1stQ - 1stsem - Introduction To The Philosophy of Human As Person

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Introduction to the Philosophy of Human as Person (ABM 12)


Name: __________________________________________________ Date: __________ Score: ______

Ang exam parang pag-ibig yan,

‘wag kang titingin sa kaliwa, sa kanan at sa likuran
Kasi baka matukso ka,
focus ka lang kung ano ang nasa harapan
at makukuha mo rin ang kasagutan…

Ikaw din, baka sa kakatingin mo sa iba,

mawala nang bigla ang iyong nasa harapan,
masasayang lang lahat ang iyong pinaghirapan!

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it in the space before the number
1. The four main divisions of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and _____.
a. Bioethics b. logic c. aesthetics d. categorical logic
2. For Socrates, an unexamined life is a tragedy because it results in grievous harm to the _____.
a. state b. justice system c. body d. soul
3. For Socrates, the soul is harmed by lack of _____.
a. knowledge b. wealth c. community d. courage
4. A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized to uncover the truth
is known as a/an _____.
a. argument b. Socratic jest c. Socratic method d. debate
5. The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental questions about reality,
morality, and knowledge is called _____.
a. argumentative method c. philosophical method
b. propositional logic d. syllogistic reasoning
6. The study of reality in the broadest sense, an inquiry into the elemental nature of the universe and the
things in it, is known as _____.
a. Metaphysics b. Epistemology c. Quantum Physics d. axiology
7. Questions like “What is knowledge?” and “What is truth?” are mainstays in the branch of philosophy
known as _____.
a. logic b. metaphysics c. epistemology d. aesthetics
8. According to Socrates, a clear sign that a person has _____ is her exclusive pursuit of social status,
wealth, power, and pleasure.
a. philosophical ambition c. worldly wisdom
b. exceptional desires d. an unhealthy soul
9. An argument, as philosophers use this term, is:
a. an irrational contest, leading to a victor.
b. a polite dispute, leading to tea and crumpets.
c. a group of statements, leading to a conclusion.
d. all of the above.
10. The premises of an argument are …
a. always true.
b. the reason or evidence offered for believing the conclusion.
c. probably unimportant.
d. the point the argument is trying to establish
11. Which of the following is not an example of a philosophical question?
a. How many planets are there in the Milky Way Galaxy?
b. Are minds distinct from bodies?
c. What is the nature of morality?
d. Does every event have a cause?
12. Philosophy studies questions that …
a. cannot have true answers.
b. can be answered simply on the basis of observation and empirical evidence.
c. cannot be answered by abstract reasoning alone.
d. cannot be answered simply on the basis of observation and empirical evidence.
13. One of the most important characteristics of philosophical activity is that philosophy
a. is a rejection of all common sense for theorizing.
b. seeks facts, rather than relationships between facts.
c. is an empirical, rather than a conceptual discipline.
d. is a systematic inquiry into the assumptions of a subject.
14. The epistemologist attempts to answer the question:
a. How do we perceive the world and gain knowledge about it?
b. What is the difference between induction and induction?
c. How do we determine whether our beliefs are true or not?
d. What are the ultimate generalizations of the human intellect?
15. Axiology can be briefly defined as
a. the study of the assumption of any endeavor.
b. the discipline concerned with postulates and axioms.
c. the attempt to find out about the good life.
d. the study of the nature and scope of value.
16. Which of the following comprises the subject matter of metaphysics?
a. The best way to live one’s life and the difference between right and wrong
b. The nature of existence and reality
c. The nature of and conditions for knowledge
d. The nature of God and the soul
17. Which of the following is NOT an argument?
a. All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
b. Men are like dogs. Dogs are motivated by food. Therefore, men are motivated by food.
c. The president should be impeached
d. God is not a deceiver. Therefore, I am not wrong about most of my beliefs, since, if I were, God
would be a deceiver
18. Which of the following is NOT an argument?
a. I was sick on Thursday. I had a cold. Therefore, I could not come to work.
b. Cats are docile animals. Docile animals do not bite. Therefore, cats do not bite.
c. Policemen wear helmets. Hence, John is not a policeman because he does not wear a helmet.
d. . Actions are either right or wrong. Theft is an action. Therefore, theft is either right or wrong.
19. Which of the following questions would a student of aesthetics ask?
a. Does God really exist?
b. How do I know that my beliefs are true?
c. Which actions are right, and which ones a wrong?
d. Is this random splash of paint art, or is it just paint?
20. Which of the following comprises the subject matter of epistemology?
a. The best way to live one’s life and the difference between right and wrong
b. The nature of existence and reality
c. The nature of and conditions for knowledge
d. The nature of God and the soul
21. A person possess that following characteristics except ONE. Which one?
a. dignity b. self-awareness c. self-determination d. self esteem
22. Which of the following is externality?
a. Man’s natural tendency to seek out fellow human beings
b. Person having a clear perception of oneself
c. Capability of persons to make choices
d. None of the above
23. It is the ability to surpass owns limit?
a. transcendence c. dignity
b. self-determination d. self-awareness
24. Environment philosophy is
a. is the discipline that studies the moral relationship of human beings with the environment and its
non-human contents.
