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Proceedings of the 14th European Radar Conference

Analysis of Multipath and DOA Detection Using a

Fully Polarimetric Automotive Radar
Tristan Visentin1 , Jürgen Hasch1 and Thomas Zwick2
Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering
P.O. Box 10 60 50, 70049 Stuttgart, Germany
{tristan.visentin, juergen.hasch}
Institute of Radio Frequency Engineering and Electronics (IHE), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract—Multipath propagation occurs in many situations of
radar measurements in complex environments. The unwanted
effects range from amplitude fading over the radar channels and #–
ϕ #–
a corrupted direction of arrival (DOA) estimation to the detection ky
of ghost targets in an angle of arrival (AOA) of the multipath #–
direction. Due to the different number of reflections, polarimetric 0 1 2 N ´1x
radars are capable to separate certain multipaths from direct d
paths if the target is known. Furthermore, it is possible to Figure 1. 1D-ULA and off-broadside impinging plane wave at an angle ϕ.
separate objects with different polarimetric features in DOA that
are located in the same radial distance to the radar. In this is described by:
paper, a new approach of DOA detection based on the coherent
#– #– #– #– #–
Pauli decomposition is presented. With this approach, important Ern “ E0r e´j k ¨ r n “ E0r e´jp k x ` k y q¨nd e x (1)
multipath and DOA effects are analyzed and measurement results
at 77 GHz on canonical objects in an anechoic chamber are

presented. The results prove the feasibility of the approach and Ern “ E0r ej λ sin pϕqnd
, n P r0, N ´ 1s , (2)
demonstrate the occurring effects.
where #–r n is the position vector of the nth antenna element,
Index Terms—Radar polarimetry, radar measurements, direc- #–
tion of arrival estimation, multipath propagation. k is the wave vector and λ the free space wavelength. The
time dependence factor ejωt is neglected here. The Nyquist-
Shannon theorem states that an azimuthal AOA ϕ can be
I. I NTRODUCTION reconstructed without error, if the plane wave is spatially
Multipath effects in radar measurements can degrade the sampled with the double spatial frequency [3]: νs ě 2ν “ 2{λ.
performance of the DOA estimation by fading and can produce Thus, the minimum distance of Rx antenna elements must
ghost targets in multipath directions that are images of the be d ď 1{νs “ λ{2, which corresponds to a 180° phase
real targets and are thus difficult to eliminate [1]. Polarimetric shift. An array with this spacing between its elements is
radars provide information about the parity of reflections called λ{2 ULA. If the spacing becomes larger than λ{2,
such as even- and odd-bounce. Furthermore, they can be grating lobes emerge which cause ambiguities in the spatial
used to distinguish cross-polar from co-polar targets [2]. In spectrum [3]. In this paper, an 8-element λ{2 ULA is used
this paper, the DOA estimation is derived for the case of for the DOA estimation. Thus, the spatial frequency can be
a uniform linear array (ULA) where it can be performed simply estimated by a FFT processing and peak extraction. The
by a simple fast Fourier transform (FFT). Then, effects of estimated AOA from Eq. (2) is then: ϕest “ sin´1 pλνest q.
polarimetric multipath propagations are discussed with an
example of multipath propagation over a guardrail. Finally,
measurement results in an anechoic chamber demonstrate the In Fig. 2, multipath propagation over a guardrail as an
parasitic effects of fading (which goes hand in hand with a important case in automotive radar applications is presented.
corrupted DOA estimation) and ghost targets. Additionally, Without loss of generality, the vehicles and their scattering
measurements of the separability between co- and cross-polar centers are located in the same distance h to the guardrail.
targets only in angular direction are presented. Guardrails are metallic and the incidence can range from
grazing to steep, depending on the distance h of ego and
II. DOA ESTIMATION FOR AN 1D-ULA target vehicle to the guardrail. The main polarimetric effect in
this case is that linear polarization is transformed to elliptical
The principle of DOA estimation for an 1D-ULA with polarization upon reflection and vice-versa. This change occurs
N receiving elements is demonstrated by an off-broadside due to a gradual phase shift between horizontal (h)- and
impinging plane wave in Fig. 1. The electric field of the vertical (v)-polarizations over incidence angle. At a special
received plane wave at the nth receiver (Rx) antenna element incidence angle, called the principle angle, the phase shift

