Manual Tirfor

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tirfor lifting and pulling machines operating and maintenance instructions models: TU: T-500D : TU-8 TUG TU-32 T-508D T-516D ‘AAPactek" qu a ORIGINAL MANUAL CONTENTS Page Ger ning 3 Teehnisal data % 1 Deseriprion al equpinen! 4 2 Rigging arrangements 4 1 Ne lee ron 4 Releasing ane closing the jaws 5. Anchotnigy 6 Operal ? Releasing he wne rons anc sierage 8 Seley cevices 9 Flenlacing tha shear nin 10 Wire rote 14 Maintenarice instructions 12 Warings-agamet hazerious operat 13 Troubieshooimg 1 T5080 " T5160 14 Health anc salely al wre " jealth avid salely at wn ek Aways concemed to improve the quality of its prooucts. ine TRACTEL Group reserves the right to modify the specifications of the saumrnent deserved in thes manual The companies of ine TRACTEL Group snd thelr agents or distipulors wil supply on reques! descnplive documentation on the fall range of TRACTEL graduats lilting and pulling machines, permanerii and temporary aCCASS BqunmOnl, safely devices, eleciramciog Tt Hook / anenor pun Forward operating lave indicalovs, accessates Such as ouliay Dlacks, 2 haaks, slings, ground ananens: et 3: Hoverse gparating (ayer a 5 The TRACTEL viehwors is able to supply an | 6 Repo quinn atterseies and regular maimtenance service. | 7 wire cane Should youhaveany queriesorrequietectnical | a Telascemic operanng t assistarieg, alease do met hesitate fo comact your TRACTEL agalnr. Wire rape on realtor AS Genera wannine A\ 1- Bafora using the TIRFOR machine it is essential ice the safe and correct operation o! te equipment that this manual be read and fully understood ana thatall ine instructions be followed. This manual should be made avaiable to every operalor Exire coples of Ibs manual will be supplied oni request 2- The TIRFOR machine allows the aneratar jo. barry out work wilh complete salely. Ensure that (his machine (s only handed over ler use or rigging to an anerator who Is trained to operate | Ing responsible manner 3- Maver use amachine which is not|n good working coliditer Replaceany Worn oF damaged wire rope (See Séction 10). Continuous monitoring of the condition of the machine, ils wire rope and anchor sting ss an Imparlant safety consideration 4- The manulacturer declines any responsilulily for ne Consequences af dismantling or allering the macnine-by any unauthorised person, Specielly exclyided is the replacement oj original pans by parts of anothar manutacturer & The models as described in this manual must nothe used for |thing people: & Moreaver, nese moviels are designed ior manus! operation and must not be molarised. The TRACTEL Group Nas designed special matorised models (TU: 16H and TU-32H) 7+ Mever sltempt lo overload Ihe maciine: 8 Standard TIRFGR machines are nol riésiyned for use in explosive atmaspneres. § IMPORTANT. |fthe equiomentsiescrited in tis manuals stippllad to anemnlayd person, chock thal you meet yourobligations with respectto salety at work regulations (gee page 11 -chapter 14) LIFTING PEOPLE AND SPECIAL APPLICATIONS: For further information en equipment ier filling people, and oq any special application, please setér to TRACTEL SAS, TECHNICAL DATA MODEL TUB | 7-808D |) TU46 | T5160) TU-32 | T-532D Maxieniin working loan ZI og 16 az Wweignt machine Ko 84 6a 16.0 135 270 24.0 telescopic operating handle ka | 90 40 BA 23 24 23 standard 20 m of wire roe. complete kg 61 a4 Tat Wt 26.6 26.6 Total weight oi standard equipment kg 13.5 137 335 28.9 36.0 529 Machine cinensions length mm | sar | 420 | 860 | 530 | G7 | E80 length Wilh cotional nook: mm | = 550 p50 | sea | aad height mm | 268 | 260 | 3a0 | a6 | aaa | 355 with mim | 708 ag mao | 12% | 156 | 130 ielescomc handle. closedi/extenties Gm | SW77 40/69 | 68/179 | 65/115 | 68/119 | Baf7s TWFOR yare rope diamater im 82 18 163 guaranteed brealang strain” kg 40001 8000 16000 weight per meter kg 