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A. Background of the Problem

In this era, literature is be more creative in express imagination or

event in audio visual form like film. As we know that most of people like

literature actually, because they like reading novel and watching film, and

we know that novel and film are part of literature.

Klarer (2004) states that literature is an art to express the feeling or

condition or event in the era in written like poetry or novel. Literature is

referred to as the entirety of written expression, but not every written

document can be categorized as literature. In development of literature, it is

not only present in written but also in visual form like drama or film. Klarer

states that genre of literature divided into 4 genres, they are: 1) fiction, 2)

poetry, 3) drama, and 4) film. After novel and poetry, the expert of literature

develop literary become interesting form like drama and film, but people

can keep enjoying it. People do not have to read, but can see the story that

present by actor, it makes the literature more interesting.

One of literature genres is the film. Film is an art that can present the

information or moral value in creative ideas by using moving pictures.

According to Boggs & Petrie (2008) states that film is like poetry which

communicates through symbol, imagery, and also metaphor. Film also has

some similarities with drama. Film communicates through visually such as

action and gesture and film communicates with verbally through dialogue.

The last is similarity with novel which can compress time and space

traveling back and forth freely within their wide borders (Satriyadi, 2012,

p. 205-206). The writer concludes that film is an art the series of moving

pictures that use actors or animation as major to express the story by

dialogue, action, moving, gesture, and expression.

There are two kinds of film, namely, fiction and nonfiction. The film

which researched is Frozen, it is including in fiction film, because it is an

imagination of the author. As literature, film also has some genres that differ

one and other. Grace (2008) divided film genres into some genres, they are:

1) action, 2) adventure, 3) comedy, 4) crime, 5) drama, 6) epics, 7) horror,

8) musicals, 9) science fiction, 10) war movies, and 11) westerns. Genres in

frozen film including adventure, comedy, and musicals.

The film felt alive with the present of characters in it, every character

has an important role to support the film. Usually, every character has

different characteristic to differ one and others. Putra (2010) said that kinds

of characters are main character and minor character. Main character is hold

the main role in the film, usually attendance almost in whole story. With

focus in research main characters, it relation with aspect of psychology,

because every character has different psychology.

In psychology, there is the theory that learns about how is the

psychology character in literature. This theory is used to learn about

conscious and unconscious about people. The theory of psychology is

introduced by Sigmund Freud. Hanum (2005) said that Freud divided the

theory of psychology in three, those are id, ego, and superego. Id is

“Pleasure principle”, ego is “Reality principle”, and superego is “Moral

principle”. The characters that researched by using Freud’s theory are Anna

and Elsa in film entitled “Frozen”.

Frozen is animation film, published in 2013 directed by Chris Buck

and Jennifer Lee, which tells the story about two sisters named Anna and

Elsa. Anna is just common person, but Elsa has a magic to control the ice.

At the night, Anna and Elsa play in the castle, Elsa uses her power to make

snow and snowman. When Anna jump in the pile of snow higher, Elsa tries

to stop Anna, but her power hits Anna, and Anna gets unconscious. Elsa

shouts while calling her parents. The King and Queen are shock then bring

Anna to the Trolls. Fortunately, Anna gets better, but she forgets about

Elsa’s power. Elsa so afraid to Anna, she scares to use her power and her

parents limit Elsa to contacts with everyone including Anna. Elsa closes her

door until she gets adult. One time the King and Queen have to go for

business, but their ship sink by wave and they get die. These sisters meet

again when Elsa coronate become a Queen, but the conflict between these

sisters happen in the Elsa’s coronation party. Anna meets someone named

Hans and they want to get married, they ask the blessing from Elsa, but Elsa

does not give her blessing for them. Anna gets upset and talks something

that make Elsa gets angry. Elsa gets angry because Anna does not stop to

talk, unintentional Elsa uses her power in front of people. People think Elsa

is a monster that has a sorcery. She scares and goes to the North Mountain

and makes her castle there. Anna is looking for Elsa to the North Mountain

with someone named Kristof, and the journey begin.

The first main character researched is Elsa. The accident influences

psychology of Elsa, because she just stays at her room and limits the contact

to everyone. She experiences different psychology after the accident in her

childhood. Every time Anna tries to close with Elsa, but Elsa always

remembered about the accident and keep away from Anna. She hides her

power in the gloves, because she is afraid to hurt and make everyone know

about it. The fear always haunts her mind, and makes her feel like a monster

that can hurt everyone.

Besides, Anna that always plays alone in the castle, makes her feels

Elsa has isolated her. The gate that always closes makes Anna feels lonely,

because she never go out from the castle. Then, in Elsa’s coronation day,

the gate is open, and Anna feels so happy and thinks to meet someone.

The psychology about these sisters in Frozen is interesting to be

researched, because in education, the teachers also have to know about

students’ education of psychology, and film can be a media for teachers to

teach the students, to get students’ interest in learning English and improve

students’ vocabulary. So, this analysis focuses on the psychology of the

main characters of Anna and Elsa. The writer chooses analysis with the title:

“A Psychoanalysis of Main Characters in Frozen Film”.

B. Focus of the Research

In accordance with the background of problem, the writer focuses


1. Psychological aspect main characters in the Frozen.

2. Kinds of classification of emotion main characters.

C. Formulation of the Problem

1. How is the psychological aspect main characters based on Freud’s


2. What kind of the classification of emotion main characters?

D. Objective of the Research

This research has aims mentioned below:

1. To identify the psychological aspect main characters based on Freud’s


2. To classifies the emotion main characters.

E. Significance of the Research

1. Theoretically Use

The writer needs to give opinion that with the analysis psychology

based on Freud’s theory can improve our knowledge about the


2. Practically Use

a) To the students

The analysis of Frozen film can improve the knowledge about

psychology main characters, and improve vocabulary.

b) To the Teacher

This analysis can motivate the teachers that teaching not only by

using book but also film, to take students’ interest in learning


c) To the Institution

This analysis can be the first place to stand on next research, to

get the better result.

F. Definition of Terms and Abbreviations

In this research, the writer uses the term as follow:

According to Boggs & Petrie (2008):

Film is like poetry which communicates through symbol, imagery,

and also metaphor. Film also has some similarities with drama.

Film communicates through visually such as action and gesture and

film communicates with verbally through dialogue. The last is

similarity with novel which can compress time and space traveling

back and forth freely within their wide borders (Satriyadi, 2012, p.


Aminuddin (1995) states that main character is figure has important

role in the story that appear at the beginning until ending (Rokhana, 2009,


Atkinson (1996) states “Psychology is the psyche science that learn

about human behavior”. (Minderop, 2010, p.3).

In this research, the writer uses the theory of psychology by Sigmund Freud,

namely id, ego, and superego in book theories of personality (Schultz, 2005,


1. Id is the aspect of personality allied with the instincts; the source of

psychic energy, the id operates according to the pleasure principle. Id is

a powerful structure of the personality because it supplies all the energy

for other two components

2. Ego is the rational aspect of the personality, be responsible for directing

and controlling the instincts according to the reality principle. The

principle by which the ego functions to provide appropriate constraints

on the expression of the id instincts.

3. Superego is the moral aspect of personality; the internalization of

parental and societal values and standards. A component of the superego

that contains the moral or ideal behaviors for which a person should




A. Theoretical Description

1. Film

a. Definition of Film

In this era most of people like watching film especially in a

cinema. Besides film can amuse the audience, it also has many

genres, actors, and good stories that making interest. Akbar (2015)

states “Film or cinema is the series of moving pictures that played

by actor or animation directly, and become one in a concept or

theme” (p.2). The film not only have the real actor but also

animation actor that human made. But it can be a good film by

animation actor if it supported the good story.

Klarer (2004) states that film is predetermined by literary

techniques; conversely, literary practice developed particular

features under the impact of film. Drama and film are often

categorized under the heading performing arts because they use

actors as their major means of expression.

According to Boggs & Petrie (2008):

Film is like poetry which communicates through symbol,

imagery, and also metaphor. Film also has some similarities

with drama. Film communicates through visually such as

action and gesture and film communicates with verbally

through dialogue. The last is similarity with novel which can

compress time and space traveling back and forth freely

within their wide borders (Satriyadi, 2012, p.205-206).

Besides we can see the film, we also can hear what are the characters

talking about and knowing how is the expression of the characters.

In other opinion, Akbar (2015) said:

Film is a part of culture that cannot get separate from the

modern people life. As one of art expression media, theatre,

music, and dance, film is regarded has a quality if not only

amuse but demanded to have an aesthetic value in

technology production, role play, story idea and represent

surroundings of people in it (p.4).

So, films also have to have a value in it like moral value that contain

in the film as a something leave in people mind.

b. Kinds of Film

Sumarno (1996) divided kinds of film into two, they are:

1) Fiction

Fiction is film that made or produced based on the story

compose and play by actor or actress. Generally film is

commercial. The meaning of commercial is film show in the

cinema by price of certain ticket. Its mean, for watching film in

the cinema, the audiences have to buy the ticket first. Then, if it

show in the television, it is carry the advertisement sponsor.

The film is going to be researched is fiction film that show

in the cinema in 2013, that is Frozen.

2) Non Fiction

Nonfiction is the film take the real as the subject. Nonfiction

divide into two categories, they are:

a) Factual Film : showing the fact or reality, where is the

camera just record the event, Now factual film known as

newsreel, that emphasize on the side of announcement the

actual event.

b) Documenter Film : besides fact, it also contain the

subjectivity of maker that mean as an attitude or opinion

about the event, so that the perception about reality will very

depend to the maker of the documenter film.

c. The Genres of Film

Film genres are identifiable types, categories, classifications or

groups of films that have similar techniques or conventions.

Primary film genres according to Grace (2008) including the


1) Action

Action film usually include high energy, big-budget physical

stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes,

races against time and crises featuring non-stop motion, break-

neck rhythm and pacing.

2) Adventure

Adventure films are exciting stories, with new experiences

or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the action

film genre.

3) Comedy

Comedies are light-hearted plots deliberately designed to

amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation,

language, action, relationships and characters.

4) Crime

Crime films feature the sinister actions of criminals,

mobsters, bank robbers, underworld figures, and ruthless

hoodlums who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering

their way through life.

5) Drama

Dramas are serious, plot-driven films, portraying realistic

characters, setting, life situations, and stories involving intense

character development and interaction.

6) Epics

Epics take an historical or imagined event, mythic,

legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and

lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle,

dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical


7) Horror

Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our

hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while

captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic


8) Musicals

Musicals/dance films are cinematic forms that emphasize

full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way,

or they are films that are centered on combinations of music,

song, dance and choreography.

9) Science Fiction

Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and

imaginative – complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets,

quests, fantastic places, new technology, and extraordinary

monsters. Sci-fi films often feature multiple genres.

10) War Movies

War films acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war,

letting the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind)

on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background

action for the of the film.

11) Westerns

Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film

industry – a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American

frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with

very recognizable plots, elements, and characters.

Actually, film not only have a genre, but most of film usually

have some genres. In this research, the Frozen has some genres,

namely, adventure, comedy, and musicals.

d. The Purpose of Film

According to Bordwell and Thompson (2008) said “The

development happen in the world of film present three important

aspects that serve as a basis for appear many kinds and form of film

this moment” (Akbar, 2015, p.4-6). Those aspects are:

1) Entertainment and Experience Aspect

Film gives the way to see and feel an emotion sensation and

thought to satisfy the audiences when they watch a film. It will

bring them into the story of the film and give them the

experience more interest. That is why, film does not appear

suddenly, but it made in purpose that have an effect for the

audience. It is telling about the fiction, recording the actual-

phenomenon, showing the objects or pictures with animation,

and playing with the story that bring them to the experience that

they have nott happened in their life.

