organization is given trust by the other to collaborate for example organize the event together and both of them can be stand up together to celebrate their success. It can be seen that performance of job satisfaction have relationship with employees job performance. In particular, it suggests that there may be partial mediation effects of occupational burnout, mainly through emotional exhaustion, within the impact of job satisfaction on turnover intention. This signifies that enhancements in job satisfaction can be expected to reduee MAHB. employees’ intentions to quit by the intermediary role of burnout as well as the direct path. Asall the factors mentioned well monitored, the organization able to withstand at the high level comparable to the establish organization in this global era. Thus, they are able to compete with others in terms of mentality, progress and competitiveness. ia i a ce ae cece TTI Ts References Ahmad, N., Iqbal, N., Javed, K., & Hamad, N. (2014). 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