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Sub-problem Responses Code Categories Themes

1. What are the factors

affecting academic
performance of the

1.1. Is education Yes, because education For Life Improvement Experience, Skill Awareness of
important to individuals will lead to overall Improvement approaching
in life? progress of the responsibility
communities and nation.
Yes, in order to attain For Life Improvement Experience, Skill Ease of integration to
educational Improvement employers.
Yes, in order to For Life Improvement Experience, Skill Imitation of a real job.
enhance one’s skills and Improvement
Yes, in order to gain For Life Improvement Experience, Skill Decision making /
knowledge. Improvement Making second thoughts

Yes, because it gives us For Life Improvement Prior Knowledge Prior Knowledge
a knowledge of the
world around us.
Yes, it will help us For Life Improvement Prior Knowledge Be knowledgeable
change the world into towards dream
something better. profession.
Yes, it develops in us a For Life Improvement Prior Knowledge Agree to the significance
perspective of looking at
Yes, it helps us build For Life Improvement Time Management Prior Knowledge

Yes, it has points of For Life Improvement Time Management A Prior Knowledge
view on things in life.

Yes. It helps us become For Life Improvement Time Management Prior Knowledge

Yes, it teaches us how to For Life Improvement Time Management Prior Knowledge
recognize & utilize our
Yes, we can use them For Life Improvement Time Management Prior Knowledge
for job & business.

Yes, it is the key to For Life Improvement Experience, Skill Prior Knowledge
success. Improvement

Yes, it helps us how to For Life Improvement Prior Knowledge Prior Knowledge
obey laws.

Yes, it will not make us For Life Improvement Time Management Prior Knowledge

1.2. Why is academic Because it will help you Prior Knowledge, Formulate Idea Experience, Skill
performance of student get a good job. familiarity Improvement
be given utmost
Because working people Time Management, Skill Productivity and Hone Schedule planning and
needs higher education Improvement Expertise improvement
to tackle the demanding

Because students with Prior Knowledge Job Simulation Experience, Skill

higher grades are of Improvement
advantage compare to
low performers.
It will help you get Social, familiarity Productivity Opportunity
along faster with the
You will be quite Prior knowledge Hone expertise Be well informed
knowledgeable on your towards profession
People often consider Opportunity Immediate employment Court employers and be
grades first when known
evaluating academic
You have a greater Improvement of oneself Hone expertise Opportunity
chance to sit on a higher
No Response No impact to oneself No observable results Absence of impact to

No Response Skill Improvement Hone expertise Improvement of one’s


No Response Skill Improvement Hone expertise Opportunity

No Response Skill Improvement Hone expertise Opportunity

No Response Refine oneself, Time Productivity and Hone Achieve fruitful results
Management Expertise