2) Art and Technology Aspect

Some said films that are showed in the cinema believe as

only for entertaining. While the films, which showed in the

special sites are an experimental work or even only show in film

festivals. We can see some films have created some things that

became interest and showed in some films for people. As in

1910th and 1920th, many films that made for entertain. However,

in its development probably new in technique of film, in editing

process particular. Based from the explanation, we can assume

that it could be called popular tradition if it can entertain and

moral value.

3) Business Aspect

Film making has an art-value that does not care about the

audience’s background or inclusive, while the audience that

choose only to watch it assume that film as an art rather than

business or commercial. Most the films including the program

television in marketing is made on purpose to expect the

audience come to watch and pay for watching it. Meanwhile the

other film is paid by investor or community that support the story

of film. The relation between film and economy on purpose

making a film not always make the movie-maker become less

creativity and it has more than aims.

Entertainment and experience aspect are the purposes of

Frozen, because audience can feel an emotion sensation from a

character it is Elsa, objects with animation like snow, snowman,

magic, and castle, and amused with comedy in it.

2. Intrinsic Element

According to Klarer (2005) states “The terms plot, time, character,

setting, narrative perspective, and style emerge not only in the

definitions and characterizations of the genre of the novel, but also

function as the most important arcas of inquiry in film and drama”(p.14).

As we know in fiction Klarer divides element of fiction into four, they

are: plot, character, point of view or narrative perspective, and setting.

a. Plot

According to Klarer (2005) plot is the logical interaction of

the various thematic elements of a text which lead to a change of the

original situation as presented at the outset of the narrative. An ideal

traditional plot line encompasses the following four sequential


Exposition-complication-climax or turning point-resolution.

The exposition or presentation of the initial situation is disturbed by

a complication or conflict which produces suspense and eventually

leads to a climax, crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed by

a resolution of the complication (French denouement), with which

the text usually ends. Most traditional fiction, drama, and film

employ this basic plot structure, which is also called linear plot since

its different elements follow a chronological order.

b. Character

Nurgiyantoro (1995) states “Main character is figure has

important role in the story” (Rokhana, 2002, p.11). In other hand

Subagyo (2007) states “Character is the most important element in

the fiction because without character there is no plot and there is no

plot mean there is no story” (p.2.16). It means the character has main

role in development the story that making film felt alive by acting

the character as if we there in it. But if there is no character the story

will be felt empty or there is no taste.

Aminuddin (1995) states “Character is the figure who carry

the event in fiction, so the event can connect the story”. But the

character according to Abrams (2000) is a person who perform in

the narrative work or drama that interpret by reader has moral quality

and certain inclination like express in utterance and act in action

(Rokhana, 2009, p.10). Based on the definitions, the writer can

conclude that character is important element that experience the

event in the story and act in it as if it is real and make people feel as

role play in the story and hold a dialogue with the character.

Putra (2010) states “The author tells what and how is the

character have a role in the story” (p.57). Putra state further that there

are two kinds of characterization, they are main character and minor


1) Main Character

Main character almost always turn in three characters

dimension, they are protagonist, antagonist, and background.

Main character has good and bad quality. The purpose,

ambition, and values are change. The character change as the

effect in literature namely as “dynamics character”. Dynamics

character grow and develop in higher level form the meaning

and power a story.

a) Protagonist : main character in the story

b) Antagonist : character, or power, be the rival of


c) Background : character who give the background or affirm

the action of protagonist.

In this research, the writer just discusses about protagonist

and antagonist. Because in the frozen movie there are two main

characters they are Anna as protagonist and Elsa as antagonist.

2) Minor Character

Minor character just contain one or two protruding

quality. Almost always flat or character with two dimensional.

Protruding quality does not balance with the rival quality.

Usually, all is good or bad. Character like that can complete the

position, but not too deepen. Flat character used to relate to static

character because it is not change in the story.

c. Point of View

The term point of view, or narrative perspective,

characterizes the way in which a text presents persons, events, and

settings. The subtleties of narrative perspectives developed parallel

to the emergence of the novel and can be reduced to three basic

positions: the action of a text is either mediated through an exterior,

unspecified narrator (omniscient point of view), through a person

involved in the action (first-person narration), or presented without

additional commentary (figural narrative situation).

1) Text with an omniscient point of view refer to the acting figures

in the third person and present the action from an all knowing,

God-like perspective.

2) First-person narration renders the action as seen through a

participating figure, who refers to her- or himself in the first

person. First-person narrations can adopt the point of view either

of the protagonist or of a minor figure.

3) In the figural narrative situation, the narrator moves into the

background, suggesting that the plot is revealed solely through

the actions of the characters in the text.

d. Setting

In literary, setting is needed to take place in a narrative.

Klarer (2005) said the term “Setting” denotes the location, historical

period, and social surroundings in which the action of a text

develops. Time and place in order to support action, characters, and

narrative perspective on an additional level.

3. Psychology Approach in Literature

a. Definition of Psychology of Literature

According to Endraswara (2008) “Psychology of literature is

an interdisciplinary between psychology and literature” (Minderop,

2010, p.59). Actually, learning psychology of literature is same with

learning human from inside. Perhaps aspect “Inside” often have a

quality of subjective, that make the observer of literature regard as

it heavy.

Endraswara states that actually learning psychology of

literature is so beautiful, because we can understand side of human

soul depth, so wide and deep. Psychology of literature appeal is on

the human problem that draw the portrait of soul. Just no own soul

that appear in literature, but also can represent other soul. Every

author often add his experience in his work and it also often

experience by other people.

Endraswara continues that step of understanding of

psychology of literature can through three steps. First, through the

understanding of theories of psychology then do the analysis to a

literary work. Second, determine a literary work as an object

research first, then determine the theory of psychology is regard as

relevant to use. Third, simultaneously find the theory and object

research. Next, show the text which present by a technique on the

theory of literature can reflect a concept from the psychology that

carry on by a fictional characters.

Without attendance psychology of literature by many

psychological references, perhaps the understanding of literature

will unbalanced.

b. The Psychoanalysis Based on Freud’s Theory (1991)

Model of new think’s Freud about soul is an effect of the

reflex and other reflex that whole consist of three parts, namely: ego,

id, and superego. Id is defined as older part of mind is the origin

structure of other.

Freud (1991) stated:

“Id contain everything that inherited, it is that has exist born,

and formed based on certain rule – therefore, instinct, that

from somatic nerves system and the first time get the

expression mental, has form that we know nothing” (p.69).

Id has the primitive quality, uncontrolled, and emotional: “A

world that is not logical”.

Freud continued:

“Id is our side personality that dark and cannot traced. At

least we know about id from description of how the dreams

work and from the composition of the symptoms of neurosis.

Almost all explain about id relate to negative characteristics

and it just can explain as a contrast with ego. We near id by

analogy such as: we called chaos, a crater full of stimulation

turbulent... id contents energy that get from instinct, but

irregular and did not produce a collective willingness, but

just effort to reach satisfaction of instinctive needed that be

principal attention of finding pleasure principle”(p.70).

Freud makes a sharp distinction between two variety of

mental function that called as primary process and secondary

process. Id works through primary process, that uses mechanism of

condensation, removal, symbolization and fulfill the desire as

hallucination or dreams. Id also ignore categories of space and time,

and assume things are contradictory, such as dark/bright or high/low

as identical. As told on Freud’s explain, id can only be controlled by

the principles of mental dynamics of the most basic and primitive:

avoid “Unpleasant” that caused by tension instinctive, can only be

achieved by satisfying needs instinctive accompanied with


If Freud’s view is pessimistic to characteristics of human

nature that called as “Pleasure principle” that influence his thinking

and more talk about avoiding pain than pleasure seeking, it has

become a character. As we know that the strong emotion by Freud

regarded as a nuisance that must be removed, not as a pleasure has

to find.

Ego is part of mind that represent conscious. Ego works use

secondary process: namely consideration, common sense, and the

power to delay the spontaneous response on external stimulus or

instinctive insistence inside. At first, the ego comes from id. Freud

describe ego as a “Special organizations” that is closely related to

the recipient’s organs stimulus, because it is originally ego grows as

a result of external stimulus that caught by sense.

Freud said “The ego is the first ego and most important as

bodily” (p.71). That Freud means in this sentence is that ego,

originally comes from sensation in the body surface, it is projection

of body surface. The meaning of “I” depend on perception of the

body human self as a separate unit. Once interact, ego “Act as

intermediary between id and the outside world”. Because there is

neutral connection between nerve receivers with motoric activity,

ego regulates the movement which do intentionally. The first

function of ego is self-defense.

In pay attention to external events, ego does the duty by

appearing there is a stimulus. This is doing by accumulating

experience about the stimulus (in memory) while avoiding the

stimulus which too strong (drive away), by putting attention to soft

stimulus (by adaptation). Finally ego be on duty to produce the

changes that useful in the outside world for the importance itself

(through activity). In looking at internal events, relate to id, ego does

its duty by doing control on the instinctive demand, by deciding

what is the demand is proper to get the satisfaction, delaying the

satisfaction fit time and situation that enable for external world, or

oppress the tension of feeling as complete.

The third part of mind by Freud describe as:

Freud state:

“In childhood were long, human was growing rely the life to

his parent. Childhood are then left a precipitate formed in ego

of a special agency that function as an extension of the

influence of his parents. The precipitate was called super-

ego. Along the super-ego is differentiated from the ego or

opposed to him, the super-ego is a third force to be reckoned

by the ego” (72).

Freud’s concept about super-ego could be searched in his

work about narcissism. According to Freud megalomaniac primary

narcissism slowly would disappear, so that the kids are no longer

make themselves as mighty little king. Because the kids acquire

attitude ideas and culture in steps. Then the instinctive stimulation

will repression. As a contradiction in the kids mental, the kids would

realize that he is no longer idealize himself, and there is an ego ideal

that barely parallel with the ego of himself. Freud said something in

the mind which us referred to the self-observation by control the ego

and give a decision whether the ego is appropriate with the ego ideal

or not, or whether the ego will disappoint the ego ideal. Then it is to

be called as super-ego.

As explained in the last quote, super-ego comes from

criticism and prohibition of parents. Time dependence of childhood

is happen so long, so standard of parents, and then standard of

people, absorb to unconscious and become a part of psychological

the subject by effect sound of his heart will hear every time ego

disappointing ego-ideal.

May Freud also has use the same term with used Ivan Pavlov,

super-ego can considered as result of command and criticism parents

that happen again and again: for example, command “You have to

brush your teeth after breakfast” may become command deep rooted

so that an adult, who has leave home so long, will keep feel less

comfortable if he ignore it.

Therefore, ego not easy to balance three agents: external

world, id and super-ego, each of them may ask different part. So not

surprising if human action sometimes seemed vacillate.

4. Classification of Emotion

Krech (1974) states that happiness, hate, fear, and sadness regarded

as primary emotions. Besides hate related to angry, jealous, and envy.

