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These documents are intended only for

the personal use of existing owners of the

game for additional reference. The
scanner of this booklet makes no claim
whatsoever to the rights of the publisher
and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids.
Artwork from the original game is
copyrighted by the publisher and used
without permission. This PDF may not be
re-posted online, sold or used in any way
except for personal use

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Published by Knight Models

Adventure Game

Game Components
Assembly Instructions
Game Overview
The Basics
Copyright © 2018 ].K. ROWLING'S WIZARDING WORLD. All characters, their distinctive likenesses
The Character Card.
and related elements featured in this publication are trademarks of J.K. Rowling. Their stories, characters
and incidents featured in this publication are entirely fictional. Copyright © Knight Models. All Rights Phases
Reserved. Publised by Knight Models under license from Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Any inquiries
should be addressed to Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc c/o Knight Models. Attacks
Printed in Spain. Magic
ISBN: 978-84-17531-69-0 Potions
Depdsito Legal: DL B 15559-2018
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form Challenges
or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews
and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Markers
You can find more of our products in:
Organizing Your Group
Follow us on:
Special Rules
Twitter: @knightmodels
Special Game Cards e
HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia Game Modes
. WW
t*"° J?
are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD:
J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Publishing Rights © JKR. [si8)
Scenarios n
Miniatures Damage Markers Cooldown Clock

Effect Markers Power Points

Objective Markers

|ÿ1§ .


Acromantula Markers
Dice (for Cooperative Mode)
Representing Models In Cooperative Mode

Adventure Potion Spell

Cards Cards Cards Character
v J
/ÿ pgr



This box contains all the pieces required to assemble the basic Harry Potter Miniatures
Adventure Game. To glue High Quality Resin pieces together, use cyanoacry glue.

We have cast these miniatures using the most advanced tecniques, but due to the nature
of the casting process your model may have small modi-lines or pieces of 'flash' on the
surface. These are easily removed with a hobby knife or file caution is advised when
handling sharp knives.
Ilarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

'e Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game is a competitive board

game, which you guide your group of witches and wizards through
challenges, quests and battles in the Wizarding World. Side with
Dumbledore's Army, the Order of the Phoenix, or the Death Eaters; take part
in magic duels; do battle while riding broomsticks - the only limit is your

Playing the Game

In the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game, you are able to move your models freely
around beautifully detailed gameboards, representing locations from the Wizarding World.
Models utilize a range of abilities, spells and potions to give you a tactical edge over
your opponents.

The object of the game is to resolve Challenges and complete Quests, which award each
side Victory Points. The player with the most Victory Points at the end of the game
wins. However, this is complicated by your opponents, who will be trying to stop you
while pursuing their own goals.

The Miniatures
The most important components of the game are the miniatures, often referred to as
'models' in the rules that follow. Knight Models offers faithful miniature representations
of the characters from the Harry Potter movie saga. Each miniature is supplied with its
corresponding base and a Character Card containing all the essential information required
for using the model in the game.

You canplay games with your miniatures straight out of the box, but that ' s only the first
step on the road to a wider hobby. Many players love to paint their models, producing
lovingly painted pieces like those you'll see in the photographs throughout this book. At
Knight Models, we think the reward is completely worth the effort. We know that you'll
enjoy the hobby just as much as we do!
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Game Overview
1. Lay out one of the illustrated gameboards on a flat surface, such as a kitchen hether dueling at Hogwarts or fighting Death Eaters whilst
table or area of floor. The scenarios contained on page 68, will instruct you which flying over London, battles in the Wizarding World take place
gameboards you need, along with any special overlays or markers required. at breakneck speed - a whirling display of spell, counter-spell
2. Choose a Group of models(see page 42), and equip them with Upgrade cards and maneuver. To make sense of the fast-paced magical combat, we break the
(Spells, Potions, and Artefacts). Lay out each model's Character Card and Upgrades game into a series of 'rounds', during which players take it in turns to activate,
beside the board.
move and fight using the models in their group.
3. Shuffle the Event and Quest decks and place them face down at the side of the board.
4. Sort out all the tokens and markers and place them close to hand. Each round is further divided into phases', executed in the order shown below.
5. That's it - you're ready to play!

Round Sequence

1. Start Phase
2. Magic Phase
2.1 Replenish Power Pool
2.2 Pay Upkeep
2.3 Advance Cooldown Clock
3. Initiative Phase
4. Activation Phase
5. End Phase

When all players have completed one phase, everyone moves on to the next phase. When
all phases in the sequence are complete, a new round will start and the process begins
again. Rounds will go on until the scenario's 'round limit' is reached, at which point the
game ends.

m ifi

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Adjacent Spaces

BASICS Many rules require a model to be 'adjacent to' a model or marker, or to drop something
in 'an adjacent space'. This is exactly as it sounds: a space in contact with the one
occupied by the model. An adjacent space can also be considered 'range 1'.
Before diving into the rules, we'll establish some of the basic principles of
the game. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these.

In many situations, players will be required to work out the
QHB. rules,
Somesuch as range of an ability - the distance in spaces between the model
Range 0
certain Potions, have
anj -ts target j0 work out this distance, simply count all
This simply tÿe Spaces from y0ur moclel to the target, starting with an
in their description.
can only adjacent space, and ending on the target space (see example).
means that the user
(Range 0 is
target themselves
the models own space).
When calculating the range of a spell, attack or other
special rule, Difficult Terrain, Impassable Terrain, markers
and other models, are ignored (these features may, however,
prevent an attack or spell by blocking line of sight).

Dice rolls determine how the actions of your models turn out - e.g., how accurate their
spells are, how much damage they've inflicted, and so on.
A 'roll' is made with three dice. Some special abilities allow you to roll additional dice
- no matter how many such rules you have, you may never take a roll on more than four
dice. There is only one exception to this rule: the aptly named Mystery Dice. These are
explained on page 10.
A result of a 3+ on a die is 1 'Success'. In addition, the result of a 6 (sometimes marked
with a special Symbol, is not only a Success, but means you must immediately roll that
die again, and apply its result. For example, if you roll a 2, 4 and a 6 - for two Succes¬
ses - roll the 6 again. If that also scores a 3+, you score a total of 3 Successes. There
is no limit to the number of times rolling a 6 allows you to roll again - if the new roll
is also a 6, roll it again, and so on!

The Ron model is within 5 spaces of the Death-Eater model. The marker is within 6 spaces of the Death-Eater model.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Gameÿ> r ÿ
Rerolls Line of Sight
In some situations, the rules allow you to 'reroll' your dice. This is exactly how it sounds: 'Line of Sight' is a key concept in the game - it determines what a model can 'see' for
pick up all the dice you wish to reroll, and roll them again. The second score always the purposes of casting spells at a target model, or making attacks, among other things.
counts, even if it is worse than the first. No dice can be rerolled more than once (a To 'see' its target, a model must be able to trace two straight, uninterrupted and non-
Symbol can be rolled again even if it is the result of a reroll). intersecting imaginary lines, reaching from one corner of the space occupied by your
model, to two corners of the space occupied by the target (Line of Sight can be traced
Mystery Dice parallel along the edge of Impassable terrain or obstacles).

To represent the uncertainty of any battle situation - even a magical one - some rolls are
affected by Mystery Dice. Some special rules instruct you to add one or more Mystery
Dice to a roll. These dice are rolled alongside all the normal dice for the roll, although
you only ever roll up to two Mystery Dice. There are two types of Mystery Dice: Lucky
and Jinxed.

Lucky Mystery Dice: Roll these dice alongside all the other dice for your roll. When
selecting the dice used for the final result, choose the highest scoring dice.

Jinxed Mystery Dice: These dice are also rolled along with the others in a standard roll.
However, when selecting the dice for the final result, you must always choose the ones
with the lowest scores - they're jinxed!
In this example the Ron model can see the Death-Eater model.
When a Symbol is scored, first resolve the effects of the Mystery dice, and then if any
Symbol remains, resolve it.

In this example the Ron model can't see the Death-Eater model.

ll -- Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

The lines of sight can be traced from or to the corner


of any space. Models (friend or

Hairy Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

A model can trace line of sight through itself and through its target. Line of sight can be

foe) in the way are ignored. traced along the corner of a obstacle or Impassable terrain as long as the line does not
enter the Impassable terrain or cross through an edge completely covered by an obstacle.

In this example, the Ron model can see the Death-Eater model.

Line of sight is blocked by Obstacles and Impassable Terrain (i.e. if either of your lines
passes through a black edge). inmmmkWKm.wm 11
In this example the Ron model can see the Death-Eater model.

Lines of sight cannot be traced from or to a corner where there is any combination of
Obstacles and Impassable Terrain forming an intersection.

the Death-Eater model. In this example the Ron model can't see the Death-Eater model.
In this example the Ron model can't see

- -
JLmm Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Each model is accompanied by a unique Character Card, which
contains the following information:

The first sectionof the Character Card includes basic identifying information.
1. Name - This is always the 'real name' or an Alias of a given character. While you HOGWARTS HOGWARTS / DEATH EATERS
might have different versions of the same character in your miniature collection, you
can't include more than one model with the same Name in the same group.