No Response For experience Formulate Idea Awareness of

No Response Familiarity Formulate Idea Project and solve
possible scenarios

No Response Skill Improvement Hone expertise Opportunity

1.3. Enumerate some of Attitude of the Students They possess the Agreement Opportunity
the factors affecting abilities to differentiate
academic performance? between what is
appropriate and what
is inappropriate
School Resources textbooks, notes, Application Discover and relate to
learning education
materials, hand-outs,
technology, library
facilities and laboratory
Leadership Aspects . influencing the academic Agreement Opportunity
outcomes of the
students is based upon
the administration and
management of the
Skills and Abilities of the They should possess Opportunity Provide knowledge
Teachers adequate knowledge and useful in the future
information regarding
the subjects that they are
Classroom Environment it is vital that classroom Agreement Expertise
environment should be
disciplined, and well
Role of Parents Parents are sources of Agreement Expertise
encouragement and help
their children in
providing solutions to
their problems.
Social Circle how students interact Agreement Expertise
and socialize with others
Psychological and it is essential for Formulate Idea Expertise
Health Related Factors the students to maintain
their psychological and
physical health
Motivating and Parents & teachers need Agreement Expertise
Encouraging Students to understand students
weaknesses and help
Visual and Hearing do not let these problems Agreement Expertise
Impairments become barriers within
the course of
achievement of their
academic goals
Counselling and Counselling and Agreement Expertise
Guidance Services guidance services need
to be established in
schools to help the
students to provide
solutions to their
Development of Study it is Hone Expertise
Skills vital for the individuals
to develop study skills
within themselves
Refine oneself
Time Management It is essential for the Agreement Expertise
students to create a
balance between all the
tasks and activities
Home Environment The home environment Agreement Expertise
should be amiable and
pleasant in order
to generate appropriate
academic outcomes
Teaching-Learning teaching-learning Agreement Expertise
Methods methods and strategies
be appropriate and
encouraging to the
2. What are the
causes/reasons students
got failing grades?
2.1 What are the Abuse Treat with cruelty or Hone Expertise Aid to oneself
possible problems that violence especially
cause students failing repeatedly
Sexual abuse Molestation, undesired Hone Expertise Developing
sexual behaviour by one professionalism
person upon another
Drug addiction The use of illegal drugs Productivity and Hone Being competent
Alcoholism An addiction to the Prior knowledge Awareness of upcoming
consumption of responsibility
alcoholic liquor
Financial Problems at Problems in money Prior knowledge Developing
home matters professionalism
Incurable disease 1. especially true when the Developing Developing
person is in a terminal professionalism professionalism
Poverty major problem in terms Prior knowledge Awareness of upcoming
of finances responsibility
Illiteracy when they have not Prior knowledge Developing
been enrolled in professionalism
educational institutions
Lack of provisions for No budget to pay tuition c Awareness of upcoming
tuition fee responsibility
Lack of Resources Hone expertise Focusing on goals
Learning disabilities Slow learner Hone expertise Improvement and better
version of self
Lack of sleep Sleepy, cannot Familiarity Improvement and better
concentrate the lessons version of self
Absences /Tardiness Is not willing to go to Familiarity Confidence in what
school/ Late you’re doing
No response Prior knowledge Improvement and better
version of self
No response Prior knowledge, Improvement and better
Familiarity version of self
Prior knowledge Better version of self
2.2 What are the factors Parent involvement Parents are the initial Agreement Improvement and better
that affect student teacher of the child version of self
motivation? before he goes to school
Teacher enthusiasm The attitude of the Agreement Improvement and better
teacher has direct effects version of self
on the way of thinking
and learning of students
Rewards Are stimulating factors Agreement Improvement and better
that contribute in version of self
improving the academic
performance of
the students
Peers One that is equal Agreement Knowledgeable
standing with another
Learner’s environment To create a total Inattentive Improvement and better
environment for learning version of self
Personal experiences Moment to moment Knowledgeable Knowledgeable

