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European EMTP-ATP Users Group e.V.



3 Call for Contributions
4 Instructions for Autors

EEUG Association
7 EMTP Summer Course
9 EEUG Meeting 1996

Program Information
10 Summary of ATP Development (March’95 .. March’96)
W. Scott Meyer
12 Does Salford ATP run under Windows 95?
László Prikler
17 Enhancement of ATP Execution under MS DOS/MS Windows 3.xx
Mustafa Kizilcay

18 Review of some useful shareware/freeware programs related to the work with ATP
Mustafa Kizilcay

People and Profiles

21 Members of the EEUG Executive Board

Technical Papers
23 Modelling a RL Parallel Circuit Using Type-94 Iterated Component
Laurent Dubé
26 A Neural Network Vacuum Circuit Breaker Model for Simulation of Transient Overvoltages
Janko Kosma, Peter unko
33 Investigation of Transformer Differential Protection Schemes by Using ATP-Models
Murari Mohan Saha, Birger Hillström, Bogdan Kasztenny, Eugeniusz Rosoowski
40 State Space Simulation of Transients using a Transmission Line Model with Frequency
Dependent Parameters
Lutz Hofmann
published by European EMTP-ATP Users Group e.V. (EEUG),
registered Association.

Dr. Mustafa Kizilcay, Dr. Juan A. Martinez-Velasco, László Prikler

Editorial and administrative assistant

Canan G. Kizilcay

Editors by E-mail
Dr. Mustafa Kizilcay kizilcay@hermes.rz.fh-osnabrueck.de
Dr. Juan A. Martinez-Velasco martinez@ee.upc.es
László Prikler priki@vmt.bme.hu

Mailing address
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kizilcay
Fachhochschule Osnabrück
FB Elektrotechnik
Albrechtstr. 30
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Phone +49 541 969-3065
Fax +49 541 969-3070

EEUG News is published quarterly by the European EMTP-ATP Users Group

e.V., registered association in Offenbach am Main, Germany. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1996 by the European EMTP-ATP Users Group e.V.
SUBSCRIPTIONS: EEUG members: included in annual membership dues;
Nonmembers: DEM 120, single copy DEM 35.

2 EEUG News Februar 1996


Call for Contributions

W ith this issue, Mr. Laszlo Prikler of the Technical University of Budapest in Hungary has
voluntarily joined the Board of Editors of EEUG News as a co-editor. This follows
authorization of the Executive Board in April of 1996. We believe this addition is a promising
development for the future shaping of EEUG News.

In this issue we have focused our articles on efficient handling of ATP running on Intel PC’s
besides technical papers presented at the EEUG Meeting 1995. Especially, the article on how to
execute ATP under MS Windows 95 deals with an up-to-date question raised by ATP users. A
summary of ATP development in the last year (March’95 .. March’96) is given in the article
written by Dr. W. Scott Meyer. Important freeware/shareware utilities useful for working with
ATP are reviewed in another article under Tips and Tricks.

EEUG News needs your valuable contributions of any type. These could be in the form of
technical papers, calls for help, discussions, etc. Also, your suggestions to review particular
modelling features, or provide hints about more efficient ATP use, are appreciated.

Your Editors

EEUG News Februar 1996 3


Instructions for Authors

First, middle and last name of the author Department / institute
Organization name, Country Street / P. O. Box
Postal code, city, country
Voice tel. / fax number (optional)
Email address (if available)

1 Technical contributions

The quality of a publication depends to a great extent on the uniformity of presentation. Rules
that must be observed by authors of articles for EEUG News are as follow (this article can be
considered as an example of a technical paper):

paper size DIN A4 format (21x 29.7 cm) or US standard format (8.5 x 11 inch) with left,
right, top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm or 1 inch.

page layout Single-column and single-spaced format is recommended. The first page should
have the title inside the top margin, and left aligned. The title is followed by the
name (first, middle and last name) of the author, organization name and country
printed left aligned, whereas address, voice tel./fax number (optional) and
E-mail address (if available) of author(s) are printed right aligned.

Section titles should be bold, with two blank lines above, and one blank line
below, each such title. One line should be left blank between paragraphs, and
indentation at the start of paragraphs should not be used.

The contribution should not be paginated. A erasable pencil can be used to
number the pages on the back side, or in the bottom-right corner.

fonts Times New Roman, Roman or another proportional font similar to the font used
to create "Instructions for authors" is preferred.

The title should be bold faced and in capital and small letters with font size of
20 (points) as the title of this text given above.

The names of the authors, organization name and country should be should be
bold faced in font size 12. The address, voice tel./fax number and E-mail
address of author(s) should be in font size 11 as shown above.

The body of the text should use font size 12. Titles of sections and subsections
should be bold in font size 14.

4 EEUG News Februar 1996


numbering Arabic numerals should be employed in numbering of sections, figures, tables,

equations and references. The subsections are numbered by inserting a full stop
"." between numbers, e.g. 1 1.1 1.1.3. All the figures, tables and equations
should be numbered progressively. Equation numbers should be given in
parentheses, such as (1) or (2-5), whereas numbers of references should be
written between square brackets, such as [1].

structure The structure of a technical paper usually is organized in the following parts, in
the given order: title, abstract (100 to 150 words), introduction, body,
conclusions, references and annexes, if required.

references A reference of a monograph should contain author(s), title, edition, publication
(place and publisher) and year. Example:

[1] Karni, S.: Network Theory: Analysis and Synthesis, Boston, Allyn and
Bacon, Inc., 1966.
A reference of a part of a contribution or to a monograph should contain
author(s), title of host, edition, part number, publication (place, publisher),
year and location within the host documentation.

