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Carl Angelo T.

Jamero X-james

Topic: Water conservation

Title: Why should we need to conserve water?
I. Introduction
A. Thesis
This essay will be about convincing people to conserve water for them to have an
emergency supply and lessen the water billings.

B. General statement
Water conservation refers to the preservation, control and development of water

II. Body
A.R1: We need to conserve water for emergency.
1. We will be ready if there’s a water traffic.
(Sometimes fresh water doesn’t get to provincial places.)
2. When we conserved water there will be less wasted water.
3. You’ll pay less on your water billings.

B.R2: Pay less on your water billings.

1. You will not pay on wasted water.
2. You save up water and money.
(More money you can save.)
3. Many people will be glad about conserving water.

C.R3: There will be less fresh water.

1. There will be less fresh water for us to use.
(Many people uses dirty water because of less fresh water.)
2. Other people will be forced to drink dirty water.
3. When there’s less fresh water on earth many people will die in thirst.
(There are about 20% of fresh water for all of us on earth.)

III. Conclusion
A. Summary (Intro, Body)
The summary of this is about water conservation of water resources, people need to
conserve water for emergency so that there will be less water billings and there will be
more fresh water of us to use.
(Rue Andrei Pascal, September 25, 2001, water conservation n.d ,

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