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A. Answer the following questions by choosing a, b, c or d as suitable answer ! (15 points)

1. If I lost in my way I will ….

a. scream loudly c. look for the information
b. cry d. sing a song

2. Masjid is one my favorite place because I can … there

a. play c. shalah
b. swim d. sleep

3. When I got holiday I always go to this place, because I can play sand, I can also swim
there. Where am I?
a. school c. beach
b. mountain d. mall

4. I can help my mother to bring her things from the market by making bag. I make it by …
a. papers c. water
b. Iron d. wood

5. When I am alone at home I will … all the doors if I want to sleep.

a. play c. open
b. lock d. close

6. I need some equipments for making flanel cloth such as wool string, ribbon, glue and …
a. broom c. knife
b. scissors d. razor blade

7. We should becareful if we want to buy some food in the food court because ….
a. It is healthier than we cook by ourselves
b. It is expensive
c. we do not know the real condition
d. it is delicious

8. Cycling is the sport or activity ride a ….

a. motorcycle c. bike
b. car d. train

9. We must be … when we introduce ourselves.

a. confidence c. angry
b. shy d. rough

10. Jamu is traditional … in our country.

a. food c. dance
b. beverage d. game
B. Arrange and rewrite these sentence become correct steps to make “Jamu”!

1. Put turmeric, ginger, tamarind, salt, brown sugar and water into the blender. And then
mix all
2. Slice the brown sugar
3. Cut and clean turmeric and ginger plants with the clean water.
4. And enjoyed your traditional drink.
5. Then filter when you pour into the glass.








C. Answer the following question with the correct answer!

1. What should you do if you lose your way?



2. Mention your favorite place? And explain why you like that place?


3. Mention three examples including beverages or foods?



4. Mention three herbal plants!



5. What should you do when your parents are not home?


D. Coloring this bicycle with colored pencils or crayon!

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