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This activity provides an opportunity for the students to

1. become familiar with the varieties of plants in CEU and around Metro Manila;
2. classify plants based on discussed criteria;
3. identify and classify leaves based on phyllotaxy, types, and venation;
4. have the opportunity to be outdoors appreciating and making observations about
their environment; and
5. create an identification book of native plants.


1. The group will divide the task to all members by assigning 4 to 5 different kinds of
leaves to each member.

2. Each member will classify the plant source of the collected leaves whether it is
vascular or non-vascular

3. Leaves should be pressed for a couple of days before mounting. To flatten, place
a leaf between sheets of paper and place heavy books on top of them so that
they will be pressed flat.

4. Mount your leaves on a white sheet of printer paper.

5. Label each leaf by writing BOTH the COMMON NAME and the SCIENTIFIC
NAME, where it was collected, and the date collected.

6. Classify each leaf based on type of leaf (simple or compound), venation, and
arrangement on a stem (phyllotaxy)

7. Identify in a complete sentence two usages of the plant source or the leaf itself.

8. A picture of each plant source must be present for each leaf sample taken.
(These are your photographs taken of the tree or plant where you got the leaf, not
pictures from the Internet)


10. DUE DATE: Nov. 25 (for M-W classes), Nov. 26 (for T-Th or T-F classes) & Nov.
28 (for Th-F classes)
Group #: _________ Date: ___________

Section: __________ Score:___________

GROUP MEMBERS: _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________

5-4 3 2-1 Points

Total leaf collection is Total leaf collection is Total leaf collection is
complete incomplete by 2to 4 incomplete by 5 or
Common names and Common names are Many of the names are
Scientific names are correct but scientific incorrect and not
correct and written names are not properly properly written
properly written scientific names
All classification Some classifications Many of the
based on the criteria are incorrect classifications are
are correct incorrect
The usages of the Some of the usages Most of the usages are
plant source are are irrelevant irrelevant
Photographs of the Some of the Most of the
plants are valid or photographs are photographs are
actual questionable questionable
The output is neat and There are some There are many
submitted on time. erasures but submitted erasures
on time and submitted late


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