978-2-87487-049-1 © 2017 EuMA 45 11–13 Oct 2017, Nuremberg, Germany

ϕ R In the following, exemplary measurement results are pre-
Ego vehicle r2 r2 Target vehicle
sented in order to demonstrate the stated polarimetric effects.
Measurements are taken in an anechoic chamber with a fully
polarimetric 8x8 time-division multiplexing (TDM) multiple-
Ghost target input, multiple-output (MIMO) frequency-modulated conti-
R nuous-wave (FMCW) quasi-monostatic radar sensor operating
at 77 GHz. For the DOA estimation, four 8 channel MIMO
ULAs, where the central 6 array elements have a spacing
Figure 2. Scene of multipath propagation over a guardrail with path lengths
of λ{2 and the 2 elements at the very ends on the left and
in an automotive radar setting. right have a spacing of λ, are used. The array elements are
arranged in azimuthal direction as in Fig. 1, so that the AOA
between h- and v-polarizations becomes 90° and linear po- ϕ can be estimated as stated. Two of these ULAs comprise
larization is turned completely into circular polarization and virtually overlapping linearly horizontal-horizontal (HH) &
vice-versa. Attenuation effects are neglectable for the guardrail vertical-vertical (VV) polarized elements and the other two
case due to the metallic material and its high conductivity ULAs contain overlapping HV & VH polarized elements.
[4]. Rough surface and diffuse scattering generally increases Using this approach, the polarimetric relative phase shifts
incoherent backscattering and thus acts in a depolarizing between HH & VV and HV & VH can be obtained, regardless
way. This depolarizing effect can be described quantitatively of the DOA. The sensor is calibrated with a MIMO-adapted
by the scattering entropy [2]. In this paper, rather smooth version of the isolated antenna calibration technique (IACT)
surfaces with a low scattering entropy are considered, so that from [5]. More details on the radar system, the calibration
a classification in even- and odd-bounce is possible. and the polarimetric MIMO antenna can be found in [6]. The
Three paths are important to analyze in case of Fig. 2. At DOA estimation is done by a FFT with a zero-padding factor
first, the direct path dr1 “ r1 . The information on this path (ZPF) of 100 and a Kaiser window with 25 dB side lobe
contains the direct backscatter and correct DOA information suppression (SLS) over the stated λ{2 ULA channels, where
about the target. The first multipath is dr12 “ pr1 ` 2r2 q{2. the gaps at the very ends are filled with zeros. In order to
This path has one bounce (reflection) more than the direct differentiate the data in terms of polarimetric information, the
path and thus changes an odd-bounce scattering process into measured scattering matrix (S-matrix) is decomposed by the
an even-bounce one and vice-versa. This path only exists for a coherent Pauli decomposition from [7]. As a new approach,
spherical target or a target with strong curvature and/or diffuse the DOA estimation is performed for each component of
scattering. Otherwise, the radar signal is not scattered in a the Pauli decomposition, where ã describes the odd-bounce
different direction than the backscatter direction and the path scattering part of the DOA spectrum, b̃ even-bounce scattering,
dr12 is thus non-existent. The second multipath dr2 “ 2r2 c̃ cross-polar scattering and d˜ antisymmetric components of
describes the propagation with two more reflections than the the S-matrix. The squared magnitude of the Pauli components
direct path and thus the bounce information of even- and odd- describes the corresponding part of radar cross section (RCS).
bounce is maintained. Furthermore, the target is seen in a A. Measurements of polarimetric multipath effects
different aspect angle than from the direct path. Two cases
of problems arise with multipath reflections: The performed measurements emulate the guardrail case
from Fig. 2. The corresponding setup is shown in Fig. 3.
‚ The indirect path length lies within or close to the range To model the guardrail case, the floor between target and
bin of the direct path. The resulting coherent constructive radar is covered with metallic sheets. Also, the radar sensor
and destructive interference with the direct path leads to is rotated by 90° so that the azimuthal direction is pointed
fading effects on the Rx channels. As a result, the DOA towards the ground (the azimuthal antenna pattern has a broad
estimation performance is deteriorated and in the worst 3 dB-beamwidth of 60° [6]). The distances are chosen in such
case this leads to a wrong AOA estimation. a way that all three paths are separable - with a measurement
‚ The indirect path length lies in a different range bin as bandwidth of B “ 2 GHz the physical range bin size is
the direct path. The multipath reflection is detected as 7.5 cm [3]. The lengths in the setup amount to dr1 “ 5.2 m,
a ghost target with a ghost AOA. This ghost target is a h “ 1.25 m and dr2 “ 2ppr1 {2q2 ` h2 q1{2 « 5.8 m.
mirror image of the real target and can only be revealed, if Consequently, dr12 « 5.5 m and ϕ “ cos´1 pr1 {2r2 q « 25.7°.
the mirror effect is detectable or by additional information Different canonical objects are measured with these setup
processing (e.g. that the target velocity is unreasonable at parameters. At first, a metallic sphere with radius r “ 15 cm
the detected position). In the guardrail case of Fig. 2 this is installed as target. The uncalibrated measured magnitudes
is especially difficult, because of the bilateral (left/right) are incoherently integrated over each of the 4 overlapping
symmetry of most vehicles. MIMO ULAs and the results are shown in Fig. 4. The three
These problems, if present, can deteriorate the otherwise high peaks of the different paths are clearly visible at dr1 « 5.1 m,
performance of automotive radars. dr12 « 5.4 m and dr2 « 5.7 m, respectively. In the special case