Guilt and remorse also including on the classification emotion. The

situation that arouse the feeling is connect to action and cause the rise

of tension (Minderop, 2010, p.39-44). Krech divided classification of

emotion into seven, they are:

a. Guilt

Guilt is caused there is a conflict between impulse expression

and moral standards. All groups of people have rule to control the

impulse that begin by education since in childhood until adult,

including to control the sex. Sex and aggression are two zones that

always appear conflict in face to moral standard. The violation for

moral standard is appear the guilt.

Guilt also can caused by neurotic behavior, that is when the

individual cannot overcome problem of life as avoid it and cause the

guilt and unhappy.

b. Guilt as Deep

Especially in cases of ill-defined guilt feelings a person tends

to perceive the guilt as deep within herself; it is not so much that any

of her acts is bad but that she is a bad person.

c. Self-Punishing

The most profound and agitating guilt emotions – like those

found in the fanatically self-punishing or in the insane – are of this

sort; the self is seen as the focal point and basic source of guilty

action. Guilt of this kind is of course implicated in the development

of personality disturbances; it is discussed further in the various

units that deal with personality, mental illness, and psychotherapy.

d. Shame

Shame is common thing that felt of people when they do

something wrong or they don’t know. Like a man who feels shame

when caught using the wrong fork at an elegant dinner party. But a

child only gradually learns to experience; his first reaction to being

caught at the cookie jar is one of shame – or even, more primitively,


e. Grief

Grief related to losing an important thing. Intensity of grief

depend on to value, usually the very grief if losing someone lover.

Deepening grief can cause losing valuable thing and cause

disappointed and remorse. But if the grief is prolonging it can

followed by self-blame.

f. Hate

Hate related to angry an envy. The characteristic that mark

hate is arising desire to break the target. Hate just no arise dislike or

aversion have an impact want to avoid and did not mean to break it.

On the contrary, hate always cling in someone self and he will not

never feel satisfied before break it; if the object is break he will feel


g. Love

In romantic love, love and like are same. About child’s love

to his mother base on the protecting need; thus mother’s love to her

son because there is desire to protecting.

B. The Relevant Researches

Based on the research that has been researched. There are some

researches have some similarities with this research. First, Rokhana’s

(2009) Analisis Tokoh Utama dengan Teori Psikoanalisa Sigmund Freud

pada Cerpen Hana Karya Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Publish on University of

Semarang. This research aims to describing about psychology of the main

character Naigu. Naigu who wants to shorten his nose caused pleasure

principle (id), and some factors that caused his wants to do. The research is

using qualitative research, technique of collecting data are reference and

taking note, and the method is descriptive analysis method. The result of the

research shows the ego of Naigu can fulfill the desire of id. But superego

not works perfectly to control the id. As the big line, psychology of Naigu

divides into 2, they are 1) Factor that influences Naigu to shorten his nose,

namely: biology factor, motive of fulfillment himself, social factor,

psychosocial factor, motive of self-esteem and need find the identity. 2)

Factor that influencing Naigu wants his nose back to long at first, namely:

psychosocial and emotion factor.

Second, Amalia’s (2015) Konsep Diri Tokoh Princess Elsa dalam

Film Frozen (Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure). Publish on

Mercu Buana University. The research aims to knowing the self-concept of

Princess Elsa who so weak and irresponsible just leaving the castle cause

people think her as a monster. The research is using qualitative research,

technique of collecting data is watching the movie and determining the data

as a sign, and the method is semiotic analysis. The result of the research

shows there are efforts the figure of a princess who should confidence,

strong, leader, and optimist, but in reality the princess in the movie becomes

not confident person, weak, pessimist and irresponsible.

Third, Sakti’s (2013) Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama Film Harmony

(Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud). Publish on Gadjah Mada University of

Yogyakarta. The research aims to describing about psychology of the main

characters, they are Jeong Hye and Moon Ok in the cell caused by inner

conflict and some factors. Inner conflict that happen caused by factor and

mistake. Therefore, id, ego, and superego, give the contradiction reaction.

When id, ego, and superego be in contradiction, the inner conflict is appeal.

The research is using qualitative research, technique of collecting data are

watching the movie and determining the data, and the method is analysis

descriptive method. The result of the research shows that the internal

conflict experienced by the characters caused of factor that appear the

conflict among the id, ego, and superego. The internal conflict that arises is

the uncomfortable feeling of the main characters. Then, it causes the internal

upheaval within the characters and bring ego defense mechanism for them.



A. Research Methodology

The research is using qualitative approach by using descriptive

research method. According to Ratna (2006) state “Analysis descriptive

method is doing by describing the facts then following by analyzing” (p.53).

In this case, data in qualitative research are the descriptive as words, script,

and pictures.

The descriptive research method do by some steps as following:

1. Watching the Frozen on the whole to understanding the film.

2. Determining main characters in Frozen.

3. Finding the psychological aspect and classification of emotion main

characters in the Frozen.

4. Identifying psychological aspect of main characters based on Freud’s


5. Classifying the emotion of main characters based on Krech’s theory.

6. Analyzing all data that find about psychological aspect and

classification of emotion main characters.

7. Taking a conclusion of the research.

B. Time of Research

The process of arranging the research does in period of time long

enough, by the schedule as following:

Research Schedule


1 Title Submission Oct 2015

2 Guidance of the research Jan-May 2016

3 Seminar of mini thesis June 2016

4 Guidance and revision the Nov 2016

result of seminar mini thesis

5 Make a research instrument Nov 2016

6 Collecting the data Dec 2016

7 Analyzing the data Jan-March 2017

8 Final test April 2017

C. The Unit of Research

According to Siswantoro (2012) “Data is source of information that will

be selected as a matter research. Therefore, quality and accuracy in taking

data depend on accuracy the researcher” (Widiyaningsih, 2015, p.44).

1. The primary data in this research acquired by watching Frozen 2013, by

duration 01:42:13 minutes.

2. The Secondary data in this research such as film, script, and pictures.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

Creswell (2013) states “The data collection steps include setting the

boundaries for the collecting information through unstructured or semi

structured observations and interviews, documents, and audio-visual

materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording information”


In this research, audio-visual material is going to be used as

technique of collecting data. Source of audio-visual used is Frozen Film.

The writer focuses on main characters and connects them to structure of

personality introduced by Freud and classification of emotion introduced by

Krech. Then identifying psychological aspects of main characters and

classifying emotions of main characters.

E. Research Instrument

In qualitative research be an instrument or research tool is the

researcher self. Sugiyono (2012) states “The researcher is the key

instrument” (p.223). Therefore, as a human instrument the writer has to be

able to determine the focus of research, problems, find another resource,

commit the collecting data, analyze data and make the conclusion. In this

research, the writer watches the film, reads the script, and analysis

psychology and emotion main characters.

To make data collection is easier, the writer makes some tables analysis,

as follow:

Table 3.2
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego

Table 3.3
Classification of Emotion

Classification of Emotion Based on Krech’s Theory

No Data Guilt Self-

Guilt Shame Grief Hate Love
as deep punishing

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing data, the writer used following steps:

1. Data Reduction

In reducing data, the writer focused on analyzing film main

characters based on psychological aspects and concluded based on


2. Data Display

In data display, the writer shows data that found in instrument tables.

There are two tables instrument, they are structure of personality table

and classification of emotion table. The first table consist of 5 columns

and 3 rows. Then, the second table consist of 9 columns and 3 rows.

3. Verification/Conclusion Drawing

In conclusion, the writer describes psychological aspect and emotion

of main characters in Frozen.

G. Data Validation

To ensure that describing data has provide above is valid. According

to Sugiyono (2012) “Data validation in qualitative research consist of

credibility (validity internal), transferability (validity external),

dependability (reliability), and confirmability (objectivity)” (p.270).

The writer chooses confirmability as validation. Confirmability is

like dependability, so the test can do at the same time. Confirmability means

test the result of research, relate to the process did. Based on the data that

writer found about psychological aspect of main character.

In examining data validity in this research, the writer uses

confirmability. In this part the writer does the processes needed for getting

the result. The processes include documenting, retyping the script from the

film and analyzing based on the theory regarding to focus of the research.

Script analysis is matched to psychological aspect such as id, ego, superego

and classification of emotion.



In this chapter, the writer analyzes several things, such as psychology and

classification emotion the main characters in Frozen Film. The writer is going to

answer the questions in the formulation of the problem.

A. Research Findings

1. Psychology

The writer analysis this film based on Freud’s theory. Freud

divided the structure of personality into three, they are id, ego, and

superego. Id is a pleasure principle, the desire of id to fulfill the

needed. Ego is reality, which can fulfill the desire of id based on the

real. Superego is a moral aspect, to decide is it a good or bad, right

or wrong, and etc.

The writer has found some data about psychology main

characters in Frozen. The data which the writer found as follow:

Table 4.1
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:03:42

Young Anna : Elsa. Pssst!
Elsa! Wake up. Wake up. √
Wake up!
Young Elsa : Anna, go back to sleep.
Young Anna : I just can’t.
The sky is awake, so I’m
awake. So, we have to √
Young Elsa : Go play by yourself.
Young Anna : Do you wanna build a
Come on. Come on. Come on
Do the magic! Do the magic!
Young Elsa : Ready? √
Young Anna : Uh-huh.
This is amazing!
Young Elsa : Watch this!
Hi, I’m Olaf, and I like

warm hugs.
Young Anna : I love you Olaf!
Tickle bumps!
Young Elsa : Hang on!
Young Anna : Catch me!
Young Elsa : Gotcha!
Young Anna : Again!
Young Elsa : Wait!
Young Anna : Who-hooo
Young Elsa : Slow down!
Young Anna : Whoo!
Young Elsa : Anna!
Mama! Papa!
No, no...
You’re okay, Anna. I got you.
King : Elsa, what have you done?
This is getting out of hand.
Young Elsa : It was an accident. I’m sorry,
Queen : Oh. She’s ice cold.
King : I know where we have to go.

In datum 1, the dialogue shows that id of Anna wants to play

with Elsa. Id of Anna forces ego to fulfill the desire of id by

awakening Elsa and asking her to play and build a snowman by her

power (ego). Then Elsa fulfills Anna’s request. The desire of id can

satisfy by ego, so id of Anna feels glad.

In the other side, id of Elsa also wants to play with Anna, so

that Elsa awakes. Elsa uses her power to make snow and a snowman

(ego). The desire of id can satisfy by ego, so id of Elsa feels glad.

This sisters are so close and happy when they play together.

But, when they are playing snow, accidentally Elsa’s power hits

Anna until getting unconsciousness. The accident makes Elsa’s soul

uncomfortable and scared about her power which cannot be

controlled, so Elsa stays at her room and shuts people out including


Table 4.2
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego

TIME 00:22:04

Elsa : Well, he was sprightly

Anna : Especially for a man in heels.
Elsa : Are you okay?
Anna : I’ve never been better. This is so √ √
nice. I wish it could
be like this all the Time.
Elsa : Me too. But it can’t √ √
Anna : Why not?
Elsa : I just can’t. √
Anna : Excuse me for a minute. √

In datum 2, the dialogue shows that id of Anna wants to be

close with Elsa again. Anna feels happy can talk and laugh with Elsa.

So, she expresses what a glad she is, and hopes it could be like that

all the time (ego). In this case, superego can control id, so that id

does not force the desire, then Anna goes to the crowd to avoid Elsa

by saying “Excuse me for a minute”.

