RE Wall-Construction Methodology-15-23

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Name of the Client :

Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-

M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

10. Construction Sequence and Procedures

i. The construction sequence for Reinforced Soil Wall structures is straightforward
and respetitive. The principal steps in the construction procedure are summarised
as follows:
a) Preparation of the area to be occupied by the wall.
b) Firm and cast plain cement concrete levelling pad.
c) Install the bottom course of precast concrete facing panels and external bracing.
d) Place filter cloth over joints between individual panels.
e) Place and compact initial lifts of backfill up to the level of the bottom layer of soil
reinforcing geogrid.
f) Install and connect bottom layer of reinforcing geogrid to facing panels.
g) Place and compact subsequent lifts of backfill up to the top of the smaller panels
in the bottom course.
h) Remove bottom wooden clamps.
i) Place filter cloth over joints between individual panels.
j) Place and compact subsequent lifts of backfill up to the level of the second layer
of soil reinforcing mesh.
k) Install and connect second layer of reinforcing grid to facing panels.
l) Place and compact subsequent lifts of backfill up to the top of the larger (full-
size) panels in the bottom course.
m) Remove external bracing.
n) Place second course of precast concrete facing panels.
o) Repeat the sequence of back-filling and compacting in lifts, placing and
connecting reinforcing geogrid, and installing panels until the top of wall is
p) Install top-of-wall coping, traffic impact barriers or other precast or cast-in-place
concrete wall treatments.
12. Site Preparation

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

i. The area to be occupied by the Reinforced Soil Wall structure must be excavated
(or backfilled) to the elevations shown on the approved Drawings over the length
and width of the wall sections to be built. Proof-rolling of the foundation sub-grade,
as required by the project specifications, is important in identifying areas of
unsuitable foundation soils that may require treatment prior to wall construction.
The presence of any areas of potentially unsuitable foundation soils should be
documented and submitted to the Engineer who is responsible for deciding what,
if any, remedial measures may be necessary.

ii. Any drainage systems required between the reinforced soil mass and the
foundation soils or the soil to be retained by the reinforced soil structure should
be installed as required by the approved Drawings and Specifications.
iii. Excavation for the levelling pad may be neat-lined, but only for the depth of the
pad. A minimum of 300mm from the outside face of the wall should be excavated
to the same grade as the top of the levelling pad. This is needed for the insertion
of wood wedges under the facing panels during placement of the bottom course

13. Levelling Pad

i. Form and pour the levelling pad using concrete with a nominal 28-day strength of
not less than 15 MPa. The nominal dimensions of the levelling pad are 350mm
wide and 150mm deep. The levelling pad must be constructed using side forms
to a level a tolerance 3mm. The levelling pad concrete must be allowed to cure
for at least 12 hours prior to beginning panel erection.

ii. Face-of-wall line should be established from the approved Drawings and survey
points and insert 100mm long steel pins located such that at least two numbers
per panel column.

14. Wall Baseline

i. The first step in the erection of the baseline is to establish the starting point. If a
working point is shown on the approved construction drawings, or if the new wall
matches an existing wall, this would be the starting point. If neither of these is the
case, then erection should begin on the levelling pad at the lowest elevation or
the abutment. All bends, corners, vertical slip joints and other significant locations
should be marked. Points along a curve or radius should be established at regular
intervals to ensure proper panel placement and alignment. Also, intermediate
points should be established to check on overall length. Once these points are
correctly marked on the levelling pad, a chalk line can be snapped between the
points. Clear acrylic paint may be sprayed over the chalk line to protect it from

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

rain and foot traffic during erection of the bottom course of panels.

15. General Safety

i. It is extremely important that everyone in the wall erection crew appreciates that
precast concrete panels are heavy and potentially dangerous. Panels can slide
off stacks, fall over during installation or may be dropped accidentally by the lifting
equipment. During setting, placement, adjustment, clamping and bracing, it is
critical that anyone within the potential fall zone of any panel maintain body
contact with the panel so as to provide early warning of potential danger. Never
walk, run or stand under a hoisted panel and never place any part of your body
between or under panels.

