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TCL (Tung Chung Cricket League) 2016

Tournament: Rules, Registration and Procedures

Event Date: Feb 20th and Feb 21st, 2016

Event time: 20th Feb, Saturday - 7AM to 1:00PM; 21st Feb, Sunday - 12:00PM to 5:00PM

Event Venue: Tung Chung North Park, Soccer Pitch, 29 Man Tung Road, Behind Caribbean
Coast, Tung Chung

Registration procedure, Squad strength and Format:

• All Captains have to duly fill up the registration form and send it to TCL committee
before 12th February, 2016.
• Registration and tournament participation fees of HK$ 1000 should be deposited in
the Bank account mentioned in the registration form by 12th February, 2016 as well.
• Cash deposit slip or payment transfer copy should be emailed or WhatsApp’d to the
management committee email or phone number respectively.
• Every team should enrol a maximum of 13 players, and must have a minimum of 11
players. Only up to 11 players will be playing during any one game. So minimum of 11
players is required. Two extra players are recommended to be part of the squad as
backup and reserve players.
• A final list of 13 nominated players should be submitted to the TCL committee via
email before 12th February, 2016 with the team name and captain’s name.
• This is a tournament comprising of 6 teams which are divided into 2 groups and each
team will play 2 matches within their respective group and the top 2 teams from each
group will qualify for the Semi-finals.
Quick Rule Summary:

• All League Matches will be played on 20th Feb 2016, Saturday

• Semi-final Matches and Final Match will be played on the 21st Feb2016, Sunday
• Each league game and Semi Finals will limited to 10 overs each and an over would
comprise of 6 legal deliveries.
• Similarly, Final will be of 12 overs each
• Batsmen will not be allowed to use leg-pads but they can use batting gloves if they
desire so.
• At any given time maximum of 11 players can field when a game is being played.
• Pitch length will be standard 22 yards
• A set of portable stumps will be used with a base and the base will be considered
as part of the wicket.
• WIDE BALL: There will be a white taped line on the off side of the off-stump
measured exactly at 1.32 meters (52 inches) from the middle stump. Any ball
passing outside of this line will be judged as a wide ball. The batting side will be
awarded 1 run for every wide ball. Any ball passing behind the legs of the striker,
provided its outside the leg stumps will be a wide ball too and the batting team
will get 1 run for the same as well.
• NO BALL: As per standard cricket rules and decided by Umpire. Both the above
waist high full toss and overstepping of the front crease will qualify for a free hit
signalled by the umpire. The fielding side will not change the field during the free
hit ball unless the batsman have taken one or more run through running between
the wickets. The No Ball will also earn 1 run for the batting side.
• If Batsman hits the ball and it goes directly outside the playing arena behind the
Keeper area there will be no Run.

Detailed Rules

A. League Format

1. 6 Teams will be divided into 2 groups and each team within their group will play
all the other teams and would be ranked according to the points earned in each
league games. The two teams which has the highest points at the end of the
league matches will qualify for Semi-finals from each group.
2. For every win that a team registers, they earn 2 points
3. For every wash out or incomplete games, each team will get 1 point each all
though in any disputed scenario the final decision would be made by Umpires and
the TCL committee.
4. In case of Tie result in a match, a Super over will be played.
• Super Over rules:
• The team batting second in the main match will bat first in the Super Over.
• The bowler of the batting team cannot both bat and bowl in the same
super over
• Each side has three nominated batsmen, meaning that the loss of two
wickets ends the Super Over.
• In the event of the scores being level in the Super Over, the team with the
most number of boundaries combined from the main match and the
Super Over is the winner.
5. In case of a TIE in points between teams within the same group in league matches,
the team with better net run rate will move to Semi-final
6. The exact position of the pitch and the boundaries will be set before each game
depending on the ground conditions. The umpires and the TC committee will let
the two captains know the boundary lines before the start of play.
7. Bowling will take place from only one end.
8. All teams are expected to be familiar with the rules outlined in this
9. Teams are encouraged to decide the colour of their shirts; the shirt colours should
not match with that of ball which is Light Green.

B. Match timings and Punctuality

1. Captains are expected to be fully responsible to complete the game within the
allocated time and will be responsible to conduct and play within the spirit of the
game at all times.
2. Teams not reporting on time will be disqualified and their opponents will get a
bye and 2 points for that particular match.
3. Both captains have to be present for the toss at least 15 minutes before the
scheduled play time. If the captain is not available, then his deputy should be
available for the toss. The first ball of the match should be bowled at scheduled
4. All teams are expected to be prompt and ready to play. Any deliberate delay in
the start of a game will result in the guilty team being penalized overs or,
ultimately, disqualification from the competition. The decision rests between the
TCL committee and the umpires.
5. Coin toss will be completed off the field between the two captains and
coordinated by the TCL committee member, and both teams should be fully
prepared to take the field as soon as the field is available.
6. Teams completing a game are expected to exit the field in an orderly, timely and
efficient manner.
7. All team members should be present before the match on the field. The game will
not be held up due to the absence of any player of either side.
8. Each team management (Captain, Vice-Captain and senior players) should plan
field positions, bowling distribution and strategy in advance before the match
9. While the match is going on each teams are expected to complete one part of a
10 over inning within 30 minutes. This is inevitable due to ground booking hours
and we would look forward to having support from each and every player to
ensure timely completion of games on the first day of the tournament.
10. Any side not ready to take the field (or an incomplete team) will forfeit, or must
take the field with 'player(s) short'.