Serials include periodicals, newsletters, annuals, and series of reports. Articles
in serials contain author(s), title, title of host document, location within host and
pagination of the part, as shown below:

[2] Clerici, A.; Marzio, L.: Coordinated Use of TNA and Digital Computer for
Switching-Surge Studies: Transient Equivalent of a Complex Network,
IEEE Trans. on Power Appar. and Systems, PAS-89 (1970), no. 8,

The authors are requested to prepare up to 10 keywords for their contributions. The keywords
should reflect the concepts, topics and methods included in the contribution.

Technical papers should be submitted primarily in printed form (three copies) ready to be
photocopied. Additionally, the text should be delivered on a MS-DOS floppy disk, if it is
created using a word processor such as WordPerfect, MS-Word, WordStar or Ami Pro running
under MS-DOS or MS-Windows.

2 Short articles, calls for help, suggestions, solutions, announcements

It is sufficient to provide the contribution by E-mail or on a DOS floppy disk (two copies)
addressed each to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of EEUG Association, who are
responsible for the edition. The text can be created using a plain text editor such as MS-DOS
EDIT, or using a word processor. When a word processor is used, WordPerfect 5.1/5.2/6.0
format is preferred. Please state the rubric under which the article should appear.

EEUG News Februar 1996 5


3 General remarks

Selection among contributions is done by the Executive Board of EEUG Association, but
responsibility for the content of a contribution rests with its author(s). If important editorial
changes seem necessary, the authors will be consulted prior to publication. No honorarium will
be paid any author.
Please mail two copies of your contribution to the Chairman and one copy to the Deputy
Chairman of EEUG Association, who act as the Editors of EEUG News on behalf of the
Executive Board:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kizilcay Prof. Dr. J. A. Martinez-Velasco

Fachhochschule Osnabrueck Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
FB Elektrotechnik Dept. Enginyeria Electrica
Albrechtstr. 30 Avenida Diagonal 647
D-49076 Osnabrueck, Germany E-08028 Barcelona, Spain

Phone +49 541 969-3065 Phone +34 3 401 66 00

Fax +49 541 969-3070/-2936 Fax +34 3 401 66 00

Email: kizilcay@hermes.rz.fh-osnabrueck.de Email: martinez@ee.upc.es

6 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

EMTP Summer Course

Osnabrück/Germany, July 1-5, 1996

A n EMTP Summer Course, which will take place at the Fachhochschule Osnabrück, on
July 1-5, 1996, is planned for ATP users with little or no prior ATP experience or for
those wishing to update their skills.

The following main modelling subjects will be covered by the lectures, which will be
accompanied by interesting applications of power system transients in the afternoon PC
laboratory sessions. These applications include, for example, line energization, fault studies,
inrush currents of transformers, power electronics, statistical switching studies and insulation
coordination. The latest PC version of ATP will be used for the exercises. The participants may
use their own portable PCs (386 or newer) for the exercises, if desired.

Monday, July 1
Introduction to the ATP and to the related tools ATPDRAW, TPPLOT and PCPLOT.
Functioning of the ATP on MS-DOS PCs and file organization.

Basic solution methods. Representation of linear circuits with lumped, coupled and uncoupled
elements, static sources and switches.

Tuesday, July 2
Overhead transmission lines. Line equations and traveling waves. Frequency-dependent

Transformers including saturation and hysteresis.

Wednesday, July 3
Introduction to the integrated simulation modules TACS (Transient Analysis of Control
Systems) and MODELS (general purpose simulation language). Interface to the electrical
circuit in the ATP. Signal analysis and representation of user-defined control and circuit

Thursday, July 4
Theory of rotating machines. Synchronous machine model, type 59. Universal machine
modelling of AC and DC machines. Speed, voltage and torque control.

Friday, July 5
Data Base Module. Non-linear elements. User-defined components.

Class sections with three theory lectures per day will begin at 8:30 and will end at 13:00. Guided
PC laboratory exercises will take place in the afternoon between 14:30 and 18:00 illustrating the
simulation of system components by means of typical applications.

EEUG News Februar 1996 7

Program Information

The course faculty consists of the following instructors:

Laurent Dubé
DEI Simulation Software,
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.

Hans Kr. Høidalen

Norwegian Electric Power Research Institute
Trondheim, Norway

Prof. Mustafa Kizilcay

Department of Electrical Engineering
Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany

Prof. Juan A. Martinez-Velasco

Department of Enginyeria Electrica
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain

Mathias Noe
Institute for Electrical Power Systems
University of Hannover, Germany

Laszlo Prikler
Department of Electric Power Systems
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary

To provide better computer access (two participants will share one PC), the enrollment will be
limited to 38 participants. Advanced registration is required. Accommodation of the participants
has been arranged at special rates at the Park Hotel in Osnabrück.

The course announcement has been sent to total 300 European ATP users including EEUG
members. Additionally, the course has been announced in the list servers ATP-EMTP and Power

8 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

EEUG Meeting 1996

Budapest/Hungary, November 10-12, 1996

T he next annual meeting of the EEUG will be held on November 10-12, 1996, at the
Technical University of Budapest, Hungary. The Meeting will consist of three main parts:

- one and a half day Technical Session

- half day annual Members' Meeting
- half day technical visit

The Technical Session and technical visit is open to all licensed ATP-EMTP users, whereas
the Members' Meeting can be attended only by EEUG members. On the other hand, interested
persons may observe this meeting as guests, without voting rights.

