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Every person in this society have a lot of principles in life.

Sometimes, these principles get

disappear because of the fear to stand up for most specifically when it is involved in some serious

incidents. Way back 1972, the democracy of the Philippines got fade away due to releasing of the

Martial Law. Almost half of the Philippines' population were not in favor in this kind of the system

under the administration of President Ferdinand E. Marcos because they already have insights of

what is going to happen. After I watched the documentary of Bonifacio Ilagan that was acted by

the actor Alden Richards, I saw the difficulty to protect the principles and to stand up for the rights.

I really admire his bravery and determination to wake up the government and realize their incorrect

management. Filipinos are gradually affected by the system of the government. A poet who issued

the articles or literatures tackled about the hardships of every Filipino that they experienced under

the Martial Law, which is Pete Lacaba and it is also one of the highlights of the story. It is written

here how the Filipinos suffered just to have freedom and saved many lives. When they were caught

by the government affiliates, they were tortured and counted them as animals and even the love

from their families were withheld. The government was very insensitive because they know that

they have the power to control the countrymen without being controlled by no one. These were

made by the lawyers and law-makers to get some information from them for the reason that Pete

and Boni were not in favor and they are protestants. A brave lady named Lina, a younger sister of

Boni also wants to fight for the rights and freedom of her country like her brother. Lina did not get

along well before because she was one of the 800 desaparacidos or the people who are still missing

and no can found and even their corpse are lost. The women who experienced violence back then

were fighting too for the freedom and equality unlike before, they cannot speak and fight for their

My heart melted as I watched how the Filipinos back then were getting hurt by each other and

treated like an animal because of not having one purpose to make their country a better place such

as having a safe place, everyone has food to eat, being united, and having a good economy.

Although I was not there, I feel the pain of my countrymen because I know how it hurts if the

person who you expected to help you when you are down is also the person who puts you down

and not giving you some light to see that there is a hope. Lots of lives just fade away and even the

education of the juvenile got involved in this. Their lofty dreams were gradually collapsing by

cause of their darkest experiences they ever had since 1972 up to 1981. The youth who would

serve for the country soon were the first victim of this happening. Almost 3 decades have past but

until now, people who have high position are still investigating, searching, and learning of what

really happened on the said years for them to find out more information and details for us to know

the accurate answers to these. Even the students who are studying about politics, history, social

science, law do researching and reading a couple of books to discover more answers that disturb

their minds.

We, the Filipinos in this generation can be considered as lucky yet that we are not counted in

the worst part of the story of our country that our countrymen experienced before. I cannot say that

the Philippines has its freedom because up to this day, there are still many secret transactions that

are not yet revealed in our government today. We also have laws that we need to follow for every

person's protection, safety, and for the human rights. Corruption, abuse of human rights, and abuse

of power still persist. Until now, it is still difficult to stand for our belief because of the many

factors that influences it. I am hoping that the Philippines never have led to such violence anymore

so that there is no more Boni and Pete who will be in pain for years. The freedom that we have

today must be cared, loved, and develop and do anything right as long as we have an open mind
and have the courage to contend for what is appropriate and good for all. No one will help the

Philippines excepts from us, the Filipinos.

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