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University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines




Pilar B. Limin,Ph.D.
Master Teacher II, Porac National High School,Division of Pampanga

Development of Scientific literacy is a vital role of Science teacher. Likewise, integration of
history and philosophy of science is another goal of science education to promote scientific
literacy. The present paper aimed to review from various studies and literature the
effectiveness of 7E Learning model in developing scientific literacy and acquisition of
knowledge on the history and philosophy of science. Baased on the findings of the various
studies on 7E model application in the teaching-learning process, the 7E learning model was
proven to be an effective approach to encourage different types of learners to sustain their
interest and acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge which is one of the goals of science
education- to promote scientific literacy among learners. In addition, studies showed that it is
applicable to different grade levels such as primary, secondary and college students.

Key words: 7E Learning Model, Scientific Literacy, History and Philosophy of Science

Scientific literacy is one of the main goals of science education of the current curriculum- the K
to 12 Curriculum. K to 12 curriculum mandates that science education should be taught in every
educational institution with proper alignment to the goals set by the science enthusiasts such
as the science educators, science supervisors, and science experts in the field. The science
framework of the basic education which includes both the primary and the secondary focuses
on the content and the readiness of the learners. The spiral progression in the Junior High
School requires every teacher to teach different fields of science in each quarter with increasing
level of difficulty of learning competencies. The spiral progression will be needed for the basic
competencies in the core contents of the Senior High School, depending on the track offered.

From the framework of the Science Education Curriculum, standards were set and its proper
implementation. The success of its implementation depends on the collaborative effort of the
personnel of different agencies of the government. The Department of Education plays a vital
role in this endeavor- attainment of scientific literacy among learners and eventually be applied
to be able to help in the nation progress in terms of science and technology through innovation
and creativity. Thus, science teachers play a significant role in the academe to provide quality
science instruction. In addition, the school administration should also look into the possible
solutions to the declining quality of science education in the country as reflected by the poor
performance of the country in the international science competition.

But the main question is – How do schools attain the goal of producing scientifically literate
learners? This can also be related to these sub-questions-How do curriculum planners help the
school in achieving this endeavour? How do school administrators address the issues and
concerns in the implementation of the curriculum? How do Science teachers portray their role
in the implementation of the curriculum through instruction? How do educators faced the
challenges on preserving the history and philosophy of science through integration?

These are some of the few queries that the people concerned in science might want to know?
Different areas in the country have different cultures and approaches. Different schools have
different ways on how to address the issue. Likewise with the instruction where teachers
adapted different teaching strategies and approaches to teach the subject effectively and
achieve a higher performance in the specified indicators.

It is in this context that the researcher would like to investigate the effectiveness of using 7Es
Lesson Exemplar in developing scientific literacy and integration of history and philosophy of

The idea of utilizing 7Es in lesson planning was first developed by the Biological Science
Curriculum Study (BSCS) in America ( The
original concept of using this approach / lesson cycle is to provide a clear, rational framework
for designing individual science lessons as well as schemes of learning.

In the Division where the researcher belongs, the utilization of the 7Es is a mandate of every
public school and therefore mandate also of the Science teacher. The ease of adapting the 7Es
made it possible for every teacher to plan their lesson to the maximum level through the
conceptualization of ideas, activities for learners that will lead them to attain the specific
learning competencies in the curriculum guide.

The Development of 7E Instructional Model. Science Curriculum implementers and Science
Teachers continuously strive to look for effective ways on the improvement of the instructional
practices to enhance student learning and achieve a better performance in the School –Based
Management- Principle 2 Curriculum and instruction Indicators.
The origin of the contemporary 5Es Instructional Model was influenced by several
approaches including one by Johann Friedrich Herbart and John Dewey ( Bybee, 2006).
Futhermore,it was influenced also by the philosophical and psychological detail model
presented by J. Myron Atkin and Robert Karplus ( Bybee, 2006).

