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21.1 Finite and infinite sets.

If the number of elements in a set is finite that set is said to be a finite

set. If the number of elements in a set is infinite that set is said to be an
infinite set.

53 For Free Distribution

Exercise 21.1
1. Of the sets given below, indicate the finite sets and infinite sets separately.
P = {Vowels of the English alphabet} T = {The subjects you study in school}
Q = {Prime numbers} U = {Positive numbers less than 100}
R = {Polygons} V = {Triangular numbers}
S = {Colours of the rainbow}
2. (i) Write 5 examples for finite sets
(ii) Write the number of elements in each set written above.
3. Write 5 examples for infinite sets.

21.2 Subset and the complement of a set.

Teacher - There are 32 children in this class. How many of them are doing
Sumudu - Teacher, there are thirteen students.
Teacher - Ah! How many of them are playing musical instruments ?
Sumudu - Only three teacher. The other ten are singing.
Teacher - Good, then all of you come prepared to stay after school for practices.
Nadeesha - As I belong to the "complement", I do not have to stay after school.
Sumudu - What do you mean by the "complement"
Nadeesha - When our whole class is considered as the universal set, the students
who are doing music is a set consisting of some elements of the
universal set. Then those who are not doing music will belong to the
complement of that set.
Now I enclose all the students in our class inside this square and draw
a circle enclosing those who are doing music. Those who are playing
the instruments are also in this circle. So I enclose them in this small
circle. You are also in that small circle. I will be outside the big circle,
but inside the square.
Students in the class
Sumudu - A fine diagram.
Nadeesha - Not only that, the sets inside another set are N
called subsets.{Children who are doing
music}is a subset of the set {Children in our
class}.The set of those who are playing S
instruments is a subset of the set of children
doing music.
Sumudu - Ah! What a lot you know Nadeesha!
Those who are Those who are
A set which consists of elements which belong doing music playing musical
to the universal set but do not belong to a given instruments
set is called the complement of this given set S - Sumudu
N - Nadeesha

54 For Free Distribution

The complement of A is denoted by A . It can be e
expressed in a Venn diagram by shading as follows.

1 A
Example - 2
e = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} 4 3 A
A = {3, 6} 6
The complement of A , A/ = {1, 2, 4, 5} 5
In a Venn diagram it can be shown as follows.
A set which has no elements, several elements, or all the elements of a
certain set is called a subset of the original set.

If B is a set formed by several elements of A then B is a subset of A

It is denoted by B Ì A

It can be shown in a Venn diagram as follows. A

Example -
P = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
Q = {2, 4, 6}
R = {3, 6, 9} 1
All the elements of Q belong to P 3
Q is a subset of P. i.e., Q Ì P 5 4 Q
But 9 does not belong to P (9 Ï P) 2 6
\ R is not a subset of P 7
i.e., R Ë P
P and Q are illustrated in the Venn diagram.
Example 1
e = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
X = {Prime numbers between 1 and 10}
Y = {Multiples of 3 less than 10}

(i) Write the set X /

(ii) Write the set Y
(iii) Write 5 subsets of X
(iv) Write all the subsets of Y
55 For Free Distribution
(i) X = {2, 3, 5, 7}
\x = {1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10}
(ii)Y = {3, 6, 9}
\ Y/ = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10}

(iii){2}, {3}, {5}, {7}, {2, 3}, {2, 5}, {2, 7}, {3,5}, {3,7}, {5, 7}, {2,3,5},
{2,3,7}, {2,5,7}, {3,5,7}, {2,3,5,7}, {} are the subsets of X.Any five sets
out of these sets can be taken as the answer

(iv) {3}, {6}, {9}, {3, 6}, {3, 9 },{6, 9 },{3, 6, 9 },{ }
« The null set is a subset of any set { }Ì A
« Every set is a subset of itself AÌ A

Example 2
e = {a, b, c, d, e, f}
A = {a, c, e}
B = {a, c}

(i) Illustrate the above sets in aVenn diagram

(ii) Write the set A
(iii) Write the set B/
(iv) Write the relationship between the sets A and B using set notation.