0.250 0.500 4.001 Tone vavelfowacdireversey mm | rue | awea | soo | ager | sae | 1866 * inducing Gnd fittings of the wire rape. "One complete cyele ol the mberatings Yevur ar maxmum working Mnaa 1. DESCRIPTION GF EQUIPMENT The TRFOR machine i 2 hand-operated jiting and oulling machin. Wis versatile, portable: and multi-purpose. nolonly for pulling ane iting But alse for lawering, (ansioning an guying The onginality of the TIRFOR machine is ihe principle of operation direcily er the wire rope which passes through ihe miechariism raiher trian neingresiedonoadium ol ahoistor conventional winch. The pull is applied by means of two paws of selfenergised jaws which exert 2 glip on the wire sone in proportion ta the load besa lifted or aullec! 4 lalescapic: aperating lever jilted ta either the foowere! or Ine reverse lever (ransmits the effort 10 the jaw mechanism (a give lonvaid 01 reverse movement of the wire tone, The machine is filles with a héok or anchor pin, depending ca tha mariel, se thatil can be secured quickly 16 any suileble anchor point. HREOR machines, intended for lifting and pulling matefials. are. available in two ranges each with three models of dillerent capacities.- = T2000 range for light duty applications (with salety release catch) TL range ferheavy duty annlicarions (with satery (algage catch) Each machine is supplied with 2 telescopic operating handle, ard usually wittya 20 mstandared length of saecial TIRFOR wire rone filled with a salaly hack and wound onioametalteeler Longer er shorler lengihs of ye rope are avalanie Gr request This manuial sogeiher with a guaranies card are supplied wilh each machine, a8 well as the CE veclaravan of conformily: IMPORTANT TIRFORwareiopelrasbesnsnecially designed to meet the parlicular requirements of the TIAFOR machine. The manulacturer dogs not guarantee: 1he safo operation of machines used wilh wire ope other than TIFFOR wire rope 2, RIGGING ARRANGEMENTS Various ways ot rigging are shown Figs, 24,22, 29 and 24 Figs 4 ant) 5 show particular arrangements fone forbidden and the other recommended) The machine may beanchored tore leet? point ath Ihe wire rope travelling towards the mechine {Figs 2.1.22, 2.3), or travel along the wire rope, with the load, the wire rope itself anchored to a Iixedt porn (Fig. 2.4), In example 22, the maximum working load ot the pulley and the anchor point should be equal ta or greater than twice the inad. a Fig. 2.1 BB. Whatever the raging arrangement, and if the machine is anchored directly [0 4 fixed point, ensure thal here are no obstructions around the machine which could prevent the wire rope, the machine and anchor fram operating in a-straight ling, Its thereiore recommended 16 use a sling of an appropriate capacity between [he anchor pout ang he machine (Fig 8) WARNING Ary flaging arrangement which requiresthe saleulaiinot the forcesapplied should be-chaaked bya campatant engineer, witht special atlention (a [he apprepriale strengih af fixed point used For work such as quidiing the trunk in wee falling, the ogeralar should ensure that he is qutsicle the danger area by passing (he wire rape araund one ar more relura pulleys INCORRECT The capacily of the machine may be increased considerably for the same-etion by [he operator bay using multiple sheave locks. (See the exeinptes gel out m Figs. 6.1 and.62) The increase in the SApACiY show 18 reduced depending an the efficiency of (he pulleys The danieter of the pulleys used shalt be equal 10 21 leasl 18 times the chameter of the wore tape. (Reler 10 the anplicahie regulations) For any rigging arrangement other than those described in this manual, please consult TRACTEL SAS. or a competent specialist engineer before operating ths machine. Big. 6 t= Paling Hig. 62 Liking 3. INSTALLATING THE WIRE ROPE N@ Wher handling the wire rope il 1S recommended ta pratect ihe hancis by using work gloves, Whe