Presentation On The Enhanced PYP

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The Enhanced PYP

The Enhanced PYP- Key dates

The Enhanced PYP - PD
★ Professional Development (PD) and IB Workshops have been adjusted to
reflect and support the implementation of the enhanced PYP.

★ PYP Coordinators should attend the transition workshop “Building for the
future” which builds on existing knowledge by 31 December 2020.
Summary of enhancements - Philosophy
The whole school community learns

when a school’s purpose, culture

and environment work together

to make learning a priority.

Summary of enhancements - General
★ MTPYPH document is replaced with PYP: From Principles into Practice,
which is an entirely digital experience and can be foung in MyIB. (see guiding
video here)
★ Instead of the ‘written, taught, assessed curriculum ’ structure of MTPYPH,
we now have the three pillars: the Learner, Learning and Teaching and the
Learning Community
★ The 5 essential elements are still present but Attitudes have been embedded
into the LP, so they are now called the Essential Elements of PYP (Concepts,
ATLs, Knowledge, Action)
★ New Standards and Practices will be fully released in 2020.
★ Practices have been reduced from 73 to 42.
Summary of enhancements - Agency
★ Personalised learning vs differentiation: With differentiation, the teacher
adapts the curriculum to groups of students according to their needs while
personalisation involves students in determining their own goals according to
their interests and needs.
★ Agency supports action. When students are supported in exercising their
agency they are confident and capable in taking student-initiated action.
★ When thinking about supporting agency, consider opportunities for voice,
choice and ownership for all members of your learning community.
Summary of enhancements - Action

★ Action will draw on inspiration and innovation in the PYP.

★ Teachers are encouraged to explore different demonstrations of action as

participation, advocacy, social justice, entrepreneurship, and lifestyle choices.

★ Demonstrations of action should be authentic and contextual.

Summary of enhancements - Approaches to
★ The Skills have been renamed to ATLs to match the MYP and DP Skills.

★ Schools have the flexibility to identify their own approaches to learning

sub-skills.Some of these may be the same as the ones cited in MTPYPH, while
others may be different. PYP: From principles into practice also offers
additional sub-skill considerations.
Summary of enhancements - Assessment

★ Schoolwide assessment culture will focus on developing assessment capable

students and teachers with increased support to monitor, document, measure
and report on learning using an integrated, ongoing process.
Summary of enhancements - Key Concepts

★ "Reflection" is no longer one of the key concepts.The intention is to highlight its

importance as an ongoing, dynamic process that is fully integrated into the
learning process.

★ It is recommended using the transition period to reflect on the difference

between highlighting reflection as a key concept in specific units, and
embedding it throughout all planning,learning and teaching.
Summary of enhancements - Learner Profile

★ Schools can add to the learner profile attributes to reflect their context,
providing they are still developing the full set of 10 IB learner profile attributes.

★ The attitudes are now embedded within the descriptors of the learner profile
attributes. As such, schools will support students in developing the attitudes,
but there is no longer a requirement that the attitudes are assessed and
reported on.
Summary of enhancements - POI
★ The programme of inquiry for students from 6-12 years will continue to be
horizontally and vertically mapped against all six transdisciplinary themes.

★ Schools may opt for students from 3-6 years to address a minimum of four
units in their programme of inquiry each year, to include the transdisciplinary
themes Who we are and How we express ourselves.

★ A minimum duration of a total of 3–4 weeks is recommended for each

transdisciplinary unit of inquiry. There is greater flexibility on starting points and
time frames for your units of inquiry, for example, one unit could run
throughout the whole year, while others could be revisited once or numerous
times, with some overlap where appropriate.

Summary of enhancements - Policies

★ In addition to Assessment, Inclusion, and Language, required policies will now

include the following policies:
-Access and/or Admissions policy,
-Academic Integrity, and
-Child Protection, which must be collaboratively created.
Summary of enhancements - Role of play and
learning environment
★ Play describes a range of child-initiated activities that involve freedom and
choice. It is mostly important for the Early Years, but schools can plan
accordingly as they see fit for older students, as well.
★ The design of learning spaces, the use of materials and the role of displays in
inquiry-based learning is being clearly outlined under the resource Designing
learning environments in a primary setting.
★ The role of the learning environment ( (human, natural, built,
virtual)is explicitly linked to agency and should be part of the
"Designing engaging learning experiences" part of the
Summary of enhancements - Exhibition

★ Guided Exhibition vs Student-led Exhibition

★ Schools will now have the flexibility to implement the exhibition outside of the
programme of inquiry. If the exhibition is outside the programme of inquiry it is
not seen as a 7th unit and a PYP planner is not required. Teachers and students
will monitor, document and reflect on the process in a manner they see fit.
There is flexibility yo make it a year-long process,
★ Schools may also choose to keep the exhibition inside the programme of
inquiry in which case a PYP planner would be required.
Summary of enhancements - Language
★ All teachers are language teachers
★ Language profile vs student language portrait:
-The language profile refers to the language experiences and situation of a
student (eg. the student is from x country, speaks 3 languages, is strongly literate
in one and uses two languages at home etc).
-The language portrait is the name we have given to the documentation of the
student's situation, experiences, goals etc. The language portrait represents the
student’s profile in written or digital form, and is used to inform decisions about
learning and teaching.

*To learn more about how to create a student language portrait

go here.
Summary of enhancements - Technology
★ The IB’s most recent guidance on technology and learning is immersing
students in the interplay between learning technology, learning about
technology and learning through technology.

★ To learn more about multiliteracies and multimodalities, alongside

computational learning, design and systems thinking to integrate learning go

Summary of enhancements - Planners
★ Focus on the planning process,NOT the planner!

★ Schools also have the option to design their own unit of inquiry planner using
the PYP planning process.

★ For schools that have required curriculum standards, certain content in

Science and Social Studies can be taught outside the programme of inquiry
and a planner will be no longer required as documentation.

★ No explicit place for summatives; summatives are AN assessment, not THE


★ Explicit place for learning environments (human, natural,

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