Solutions For Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity

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Solutions for Maintaining

Constant Relative Humidity

The Johns Hopkins L'niversity, Baltimore 18, M d .

T h e aqueous tensions maintained bj twelve saturated cock lubricant (silicone) was used on all submerged lubricatrti
aqueous salt solutions in an enclosed space from room surfaces.
The operational procedure was as follows. A solution was pre-
temperature to 90" C. are given and the relative humidities pared from C.P. chemicals and redistilled water, containing suffi-
calculated therefrom. The salts include the halides of cient salt, so that some would remain undissolved a t 90" C. The
potassium and sodium, the nitrate, nitrite, chromate, and Bask containing the solution was connected to the ap aratus and
dichromate of sodium, and chromic oxide. The data cooled with dry ice until the solution was frozen. $hen all air
was evacuated from the entire apparatus and the stopcocks were
were obtained by a static method using a modification closed. The solution was allowed t,o melt and was stirred vigor-
of the isoteniscope of Smith and Menzies. ously to free dissolved gases. This procedure was repeated twict,
more, after which the t,hermostat was placed in position and set.rtt
a desired temperature. As t'he pressure of the water vapor in-
creased] the differential manometer was kept roughly balanced by
I N COYKECTIOK n l t h studies ot adsorption oi mater vapor
on silica gel it was desired to equilibrate samples of gel in air
a t various relative humidities a t a constant temperature. In-
allowing air to flow slowly into the pressure-measuring syst,ein.
When vapor-liquid equilibrium was reached, t>he pressure was
asmuch as the static equilibration was to take months, the
simplest method was thought to be that of exposing the ad-
sorbents in a desiccator to air in contact Jqith saturated aqueous TABLD
salt solutions a t eonstant temperature. Lange's handbook HUNIDITY

(8) gives a list of such salt solutions, but this list is not very com- kin- .Igueoiis Relative Tern- Aqueous ltelativr
uerature, Tension, Humidity UeLature, Tension, Humidity.
plete and values for various salts arr given a t single temperatures C. Mm. Hg % C. hlin. Hg '%
or over very restricted temperature ranges. Reference to the Sodium Chloride, SRCI Potassium Iodide, K I
literature showed that the data are fragmentary and widely 15.5 10.03 75.Y 40.0 36.94 66.8
20.7 13.85 75.7 50.0 60.11 65.0
scattered, nor could data be found on several systems that the 30.2 24.10 74.9 60.0 94.30 63.1
authors wished to use. Some few studies were found for several $0.0 41.30 74.7 70.0 144.0 61.7
00.0 68 30 74 9 80.0 916.0 fin 8
salts (1, 5). 60.0 111 9 74 9 90.0 817.3 60 1
70.0 175.4 75.1
Accordingly, it was undertaken to nieabure the vapor pressure 80.0 271.0 76.4
of water over saturated salt solutions from room temperature to Sodirini Erornide hJaBr.2HsO 4
90" C. The salts chosen were the chlorides, bromides, and io- N a B r a t b0.6' C. Sodium Nitmte, NaKU,
dides of potassium and sodium, potassium fluoride, sodium 20.3 10.35 58.0 30.1 20.16 63.0
40.9 30.37 52.4 40.0 33.97 61.5
nitrate, nitrite, chromatp, and dichromate, and chromic olidr 50.0 46.02 49.7 30.0 55,30 59.8
60.0 74.50 49.9 60.0 88.61 ,59.3
70.0 118.4 R0.7 70.0 137.6 5 8 !4
EXPERIM EhT 4 L 80.0 181.0 50.9

