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GIT [Guyton and Hall physiology] & [UW 2016]

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1. 21 years female+Nausea+ (1) Serum glucose 5. The highest ion conc. in saliva Bicarbonate (HCO3); 50-70
diarrhea+light headedness+ (will not change) under the basal condition; mEq/L in saliva whereas K
flatulence. After overnight fast, the (2) Breath Hydrogen conc is 30 mEq/L, under
physicain administrates 50 gm of oral (will increase) basal condition.
lactose at time zero (indicated by the (3) Intestinal
6. Experiment shows initial rise, [Intestinal influences[; as are
arrow). Which combination is most methane production
peak, and then decline in effective in down regulating
likely in the patient during the next 3 (will increase)
gastric acid production during gastric acid secretion.
and after meal. [Which helps -Ileum and colon release
2. patients with lactase deficiency can't So the operons of most to down regulate gastric peptide YY, which binds to
digest milk products that contains gut bacteria quickly secretion after a meal?] receptors on the endocrine,
lactose (milk sugar) switch over to histamine containing cells
lactose metabolism- described as
-> fermentation--> enterochromaffin like cell.
large amount of gas -This binding counteracts the
(mix of Hydrogen + cephalic and gastric phases
CO2 + Methane). of acid secretion by
inhibiting gastrin-stimulated
(1) This gas--> histamine release from ECLs
abdominal cramps +
7. Gastric Acid secretion is [1] The cephalic phase is
bloating+ flatulence.
separated into 3 phases; mediated by cholinergic and
(2) This gas is
vagal mechanisms, is
absorbed by blood
triggered by thought, sight,
(in colon) and
smell, and taste of food.
exhaled by lungs.
[2]The gastric phase is
(3) Blood glucpse
mediated by the presence of
don't increase (as
gastrin (which stimulates
lactose is not
histamine secretion), is
digested to glucose
triggered by chemical
and galactose in
stimulus of food and
these patients.
distension of the stomach.
3. 43 years man+ eat a meal (protein Duodenocolic reflex. [3] The intestinal phase is
40%) +fat (10%) + CHO (50%). 30 initiated when protein-
minutes later the man feels urge to containing food enters the
defecate. Which reflex results in the duodenum, but this phase
urge when the duodenum is plays only a minor role in
stretched? stimulating gastric acid
4. 23 years man+ eat a meal (protein Small intestine (distal
30%) +fat (15%) + CHO (55%). At which ileum); 95% of bile 8. Receptive relaxation; reflex that shows the gastric
location are bile salts most likely to salts are reabsorbed fundus to dilate in
be absorbed by active transport into the blood from anticipation of food passing
process? small intestine, with; through the pharynx and
A- 1/2 of this by esophagus.
diffusion (early part
9. Postprandial alkaline tide an increase in plasma HCO3
of S.I. mucosa).
and decrease in plasma Cl
B- The rest by active
secondary to the surge of
transport in distal
acid within the gastric
10. 34 years+ follow up+ Hx. of acute [Jejunum]; Dietary 15. 43 years obese women+ CCK; responsible for GB
calculous cholecystitis+ had lipids (e.g TGs, severe epi-gastric pain after contraction. Produced by I
uncomplicated laproscopic phospholipids, heavy meal+ had several cells of duodenum and
cholecystectomy+ No abdominal cholesterol esters) are milder episodes before jejunum when fat-protein-
pain nor nausea+ well healed digested in the related to fatty food rich chyme enters the
abdominal incisions+ The abdomen duodenum via the consumption. marked duodenum. Also functions
is soft and non tender+ the patient action of pancreatic tenderness in Rr subcostal to increase pancreatic
has been avoiding fatty acids since enzymes. area+ [Hormone that enzyme secretion by acinar
surgery+ the physician assures her Bile is also released provoked the current attack] cells.
that she can start adding fatty into the duodenum ,
16. In cholecystitis, fatty foods increase CCk
foods back into her diet as where the bile salts
production and pain occurs
tolerated. In this ptn, dietary lipids emulsify the end
when an inflamed and/or
will most likely be absorbed from products of fat
obstructed GB contracts.
which? digestion (FA ,
monoglyceride) and 17. Vasoactive intestinal peptide Produced by pancreas.
form water soluble (VIP) (1) Stimulates intestinal
micelles. water secretion.
In jejunum, these (2) Counteracts gastrin in
micelles come into the stomach
close contact with the (3)promotes HCO3
gut epithelium , which secretion for the pancreas
facilitates passive 18. Animal pancreatic duct is [HCO3]; Pancreatic juice is
absorption of FA , MG, cannulated and different isotonic contains normally
and Cholesterol across secretory stimuli are applied Na and K conc. as plasma.
the brush border. to the gland. The following Higher HCO3 conc tham in
11. Loss of concentrating and storage results in a constant tracings are obtained by plasma and lower CL conc
functions of the GB after release of bile into the measuring pancreatic fluid than plasma.
cholecystectomy duodenum, allowing constituents; [Substance X]
most patients to -Secretin produced by
tolerate a normal diet. duodenal S cells in
However, this response to H conc. ,
continous biliary Secretin increases
drainage can pancreatic HCO3 secretion.
overwhelm the The cholride content of
absorptive capacity of pancreatic secretions
the bile salts in the decreases in proportion to
ileum and may lead to bicarbonate conc. increase.
chronic, secretory
diarrhea in some
patients. [Post-
12. Proximal colon responsible for water
and electrolytes
13. Distal colon responsible for storage
of feces
14. Ileum responsible for
absorption of bile salts
and vitamins.
19. 32 years female+ 6 months persistent diarrhea+ had 8-10 episodes a day of tea [VIP]; the ptn has secretory diarrhea NOT
colored , odorless, watery stools. symptoms persisted despite a lactose free diet and inflammatory diarrhea distinguished by
a fasting trial. NO abdominal pain , fever, or vomiting. Temp. 36.7. Sampling of her absence of blood or pus and from
gastric contents shows a total lack of gastric acid secretion. SOmatostatin ttt osmotic diarrhea (e.g due to lactose
promptly relives the symptoms. An excess of which is most likely responsible for this intolerance) by its failure to improve with
patient's symptoms? dietary modification.

Excess VIP secretion due to pancreatic

islet cell tumor called VIPoma can result
in watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, and
achlorhydria (WDHA) syndrome.
(Pancreatic cholera).
20. VIPoma; VIP stimulate pancreatic HCO3 and Cl secretion Binds to intestinal epithelial cells leads
to adenylate cyclase activation and
increased cAMP production--> Na, Cl,
and water secretion into the bowel
(Secretory watery diarrhea. often >3
21. Somatostatin (octreotide) decrease the production of many GIT hormones (e.g VIP, its inhibition of VIP production by this
gastrin, glucagon, CCK). VIPoma results in resolution of ptn's

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