Semi Detailed Lesson Plan For Observation

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School Bahile National High School Grade Level 12 TVL

Teacher Emelyn T. Aborot Learning Area Media Information Literacy

Teaching Date November 22, 2019 Quarter 3rd Quarter
and Time 10:15 – 12:15

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Media Information Literacy

Grade 12 - TVL
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy
A. Content Standards (MIL) and MIL related concepts.

The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the

B. Performance Standards community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.

A. Identifies traditional media and new media and their relationships.

C. Learning (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-5)
Competencies/ B. Editorializes the role and functions of media in democratic society
Objectives Write the LC (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-6)
code for each C. Searches latest theory on information and media (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-7)
The Evolution of Traditional to New Media
a. Prehistoric Age
II. CONTENT b. Industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New (Information) Age

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Textbook pages Cronica book publishing MIL page 13-28
B. Other Learning
Resources media--6EnZMSt2SqCEmNnYTdYXh2XN
cartolina, pencils, rulers, markers, laptop, projector
Good morning class, how’s your day?
Before we start please get ¼ sheet of paper and answer this pre-test.
(present the pretest)
Direction: Read and answer carefully the following questions. Write the letter
of your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. Answer it silently.
A. Reviewing previous 1. Which of the following ages is the period of human activity between
lesson or presenting the the use of the first stone tools?
new lesson a. Industrial Age
b. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information/Digital Age
2. Which of the following ages were people used the power of steam,
developed machine tools and established iron production?
a. Industrial Age
b. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information/Digital Age
3. When was the Facebook created?
a. 2002
b. 2003
c. 2004
d. 2006
4. Which of the following media was invented in electronic age?
a. Smart phones
b. Cave paintings
c. Television
d. Typewriter
5. _________ is a method of communication or a form of publications
commonly used to distribute news and information.
a. Letter
b. Media
c. Signs
d. Sounds and signals
6. Which of the following ages were people discovered fire, developed
paper from plants and forged weapons and tools with stone?
a. Industrial Age
b. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information/Digital Age
7. Which of the following was the first social media site developed for
online communication and reach love ones abroad?
a. Facebook
b. Friendster
c. Twitter
d. Google
8. The following are media used in pre-historic age EXCEPT.
a. Cave paintings
b. Papyrus
c. Clay tablets
d. Typewriter
9. Which of the following is NOT BELONG to the group?
a. Portable laptop
b. Tablet
c. Television
d. Smartphones
10. Which of following ages were android version 4.0 (ice cream
a. Industrial Age
b. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New Information/Digital Age

Let us check your pre-test.

B. Establishing a purpose Now, lets have an ice breaker everybody please stand and do this monkey
for the lesson dance.
Directions: Analyze the following pictures and tell something about it.


C. Presenting examples /
Pic 2
instances of the new lesson

The picture number one shows the

evolution of media types we use in communication and distribution of
information, while in picture number 2 shows online medias and/or social
medias we use for communication, entertainment and news.

Do you have any idea what we are going to discuss this morning?

Discussion proper:
The teacher will define and discuss the following:
1. Media
D. Discussing new concepts 2. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
and practicing new skills #1 3. Industrial Age
4. Electronic Age
5. New / Digital Age

To deepen your understanding about how does media evolve, watch this video
D. Discussing new entitled “Evolution of Media”.
concepts and practicing
Jot down all the information you will get in this video.
new skills #2
Be focused.
Task: Divide the class into 5 groups
1. Using cartolina and other materials draw an evolution cartoon
depicting your idea and perspectives about how media evolved
through the years.
F. Developing Mastery 2. Explain the cartoon in not less than 5 sentences
(Leads to Formative 3. You will be given 20 minutes to do this activity.
After group presentation: Very good. I think you now understand how does
the media evolve. Give your self a round of applause please.
See attached rubrics for activity.

Is the evolution of media affecting you as a student and/or human being?

G. Finding practical
Anyone can share their experiences in the evolution of media?
application of concepts and
skills in daily living

H. Making generalizations Question and Answer:

and abstractions about the
1. How many ages does evolution of media have?
2. What are those ages?
3. Which of the ages has a great influence to today’s generation?

Ok that’s great. I think you are now ready for our evaluation.
I will give you 5 mins to review your notes.
Get ¼ sheet of paper.
Direction: Read and answer carefully the following questions. Write the letter
of your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper. Answer it silently.
1. Which of the following ages is the period of human activity between
the use of the first stone tools?
e. Industrial Age
f. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
g. Electronic Age
h. New Information/Digital Age
2. Which of the following ages were people used the power of steam,
developed machine tools and established iron production?
e. Industrial Age
f. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
g. Electronic Age
h. New Information/Digital Age
3. When was the Facebook created?
e. 2002
f. 2003
g. 2004
h. 2006
4. Which of the following media was invented in electronic age?
e. Smart phones
f. Cave paintings
g. Television
h. Typewriter
I. Evaluating learning
5. _________ is a method of communication or a form of publications
commonly used to distribute news and information.
e. Letter
f. Media
6. Which of the following ages were people discovered fire, developed
paper from plants and forged weapons and tools with stone?
e. Industrial Age
f. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
g. Electronic Age
h. New Information/Digital Age
7. Which of the following was the first social media site developed for
online communication and reach love ones abroad?
e. Facebook
f. Friendster
g. Twitter
h. Google
8. The following are media used in pre-historic age EXCEPT.
e. Cave paintings
f. Papyrus
g. Clay tablets
h. Typewriter
9. Which of the following is NOT BELONG to the group?
e. Portable laptop
f. Tablet
g. Television
h. Smartphones
10. Which of following ages were android version 4.0 (ice cream
e. Industrial Age
f. Prehistoric / Pre-industrial Age
g. Electronic Age
h. New Information/Digital Age

J. Additional activities for Assignment:

application for remediation Search latest theory on information and media. Write your answer in a 1
whole sheet of paper. To be submitted on next meeting.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional No. of learners who got a score:
activities for _________ and above: _________
remediation. _________ and below : _________
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Emelyn T. Aborot Gemma V. Manlavi

ICT/MIL Teacher School Principal

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