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In my role, my political views drifted from being rather neutral

to one that aligned closer with the Fascist ideologies, namely
those of Nazi Germany. As one of Ion Antonescu's most trusted
lieutenants,I led the propaganda campaign that censored critics
and spread anti-Semitic propaganda.
As a minister, I drifted to the far right, and established contacts
with the German Nazi Party. Antonescu subsequently became
one of Ion Antonescu's most trusted advisors, especially when
the Iron Guard's leader, Horia Sima (who was also deputy prime
minister), became increasingly uncooperative. I was effective in
censoring governmental critics and enforcing blatant Anti-
Semitism in the media.
Although initially uncomfortable with Romania's close alliance
with Germany, Antonescu strengthened the nation's ties with
Adolf Hitler's regime after a string of early Axis victories against
the Soviets. I primarily attempted to gain Germany's favor by
persecuting Romania's Jews. Essentially running the interior
ministry, I drafted a series of laws that resulted in thousands of
Romania's Jews being forced out of their jobs and positions,
while at the same time they were denied access to countless
other careers. More such laws resulted in the country's Jews
having their property seized.

As 1942 came to a close, Ion Antonescu became alarmed at the

deterioration of the Axis war effort and started looking for ways
to withdraw Romania from the war. He attempted to persuade
Hitler to make peace with the Western Allies and focus the full
power of the Axis forces on the Soviet Union. When the Soviets
won the Battle of Stalingrad on 2 February 1943, I came to the
conclusion that the war was lost for the Axis, proceeding to
destroy files and documents that revealed his active
persecution of Romania's Jews. With Ion Antonescu's approval,
I came to advocate the withdrawal from conflict of all minor
allies of the Nazis - Romania, Hungary, Italy, and Finland.
Observing the proceedings of the war I believed Benito
Mussolini was powerful enough to stand up to Hitler, and that
Italy could successfully negotiate an armistice with the Western
Allies. Under my plan, the four states and other European
nations would turn against Hitler and join the Allies against
Germany. In my capacity as foreign minister, I strengthened
Romania's ties with Italy and paid a visit to Mussolini in June
1943, at which time I discovered that Mussolini agreed with
certain aspects of my plan but was less than enthusiastic in
regard to actually implementing it. I subsequently increased my
efforts to improve Romania's relations with the United States
and Great Britain. As such, I stopped the deportations of
Romania's Jews, allowed Jewish emigration to non-Axis nations,
and repatriated those who had survived Transnistria to satisfy
human rights.

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