Two types of contributions may be submitted: conference papers (20 minutes presentation) and
short contributions with 10 minutes presentation. We kindly ask members to submit in writing
any important suggestions or ideas related to EEUG membership. Such ideas will be discussed
at the Members' Meeting.

Contributions on all topics related to the study of any transient phenomena are expected. The
papers should illustrate available features and limitations of ATP. The following preferential
subjects are proposed for this year:

1. Testing of ATP Program - Comparison of simulated results and that obtained by using other
tools (TNA, other programs, field/laboratory tests)
2. New application fields (neural net training, relay algorithm testing, FACT, power
electronics, superconductivity, EMC)
3. Using ATP as simulation tool in the computer aided education
4. MODELS applications

A single page abstract of your technical paper should be submitted before October 1, 1996 by
mail, fax, or E-mail that we can forward a more detailed agenda to the participants of the
meeting. The complete text should arrive no later than October 30, 1996.

Preliminary Program

Sunday, Nov. 10 : 9.00 - 13.30 Sightseeing Tour

Sunday, Nov. 10 : 14.00 - 18.00 Technical Visit
Monday, Nov. 11 : 9.00 - 17.00 Technical Session
Tuesday, Nov. 12 : 9.00 - 12.00 Technical Session
Tuesday, Nov. 12 : 14.00 - 17.00 Members' Meeting

A detailed announcement will be sent to all EEUG members and European ATP users.

EEUG News Februar 1996 9

Program Information

Summary of ATP Development

March’95 ... March’96
W. Scott Meyer
Canadian/American EMTP User Group, USA

 MODELS has been extended in many ways: 1) foreign models and functions allow any
names, and can be in other languages (e.g., C); 2) global variables surpass model
boundaries; 3) solution of simultaneous nonlinear equations; 4) coexistence with TACS
in the same data case; 5) Connection to .PL4 file for POSTPROCESS PLOT FILE use; 6)
vector functions (both arguments and values); 7) complex variable arithmetic; 8) TACS
device types 50-66 in library; 9) Iterated USE of a model; 10) Z-transform alternative.

 The Type-94 branch can be used for multi-phase, time-varying, possibly-nonlinear electrical
modeling by connection to MODELS. Compensation then avoids extraneous time delays.
Type-94 logic now allows three distinct multi-phase options: 1) Thevenin (THEV); 2)
Norton (NORT); and 3) iterated (ITER);

 Compensation logic has been strengthened. Before, some cases involving adjacent switches
were wrong. The Universal Machine (U.M.) is the most important beneficiary (e.g.,
Bonfanti's complaint in the September, 1989, issue of EMTP News is solved).

 Switching at peak current sometimes is required for power electronics. This has been
simplified using GIFU switch logic to provide dynamic current redirection following a new
experimental iteration to satisfy diode and thyristor constraints.

 Salford ATP has been enhanced in several ways: 1) The header of a .PL4 file can be
compressed by the removal of unused names; 2) .PL4 files can be double-precision; 3)
STARTUP can be remote; 4) $DEPOSIT allows almost any parameter (including all
STARTUP variables) to be changed in ATP data.

 Salford TPPLOT advances: 1) JOIN will merge two .PL4 files; 2) More (40) graphic
modes are allowed to accommodate new output cards; 3) C-like REAL*8 .PL4 files can
be plotted. 4) The MATH command allows mathematical processing of signals as they are
loaded from disk; 5) Separate heading file for MATLAB compatibility of RELAY output;
and 6) COMTRADE output can be created interactively;

 IBM OS/2 and MS Windows NT are being used to support modern ATP on Intel PCs. The
Watcom compiler is used. PostScript output of batch-mode plotting has been reworked, and
new utility PSPLOT will print one, two or four plots per page.

 The 700-page EMTP Theory Book of BPA has been converted to WordPerfect 5.1 storage
with bitmapped figures for either 300 dpi or 75 dpi.

 The 59KILO declaration allows Type-59 S.M. (synchronous machine) voltages and
currents to be scaled by 1000. This allows kilovolts/amps.

 LINE MODEL FREQUENCY SCAN (LMFS) is used to evaluate a transmission circuit

10 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

model as a function of frequency. This has been extended to CABLE CONSTANTS and

 Loose ends of CABLE PARAMETERS have been completed. These include computer-
stored user instructions, lower-case text, and the documentation of data on any punched
branch cards.

 ATPDRAW allows the assembly of ATP data by clicking on menus and icons to build a
schematic. A new version has broken the 640-Kbyte barrier of DOS as well as allowed
many extensions and alternatives.

 Noda frequency-dependence for cables and overhead lines is available in Salford EMTP.
But the separate MS-DOS fitting program ARMAFIT is being withheld for further work.

 Parametric studies are performed using the CARD subcommand of the APPEND command
of SPY. A character string now can replace the card number.

 A large CIGRE hvdc test case has been made compatible with ATP. This is model T-4
within IEEE paper number 95 WM 272-5 PWRD.

 ATP for MS Windows 95 is being developed using MS tools. These include FORTRAN,
C, and BASIC compilers that are compatible with MS OLE (Object Linking and

 A new Type-25 TACS source can be set equal to any variable of a connected a .PL4 file

 TACS STAND ALONE is converted internally to TACS HYBRID using a dummy

electrical network. New MODELS STAND ALONE is similar.