Self esteem Encompasses belief in Agreement Knowledgeable

one self
Self image One’s abilities, Agreement Knowledgeable
appearance &
No response Cheering Agreement Knowledgeable
No response Cherring Agreement Knowledgeable
Peers No response Agreement Knowledgeable
Self esteem No response Agreement Knowledgeable
Self esteem No response Knowledgeable Knowledgeable
Personal experinces No response Knowledgeable Encompasses belief in
one self
No response Encompasses belief in Agreement Encompasses belief in
one self one self
2.3 How to Avoid Work Hard Poor Performance Peers Encompasses belief in
Failing Grades? one self
Work Hard Poor Performance Knowledgeable Encompasses belief in
one self
Get Help Poor Performance Agreement Encompasses belief in
one self
Re-order your priorities Make Priority list Knowledgeable Encompasses belief in
one self
Work Hard Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Talk to your Professor Poor Performance Agreement Encompasses belief in
one self
Go the extra mile Poor Performance No observable results Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Be realistic Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Consider pass/fail Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Examine your options Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Lean on your class mate Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Get Help Poor Performance Knowledgeable
Get Help Poor Performance No observable results Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Study Hard Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Be Determine Poor Performance Knowledgeable Provide knowledge
useful in the future
3. What are the possible
solutions to the problem
of getting failing grades?
3.1 Is having a poor Yes Well-being, Planning Productivity Provide knowledge
academic performance useful in the future
disadvantage on the part
of the students?
Yes Risky Expectation of the worst Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes Prior Knowledge Expectation Expertise
Yes Productivity Productivity Expertise
Yes Force to do something Productivity Expertise
Yes Force to do something Productivity Expertise
Yes it is Skill improvement Productivity Expertise
Yes Learning by doing the Productivity Provide knowledge
task, Skill useful in the future
Yes Learning by doing the Productivity Provide knowledge
task, Skill useful in the future
Yes Experience Productivity Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes. Force to do something Expertise Expertise
Yes Learning by doing the Hone expertise Provide knowledge
task, Skill useful in the future
Yes Learning by doing the Hone expertise Provide knowledge
task, Skill useful in the future
Yes. Well-being, Planning Expectation Provide knowledge
useful in the future
3.2 Mention some ways Study Hard Immediately Expectation of the worst Lack of time
to turn things around management
when you’re failing a
Get Help Experience Hone expertise OJT enhances one’s
Work Hard Confusing Anxious , second- Was not able to respond
thoughts quickly
Work Hard
Work Hard Struggle Expectation of the worst Difficulty in time
No Response.
Study Hard Frustration Anxious , second- Difficulty in time
thoughts management
No Response.
No Response.
No Response.
None. Lack of Interest No observable results
Get Help Frustration Anxious , second- Difficulty in time
thoughts management
Get Help Tired Lack of Interest Not Interested
3.3 It is Important for a Yes
student to have a Good
Yes Hopefulness Expectation of the worst Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes Great Expectations Job Simulation Great Expectations
Yes Skill Improvement Hone expertise Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes Enthusiasm Productivity Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes Big chance Hone expertise Provide knowledge
useful in the future
Yes Enthusiasm, Skill Hone expertise Provide knowledge
Improvement useful in the future
Yes Enthusiasm, Skill Hone expertise Provide knowledge
Improvement useful in the future
Yes Skill Improvement, Productivity Provide knowledge
being ready useful in the future
Yes Enhance Great Expectations
Yes Force to do something Productivity Great Expectations
Yes Explore Productivity OJT enhances one’s
Yes Positive thinking, being Hone expertise Provide knowledge
ready useful in the future
4. How to Avoid Failing
4.1 Ways to help failing Get the parents involved Knowledge Hone expertise Gaining knowledge from
Student early the training
Intentionally help the Skill Improvement Hone expertise Preparation to be
student whenever professional
Encourage them Benefits Productivity Benefits gained form the
Provide opportunity for Skill Improvement Hone expertise Experienced gained
self-reflection from the training
Ask how you can help Preparation Hone expertise Preparation for students
Look for underlying Preparation Hone expertise Preparation for students
Require them to Experience Productivity Experienced gained
complete class work from training
Don’t give on them Skills Enhancement Hone expertise Development gained
from training
Encourage them Experience Productivity Experienced gained fron
Encourage them Experience Productivity Experienced gained
from training