Id of Elsa also wants to be close with Anna again. But Elsa

remembers about the accident in the childhood and says “But it

can’t” (ego). Elsa affirms her words “I just can’t” while turning her

body. In this case, superego shows that an act of Elsa is bad moral,

because it is impolite and it makes Anna disappointed.

Table 4.3
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego

TIME 00:25:49

Anna : Elsa!
I mean, Queen. Me again. Um...
May I present Prince Hans of the
Southern Isles.
Hans : Your Majesty.
We would like...
Uh, your blessing...
Anna & Hans : of our marriage √ √
Elsa : Marriage?
Anna : Yes!
Elsa : I’m sorry, I’m confused
Anna : Well, we haven’t worked out all the
details ourselves. We’ll need a few
days to plan the ceremony.
Of course, we’ll have soup, rast and
ice cream. And then... Wait. Would
we live here?
Elsa : Here?
Hans : Absolutely!
Elsa : Anna!
Anna : Oh! We can invite all 12 of your
brothers to stay with us.
Elsa : What? No, no, no.
Anna : Of course we have the room.
Elsa : Wait, slow down.
No one’s brothers are staying here. √
No one is getting married.
Anna : Wait, what?
Elsa : May I talk to you, please? Alone...
Anna : No. Whatever you have to say, you
can say to both of us.
Elsa : Fine. You can’t marry a man you √ √
just met.
Anna : You can’t if it’s true love.
Elsa : Anna, what do you know about true
Anna : More than you. All you know is how
to shut people out.
Elsa : you asked for my blessing, but my
answer is no. Now, excuse me.
Hans : Your Majesty, if I may case your...
Elsa : No, you may not.
And I think you should go.

The party is over. Close the gates.
Server : Yes, Your Majesty.
Anna : What? Elsa, no, no! Wait.
Elsa : Give me my glove!
Anna : Elsa, please, please.
I can’t live like this anymore!
Elsa : Then leave.
Anna : What did I ever do to you?
Elsa : Enough, Anna.
Anna : No, why? Why do you shut me
out? √
Why do you shut the world out?
What are you so afraid of?
Elsa : I said, enough!
Duke : sorcery!
I knew there was something dubious
going on here.
Anna : Elsa.

In datum 3, the dialogue shows that id of Anna wants to get

marriage with Hans. It makes Anna and Hans meet Elsa to ask her

blessing (ego). However, Elsa does not give her blessing. The desire

of id that cannot fulfill by Elsa, it makes Anna talks impolite to Elsa

in front of people, without think about Elsa’s feeling. In this case,

superego of Anna shows the bad moral as a sister.

In the other side, id of Elsa does not want Anna to get

marriage with a man who just met. Elsa does not give her blessing

and forbid Anna to get marriage (ego). Superego of Elsa as an older

sister shows the good moral by telling Anna to do not marry a man

who just met, because she does not know his background.

Table 4.4
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:27:55

Crowd : There she is!

Yes! It is her!
Townsman : Queen Elsa
Crowd : Our beautiful queen!
Townswoman : Your majesty? Are you all
Elsa : No.
Duke : There she is! Stop her!
Elsa : Please, just stay away from
me. Stay away.
Duke : Monster. Monster!
Anna : Elsa!
Wait, please!
Elsa, stop!
Hans : Anna!
Anna : No.
Hans : The fjord.
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Yes, snow!
Hans : Are you all right?
Anna : No.
Hans : Did you know?
Anna : No.
Duke : Look. It’s snowing. It’s
The queen has cursed this
land! She must be stopped!
You have to go after her.
Anna : Wait, no!
Duke : You! Is there sorcery in you,
too? Are you a monster, too?

Anna : No, no. I’m completely
Hans : That’s right, she is. In the best
Anna : And my sister is not a monster.
Duke : She nearly killed me!
Hans : You slipped on ice.
Duke : Her ice.
Anna : It was an accident. She was
scared. She didn’t mean it.
She didn’t mean any of this.
Tonight was my fault.
I pushed her. So, I’m the one √
that needs to go after her.
Hans : What?
Anna : Bring me my horse, please. √
Hans : Anna, no. It’s too dangerous.
Anna : Elsa is not dangerous. I’ll
bring her back, and I’ll

make this right.
Hans : I’m coming with you.
Anna : No, I need you here to take
care of Arendelle.
Hans : On my honor.

In datum 4, the dialogue shows that id of Anna wants to bring

back Elsa to Arendelle. Anna goes to mountain to chase Elsa by her

horse, alone (ego). In this case, superego shows that Anna is be

responsible about her mistake that made Elsa go.

Table 4.5
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:31:23

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the
The wind is howling like this swirling storm
Couldn’t keep it in heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in. Don’t let them see
Be the good girl. You always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold me back
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care. What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on. Cold never bothered me
Its funny how some distance makes everything
seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can’t get
to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong. No rules for me
I’m free!
Let it go! Let it go! I’m one with the wind and
sky √
Let it go! Let it go! You’ll never see me cry √
Here I stand and here I’ll stay. Let the storm
rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I’m never going back. The past is in the past
Let it go! Let it go! And I’ll rise like a break
of dawn
Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on! Cold never bothered me

In datum 5, the part of lyrics show the id of Elsa wants to be

free. For a long time, Elsa just stays in her door, finally Elsa goes

out from the Arendelle caused a conflict with Anna. Elsa goes to the

North Mountain, and there Elsa feels free. Elsa tests her power to

know what she can do. By her power, Elsa makes a snowman,

staircase, and an ice castle there (ego).

Table 4.6
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:39:26

Anna : Nice duet.

Kristof : It’s just you. What do you want?
Anna : I want you to take me up the North √
Kristof : I don’t take people places.
Anna : Let me rephrase that.
Kristof : Hey.
Anna : Take me up the North Mountain. √
Look, I know how to stop this winter.
Kristof : We leave at dawn. And you forgot the
carrots for Sven.
Anna : Oops. Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I
We leave now. Right now. Whew! √

In datum 6, the dialogue shows id of Anna to find Elsa and

bring back summer is so big. Anna asks Kristof as a seller ice to take

her up the North Mountain, and give him the goods that he needs

(ego). In this case, superego shows an act of Anna is impolite, the

desire of id force Anna to ask Kristof takes her up the North

Mountain at the moment, and give the goods by throwing them.

Table 4.7
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:46:33

Olaf : Hi, everyone. I’m Olaf. And I like

warm hugs.
Anna : Olaf? That’s right, Olaf.
Olaf : And you are?
Anna : Oh. Um.. I’m Anna.
Olaf : And who’s the funky-looking donkey
over there?
Anna : That Sven.
Olaf : Uh-huh. And who’s the reindeer?
Anna : Sven.
Olaf : Oh, the... oh. Okay. That makes things
easier for me. Aw, look at him trying
to kiss my nose. I like you too.
Anna : Olaf. Did Elsa build you?
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you know where she is? √ √
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you think you could show us the
way? √
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Kristof : How does this work, ow!
Olaf : Stop it, Sven. I’m trying to focus,
Yeah, why?
Kristof : I’ll tell you why. We need Elsa to
bring back summer.
Olaf : Summer. Oh, I don’t know why. But
I always loved the idea of summer.
And sun, and all things hot.

Kristof : Really? I’m guessing you don’t have
much experience with heat.
Olaf : Nope. But sometimes I like to close
my eyes, and imagine what it would
be like when summer does come.
Kristof : I’m gonna tell him
Anna : Don’t you dare.
Olaf : So, come on! Elsa’s this way. Let’s
go bring back summer!
Anna : I’m coming!
Kristof : Somebody’s gotta tell him.

In datum 7, the dialogue shows id of Anna to find Elsa and

bring back summer is so big. Anna asks Olaf to show the way to Elsa

(ego). Olaf shows the way to Elsa, and Anna so glad. In this case,

superego shows good moral. Superego makes Anna becomes polite

in asking Olaf to show the way.

Table 4.8
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:51:24

Anna : What now?

Kristof : Mmm... It’s too steep. I only got one
rope and you don’t know how to
climb mountains.
Anna : Says who?
Kristof : Hmm? What are you doing?
Anna : I’m going to see my sister √
Kristof : You’re gonna kill yourself. I wouldn’t
put my foot there
Anna : You’re distracting me

Kristof : Or there. How do you know Elsa even
wants to see you?
Anna : All right. I’m just blocking you out
because I gotta concentrate, here.
Kristof : You know, most people who
disappear into the mountains want to
be alone.
Anna : Nobody wants to be alone. Except
maybe you.
Kristof : I’m not alone, I have friends,
Anna : You mean, the love experts?
Kristof : Yes, the love experts.
Anna : Ah... please tell me I’m almost
there. Does the air seem a bit thin to √
you up here?
Kristof : Hang on.
Olaf : Hey, Sven. Not sure if this is gonna
solve the problem, but I found a
staircase that leads exactly where you
wanted to go.
Anna : Ha-ha. Thank goodness. Catch!
That was like a crazy trust exercise.

In datum 8, the dialogue shows id of Anna to find out Elsa

and bring back summer is so big. Anna tries to climb mountain by

herself, without use anything (ego). But Anna does not almost there,

until Olaf shows the way to staircase. Ego can satisfy id by climbing

the mountain, and Olaf finds the staircase, it makes Anna feels glad.

Table 4.9
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego

TIME 00:52:45

Anna & kristoff : Whoa.

Kristof : Now, that’s ice. I might cry.
Anna : Go ahead. I won’t judge.
Kristof : All right, take it easy, boy. Come here.
I got you. Okay. You stay right here,
buddy. Flawless.
Olaf : Knock. Just knock. Why isn’t she
knocking? Do you think she knows
how to knock?
Anna : Huh, it opened. That’s a first. Oh. √
You should probably wait out here.
Kristof : What?
Anna : The last time I introduced her to a
guy, she froze everything. √
Kristof : But, but... oh, come on! It’s a palace
made of ice. Ice is my life!
Olaf : Bye, Sven.
Anna : You, too, Olaf.
Olaf : Me? √
Anna : Just give us a minute.
Olaf : Okay. One, two, three.
Olaf & kristof: Four...

In datum 9, the dialogue shows id of Anna to see Elsa, is so

big. Finally, Anna arrives in the ice castle of Elsa, and Anna knocks

the door (ego). In this case, superego remembers Anna about her

mistake, when Anna introduced Hans to Elsa. So, Anna asks Olaf

and Kristof to wait a minute, while Anna comes in the castle and

meets Elsa.

Table 4.10
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:54:07

Anna : Whoa. Elsa? It’s me, Anna.

Elsa : Anna.
Anna : Whoa. Elsa, you look different. It’s a
good different.
And this place... It’s amazing.
Elsa : Thank you. I never knew what I was
capable of.
Anna : I’m so sorry about what happened. If
I’d had known..
Elsa : No, no, no. It’s okay. You don’t have
to apologize. But you should probably
go. Please.
Anna : But I just got here.
Elsa : You belong down in Arendelle.
Anna : So do you.
Elsa : No, Anna, I belong here. Alone.
Where I can be who I am.
Without hurting anybody.
Anna : Actually, about that...
Olaf : Sixty!
Elsa : Wait. What is that?
Olaf : Hi! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!
Elsa : Olaf?
Olaf : Yeah. You built me. Remember that?
Elsa : And you’re alive?
Olaf : Um... I think so.
Anna : He’s just like the one we built as
Elsa : Yeah. √
Anna : Elsa, we were so close. We can be √ √
like that again.
Elsa : (Elsa remembered the accident)
No. We can’t. Goodbye, Anna. √ √
Anna : Elsa, wait.
Elsa : No. I’m just trying to protect you.