wire rope ($ to be anchored to a high anchor On|, Whe Wire rope should fo anchored Defoe ig Ihe Wire fope in the machine |. Unceil the wie rope in a straight lin to prevent oops or Kinks 8. Fislease the intemal miechanisin (See section 4 «Releasing and éigaging the jaws-). & Insert the wre rope through the rope quide st the end gpriosite-t@ Ine anchor paint (hook or AneLiOC EI 4 Push the wire rope through the mactine, anid.lf necessary. helping it fy operating the forward operating lever 5. When the wife rote appears though ihe anchor point pull the slack wire rope through (he machine, to the paint aquired 6, Engage the jaws by operating the rope release: machanism (See section 4 +Releasime and engaging the jaws~) 7 Anghor the TAFGR machine or ne wire (ope 10 fie appropriate fier saint (See séeven 5 eAnenoring +) wn Cate to ensure that the anchor paint ( nook or pin, depending ea tre model) Is correctly fixed &, Extend the jelescome operating handle until te spring iocks imo pasition. If necessary [wish the Wwe seclionis of the handle, one insicle other, 10 Align Mies Sypciy {Fig, 1), 9 Replace thatelescopic operating haridieon the chosen cperaling lever (loward or reverse) and twist the Handle fo ensure that iL as locked i position fabout a ball iura) Atter this procedure, jhe machine is ready tor porawon, prewiciing the loads correctlyanehored Io the machine or the wire rope (See section 5, “Angharngs and section 2 Rigging arrangements), 4. RELEASING AND CLOSING THE JAWS Each machine istited withalaver (Fig, 1 tend) tos iéleasing the jaw mechanism which should only be ‘operated when tha machine is nol under load ‘Thora arp tot NosHions for the 10/3 Telease lever (See Fig 7,@ 2nd 9) released or engaced NB Whennatinoperstion, itistecammended inal Ihe. rope release lever should be in the engaged position. The maenine must herelore be released belore atfampiing ta feed in the wire rope. 5 Releasing | Completely press the rape release salety catch (5) and (ilt the rope release bever (4) 2. Reledsa the safety catch andicontinve to lift the rope release lever unillT lacks into position The internal mechanisin 1S." ihe released position Engaging 1. Litt the rope release lever slightly 2. Press and maimtain pressure onthe mone relbase safely catch, allawinig the release lever to slowly fravel back fo its onginal pesilion Release ihe satety calch, The release lever locks. positon uridar tho effect of ils sang 4.2. TU.92 |Fig 8) PIaCe the anchor point.sqainst 2 suppen Releasing 1. Completely press (one (elease safety catchy (8) and push the rope release lever {4} towards the anchor powt 2 Release the ately catch and continué.to push Ihe rope tetease lever until Hl lacks into position Thainlamnalmecharismisin iereleasead ansition Engaging ¢ rope release levan towards the anchor 2 Prgssand maintain pressuréon the ‘ape release salaty calc alewing [he release lever to slavdy Travel Dack {0 Ils ottatral position, Release the salely calah. The release lever locks in) position unger the effent of ts soring. 4.3, T-500D range (Fig. 9). Place the anefier polnl against a support Releasing Ture therowe release safety vatel (i) and oush the rope release levor (a) towards th anchor pin until locks ina aceiian whan raised eiiahtly ab ts ball Relnaze the safety calesh Engaging 1 Turn tha rope reterese sa ety Gatch Press the aperalease aver vertically downwards, allovsng ine lever [0 travel back to its original Sosivon under the effects of te sprrig. Release ihesalely natch ENGAGED mo. AIG §-TUS? Rope ralease fever. ENGAGED em AELEASED TSO0D range. Alone release lever 5. AN ANCHORING 1. Failure toanchorthe TIAFOR machine correctly runs the risk of a serious accident. The user must always ensure before operation that the ancher point(s) for the machine and wire-rape are of sufficient strength to hold the load. its recommended that TIRFOR machines should be