Herbart’s two ideas as foundation of teaching namely social interests of children and
conceptual understanding and the best pedagogy would allow students to discover the
relationships among experiences. On the other hand, John Dewey implies an instructional
approach that is based on experience and requires reflective thinking. In addition, in
1961,Robert Karplus became interested on children’ thinking ,their exploration of natural
phenomena and begun connecting developmental psychology of Jean Piaget to the design of
instructional materials and science teaching. In 1961,J. Myron Atkin shared Karplus’s ideas
about teaching science to children.

The 5E BSCS Instructional Model includes five (5) phases namely (1)Engagement ,
(2)Expolaration, (3)Explanation , (4)Elaboration and (5)Evaluation ( Bybee, et. al,2006). These
phases were brought by careful analysis and application of various instructional models. One of
the origin of these phases is the Herbart’s Instructional model which includes (1)Preparation,
(2)Presentation, (3)Generalization and (4)Application . Another instructional model gave birth
to the 5E Instructional Model was that of John Dewey which emphasized these phases :
(1)Sensing Perplexing Situation,(2)Clarifying the Problem,(3)Formulating a Tentative
Hypothesis,(4)Testing the Hypothesis,(5)Revising Rigorous Tests, and (6)Acting on the Solution.
The Atkin-Karplus Learning Cycle with three (3) phases namely (1) Exploration, (2) Invention and
(3) Discovery , became a contributory model to the birth of the 5E Model. The rigorous
investigation and careful application of these instructional models gave birth to the 5E
Instructional model. As emphasized by Bybee, 2006) ,the model is grounded in sound
educational theory and has a growing base of research to support its effectiveness and has had
a significant impact on science education.

It was due to research on how people learn and the incorporation of that research into lesson
plans and curriculum development demands that the 5E model must be expanded to a 7E
model (Eisenkraft,2003). The 7E Instructional Model developed by Dr. Arthur Eisenkraft , the
principal investigator of Active Physics and Active Chemistry and a member of the Next
Generation Science Frameworks Committee. As emphasized by Eisenkraft(2003) in his article “
Expanding the 5E Model”,sometimes a current model must be amended to maintain its value
after new information, insights, and knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with
the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional model (Bybee 1997).

The 7E Instructional model is an expansion of the 5E Instructional Model

( It is a common learning cycle used by
science teachers. Earlier known the 5E model, the 7E model is an extension of its predecessor
that has been expanded to ensure teachers don't leave out any essential instructional
components. The 7E model is also often used as a conceptual change model. Within its levels
teachers can work from eliciting dissatisfaction at the beginning to having students extend their
new understanding to ensure the misunderstanding has been usurped.
( )

The model differs from the 5e Learning cycle in two ways. The engage element is expanded
into elicit and engage. This places a greater emphasis on prior experience and eliciting tacit
knowledge that can be used as a foundation for the learning to come.
Elaborate and evaluate are expanded into elaborate, evaluate and extend. This mostly aims to
differentiate between the 2 types of 'elaboration' possible in the 5e model.
The elaboration phase of the 7e Learning cycle is limited to elaborating on the current situation
(e.g. introducing/changing parameters), while the post-evaluation extend phase involves
transferring newly acquired skills and knowledge to new situations within the domain.
The 5E learning cycle model requires instruction to include the following discrete
elements: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. The proposed 7E model expands
the engage element into two components—elicits and engage. Similarly, the 7E model expands
the two stages of elaborate and evaluate into three components— The 5E learning cycle model
requires instruction to include the following discrete
elements: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. The proposed 7E model expands
the engage element into two components—elicit and engage. Similarly, the 7E model expands
the two stages of elaborate and evaluate into three components—elaborate, evaluate,
and extend. The transition from the 5E model to the 7E model is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1.Comparison between 5E Model and 7E Model
5E Model 7E Model
Engage Elicit
Explore Explore
Explain Explain
Elaborate Elaborate
Evaluate Evaluate

The goal of 7E learning model is to emphasize the increasing importance of eliciting prior
understanding and the extending, or transfer of concepts. With this new model, teachers
should no longer overlook these essential requirements for student learning (Eisenkraft, 2003).