 The skin effect of LINE CONSTANTS has been corrected to agree with CABLE

 Several computers other than Intel-based PCs have been tested for the support of ATP this
past year. These include H-P Unix, DEC OSF Unix, and Apple Macintosh Quadra and

 A DOS environmental variable ATPDIR has been introduced commonly to TPBIG,

TPPLOT and PCPLOT in order to execute ATP from any directory. The DOS command
APPEND is no longer needed, which may cause problems under MS Windows 3.xx.

 PCPLOT has been enhanced in following points: 1) A bug related to the assignment of
parallel port for screen hard copy has been corrected; 2) Scaling ticks of axes in HP-GL
format are now visible, when HP-GL file is imported into word processors like WinWord,
WordPerfect; 3) The logic to recognize the end of plot data in .PL4 files has been improved,
so that FREQUENCY SCAN plot data and PL4 file comments entered via ATPDRAW are
handled correctly.
 An semi-automatic installation routine is provided with the ATP floppy disks distributed by
the European EMTP-ATP User Group Association.

EEUG News Februar 1996 11

Program Information

Does Salford ATP run under Windows 95?

László Prikler Department of Electric Power Systems

Technical University of Budapest, Hungary Egry J. u. 18.H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
Phone/Fax: +36 1 463 3015/-3013
E-mail: priki@vmt.bme.hu

1 Introduction

The Salford Fortran compiler FTN77/x86 has been used since 1989 to support ATP on Intel-
compatible PC platforms. This version of the ATP program requires that DBOS, Salford’s own
extended memory manager, be active in memory. It is known that even on DOS platforms,
DBOS has required special care to avoid memory conflicts with other memory managers and
disk caching programs. Since those earliest days, graphical operating systems such as Win 3.x,
OS2, Win 95, and Win NT are being used more widely, and these increase the likelihood of
such conflict. Mainly because the memory organisers of such modern operating systems are
integrated deeply in the core of the system, managing the co-operation with DBOS requires
more effort and sophistication --- if it is possible at all. A completely different approach would
be to replace the DOS-based Salford compiler with a new one that is native to the windowed
operating system of interest. In the preceding issue of this periodical, Robert J. Meredith reported
on his success porting ATP to OS2 (and also WinNT/Win95) using Watcom's multiplatform
Fortran77 compiler [1]. However, until Salford Fortran is retired by other program developers,
testing of existing Salford ATP on new operating systems remains timely. More than 40 E-mail
messages have been submitted to the ATP-EMTP Listserv about "how to run ATP under
Windows 95," so the subject remains important to many1 .

2 Installation and hardware requirements

Not ATP, but rather Windows 95 itself, requires stronger hardware than the known minimum
(386+4MB) for ATP simulation. This author uses Win95 on a 486 clone having a Cx486DX-
2/66-S processor + 8MB RAM, and he thinks this is the acceptable minimum. Installation of
ATP under Win95 can be accomplished using part C) of ATPSETUP.LIS (the section for Win
3.1) on the GIVE2 disk, but some important modifications do apply:

1. Do not use any qualifier in the EMM386.EXE device setting of the CONFIG.SYS file.
An example of the CONFIG.SYS is shown next:

Author of this report express his gratitude to other subscribers for their contributions. This
acknowledgement is especially addressed to: Scott Meyer, Harald Wehrend, Robert Meredith, Robert
Schultz, Gayle Collins, Walter Dykas, Christian Hoelzl, Laurie Snider, Gary C. Thomann, Mustafa
Kizilcay and Laurent Dubé.

12 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

2. Set environmental variable ATPDIR equal to the ATP program directory. An example of
the AUTOEXEC.BAT is shown below: (Supposing that ATP directory structure
corresponds to that of INSTALL.BAT on GIVE1 disk creates [2])
SET ATPDIR=C:\ATP\PRG\ {the closing \ is important!}
The use of environmental variable ATPDIR is supported in all subprograms of the recent
ATP package (TPBIG, TPPLOT, PCPLOT) but not yet in ATPDRAW.
3. No additions to this point. But, putting DEVICE=C:\DBOS.DIR\WDBOS.386 entry in the
[386Enh] section of C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI file is important, so it is repeated here.

4. Use an editor to create disk file C:\ATP\PRG\W95DBON.BAT.

Content of this file is just a single line:
Enabling paging to disk in CONFIGDB seems to be preferred if /PAGE is used. Assuming
that 3MB of memory is allocated to DBOS with /PAGE, swapfile size of 2MB should be
enough even for extremely large data cases.
5.-6. In Windows 95, the PIF Editor has been replaced by Windows Explorer, which is an item
in the Programs group of the Start button. Open C:\Windows\Start_menu\Programs folder
using Explorer. Create a new folder ATP using File | New | Folder in the upper-left pull-
down menu. Open ATP folder and create a new shortcut to TPBIG by using File | New |
Shortcut and Browse. Select TPBIG in the C:\ATP\PRG directory, press Next button,
select an icon and Finish.
Next comes fine tuning of the Properties settings. Select the just-created TPBIG shortcut
properties by clicking the right mouse button on its icon. Set Program properties as shown
in Fig. 1. Use default values on the remaining four sheets, with the following exceptions:
Select Background mode on the Misc sheet to be "Always suspend". It is preferable to
limit the memory available to the program by setting 3072 in the XMS (in kB) and None
in the EMS window of the Memory sheet.
Finally, click on the OK button in the lower left corner to return to the Explorer, and then
select Exit. Now a new ATP (sub)folder should be available for you in the Programs
folder containing a new MS-DOS shortcut to TPBIG. ATP is running in an MS-DOS
window, which closes immediately after pressing Esc or keying STOP at the “EMTP
begins:” prompt. DBOS is loaded and removed automatically using the proposed settings.