Anna : You don’t have to protect me. I’m not
afraid. Please don’t shut me out again.

In datum 10, the dialogue shows id of Anna wants to be close

with Elsa again. The presence of Olaf, help Anna to remember Elsa

about their childhood, when they made a snowman together and they

were so close (ego). The desire of id makes ego says “We can be like

that again”.

Besides, id of Elsa also wants to be close with Anna again.

But superego remembers Elsa about the accident in the childhood,

when her power hits Anna. So, Elsa denies to be close again because

Elsa does not want to hurt Anna again, then Elsa says goodbye and

leave them (ego). In this case, ego and superego can control id.

Table 4.11
Structure of Personality

Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 01:24:55

Anna : Kristoff.
Kristof : Anna!
Hans : Elsa! You can’t run from this!
Elsa : Just take care of my sister.
Hans : Your sister?
She returned from the mountain weak
and cold. She said that you froze her
Elsa : No.
Hans : I tried to save her, but it was too late.

Her skin was ice. Her hair turned
white. Your sister is dead. Because of
Elsa : No.
Anna : Kristoff.
Kristof : Anna!
Anna : Elsa? √
No! √
Elsa : Anna! Oh, Anna! No, no! Please, no!
Olaf : Anna?
Elsa : Anna?
Anna : oh Elsa.
Elsa : you sacrificed yourself for me?
Anna : I love you.
Olaf : “An act of true love will thaw a √
frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw. Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you could do it.

In datum 11, Anna who wants to meet Kristof turn to Elsa.

Looking at Hans tries to kill Elsa, Anna wants to save Elsa from

Hans (id). Anna runs to Elsa and prevent Hans by her hand, until

Anna gets frozen (ego). In this case, ego can fulfill the desire of id,

then superego shows Anna is a good girl, because she wants to

protect Elsa.

2. Classification of Emotion

The writer chooses Frozen as an object because this film has

story about love and good moral. The author describes condition of

psychology main characters by kinds of emotion. Therefore, the

writer is going to classify the emotion of main characters in Frozen


Table 4.12
Classification of Emotion

Classification of Emotion Based on Krech’s Theory

No. Data Guilt Self-

Guilt Shame Grief Hate Love
as deep punishing


TIME 00:10:38

Anna : Elsa?
Please I know
you’re in there.
People are
asking where
you’ve been √
They say “Have
courage” and
I’m trying to
I’m right out
here for you
Just let me in
We only have
each other
It’s just you and
What are we
gonna do?
Do you wanna
build a

In datum 1, the dialogue shows sadness of Anna and Elsa,

because their parents are dead and they just have each other, but

Elsa never out of her room even though her parents are died. The

sadness of these main characters caused they are losing someone


Table 4.13
Classification of Emotion

Classification of Emotion Based on Krech’s Theory

No. Data Guilt Self-

Guilt Shame Grief Hate Love
as deep punishing


TIME 00:34:48

Anna : Elsa!
Elsa, it’s me,
Your sister who
didn’t mean to
make you freeze
the summer. I’m √
sorry. It’s all my
Of course, none
of it would have
happened. If she
had just told me
her secret. She’s
a stinker.

In datum 2, the dialogue shows Anna feels guilty because of

Elsa. Conflict was happen in the party made Elsa go. Anna talked

impolite to Elsa in front of people cause Elsa did not give her

blessing, she took her glove, and made Elsa release her power in

front of people. So people thought Elsa is sorcery and she went to

the mountain. Anna feels guilty because of Elsa. Anna appears her

mistakes, so, she goes to the North Mountain to chase Elsa. Anna

wants to apologize and take back Elsa to Arendelle, then bring back


Table 4.14
Classification of Emotion

Classification of Emotion Based on Krech’s Theory

No. Data Guilt Self-

Guilt Shame Grief Hate Love
as deep punishing


TIME 01:27:36

Elsa : you sacrificed

yourself for me?
Anna : I love you. √
Olaf : “An act of true
love will thaw a
frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw.
Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you
could do it.

In datum 3, the dialogue shows love between sisters. Where

Anna protects Elsa from Hans, because she love her. Elsa holds

Anna who frozen by loving, until Anna is alive again. It is a form of

true love between sisters and feeling to protect each other.

B. Discussion

In this part, the writer is going to explain about the findings

above. As we know, the writer found 11 data about psychological aspect

of main characters and 3 emotions of main characters.

1. Psychological Aspect of Main Characters

In datum 1, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna and Elsa.

Picture 4.1 Picture 4.2

Picture 4.3 Picture 4.4

Picture 4.5 Picture 4.6

Young Anna : Elsa. Pssst!

Elsa! Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!
Young Elsa : Anna, go back to sleep.
Young Anna : I just can’t.
The sky is awake, so I’m awake. So, we have to

Young Elsa : Go play by yourself.
Young Anna : Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Do the magic! Do the magic!
Young Elsa : Ready?
Young Anna : Uh-huh.
This is amazing!
Young Elsa : Watch this!
Hi, I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs.
Young Anna : I love you Olaf!
Tickle bumps!
Young Elsa : Hang on!
Young Anna : Catch me!
Young Elsa : Gotcha!
Young Anna : Again!
Young Elsa : Wait!
Young Anna : Who-hooo
Young Elsa : Slow down!
Young Anna : Whoo!
Young Elsa : Anna!
Mama! Papa!

In Nursery-Night scene, the writer found psychological

aspect of Anna. Anna, the girl who cannot sleep, wants to play with

Elsa. The next conversation shows the desire of id to play,

influencing ego to awaken Elsa by saying “Elsa! Wake up. Wake up.

Wake up!” while shaking Elsa’s shoulder (in picture 4.1), but Elsa

orders Anna to go back to sleep. Then, the next conversation, Anna

rolls onto her back and acts like drama queen “I just can’t. The sky

is awake, so I’m awake. So, we have to play” to make Elsa wake up

(in picture 4.2), but Elsa orders her to play alone while pushing her.

Ego does not give up. The next conversation, Anna persuades Elsa

while opening her eye and say “Do you wanna build a snowman?”

(in picture 4.3). Finally, Elsa awakes and wants to play with Anna.

The desire of id to play with Elsa forces ego to do all ways to fulfill

id. In this case, ego can satisfy id to ask Elsa to play. So, id of Anna

feels glad.

In the other side, psychological aspect of Elsa also found in

this scene. Id of Elsa also wants to play with Anna by using her

power. Id influences ego to awake and play with Anna. Id influences

ego to use the power of Elsa. The next conversation shows that by

her power Elsa starts to make snow by her hand and says “Ready?”

(in picture 4.4), then, Elsa makes ice by her foot and says “Watch

this!” (in picture 4.5), Elsa makes snow and snowman then imitating

as if she is a snowman “Hi, I’m Olaf, and I like warm hugs” those

are acting of ego in satisfying id (in picture 4.6). Because ego can

satisfy id, id of Elsa feels glad.

These sisters are so close and happy when they play together.

But, when they are playing snow, accidentally Elsa’s power hits

Anna until getting unconsciousness. The accident makes Elsa’s soul

uncomfortable and scared about her power which cannot be

controlled, so Elsa stays at her room and shuts people out including


In datum 2, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna

and Elsa.


Picture 4.7 Picture 4.8



Picture 4.9 Picture 4.10

Elsa : Well, he was sprightly

Anna : Especially for a man in heels.
Elsa : Are you okay?
Anna : I’ve never been better. This is so nice. I wish it could
be like this all the Time.
Elsa : Me too. But it can’t
Anna : Why not?
Elsa : I just can’t.
Anna : Excuse me for a minute.

In Great Hall-Night scene, the writer found psychological

aspect of Anna. For a long time, these sisters meet again in

coronation day. The next conversation shows id of Anna feels

happy, because she can talk and laugh with Elsa again (in pictures

4.7 and 4.8), id wants to be close with Elsa again, so id influences

ego to tell Elsa what a glad she is, by saying “I’ve never been better.

This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time”, but Elsa

cannot fulfill Anna’s hoping. The next conversation, superego can

control id, so that id does not force the desire, then Anna goes to the

crowd to avoid Elsa by saying “Excuse me for a minute” (in the

picture 4.10).

In the other side, psychological aspect of Elsa also found in

this scene. Id of Elsa also wants to be close with Anna again. The

next conversation, when Anna says “I wish it could be like this all

the time” Elsa answers “Me too”. Actually Elsa wants, but Elsa

reminds about the accident in the childhood, then Elsa says “But it

can’t”. The next conversation, Elsa affirms her words “I just can’t”

while turning her body (in picture 4.9). In this case, superego shows

that an act of Elsa is bad moral, because it is impolite and it makes

Anna disappointed.

In datum 3, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna

and Elsa.

Picture 4.11 Picture 4.12

Picture 4.13 Picture 4.14

Anna : Elsa!
I mean, Queen. Me again. Um...
May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
Hans : Your Majesty.
We would like...
Uh, your blessing...
Anna & Hans : of our marriage
Elsa : Marriage?
Anna : Yes!
Elsa : I’m sorry, I’m confused
Anna : Well, we haven’t worked out all the details ourselves.
We’ll need a few days to plan the ceremony.
Of course, we’ll have soup, rast and ice cream.
And then... Wait. Would we live here?
Elsa : Here?
Hans : Absolutely!
Elsa : Anna!
Anna : Oh! We can invite all 12 of your brothers to stay with us.
Elsa : What? No, no, no.
Anna : Of course we have the room.
Elsa : Wait, slow down.
No one’s brothers are staying here.
No one is getting married.
Anna : Wait, what?
Elsa : May I talk to you, please? Alone...
Anna : No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us.
Elsa : Fine. You can’t marry a man you just met.
Anna : You can’t if it’s true love.
Elsa : Anna, what do you know about true love?
Anna : More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.
Elsa : you asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.
Now, excuse me.
Hans : Your Majesty, if I may case your...
Elsa : No, you may not.
And I think you should go.
The party is over. Close the gates.
Server : Yes, Your Majesty.
Anna : What? Elsa, no, no! Wait.
Elsa : Give me my glove!
Anna : Elsa, please, please.
I can’t live like this anymore!
Elsa : Then leave.
Anna : What did I ever do to you?
Elsa : Enough, Anna.
Anna : No, why? Why do you shut me out?
Why do you shut the world out?

What are you so afraid of?
Elsa : I said, enough!
Duke : sorcery!
I knew there was something dubious going on here.
Anna : Elsa.

In Ball-Night scene, the writer found psychological aspect of

Anna. Anna, the girl who meets someone named Hans, thinking that

he is her true love. Id of Anna feels glad, because she falls in love.

The next conversation shows that id of Anna wants to get marriage

with Hans, the desire of id influences ego to asking the blessing of

Elsa, like as “We would like...your blessing...of our marriage” (in

picture 4.11). Moreover, Elsa does not give her blessing. The next

conversation shows that superego of Anna is bad moral, because the

desire of id that cannot fulfill by Elsa, it makes Anna getting upset

and taking Elsa’s glove (in picture 4.13), then talking impolite to

Elsa in front of people, without thinking Elsa’s feeling by saying

“No why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world

out? Why are you so afraid of?” (in picture 4.14).