The 7E model starts with the Elicit .The goal is to continue to excite and interest students in
whatever ways possible and to identify prior conceptions. Therefore the elicit component
should stand alone as a reminder of its importance in learning and constructing
meaning.(Eisenkraft, 2003). Then followed by the engage phase which leads to engage the
elicited knowledge and connect to the lesson.

The explore phase of the learning cycle provides an opportunity for students to observe, record
data, isolate variables, design and plan experiments, create graphs, interpret results, develop
hypotheses, and organize their findings. Teachers may frame questions, suggest approaches,
provide feedback, and assess understandings. An excellent example of teaching a lesson on the
metabolic rate of water fleas (Lawson 2001) illustrates the effectiveness of the learning cycle
with varying amounts of teacher and learner ownership and control (Gil 2002).
Students are introduced to models, laws, and theories during the explain phase of the learning
cycle. Students summarize results in terms of these new theories and models. The teacher
guides students toward coherent and consistent generalizations, helps students with distinct
scientific vocabulary, and provides questions that help students use this vocabulary to explain
the results of their explorations. The distinction between the explore and explain components
ensures that concepts precede terminology.

The elaborate phase of the learning cycle provides an opportunity for students to apply their
knowledge to new domains, which may include raising new questions and hypotheses to
explore. This phase may also include related numerical problems for students to solve. The
elaboration phase ties directly to the psychological construct called “transfer of learning”
(Thorndike 1923). Schools are created and supported with the expectation that more general
uses of knowledge will be found outside of school and beyond the school years (Hilgard and
Bower 1975). Transfer of learning can range from transfer of one concept to another (e.g.,
Newton’s law of gravitation and Coulomb’s law of electrostatics); one school subject to another
(e.g., math skills applied in scientific investigations); one year to another (e.g., significant
figures, graphing, chemistry concepts in physics); and school to nonschool activities (e.g., using
a graph to calculate whether it is cost effective to join a video club or pay a higher rate on
rentals) Bransford, Brown, and Cocking 2000).

Too often, the elaboration phase has come to mean an elaboration of the specific concepts.
Teachers may provide the specific heat of a second substance and have students perform
identical calculations. This practice in transfer of learning seems limited to near transfer as
opposed to far or distant transfer (Mayer 1979). Even though teachers expect wonderful results
when they limit themselves to near transfer with large similarities between the original task
and the transfer task, they know students often find elaborations difficult.

The addition of the extend phase to the elaborate phase is intended to explicitly remind
teachers of the importance for students to practice the transfer of learning. Teachers need to
make sure that knowledge is applied in a new context and is not limited to simple elaboration.
For instance, in another common activity students may be required to invent a sport that can
be played on the moon. An activity on friction informs students that friction increases with
weight. Because objects weigh less on the moon, frictional forces are expected to be less on the
moon. That elaboration is useful. Students must go one step further and extend this friction
concept to the unique sports and corresponding play they are developing for the moon

The evaluate phase of the learning cycle continues to include both formative and summative
evaluations of student learning. If teachers truly value the learning cycle and experiments that
students conduct in the classroom, then teachers should be sure to include aspects of these
investigations on tests. Tests should include questions from the lab and should ask students
questions about the laboratory activities. Students should be asked to interpret data from a lab
similar to the one they completed. Students should also be asked to design experiments as part
of their assessment (Colburn and Clough 1997).

Formative evaluation should not be limited to a particular phase of the cycle. The cycle should
not be linear. Formative evaluation must take place during all interactions with students.
The elicit phase is a formative evaluation. The explore phase and explain phase must always be
accompanied by techniques whereby the teacher checks for student understanding.
Replacing elaborate and evaluate with elaborate, extend, and evaluate as shown in Figure 1, is a
way to emphasize that the transfer of learning, as required in the extend phase, may also be
used as part of the evaluation phase in the learning cycle.
Enhancing the instructional model

Adopting a 7E model ensures that eliciting prior understandings and opportunities for transfer
of learning are not omitted. With a 7E model, teachers will engage and elicit and students
will elaborate and extend. This is not the first enhancement of instructional models, nor will it
be the last. Readers should not reject the enhancement because they are used to the
traditional 5E model, or worse yet, because they hold the 5E model sacred. The 5E model is
itself an enhancement of the three-phrase learning cycle that included exploration, invention,
and discovery (Karplus and Thier 1967.) In the 5E model, these phases were initially referred to
as explore, explain, and expand. In another learning cycle, they are referred to as exploration,
term introduction, and concept application (Lawson 1995).