Canonical object on tripod 1

Normalized magnitude (arb. units)


90° rotated radar system d˜
r2 h r1


´90 ´60 ´40 ´20 0 20 40 60 90
Azimuth angle ϕ in deg

Figure 3. Measurement setup in an anechoic chamber for modeling the ã
guardrail case of Fig. 2 with 90° rotated radar sensor and trihedral.

Normalized magnitude (arb. units)

0 c̃

Norm. Magnitude in dB


HH 0.4
´20 VV
HV 0.2
4.5 5 5.5 6 0
Range in m ´90 ´60 ´40 ´20 0 20 40 60 90
Azimuth angle ϕ in deg
Figure 4. Uncalibrated range spectrum of sphere target measurement for all
S-matrix components (incoherently integrated over all MIMO channels). (b)
of a sphere, radiation is backscattered in many different angles ã
Normalized magnitude (arb. units)

due to its curved surface. Subsequent to the path selection and 0.8

calibration, the DOA estimation, as stated in Section II, is per- c̃

formed for each Pauli component. The estimation result for the d˜
direct path is given in Fig. 5a. The AOA is estimated correctly
for the ã component, indicating that an odd-bounce target is
detected close to 0° incidence. For the indirect paths dr12 and
dr2 , this is not the case. The corresponding results are shown in
Figs. 5b and 5c. As can be seen, the DOA can not be estimated
in the case of path dr12 . From dr1 to dr12 the RCS of the ã
component changes from ´11 dBsm to ´18.9 dBsm, whereas 0
´90 ´60 ´40 ´20 0 20 40 60 90
the RCS of the b̃ component changes from ´26.5 dBsm to Azimuth angle ϕ in deg
´7.4 dBsm, illustrating the change from odd-bounce to even- (c)
bounce due to the extra reflection on the metallic ground.
Figure 5. Spatial spectra of Pauli components over azimuth angle of the
Nevertheless, because of the coherent superposition of many measurement shown in Fig. 3 with a sphere instead of a trihedral. (a): Direct
paths similar to dr12 , the DOA estimation is corrupted. The path. (b): Indirect path dr12 . (c) Indirect path dr2 .
interference effect leads to a RCS fluctuation of up to 15 dB
over the MIMO channels and makes it impossible to estimate a 18.5 dB lower even-bounce component. The indirect path dr12
reasonable DOA. The third multipath dr2 leads to the detection can not be detected in the measurement. This is because the
of a ghost target with a high odd-bounce component at an AOA trihedral is mostly a backscatter object and does not scatter
of approx. 26°. The corresponding DOA estimation result is radiation to other directions [8]. However, the indirect path
shown in Fig. 5c. dr2 is detected at 5.8 m. The Pauli decomposition for this
Next, a trihedral corner reflector with 18 cm edge lengths path results in the dominant parts |ã|2 « 4 dBsm and |b̃|2 «
as in Fig. 3 is installed. The evaluation of the direct path at 1 dBsm. Also, the DOA estimation of ã and b̃ leads to ϕ « 27°
5.2 m results in dominant Pauli RCS components of |ã|2 « as expected. This shows that the multipath is detected as a
18.8 dBsm and |b̃|2 « 1.3 dBsm. The other components are ghost target at an AOA of 27° with an even-bounce RCS part
neglectable. This clearly shows that the trihedral is classified that is only 3 dB weaker than the odd-bounce part. That is due
correctly as a target with a high odd-bounce component and a to the high aspect angle, in which the trihedral is illuminated

