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SERS 3000: EARTHNORKS AND. PAVEMENT LAVEAS OF GRAVEL OF GAUSHED ‘STONE ‘SECTION 3600 : CRUSHED STONE BASE Part ofo oer the fl th of the existing aya. 2002 MATERIALS (2) Reqsicerent for oushed aggregate ‘CONTENTS “he agoragste used for eushacstone base shall comply 3001 SCOPE wih th equerents spate in abies 2502/1 and 2502 202 MATERALS snd in subclause 9602)b) 1% shall rot contain any ‘5608 TRIAL SECTION AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS ‘BEFORE THE CRUSHED STONE LAYER MAY BE consraucreD 3004 CONSTRUCTION 3509 PROTECTION AND MANTENANCE {3608 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES 3807 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP ‘3608 MEASUREVENT ANO PAYWENT 501 SCOPE This section covers tha pring, Rerishng and pacing of ‘approved crshod stne ontop of he completa aupbace, land constucing acrushed-stone basen acnordance with the requirmans of thee spenfeatons. This section also. covers the replacement of the reprocessing of existing crushedstone layers (Wilh oF without addon of approved tosh crushed stone) over fal such a6 westhered os, ea, shal rica. Arglaceous rocks may ony be usa if ected in writen ) Solu ats ©) Theperseniage of ube satin the material shall be subject othe flowing provisos Unrated mate (< 67 mm ration) Witwaloerand quart: Ghahed stone and mine and Whore the pH < 60, shal bo tated wit imo unt PH = 10, and thn used, (he aggregate ie normaly {ated at tho crusher, andthe pH exceeds 10 a that ‘ago, tho decroes0 which wil oso laern, tall ba Ianered should train = 81) ier the pH = 60, te mari is ured as tis Tobie aen2r2 10% FINES AGGREGATE CAUSHING VALUES atc oy wet ey eto Nonstocous ow 79% ‘Sticeous amenting How 73% ‘materia ‘ON 70% lt) ‘allaceous rooks 100 4 125 4 7 ther rock types 10K 78 Table 2002/3 AGGREGATE CRUSHING VALUE Fook type Av. max ‘Arenasecus : without silenous comeing matic ak ‘Aenaceous with sicecus cementing mati 29% Diamiats (ita) 2% iaosous rocks 2% hor ro ty 2% 0004 Table 35021 (CFUSHED STONE BASE AND SUBBASE: NATERIAL REQUREMENTS TYPE OF WATER MATERIAL [CHARACTERISTIC St @ a Sound eck Yom an approved | Sound tok boulders or coarsa | Sound rook, bouldaw or cowrea PARENT quary, ocean, sound mine | gravel, grovel MATERIAL ck tom mine dump, or ean riy fins ousted tom the | May contain up t 10% by mass | May contin up to 76% by mass of J ADOIMONAL samo sound parent rock may ba | of approved natural res not | approved natal nes rat obtaired FINES ‘ded fr grading coracton | necessary obtaned om parent | fom parent root. Added tines shal provided that added tines shai | rook. Added fines shallhave LL [nave @ not exceeding 25 and PI have aLLrot exceeding 26 and | rot exceasing 25 and Pinot | not exceeding & Pinot exeeeding exceeding 6 ‘STRENGTH “O% Fines Agrogate Grating Value (10% FACT, dearmined in socordanon wih THEN method B2, eal be not less than the appropiate value In table 26022, calumn 3. The Aggregat Croshed value (ACV), dsermied in accordance with TMH methed Bi, hal not exosed the approprat vale hy tbla 260200. DORA The mate shal comply wih the requiemeis in lum 8, 4 and Sof able 36022. FLAKRESS NOE Fakness Index, determined in acordance wih Tit meted BS, shall net exceed 35 on st the-255 + 18mm tactlon andthe -19 + 182mm acon, FRACTURED FACES [Altace chal be actured feces, |For eushed maa at oat GOR by Tass fhe Waalne tained on ch staat alve 475 ra and niger shal have at oat one. {retard ac, FRACTION | LL aha not orenod 2 LL shal not nosed 6, shal not exe 25 tem) | Pesta net oxomed 5. Pr shal not exceed 6. shall not exceed 6. LG shal not exceed In aden th