16. Initial Course of Panels

i. Bottom course configurations normally comprise alternating A and B panels with

other A panels on top of the B panels. The first row of A and B panels are placed
on the levelling pad with its outside (i.e., finished) face flush with the face-of-wall
line. 20mm thick wooden pieces may be used between vertical joints at the first
row of panels to maintain uniform thick of vertical joints. These wooden pieces will

ii. be removed during the placement of second row of panels. It is then levelled and
battered using wooden wedges or shims, as necessary. At this stage, using an
equal number of wedges on both the inside and outside faces of a panel is
important in ensuring panel stability.

iii. Panels must be placed at a slight batter towards the backfill (75 to 80 mm) in order
to compensate for outward rotation of the panel consequent upon fill placement

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

and compaction. The amount of batter is determined in the field based on the
characteristics of the backfill material, bar mat pullout resistance and panel
dimensions (as per Figure 1).

iv. The panel is then braced externally using a 100 x 50mm clamp and a panel width
spacer centred on top of the panel (as per figure 2). Next, nail a 100 x 50mm
brace to a stake or nail pin driven into the ground and to the clamp.

v. An A panel is placed next to the first B panel with a 20mm wide vertical joint
between. The A panel is then levelled, battered towards the backfill and clamped
to the B panel. The third panel, another B panel, is placed adjacent to the A panel
maintaining a 20mm wide vertical joint. The panel is then levelled, battered and
braced externally (as per figure 3).

vi. In preparation for the placement of the fourth panel, loosely install a clamp (2) on
top of the A panel next to the previously placed B panel. Loosen the clamp (1)
between the A panel and the first B panel. Place two EPDM bearing pads on top
of the B panel at the locations indicated on the approved construction drawings.
Then carefully slide an A panel (4) down between the two B panels until it rests
firmly on the bearing pads. Final adjustments to this group of panels may now be
made by “snugging” the wooden wedges between the panels and the levelling
pad. Lighten the bottom two clamps (1) and (2) in the sequence shown, then
place and tighten two more clamps (3) and (4) above the first two. The sequence
of tightening the clamps is important. If not followed correctly, the A panel will not
slide into position or line up properly. No other external bracing is needed for the
A panel.

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

17. Installation of Joint Materials

i. EPDM bearing pads shall be positioned as indicated on the approved construction

drawings. Regardless of panel size, only two bearing pads shall be used per
panel, typically at the quarter-span points in each horizontal joint. Vertical joints

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

do not require bearing pads.

ii. Filter cloth, should be cut to size and attached to the panel concrete on each side
of all joints. It is not used along the levelling pad. The purpose of the filter cloth is
to maintain the permeability of the facing by allowing water to escape but
preventing the loss of fine particles from the reinforced backfill. The durability of
the adhesive is unimportant since its only purpose is to hold the filter cloth in
position until it can be confined by the backfill.

18. Placement and Compaction of Backfill

i. The material to be used in the reinforced volume must satisfy all the geotechnical
and electrochemical requirements of the project specifications. The backfill must
be placed and compacted to the required density in lifts. The loose thickness of
each lift must be consistent with the compaction equipment being used and the
required degree of compaction, or as required by the specifications. In no case
should the loose-lift thickness exceed one-half the vertical spacing between
adjacent soil reinforcing layers, or 300mm, whichever is less.

ii. During the initial stage of wall construction, no backfill should be placed or
compacted in front of the wall against the externally braced panels, otherwise the
panels will be pushed out of alignment. Once the bottom layer of soil reinforcing
mesh has been installed, and one lift of backfill has been placed and compacted
over the reinforcing mesh, placement and compaction of backfill directly against
the panels can proceed (as per Figure 4).

iii. The backfill should be compacted in layers using large smooth-drum vibrating
rollers except within an approximately a 1.5 m wide zone immediately behind the
panels. In this zone only light hand-operated compaction equipment should be
used. Compaction should comprise at least three passes of the equipment. All
compaction equipment must be operated parallel to the wall face, beginning at
the back of the reinforced soil mass and working towards the panels. This aids in
locking the reinforcing mesh in place before loading the panels.

iv. At the end of each day, it is important to protect the backfill from ponding,
saturation or erosion. The backfill must be sloped away from the face of the wall
in order to avoid build-up of water pressures against the panels. In cut situations,
it may be necessary to remove some panels to allow any water to run out over
the face of the wall. Heavy equipment should not be allowed on backfill that is well
above optimum water content or saturated because of the likelihood of panel
movement and misalignment.