2. Affiliation(s) - These the factions of the wizarding world with

which the model is affiliated (e.g., Hogwarts, Death Eaters, etc.).
A model may only join groups with which it has an affiliation.

3. Galleons - A model's value in Galleons is used when determining which models to

add to your group. See page \2 for more information on groups.



Ginny Weasley
0}T »C

Remove target
Apprentice Impassable Terrain

PSUniar Ivr.HJ? 3H.I fVH 13aow 3RX P3UnfHV

(eXj, Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Characteristics are a measure of how fast, skillful, tough, powerful and intelligent a model is. The Really Important Bit
4. Mastery - Mastery represents the model's spell-casting skill. The number of Wand symbols Due to the great flexibility and freedom afforded players, very occasionally you might
is the number of automatic Successes the model scores when taking Casting rolls. come across rules that seem to conflict with each other. Often, a careful re-reading of
5. Defense - This is the model's capacity to withstand attacks. The number of Shield symbols the rules will be enough to settle the issue. If any dispute arises, we encourage players
g| is the number of automatic Successes the model scores when taking a Defense roll. to settle the matter in the spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship engendered by the

6. Cunning - This the number of Power points the model adds or subtracts to its
is spirit of Hogwarts. If no agreement can be reached, we recommend that one player
rolls a die: on a result of 4+, their interpretation of the rule is right this time; on a
group's Power Pool. Some models possess more than one color in the Cunning value,
1, 2 or 3, the opposing player is right. Always remember that the aim of the game is
representing light and dark magic.
to have fun in a friendly, competitive spirit - and that means letting your opponent
7. Magic - This value is used to attempt Magic-based Challenges (see later), use
have fun too.
certain items and spells, and participate in wizarding Duels.

8. Courage - This value is used to attempt Courage-based Challenges (see later).

9. Wisdom - This value is used to attempt Wisdom-based Challenges (see later).
10. Temper - This value is used to attempt Temper-based Challenges (see later).

11. Traits - These are the special skills and innate abilities a model possesses. A full list
of Traits can be found on page 45.

This of the Character Card
section is used to keep track of the model's attacks, special
items and spells.

12. Innate Knowledge - These are Spells Attacks that the model knows automatically
(additional Spells and attacks can be found on Upgrade cards, selected before the game).
13. Item Slots - Artefact and Potion Cards are placed above the Character Card in the area We've all got both light and
indicated by the Item slots. Models have differing numbers of item slots, depending on dark inside us. What matters is
how dexterous or strong they are - Hermione, for example, has two Item slots. the part we choose to act on.
That's who we really are.
M. Spellbook - Spell Cards are placed under the Character Card in the area indicated by
the Spell slots, collectively forming the 'Spellbook'. Models have differing numbers - Sirius Black
of Spell slots, depending on their magical prowess.
iingÿfy - f Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

x — -

A new
round begins. Occasionally, certain effects must be
In the Initiative phase, players determine the order in which they take their turns. Each
side simply totals up the Cunning values of all their models currently in play. The side
with the highest total value gains the Initiative, and is the first to choose a model to
resolved in this phase. This is detailed later. activate in the next phase.

Once all Start phase effects are resolved, move on to the Magic phase.
In the unlikely event that the total Cunning values on both sides is equal, the Hero player
automatically gains the Initiative.

Magic In a game with more than two players, use the total Cunning value of the two sides to
determine Initiative as normal, and the players on the same side must decide between

PHASE themselves who gets to activate a model first.

Players must carry out the following three steps, in order, for all the
applicable models in their group before moving on to the next step.

1. Replenish Power Pool

Players their Power counters to their Power Pool, up to the maximum
must restore
value of the pool. More information on Power Pools can be found on page 31.

2. Pay Upkeep
Some spell effects require a power 'upkeep' - i.e., a number of Power counters must
be spent in order to maintain a spell effect already in play. If you do not (or cannot)
pay the Upkeep, the effect is removed from play.

3. Advance Cooldown Clock

Some spells are subject to a 'Cooldown' period when cast, meaning the spell cannot be
used again immediately once cast. This is illustrated by rotating the Cooldown Clock
marker clockwise in place on the Spell card to show how much time remains until it
can be cast again. More details can be found on page 33.
Ilarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

ACTIVATION Model Actions

While some models have unique actions available to them, or are granted special actions
through their Traits, spells, or equipment, the standard suite of available actions is

The plaver who was selected to go first now chooses one of their model to activate. summarized below.
Players then alternate model activations (one model on one side, one model on the other
side, and so on). Each model can only be activated once per round, and all of its actions n Basic Actions Free Actions
must be completed before moving on to the next model. Once all models in play have • Move Free actions are exactly that - actions
been activated, players will move on to the End phase. • Use Potion that can be performed in addition
to the Basic and Advanced Actions
Advanced Actions available to the model this round. If
Activating a Model • Attack a model has a Free Action, it will be
As soon as a player nominates a model to activate, it becomes 'active'. That model may
• Cast Spell detailed on one of its cards.
now take Actions in any order, and/or use their special traits and other abilities. Some
actions, such as 'Move', can be performed by any model. Others may only be performed
if a model has a specific item equipped, or a certain trait ('Use Potion', for instance, Move
relies on the model having a potion).
When performing a Move action, a model can move up to 3 spaces. You may move fewer
Unless the Character Card states otherwise, all models are able to perform 1 Basic Action spaces if you like, but you cannot exceed 3 unless a special rule permits it.
and 1 Advanced Action each round. The desired action is executed completely, before
another action is declared. Just about any combination is permissible (move and then
attack, use a potion and then cast a spell, cast a spell and then move, etc.), as long as
you have enough Actions remaining to carry them out. Once the model has spent all of
its Actions (or the player decides not to use any more), the activation is over, and the
next player chooses a model from their group to activate, following the same procedure.

A model can only be activated per round. If it is able to be activated, it must do

so, although it does not have to use any of its Actions if the player wishes. Once all
players have activated all of their models (whether or not they choose to act), move on
to the End phase.

The Ron model performs a Move action, and moves 2 spaces. The Ron model can end its move now, or
move one more space if the player wishes.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Models may move diagonally across spaces whose corners touch, treating this move as Models on Large Bases
1 space, as normal. If one of the adjoining spaces contains Impassable terrain or an
Obstacle, the diagonal move may still be completed. If both contain Impassable terrain Some models have large bases, which take up more than one space. These models must
or Obstacles, then diagonal movement is blocked.
be positioned so that their base is entirely contained within the designated spaces (see
examples). If any part of the model's base would enter terrain during movement, the
model is affected by the relevant terrain rules.

Models that take up more than one space on the gaming area cannot move diagonally.

A space occupied by another model is treated as 2 spaces for the purposes of movement.
However, a model cannot end its movement on a space occupied by another model.

In this example the Death-Eater

model wishes to move across the
Ron model, so it can only move
one more space after crossing the
space occupied by the Ron model.

Example: a model may wish to move

two spaces forwards. Only one of the
spaces that it passes through is marked
as Difficult Terrain, but the model
If a model is pushed, moves magically (by Apparating, for example), or is otherwise must still treat the total distance moved
forced to move for any reason other than a Move Action, it still cannot be placed on a as three spaces, not two, because the
space occupied by another model, or Impassable terrain. The model must stop in the space Difficult Terrain counts as two spaces.
adjacent to the intervening model or Impassable terrain space.

The full rules for terrain can be found on page 38.

- -
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Use Potion THE

Potions areusually represented by appropriate Potion cards, and at least one must be
possessed in order to perform the Use Potion action. The various types of potions and
their uses are detailed more completely in the Potions section (page 35).
In this Phase, players must resolve any effects from spells, potions and other abilities -
beginning with the player who went first in the Activation phase, players choose one of
While most offensive actions in the wizarding world are conducted with magic, many their own effects to resolve, before play passes to the next player, and so on. If the round
creatures, Muggles, and even wizards can resort to physical attacks. An Attack is an limit has not been reached, the game continues, all Power Pools are immediately emptied,
Advanced Action. Some Attacks are listed on a model's Character Card. Others are and a new round begins.
bestowed by the use of a weapon, like a knife, or special equipment. You can find the full
rules for attacking foes on page 25.

Cast Spell
A model must possess at least one Spell card or Innate Spell in order to perform a Cast
Spell action. A spell may only be cast if the Cooldown Clock is pointing to the UP Here, you'll find the full rules for attacking, defending, and causing damage. These rules
position (see Magic, beginning on page 28). have applications in other parts of the game, too, and as such are collected here for ease
of reference.

