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Geotechnical Engineering 20

5) Eccentrically Loaded Foundations

For Q + M loading condition,

Q 6M
q max, min = ± for e ≤ B / 6
BL B 2 L
For Q with eccentricity e,
Q 6e
q max, min = (1 ± ) for e ≤ B / 6
q min = 0, q max = for e > B / 6
3L( B − 2e)

Note :

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* Effective area method (Meyerhof(1953)

B’ = B –2e
(For Q+M loading condition, e= M/Q)

qu = cN c Fcs Fcd Fci + qN q Fqs Fqd Fqi + 1 / 2γB ' N γ Fγs Fγd Fγi

To get Fcs , Fqs and Fγs , use B’ instead of B. (Use B for Fcd , Fqd and Fγd )

=> Qu = q u ( B ' )( L)

=> F.S. = Qu / Q

- To reduce the effects of eccentricity, use foundation of columns with off-

center loading.

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6) Effect of Layering

i) Stronger soil underlain by weaker soil

* Simplified approach

Strong layer
1 H

q0 = Q /( B + H ) for strip ft .
Soft layer

Bearing Capacity check here

With q = γ ( D f + H ) and footing width of

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* General Approach

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Layer 1 : Punching shear

For cohesion( ca ) effect, qu1 = 2c a H / B .

← ca given by relative cohesion based on c1 ' , with q 2 / q1 .
where q1 = c1 ' N c1 + 1 / 2γ 1 BN γ 1 , and q 2 = c 2 ' N c 2 + 1 / 2γ 2 BN γ 2

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For passive pressure effect,

qu1 = 2 PP sin δ / B
2D f K pH
← PP = 0.5γ 1 H 2 (1 + ,)
H cos δ
where K PH is the coefficient of passive earth pressure
(= (1 + sin φ ' ) /(1 − sin φ ' ) ).

Meyerhof recommends K s tan φ ' = K PH tan δ , where K s is punching shear

resistance, and for sand layer over clay, K s = f(q2/q1, φ1’) as shown below.

2D f tan φ '
Thus, q u1 (= 2 Pp sin δ / B ) = γ 1 H 2 (1 + )K s

Layer 2 : General shear failure

q u 2 = c 2 ' N c 2 + 1 / 2γ 2 BN γ 2 + γ 1 ( H + D f ) N q 2

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- Ultimate bearing capacity

qu = qu1 + (qu 2 − γ 1 H )
2c a H 2D f tan φ1
= + γ 1 H 2 (1 + )K s + c 2 ' N c 2 + 1 / 2γ 2 BN γ 2 + γ 1 ( H + D f ) N q 2 − γ 1 H
punching shear for layer 1 general shear for layer 2 additional
For strong clay over soft clay,

2c a H
qu = + c 2 ' N c 2 + γ 1 D f ≤ general shear failure of top soil
= c1 ' N c1 + γ 1 D f

For dense sand over soft clay,

2D f
tan φ '
qu = γ 1 H 2 (1 + + c2 ' N c 2 + γ 1 D f
)K s
≤ general shear failure of top soil = γ 1 BN γ 1 + γ 1 D f N q1

To consider shape effect for layered soil, Meyerhof recommends use of factor
(1+B/L) for punching shear terms and values as below for remained terms.

For φ = 0 :
Fcs = 1 + 0.2 B / L, Fqs = 1, Fγs = 1
For φ ≥ 0 :
Fcs = 1 + 0.2( B / L) tan 2 (45 + φ ' / 2), Fqs = Fγs = 1 + 0.1( B / L) tan 2 (45° + φ ' / 2)

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ii) Weak soil over strong soil.


weak qt
γ 1 , c1 ' , φ1 '

strong qb
γ 1 , c1 ' , φ1 '

H 2
qu = qt + (qb − qt ) (1 − ) ≥ qt
where, qt : Bearing capacity of top soil.
qb : Bearing capacity of bottom soil.
H f : Failure depth (from bottom of footing) (=B).