anchored toa tixed point ov fa the (oad using an aperopnate capacity sing. t ls torbiddet to use ine mauhne's Wire fope aea sling By passing it round the load and haoklng it back onto itsell (Fig JO meorset anchoring areangement Fig, 108 - correct anchoiing arrangement), ‘The anchoring arangemant of mineals TUG arid TUB isa hook fitted with a satety exich (Figs, 17 ‘arid 12). livall casee when anchoring the machine the safely catcty of the anchor haak should be closed, nits position atthe lero} the hook ) Thee advice forthe machieg anchor heok also aoplies ta (ne hook (lied (ihe wire TOR TIRFOR machines TL32and 1) 500Dsreanclured by mbans af 4 removabla anchor pun, tithe across ihelwoends of hesidecases(Fig, 13.and 14) and locked i position nye sonng clip (See Figs: 18 varncd 18) INCORRECT Qavional hooks pre avalible to fil te sniether pus of matigle T-S00D and TLA32 To anchor wang mo anchor pir. procedure Below 1 Oper the soning clips cof the arechipe pin follows thie 2 Remove the sarlig Clip Irae thea fF eh 3. Slide th: Ab Fir [Ne anenaring helveen Yiesitle anchor gin out of The side cases (Fig rangement suchas asiing, ciees Rel the snichor pin through theside Gases anc anchoring arlangement, Such as Ihe eyes ofp sing 6 RAAT (he-spAiNg lip ter Ine Nene parr F Gloss ttesnrligdin, ansunirig thay Wits carreetly Over the end of the anchor pin and cannet fell ul, AS warning AS ir is essential tor the safe Operation of the machine to ensure that, before loading (Ne maching, he Anchor Hains, heoks ping. are correctly secured (wit the salety caters correstly lacatac.oa thehaak Fig, 12) CORRECT Fig 1 Inecirec! slinging, Aig: 77 -Mdactine annior hook wilh Gaich in ep8n position Fig 12 Machine anchor hook wat eBtch in elased pesition 7 Fig. 15+ Spang clip closed 6. OPERATION TIRFORmauthines are very easy to. use. Place the telescopic operating handle on other the forwarc Gneraling lever 1ock 1 Nl posiMion by 1g, anu movetne operating handle toand to. The operating arc js vanabie for ease of cperauon When fetaliin sions, both jaws automatically Gre the wie Tobe and hold the load which is soread pqually botweer: ihe jaws The te-anc-ifooneiAlior al the iénvard of reverse lever gives conunUOUs movement ol the lsd Fig 16-Spning eva epen’ 7 RELEASING THE WIRE ROPE AND STORAGE lis essential 16 take the load aff the machine before sttemptingte release the jaws Tocialhis Operate the reverse operating lever until theres ne LeNsigNy in Ihe wite ODE Remove the telescamc: Gperalinig Hardie and feture Iie ine closed posnion Releasethemachine and following instnictians for Inualling the wire tope in (he feverse order Re-angage the jaws ol Ihe machine before putting ir nto storage Stofe the machine and Wire rope in dry place, away irom the stlects ofthe weather. The-wire-rope should he completely removed trom the mactune ait] fevround ome its reeler. Beinre fealing We wire 1ope, 118 recommenced to NSHEEL ML plean iewath 8 brush ano then grease it (See section 10) 8. SAFETY DEVICES 8.1 Overload limiting safety devices Ail TIRFOR maciines: ingaraataé @ sheer join am |p case a? oveylodd, ane of more plas rink aay ME NORA, Teed te Ihe tonwater Ing] lever Shest and prevent further lonwatca of lifting Operations Reverse Gparaiinn is. sill possible 16 safle ile loarl tobe loveerert a (he WiTe Fope ta be sickened (oe speral 8.2 Rope release safety device Moogis TU sind 1 S00D) aro fitted \win a two handen= rape relzase aysiain wih fequirés Heliberate operstien by thy user tu releaba the Fiche. Seesrohond «Aeleasigandongagng java 9. REPLACING THE SHEAR PINS igures 17, 18,18 and 20 show the pesman aiaha molisls Smaea shabr ie aperaing levers ton ane in the rane velease sehind Wie plastic can Sim ata on the TU ano ee ee) nee Freya by an) extrauter ed pine Rell: tne forward 7} Fandie sub cn theceank and align the (he sriear pine (Figs Fite 14) For models T5001 ahd 