Attacks are represented by the following profile:

1. Name: The descriptive name of the Attack.

2. Type: The type of Damage inflicted (Physical or Magical). Some models have resistances
or weaknesses to specific types of Attacks.
3. Bonus Value: The number of automatic successes conferred to the Attack roll.
4. Damage: The amount of Damage inflicted by a successful Attack.
5. Range: This value is the maximum distance in spaces that the target may be from
the attacker.
Are you sure that s a real , 6. Special Rules: Any special rules and effects are listed here.
Well, it's not very good, is it?
- Hermione Granger Performing an Attack
To perform an attack, you must first determine if the model see the target (see Line of
Sight, page 11). Once a target is established, the model must make an Attack roll.
IIP-J --
An Attack roll
successes scored.
is a
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

The Attack- Roll


standard roll (page 9). The attacker adds the Bonus Value to the
I| "


..... ...
model has a

• While a model has either a

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game 1

Damage marker, the following penalties apply:

#> marker, the first Spell it casts in
* f

each of
* Yi

activations costs 1 Power Point more than the usual Power cost.
The target then takes a Defense roll, adding the number of shield symbols in its Defense • While a model has either a or marker, it may not roll Symbols again
Characteristic to its total Successes. Each Success scored by the defender cancels one of when making rolls of any kind - treat the Symbol as one Success as normal, but
the attacker's Successes. do not roll again.

If the attacker has at least one Success remaining, the target model suffers Damage as When a model with an ÿ marker receives more Damage (or receives enough Damage
described below. Remember that the target may gain bonuses or suffer penalties to their to surpass the marker), no more markers are applied, and the model is removed
Defense against certain types of attack (for example, Aragog has the Armor 1 trait, which from play.
reduces the Damage taken from Physical attacks). Note that not all attacks have a Type.
There are many spells and effects in the game that 'heal' Damage - this means the markers
Damage are removed one-by-one. When removing Damage markers from a model, work backwards

When a model takes Damage, it will receive a Damage marker, showing one of the through the Damage levels. For example, if a model with an
that heals 2 Damage markers, it replaces the marker with this

marker drinks a potion
following icons (depending on the severity of the Damage): marker.

1. 4.

Place the markers nearthe Character Card. When a model receives more Damage, the
Damage icon is changed to the next 'level' of severity.

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m g[,j

V urn

Spells cards

1) Name: The




Range: The


Difficulty: This

ÿ |ÿ _


maximum distance, in

is no range (-),
If there

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Here, you'll find the rules for Spells and Potions - two of the most important aspects
of the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game.

the following information:


Ff 'ÿtuLT

Combat SpeD.


If successful, target

3) Power Cost: The number of Power points that the

el suffers 2
agical Damage, f.

spaces, that the target of the spell may be from

the model may only cast the spell on themselves.

Upkeep: The number of Power points that the spell

Upkeep in the next Magic phase.
spell uses when

the minimum number of Successes required when taking a Casting


if you wish

roll. If the number of Successes is less than this value, the spell fails. If the Difficulty
is T, the Difficulty will be explained in the spell description.

6) Galleon Cost: This shows the cost of the

when putting together your group.

to continue its

spell in Galleons. Spell cards are purchased

Description: The special rules and effects of the spell are listed here.
8) Cooldown Clock: This shows how many rotations (usually 1-3) the Cooldown Clock must
be turned before it can be cast again. The higher the number, the longer the cooldown' rate.



Combat SpelL
If successful, target
model suffers 2
MagicalDamage. ?



Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Light and

.'pi Ff

Unforgivable Curses

Immediately move the

model up to 8 spaces,
ignoring obstacles, and
treating Difficult and
Impassable terrain as f
Open Terrain.


There are three Spells in the deck which are special indeed. These are the Unforgivable
Curses: Crucio, Imperio, and Avada Kedavra. These are distinguished by their special
reverse sides (pictured).

When choosing Spell cards, it's easy to see at a glance whether the spell is Light, Dark or
Neutral. The Power Cost of the Spell will be of the appropriate color (see Power points,


No model may carry or cast an Unforgivable Curse unless it has the Dark Arts Trait (page 46).


Combat SpelL
J If successful, target
model suffers 2
MagicalDamage, f

omwHfu. J33H
Expecto Patronum

Place a Patronus ,
marker within

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

IT k
rHarrv potter Miniatures Adventure Gameÿ
. r ÿ
Some models have a type of listed on their Character
action COOLDOWN UP 6
Each player maintains a magical reserve, represented by a pool' of Power points. Players
Card, Spell card or equipment called a Reaction . Reactions
are not used as part of a model's activation, and therefore do Counter-Spell
should keep their Power point tokens beside the other cards for their group, so that their
opponent can see how many Power points they have remaining, and whether they are
not use up an Action. Instead, a model may choose to use
their Reaction in certain situations, usually during another Light or Dark.
model's activation. m
The Power Pool is replenished at the start of each Magic phase. In this phase, each player
adds Power point tokens equal to the Cunning value of each of their models. These must
Reactions are always presented with a Trigger' - the thing that
be placed with the Light or Dark side up, as appropriate:
triggers the Reactions. So, for example, the Counter-Spell card
Model within range casts Spell.
Difficulty is equal to the
says 'Reaction: Model within range casts spell' (this means number of Power points used
to cast trigger spell, +L
• If a model has a white icon next to their Cunning value, the tokens must be Light.
they may attempt the Counter-Spell as soon as a model within If successful, trigger spell T
automatically fails.
• If the icon is black, the tokens must be Dark.
range performs the Cast Spell Action). O Z XM.0CTT003 ÿ • If the icon is half black and half white, the player must choose whether each token
will be Light or Dark - however, once points are allocated to Light and Dark, they
You cannot make a Reaction to another Reaction. may not be changed during the round, so choose wisely!

The Spellbooit Power Points Cost

Spells cards carried by a character collectively known
are as the 'Spellbook'. Cards are Each spell in the game requires a specified number of Power points to cast - the higher
kept next to the appropriate slots on the Character Card. this number, the more powerful the spell. The Power cost of a spell is displayed in the
lower right corner of the Spell card. The colored background of the circle in which this
You may purchase Spell cards using your Galleons when you put your group together value is displayed represents the type of Power points required, as follows:
(page d2). A spell may only be used by the model who has the card in his or her Spe¬ • White - Light magic.
llbook. If you want two different models in your group to have the same spell, you must
• Black - Dark magic.
purchase multiples of that Spell card. • Grey- the player may choose any combination of Dark or Light Power points.
The maximum number of Spell cards in a character's MM* *KD0M:8 Power Points are also used to pay the Upkeeps of some spells in the appropriate part of
Spellbook is equal to its Mastery value, to a
neducto the Magic phase, as described on page 18.
maximum of 3 cards.
(ckl _ -ÿ2
Hairy Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

The Cooldown Clock

The Cooldown Clock is a special, double-sided counter we use to measure the cooldown'

SPELLS rate of a given spell - the time it takes to gather the energy to cast the same spell again.
Some spells, like Stupefy, are relatively quick to cast, and take just one turn to rotate.
Others, such as the Cruciatus Curse, are more draining, and take much longer. A spell
A model may use the Cast Spell action for any Spell card currently on the Character may only be cast if its Cooldown Clock is Blue (Ready).
Card (Innate or its Spellbook). If the chosen spell requires a target within a certain
range and/or line of sight, these conditions must be met and the target selected before As soon as the Power points are spent, the Spell becomes active. Flip the Cooldown
attempting to cast the spell. Clock marker to red (Active).

In the Cooldown Clock part of each subsequent Magic phase, the counter is advanced
Casting Procedure Summary one more step clockwise, pointing towards the next number in the sequence. Some cards

1. Select a spell The Cooldown Clock must be blue (Ready). All the conditions
to cast. have just one or none Cooldown position, others have as many as three, and they must
for casting the spell must be met before continuing. be cycled through in order (1, 2, 3). When there are no numbers left, the Cooldown
2. Declare the Cast Spell action, using up one Advanced Action. Clock is returned to the UP position, the Active marker is flipped to blue, and the spell
3. Spend a number of Power points equal to the spell's Power cost. The Spell becomes is ready to cast again.

4. Resolve opponent's Reaction, if they have one. If they have no Reaction, or fail to counter,
continue. COOLDOWHf UP 4
5. Take the Casting Roll. If successful, continue. If the roll fails, the action ends. Erucio Erucio Erucio Erucio Erucio
6. Resolve the spell's effects as shown in its Description. FF'ÿcuLt

Power Points R
If successful target l4 If successful target If successful target JI If successful target

To cast a spell, a model must first spend the requisite number of Power points, removing model suffers 2
MagicalDamage. y
model suffers 2
Magical Damage, y 3
model suffers 2
Magical Damage, y
model suffers 2
Magical Damage, t £
0 0
them at once from the Power Pool. Sometimes, a model will have the option of spending
additional points when casting a Spell to add dice to the Casting roll, or to add some Ready to Cast Spell active First round after Second round after Ready to Cast again
additional bonus or effect. casting the Spell casting the Spell

If you haven't enough Power points of the correct type (Light or Dark), you cannot cast
the selected spell.
Once the Power cost is paid, your opponents may attempt to make a Reaction to the
spell if they are able to (typically a Counter-Spell). If the spell is not countered, you must

<§> take the Casting Roll (see below).