In the other side, psychological aspect of Elsa also found in

this scene. The next conversation shows id of Elsa does not want

Anna to get marriage with a man who just met, Elsa does not give

her blessing and forbid Anna, by saying “No one’s brothers are

staying here. No one is getting married“. Elsa tries to talk with Anna

alone, but Anna wants Elsa to talking to both of them. Id of Elsa

influences ego to making clear, by saying “Fine. You can’t marry a

man you just met” (in picture 4.12). In this case, superego of Elsa as

an older sister shows the good moral by telling Anna to do not marry

a man who just met, because she does not know his background.

In datum 4, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna.

Picture 4.15 Picture 4.16

Picture 4.17 Picture 4.18

Crowd : There she is!

Yes! It is her!
Townsman : Queen Elsa
Crowd : Our beautiful queen!
Townswoman : Your majesty? Are you all right?
Elsa : No.
Duke : There she is! Stop her!
Elsa : Please, just stay away from me. Stay away.
Duke : Monster. Monster!
Anna : Elsa!
Wait, please!
Elsa, stop!
Hans : Anna!
Anna : No.

Hans : The fjord.
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Yes, snow!
Hans : Are you all right?
Anna : No.
Hans : Did you know?
Anna : No.
Duke : Look. It’s snowing. It’s snowing!
The queen has cursed this land!
She must be stopped!
You have to go after her.
Anna : Wait, no!
Duke : You! Is there sorcery in you, too?
Are you a monster, too?
Anna : No, no. I’m completely ordinary.
Hans : That’s right, she is. In the best way.
Anna : And my sister is not a monster.
Duke : She nearly killed me!
Hans : You slipped on ice.
Duke : Her ice.
Anna : It was an accident. She was scared. She didn’t mean
it. She didn’t mean any of this. Tonight was my
fault. I pushed her. So, I’m the one that needs to
go after her.
Hans : What?
Anna : Bring me my horse, please.
Hans : Anna, no. It’s too dangerous.
Anna : Elsa is not dangerous. I’ll bring her back, and I’ll
make this right.
Hans : I’m coming with you.
Anna : No, I need you here to take care of Arendelle.
Hans : On my honor.

In Castle Courtyard – Night scene, the writer found

psychological aspect of Anna. The next conversation shows that

Anna who made Elsa was frightened and go, making she feels guilty

(in pictures 4.15 and 4.16). The next conversation shows that Anna

disappears about her mistake “Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.

So, I’m the one that needs to go after her”. The next conversation

shows Id of Anna wants to bring back Elsa to Arendelle, by saying

“I’ll bring her back, and I’ll make this right”, then id influences ego

to chase Elsa by asking the server to bring a horse “Bring me my

horse, please” (in pictures 4.17 and 4.18) while rising her hand. In

this case, superego shows an act of Anna is good moral, because she

is be responsible for her mistake and wants to bring back Elsa.

In datum 5, the writer found psychological aspect of Elsa.

Picture 4.19 Picture 4.20

Picture 4.21 Picture 4.22

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in. Don’t let them see
Be the good girl. You always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold me back anymore
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door
I don’t care. What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on. Cold never bothered me anyway
Its funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong. No rules for me
I’m free!
Let it go! Let it go! I’m one with the wind and sky
Let it go! Let it go! You’ll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I’ll stay. Let the storm rage on
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I’m never going back. The past is in the past
Let it go! Let it go! And I’ll rise like a break of dawn
Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on! Cold never bothered me anyway

In High Up In The Mountains – Night scene, the writer found

the psychological of Elsa. For a long time, Elsa just stays in her door,

finally Elsa goes out from the Arendelle caused a conflict with Anna.

The next lyrics show id of Elsa to be free is so big, id influences ego

to using the power “Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold me back

anymore” while making snowman (in picture 4.19). The next lyrics

show that ego tests the power of Elsa to making staircase “I’m free!

Let it go! Let it go! I’m one with the wind and sky” while running

on the staircase (in picture 4.20). The next lyrics show ego fulfills id

by building the castle by the power “Here I stand and here I’ll stay.

Let the storm rage on” while building the ice castle (in picture 4.22).

The next lyrics show that desire of id to be free, making Elsa turns

herself to be better “Let it go! Let it go! And I’ll rise like a break of

dawn. Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone” while turning

her dress and style (in picture 4.21). In this case, ego can control the

desire of id to be free, ego satisfies id by making snowman, staircase,

ice castle, and new dress. Because of ego can satisfy id, id of Elsa

feels glad.

In datum 6, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna.

Picture 4.23 Picture 4.24

Picture 4.25 Picture 4.26

Anna : Nice duet.

Kristof : It’s just you. What do you want?
Anna : I want you to take me up the North Mountain.
Kristof : I don’t take people places.
Anna : Let me rephrase that.
Kristof : Hey.
Anna : Take me up the North Mountain. Please.
Look, I know how to stop this winter.
Kristof : We leave at dawn. And you forgot the carrots for Sven.

Anna : Oops. Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t...
We leave now. Right now. Whew!

In Oaken’s Stables – Night scene, the writer found

psychological aspect of Anna. The next conversation shows that id

of Anna wants to find Elsa and bring back summer, id of Anna

influences ego to asking Kristof as a seller ice to take her up the

North Mountain, by saying “I want you to take me up the North

Mountain”, but Kristof denies and back to sleep. The next

conversation shows Anna comes again and throw a suck of supplies

land to Kristof’s lap (in picture 4.23) and saying “Take me up the

North Mountain. Please”, but Kristof will take her up at dawn and

back to sleep again. The next conversation shows id of Anna forces

ego to throw a bag of carrots (in picture 4.24) then saying “We leave

now. Right now” (in picture 4.25), then she goes out and take a

breath “whew!” (in picture 4.26). In this case, superego shows that

Anna is impolite in asking, by forcing to go at that time, and throw

a suck of supplies land and a bag of carrots to Kristof. Nevertheless,

id of Anna feels glad.

In datum 7, the writer found the psychological aspect of


Picture 4.27 Picture 4.28

Olaf : Hi, everyone. I’m Olaf. And I like warm hugs.

Anna : Olaf? That’s right, Olaf.
Olaf : And you are?
Anna : Oh. Um.. I’m Anna.
Olaf : And who’s the funky-looking donkey over there?
Anna : That Sven.
Olaf : Uh-huh. And who’s the reindeer?
Anna : Sven.
Olaf : Oh, the... oh. Okay. That makes things easier for me.
Aw, look at him trying to kiss my nose. I like you too.
Anna : Olaf. Did Elsa build you?
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you know where she is?
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you think you could show us the way?
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Kristof : How does this work, ow!
Olaf : Stop it, Sven. I’m trying to focus, here.
Yeah, why?
Kristof : I’ll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer.
Olaf : Summer. Oh, I don’t know why. But I always loved the idea
of summer. And sun, and all things hot.
Kristof : Really? I’m guessing you don’t have much experience with
Olaf : Nope. But sometimes I like to close my eyes, and imagine
what it would be like when summer does come.
Kristof : I’m gonna tell him
Anna : Don’t you dare.
Olaf : So, come on! Elsa’s this way. Let’s go bring back
Anna : I’m coming!
Kristof : Somebody’s gotta tell him.

In Frozen Willow Trees – Day scene, the writer found

psychological aspect of Anna. In the journey to find Elsa, Anna

meets Olaf, she remembers about a snowman that she build with

Elsa as kid. The next conversation shows id of Anna wants to find

Elsa and bring back summer, id influences ego to asking Olaf about

Elsa “Olaf. Did Elsa build you? Do you know where she is? Do you

think you could show us the way?” (in picture 4.27). In this case,

superego can control id by polite asking to Olaf. Id of Anna feels

glad by saying “I’m coming”, because Olaf wants to show the way

to Elsa (in picture 4.28).

In datum 8, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna.

Picture 4.29 Picture 4.30

Anna : What now?

Kristof : Mmm... It’s too steep. I only got one rope and you don’t
know how to climb mountains.
Anna : Says who?
Kristof : Hmm? What are you doing?
Anna : I’m going to see my sister
Kristof : You’re gonna kill yourself. I wouldn’t put my foot there
Anna : You’re distracting me
Kristof : Or there. How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?
Anna : All right. I’m just blocking you out because
I gotta concentrate, here.
Kristof : You know, most people who disappear into the mountains
want to be alone.
Anna : Nobody wants to be alone. Except maybe you.
Kristof : I’m not alone, I have friends, remember?

Anna : You mean, the love experts?
Kristof : Yes, the love experts.
Anna : Ah... please tell me I’m almost there. Does the air seem
a bit thin to you up here?
Kristof : Hang on.
Olaf : Hey, Sven. Not sure if this is gonna solve the problem, but
I found a staircase that leads exactly where you wanted
to go.
Anna : Ha-ha. Thank goodness. Catch! Thanks.
That was like a crazy trust exercise.

In Steep Mountain Face – Day scene, the writer found

psychological aspect of Anna. The next conversation shows id of

Anna to find Elsa is so big, on the way to Elsa, they find a mountain

that block the way, but id of Anna influences ego to climbing the

mountain while saying “I’m going to see my sister” (in picture 4.29).

Moreover, Anna does not almost there, until Olaf shows the way to

staircase (in picture 4.30). In this case, ego can satisfy id by climbing

the mountain, and finding the staircase making Anna feels glad by

saying “Ha-ha. Thank goodness”.

In datum 9, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna.

Picture 4.31 Picture 4.32

Anna & Kristof : Whoa.

Kristof : Now, that’s ice. I might cry.
Anna : Go ahead. I won’t judge.
Kristof : All right, take it easy, boy. Come here. I got you.
Okay. You stay right here, buddy. Flawless.

Olaf : Knock. Just knock. Why isn’t she knocking?
Do you think she knows how to knock?
Anna : Huh, it opened. That’s a first. Oh. You should probably
wait out here.
Kristof : What?
Anna : The last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze
Kristof : But, but... oh, come on! It’s a palace made of ice. Ice is my
Olaf : Bye, Sven.
Anna : You, too, Olaf.
Olaf : Me?
Anna : Just give us a minute.
Olaf : Okay. One, two, three.
Olaf & Kristof: Four...

In Base of the Ice Palace – Day scene, the writer found

psychological aspect of Anna. The next conversation shows that id

of Anna to see Elsa finally happen. Anna arrives in the ice castle of

Elsa, id influences ego of Anna to knock the door (in picture 4.31).

The next conversation shows that superego remembers Anna about

her mistake, when Anna introduced Hans to Elsa. So, Anna asks

Olaf and Kristof to wait a minute by saying “That’s a first. Oh, you

should probably wait out here. The last time I introduced her to a

guy, she froze everything. You, too, Olaf. Just give us a minute” (in

picture 4.32), while Anna comes in the castle and meets Elsa.

In datum 10, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna

and Elsa.

Picture 4.33 Picture 4.34

Picture 4.35 Picture 4.36

Anna : Whoa. Elsa? It’s me, Anna.