EEUG News Februar 1996 13

Program Information

Fig. 1

7. Repeat steps 4-6 to prepare for comparable shortcuts to TPPLOT and PCPLOT. The only
difference is use of
for TPPLOT and PCPLOT, respectively.

You may change to "full screen" mode of Screen properties, but you can easily switch
between full screen and window modes later by pressing Alt+Enter. Activate "Always
suspend" Memory properties, which is mandatory for TPPLOT and suggested for
PCPLOT. Using PCPLOT in a window allows the display of signals from two or more
.PL4 files at the same time.

Set the Program properties of ATPDRAW as follows:

Working: C:\ATPDRAW
Batch file: C:\ATP\PRG\W95DBON.BAT
Changing to "full screen" mode is mandatory because ATPDRAW does not work properly
in a DOS window. Setting Display=VGA640x480 in the GIGS.INI file also seems to be
necessary, because the higher resolution SVGA and VESA modes cause display memory
overlapping. When user selects ATP+Run ATP in ATPDRAW, the file ATP.BAT in the
C:\ATPDRAW directory is executed. The preferred content of this .BAT file is as

14 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

cd c:\atpdraw\atp
c:\dbos.dir\run77.exe c:\atp\prg\tpbig /PARAMS %2
rem c:\dbos.dir\run77.exe c:\atp\prg\tpp.exe
cd c:\atpdraw
8-9. Rebooting and running DBOS manually from a DOS prompt is not necessary.

Fig. 2 shows a Win95 Desktop with all four components of the ATP-EMTP package running
simultaneously, each in its own window.


3 Salford ATP speed under Win95

Two 486 DX2-66 clones with 8MB of RAM have been used for testing ATP speed under
different operating systems (MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows 95). One of these machines
uses a Cyrix processor and Cirrus video card whereas the other has an Intel processor and Tseng
Labs video card. Time in seconds spent inside the time step loop of DC1.DAT is shown in
Table 1. These figures show that simulation speed depends significantly on the type of the main
processor and -- if the output is sent to the screen -- on the type of the video card, too. If output
is sent only to disk, speed seems to be platform- independent. But if output is sent to the screen,
there is a meaningful loss of speed under Windows 95.

EEUG News Februar 1996 15

Program Information

Table1: Time spent in the time step loop in [sec]

Operating MS-DOS MS Windows 3.1 MS-Windows 95
Output is full screen window full screen DOS-mode window full screen
sent to:
DISK 51(1)/33(2) 51(1)/33(2) 50(1)/32(2) 50(1) 52(1) 52(1)
SCREEN 59(1)/52(2) 72(1)/63(2) 65(1)/57(2) 56(1) 86(1) 59(1)
Hardware: Cx486 DX2-66-S processor, Cirrus CL5428 (local bus) video card
Hardware: Intel 486 DX2-66 processor , Tseng Labs ET3000 video card

4 Time-sharing and stability

No, unfortunately, quality time-sharing of ATP is not yet available. In theory, the windowed
environment of Windows 95 provides time-sharing. However, the Salford compiler that
continues to be used by program developers is version 2.66, and there has not yet been a report
of successful time-sharing of the resulting ATP under Win95. If the "Always suspend"
restriction is cleared in the Misc Properties sheet, TPBIG starts to run in a background window,
but surely will crash after a little task switching (initiated by either Alt+Tab or a mouse click on
the task bar). If this happens, all work of the user might be lost because operation of the
computer can not be recovered without pressing the reset switch.

5 Conclusion
The present version of Salford ATP does run under Windows 95, with some constraints. Time-
sharing can not be allowed! This means simulation advances only when the ATP window is
active, and it sleeps whenever some other application is active in the foreground. While not the
best, this "semi-multitasking" has some advantages over running ATP under MS-DOS without
Win95. For example, there is no need to re-load TPBIG.EXE every time a new execution is
desired, and task switching between ATP and other Windows applications is much faster; it
requires just a mouse click on the launch pad. Until the problem of inadequate time-sharing
might be solved, those who perform ATP simulation under Win95 are advised either:
1) not to try to time-share during on-going simulation, or
2) to use Watcom ATP from NYPA rather than Salford ATP and DBOS.

6 Acknowledgement
Author's EMTP activity is partly supported by the Hungarian Research Fund under contract No.
OTKA F017479, titled "Research of simulation methods of power systems transients".

7 References
[1] Meredith, R.J.: ATP for OS/2, Windows NT and Windows 95 on Intel PC Platforms,
European EMTP-ATP Users Group News, EUG News Vol. 1 (1995), no. 3/4, pp. 9-15.
[2] Kizilcay, M.: Easy Installation of ATP on an Intel-based PC under MS DOS/MS Windows,
European EMTP-ATP Users Group News, EUG News Vol. 1 (1995), no. 3/4, pp. 16-18.

16 EEUG News Februar 1996

Program Information

Enhancement of ATP Execution under MS DOS /

MS Windows 3.xx

Mustafa Kizilcay FB Elektrotechnik

Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany Albrechtstr. 30
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Fax +49 541 969-3070
Email: kizilcay@hermes.rz.fh-osnabrueck.de

I n cooperation with Dr. W. Scott Meyer a common DOS environmental variable called
ATPDIR has been introduced to TPBIG, TPPLOT and PCPLOT in order to access necessary
program files like STARTUP, LISTSIZE.DAT, from any directory on MS DOS PC’s.