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game


A Casting roll is a standard roll (page 9). The caster adds their Mastery \ to the \ POTIONS
Successes scored. If the total successes are equal to or greater than the spell's Difficulty, When you create your group (page d2), you can spend Galleons on Potion cards. During
the spell is cast successfully. If the Spell is a Combat Spell (see below), then the target the game, Potion cards are kept in the model's Item slots. A model may carry up to one
may take a Defense roll to resist the Spell's effects. potion, with a maximum Level of 1.
Some models have special abilities that allow them to take higher Level potions, or
Combat Spells a greater quantity of potions. These will be listed on the Character Card. See Traits,

Some spells are forms of attack in their own right. These are clearly labelled 'Combat beginning on page d5, for more.
Spell' on the Spell card.
Potion Cards contain the following information:
Combat Spells are treated just like ordinary attacks, as described on page 25, except, of 1. Name: The type of Potion.
course, that they are performed with a Casting roll instead of an Attack roll. Just like an
2. Range: The distance at which a model can use the Potion. NB: A range of 0 means
Attack, the target model may take a Defense roll in order to cancel the caster's Successes.
the Potion can only be used on the model itself.
If the number of Successes scored by the caster is equal to or greater than the spell's 3. Level: The Potion's strength and efficacy.
Difficulty, and greater than the target's Defense Successes, the attack is successful. This d. Galleon Cost: This shows the cost of the potion in Galleons. Potions are purchased
usually means the attack deals the Damage listed on the Spell card (exactly as described when putting together your group.
on page 26), along with any other effects specified. 5. Description: The special rules and effects of the Potion.

Any rule that affects an Attack roll also affects the Casting roll for a Combat Spell.

Example: The Hermione model casts ÿ Galleon Cost

the Bombarda Spell at the Death-Eater
model, rolling a 2, ad, and a 5 for two
Successes, and adding its Mastery of 2,
for a total score of d. As the spell is
only Difficulty.1, it is cast with ease. The
Combat Spell.
Death-Eater model then rolls a 1, 3, and User gains
If successful, target 5 for its Defense (2 Successes), adding Concealment/12
model suffers 2 Physical until it performs any
Damage. t its Defense value of 1 for a total of 3. attack, casts a spell, oi

ONUraOL d33H The Death-Eater model suffers 2 Damage.

mmm As the Death-Eater model was not already
damaged, it receives a JP* marker.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Using a Potion CHALLENGES

Each time a model performs the Use Potion action, follow these simple steps:
A Challenge is one of the most common ways of scoring points in the
1. Choose the target of the potion. The target model must be within range and line of
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game. By resolving Challenges of various types, players
sight. If the target is the model itself or a friendly model, resolve the effects of the claim key objectives, perform special actions, grant bonuses to their friends, solve puzzles as
potion. If the target is an enemy, go to step 2.
part of scenarios, and a host of other effects. The use of Magic, Courage and Temper is
2. If the target is an enemy model, make an Attack roll. Add 1 Success for each Potioneer almost always linked to a Challenge.
Level the user has. The Defender takes a Defense roll just as it would against any
other Attack. If the Attack roll has more Successes than the target's Defense roll, Resolving a Challenge
the effects of the Potion are applied.
A challenge is always centered upon a target point - either a marker, another model,
3. Once the effect is resolved, discard the Potion card.
or a clearly defined space on the gameboard. Whenever you encounter a Challenge, you
will see that it has a Characteristic and a numeric value assigned to it (for example, a
Temper/12 Challenge). This is the Challenge Difficulty.

[To resolve a Challenge, you simply need to have enough models within three spaces
of the target point, whose combined total of the stipulated characteristic is equal to or
greater than the Challenge Difficulty. So, to pass a Temper/12 Challenge, you would need
models with a combined Temper of 12 or more within 3 spaces of the target. As soon
as this criteria is met, the Challenge is automatically resolved.

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
.Hi "N "Hi' I~
(Dashed black border)
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Difficult Terrain

Forests and thick undergrowth; hedgerows and fences; streams and fords; thick snow,
loose rocks and rubble; etc.
Models may enter a Difficult Terrain space, but treat that space as 2 spaces for movement
The environments of the Wizarding World are diverse - from rolling hills to castle
purposes. Difficult Terrain does not block line of sight, but targets standing on a Difficult
dungeons, from snowy mountain-tops to cobblestoned streets. As you might expect, the
Terrain space benefit from Cover.
terrain of the gaming area affects the characters' movement and lines of sight, and plays
an important role in the game.

Most terrain is considered Open' - normal spaces through which a model can move
without penalty. Other terrain is sorted into three types: Difficult Terrain, Impassable
Terrain, or Obstacle.

Terrain types are delineated on the board by borders on one or more edges of a space. If
an area of more than 1 space is fully bounded by the same type of border, all the spaces
within that boundary count as the same type of Terrain.
Impassable Terrain
(Solid black border)
Deep water; tall rocky outcrops, towers, or stone pillars; pits of lava or fire; and other
dangerous and inaccessible areas.
No model may move through or onto an Impassable space, or be placed on such a space.
Markers may not be placed on Impassable Terrain unless the scenario states otherwise.
Impassable terrain blocks line of sight.

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

(Solid black border)
High walls; magical barriers; walls of buildings/castles; etc.

Obstacles are distinguishable from Impassable terrain because they are marked on a single Markers have many uses in the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game,
edge of a space, as they represent thin, linear barriers that are impassable even to flying whether representing key features such as Bludgers, prophecies and other
creatures - such as the walls of a house or tower. No model may move across the black artefacts, or simply helping to keep track of the many magical effects in play.
border, but models may still move into the space from a different direction, and be placed
in the space normally. Obstacles block line of sight. While many markers in the game are placed on the Character Card to remind you of
ongoing effects, such as damage or poison, there are many other markers that are placed
on the game board during play to remind you of special rules, or mark the position of
important objectives.
The gameboards are often modified by card overlays, which change the type of terrain on A model cannot be placed in the same space as a marker, but may move freely over them
the gaming area. These are simply placed as described in the scenario rules, and the new (unless stated otherwise). A marker can never share a space with another marker, model
borders are used rather than the original ones. All the spaces contained in a card overlay or Impassable terrain unless stated otherwise.
are the same type.

In some cases, overlays might be removed during a game (for example, an Impassable Patronus Marker
feature might be destroyed by a well-placed Bombarda Maxima spell!) - in these cases,
simply remove the overlay and start using the terrain that lies beneath it again. If an Friendly models within 2 spaces of the Patronus marker gain +1 Defense, and cannot
overlay is ever moved, or a new overlay has to be placed during the game, they cannot be be the target of attacks by a Dementor model. A Dementor model cannot move within
placed on top of another overlay, marker or model. 2 spaces of a Patronus marker. If a Patronus marker is placed within 2 spaces of a
Dementor model, that model must be pushed 2 spaces directly away from the marker -
if the Dementor model cannot be moved for whatever reason, it is removed from play.
If the target of an attack benefits from Cover (because your line of sight crosses a
Difficult Terrain space, or an Obstacle, for example), then the attacking model gains a
Jinxed Mystery Dice to the Attack or Casting roll. If the target is in an adjacent space,
however, it cannot benefit from Cover.

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

ORGANIZING In addition to spending your Galleons on models, you will also need to buy them various
upgrades in the form of cards. Artefacts, Potion, and Spell cards all have an associated
Galleon cost, which must be paid for out of your Galleon Limit.

There are specific limitations on the number and type of Spell and Potion cards each

GROUP model may purchase - these are covered in detail in the Magic section.

Artefact and Potion Cards

Now that you've familiarized yourself with the rules of the game, it's time to put together your group!
These types of cards are collectively called 'Item cards', and as such are placed beside
the character's Item slots during a game.
Galleon Limit
First of all, players must agree on how many Galleons each of them can spend when
Artefact cards are wands, weapons, magical relics and other pieces of equipment that a
'recruiting' or putting together their group. Usually, both players' groups will be of an model might carry. These are purchased from the group's Galleon Limit. A model may
equal Galleon value. The average limit for most games is 50 Galleons, giving you a never carry more Artefacts and/or Potions than they have Item slots.
balanced game that you can play in an hour or two. The scenarios in this book work best
at that limit. For quicker games, 30 Galleons is about right. For longer games (more
Each Artefact and Potion card has degree of Rarity - either Common, Rare
a or
than 2 hours) featuring a wider range of models, try a 75 or even 100-Galleon limit.
Legendary - which limits the number model may carry.

Once you've decided on the Galleon Limit, you can start adding models to your group. • A model may carry any number of Common cards.
Remember that the sum of all the models' Galleon values and their associated upgrades • A model may carry up to 2 Rare cards.
can never exceed the established limit, but it can be lower.
• A model may carry a single Legendary card.

Some Item cards may be restricted by Affiliation, or even be unique to particular models.
Named Characters
These restrictions will be listed on the card.
As described in the Character Card section, you may not include more than one model
with the same Name in your group.
Finally, some exceptionally powerful Artefacts are labelled as 'Unique'. This means that
only one of that Item can be purchased by a Group (you can't, for example, purchase
two Elder Wands for your group, no matter many copies of the card you might own).
All of the models in your group must be of the same Affiliation (for example, Hogwarts).
If a model has multiple Affiliations, it must have at least one in common with the rest
of the models in the group.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

In this section, we look at the special rules that make your models and
take a
upgrades truly unique. These are split into two types: Traits and Effects.

