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A Digital Society, from 5G to AI

A revolutionary evolution is taking place as digitalization permeates our society. It started with
mobile phones and the way we communicated, closing distances between people, now it is
continuing with the way we relate to things by closing the distance with everything else.

Before internet and mobile phones existed, you just arrived at home when you arrived. Now you
can plan your route according to real time traffic, have the heating warming up your house before
you get there, having food delivered right on time and never lose the beginning of a movie.. soon
you won’t need to drive either.

All of this don’t come without great investments and challenges, especially from the mobile
operators’ side, as 5G is the enabler and the accelerator of the digital
5G means many things and for the telecom world; new generation radio technology, new distributed
core, virtualized functionalities, network slicing with different purposes, edge computing and
millions of connected devices (human related, like phone and wearable and Internet of things (IoT)
representing the vast majority of them, e.g. the sensors for smart cities).

With such network complexity, a great challenge operators will be facing is quickly reacting in case
of a network-affecting events. The process to read, analyse and understand what really happened
becomes more and more articulated and time consuming, preventing a timly raction. Here is where
Artificial Intelligence comes into play. Correlating thousands of alarms, historical behaviours and
predicting performances trends to understand the real causes of the matters at hand in few seconds
and single-out the fault-cause to react in real time.

Great innovation and challenges are coming our way as our life paradigm changes and we relay
more and more on our digital-self to interact with the world.

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