The environmental variable ATPDIR is defined by using SET command of MS DOS either in
AUTOEXEC.BAT or later, when DOS Extender DBOS is loaded using DBON.BAT. It should
specify the complete path, where the program files are installed on hard disk, e.g.


The last character of the string indicating the complete path must be “\” as shown above.

The use of APPEND is no longer needed, which might cause problems under MS Windows
3.xx. When PATH to the ATP program including TPPLOT and PCPLOT, and to Salford DOS
Extender DBOS is defined in AUTOEXEC.BAT, e.g.


and ATPDIR is set, then TPBIG, TPPLOT and PCPLOT can be executed from any directory.
The output (*.LIS) and plot files (*.PL4) will be created in the directory, where ATP is
executed. When ATPDIR is not specified or cancelled by entering SET ATPDIR=, then ATP
behaves like previous program versions.

This feature is available with the program files distributed to the EEUG members and created at
(or later):

TPBIG.EXE 28-March-1996
TPPLOT.LIB 08-April-1996
PCPLOT.EXE (Version 6.40) 04-April-1996

Additionally, TPBIG, TPPLOT and PCPLOT can be started from within ATPDRAW by
changing to the desired directory via batch-files ATP.BAT and TPPLOT.BAT. A recent, not
released enhancement of batch-file execution enables to run data cases in an arbitrary directory
from ATPDRAW. In this case, TPPLOT.BAT and PCPLOT.BAT are dynamically created
within ATP.BAT each time as ATP is called by ATPDRAW.

EEUG News Februar 1996 17


Review of some useful shareware/freeware programs

related to the work with ATP

Mustafa Kizilcay FB Elektrotechnik

Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany Albrechtstr. 30
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany
Fax +49 541 969-3070
Email: kizilcay@hermes.rz.fh-osnabrueck.de

T here is a huge amount of shareware/freeware software available through anonymous FTP

file servers around the world. As experienced by the author, it is difficult and time
consuming to test each available software, which seems useful with regard to ATP simulation.
As a result of some years experience, certain programs proved to be very useful and easy to

In the following, important programs selected by the author are summarized. Partly, they are
provided with the floppy disk GIVE2 of ATP distribution. The origin of other programs can be
asked from the EEUG Association. The first two free programs were created directly for ATP
use, whereas the remaining utilities are general-purpose programs.

LISTODAT Recover an ATP Data File from the Output Printer File
LISTODAT is a utility written by Bruce Mork to recover an ATP data file (the
"DAT") from the output printer file (the "LIS"). This first was mentioned in the
April, 1992, issue of the Can/Am EMTP Newsletter. Operation is so simple that
user instructions are not required. The program will prompt for names of the
input and output files. Progress of the conversion is monitored by a digital
readout during execution. LISTODAT is used frequently by the author to create a
complete data case file, if an ATP data case is assembled from partial files via
$INCLUDE statements.

GENPL4 Conversion of Measured Transient Data into PL4 Plot File Format
GENPL4 written by Mustafa Kizilcay enables to create a plot file in PL4 format
of digitally measured and recorded signals. The transient data must have been
recorded with constant sampling period and must be available in tabular form in
text (Ascii) format.

LIST A File Viewing and Browsing Utility

Vernon D. Buerg’s LIST program is used to display files on your monitor, line by
line with the aid of scrolling, positioning and filtering commands under MS DOS.
It can be used as a file management program to copy, move, delete files. The
video mode of the graphics card set by the user will be kept by the LIST program.
Output files (*.LIS) created by ATP with 132-column width can be viewed using
LIST in a convenient way, when the text mode with 132 characters per screen line
is set before calling LIST.

18 EEUG News Februar 1996


PERUSE Screen Scrolling Utility

PERUSE is a memory resident program that captures and saves screen
information as it scrolls off the top of the screen. Once loaded, pressing the
ScrollLock key will put you into redisplay mode. You can then use the cursor keys
to browse through scrolled screen data.

FC File Comparison Utility

Mike Albert’s FC program compares two text files and lists the differences
between them line by line. FC can show word by word differences between lines
that have changed. It can ignore white space changes. The differences can be
displayed on the screen by highlighting them or they can be sent into a file, which
is suitable for further editing.

GLE Interactive Graphics Language Editor

GLE (freeware) is a high quality graphics package for scientists, combining a user
friendly interface with a full range of facilities for producing publication quality
graphs, diagrams, posters and slides. Complex pictures can be drawn with user
defined subroutines and simple looping structures. GLE provides LaTeX quality
fonts together with a flexible graphics module which allows the user to specify
any feature of a graph (logarithmic scaling of the axes down to the line width of
the subticks, for example). Supported graphic outputs are PostScript, HPGL,
Epson, Epson 24pin, HP Deskjet.

PFE Programmer’s File Editor

PFE (freeware) is a programmer-oriented text editor for Windows that has wide
application in all areas needing the ability to edit files including ATP input data
cases. PFE is a standard Windows Multiple Document Interface (MDI)
application, which means that you can operate it in the same way as any other
standard Windows application. It features many powerful facilities, which are
very useful for working with ATP. For example, Salford ATP can be started from
the editor using the menu botton Execute DOS command and Capture Output.
The screen output of ATP is then captured automatically. The properties of the
DOS Window, in which ATP is run, can be adjusted for ATP use by means of the
PIF editor. Similarly, the feature Lunch Windows or DOS Application enables to
run TPPLOT or PCPLOT from the PFE editor without capturing screen output.
Viewing of 132-column ATP .LIS files is not tedious, since the screen font and
font size can be selected by the user. Further, user-defined templates are supported
by the editor, which could be very useful to create templates of input data formats
of various ATP components.