Traits represent the many skills, specialties, strange powers and attributes from the
Wizard ing World. Traits are an exception to the basic rules and always take precedence
over them where there is a conflict.

Traits are listed on a model's Character Card. Some Traits require you to spend a variable
number of Actions of specific types to activate the ability. If there is an associated cost,
it will usually be indicated next to the Trait name on the list below, as well as on the
Character Card.

Each trait has its own rules, described below:

This model may switch between two forms (the profiles for each will be listed on the
Character Card). When this character is activated, you must choose which form it
will assume - human or animal. Place the appropriate model in the space occupied
by the previous form. The model must remain in this new form at least until its next
activation. All effects and damage accumulated by the model are carried over to the new
form. Upgrade cards can only be used while the character is in its Human form. While
the model is in its animal form, the Cooldown Clock of any spells the character cast
advances as normal.

This model may use 1 free Power Point of any color in each of its activations, but it
cannot add Lucky Mystery Dice to its Casting Rolls.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game f
l ÿÿHiBiaBy™aMai™aHaBiliÿÿ
Armor X
Reduce the Physical Damage received from an Attack by X.
Elite Fighter
During each of its activations, this model may perform 1 free Attack Action.
Brave Expert Wizard
Whenever this model takes enough Damage to be removed from the game, take a
Defense roll instead. If you score at least 3 Successes, the model remains in During each of its activations, this model may perform 1 free Cast Spell Action.
play, with an marker. If you roll less than 3 Successes, the model is removed from
play as normal.
This model moves 2 additional spaces in open terrain during a Move Action.
Broomstick- Fly
This model can use a broomstick Artefact card.
This model treats Difficult Terrain and Impassable terrain as Open Terrain (but cannot
Chosen One end its move on an Impassable terrain space).
This model gains 1 Lucky Mystery Dice to its Defense rolls. In addition, this model gains Herbology Expert
+1 Defense against Combat Spells cast by Voldemort.
This model may take one extra Potion of Level 1 or 2 without paying the Galleon cost

Dark: Arts ignoring the Item Slot limit.

A model with this trait can use the Unforgivable Curses. Huge
This model can accumulate up to 3 of each Damage marker before receiving the next level
Dark Lord (Voldemort only) of Damage (so, for example, if the Model have the ÿP) marker, when it receives further
Once per game, this model may change one Spell card of their Spellbook for another
Damage it simply receives another marker. Only when it suffers sufficient Damage to
with the same or lower Galleon Cost. In addition, once per game, before taking a Casting
roll, this model can choose to change one of its dice to a Symbol. Place that die to one take a fourth marker would the markers be removed, and a single marker received
instead). This model must accumulate 3 markers before it can be removed from play.
side, and roll the rest of the dice normally.
Models with the Huge trait move 2 additional spaces in Open Terrain during their Move Action.
This trait will appear in a future expansion. Horde
When choosing your group, you can include any number of models with this Trait, even
Elf if they have the same Name (but you still need to pay their Galleon cost).
This model can only ever have a single Spell card in its Spellbook, and can neither gain
nor cast other Spells by any means. The Spell card must be purchased from the group's Instinctive Casting
Galleon Limit as normal, and cannot be an Unforgiveable Curse. When performing the During the Cooldown Clock part of the Magic phase, this model may choose one of
Cast Spell Action during the game, this model does not take a Casting roll - the spell their spells with a Cooldown Clock not currently in the UP position, and advance it one
succeeds automatically, ignoring the target's Defense roll if applicable. This spell can be extra step.
countered as normal by means of a Counter-Spell.
- ll

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Large Master of Death
This model can accumulate up to 2 of each Damage marker before receiving the next This model may carry more than one card with the Deathly Hallows rule, ignoring the
level of Damage (so, for example, if the Model have the marker, when it receives further Item Slot limitations.
Damage it simply receives another marker. Only when it suffers sufficient Damage to
take fourth marker would the
a markers be removed, and a single ÿpBmarker received Master Wizard
instead). This model must accumulate 2 markers before it can be removed from play. This model can perform 1 free Cast Spell Action each activation. In addition, this model
Models with the Large trait move 2 additional spaces in Open Terrain during their Move Action. adds 1 automatic Success to its Casting rolls, and to its Defense rolls when defending
against Combat Spells.
Friendly models within 6 spaces may use this model's Characteristics when resolving a
Muggle / Beast
Challenge. This model does not have to be within 3 spaces of the Challenge target. This model cannot have a Spellbook, nor may it ever cast a Spell under any circumstances.

Lightning Fast Patriarch of the Malfoy Family

This model moves 3 additional spaces in Open Terrain during a Move Action. This model gains an additional 3 Galleons to spend on Item cards. These extra Galleons
do not count towards the group's Galleon Limit.
Magical Creatures Expert
Physical Resistance
For each model with this Trait in your group, you may include one model with Affiliation:
Magical Creatures (paying the usual galleon cost), regardless of the group's Affiliation. This model adds X Successes to its Defense rolls when defending against Attacks with
the Physical Damage type.
Magical Immunity X
Reduce the Damage received by any Attack with the Magical Damage type by X.
Friendly models with the Apprentice trait within 3 spaces add one Lucky Mystery Die to
Magic Resistance X their Casting rolls, ignoring the Apprentice rule limitation.
This model adds X Successes to its Defense rolls when defending against enemy Combat Spells.
Potion Mastery X
Magical Mastery This model, and all models in the same group, may carry X Potions instead of just one,
as long as they have sufficient Item slots. If there are several models with this Trait in the
This model can reroll up to two dice each time it takes a Casting roll.
same group, choose the highest value. This bonus remains in effect even if this model is

Master Fighter removed from play.

During each of its activations, this model may perform up to two free Attack Actions.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
--1 -

Potioneer X Tactician
When attempting to resolve a Challenge, this model may choose any of its Characteris¬
This model, and all friendly models in
value « «ko tics, not just the one specified by the Challenge target.
the same group, may purchase (and carry) Q0. The Potioneer to pro d
Potions up to Level X when choosing the ÿ in some instances
Potions. Werewolf
group. These are purchased from the Galleon other bonuses when ustng At the beginning of each of its activations, this model must take a Defense roll. If you
Limit as normal. If there are several models score d or more Successes, use the Character Card and model for its human form this
with this Trait in the same group, choose the round - there are no further effects. If you score 3 or less Successes, however, the model
highest value. must be replaced with a Werewolf immediately! Place the Werewolf model in the space
occupied by the previous form, and use the Werewolf Character Card.
Rapid Casting
During each of its activations, this model may perform up to 2 free Cast Spell actions. While Werewolf form, the model must always perform a Move action as its first
in its
action of the turn if it is able to do so, moving towards the nearest model - friend or
Small foe - by the shortest possible path. If it reaches a space adjacent to another model, the
This model only has a single Damage level - ÿ v
. If it receives sufficient Damage to Werewolf must perform an Attack action against it if possible. The model must remain
exceed this level, it is removed from play. in Werewolf form at least until its next activation, when it must take another Defense roll
as described above. All Effects and Damage accumulated by the model are transferred
Scout between the human and Werewolf cards each time a transformation takes place.
This model treats Difficult Terrain as oPen Terrain.
Supreme Mugwump EFFECTS
Once per round when this model casts a spell, the Power Cost is reduced by 1 (to a On many occasions when a model has been targeted by an Attack or Spell, they will
minimum of 1). suffer an Effect in addition to or instead of normal Damage. Effects are always applied
after any Damage has been inflicted. Some Effects persist over time, lasting until they are
Swarm X successfully removed, or until the duration specified on the Effect description expires - in
A Swarm comprises X models with a single Character Card. For the purposes of earning these instances, place an appropriate marker next to the affected model's Character Card
Victory Points, all models in the Swarm must be removed from play. Each model for the duration as a reminder.
performs its actions as normal, but must be activated at the same time before passing
play to the other side, ignoring the usual sequence. When a model with this Trait suffers A model cannot be subject to the same Effect twice. However, if the Effect has a value, and
any Damage, however, it is immediately removed from play, ignoring the usual rules for multiple Effects of the same type would apply (such as Poison), then you must apply the
Damage levels. higher value (for example, a model with one Poison marker is damaged by an Attack of
Poison 2 - the model now has 2 Poison markers rather than 1).
fr -, Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
f|T Burning
The target model receives a Burning marker. While the marker is in play, the target must
deduct 1 Success from all its Defense rolls. In addition, each time the model performs any
Action other than Use Potion, the affected model receives 1 Physical Damage (Actions that
use up more than one Action still only cause 1 Damage). No more than one Burning marker
may be accrued at any time. The marker is removed at the end of the target's next activation.
Concealment X Event Cards
This model cannot be the target of any attack or spell unless the other model can resolve Unless otherwise instructed by the scenario rules, the first player to activate a model each
a Wisdom Challenge with a Difficulty of X. round draws one card from the Event Deck and applies the result on the card. The card
Petrify effect lasts until the end of the round, is then discarded, along with any markers and
models placed by it, unless stated otherwise.
Place a the model's Character Card. A model with a Petrify marker
Petrify marker on
treats its Characteristics as 0, and may not be activated unless friendly models resolve a
Difficulty 18 Magic Challenge, treating the petrified model as the Challenge marker. A
model may have no more than one Petrify marker at any time.