The apparatus constructed was a modification of the isoteni- Sodium Iodide, NaI.2HsO -+
N a I a t 68. l o C . Sodiiini Nitrate, NaNOi
scope of Smith and Menzies (10). 30.2 11.71 36.4 :10.0 23.14 72.8
40.0 17.94 32.3 40.0 39.58 71.5
It consisted essentially of a differential manometei filled with 60.0 26.28 28.4 50.0 63.46 68.8
dibutyl phthalate] connected on one side t o the sample tube and 60.0 37.80 25.3 60.0 100.7 67.6
on the other to a pressure-measuring system. The entire appara- 70.0 52.28 42.6 70.0 153.5 65 .i
80.0 81.37 23.2 80 0 232.5 65 5
tus was connected t o a high vacuum system by suitable stopcocks 90.0 123.4 23.5 90.0 341.8 65,O
through cold traps, The ressure-measuring system was filled
with dry air at pressure sugcient to balance roughly the differen- Potasbium Fluoride, KF.2HzO 3 Sodium Chromate NasCr0a.-
K F a t -50' C. 4Hz0 -+ NapCrOa kt 64.8' C
tial manometer a t any point, Being thus isolated from any con-
densable vapor, the pressure could be measured by McLeod gages 30.4 8.91 27.4 30.2 20.80 64.6
40.0 12.62 22.8 40.0 34.19 61.8
Two such gages, one measuring from 0.01 to 10 mm. and one from 60.0 18.88 20.4 50.0 54.40 58.8
10 to 123 mm. of mercury, were provided. Pressures above 125 60.0 31.36 21.0 60.0 83.06 55.6
mm. were measured on a large-bore manometer. The difference 70.0 51.34 22.0 70.0 127.6 54.7
80.0 80,25 22.8 80.0 199,s 56.2
between the levels of the dibutyl phthalate in the two legs of the 90.0 122.8 23.4 90.0 302.9 57.6
differential manometer was measured by cathetometer and trans-
lated to millimeters of mercury a t 0" C. using the known density Sodium Dichromate, Na~Cr207.
of the fluid a t the operating temperature. The reading of the Potassium Chloride, KC1 2HzO -+ NazCrzOi a t 74 8' C .
gage was corrected by this amount. The pressure-measuring 20.2 14.91 85.0 30.0 17.26 54.2
system was provided with a large-volume float (2 liters) t o elimi- 30.3 27.36 84.5 40.0 29.61 53.6
40.0 45.19 81.7 50.0 50.30 54.4
nate corrections due to compression when the McLeod gages 50.0 74.20 81.2 60.0 82.49 55.2
were operated. 60.0 120.3 80.7 80,O 190.0 56.0
The flask containing the solution was attached to the appara- 70.0 187.0 80.0
80.0 382.4 79.5
tus by a standard-taper joint for ease in changing solutions. The 90.0 411.5 78.3
flask contained a glass-enclosed iron rod by which the contents
could be stirred magnetically from the outside during degassing Potassium Bromide, KBr Chromic Oxide, CrOa
evacuations. All parts of the system which came in contact with 40.0 44.0 79.6 15.0 5,81 45.4
water vapor, from the differential manometer, including the flask 50.0 73.26 . 79.2 30 0 14 18 44.6
60.0 117.0 79.0 40 0 25.00 45.0
and over to the stopcock used for evacuation, were immersed in a 70.0 185.0 79.2 .iO.O 42.01 45.4
water thermostat maintained to i-0.1' C. over a long period of 80.0 281.5 19.3 60.0 68.41 45 8
time. Values were read only when the temperature was constant 70.0 108.0 46.3
to better than ~ 0 . 0 . C5 ~for 0.5 hour A high temperature Stop-