C. Umpires and Umpiring Duties

1. Neutral umpires will adjudicate each game who will be nominated by the TCL
committee. The TCL committee might nominate 1 or 2 umpires from other
participating teams.
2. Umpires has to ensure the completion of game within the scheduled time and
accordingly keep an eye on the time and the over rate.
3. They are the final authority during the game and their decisions are final.
4. The umpires are expected to remain impartial at all times on the field.
5. They will keep track of the number of overs during which a fielder has left the field
(for whatever reason) - applies mostly to bowlers.
6. They will keep time of all breaks, and notify the captains as to when to resume
and get back to the game.
7. Umpire will report any indecent or inappropriate behaviour by any player and the
decision to take action would rest on the TCL committee
8. Umpires should check the pitch and the ground to see if it meets the basic
requirements of ground standards He should check the suitability of outfield for
play when it rains. Checks the condition of the ball and decides on replacement.
9. The main umpire is encouraged to consult the leg umpire for any doubtful
decisions. He can consult with the leg umpire or can decide himself to reverse his
decision if he thinks he was wrong in the first place. His priority is to give the right

D. Captain’s Responsibilities

1. One player from each team will act as Captain for the duration of the competition.
2. They should be conversant and proficient with the basic laws of cricket and the
TCL tournament rules shared in this document.
3. Since this is a family/Social event, we would request captains to ensure that the
selection of team is based on regular players who play as a team regularly and has
represented their team often. Pulling outside players to increase the team
strength should be best avoided as it would lose the spirit of the social event and
the outside players behaviour would be difficult to control and manage,
4. They should control the behaviour and conduct of all their team players.
5. The captain should act promptly and manage his team members conduct in case
of any type of disputes
6. The Captain should respect the umpire's decisions and ensure that this is followed
by his team members.
7. The Captains will be responsible for going over the rules and regulations with their
8. They should encourage the bowlers to bowl with the standard bowling action
9. Captain of a team can retire his team batsman any time during the game by
informing the umpire. The retiring batsman can return back to play only once all
the other batsmen are out.
10. It’s the captain’s responsibility to make sure that the nominated volunteers from
their team are present for umpiring/scoring when scheduled for the TCL

E. Bowling Quota and Field restritcitons:

1. All the League matches and Semi-Final will be of maximum 10 overs per team.
2. Final match will be of maximum 12 overs per team.
3. Each Bowler can bowl a maximum of 2 overs per match. This rule will apply
throughout the tournament and including the finals. There is no restriction in
using number of bowlers within a game.
4. In an event of rain curtailed match, the umpire’s along with the TCL committee
will decide the number of overs for each rain curtailed match and the overs per
5. An under Arm bowl will be declared NO-Ball
6. Any objectionable bowling action will be declared as a NO-ball by the leg umpire
in conjunction with the main umpire and if the action does not change after 2
warnings, the bowler will be withdrawn from bowling.
7. Every bowling side will get a new Heavy Headily cricket tennis ball imported from
India at the beginning of the innings.
8. The umpire will change the ball and replace with a similarly used ball or a new ball
if it’s lost outside the ground or discoloured/damaged.
9. Tampering with the ball is prohibited and umpires could raise an objection if the
team is found tampering with the ball and an appropriate action would be taken
and the bowlers/player could end up getting disqualified from the match
10. Every game will be played with 11 players on each side and the field restrictions
will be as under:
a. At any point of time, Maximum 6 Fielders on the boundary line
b. At any point of time, Maximum 4 Fielders on one side at the boundary
line (Either On side or Off side)
c. At any point of time, Minimum 3 Fielders to be within the marked inner
d. The above 3 Fielders includes 1 compulsory fielder within the marked
square area behind the wickets next to the keepers area.

F. Rain/Washouts/Bad Weather/Bad Light

If the game is not completed due to bad light or bad weather then the game will be
rescheduled possibly on the next weekend or a curtailed match will be played. This
would be decided by the TCL committee with the umpires. In worse case both the
teams will share one point each.

G. Prizes/Awards and Refreshments:

1. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided to all players on day 1

2. The organizers will decide the categories of prizes. The main motive of organising
this tournament is to have a social and family gathering with people of our
community and some competitive cricket.
3. The TCL Championship Trophy and cash prize of HK$1,500 will be awarded to the
winning team.
4. The runner up team or the loosing finalist would be awarded a Dinner voucher
worth HK$1,000
5. A medal/memento will also be presented to each players of the Winning team
and the Runners up team.
6. There would also be awards presented for the MOS (Man of the Series) and the
Man of the Finals of the tournament.
7. The prize arrangement and awarding can change based on discretion and decision
of the TCL committee members. This is obviously based on cash flow and
sponsor’s backing.

H. Final Foote Note:

1. During the time of the tournament, all participants are expected to behave
professionally and should avoid abusive language/gestures/ and question
umpires decisions. All participants must remember to treat other players and
other team members with respect without comprising the competitive level of
the game.
2. All teams participating must sign a waiver indicating that any damaged caused to
the ground property or neighbouring personal property of any one while playing
is their personal responsibility. An email receipt of this document is considered as
signed acknowledgment from each captains.
3. All teams and their players must abide by the rules and regulations of the Park
they are playing in and do not indulge in things like alcoholic drinks, public
indecent exposure, etc.
4. The TCL Committee reserves the right to amend the Rules at any time if it
considers such action to be in the best interests of the competition. Committee
holds the right to cancel participation of any team for misconduct (money not


A Big Thank You to our Sponsors:

• BaySide Dental
• The New India Assurance Co. Ltd
• Bombay Dreams
• Vinod Bhavnani
• Vikhyat Kapoor
• Montgomery Sports
• KARP Group, HK
• &
• A Well Wisher from Tung Chung

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