Poison X
The target model receives X Poison markers. At the start of its next activation, the affec¬
ted model suffers 1 Physical Damage. One Poison marker is removed at the end of the
ÿarget's next activation.

-vX Draw a card from the Adventure

Deck. This card may only be played by
this model can move when performing a Move Action is reduced you, at the start of one of your own
activations this round. If the card has
A ÿ+s until the end of the target's next activation. not been used when the round ends, it
is discarded.
Victor, >
performs ÿ ÿ ÿ
play to thev' ÿ ÿ vfrom fa attacker (for a spell or ranged
anyDamage?' arget to see in which direction the target
Damage levels. directly away in a direction chosen by the
its range from the attacker with every space

space, and must move in a dead straight line).

jdel, a terrain space of any type, or the edge of
Jiately, and suffers 1 Physical Damage.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Adventure Cards Unless otherwise instructed by the scenario rules, both players must draw three cards
At the start of each round, before Initiative is determined, select one player at from the Quest Deck at the start of the game. Each player can choose to discard one
random. That player draws three cards from the Adventure Deck and places of their Quest cards and draw a replacement from the deck. Once all players have their
them face-up beside the game board. When the player who goes second in the cards, they are placed face-up beside the game board, and remain in play until the Quest
round activates a model, they may pick one of the Adventure cards and use it detailed on the card is fulfilled. When a Quest card is fulfilled, another Quest card is
(before resolving the model's actions). Discard the card after use. Each time a drawn to replace it. However, players cannot draw more than 6 replacement Quest cards
model is activated subsequently, its player may pick one of the cards to use, during a game.
until all the cards are used up. At the end of a round, all unused Adventure
cards are discarded. Adventure cards are only applied to the model for
which they are drawn, and only during the round in which they are drawn
unless stated otherwise.

When two enemy models are removed

from the game in the same round,
score 2VP and discard this card.

Choose One: "

V .

+1 Die to its next roll.

2 Free Power Points

(any colour) to use during the
model's activation.

The Adventure Packs contain additional Event, Adventure, and Quest cards. These extra
cards can be added to the basic decks freely to enhance the playing experience in all of
your scenarios. If you own several copies of the same Adventure Pack, note that only 1
copy of each additional card can be added to the deck if it don't have the infinite symbol
inside it (then you can add more than 1 copy).

. Harrv Potter Miniatures Adventure Game .ÿ f -y5).

The Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game offers a variety of ways to play, so you'll
keep coming back to the adventure again and again. Here, you'll find the rules for three
'game modes':

• Duel
• Campaign
• Cooperative Play

Duel Mode
In a duel, two sides are pitted head-to-head against each other, using any of the scenarios
from the Core Box or the Adventure Packs. Each side can be controlled by a single player,
or a team of players. The two sides are chosen to an equal value in Galleons, ensuring an
even contest, while the scenarios set out the Challenges and Victory Conditions.

No additional rules are required to play a Duel - simply use all of the rules presented so
far, choose your groups, and play a scenario! You'll find your first scenario, The Forbidden
Forest, on page 70.
(j»aÿ k/S)
1 Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Campaign Mode Campaign Difficulty

Players in a campaign weave their following the fortunes of their chosen group
own story, All the players should agree on the Difficulty before the campaign begins, choosing from
of witches and wizards. In a campaign, one player takes the role of the Villain, while Easy, Normal, Hard or Epic. All the scenarios can be played with the same points, or
several other players band together as the Heroes. can be changed if a player is added or leaves the campaign. But the players cannot change
the Difficulty during the campaign, so choose wisely.
Campaign Sides
A campaign is a series of scenarios, played in sequence, in which several players work Depending on the Difficulty Mode, each Hero player receives a number of Lucky Mystery
Dice, which they can use in each scenario for free.
together as Heroes to defeat one player, who takes on the role of the Villain. The Hero
players always choose models with the Affiliation: Hogwarts, while the Villain player
chooses models with the Affiliation: Voldemort, or Magical Creatures (the player must Easy Mode: 1 Lucky Mystery Die
choose one - they cannot be combined in the same group unless the scenario specifically Normal Mode: 2 Lucky Mystery Dice
allows it.
Hard Mode: 3 Lucky Mystery Dice
Epic Mode: 3 Lucky Mystery Dice. In addition, the Villain player receives 1 Jinxed
To work out the sizes of the groups in Campaign Mode, the heroes should first decide Mystery Die each round. The oldest player on the Heroes' side chooses
on a Galleon limit for their groups. This will depend on how many hero players there
which roll is affected. The Jinxed Die does not carry over to the next
are. For example, if there are two Heroes versus one Villain, then we recommend each
round - if it's not used, it is lost.
Hero player takes a group of 25 Galleons (including upgrades). If there are three Hero
Remember that the Villain player gains extra Galleons to spend on their group as the
players, reduce this to 15. If there are four, reduce it to 10.
Difficulty rises.

The Villain player then chooses a group equal to the combined value of all the Hero
Finally, the Difficulty Mode also affects the way Event Cards are used, as follows:
groups, plus a bonus depending on the Campaign Difficulty:

Easy Mode: Draw 2 event cards. The Hero players choose one to resolve, then discard
Easy Mode: +5 Galleons.
Normal Mode: +10 Galleons. the other.
Hard mode: +15 Galleons. Normal Mode: Draw Event Cards as normal.
Epic Mode: +20 Galleons. Hard Mode: Draw 2 Event cards per round. The Hero players choose one and apply
the effects, then the Villain player applies the effect of the second card as
Players should decide whether they prefer to play an Open or Closed campaign. In an if they had drawn it themselves.
Open campaign, players can change their group composition (but not their Galleons Epic Mode: Draw 2 Event cards per round. The Villain player chooses one and applies
limit) at the start of each game in the campaign. In a closed campaign, players must the effects, then the Hero players apply the effect of the second card.
choose their groups at the start of the first scenario, and take the same group in each
subsequent scenario.

Note that, if the scenario rules require a single model to be chosen for a special purpose
(such as the Captured model in the Troll in the Dungeon scenario), the Hero players
must agree to nominate a single model from their combined forces, not one model each.
li - J Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
V ÿ

Campaign Scenarios
To begin a campaign, you have two options. Firstly, you may randomly take a number
of Scenario Cards and shuffle them to form a Campaign deck - these cards are drawn
in order, playing the scenario before moving on to the next. Alternatively, the Villain
player can choose the Scenario Cards in advance, and the order in which they are played,
effectively weaving a story of their own, in which the Heroes must defeat their nemesis...
Whichever method you use, for a short campaign, use 3-d Scenario cards. For a long
campaign, use 8-10.
Each Scenario card gives a bonus to the player who wins the scenario, which carries over
into future games. Once all the scenarios have been played (i.e. there are none left in
the deck). Add together the number of games won by each team (Heroes or Villain) to
determine the winner.

Activating Models
In Campaign Mode scenarios, one of the Hero players always activates first in each
round. The two sides then alternate as normal, with the Villain player choosing one of
their models, followed by another Hero player, and so on until all models that can do
so have activated.
Hairy Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Putter Miniatures Adventure Game
w/~ r/-
Cooperative Play Mode The more Magical Creatures your collection the better - simply add cards of the
appropriate Sickle Cost to the Magical Creatures deck. Like normal Character Cards,
In this game mode, one or more players form a single group, battling against a variety of
however, you may not add more than one Magical Creature with the same name to the
magical threats and fantastic beasts. Playing solo or as part of a team, the environment deck, unless the card has the + icon- Once you have gathered all of the appropriate
itself becomes a place of danger and adventure...
cards, shuffle them, and place them face down at the side of the gameboard. Magical
Creatures are drawn randomly throughout the game, so you're never quite sure what you
Cooperative games are designed for 1-6 players. Players do not battle each other, but
might face next!
instead must take on the game itself, as described below.
NB. For all rules purposes, Magical Creatures drawn from the deck are considered to
Setup be an 'opponent'.
Follow the Setup instructions from page 68, with the exceptions noted here. One
Cooperative Play scenario is included below - others will be available in future expansions. Card Decks
Cooperative Play mode requires a few changes to the way the various card decks work,
At the Choose your Group stage of the setup sequence, each player chooses a single
as follows:
model up to 15 Galleons (including upgrades). All models must have the same Affiliation,
• Remove any Event Card that places new models - for example, the Scurrying Acromantula card.
and are considered a single group. The number of Magical Creatures you must face is
•Adventure Cards can only be played by a model from the players' group.
determined by the number of players in your group. Take all of your Magical Creatures
• Quest Cards are not used in Cooperative Mode.
cards (Character Cards with the reverse side as pictured). Each Magical Creature has a
Sickle Cost of 1, 2 or 3. This cost is used to create the deck.
Using the Magical Creatures Deck
At the start of every round, you must draw one Character Card from the Magical
No. Players Creatures deck, plus an additional card for every two models in the players' group.
1-2 Finally, draw an extra card if any of the players' models in play have a total Galleon cost
3-4 higher than 12. The maximum number of Magical Creatures cards you may draw in a
5-6 single round is three.