(i) As all the elements of B belong to A, the set B is inside the set A
B ac
(ii) A/ = {b, d, f} A
(iii) B = {b, d, e, f} e d
(iv) B Ì A

Exercise 21.2
1. Write the complement (A/) of the set A in each of the following.
(i) e = {Children in our class}
A = {Girls in our class}
(ii) e = {Counting numbers between 1 and 10}
A = {Even numbers between 1 and 10}
(iii)e = {The farmers in our village}
A = {The farmers who grow paddy}

56 For Free Distribution

(iv) e = {Passengers in a bus}
A = {Passengers in the bus who are carrying umbrellas}
(v) e = {People attending the lecture}
A = {People attending the lecture who are more than 50 years of age}
(vi) e = {Children who participated in the tour}
A ={The boys who participated in the tour}
2. e = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
P = {5, 10}
Q = {2, 4, 6, 8}
(i) Write P / and Q
(ii) Write all the subsets of P
(iii) How many subsets does Q have?
3. Copy the following expressions. If they are correct mark them with ( ü ) and if
they are wrong mark them with (´)
(i) {5}Ì {Prime numbers}
(ii) {3, 5}Ì {Counting numbers}
(iii){0, 2, 3}Ì {Digits in the number 20 421}
(iv) {R}Ë {The letters in the word " RATHNAPURA"}
(v) {1}Ì {Triangular numbers}
(vi) {January}Ì{The months with only 30 days}
(vii){0, 1, 4, 5}Ì {The digits in the units place of the perfect square numbers}
(viii) 4 Ì {Even numbers}
4. (a) n(A) + n(A)/ = n(e). Verify this statement using Venn diagrams
(b) (i) If n(e) = 12 and n(A) = 7 find n(A)
(ii) If n(X) = 20 and n(X ) = 13 find n(e)
(iii) If n(e) = 35 and n(P ) = 18 find n(P)
5. A = {2}, B = {2, 3}, C = {2, 3, 5}, D = {2, 3, 5, 7}

(i) Copy and complete the table given below.

Set Number of Subsets Number Number of subsets
elements of subsets as a power of 2
A --------- ------------------------ -------- ----------
B 2 {2}, {3}, {2, 3}, {} 4 22
C -------- ------------------------ --------- ----------
D -------- ------------------------ -------- ----------
(ii) If the number of elements in a set is n, write the number of subsets of that set in
terms of n based on the above table.

57 For Free Distribution

21.3 Intersection and union of sets
S = {Pupils from grade 9 who have membership in the school sports club}
R = {Pupils from grade 9 who are members of the scouts association }
By listing the elements of the above sets the following results are obtained
S = {Thilini, Manosha, Udayangani, Chatura, Dinidu, Yohan}
R = {Udayangani, Nalaka, Chamara, Isuru, Dinidu, Nelum, Nethmini}
According to the above information, Udayangani and Dinidu belong to both S and R.
Hence the set {Dinidu, Udayangani}is equal to the set {Students from grade 9 who
are members of the school sports club and the scouts association}

The set of elements common to two sets is called the intersection of the
two sets and is denoted by the symbol Ç

The intersection of S and R is,

S Ç R = {Udayangani, Dinidu}
(This is read as S intersection R)
When all the students of S and R are considered, it is the set {students from grade 9
who are members of the school sports club or the scouts association}
The set containing all the elements of two sets is called the union of the
two sets and is denoted by the symbol È
The union of S and R is,
S È R = {Thilini, Manosha, Udayangani, Chatura, Dinidu, Yohan, Nalaka, Chamara,
Isuru, Nelum, Nethmini}
(This is read as S union R)
The two sets can be represented in a Venn diagram as follows.

S Manosha Udayangani R
Chatura Dinidu

Elements in the intersection show the properties of both sets.