For soft clay over stiff clay,

q t = c1 ' N c1 + γ 1 D f = q u min ( for H ≥ B )

q b = c 2 ' N c 2 + γ 1 D f = q u max ( for H = 0)

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iii) Foundation Supported by a Soil with a Rigid Base at Shallow Depth

(Mandel & Salencon (1972))

* The extent of the failure zone below the bottom of foundation, D

- The failure surface in case that depth to a rigid, rough base H is smaller than D,

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- The ultimate bearing capacity of a rough continuous foundation with a rigid,

rough base at a shallow depth

* * 1
q u = c' N c + qN q + γBN γ *
where, N c * , N q * , N γ * = modified bearing capacity factors
(Mandel and Sclencon (1972))

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For H ≥ D , N c * = N c , N q * = N q and N γ * = N γ

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7) Bearing Capacity of Foundations on Top of Slope

* Meyerhof recommends :
q u = c' N cq + γBN γq
where N cq and N γq are given in Figures on next page.

For N cq in Figure 4.12,

i) N s (= stability number) = γH / c'
ii) If B < H , use the curves for N s = 0
If B ≥ H , use the curves for the calculated N s

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8) Selection of Soil Strength Parameters

i) Saturation
Saturated strength < Unsaturated strength
To design for the worst-case conditions, the saturated strength is nearly
always used.

ii) The fundamental bearing capacity formulas are based on continuous footings
(Plane strain conditions)
Formulas for other shapes are derived from the continuous footing using
empirical adjustments.
Plane strain strength should be used for bearing capacity analysis
regardless of footing shape.
However, engineers rarely consider the differences between plane strain
and axisymmetric strengths from tests, and plane strain testing device is
more complicated and need experienced skill to handle.
So, axisymmetric strength is generally used.

iii) Drained vs. Undrained Strength (Saturated soils)

- Sands : Drained strength
- Clays Normally consolidated or lightly overconsolidated conditions
(positive pore water pressure)
Undrained strength < Drained strength
Heavily overconsolidated conditions
(negative pore pressure)
Undrained strength > Drained strength
- Intermediate soils : More conservative approach ⇒ undrained strength.

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9) Bearing Capacity on Rocks

* Problems :

* The allowable bearing pressure may be determined in at least four ways

(Kulhawy and Goodman, 1980) :
- Presumptive values found in building codes (Table 6.5)
- Empirical rules
- Rational methods based on bearing capacity and settlement
- Full scale load tests

* Semi-empirical approach for bearing capacity (Carter and Kulhawy, 1988)

qu = JcN cr
where :
q u = net ultimate bearing capacity
J = correction factor (Figure 6.17)
c = cohesive strength of the rock mass
φ = friction angle of the rock mass
N cr = bearing capacity factor (Figure 6.18)
H = vertical spacing of discontinuities
S = horizontal spacing of discontinuities
B = width of footing
* Modification of c’ and φ’ from lab test results.
φ ' = (0.5 − 0.75)φ ' lab , c = a E clab
a E = 0.1 for RQD < 70% Linearly increasing
a E = 0.6 for RQD = 100%
<RQD : Rock Qualitly Designation>
* If rock mass is very strong, the strength of the footing concrete may governs
the bearing capacity.

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<Typical allowable bearing pressures for foundation on bedrock>

Rock Allowable Bearing Pressure

Rock Type
Consistency (lb/ft2) (kPa)
Massive crystalline igneous and
Hard and
metamorphic rock : Granite, diorite,
sound (minor 120,000 ~ 200,000 6,000 ~ 10,000
basalt, gneiss, thoroughly cemented
cracks OK)
Medium hard,
Foliated metamorphic rock : Slate,
sound (minor 60,000 ~ 80,000 3,000 ~ 4,000
cracks OK)
Sedimentary rock : Hard cemented
Medium hard,
shales, siltstone, sandstone, 30,000 ~ 50,000 1,500 ~ 2,500
limestone without cavities
Weathered or broken bedrock of any
kind : compaction shale or other soft 16,000 ~ 24,000 800 ~ 1,200
argillaceous rock in sound condition

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