The Magical Creature models are placed immediately when the card is draw. The players
ini must choose one of their own models - the Magical Creature must be placed within 6
H. &

spaces of that model, in Open Terrain. If the Magical Creature cannot be placed in an
Acromantula eligible position because of its base size, simply draw another card, and then shuffle the
original card back into the deck.

When a Magical Creature with the +|J| icon is removed from play, immediately shuffle
Type: Physical

its card back into the Magical Creatures deck. There are plenty more where that came
Range: 1

Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
» f
* ,i
\ ... . ÿ
Activations alternate as usual, but once a player has activated on of their models, it is
Cooperative Scenario
then the turn of the Magical Creatures to activate, and so on. Play continues until each
player and each Magical Creature in play that can activate has done so. Danger in the Forest

If more than one Magical Creature is in play, then the activation order is determined by f When dark magic is afoot, Magical Creatures can become wary and
At times like these, one must take utmost care!
even aggressive.

the creature's Sickle Costÿp Magical Creatures with a Sickle Cost of 3 activate first,
then sickle Cost 2, and finally Sickle Cost 1. If several Magical Creatures have the same
Scenario Length: The scenario lasts until the Victory Conditions are achieved, or until the
Sickle Cost, then the players may choose which one of the tied creatures is activated
player group is defeated.
first. When all the activations (only one per model as the usual rule) are done, then the
round ends and start the next one.
Victory Conditions: The players must work together to resolve all the Challenges in
When activated, a Magical Creature will always Attack the nearest player-controlled model play. When a Challenge is resolved, the marker is discarded. When all the markers are
discarded, the players win. If the entire group is removed from play before the Challenges
if there is one in range. Otherwise, it must move directly to the nearest player-controlled
are resolved, the players lose.
model by the shortest possible, accessible route (moving through Difficult Terrain, for
example, only if it quicker than going around via Open Terrain). The model will stop as
soon as reaches the range to perform an Attack, and then it will Attack that model. If
Scenery Overlays: Overlays are placed as described on page 69.
the Magical Creature has more than one eligible Attack to use, roll a die to randomly Deployment: Before the game begins, models are 'deployed' in the marked spaces shown
on the map. Players are free to decide which of the spaces in their own Deployment
determine which attack is used (for example, a Magical Creature with two types of
Attacks rolls a die; on a result of 1-3 the Magical Creature performs the first Attack, and Zone' their models are placed in.
on a result of d-6 it performs the second attack).
Challenges: The number of Challenge markers placed is determined by the number of
models in the players' group. Each player places the following number of markers:

No. Players Challenge Markers

1 4
2 3
3 or more 2

Challenge markers may not be placed closer than 6 spaces to any player-controlled model,
or within 2 spaces of each other.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Scenario Special Rules

Mystery Challenge...: The Challenges markers have a variable Difficulty and Characteristic.
At the start of the game, take the Campaign cards and shuffle them. Place these face down
at the side of the gameboard to form a Campaign Deck. When a player-controlled model
is adjacent to a marker, they may attempt to resolve the Challenge. Draw a card from
the Campaign deck and apply it to the Challenge marker. Until the end of the round,
that Challenge has the Difficulty and the Characteristic
specified by the card draw. At the end of the round, r 1HE
shuffle all the Campaign cards drawn this round back Foreÿ
into the deck.
If th« VflUbi win*, they may choose
two of their models to gain HerboJogy
Expert Inthe next scenario.
Knowledge is Power: A model attempting to resolve
a Challenge can spend 2 Power Points to reduce the
Difficulty by 3.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
i- - Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Large Groups
SCENARIOS If you have so many models that they can't be deployed, because there aren t enough
spaces in the deployment zone, then excess models must be deployed outside the
In the Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game, gameplay is structured through the deployment zone, in the closest available space. If there is a choice of spaces, you may
use of scenarios, which provide a variety of gaming set-ups, special deployments and
victory conditions to keep each game fresh and challenging.
I decide where they are deployed.

Victory Conditions
Each scenario instructs you how you score the Victory Points needed to win. At the end
Scenario Setup of the game the Player with the most Victory Points is the winner.
Take the gameboards and markers illustrated on the scenario map, and arrange them as
shown. Deploy your groups in the marked Deployment Zones - then you're ready to play. Placing Overlays
At the start of the game, the players must decide on 3 card overlays that will be used
in the scenario. Starting with the player who began deploying first, the players alternate
Objective Setup
the placement of these overlays on the game board. No overlay may be placed within a
If the scenario rules call for an Objective' or other type of marker to be placed on the
deployment zone, nor within 3 spaces of another overlay.
board, these must always be placed in an accessible position (not surrounded by or on
an Impassable terrain space, for example), unless stated otherwise.

Before the game begins, models are 'deployed' in the spaces shown on the map.
Unless otherwise instructed, players are free to decide which of the spaces in their own
'Deployment Zone' their models are placed in. Models may never be deployed into an
Impassable terrain space. Player A starts deploying first.

Taking Sides
Before deploying models, choose at random (by flipping a coin or rolling dice) which
player is Player A, and which is Player B.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
Hi Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

THE in* r„h Result

FORBIDDEN. Creature Attack!: The model immediately takes 2 Physical Damage (which

F0RE5T 2.
may be reduced by Armor as normal).
Spiders' Lair: The model becomes entangled in a web and cannot perform a

Battles within the Forbidden Forest are fraught with dangers, as one might Movement action this round.
expect from such a dark and mysterious place. Howl of the Werewolf: The model is scared by the approaching lycanthrope - it
suffers a -1 penalty to its Defense value until the end of the round. [All models
Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds. except other werewolves in werewolf form].

Victory Conditions: The players obtain Victory Points by defeating their enemies, and Hidden Trail: The model ignores the penalties for moving through Difficult
overcoming the dangers of the Forbidden Forest. The player who earns the most Victory Terrain during its next activation.
Points wins the game. Centaur's Aid: Gain 1 Victory Point for helping an injured Centaur. In addi¬
tion,the model gains confidence and a +1 Success to its Attack rolls for the
remainder of the round.
Scenario Special Rules Unicorn Encounter: Gain 2 Victory Points for sheer luck.
The Dark Forest: In this scenario, line of sight is reduced to 3 spaces, regardless of the range
of the spell, weapon or ability a model possesses. If a target is illuminated (because
it is affected by a Lumos, Lumos Maxima and Lumos Solem spells) it can be seen
at any distance as normal.

Hidden Dangers: At the start of the round, immediately after determining Initiative, the
player with Initiative must nominate a single model in play (friend or foe). That
model must immediately roll on the Hidden Dangers table, below. The model
may choose to take Challenge of Courage/4 before rolling. If the test is passed,
the owner can choose 1 result up or down about the roll on the table. If the test
is failed, the opponent can choose 1 result up or down about the roll on the table.

Last Wizard Standing: Gain 1 Victory Point for each enemy model removed from the game.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game


Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.

Victory Conditions: If The Villain (see below) is removed from the game before the end
of the game, Player A scores 10 VP. If the Hero (see below) is removed from the game
before the end of the game, Player B scores 10 VP.

Scenario Special Rules

The Final Battle: The Avada Kedavra spell cannot be used against the Hero or the Villain
during this game.
The Hero: The model with the highest Galleon cost (not including Upgrades) in Player
A's group is the Hero (if more than one model meets this requirement, the player
must choose one of them).

The Villain: The model with the highest Galleon cost (not including Upgrades) in Player
B's group is the Villain (if more than one model meets this requirement, the
player must choose one of them).


Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 6 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces. :
Victory Conditions: If, at the end of the game, Player A has at least two models within d 91

spaces of the Escape from the Manor marker (see below), they score 10VP. If this criteria {ÿ gra ÿ

piHJ •f Kisn
is not met, Player B scores 10VP.
Scenario Special Rules ÿ1
Hi i,
ill &Brail *
Escape from the Manor: At the start of the game, place a Objective marker as shown on
faJ uM-
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the map.
L. «ÿ
Optional Rule
The Elf: If the Player A group includes any models with the Elf trait, don't place the iram
Objective marker. Instead choose one to be the Elf' in the scenario, and replace •m
the marker with the Elf model. This model can use the Apparition spell every
round when a friendly model is in an adjacent space. Don't move the Elf model,
instead remove the friendly model from the game (Player B does not score
Victory P for models removed in this way). For each model removed from

th- manner, Player A scores 3VP. Player B's models can't target the
mding up) of Player A's models are removed from the game.

li -
FHarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Gameÿ r ÿ
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.

NB. In this scenario, Event cards that place additional models in play are ignored.

Victory Conditions: For each Tent on fire at the end of the game, Player B scores 3VP.
For each Tent without fire, Player A scores 3VP.