The 5E learning cycle has been shown to be an extremely effective approach to learning
(Lawson 1995; Guzzetti et al. 1993). The goal of the 7E learning model is to emphasize the
increasing importance of eliciting prior understandings and the extending, or transfer, of
concepts. With this new model, teachers should no longer overlook these essential
requirements for student learning.( Einskraft, 2003)

Effectiveness of the 7E Learning Model in Developing Scientific Literacy.

Scientific literacy which is one of the competencies that students must possess to face
challenges in the 21st century. Scientific literacy is a skill to understand the surrounding natural
and social phenomena and be able to make scientifically correct decisions to live more
comfortable and better. Students who have scientific literacy skills are expected to be able to
think critically, solve problems creatively, collaborate with others, and communicate better.(
Fatimah & Anggrisia , 2018)

Several studies showed that 7E instructional model has a great impact in improving the
achievement of learners in science and has improved science teaching. But how can 7E model
be an instrument in developing lifelong learners who should be scientifically literate.

As revealed from the study conducted by Fatimah & Anggrisia( 2018) on the Effectiveness of 7E
learning model to improve scientific literacy ,that there is a significant increase on the results of
pre-test and post –test of elementary students which simply implies that 7E learning model can
improve the scientific literacy of elementary students. With the use of quasi - experiment, one
group pre-test post-test, the study showed the effectiveness of the model can improve
scientific literacy among young learners.

Sharma(2018) concluded in her paper on 7E Learning Model: A Paradigm Shift In Instructional

Approach, that research studies support that with the 7E cycle model students’ problem
solving ability, achievement level and scientific process skills can be enhanced.
Kanli(2008) revealed from the findings of his study “The effectiveness of a laboratory approach
based on the 7E model in developing students' science process skills” that the laboratory
approach based on 7E learning cycle model application are more effective than the laboratory
approach based on the traditional verification approach applications in the development of
students’ of science process skills and remedy students about the misconceptions about force
and motion. The study utilized 81 freshmen university students taking up General Physics at the
University in Turkiye. The purpose of the study was to compare the laboratory approach
applying the 7E model with verification laboratory approach on university students’ of science
process skills and conceptual development.

The related studies focus mainly on the achievement of the students using the 7E learning
model. It was noted that most of the study utilized the quasi-experimental approach.
Comparative studies were also made to compare the results of the traditional and the 7E.

Muhammad and Muhammad (2015) concluded from their study entitled” Improving Students’
Achievement in Biology using 7E Instructional Model: An Experimental Study” which involved
122 ninth grade learners, that the 7E instructional model was more effective than the
traditional instructional in terms of students’ achievements. Furthermore, it was emphasized
that the results of their study would be helpful for the educators and curriculum developers in
implementing new strategies in the classrooms. These findings were product from the three
hypotheses which were tested using t-tests and ANCOVA. Statistical results from Independent
sample t-test proved that there was a significant difference in the scores of Integrated Science
Process Skill Test (ISPST), hence it was used as a covariate.In addition ,ANCOVA examined that
there was a significant difference in the mean post test scores of the groups and gender in
terms of students’ Subject Achievement Test (SAT) when students’ integrated science process
skills Test (ISPST) was controlled as a covariate.

Nuri (2016) reported in his article “The Effect of 7E Learning Cycle on Learning in Science
Teaching: A Meta-Analysis Study”, the results of a meta-analysis of the effectiveness of 7E
learning cycle in science teaching. It was strongly confirmed that 7E learning cycle have a
positive effect on students' achievement. In addition,the high effect size calculated in this meta-
analysis implies that the 7E learning cycle is a useful strategy that should be included in science
curricula. From a total of 35 different effect sizes and from 24 experimental studies, comprising
2918 students were included in the meta-analysis. Based on the findings, among all effect sizes,
32 had a positive effect whereas three (3 )of them had negative effect. From a number of
subgroup analyses (school level, type of publication, subject matter and duration) ,it was noted
that the effect of 7E was not significant for school level, type of publication and duration.
However, regarding the subject matter a significant difference was observed.