1U632, align the holes al ihe unpsr and lower sections of the iorward epeialing lever Pest wth he spare Shear ni (sank Clave lhe arma JX Warning AS : tt is forbidden to replace eq 20. aend sheared pins by anything other than genuine TIRFOR shear pins of the same model. Beféte, pultlag ine macnihe hack. inte onéraluvh, arsure Ihat Ine nause of Ihe owsrlodtl i remeved. Wo onecescary, use Mullple sheave olocks (See Figs) Remember ks order sheared bak in Ihe coer glace 1a uy Aint 10. WIRE ROPE A\ Te guarantes the sale operation of TIRFOR machines, itisessential to vse themexclusively with TIRFOR wire rope which has been specially designed to meet the requirements af the TIRFOR machine, TIAFOR with ropes fave g fed strane) wrictt 1s visitsle on new rope On: ol Ihe wie rape nas an end fittig, such as a salely Nowk, Titer! 1b a (nimble five 6y'a metal iarrule (Sea Fig. 21). The other end. Gt ihe wire rope ig lubed and tapered (Seo Tig 22) Rites max. 1.6 dia gt Ze 2 Awire ropein good conditianisa guarantee of safety, to the same exten! as a machine in goed condition 1 | necessary to SanhnuouBly Manat Wie SIAL GF ING wine OE, co clean And al) Swath arag soaked with Motor oil Or grease Grease or oi) conmaining, grannite zodinves or molyodenuim disulpliiag mist NeW he used Visual examination of the wire rope The wife rope siould De axanmriod daily to detect any signs of weer (damage nr n/oken wires Bee esamates ip Fig, 23) Wi) Case OT any apoarcn wen checked by 4 commetern natsam Any wi tly reduistion- trex tha rvsrninel) iarrlstér by Tiong (Nar 10% Shiouke ne rapisoadt (Soe Fig. 24 fos the cored! nethart of measuring Ihe diameter of aire rope). fig 23- Paamipies of damaged wie rope 10 correct method ‘of measuring IMPORTANT |) is iemammended, specially for fitting applications, lnensuretharthelengit) of wire. otra rreler appiosinvately. ‘Wher ilfing ot lowering losossiver long langinsol WIN: ODE, Stops Shout Be token to-atop tha inet hronttolalmg le preventine wie rape from aniay iigy Never allow = tengwoned wire rope (Oo tb over shalpiedges: Tha wiferome must only be Usast with pulleys of arr agpronete chanesler Never expose the wre rope to lanriperatures haynes Hid) eiegrees C. Never use wiretaps Ina Das peer sumqect to damage Such as line, Horrosive Chertinals oF atmosannra. or exqased terelactnie current Storage’ See ser 11. MAINTENANGE INSTRUCTIONS. e machine should be inspected! lubfieaiad wt regular torent, al least anny by an agprevoc THACTEL SAS rapamss Nawer use giease of ai conlaining graphite aadlves or molyodenun) olsuintnde To citar the mache: allciw the tmetiune 12 sal 1m @ bain of some proprigiary cleansing luld Sul nal agetone ana Gievivanlves or ethylene untshiuritis emt cterrvalivess Ther snaky (se machine vigorously 3. looser foresigre manera tatty jetisicka chown to-allow’ the din ty -uame out threugh ine openings tor the operating levers, Alkwe Ine mechanisr it drain and become dry Aker tne iennenl ensure that the machine is well lubricated hy Aanmlyiig quantiiy of ll (lye SAE 0120) ontes the yen macharsin tiresigh ine opeongs for the operating levers: eral lor (Ne nveeras ThA and Tet, th ine special ubmeution Nols. To cany ou procedure, (te post tor the mactine i uneles Ina and (Prine released eusrlior the forward arid rew Allernalivaly opelate ‘operating levers to allaw the lubiigan| io penetrate all paris-af the reéchenism, A.B, Excess idibricatite cannot case the machine ‘oF wite Tope to slip, Any rmactune- where the side cases show signs of dentsor damage, ara wich fhe hook is damaged Amadiels, TUB and TU-16), should be returned to 8n approved reoawer of TRACTEL S.A S.'s network wy WARNINGS AGAINST HAZARDOUS operations A The cperationot T1RFOR machines, Insecorence with the instnictions af shis manual, isa guarantee al salaly Meverlneless, il is uselul lo draw the ‘attention of users ta te following warnings TIRFOR machines 