The program is distributed in two separate editions to suit the system you are
running it on:
 The 16-bit Edition is designed for IBM PC compatible systems running
Windows 3.1x or Windows for Workgroups 3.1x
 The 32-bit Edition is distributed in two separate release sets : one is designed
for Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 on Intel processors, and one is

EEUG News Februar 1996 19


designed for Windows NT 3.51 on PowerPC platforms.

WINEDIT An ASCII Text Editor for Windows

WinEdit (shareware) is an ASCII text editor capable of editing numerous ASCII
text files of an almost unlimited size (limited only by available Windows
memory). WinEdit is first and foremost a programmer's editor, with many
features designed for creating and maintaining program source code. As an ASCII
text editor, WinEdit allows you to open numerous text files at once, print half
sized "two-up" pages side by side in landscape orientation, print headers and
footer text (document name, date and time, page number), merge files together,
and word wrap your text to the size of the window.

PRINTGL A Shareware Pen Plotter Emulator for IBM/DOS Systems

PrintGL prints an HP-GL (HP Graphics Language - HP 7475, 7440/17440
subsets) plotfile on a matrix printer. HP-GL is widely supported by graphics
programs including AutoCAD, Generic CADD, MathCAD, SAS, Schema, and
many more. PrintGL has drivers for Epson and IBM compatible 9 pin printers,
Epson, IBM, NEC, and Toshiba compatible 24 pin printers, HP Laserjet, Deskjet,
PaintJet, QuietJet, and plotters, IBM ExecJet, Quietwriter 2/3, and LaserPrinter,
Canon LBP and BJ printers, Kodak Color 4, and PostScript printers. It will also
display plots with a CGA, EGA, VGA, EVGA, or HGC, and output a .PCX or
.IMG file.

EZC Data Conversion Utility

EZ Conversion utility allows to convert length, area, volume, weight and
temperature given in any known unit to a desired unit interactively.

20 EEUG News Februar 1996

People and Profiles

Members of the EEUG Executive Board

The rubric People and Profiles aims for introduction of ATP users to readers. In this issue,
Executive Board members, Prof. Bernd R. Oswald (treasurer), Dr. Murari M. Saha (secretary)
and Dr. Søren Støvring-Hallson (member) are presented with their biographies and activities in
alphabetical order.

B ERND R. OSWALD was born in May 1941. He studied

electrical engineering electrical machines and drives) at
the University of Technology of Dresden and received the
Dip.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering in 1967. After
graduation Prof. Oswald joined the scientific staff of the
Institute of Power Systems at the same university, where he
received the Dr.-Ing. degree in 1972 and the Dr.-Ing. habil.
degree in 1981. From 1987 to 1992 he was associate professor
at the Institute of Power Systems of the University of
Technology of Leipzig and in 1990 he became the director of
the same institute. Since 1992 Bernd R. Oswald is full
professor and head of the Institute of Power Systems at the
University of Hannover. He published several books about
power system analysis and computation of transients in power
systems (in German).

The main research areas of this institute include power system analysis and computation
methods. The most recent research projects and publications concern:

• modelling of power system devices and simulation of power systems based on both,
state-space equations and a set of algebraic and state-space equations,
• design and application of superconducting devices in electrical power systems,
• network studies and simulation and testing of protection relays.

Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Oswald is member of VDE and CIGRE, member of CIGRE Working Group
(SC 38: System Analysis and Techniques), member of the Technical Program Committee of
PSCC and member of the Editorial Board of ETEP.

EEUG News Februar 1996 21

People and Profiles

M URARI MOHAN SAHA was born in 1947 Bangladesh.

He received B.Sc.E.E. from Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka in 1968 and
completed M.Sc.E.E. in 1970. From 1969 to 1971 he was a
lecturer at the department of Electrical Engineering at BUET,
Dhaka. In 1972, he completed M.S.E.E. and in 1975 he was
awarded with Ph.D. from the Technical University of Warsaw,
Poland. He joined ASEA, Sweden in 1975 as Development
Engineer and currently is a Senior Research and Development
Engineer at ABB Network Partner AB, Västerås, Sweden. He is a
Senior Member of IEEE and a Member of IEE. He is a registered
European Engineer (EUR ING) and a Chartered Engineer (Ceng).
His areas of interest are measuring transformers, power system analysis and simulation, and
digital protective relays.

Dr. Saha was a member of the Steering Committee of Leuven EMTP Center(LEC), Leuven,
Belgium. At Present, he is a member of the Executive Board (EB) of the European EMTP/ATP
Users Group (EEUG), Germany, as well as the Secretary of the EEUG/EB.

S ØREN STØVRING-HALLSSON was born in 1960 in Hørsholm which is located

approximately 20 km north of Copenhagen in Denmark. Dr. Søren Støvring-Hallsson
received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1985 and 1988 respectively from the
Technical University of Denmark. Both his M.Sc. and Ph. D. thesis dealt with various aspects of
transients in power systems. Dr. Støvring-Hallsson received his B. Business Administration
from the Copenhagen School of Commerce in 1992. In 1988 he joint Elkraft Power Company
Ltd. where worked as a project engineer first working within the area of power plant design and
protection and later within the area of transmission planning and system studies.