Elsa : Anna.
Anna : Whoa. Elsa, you look different. It’s a good different.
And this place... It’s amazing.
Elsa : Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of.
Anna : I’m so sorry about what happened. If I’d had known...
Elsa : No, no, no. It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize.
But you should probably go. Please.
Anna : But I just got here.
Elsa : You belong down in Arendelle.
Anna : So do you.
Elsa : No, Anna, I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am.
Without hurting anybody.
Anna : Actually, about that...
Olaf : Sixty!
Elsa : Wait. What is that?
Olaf : Hi! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!
Elsa : Olaf?
Olaf : Yeah. You built me. Remember that?
Elsa : And you’re alive?
Olaf : Um... I think so.
Anna : He’s just like the one we built as kids.
Elsa : Yeah.
Anna : Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that again.
Elsa : (Elsa remembered the accident)
No. We can’t. Goodbye, Anna.
Anna : Elsa, wait.

Elsa : No. I’m just trying to protect you.
Anna : You don’t have to protect me. I’m not afraid.
Please don’t shut me out again.

In Elsa’s Palace – Day scene, the writer found psychological

aspect of Anna. The next conversation shows id of Anna wants to be

close with Elsa again. The presence of Olaf, making id influences

ego of Anna to remember Elsa about their childhood by saying “He’s

just like the one we built as kids” (in picture 4.33) when they made

a snowman together. Looking the expression of Elsa who

remembered, making Anna expresses her wants. The next

conversation shows ego fulfills id by remembering Elsa when they

were so close by saying “Elsa, we were so close. We can be like that

again” (in picture 4.35).

In the other side, the writer also found psychology aspect of

Elsa in this scene. The next conversation shows id of Elsa also wants

to be close with Anna again, when Anna remembers Elsa about Olaf

which they made as kid, Elsa says “Yeah” (in picture 4.34) while

smiling. The next conversation shows that superego tries to control

id by remembering Elsa about the accident in childhood, so that,

when Anna wants to be close again, ego controls id by denying

because Elsa does not want to hurt Anna again and saying “No. We

can’t. Goodbye Anna” while turning and leaving Anna (in picture

4.36). In this case, ego and superego can control id.

In datum 11, the writer found psychological aspect of Anna.

Picture 4.37 Picture 4.38

Anna : Kristof.
Kristof : Anna!
Hans : Elsa! You can’t run from this!
Elsa : Just take care of my sister.
Hans : Your sister?
She returned from the mountain weak and cold. She said
that you froze her heart.
Elsa : No.
Hans : I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was ice. Her
hair turned white. Your sister is dead. Because of you.
Elsa : No.
Anna : Kristof.
Kristof : Anna!
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : Anna! Oh, Anna! No, no! Please, no!
Olaf : Anna?
Elsa : Anna?
Anna : oh Elsa.
Elsa : you sacrificed yourself for me?
Anna : I love you.
Olaf : “An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw. Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you could do it.

In Fjord – Day scene, the writer found psychological aspect

of Anna. Anna, the girl who is almost frozen wants to meet Kristof,

but she turning to Elsa. The next conversation, Anna looks Hans who

tries to killing Elsa “Elsa?” id of Anna wants to save Elsa from Hans.

The next conversation shows that id influences ego of Anna to

running to Elsa and prevent Hans by saying “No!” while rising her

hand (in picture 4.37), until Anna gets frozen (in picture 4.38). In

this case, ego can fulfill the desire of id, then superego shows Anna

is a good girl, because she tries to protect Elsa.

Based on the data above, the writer can conclude the

psychology of the main characters based on the Freud’s theory. The

accident in the childhood influences the psychology of Elsa. The fear

about the accident and hurting other people, making Elsa closes her

door and shuts people out including Anna.

Id of Elsa wants to come out the door and use her power to

play with her sister and be close again. But in reality (ego) she

cannot, because her power is getting stronger and she cannot control

it, and she scares about her power will hurt people. So, she shuts

people out including Anna. The accident always hunts Elsa’s mind.

So Elsa always avoid Anna to be close, although she wants. In this

case, ego cannot fulfill the desire of id, so superego shows the bad

moral, because she isolates herself and shout people out.

Besides, Anna who feels Elsa shuts her out, making Anna

feels lonely and thinks to find someone lover. The desire of Anna to

find her true love makes her blind. She wants to get marriage with

someone that she just met at that time, but Elsa does not give her

blessing. The conflict happens in coronation day. It makes Elsa go

and freeze summer. Id of Anna wants to bring back Elsa to

Arendelle, and bring back summer. Id influences ego of Anna to do

all the ways to find Elsa like goes to North Mountain alone by horse,

asking Kristof to take her up to North Mountain, asking Olaf to show

the way to Elsa, and climbing the mountain until she arrives to Ice

castle of Elsa. In this case, superego shows the good moral, because

Anna appears her mistakes and be responsible to take bake Elsa and

bring back summer. So, superego shows the good moral.

2. Classification of Emotion

The writer chooses Frozen as an object because this film has

story about love and good moral. The author describes condition of

psychology the main characters by kind of emotion. Therefore, the

writer is going to classify the emotion of main characters in Frozen


a) Grief

Grief related to losing an important thing. Usually the very grief

is losing someone lover.

Picture 4.39

Anna : Elsa?
Please I know you’re in there.
People are asking where you’ve been
They say “Have courage” and I’m trying to
I’m right out here for you
Just let me in
We only have each other
It’s just you and me
What are we gonna do?
Do you wanna build a snowman?

In Elsa’s Door – Day scene, the writer found the emotion of

grief. The conversation shows the sadness of Anna and Elsa

because their parents are dead and they just have each other.

Anna was home from her parents’ burial plot. She comes to Elsa

and knocks her door. She says what people said to Elsa “they say

“have courage” and I’m trying to”. Anna tries to strengthen Elsa

by saying “I’m right out here for you. Just let me in. We only

have each other. It’s just you and me” so that Elsa feels she not

alone. Anna does not know what she has to do after that by

saying “What are we gonna do?” while leaning the door. But

Elsa never out of her room even though her parents are died.

Behind the door, Elsa looked so sad while leaning the door

and hearing Anna, without saying everything. The sadness of

these main characters caused they are losing someone lover.

b) Guilt

Guilt caused there is a conflict between impulse expression and

moral standards.

Picture 4.40

Anna : Elsa!
Elsa, it’s me, Anna.
Your sister who didn’t mean to make you freeze the
summer. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.
Of course, none of it would have happened. If she
had just told me her secret. She’s a stinker.

In Fjord Forest – Day scene, the writer found the emotion of

guilt. The conversation shows that Anna feels guilty because of

Elsa. Conflict was happen in the party made Elsa gone. Anna

talked impolite to Elsa in front of people cause Elsa did not give

her blessing, she took her glove, and made Elsa release her

power in front of people. So people think Elsa is sorcery and she

went to the mountain.

Anna feels guilty because of Elsa. Anna appears her

mistakes, so, she goes to the North Mountain to chase Elsa “Elsa,

it’s me, Anna. Your sister who didn’t mean to make you freeze

the summer. I’m sorry, it’s all my fault” while shouting and

searching. Anna wants to apologize and take back Elsa to

Arendelle, then bring back summer.

c) Love

In romantic love, love and like are same. About child’s love to

his mother base on the protecting need; thus mother’s love to her

son because there is desire to protecting.

Picture 4.41

Hans : Elsa! you can’t run from this!

Elsa : Just take care of my sister.
Hans : Your sister? She returned from the mountain weak
and cold. She said that you froze her heart.
Elsa : No.
Hans : I tried to save her, but it was too late. Her skin was
ice. Her hair turned white. Your sister is dead.
Because of you.
Elsa : No.
Anna : Kristof
Kristof : Anna!
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : Anna! Oh, Anna! No, no! Please, no!
Olaf : Anna?

Elsa : Anna?
Anna : oh Elsa.
Elsa : you sacrificed yourself for me?
Anna : I love you.
Olaf : “An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw. Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you could do it.

In Fjord – Day scene, the writer found the emotion of love.

The conversation shows love between sisters where Anna

protects Elsa from Hans who tries to kill her, until she gets

frozen, because she loves Elsa and wants to protect her. Elsa

holds Anna who frozen by loving, suddenly Anna who frozen is

alive again.

The next conversation, Elsa asks to Anna “You sacrificed

yourself for me?” and Anna answers “I love you”. True love in

this scene is shows in love of Anna to Elsa who wants to protect

Elsa from Hans, and love of Elsa to her sister Anna that can thaw

the frozen of Anna’s heart, like Olaf says “An act of true love

will thaw a frozen heart”. Elsa appears that love can control her

power. It is a form of true love between sisters, and the feeling

to protect each other.

From the seven of classifications emotion, the writer found

three emotions in this film. They are grief, guilt, and love. There

is the grief because the main characters are losing someone

lover, it’s their parents. There is the guilt because conflict which

happen between two main characters, it makes one of the

character feels guilt. Then, there is love because a true love

between sisters in this film shows the feeling to protect each




A. Conclusions

Based on analysis which was discussed in chapter 3, the writer takes

the conclusion that through Freud’s theory about personality divided into

three they are id, ego, and superego, showing that psychological aspect of

main characters so strong. Based on the data, the writer found all the data

has id and ego, but superego just found in some data. The result of analysis

psychology the main characters shows that ego can fulfill the desire of id

the main characters, besides superego cannot control the desire of id as the


The writer also found three of seven classifications emotion in

Frozen, they are guilt, grief, and love. The guilt caused a conflict between

the main characters. The grief caused losing someone lover, like the parents

of main characters. And love between sisters who want to protect each other.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer gives the suggestions such as:

1. This film still needs researched again, because this research just

emphasize to the aspect psychology and emotion main characters. For

other research about this film can use sociological approach and moral


2. This research hoped can benefit as a material reading for students. By

watching this film can improve vocabulary because this film uses


3. This research hoped can make students interested to literature,

especially literature in film form. By literature can improve our

knowledge about English.


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Freud’s Theory
No Data Structure of Personality
Id Ego Superego


TIME 00:03:42

Young Anna : Elsa. Pssst!

Elsa! Wake up. Wake up. √
Wake up!
Young Elsa : Anna, go back to sleep.
Young Anna : I just can’t.
The sky is awake, so I’m
awake. So, we have to √
Young Elsa : Go play by yourself.
Young Anna : Do you wanna build a
Come on. Come on. Come on
Do the magic! Do the magic!

Young Elsa : Ready?
Young Anna : Uh-huh.
This is amazing!
Young Elsa : Watch this!
Hi, I’m Olaf, and I like √
warm hugs.
Young Anna : I love you Olaf!
Tickle bumps!
Young Elsa : Hang on!
Young Anna : Catch me!
Young Elsa : Gotcha!
Young Anna : Again!
Young Elsa : Wait!
Young Anna : Who-hooo
Young Elsa : Slow down!

Young Anna : Whoo!
Young Elsa : Anna!
Mama! Papa!
No, no...
You’re okay, Anna. I got you.
King : Elsa, what have you done?
This is getting out of hand.
Young Elsa : It was an accident. I’m sorry,
Queen : Oh. She’s ice cold.
King : I know where we have to go.
TIME 00:22:04

Elsa : Well, he was sprightly

Anna : Especially for a man in heels.
Elsa : Are you okay?
Anna : I’ve never been better. This is so √ √
nice. I wish it could
be like this all the Time.
Elsa : Me too. But it can’t √ √
Anna : Why not?
Elsa : I just can’t. √
Anna : Excuse me for a minute. √
TIME 00:25:49

Anna : Elsa!
I mean, Queen. Me again. Um...
May I present Prince Hans of the
Southern Isles.
Hans : Your Majesty.
We would like...
Uh, your blessing...
Anna & Hans : of our marriage √ √
Elsa : Marriage?
Anna : Yes!
Elsa : I’m sorry, I’m confused
Anna : Well, we haven’t worked out all the
details ourselves. We’ll need a few
days to plan the ceremony.
Of course, we’ll have soup, rast and
ice cream. And then... Wait. Would
we live here?
Elsa : Here?

