Challenges of Media Planning

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Challenges in Media Planning:

1. The media landscape continues to evolve at breakneck speed. This is hardly headline
news; agencies are all too aware of the huge impact that digital technologies and shifting
consumer behaviours have had on their marketing campaigns over the last ten to 15
2. For decades, TV reigned supreme in the advertising world. Media agencies' main tasks
were isolated to planning or buying campaigns across a narrow selection of channels.
Only ten years ago, the first smartphone was yet to be released, Facebook was
unavailable to public users and Twitter was three months away from launching. Now we
have Apple Pay, wearables and a range of other technologies disrupting the status quo,
with consumers now more likely to see ads on a vertical screen than a horizontal one.
3. Clearly, media agencies must adapt quickly if they want to stay relevant in such a rapidly
changing environment. Organisations not only need people with a wider set of skills than
ever before but also innovative tools that empower employees to perform an increasingly
challenging job.
4. In a world of big data, marketing automation and programmatic advertising, agencies
need people who possess talents across much wider areas. Strategists, data analysts,
content producers, developers, econometricians and search technicians are just some of
the varied skill sets on show at high-performing agencies.
5. However, finding the right talent is just part of the process and no one is strong in all
these specialisations. Media agencies must therefore take a more strategic approach
across the entire organisation - a task that is often easier said than done.
6. Unfortunately, the media strategy decision has not become a standardized task. A number
of Challenges contribute to the difficulty of establishing the plan and reduce its

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