Scenario Special Rules

Tents: At the start of the game, before deployment, four Objective markers are placed
as shown on the map. Player B's models can set these Objective markers on fire
by moving into an adjacent space and passing a Magic/8 Challenge during their
activation. Player A's models can extinguish a fire while in an adjacent space during
its activation by passing a Magic/7 Challenge.
ll -- \
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
- -- ÿ
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game r ÿ

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.

NB. In this scenario, Event cards that place additional models in play are ignored.
Victory Conditions: If the Professor is removed from the game by a Spy Attack or
Combat Spell (see below), Player B scores 5VP and Player A scores 3VP. If the PLAYER B
Professor is removed from the game by any other model, Player B instead scored 8VP,
and Player A scores nothing. If The Professor model is still in play at the end of the
game, Player A scores 5VP.

Scenario Special Rules

The Plan: The Professor model cannot be the target of the Avada Kedavra spell, unless
it is cast by the Spy.

The Professor: If Player A has a model with the Professor trait, that model is The
Professor (if there is more than one eligible model, the one with the highest
Galleon cost before Upgrades must be the Professor). If not, the model with the
highest Galleon cost (before upgrades) in Player A's Group is the Professor. In
the case of a tie, Player A can choose which model takes on the role.
The Spy: Player A chooses one of their opponent's models as the Spy. The spy cannot be
the model in Player B's Group with the highest Galleon cost (before upgrades).
1 4rHarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
ll II


BATTLE mm**:
Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.

Victory Conditions: Score 2VP for each of your opponent's models removed from the game.

Scenario Special Rules

The Veil: Place an Objective marker as shown in the map before the game starts. Models
within 3 spaces of the Veil suffer 1 Damage at the end of every round. This
marker counts as Impassable Terrain.

(t-l. i rHarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Gameÿ/ CAS)
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
li \ ÿ


Scenario Length: The

scenario lasts for a maximum of d rounds.

Deployment: Models may deploy anywhere on the board. Player B must deploy their
models before Player A. Player A's models cannot be deployed within 10 spaces of the
Portkey marker (see below).

Victory Conditions: If the Prefect is removed from the game, Player B scores 5VP. If the
Prefect is still in play when the game ends, Player A scores 5VP. If the Prefect marker
is carried to the portkey (see below) Player A scores 3VP.

Scenario Special Rules

Portkey: Place an Objective marker as shown on the map.
Tight Confines: Models cannot use spells that allow them to be Placed (such as Apparition).
Give Him Back!: When the Prefect model is removed from the game, player A places an
Objective marker in an adjacent space before removing the model from play. A
friendly model in an adjacent space may pick up this Objective marker during
its activation as part of a Movement action. Remove the marker and place it on
the model's Character Card. If a model is removed from the game while carrying
the marker, the marker is placed in an adjacent space (or as close as possible)
before removing the model.
The Prefect: Before the game starts, Player A must nominate one model with a value of
10 Galleons or less (before upgrades) to be the Prefect. If there is no eligible
model, select the model with the lowest Galleon cost instead.

ffNfc 1 Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 4 rounds.
- Player A: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.
- Player B: Deploy all models within the marked spaces.

NB. In this scenario, Event cards that place additional models in play are ignored.

Victory Conditions: Score 3VP for each Task marker removed by a friendly Champion.

Scenario Special Rules

The Champions: Before the game starts, each player must nominate two models with a
value of 12 Galleons or less (before upgrades) to be their Champions. If there is
no eligible model, select the model with the lowest Galleon cost instead. PLAYER A
The Tasks: At the start of the game, before Deployment, each player places four Objective PLAYER B
markers up to 5 spaces away from any board edge, and no closer than 3 spaces
to each other. These Objective markers can be removed from play as an advanced
action by any Champion model in an adjacent space.
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game ÿ f ÿ
M Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
l! /


In this scenario, two groups find themselves facing off in the Owlery. They both
decide to send owls for reinforcements as the battle progresses.

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 10 rounds.

Victory Conditions: The players obtain 2 Victory Points for each enemy model removed
as a casualty. The player who earns the most Victory Points wins the game.

Special Deployment Rules: Before deployment begins, each player divide their force
into two groups, with the same number of models in each group (or as close as possible).
One group deploys following the usual rules. The other group is held in reserve - see
the Reinforcements special rule, below.

Scenario Special Rules

Owl Post: Before the sides deploy, each player takes three Objective markers. Players
take it in turns to place these markers anywhere within 6 spaces of the center
point, but no closer than 2 spaces to another marker.
During the game, if a model is with these Objective markers during its
in contact
activation, and there are no enemy models also in contact with the same marker,
they may attempt to send an Owl. Take a Challenge of Wisdom/13. If the test is
passed, remove the Objective marker from play and gain 1 Victory Point. A model
may not send more than one Owl per round.

Reinforcements: Beginning the start of the third round, models held in reserve can

attempt to enter play. Roll a D6 for each model - on a score of 5+, the model
is deployed in contact with its side's deployment edge, and may act normally that
round. Models that fail the roll are held back and must try again in the next turn.
Add +1 to the Reinforcements roll for every Owl marker your side has removed PLAYER A
from play. However, a roll of a 1 always fails.
ll - - X
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

p •
Miniatures Adventure Game

Rival groups have come to blows within the Great Hall,
disturbing the castle's ghosts in the process.

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.

Victory Conditions: The players obtain 2 Victory Points for each enemy model removed
from the game. The player who earns the most Victory Points wins the game.

Scenario Special Rules

Ghosts of Hogwarts: At the beginning of each round, immediately after determining
Initiative, the player with Initiative must roll a dice and consult the following table.

Dice Roll Effect

1 The Headless Hunt: The models are unnerved by the sudden chill of a
number of ghosts on horseback rushing past them in the midst of a hunt.
For the remainder of the round, Dark Wizards (models that add only
Dark Power Points) deduct 1 Block from their Defense rolls, while Light
Wizards (models that add only Light Power Points) deduct 1 Success from 1
their Casting rolls.
2, 3 Nearly Headless Nick: Nick's head pops up out of nowhere and inadvertently
distracts the opponents of a nearby model. Pick the side with the lowest
total Power Limit in play (if both sides are equal, roll off to see who
is chosen). That player chooses one of their models to gain 1 automatic

4, 5

Block to its Defense rolls until the end of the round.
Peeves' Practical Jokes: Choose one player at random. That player rolls a
D6. On a result from 1 to 3, they replenish one less Power Point this
round. On a 4+, they gain one extra Power Point.
The Bloody Baron: A dark shadow sweeps across the hall. For the remainder
of the round, Light Wizards gain +1 to Challenge rolls, while Dark and
Neutral Wizards add +1 to their Casting rolls.
ÿHarry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game " ÿ Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
II \

In the graveyard at
Little Hangleton, two groups find themselves locked in a deadly battle.

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.

Victory Conditions: The players obtain Victory Points by engaging with various elements r«i« W -iMl
Ci__ E2.
of the graveyard. The player who earns the most Victory Points wins the game.

m- m
Angel of Death: Place an
Scenario Special Rules
Objective marker as the map below. Any model in
shown on
an adjacent space with this marker during its activation adds 1 Success to their

** j
. M

Casting Rolls when casting Dark Magic spells, but receives a -1 Success to its
tw hkmhihÿ1gj
Defence roll. p

Darkness Abounds: Each round, after allocating tokens to the Power Pool, each player adds OBJECTIVE
s IT"
an extra token to their Dark Magic pool.
u i£. w
11 ÿ m
Lessons Learned: Before deploying their models, each player takes two Objective markers and
h. mmmm——— iL
takes turns placing them on the gaming area, within 6 spaces of the Angel of Death. r i 1
pSC. < y» ,
aaiL. mi
A model in contact with either of these Objective markers may take a Challenge
of Temper/10. If successful, their side gains 2 Victory Points. Each side only can .2r* Tw< n
do this 2 times per round.
rÿ— - 4IH!1WWi!WHWPPg>i
-ÿ1 Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game

After a particularly heavy snowfall, various valuable artefacts have been buried.
Two groups try to find them first.

Scenario Length: The scenario lasts for a maximum of 8 rounds.

Victory Conditions: The players obtain Victory Points for unearthing Lost Artefacts (see
below). The player who earns the most Victory Points wins the game.

Scenario Special Rules

Ice and Snow: The weather conditions are treacherous. Each time a model moves, it must roll
a D6. On a roll of a 1, it treats the movement as if it were through Difficult Terrain.

In addition, at the start of each round, the player with Initiative rolls a D6. On
a 1 or 2, the snowfall becomes so thick that visibility is reduced to a maximum
of 3 spaces for the remainder of the round. This cannot be improved.

Lost Artefacts: Before the two sides deploy, each player takes three Objective markers.
Players take it in turns to place these markers anywhere within 6 spaces of the
centre point, but no closer than 2 spaces to another marker.

During the game, if a model is in contact with these Objective markers during its
activation, and there are no enemy models also in contact with the same marker,
they may attempt to unearth it. Take a Challenge of Wisdom/15. If the test is
passed, remove the Objective marker from play and gain 3 Victory Points. A
model may not unearth more than one Artefact per round.


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they glory
arc creatures that
among the foulest
thiswalk They infestearth.
the darkest, filthiest
in and despair.

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Adventure Game


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