In 1994 Dr. Støvring-Hallsson joint NESA, the largest transmission and distribution company in
Denmark, where he is holding the position as manager for the transmission planning and system
studies group. The transmission planning and system studies group is responsible for overall
transmission planning for the east danish transmission system as well as simulation of dynamics
and transients in the system.

Dr. Støvring-Hallsson is presently the chairman of the study group for operational issues in
NORDEL, he is also a member of CIGRE and IEEE and a member of CIGRE working groups
14.22 and 14.29.

In the last three years Dr. Støvring-Hallsson has been heavily involved with the design and
integration into the AC systems of the Kontek HVDC Interconnection between Germany and

22 EEUG News Februar 1996

Technical Papers

Modelling a RL Parallel Circuit Using Type-94 Iterated


Laurent Dubé 7000 Rowan Road, P.O. Box 848

DEI Simulation Software, U.S.A. Neskowin, Oregon 97149
Phone: +1 503 392 4551
Fax: +1 503 392 4575
E-mail: dube@peak.org

A useful application of a type-94 component is to represent a component by circuit elements

where the values of the elements need to vary during the simulation. This note describes
how to represent in a model a R//L circuit using a type-94 iterated component.

The inputs to the type-94 are:

v an estimate of the branch voltage supplied by ATP

v0 and i0 the branch voltage and current at time t=0

The model has to calculate:

i the corresponding branch current

didv the instantaneous branch conductance

It is simple to express i/v as a Laplace transform, using the s-admittance of the circuit:

1 1
  R  sL
R sL sRL

To calculate the instantaneous conductance G, we can apply the bilinear transformation to the
circuit equation using the trapezoidal rule of integration:
1 1
iR  v iL  v i  i R  iL
R sL

Rewriting the equation for iL as L·diL/dt = v or L·diL = vdt and using

EEUG News Februar 1996 23

Technical Papers

t0 present value of time t

t1 previous value of time (t - t)

and integrating both sides from t1 to t0 using the trapezoidal rule for vdt we have
(v0 v1)
L(i0L i1L)  (t0  t1)

Replacing (t0-t1) by timestep t, and re-arranging, we have:

t (v  v )  i
0 1 1L

i L(t) 
t v(t)  term(t  t)

The instantaneous conductance is the sum of the conductances for R and L:

didv  G 
R 2L

which is equivalent to replacing s by 2/t in Y(s).

The model called by the type-94 component in the ATP circuit could then be written as follows:

MODEL variable_R_L

comment -----------------------------------------------------------------
| ____ |
| Internal circuit: 1-2 : R//L | | |
| 1 o o 2 |
| |____| |
| |
| Built for use as a 1-branch type-94 iterated component |
-------------------------------------------------------------- endcomment

comment -----------------------------------------------------------------
| First, declarations required for any type-94 iterated model |
| (the values of these data and input are loaded automatically by ATP) |
| (the values of these outputs are used automatically by ATP) |
| (the names may be modified, except 'n') |
| (when built for n=1, the array notation is not required) |
---------------------------------------------------------------- endcomment
DATA n -- number of node pairs
n2 {dflt: n*n} -- number of matrix elements

INPUT v -- guessed voltage across terminals 1-2

v0 -- steady-state voltage across terminals 1-2
i0 -- steady-state current into terminal 1

24 EEUG News Februar 1996

Technical Papers

VAR i -- calculated current into terminal 1

didv -- calculated conductance 1-2

OUTPUT i, didv
comment -----------------------------------------------------------------
| Next, declarations of user-defined data for this particular model |
| (values which must be defined when using this model as |
| a type-94 component) |
---------------------------------------------------------------- endcomment
DATA ... -- parameters needed when using the model

comment -----------------------------------------------------------------
| Next, declarations private to the operation of this model |
--------------------------------------------------------------- endcomment
VAR st -- used for converting Laplace s to time domain
R, L -- and any other variables needed in the procedure

st := 2/timestep -- trapezoidal rule conversion from Laplace
calculation of initial values of R and L
-- the following initializations are needed for the Laplace function
histdef(v) := v0
histdef(i) := i0

calculation of new values of R and L at this time
LAPLACE(i/v) := (R|s0 +L|s1)/(R*L|s1) -- i(s)=Y(s).v(s)
didv := 1/R + 1/(st*L) -- di/dv = G(t)

EEUG News Februar 1996 25

Technical Papers

A Neural Network Vacuum Circuit Breaker Model

for Simulation of Transient Overvoltages

Janko Kosma, Peter unko Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Traška 25
61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

26 EEUG News Februar 1996

Technical Papers

Investigation of Transformer Differential Protection

Schemes by Using ATP-Models

Murari Mohan Saha, Birger Hillström S-72171 Västeras, Sweden

ABB Network Partner, Sweden

Bogdan Kasztenny, Eugeniusz Rosoowski Wybrzee Wyspianskiego 27

Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland 50-370 Wroclaw, Polen

EEUG News Februar 1996 33

Technical Papers

State Space Simulation of Transients using a Transmission

Line Model with Frequency Dependent Parameters

Lutz Hofmann Insitut für Elektrische Energieversorgung

University of Hannover, Germany Welfengarten 1
D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Voice phone +49 511 762 2808
Fax phone +49 511 762 2369
Email: luho@server.iee.uni-hannover.de

40 EEUG News Februar 1996

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