b. as human person, we interact not only with our fellow human beings, but also with other living
and non-living elements in our environment.
c. humankind is a part of the world, and we significantly affect our environment in the same way
that changes in our environment affect us
d. all of the above
25. Anthropocentrism is an environmental philosophy is a view that
a. believes that humans are the most important species on the planet and they are free to
transform nature and use its resources.
b. advocates ethical treatment of animals.
c. promotes the idea that order and balance in nature brings about stability and beauty.
d. all of the above
For Questions number 26 – 43. Choose the letter of the correct answer for the following statements.
a. Ad hominem e. Ad antiquitatem i. Fallacy of division
b. Ad baculum f. Ad verecundiam j. Hasty generalization
c. Ad misericordiam g. Dicto simpliciter k. Petitio principii
d. Ad populum h. Fallacy of composition l. Post hoc
26. Arguing that what is true of the parts must be true of the whole.
27. Rejecting a claim by criticizing the person who makes it rather than the claim itself.
28. Arguing that a claim must be true merely because a substantial number of people believe.
29. Men are better drivers than women are. The proof of this is that men are more capable than women of
managing cars on the road.
30. John Stuart Mill: Each person's happiness is a good to that person, and the general happiness, therefore,
a good to the aggregate of all persons.
31. At the end of the course, Professor Jones told us that we were the best class he had ever had. That's
why I'm sure that the 0.0 the appeared on my grade report is a mistake. Surely, if we were as good a
class as Professor Jones said we were, none of us deserved to fail.
32. "The only reason you could possibly be in favor of this is because you're not being honest about your
own sexuality."
33. Kevin's dog scratched his leg, and that night he had a fever. Kevin concluded that his dog must have
infected him with something.
34. With a laissez-faire capitalist economic system, each member of society must act in a way that will
maximize his or her own economic interests. Thus, society as a whole will achieve the maximum
economic advantages.
35. These days everyone (except you) has a car and knows how to drive; So, you too should have a car
and know how to drive.
36. A servant who was roasting a stork for his master was prevailed upon by his sweetheart to cut off a leg
for her to eat. When the bird came upon the table, the master desired to know what had become of
the other leg. The man answered that storks never had more than one leg. The master, very angry, but
determined to strike his servant dumb before he punished him, took him next day into the fields where
they saw some storks, standing each on one leg, as storks do. The servant turned triumphantly to his
master; on which the latter shouted, and the birds put down their other legs and flew away. 'Ah, sir,' said
the servant, 'you did not shout to the stork at dinner yesterday: if you had done so, he would have
shown his other leg too.'"
37. A commercial claims that a specific brand of cereal is the best way to start the day because athlete
Michael Jordan says that it is what he eats every day for breakfast.
38. Chairman of the Board: "All those opposed to my arguments for the opening of a new department,
signify by saying, ‘I resign.’"
39. Destiny is real. Everything that happens to us has already been preordained, written in the stars. It
explains the "chance" encounter that led to me meeting and marrying my future husband all those
years ago.
40. Dave: For five generations, the men in our family went to Stanford and became doctors, while the
women got married and raised children. Therefore, it is my duty to become a doctor.
Kaitlin: Do you want to become a doctor?
Dave: It doesn’t matter -- it is our family tradition. Who am I to break it?
41. I really deserve a “100” on this paper, professor. Not only did I study during my grandmother’s funeral,
but I also passed up the heart transplant surgery, even though that was the first matching donor in 3
42. The 2nd grade at my elementary school buys the most popsicles at lunch. Your brother is in 2 nd grade at
my school, so he must like to eat a lot of popsicles.
43. Christine has a terrible experience with a boyfriend. She decides that all boys are mean.
44. I must have got fever because of the hamburger I ate last night.
For Questions number 45 – 50. Choose the letter of the correct answer for the following statements.
a. Correspondence bias c. Conflict of interest e. Framing
b. Confirmation bias d. Cultural bias f. Hindsight
45. A displeasing event at the start of your day puts you in a negative state of mind and makes you feel
negative about the whole day.
46. An employee takes part in any recruitment, promotion, reclassification, evaluation or grievance process
with current or prospective employees with whom they have, or have had, a close personal or financial
relationship; or where in some circumstances is a close work colleague of an employee involved in such
47. I’m eating with some Koreans. They are slurping their soup. I think that they don’t have good table
manners. In fact, in the Korean culture, slurping soup is the norm.
48. A letter comes in the mail informing an individual that he was accepted into a college. When he tells his
mother she says, “I really had a feeling that you were going to get in”.
49. A person with low self-esteem is highly sensitive to being ignored by other people, and they constantly
monitor for signs that people might not like them.
50. Imagine that you are in your favorite cafe having some coffee. All of a sudden you hear someone enter
who is talking on their cell phone. The cafe is relatively quiet so this person’s phone conversation is
bothersome. You look up from your coffee annoyed at the intrusion and think, “what a rude person!”

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