Hans : Absolutely!
Elsa : Anna!
Anna : Oh! We can invite all 12 of your
brothers to stay with us.
Elsa : What? No, no, no.
Anna : Of course we have the room.
Elsa : Wait, slow down.
No one’s brothers are staying here.
No one is getting married. √
Anna : Wait, what?
Elsa : May I talk to you, please? Alone...
Anna : No. Whatever you have to say, you
can say to both of us.
Elsa : Fine. You can’t marry a man you
just met. √ √
Anna : You can’t if it’s true love.
Elsa : Anna, what do you know about true
Anna : More than you. All you know is how
to shut people out.
Elsa : you asked for my blessing, but my
answer is no. Now, excuse me.
Hans : Your Majesty, if I may case your...
Elsa : No, you may not.
And I think you should go.
The party is over. Close the gates.
Server : Yes, Your Majesty.
Anna : What? Elsa, no, no! Wait.
Elsa : Give me my glove!
Anna : Elsa, please, please.
I can’t live like this anymore!
Elsa : Then leave.
Anna : What did I ever do to you?
Elsa : Enough, Anna.
Anna : No, why? Why do you shut me
out? √
Why do you shut the world out?
What are you so afraid of?
Elsa : I said, enough!
Duke : sorcery!
I knew there was something dubious
going on here.
Anna : Elsa.
TIME 00:27:55

Crowd : There she is!
Yes! It is her!
Townsman : Queen Elsa
Crowd : Our beautiful queen!
Townswoman : Your majesty? Are you all
Elsa : No.
Duke : There she is! Stop her!
Elsa : Please, just stay away from
me. Stay away.
Duke : Monster. Monster!
Anna : Elsa!
Wait, please!
Elsa, stop!
Hans : Anna!
Anna : No.
Hans : The fjord.
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Snow!
Townswoman : Yes, snow!
Hans : Are you all right?
Anna : No.
Hans : Did you know?
Anna : No.
Duke : Look. It’s snowing. It’s
The queen has cursed this
land! She must be stopped!
You have to go after her.
Anna : Wait, no!
Duke : You! Is there sorcery in you,
too? Are you a monster, too?
Anna : No, no. I’m completely
Hans : That’s right, she is. In the best
Anna : And my sister is not a monster.
Duke : She nearly killed me!
Hans : You slipped on ice.
Duke : Her ice.
Anna : It was an accident. She was
scared. She didn’t mean it.
She didn’t mean any of this.
Tonight was my fault.

I pushed her. So, I’m the one
that needs to go after her. √
Hans : What?
Anna : Bring me my horse, please.
Hans : Anna, no. It’s too dangerous. √
Anna : Elsa is not dangerous. I’ll
bring her back, and I’ll
make this right. √
Hans : I’m coming with you.
Anna : No, I need you here to take
care of Arendelle.
Hans : On my honor.
TIME 00:31:23

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m
the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm
Couldn’t keep it in heaven knows I tried
Don’t let them in. Don’t let them see
Be the good girl. You always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold me back
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the
I don’t care. What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on. Cold never bothered me
Its funny how some distance makes everything
seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can’t get
to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong. No rules for me
I’m free! √
Let it go! Let it go! I’m one with the wind √
and sky
Let it go! Let it go! You’ll never see me cry

Here I stand and here I’ll stay. Let the storm
rage on
My power flurries through the air into the
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I’m never going back. The past is in the past
Let it go! Let it go! And I’ll rise like a break
of dawn
Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on! Cold never bothered me
TIME 00:39:26

Anna : Nice duet.

Kristof : It’s just you. What do you want?
Anna : I want you to take me up the North √
Kristof : I don’t take people places.
Anna : Let me rephrase that.
Kristof : Hey.
Anna : Take me up the North Mountain. √
Look, I know how to stop this winter.
Kristof : We leave at dawn. And you forgot the
carrots for Sven.
Anna : Oops. Sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I
We leave now. Right now. Whew! √
TIME 00:46:33

Olaf : Hi, everyone. I’m Olaf. And I like

warm hugs.
Anna : Olaf? That’s right, Olaf.
Olaf : And you are?
Anna : Oh. Um.. I’m Anna.
Olaf : And who’s the funky-looking donkey
over there?
Anna : That Sven.
Olaf : Uh-huh. And who’s the reindeer?
Anna : Sven.

Olaf : Oh, the... oh. Okay. That makes things
easier for me. Aw, look at him trying
to kiss my nose. I like you too.
Anna : Olaf. Did Elsa build you?
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you know where she is? √ √
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Anna : Do you think you could show us the
way? √
Olaf : Yeah, why?
Kristof : How does this work, ow!
Olaf : Stop it, Sven. I’m trying to focus,
Yeah, why?
Kristof : I’ll tell you why. We need Elsa to
bring back summer.
Olaf : Summer. Oh, I don’t know why. But
I always loved the idea of summer.
And sun, and all things hot.
Kristof : Really? I’m guessing you don’t have
much experience with heat.
Olaf : Nope. But sometimes I like to close
my eyes, and imagine what it would
be like when summer does come.
Kristof : I’m gonna tell him
Anna : Don’t you dare.
Olaf : So, come on! Elsa’s this way. Let’s
go bring back summer!
Anna : I’m coming!
Kristof : Somebody’s gotta tell him.
TIME 00:51:24

Anna : What now?

Kristof : Mmm... It’s too steep. I only got one
rope and you don’t know how to
climb mountains.
Anna : Says who?
Kristof : Hmm? What are you doing?
Anna : I’m going to see my sister √
Kristof : You’re gonna kill yourself. I wouldn’t
put my foot there
Anna : You’re distracting me
Kristof : Or there. How do you know Elsa even
wants to see you?

Anna : All right. I’m just blocking you out
because I gotta concentrate, here.
Kristof : You know, most people who
disappear into the mountains want to
be alone.
Anna : Nobody wants to be alone. Except
maybe you.
Kristof : I’m not alone, I have friends,
Anna : You mean, the love experts?
Kristof : Yes, the love experts.
Anna : Ah... please tell me I’m almost
there. Does the air seem a bit thin to √
you up here?
Kristof : Hang on.
Olaf : Hey, Sven. Not sure if this is gonna
solve the problem, but I found a
staircase that leads exactly where you
wanted to go.
Anna : Ha-ha. Thank goodness. Catch!
That was like a crazy trust exercise.
TIME 00:52:45

Anna & kristoff : Whoa.

Kristof : Now, that’s ice. I might cry.
Anna : Go ahead. I won’t judge.
Kristof : All right, take it easy, boy. Come here.
I got you. Okay. You stay right here,
buddy. Flawless.
Olaf : Knock. Just knock. Why isn’t she
knocking? Do you think she knows
how to knock?
Anna : Huh, it opened. That’s a first. Oh. √
You should probably wait out here.
Kristof : What?
Anna : The last time I introduced her to a
guy, she froze everything. √
Kristof : But, but... oh, come on! It’s a palace
made of ice. Ice is my life!
Olaf : Bye, Sven.
Anna : You, too, Olaf.
Olaf : Me? √
Anna : Just give us a minute.

Olaf : Okay. One, two, three.
Olaf & kristof: Four...
TIME 00:54:07

Anna : Whoa. Elsa? It’s me, Anna.

Elsa : Anna.
Anna : Whoa. Elsa, you look different. It’s a
good different.
And this place... It’s amazing.
Elsa : Thank you. I never knew what I was
capable of.
Anna : I’m so sorry about what happened. If
I’d had known..
Elsa : No, no, no. It’s okay. You don’t have
to apologize. But you should probably
go. Please.
Anna : But I just got here.
Elsa : You belong down in Arendelle.
Anna : So do you.
Elsa : No, Anna, I belong here. Alone.
Where I can be who I am.
Without hurting anybody.
Anna : Actually, about that...
Olaf : Sixty!
Elsa : Wait. What is that?
Olaf : Hi! I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!
Elsa : Olaf?
Olaf : Yeah. You built me. Remember that?
Elsa : And you’re alive?
Olaf : Um... I think so.
Anna : He’s just like the one we built as
Elsa : Yeah. √
Anna : Elsa, we were so close. We can be √
like that again. √
Elsa : (Elsa remembered the accident)
No. We can’t. Goodbye, Anna. √ √
Anna : Elsa, wait.
Elsa : No. I’m just trying to protect you.
Anna : You don’t have to protect me. I’m not
afraid. Please don’t shut me out again.
TIME 01:24:55

Anna : Kristoff.

Kristof : Anna!
Hans : Elsa! You can’t run from this!
Elsa : Just take care of my sister.
Hans : Your sister?
She returned from the mountain weak
and cold. She said that you froze her
Elsa : No.
Hans : I tried to save her, but it was too late.
Her skin was ice. Her hair turned
white. Your sister is dead. Because of
Elsa : No.
Anna : Kristoff.
Kristof : Anna!
Anna : Elsa?
√ √
Elsa : Anna! Oh, Anna! No, no! Please, no!
Olaf : Anna?
Elsa : Anna?
Anna : oh Elsa.
Elsa : you sacrificed yourself for me?
Anna : I love you. √
Olaf : “An act of true love will thaw a
frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw. Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you could do it.

Classification of Emotion Based on Krech’s Theory

No. Data Guilt as Self-

Guilt Shame Grief Hate Love
deep punishing

TIME 00:10:38

Anna : Elsa?
Please I know
you’re in there.
People are
asking where √
you’ve been
They say “Have
courage” and
I’m trying to
I’m right out
here for you
Just let me in
We only have
each other
It’s just you and
What are we
gonna do?
Do you wanna
build a
TIME 00:34:48

Anna : Elsa!
Elsa, it’s me,
Your sister who
didn’t mean to
make you freeze
the summer. I’m √
sorry. It’s all my
Of course, none

of it would have
happened. If she
had just told me
her secret. She’s
a stinker.
TIME 01:27:36

Elsa : you sacrificed

yourself for me?
Anna : I love you. √
Olaf : “An act of true
love will thaw a
frozen heart.”
Elsa : love will thaw.
Love, of course
Anna : Elsa?
Elsa : love.
Anna : I know you
could do it.


The writer’s name is Deasy Novita

Rini. She was born in Tangerang,

December 29th 1992. The writer is

the sixth of seven children from

couple of Mr. Zainal Abidin and

Mrs. Rohaya. The writer lives at Jl.

Raya Cisauk Kp. Rancamoyan RT.

016 RW. 003 Des. Cibogo Kec. Cisauk Kab.Tangerang Prov.Banten. The writer

studied at MI. NURUL IMAN CIBOGO, graduated in 2004. She continued school

at MTs. SERPONG, graduated in 2007. She continued school at SMK PUSTEK of

Serpong, graduated in 2010. After that she worked for saving money. in 2012 she

continued her study at Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang, graduated in

2017. The writer worked as an English teacher while studiying in 2015 until 2016.


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