read, as was the difference in levels of the legs of the differential range from 30.0" to 90.0' C. The relative humidity decreased
manometer. The procedure was then repeated a t a higher tem- with rising temperature; no transition was observed.
perature. SODIUM CHROMATE.This solution was found t o undergo transi-
tion from Na2CrOa.4H20 t o the anhydrous form at about 65 O C.,
RESULTS agreeing with Dingemans' value of 64.8" C. for the transition
temperature (2).
The data are given in Table I. The per cent relative humidity SODIUM DICHROMATE. A transition was observed for this solu-
was calculated from the aqueous tension by dividing by the tion a t about 75" C. A value of 74.8" C. for the transition from
vapor pressure of water at the same temperature, as given in the dihydrate to the anhydrous form has been reported by Hart-
ford ( 5 ) ,whereas the value reported by both International Criti-
International Critical Tables (6). Clausius-Clapeyron plots cal Tables (6) and Perry's handbook (9) is 84' c. The aqueous
(log p vs. 1/T) were linear over the temperature ranges studied, tension of this solution was not measured above 80" C., but be-
and existence of phase transitions was characterized on such plots cause International Critical Tables does not list a transition at
by abrupt changes of slope. Such transitions are discussed below. 75' C.., i t is believed that the value is in accidental error and that
this has been copied into the handbook without checking.
CHROMIC OXIDE. No transition was observed in the case of
CHLORIDE.The aqueous tension of saturated solutions
SODIUM this solution, in agreement with a study by Kremann ( 7 ) .
of sodium chloride increased uniformly over the range studied
(15.5' to 80.0"C.). No transition was observed, as was expected. Several of the salts exhibit equilibrium relative humidity
SODIUM BROMIDE.A break in the plot of log p us. l / T was ob- values which first decrease to a minimum value and then increase
served a t 50" C. This agrees fairly well with the transition tem-
perature of 50.6' C. re orted by Dingemans ( 8 ) . Below this slightly. These variations are due to slight deviations from
temperature the form o f the compound is NaBr.2H20 and the absolute linearity on the Clausius-Clapeyron plot, possibly due t o
transition is to NaBr. associations in the solution.
SODIUM IODIDE. This compound was observed to have a break
in the plot at about 70" C., in agreement with the transition tem-
perature from NaI.2Hz0 t o NaI a t 68.08' C. reported by Dinge- LITERATURE CITED
mans (2). A value of 68.9' C. is listed in Perry's handbook (9). (1) Am. Paper and Pulp Assoc., Instrumentation Program, Rept. 40
POTASSIUM FLUORIDE. This solution was studied from 30.4" (Feb. 15,1945).
to 90.0" C. and a transition temperature was found to occur in the (2) Dingemans, P., Rec. traw. chim., 57,144-51, 703-9 (1938).
neighborhood of 50" C. The transition from the dihydrate to the (3) Edgar, Graham, and Swan, W. O., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,44, 570-7
anhydrous form is reported by de Forcrand ( 4 ) to occur a t 41 O C. (1922).
POTASSIUM CHLOBIDE. The aqueous tension of this solution (4) Forcrand, R. de, Compt. rend., 152,1073-7 (1911).
was found to increase linearly over the temperature range studied (5) Hartford, W. H., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,63, 1473-4 (1941).
(30.3" to 90.0" C.)with no evidence of transition. (6) International Critical Tables, Vol. I, p. 68; Vol. 111, p. 211-12.
POTASSIUM BROMIDE.The a y e o u s tension of this solution was New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1926.
studied only over the range 40.0 to 90.0" C. The relative humid- (7) Kremann, R., Monatsh., 32,619-22 (1911).
ity was found to be nearly constant over this range. (8) Lange, N. A., "Handbook of Chemistry," 5th ed., p. 1412.
POTASSIUM IODIDE. This solution exhibited no transition, the Sandusky, Ohio, Handbook Publishers, 1945.
aqueous tension increasing to give a linear plot. (9) Perry, J. H., "Chemical Engineers' Handbook," 2nd ed., p p .
SODIUM NITRITE. This compound has the greatest variation of 456-72, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1934.
solubility with temperature of any salt investigated here. No
(10) Smith, A., and Menzies, A. W. C., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,32,907-14
phase transitions were observed, and the relative humidity de- (1910).
creased uniformly.
SODIUMNITRATE. The aqueous tension was measured over a RECEIVED
August 26, 1948.

Solubilities of Aliphatic
Dicarboxylic Acids in Water J


U n i o n Oil Company of California, Wilmington, Calif.

'rhe solubilities of glutaric, adipic, and 6-methyladipic adipic acids, a straight line is produced when the t e m -
acids in water have been determined at several tempera- perature at which the acid has a given solubility is plotted
tures. Solubility data for oxalic, malonic, maleic, fumaric, against the temperature at which succinic acid has the
malic, tartaric, glutaric, adipic, and p-methyladipic acids same solubility. The danger of employing Diihring's
have been correlated by means of a modification of Diih- rule when only two or three values for the solubility of a
ring's rule. With the exception of glutaric and @-methyl- particular compound are known is stressed.

A iK EXAMINATION of the literature reveals that although

the solubilities of the three lower dicarboxylic acids-
oxalic, malonic, and succinic-have been reported by various in-
corresponding density data are given. The solubility of adipic
acid at 40" C. has been reported by Bancroft and Butler ( 1 )
and a t 100" by Schrauth ( 1 2 ) .
vestigators over a rather wide range of temperatures, only a few It was decided to determine the solubilities of glutaric, adipic,
solubility data have been reported for glutaric and adipic acids. and B-methyladipic acids a t several different temperatures and to
Henry(5) reported the solubility of glutaric acid a t 14" and t h a t of test the applicability of Duhring's rule t o the solubilities of sev-
adipic at 15" C. Lamouroux (8) has given the solubility of eral dicarboxylic acids. For the latter purpose, solubility data
glutaric acid in water from 0 to 65 ' C., but unfortunately his re- were taken from the literature for oxalic (7), malonic ( 6 ) , maleic,
sults were expressed in grams of acid per 100 cc. of solution and no fumaric, and i-malic ( 9 , 16), d- or 2-tartaric acid ( g ) , and succinic

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