aritnetc mea of | LS shal nat exoeed 3 arrensenc | “0425 Jin adcion te arithmetic mean | the Pr for otf 6 tess) eva | inthe caae of eae the Paha tars ofthe Psfor alot (rin 6 toss) | not exceed 45, not exccd 8 Shall not exceed 4, US chal not exceed 3% (6 pasting 0,425 ram seve) LS 20 “D.aTS | Tho Pl shall ot exceed 12, Whe Plexccods Te the mater shall be | chamiea modifeaion ie requred chemialy mode. Afr chemical medication the Plot the minus | the Plof the G75 mm fraction = 2 ‘75 mim action shall not exoaed 8. ster modicaton shal not exceed ‘0. ‘SOLUBLE BATTS See adaional requernons TNOMENAL MARIN SIZE 75mm eam smn Extn Nominal | Pocoriage passing ove, by | Percentage pacing sow, by | Povanlage passing Hove by mass” peruse | mass mast exe of sove em) | 78 700, 10, 100, | 285 2-08 Cad me 10 180 71-84 7-64 7186 3 ayn 132 75 B78 5075 Tine 75 me ass 36755 280 2.00 2-40 20 23-40 as aes 11-24 11-24 112 wer | ‘007s ae 2 ane or ‘GOARGE AND RATIO (SEE | Sha not be lows than 36% and | Shall pot Doles than GUN and’ [Ghul nol be fos han 35% and = 4 DEFINITION IN shall not exceed 80% in respect | shall ot exceed SO% in vespect ef | shall ot exceed 80% in reapect of | SUBSUBCLALSE ofthe tage gracing, the target ising ne target gracing 3602feV0(8)) ‘COMPACTION Minium of 88% of apparent | Wirimurn of 85% ot Bul relaive | OOW or OOK of modiied ANGHTO, REQUIREMENTS. relative density donsty, analy (ae epee). a4 “able 3402/1 FEQUIREMENTS FOR TYPES G8 TO.G8 MATERIALS oescrenoworuarens. [ancinayeseuag ne race] ttaush nay mks ae Saye oa a Tre apn ale eA atest stones Sana Perera sey Pt eg saa 0 Urabed a3 7 onsale ©) cami mn 268m |e) ue sat competi ttsowecommee patos toe | taut sono onset ihe’ | Witepaaseamrord ) Pat a 3m a snp tet ‘hanue pend pe ester Shi oy ave cn o gerard oe . eae sats paar ah a sete ted |i | hoa] ‘mao en mae | ett ae ERE MO aac rere et ed feo Faberge nits 0 Te na secon wh epee Teun ecmton Ietowes herd pep eS rmton2S iy Vater ‘ey nna hs Sama arated ARTO cy smear 0 rater su, pase lnc atoms eps TRPRSTON GARGS or ER pt Sd MASTS ‘teystarna aes oe ‘4002 ‘obi 540272 EQUIREMEITS FOR TYPES G7 To.69 MATERIALS Teor an eanrrnopuman | ROR Pos pe Tarmac Fal edgar) | Nasal fh oT [conus nes een aaa Teer 0 Tred mwa Tw tarateo | Woah de cmp nen | Fs cbs cesmanS faces mm frac ‘copes aye nea 5 Sets aon wD a By sae aFs Beane oe aaa rate nti int hitm| watnarhe aigus txwcow vee [wenn tions maken te i eamectowntner oir mt |Pecartcucen memes |S cea peddiatoetmmrmetts (ene Fpactnetetnene [nesta a rat eng 04 no «St SGN acre fran neon" | crane ee Tien teva ne ea oo BE ore yo0n Sige ave [eaters Te amy [aan TOT ae tke nadine AGNTOtowny | emt kl oat NTO ay sal a a oS TTETTO TO sy Petes Yan Satoaloces ton tates SOMERTON REGORDAENS | Tsay pores ol he Rp ened wal bs aie swe TOT mT OT sy ev fg sta cog renamai nt pees weber ‘Tobie 340272 DURABILITY REGUIREMENTS FOR G4 MATERAL war MaRS oF oR ‘LERBLTY ML AODCONORON |W PISRNG 9S an STE ARENT ‘uray Wa Te peau Sapam a = = rer = = (ony nha Anatom el et ma a 0) Feige mn = = 4003 ‘SERIES 9000: EARTHWORKS AND _ PAVEMENT LAYERS OF GRAVEL OF CRUSHED ‘STONE SECTION 2400 : PAVEMENT LIVERS OF GRAVEL MATERIAL CcoNTENTS 3401 sooPe 302 MATERIALS. 