Intentionally help the None None None
student whenever
Intentionally help the Knowledge Formulate Idea Knowledge gained
student whenever
None. None None None
Intentionally help the Skills Enhancement Hone expertise Development
student whenever
Don’t give on them Skills Enhancement Hone expertise Development gained
from training
4.2 Ways to prevent Get a tutor Prior Knowledge Formulate Idea Knowledge gained
Monitor homework Lack of support Problem Problem that the
participant have
Set a Reasonable Stress Struggle Struggle that the
Schedule participant have
Limit Video games/TV Time Management Productivity Struggle that the
time participant have
Encourage reading No response No response No response
Check grades weekly Adaptation Struggle Struggle that the
participant have
Communicate with Time Management Problem Problem that the
teachers regularly participant have
Get organized Time Management Problem Problem that the
participant have
Understand how you Time Management Problem Problem that the
learn participant have
Know when to ask for Capability Struggle Struggle that the
help participant have
Stay Positive Time Management Productivity Struggle that the
participant have
Be encourage Capability Problem Problem that the
participant have
Reward Progress Time Management Productivity Struggle that the
participant have
Be encourage Time Management Problems Problem that the
participant have
Reward Progress None None None
4.3 Things teachers can Involved in class Capability Struggle Struggle that the
do to help students participant have
succeed encounter
Help each student attain Emotion Struggle Struggle that the
there full potential participant have
No response. No response No response No response
Help each student attain Following advice Solution Solutions to save the
there full potential problem
No response. Doing well Solution Solutions to save the
No response. Independent Solution Solutions to save the
Help each student attain Confidence Solution Solutions to save the
there full potential problem
Involved in class Trusting oneself Solution Solutions to save the
Involved in class Colleagues Solution Solutions to save the
Involved in class Focus Solution Solutions to save the
No Response. No Response No Response No Response
Involved in class Recall everything Solution Solutions to save the
No Response. Asking help Solution Solutions to save the
No Response. Asking help Solution Solutions to save the
No Response. None None None
5. How to cover up to
solve fix the problem
5.1 What are the No Response. For Experience No Response To gain experience
possible steps for
problem solving process
Indentify the issue For Experience Job Simulation To gain experience
No response. No response No response No response
To be prepared. For Preparation Hone expertise To be prepared
To gain experience and For Experience No Response To gain experience
learn more.
List the possible For Skill Enhancement Hone expertise To develop skill
Understand everyone For Experience No Response To gain experience
Monitoring For Experience No Response To gain experience
No Response. For Skill Enhancement Hone expertise To develop skill
No Response. For Skill Enhancement Hone expertise To develop skill
No Response. For Benefits Productivity To develop skill
No Response. For Skill Enhancement Hone expertise To develop skill
No Response. None None None
Indentify the issue For Skill Enhancement Solution To gain experience
Indentify the issue For Skill Enhancement Solution To gain experience
5.2 What are the No response. No response No response No response
Advantages in solving
and fixing the problem
Peace of mind Disturbance Disadvantage To develop skill
Satisfaction Lesstime Disadvantage To develop skill
Experience Advantage
Satisfaction Experience Advantage To develop skill
Requires Time Disadvantage
Peace of mind Knowledge of job Advantage To develop skill
Peace of mind Skills Enhancement Advantage To develop skill
Peace of mind Time Consuming Disadvantage To develop skill
Experience Advantage
Satisfaction Skills Enhancement Advantage To develop skill
Satisfaction Experience Advantage To develop skill
Satisfaction Pressure Disadvantage Pressure is the dis
advantage of having

No Response. Stressed Disadvantage Stressed is the dis

advantage of having
Happy None None None
Happy None None None
Happy Experience Advantage To develop skill
Time Management Disadvantage
No Response. Skills Enhancement Advantage To develop skill
5.3 Is it important for Yes Moral Support No response No response
parents to get involve in
solving and fixing their
children’s problem?
Yes Moral Support No response No response
Yes Moral Support Advantage Experience
Time Management
Yes Moral Support Disadvantage Experience
Advantage Time Management
Yes Moral Support Advantage Experience
Time Management
Yes Moral Support
Yes Moral Support
Yes Moral Support Strong-willed High Emotional
Yes Moral Support Strong-willed
Yes Moral Support determined Accomplish tasks
Yes Moral Support
Yes Moral Support Uncomfortable Not used to
Yes Moral Support Uncomfortable Not used to
Yes Moral Support determined Getting familiar with
Yes Moral Support Comfortable Experience
Time Management

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