Normalized magnitude (arb. units)
by the incoming rays. A trihedral seen in this aspect angle is 1
not a pure trihedral anymore and exhibits a certain amount of ã
dihedral scattering [8]. A part of scattered power comes from 0.8 b̃
the upper two edges of the trihedral. This can be visualized, if c̃
the trihedral in Fig. 3 is observed from the direction of ray r2 . 0.6 d˜
The same aspect angle effect is observed when the trihedral
is exchanged by a dihedral corner reflector with edge lenghts
of 20 cm and rotated by 0°. For the direct path, the dominant
two Pauli RCSs are |ã|2 « 7.1 dBsm and |b̃|2 « 24.6 dBsm
and for the indirect path dr2 (also estimated at ϕ « 27°) 0.2
|ã|2 « 7.9 dBsm and |b̃|2 « 19.6 dBsm. This shows again,
that the targets change if seen in a different aspect angle. For 0
´90 ´60 ´40 ´20 0 20 40 60 90
a metallic plate with edge lengths of 28 cm however, only the
Azimuth angle ϕ in deg
direct path is measurable, because of its very weak scattering
in off-broadside directions [8]. Figure 8. Spatial spectrum of Pauli components over azimuth angle of the
measurement from Fig. 6.
B. Angular separability of different canonical objects
A validation of the polarimetric DOA estimation perfor- V. C ONCLUSION
mance is presented in the following measurement. A trihedral In this paper, a new approach of polarimetric DOA esti-
and a dihedral (rotated once by 0° and another time by 45°) mation using coherent Pauli decomposition parameters, and
are arranged in the anechoic chamber in approx. the same measurement results of multipath reflections have been pre-
radial distance to the radar, but in different off-broadside sented. The measurements demonstrate that targets change
directions. A photo of the setup is given in Fig. 6. The their polarimetric scattering behavior in dependency of aspect
angle. Also, targets with different polarimetric properties as
Dihedral rotated by 45° e.g. a pure cross-polar and co-polar target are clearly separable
Trihedral in AOA, even if not separable in range. It has been shown that
multipaths with an odd number of reflections turn a point target
Figure 6. Measurement setup of canonical targets separated only by angular from even- to odd-bounce and vice versa, whereas multipaths
position in anechoic chamber. with an even number of bounces do not change the parity
uncalibrated magnitudes of the range spectrum are again of reflections. If multipath reflections fall into one single
incoherently integrated over each overlapping MIMO ULA range bin, interference effects can lead to amplitude fading
and the results are shown in Fig. 7. The range spectrum peaks (which is detectable over the radar channels) and a corrupted
DOA estimation. If not, a ghost target, which is a mirrored
Norm. Magnitude in dB

0 version of the original target, is detected in the direction of the

multipath ray. These effects show differences between direct
path and multipaths and can be used to classify multipaths if
the original target is known and the polarization state change
of the multipaths can be recognized. Otherwise, not only
´20 polarimetric information but also additional information (e.g.
classification of a guardrail as such) is required.
3.5 4 4.5 5
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