As mentioned in the study of Resti Warliani and Setiawa(2017) entitled “Implementation of 7e

learning cycle model using technology based constructivist teaching (TBCT) approach to
improve students’ understanding achievement in mechanical wave material” ,that there was an
increase in the understanding achievement in Senior High school students through the Learning
Cycle 7E with technology based constructivist teaching approach (TBCT) utilizing a data
collection tool from mechanical wave concept test in Physics.

Results showed from the study of Miadi, Kaniawati and Ramalis (2018) that the learning of
physics with learning model LC 7E with TBCT approach can significantly improve students’
cognitive abilities on the concept of static fluid.

Bozorgpouri (2016) aimed to investigate the effectiveness of learning English based on the
cyclic model (7E). Findings of the study revealed that a significant difference was found
between the mean of control group and experimental group in the pre-test and post-test and
language scores with the mean of experimental group compared with the control group, about
four score increased, which this increase was statistically significant at the level of 0/05

ANCOVA results analysis of the students' scores on the mathematics achievement tests
indicated that the 7E's Learning Cycle is more effective than the traditional method on the
immediate and delayed mathematical concepts achievement (Khashan,2016) .In addition , the
results analysis of paired-samples t-test indicated that the 7E's Learning Cycle has a positive
longitudinal effect on retention among the Preparatory Year students at KSU, while the
traditional method is not effective.

Turgut, (2016) investigated the impact of the course materials developed in
accordance with 7E model in the unit of electromagnetism in high school physics class on
students' conceptual success. The activities and materials, which were applied according to the
average scores of students, were found to be effective on conceptual development and
eliminating existing misconceptions of students about the subject of electromagnetism.

Effectiveness of the 7E Instructional Model in Integrating History and Philosophy of

Science.Arabatzis(2012) was able to assemble in his papers that demonstrated that there is
now a whole spectrum of combinations of historical, philosophical, and other perspectives to
study science, ranging from augmenting historical studies by philosophical perspectives and
vice versa to historicist reflection on methodological, epistemological, or scientific concepts and
practices. The history of science is the study of the development of science and scientific
knowledge, including both the natural and social sciences.

The study of the history and philosophy of science is very significant and should be included in
the science curriculum to educate and instil into the minds of the learners the importance of
the contributions and discoveries of the prominent philosophers, scientists and inventors. The
question is how can be integration of history and philosophy be achieved? What method is
considered effective to achieve this aim?Can 7E Learning model be useful to attain this goal?

Initially, the 7E learning model is just an expansion of the 5E instructional model which became
a popular and effective model developed by BSCS. Due to the enhancement developed by
Eisenkraft, the 7E learning model became popular among schools and utilized by many Science
teachers in the implementation of their science curriculum. Based on the findings of the
majority of the experimental type of research,7E learning model is regarded as an effective
instructional model to improve achievement of learners in different fields of Science such
Biology, Chemistry and Physics . Surprisingly, the model is not only confined to Science
instruction but it was employed in Math teaching and Language teaching.

The 7E learning model was proven to be an effective approach to encourage different types of
learners to sustain their interest and acquisition of scientific skills and knowledge which is one
of the goals of science education- to promote scientific literacy among learners. In addition,
studies showed that it is applicable to different grade levels such as primary, secondary and
college students. However, one study revealed that the effect of 7E was not significant for
school level, type of publication and duration. Many of the literature cited were internationally
conducted. There was no study which involves local setting such as public schools in the
provinces of the country.

The present paper throw lights upon the 7E Learning model and review the various research
studies related to it. The first part was the development of the 7E model. Second part is the
revealed research studies support that with this instructional model, students’ achievement
level can be increased and scientific process skills can be improved and enhanced. Thus,
attainment of the goal of science education to promote scientific literacy and integration of
history and philosophy of science will be possible through the 7E learning model.


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