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

19. Installation of Soil Reinforcing Geogrid

i. The geogrid to be used as soil reinforcement should be cut to required widths of

1.25 m .

ii. Before installing any geogrid, reference should be made to the approved
construction drawings to ensure that the geogrid type matches that required by
the Reinforced Soil Wall designs in terms of overall length, width & strength.

iii. Align the geogrid by cutting the transverse ribs wherever required between
protruding connector rods embedded in the back of the panels

iv. Give a small amount of tension to remove any slack in the geogrid and stretch it.
Drive nails along its side and at its ends in about 5 locations to hold the geogrid
firm and flat on the underlying compacted backfill.

v. At each soil reinforcement level, the backfill shall be placed to the level of the
panel connector bars. Backfill placement methods near the panels shall assure
that no voids are created directly underneath the soil reinforcing geogrid.

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

vi. After connecting the reinforcing geogrid, placement of the next lift of backfill shall
begin 1.0-1.5m from the panels. Backfill material must be carefully placed to avoid

vii. twisting and sliding of reinforcing geogrid that could result in pushing or pulling
panels out of alignment. Spread the backfill parallel to the wall face, working away
from the panels toward the ends of the reinforcing grid. If backfill placement is
begun near the end of the reinforcing grid, working toward the panels, then the
reinforcing grid are likely to be progressively pushed forward, leading to mis-
alignment of facing panels. Removing the backfill lift and replacing it in the correct
manner can only repair this.

viii. Once backfill has been placed and compacted on top of the first layer of
reinforcing grid, backfill may be placed and compacted up to the top of the B
panels at this point, clamps (1) and (2) may be removed.

ix. The A panel on top of the B panel should now be checked with respect to joint
spacing and batter. The use of spacers or shims inside the clamps will allow the
panel to be adjusted and maintained at the correct batter

19. Continuation of Construction

i. Backfill may now be placed and compacted up to the level of the second layer of
soil reinforcing grid. Next, place, connect and pin the reinforcing grid in place and
place and compact the backfill up to the top of the B panels. Once both layers of
soil reinforcing grid are attached to the full-size bottom panels and backfilling and
compaction are complete, the external bracing may be removed; no further
external bracing is required. The batter of the completely backfilled panels should
be checked at this stage to determine if the initial batter was correct; any
adjustments to the amount of batter should be made as subsequent panel courses
are installed.

ii. The second course of panels is now installed. Clamps (3) and (4) are removed
and placed on top of adjacent panels. The EPDM bearing pads are placed in the
appropriate locations on top of the B panels before sliding the next A panel into
position. Set the vertical joint spacing and clamp the panels in place using the
(adjusted, if necessary) thickness of shims in the clamps. Install filter fabric over
all joints, place and compact backfill and install next layer of soil reinforcing

Name of the Client :
Doc. No: VIPL/BLKS/RSW/17-
M/s. B L Kashyap & Sons Ltd

Issue Date 14/02/2018

Revision 898 Date 04/09/2013
Prepared RA Checked JJ

iii. The installation sequence for the remainder of the wall follows that outlined above.

iv. It is important that panels are not installed until their placement is needed to
continue placement and compaction of backfill. This means that, except for the
bottom course of panels (which is braced externally) and the top-of-wall panels,
no panel shall be placed on top of an existing panel with exposed loops; Exposed
loops are those that have not yet been attached to soil reinforcing geogrid and

20. Completion of Top of Wall

Set the top-of-wall panels and clamp them in position. The surface of the
backfill may be left lower than normal to facilitate erection of formwork for
top-of-wall treatments and to provide a measure of additional safety.


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