3403 CONSTRUCTION 3404 PROTECTION AND MANTENANCE ‘3405 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES ‘3405 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP {407 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1 tholder wth natural gravel anor Crushed or partally erushed mate and’ ako gravel ‘wearing courte. Crused-tone babe is epesied fn ‘ton 2600. Thi szcton sleo coves the renabtation of axing ‘pavemonts ayers over part ox over the ful oad with ‘wall asthe widening of existing pavement layers aio ‘overs the ation of material to exsting yea es ‘pected in subsubslause 320706, 2402 MATERNLS. (9) Gono Gravel mati sha be btsines from approved oureae Im borow areas, cuts or sisting pavement layers. Tests hae been made on potentel borow pte, cut and en the Tosdbed slong the conte tne ofthe rout envisaged. and the ebuts ave elected on the crawings, whieh als show the ute for which he mao could portly be stab. The type of mate! prescribed and used for the ‘conatuetion ofeach pavement Iyer shal copy wi the requirements aot out In tablos 3402, 340272 34027 an ‘3402! unloss ethon/oe apeciied In the pcject ‘2poctteatons. [Netulthetaning he indiatone onthe drawings regaring ‘th possible use ofthe soures of natural materiel testa Itshal be incurbert on the coriactorto ure only mates ‘wtih comple wih the presoibed requirments fuse in ‘the relevant pavement ayers Winere natural gravel does not fly comply wih the Fequltemerts In respect of maxinum sire aftr hang Dena broken down as determined in stause 3208, versie ‘material shal be removed us specie’ in cause 3210, Gravel mater forpavernrt layers may leo be mates! recovered from existing pavernert layers, or impeted rates spproved by the engineer Crushed stone reclaimed from existing pavements end precessec as ‘gravel mato wl be palé for as gravel mal end wot Brorehed done. Materals om existing pavement wil be classed forthe purposes of thie secon ao non-cementod mattial of emsnted mst [ae speotied In elause 2609), 01 ‘mater iced is bituminous eutcing material. For syment purpeces_mateial mixes. with buminous Ecrfaong malt il be dofned as metal contsining ‘more than f0% a surfacing material by vlume. ‘atures of surfacing and ether mate used in pavement Inver shal ot eontsin more tan 30% of auch sracing matera! by voUme, unless otherwse apectieg. The ‘ateral shall ot conan iagrents of surfacing materia) fxceading 37:5 men fs, and ary such larger regrets ‘halle moved by hand nthe expanse of fe convect (0) [Rompaion eee “The minimum inst chy deny of gravel mato shall bo 18 specied herent frthe respective layer In terms of ® peveontage ef modied AASHTO densi. Selected layer (te note t below) Lower clected ner, 69% or $8, 2 oquire. Sand 100% Upperslectistayer | 90% oF 85%. a reque. Send 10% Subbese 95% or 978.28 requled for material not chemealy stabized. 5% or S6, aaequied, tor chemically stabilized ms [78 G8, sa required for chemically stabilized ‘Shoulder & wening course: St 0 88 qi, ‘nrestlcted areas pavement yer constuctad lh gavet ‘material shal omply Wi the dens requirments specie in the prfetspecfeatons. (©) Sokdblestinty han apes in the projet apecintions. the solu ‘ainty of base material aha be subjec! to. the requirements of tubeaute 26020), Nowe (0) The equrements of sudlause 23020) shal apply 1 sand used fer tha constuction of elected ayers (2) hn the case of very coarse materia the in es ey Gers ot which aannet be easly determined the encineet ‘may order that selected layers be compacted by eight roller passes as deserbed in ubclause 39040), in whieh tease no defrite in st dy dest shall app woos Taba 40244 irri (simu weet ore angen) 0 teas coast nde aro cnptn Bas Tr = ete rset anata AT 5, = Uehara 5 Je3 = pero paning 288 np atin 8 mms agg AE n> le 300285, REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEANCALLY STABIUZED PAVEMENT LAYERS ear a = Sy Ta Rencaaniy | hveioe say "ais Say Deson sea) {key ce tegh 1) aematmattagaasirosinsty | nhs 4 ai ir ten :98 area : TH a Fog anna oan Fa ana an Gg a aN Teevcguemas ne pes pane

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