Example - P = {Quadrilaterals}
Q = {Regular polygons}
PÇ Q = {Regular quadrilaterals}
58 For Free Distribution
Example 3
P = {Digits in the number 534 063}
Q = {Digits in the number 120 347}
R = {Digits in the number 217 891}
(i) List the elements of each set given above.
(ii) List the elements of P Ç Q
(iii) List the elements of P Ç R
(iv) List the elements of P È Q
(v) List the elements of Q È R
(ii) P Ç Q = {3, 4, 0}
(i) P = {5, 3, 4, 0, 6} (iii)P Ç R ={ }
Q = {1, 2, 0, 3, 4,7} (iv) P È Q = {5, 3, 4, 0, 6, 1, 2, 7}
R = {2, 1, 7, 8, 9} (v) Q È R = {1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9}

Example 3
If e = {Counting numbers between 0 and 16}
X = {Multiples of 4 between 0 and 16}
Y = {Multiples of 3 between 0 and 16}
(a) (i) List the elements of the above sets.
(ii) Show these sets in a Venn diagram.
(b) List the elements of the following sets.
(i) X Ç Y (ii) X È Y (iii) X / (iv) (X È Y)/ (v) X / Ç Y
(a) (i) e = {1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
X = {4, 8, 12}
Y = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} 10 11 13
(ii) 14
X 12 9 6 Y
1 2 5 7

(b) (i) X Ç Y = {12}

(ii) X È Y = {3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15}
(iii) X = {1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11,13, 14, 15}
(iv) (XÈY) = {1,2, 5, 7, 10, 11,13, 14}
(v) Here you have to take the elements common to X and Y
\ X / Ç Y = {3, 6, 9, 15}

59 For Free Distribution

Exercise 21.3
If A = {1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45}
B = {6, 12, 18, 36, 42, 48}
C = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21},
write the following sets.
(i) A Ç B (ii) A Ç C (iii) B Ç C (iv) A È B (v) B È C

2. If e = {Counting numbers from 1 to 10}

P = {digits of the number 435 308 105}
Q = {prime factors of 180}
R = {prime factors of 196}

(a) List the elements of the above sets

(b) List the elements of the following
(i) P Ç Q (ii) Q Ç R (iii) P Ç R (iv) P È Q (v) Q È R
(vi) P Ç Q (vii) P Ç (Q È R) (viii) (P È Q) Ç (P È R)

3. Write the following sets using the Venn diagram

(i) A (ii) B e
(iii) A Ç B (iv) A È B
10 30
/ /
(v) (A È B) (vi) (A Ç B) 5
(vii) A/
(viii) B /
15 20 40
(ix) A/ Ç B (x) B / Ç A 25
35 45 50

4. For the pairs of sets given below write the following sets, in words.
(i) A Ç B (ii) A È B
(a) A = {Grade 9 students in Tissa Vidyalaya}
B = {Students in the prefects board of Tissa Vidyalaya}
(b) A = {Students of Gamunu Vidyalaya who play net ball}
B = {Students of Gamunu Vidyalaya who play volley ball}
(c) A = {Students in our school who have visited Dambulla}
B = {Students in our school who have visited Sigiriya}
(d) A = {The members of the Aruna Farmers association who grow vegetables}
B = {The members of the Aruna Farmers association who grow paddy }
(e) A = {Students in our school who could speak in English}
B = {Students in our school who could speak in Tamil}

60 For Free Distribution

5. The marks obtained by a group of students at written tests in Mathematics and
Science are given below in a table.
If S = {Students who obtained more than 90 for Science}
M = {Students who obtained more than 90 for Mathematics}
(i) Write the sets S and M
(ii) Write the set S Ç M Marks
(iii)Write the set S È M
Name Science Maths
(iv) An institution named 'A' offers
scholarships to the students who
Nishani 68 85
have obtained more than 90 marks
Sadaruwan 87 96
for Science and Mathematics. Who
Buddhi 94 95
are the students who have qualified
Nayomi 89 92
for this scholarship?
Nadeeshani 95 97
(v) Another institution named 'B' offers
Deleepa 82 74
scholarships to the students who
Aruni 93 79
have obtained more than 90 for
Malan 83 71
Science or Mathematics. Who are
the students who have qualified for
this scholarship?

6. Copy the Venn diagrams and show the set given below in each Venn diagram
by shading the relevant region.
(i) (ii)
e e


(iii) P (iv) AÇ B
e e


(v) PÈ Q (vi) X ÇY
e e



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