28 described in this manual must not be used for lifting peomie — Naver aitempttomolorise the muciels of TIRFOR machines descrited in this manual - TIRFOR mactiinas mus! nol he used beyond reir maximum warking load - TIRFOR machines must not be used tor applications ather than those for which they are rnlenctedt ~ Newer atlempt to operate the rope rejease mechanism whilst the macnine is under load — Never nipsirunt the operating levers or the rope release lever, Never operate the forward and reverse operaling levers at the same lime — Never USe & bende, olher (han Ihe telsscomre operating handle supolied, to operate the TIRFOR machine = Its forbidden to replace shearee pins by anything other than genuine TIRFOR shear pins of the same modal ~ Never anchor the machine other than ny iis sfpronriate anchor point = Naver obstruct the machine, whieh could prevent ihe maching, the wre rope and the anchor points from operating in a siight line. — Never use the TIRFOR wire rape as a sling. — Neverapply a loay to the loose wre rope exiting fram ihe anchor noint of the TRFOR machine. Meyer subject the controls te sharp kracks — Never Silempt lo reverse Ihe rope completely through the machine Whilst under load — Do noloperate the TIRFOR machine when the Tope ferrule gets to within of the machine, Otenwse [he femuie iS likely [0 foul the casing and poush Ihe rope guitie inside the machine 19. TROUBLESHOOTING 1) The torward operating lever moves freely and does not operate the mechanism the machine has begn overloaded and the shear MIN Nave sheared. See section Diol replacing [he shear pins. 2} Pumping Alackoflubscant ina TIRFOR machine sometimes rings about @ cenditiin known as ~pumping = Wnich is not at all cangefous, but which is Inconvenient This situation oecurs when the pave Which gnpping the rope becomes locked onto it preventing the otter jaw from taking over the load, As lheoperaling lever Is mavedin one direction the machine travels 2 {ew centimeters. bul when the onaraiing lever vavels in the otner direction the machine mavas back |ne same aislance im sympathy with the jaw which is locked ono the rope. The TIRFOR niachine should be thoroughly luhficaled and iLwill ecommaence woringnormally 3, Jerkiness This is also a sympiom ot lack of luntication, The TIRFOR machine should ne thoroughly tubricated 4, Blockage | the wie rope becomes blocked inthe machine, Generally necause a damaged section of wire ropeis Sluck wiltin the jaws, iis imperative lo siop operating the machine. The load should be taken by anothermaching nn a separate wire rope,ar by anolher means. whilst ensuring thal all satety precautions are!aken, Wren the blocked machine isnalongerunderinad, hedamaged rope may be released andl remaved, Should this narbe possible return the machine and wire rope to the manulaclurer or an approved repairer 44. HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK. All lifting equipment mus! be supolied, operated, mainiainer! and tesled according 19 Ihe provision: of the relevent heshh and salety at wark reguietians, itis alsa the respansabiliy of every company to Grsire that thair employees have been fully and properly eined hr Ihe safe operalion of thaw equipment W LEFT SIDE T-S08D Ensure thal the labels indicated above in black are in place. Replacement labels can be supplied on request, Accessories for TIRFOR machines: ft ir) Ho ee by < for TIRFOR oO 1.8000. Putley blocks pad Ti? § ahd side egernng Blacks Sings: Groundancnors 401975+03 — ind, Gb — 10/2007 = TRACTEL S.A.S. SECALT 5.4, RA 49 Sain Hazing sous Rornilly’ 3. nue di Fort Ourmsulin F 10102 Romilly-s'Setne BP W113 © 1-107) Linembaurg Tél, (933) 3 25 2107 08 Tel. (352) 4342 924 Bax (o30)3 25.91 001 Fan 1882) 43.42 42-200 (50 $o0t ISO sat COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Manulnctured oy TRAGTEL SAS

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